Forum » Loža » Nezemljani in življenje na drugih planetih
Nezemljani in življenje na drugih planetih
Mati ::
MAti, v celem tem pogovoru si se vkljucil 5, in nisi nic koristnega povedal, torej tudi nisi bral in sledil temi. TI bom pojasnil!
A to pomeni, če se kdo absolutno ne strinja s teboj ne pove nič pametnega. Jaz bi te rad odrešil iz tega stanja v katerega si zaplapolal, morda niti ne po svoji krivdi.
Ravno zadnjič sem gledal oddajo o sektah, kjer je razlagal človek kako je bil ujet v sekto (jehovih prič) in, da je bil trdno prepričan kako imajo samo oni prav, vse ostale organizacije pa so bile sekte ničvredne. No, dokler možakar ni začel delati seminarske naloge o Mormonih in ugotovil, da imajo popolnoma isti program. Počasi se je začel zavedati, da je v sekti vendar prepozno ostal je brez žene, otroka itd., katero so prepričali, da se je v moža naselil sam hudič in da naj ne ima več stikov z njim!
Prosim te ajin, razširi malo obzorja in postani malo bolj "open mind", ter ne bodi tako zasleplejn s temi tvojimi UFO nebulozami, ker včasih še prihitro postane prepozno!
ajin ::
Ali verjameš, da lahko nekdo iz vode naredi vino, brez kemijskih postopkov? Ali verjameš, da lahko nekdo slepega ali gobavega ozdravi brez medikamentov in kirurških posegov? Ali verjameš, da lahko nekdo po vodi hodi, brez tehničnih pripomočkov?
Aha to so torej tvoji skrivnostni spisi starih civilizacij? Ali dopuščaš možnost, da so biblijo napisali samo zato, da so imeli ljudje možnost verovati, tudi izven zidov cerkva?
Ali dopuščaš, da je to kar piše v bibliji izmišljotina. Če ne, kakšen dokaz imaš zato da to ni izmišljotina? Podaj kakršenkoli dokaz materialni, pisni, le ne nakladaj zopet o nekih jamah v južni Franciji ki ima Ufote naslikane na stenah.
Vse to nakazuje da nisi bral biblijo in da ne ves da je le ta zgodovinski vir, celo po bilbiji so najdena stara mesta,in celo Ko so odkirli predstolnico kralja nebuchadnezerja so ugotovili verodostojno bibilije, pa ne samo to ! Vidim da tudi ne razlikujes med NOVO ZAVEZO IN STARO ZAVEZO! DOpuscam moznost da je biblija bila prirejena v njihovo korist, samo uporabljeni so bili se starejsi viri o katerih sem ze govoril, dal tudi link o tej civilizaciji, in tudi razlagal zgodbo Kreacije ki se dovolj dobro ujema z dansnjimi znanstveni kocepti, in te civilizacija je to vse vedela pred 6000 leti. V vseh religijah je opisana to bozanstvo kot mnozina, saj je logicno kajti izvor je iz prve zabelezene civilizacije! Dokazi so arheoloski pisni viri, in tako tudi najdeni artefakti in seveda znameniste arhitekture starega sveta, njihova precizna gradnja in uporaba velikih kamnov, tudo do (4oo ton in celo 1200ton), gladka povrsine.. in mnogo drugih lastnosti, ki se dan danes zbujajo pozornost! Sem ze veckrat opisal MAti, samo ce so to zate bedarije, potem kako bos razumel in doumel,ce nisi nit poslusal, in sodil!! Z združitvijo veliko bogov v eno samo vrhovno Božanstvo, je biblijska zgodba urejena-popravljena različica Sumerskih poročil o razpravah v Zboru/Skupščini Bogov. The council of the Gods( elohim)
Bog starodavnih Hebrejcev( JHVH ELOHIM) je bil lahko viden v obraz, se je lahko bojevalo z njim, je lahko bil slišan in govorilo se je lahko z njim; imel je glavo in noge, roke in prste, in pas/opasje. Biblijski Bog( JHVH ELOHIM) in njegovi poslanci so izgledal kot ljudje in postopali/obnašali/ravnali kot ljudje – ker so ljudje bili narejeni, da izgledajo in se obnašajo,postopajo,ravnajo kot bogovi.
le ne nakladaj zopet o nekih jamah v južni Franciji ki ima Ufote naslikane na stenah.
To ni le en primerek, je mnogo drugih, poleg velikih struktur kamnov, hiroglifov -slik... itd..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
Stepni Volk ::
ajin - pusti biblijo in te zadeve, ker smo jih N-krat obdelali v zaklenjeni temi. Nekaj 1000x prevedenega ni kredibilen link. Enako z epskimi, ter reklamnimi zapisi starih civilizacij.
Že Prešernovi soneti v nemščini pomenijo nekaj drugega.
Poglej si še Dokazi (ali vsaj argumenti) za oziroma proti obstoju bogain Obstaja mesto za Boga v sodobni znanosti?, ter teli naši sorodno Vesolje - zunajzemeljska inteligenca - Rael-avizem?
Že Prešernovi soneti v nemščini pomenijo nekaj drugega.
Poglej si še Dokazi (ali vsaj argumenti) za oziroma proti obstoju bogain Obstaja mesto za Boga v sodobni znanosti?, ter teli naši sorodno Vesolje - zunajzemeljska inteligenca - Rael-avizem?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Stepni Volk ()
ajin ::
A to pomeni, če se kdo absolutno ne strinja s teboj ne pove nič pametnega. Jaz bi te rad odrešil iz tega stanja v katerega si zaplapolal, morda niti ne po svoji krivdi.
Ravno zadnjič sem gledal oddajo o sektah, kjer je razlagal človek kako je bil ujet v sekto (jehovih prič) in, da je bil trdno prepričan kako imajo samo oni prav, vse ostale organizacije pa so bile sekte ničvredne. No, dokler možakar ni začel delati seminarske naloge o Mormonih in ugotovil, da imajo popolnoma isti program. Počasi se je začel zavedati, da je v sekti vendar prepozno ostal je brez žene, otroka itd., katero so prepričali, da se je v moža naselil sam hudič in da naj ne ima več stikov z njim!
To je tvoj problem, si me vrgel v isti kos, sodis me, brez da bi prisluhnil. Vsi ti ki si jih nastel so zrtva zablode in manipulacije institucij. Arheoloski viri pa pricajo drugace, in jaz vidim ZNANOST IN RELIGJO kot ENO! Govorijo o tem, samo se ne zavedajo, Kdo je "BOg"( bogovi, bitja), kajti vse to jim je bilo prekrito, in oni res SAmo Verujejo! JAz pa strmim k razumevanju, in jaz razumem "Boga", in sem preprican v verodostojnost arheoloskih izkopavanj tako virov, kto artifaktov, ki pricajo o teh Bogovih ki so prisli z neba! PRAvo ime boga je mnozinski samostalnik, ne ednina, in zmesnjava se zacne !
A to pomeni, če se kdo absolutno ne strinja s teboj ne pove nič pametnega
Hocem reci da nisi sodeloval v niti pogovora, in nisi dal niti neega logicnega argumetna, navedel dejstva, ne linkov, skratka, nic, razen ....
P.S: MAti sej bi ti kaj povedal, sam so sankcije, sem veckrat brisan, ker govorim neumnosti, ne preverljive, arheoloske vire in zgodbe, ki so potrjene z znanstvenimi atrefakti in zgradbami, vrezi, napisi, itd.. TAko da , Sorry!
Za tovrstne debate imamo Zasebna sporočila.
Ne pomaga, sem ti pisal dvakrat!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
Ramesses II ::
Čisto na kratko bom povedal, uglavnem dokazi so, in znanstvena skupnost ne podaja "javnih" zaključkov.
Oglej si interview: ALIEN IMPLANTS-Monday 25th October 2004 Repeated 29th Oct
Alien implants are the topic of this weeks show. Dr Roger Leir has removed 11 alledged alien implants to date. see show!
Oglej si interview: ALIEN IMPLANTS-Monday 25th October 2004 Repeated 29th Oct
Alien implants are the topic of this weeks show. Dr Roger Leir has removed 11 alledged alien implants to date. see show!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramesses II ()
Ramesses II ::
O Jesus....
Ajin, če razumeš, zakaj se pol prerekaš?
Ajin, če razumeš, zakaj se pol prerekaš?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramesses II ()
Stepni Volk ::
ajin - na zasebna sporočila mi nisi še ničesar poslal. Sem pa sedaj ugotovil, da si poslal na moj Yahoo account, ki ga ne pregledujem prav pogosto. In ja, Yahoo, te je dal v "Bulk". :)
Na levi strani klikni na "zasebna sporočila", potem "Novo sporočilo", v prostor "Dodajanje naslovnika" vnesi moj nickname. Vnesi sporočilo, pošlji. Voila!
Na levi strani klikni na "zasebna sporočila", potem "Novo sporočilo", v prostor "Dodajanje naslovnika" vnesi moj nickname. Vnesi sporočilo, pošlji. Voila!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Stepni Volk ()
Ramesses II ::
Imam en dober link zate Ajin...Takorekoč sem iskal po spletu, in lej kaj sem našel...
P.s. Tega je veliko na internetu...
P.s. Tega je veliko na internetu...
Ramesses II ::
Boril sem se tudi sam za resnico, ampak, če ne gre ne gre...Pač vsak ima svoje veselje, nekateri verjamejo v "medijske" pravljice, nekateri v resnično življenje...Namreč resnica nima nič skupnega z mediji!
Za moje pojme, je "napačno" mešati religijo z nezemeljsko inteligenco. Religija in nezemeljska inteligenca, sta osnovani na človeškem razumu le te. Človek je iz Nezemeljske inteligence naredil religijo... To pomeni, da moraš dandanes raztolmačit, kaj je ostalo od dejstev, ki se ujemajo s sedanjostjo.....Včasih so si ljudje dosti bolj zaupali, danes pa človek mora videt na lastne oči, da zaupa sočloveku. Psihologija bi temu rekla, da je človek izgubil samo-zavest.
Za moje pojme, je "napačno" mešati religijo z nezemeljsko inteligenco. Religija in nezemeljska inteligenca, sta osnovani na človeškem razumu le te. Človek je iz Nezemeljske inteligence naredil religijo... To pomeni, da moraš dandanes raztolmačit, kaj je ostalo od dejstev, ki se ujemajo s sedanjostjo.....Včasih so si ljudje dosti bolj zaupali, danes pa človek mora videt na lastne oči, da zaupa sočloveku. Psihologija bi temu rekla, da je človek izgubil samo-zavest.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramesses II ()
ajin ::
Religija in nezemeljska inteligenca, sta osnovani na človeškem razumu le te. Čeprav imata veliko skupnega, glede na človeško interpretacijo! Ampak v zvezi s človeško evolucijo, se dejstvi popolnoma razlikujeta.
IMata veliko skupnega, v resnici je to VSE ENO! NA koncu se vse staplja z Creatorejm off ALL; ENERGIJI! RELIGARE; ponovno povezati... Le s cem se sprasujem TAko z bitji in Kompleksom energije; Creator off ALL! TESno je povezano, V resnici ENAKO!
_marko ::
-> Govoril sem o Osnovah, temeljih znanja, katere so prejeli od Bitij!
Kako veš, da smo jih dobili od bitij! Točno mi pojasni zakaj in kako to veš.
Bo šlo?
Kako veš, da smo jih dobili od bitij! Točno mi pojasni zakaj in kako to veš.
Bo šlo?
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science
gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Ramesses II ::
Popolnoma te razumem, zato je potrebno toliko več truda, da interpretiramo v današnjih besedah. Dejstva, ki ostajajo so kontroverzna za povprečnega sodobnega človeka, čeprav bi bila rešitev ali mankajoča točka človeštva.
npr: ko otrok izve kdo je njegov oče, začuti popolnost. (Tko si predstavljam tole).
npr: ko otrok izve kdo je njegov oče, začuti popolnost. (Tko si predstavljam tole).
_marko ::
Pa ne da si meni to odgovoril?
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science
gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
ajin ::
Kako veš, da smo jih dobili od bitij! Točno mi pojasni zakaj in kako to veš.
Joj, marko ne morem se nonstop ponavljati vsakemu! Sem jasno povedal prosim preberi si !
P.S: pa se ne smem govoriti o tem, moderatorji mi ne pustijo!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
ajin ::
ko otrok izve kdo je njegov oče, začuti popolnost. (Tko si predstavljam tole).
Neskonco radost, svobodo, notranji mir, in komaj takrat se odpre razseznosti eksploracije in razumevanja Energije; Creatorja off ALL!
Alec999 ::
ajin >> ti samo govoriš in govoriš namesto, da bi pokazal kakšno sliko iz tistih tvojih jam pa kašne priznane arheološke dokaze o katerih govoriš... desedaj nisi predstavil nobenega dokaza.
Ramesses II ::
Marko....Komaj sedaj sem opazil tvoje vprašanje...
Med 2. svet vojno je Hitler hotel iztrebit žide, prav tako kasneje je ZDA povzročila "Gulf War", dandanes se borijo v Iraku in iščejo "neobstoječe" atomsko orožje, borba proti terorizmu itd. In še veliko zgodovinskih najdb kaže na to, da so Židi imeli znanost in bogastvo, recimo Muslimanski svet.
npr. Galvanski člen
Destvo pa je, da današnji IRAK... je bivša Sumeria.
Med 2. svet vojno je Hitler hotel iztrebit žide, prav tako kasneje je ZDA povzročila "Gulf War", dandanes se borijo v Iraku in iščejo "neobstoječe" atomsko orožje, borba proti terorizmu itd. In še veliko zgodovinskih najdb kaže na to, da so Židi imeli znanost in bogastvo, recimo Muslimanski svet.
npr. Galvanski člen
Destvo pa je, da današnji IRAK... je bivša Sumeria.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramesses II ()
ajin ::
ajin >> ti samo govoriš in govoriš namesto, da bi pokazal kakšno sliko iz tistih tvojih jam pa kašne priznane arheološke dokaze o katerih govoriš... desedaj nisi predstavil nobenega dokaza.
Ves koliko je tega, samo si bom vzel cas, samo strah me je da ne bom brisan!
Alec999 ::
Prosim vzami si čas in potem lepo počasi predstavi podkrepleno, ker sam si rekel da hočeš da se izve resnica in nam odpreti oči. Samo z besedami žal nebo šlo.
Matev ::
ajin še vseeno niso pokazal nobenih slik ali originalnih zapisov starih ljudsten z temi tvojimi alieni ki naj bi jih obiskovali
ali so ljudje namerno zakrivali svoj izvor ali jih pa sploh nikoli ni bilo
linki kjer piše v angleščini o raznih amgijah me ne prepričajo - angleščina je jezik ki je mnogo mlajši od dogodkov o katerih govoriš
pokaži kakšno fotografijo slikarije ali kipca ki dokazuje kaj nezemeljskega
pokaži kaj kar so izkopali ali našli narisano na stei kakšne jame poleg
kaj takega:
a seveda z alienom ali alienko
o šlo?
ali so ljudje namerno zakrivali svoj izvor ali jih pa sploh nikoli ni bilo
linki kjer piše v angleščini o raznih amgijah me ne prepričajo - angleščina je jezik ki je mnogo mlajši od dogodkov o katerih govoriš
pokaži kakšno fotografijo slikarije ali kipca ki dokazuje kaj nezemeljskega
pokaži kaj kar so izkopali ali našli narisano na stei kakšne jame poleg
kaj takega:
a seveda z alienom ali alienko
o šlo?
Matev ::
pa da ne boš spet kakih slik črt od avionov gor linku kot je nekdo že nekje počel in trdil da je na sledi velike zarote
Ramesses II ::
Recimo eno dejstvo:
V Sumeriji so ljudi iz planeta Niburu (danes Planet X) označevali s krili...Krila nakazujejo prihod iz "nebes" ( danes Vesolja).
V Sumeriji so ljudi iz planeta Niburu (danes Planet X) označevali s krili...Krila nakazujejo prihod iz "nebes" ( danes Vesolja).
ajin ::
ajin še vseeno niso pokazal nobenih slik ali originalnih zapisov starih ljudsten z temi tvojimi alieni ki naj bi jih obiskovali
ali so ljudje namerno zakrivali svoj izvor ali jih pa sploh nikoli ni bilo
pokaži kaj kar so izkopali ali našli narisano na stei kakšne jame poleg
inki kjer piše v angleščini o raznih amgijah me ne prepričajo - angleščina je jezik ki je mnogo mlajši od dogodkov o katerih govoriš pokaži kakšno fotografijo slikarije ali kipca ki dokazuje kaj nezemeljskega
MAtev, nisem toliko dober v brskanju, samo bom si vezl cas in spisal en velik post, v katerem bom navedel dejstva, samo ko bom imel cas, ceprav vem vas odziv, samo vseeno bom, pa in poleg tega se je moznost da bom izbrisan! IMAM pA KNJigo doma, v kateri je slika Kipca¸najdenea Obedsko obdobje, ok.3500 POtem so tudi zanimivi zapisi, njihovega( SUmerskega) razumevanje kozmossa in prvobitne vode kozmosa, tudi opis planetarnih sistemov in podobno, sem dal link o njihovi kulturi, religiji. In vse ostale civilizacije pricajo isto, tudi strukture.... Joj, kar najbolj sovrazim, je POnavljanje!
huh če že lahko izbiramo potem bi raje videl alienko
JA sej so tako kot ljudje! Zdej si me spomnil , tudi opis Boginje IShtar 4.sstoletje sli ASTARTE, Tudi boginja LILIT VISina 50cm, Izvor neznan. 2.tisocletje Izvor je te zene je tesko dolociti; velja za prvo ali drugo adamovo zeno kar potrjujeo zidovski spisi.
V casu GAonima (7 do 9.stoletje po pravi Ben SIra;" Ko je Vecni ustvaril svoj svet in tudi prvega cloveka, je videl da je le-ta sam, ter takoj ustvaril zanj zeno -iz zemlje tako kot nejga- in to je LIlt, Nista se mogla sporazumeti. Ko je LIlit videla,da je tako, je spregovorila neizrekljivo ime in izpuhtela v zrak"
Novo bitje je bilo imenovano »Adam« zato ker je bil ustarjen iz adama, Zemljine prsti. Drugače povedano, bil je »Zemljan« ; »Earthling«. V pomanjkanju določenega »znanja/vedenja« in božanske dolžine življenja, je Adam bil v vseh drugih pogledih ustvarjen v podobi( selem) in podobnosti/enakosti(dmut) njegov/ih/ega Stvariteljev/Stvarnika.
dam , pomeni tudi kri, adamah, rdeco crn; prst
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
ajin ::
Knjiga, literatura pa je slednja: LJUDSTVO STAREGA VZhoda CArel J. Du RY 1970
Umetnost v slikah!
Enkrat drugic vam bom povzel vse zanmenistosti in zacudenja, starega sveta!
Umetnost v slikah!
Enkrat drugic vam bom povzel vse zanmenistosti in zacudenja, starega sveta!
Matev ::
MAtev, nisem toliko dober v brskanju, samo bom si vezl cas in spisal en velik post, v katerem bom navedel dejstva, samo ko bom imel cas, ceprav vem vas odziv, samo vseeno bom, pa in poleg tega se je moznost da bom izbrisan! IMAM pA KNJigo doma, v kateri je slika Kipca¸najdenea Obedsko obdobje, ok.3500
skeniraj/fotogarfiraj jo in jo objavi
ja pa dolg post me ne bo prepričal
daj kako sliko - tekst lahko tudi sam spišem če želim:
Hell, UFOs and Angelic Beings
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
- Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's first law
Artistic rendering of an actual statue, ca.4000 BC, found in Ur.[1]
....Typically referred to as Hell, the domain of the Fallen Angels is an enigmatic place. Biblically and historically, Hell is said to be many things, including: a firey place of torment, a burial heap outside the city limits, the grave, the Bottomless Pit, the Abyss, and the Underworld. Several concepts have been melded together to form that one infamous and enigmatic residence of the Fallen Angels. When taken together, they describe various aspects of "Hell," which I think is the best possible answer to the question of what Hell actually is: rather than a single four word description, we can combine its many aspects for a clearer picture.
....For example, if Hell were literally the grave, how could it also be a place of torment or the Bottomless Pit? If it were literally a burial heap outside the city limits, how could it also be the underworld or a firey place of torment? Now combine the concepts: It's obviously connected to the "underground", thusly the grave, Bottomless Pit and Abyss references, which amazingly, also confirms it as the sumerian Abzu, the greek Hades and the Roman Pluto (not to be confused with the planet Pluto)! In other words, these concepts validate and as a whole, describe, at least one of the major domains of the Fallen Angels mentioned repeatedly, in nearly every culture in history. I say "one of the major domains," because, like it or not, the Fallen Angels have also set up housekeeping on Earth and around Earth space, as well.
....In fact, it is my contention that the Fallen Angels are more than partially responsible for most UFO activity and "alien" abductions encountered by humans down through the annals of history. Let's take, for example, the Anunnaki "Igigi" of Akkadian and Babylonian fame. The cuneiform word "gi" [2] is the symbol for sexual intercourse, to deflower sexually. "" means in Akkadian, inu "eye", and is combined with the symbol for deflowering sexually. "Igigi" can then be translated to mean, the "Watchers", the "Eyes in the Sky" who deflower sexually (, the Anunnaki/Fallen Angels). Yet, according to the sumerian texts, the Igigi were the Greater gods and didn't come to the earth, but remained up in the sky, circumnavigating the globe. So how is it they "Deflowered" anyone while being uninvolved in the activities of the humans on the planet? Abduction, my friends, abduction. And they are still at it today. It says in the Bible that the Apocalypse would feature aspects quite similar to the days of Noah leading up to the flood, such as a huge population of nephilim created by Anunnaki involvement with our species, abuse of the environment, genetic manipulation of life on the planet, poisoning of our food sources, and so on, mostly as a result of their nephilim progeny carrying out the Anunnaki agenda. Here we go again. How ironic that even in the face of historical precedence, we are right back where we started from. Who is really in control of this planet? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.
....Sadly, many from the UFO community do not recognize the danger of the Anunnaki. Afterall, they say, "didn't the extra-terrestrials save us from launching nuclear bombs at one another?" "Aren't they more advanced on the evolutionary scale?" This, they believe, is evidence that the aliens/Anunnaki/Fallen Angels, have our best interests at heart. However, many don't take into consideration the past of the Anunnaki and that their final agenda has not yet been met: that is, the annihilation of humans as an eternal LIFEform. As a human, if you die, your body can still be resurrected to eternal life. As a result, any actions they may or may not take, whether seemingly good or bad, will inevitably lead to the latter for as many people as possible. That's the plan, and it is clearly outlined in scripture with hundreds of other ancient texts from various cultures to verify the historical precedence. Don't believe me? Think I'm just a crazy Bible thumper? Read the Hindu Mahabarata. [3]
Let me reiterate: THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS.
....Anyway, back to the topic of that enigmatic domain of the Fallen Angels. Some believe the Anunnaki came from Nibru and believe Nibru is another planet, elsewhere in the solar system. However, Nibru is spoken of in the sumerian texts as the holy city of Enlil, containing his temple the E-Kur, which sits on a mountain surrounded by cedar trees with a gate up to the heavens:
"In the city, the holy settlement of Enlil, in Nibru, the beloved shrine of father Great Mountain, he has made the dais of abundance, the E-kur, the shining temple [...]" "Enlil , when you marked out the holy settlements, you also built Nibru, your own city."-Quotations from "Enlil in the E.KUR" [4]
According to sumerian texts, Enki travels to Nibru, Enlil's city, where he meets with the other Anunnaki, including Enlil and they proceed to get totally drunk. No gates, no fanfare, no heaven-earth bond, he just travels to Nibru. This Nibru, my friends, is/was not another planet. It was right here on good ole' Terra (Earth) at Enlil's city. However, the Abzu does lead to some otherwordly place and that place is most likely not the literal center of the Earth or "underground." The only thing that is or was underground was the "door" to the star gate itself, called the Abzu which leads to Erkalla or Kurnugi (among other distant places in the universe), the land of no return (for humans, anyway), the land of darkness, pain, sorrow, and so forth, very "Abyss-ian" if you ask me! Conversely, Enlil, an Anunnaki and Enki's father or brother, depending on which story you read, appears to have had a star gate of his own at E.KUR in Nippur, called the DUR.ANKI, the heaven-earth bond, which lead to the Courtyard of "An" in "heaven", who was the premiere Anunnaki. Both of these "star gates" have seven gates between Earth and their final "mentioned" destinations. [5] The salient point to remember here is that they were all sons of Jehovah Elohiym (, other creations) and not literally Elohiym, themselves (although I have seen them described as elohiym (diminutive)). As yet, I have no reason to believe that "An" was Elohiym either, but I have plenty of reason to believe Enlil and Enki were Angels created by Elohiym, in a different creation cycle before our time.
....The gods and the greater gods, were most likely the fallen angels and the fallen archangels in many cases, and would correspond with the sumerian Anuna and the Anunnaki/Igigi. There's historical precedence for this viewpoint in the ancient Hebrew texts, the Bible and various other ancient texts. I believe these texts indicate that the fallen angelic beings were "stuck" as it were, in the physical universe and have to rely on technology in order to traverse the reaches of space, having been stripped of the ability to cross the dimensions into God's presence (They were "cast out of Heaven"). However, the holy angels and archangels have an entirely different set of abilities and options, from what I can ascertain. They are primarily messengers, and stay out of human affairs with the exception of when under direct commandment from God, which typically involves protecting humans from the fallen angels. In fact, many times in the Old Testament and New, you can read about the angels protecting humans from various problems almost always directly associated with the fallen angels in some aspect. The good news is, if you're an abductee or don't wish to become one, there is someone who can protect you from abduction by these extra-terrestrial, fallen angels. His name is Jesus. More on that later.
....So there you have it. The Fallen Angels, in most cases, are extra-terrestrials, responsible for many (if not all) legitimate accounts of abductions and sightings. They have employed technology to mimic the works of God down through the millenia. By manipulating the physical realm with dramatic outcomes, they have convinced many that the spiritual does not exist and that all instances of the miraculous are/were simply clever aliens using technology or explainable by the sciences, as they have done for thousands of years. They've implanted their hybrids in the highest offices of our lands and in the seats of power of every major institution and corporation, for as long as there have been seats of power to sit upon. If you've ever wondered why you couldn't get ahead in life, no matter how hard you tried, you have only to give thanks for your humanity (and do give thanks for it). The invisible ceiling we've all suspected existed in the higher eschelons of power, does indeed exist. We may no longer have to wear our place in the caste system boldly painted our foreheads today, but that doesn't mean we aren't still categorized for success or failure from the moment of birth. Any variation or deviation from the poverty and servitude normally assigned the lowly human race by the fallen angels and their prodigy, is truly a miracle of God. If you're successful, give thanks to God, repeatedly, because literally billions of humans down through the history of planet Earth have not been as fortunate.
....So what does all this have to do with the Abzu and the Abyss? That is the subject of the next chapter.
a sedaj naj pa kar verjamem ali kaj?
dej nehi no ajin s takimi
ajin ::
NEkaj pa sem nasel
Ancient astronauts
Tiahuanaco Heads ~
DOgon tribe, and others features
UFO's In Earth's History
LAhko si pogledate dokumentarce,tudi !!
Enkrat pa bom vam,se kaj spisal!
Ancient astronauts
Tiahuanaco Heads ~
DOgon tribe, and others features
UFO's In Earth's History
LAhko si pogledate dokumentarce,tudi !!
Enkrat pa bom vam,se kaj spisal!
ajin ::
a sedaj naj pa kar verjamem ali kaj?
Bravo matev, to deli! NEkateri deli, to kar si spastal je zapisano v Sumerijski kulturi/religiji!
Globoko preuci,primerjaj uporabi logiko, razumi in potem verjami!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
Ramesses II ::
Malo Wikipedije.
Ancient astronaut theory is a term used to describe the theories of ancient extraterrestrial contact being involved in some way with the origin or development of human culture. Most notably popularized by authors such as Erich von Dãniken and Zecharia Sitchin, this theory is an expansion or elaboration of the more basic Paleocontact theory
Evo ti "fresko"...
Ancient astronaut theory is a term used to describe the theories of ancient extraterrestrial contact being involved in some way with the origin or development of human culture. Most notably popularized by authors such as Erich von Dãniken and Zecharia Sitchin, this theory is an expansion or elaboration of the more basic Paleocontact theory
Evo ti "fresko"...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramesses II ()
ajin ::
Prosim vzami si čas in potem lepo počasi predstavi podkrepleno, ker sam si rekel da hočeš da se izve resnica in nam odpreti oči. Samo z besedami žal nebo šlo.
Sem mislil da logika tudi odloca o razumevanju nekih koncpetov in sprejemanja, posledicno skozi analiticno razmisljanje( gjana yoge) tudi verovati!
REcimo dober primer, kako so prisli do prvih konceptov Atomov, pa jih niso videli!
SAmo nekateri pa se se morajo zanasati le na svoje cute, vid, sluh, ki niso popolni, ampak vsekakor pomembni in tudi se lahko razvijejo, seveda pa je odvisno od zavesti! In prav to je CILJ! CISTA ZAVEST!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
Ramesses II ::
Nekaj sem našel....
Recimo orbita planeta Nibiru (10 planet), bi nekako zgledala takole:
VIR: Interview at NASA about planet X
Oppa, celo filem bomo gledali...
The Anunnaki and Nephilim
In še njihov znak se pojavlja kot Crop Circle...
VIR: Nibiru et les Anunnaki
Recimo orbita planeta Nibiru (10 planet), bi nekako zgledala takole:
VIR: Interview at NASA about planet X
Oppa, celo filem bomo gledali...
The Anunnaki and Nephilim
In še njihov znak se pojavlja kot Crop Circle...
VIR: Nibiru et les Anunnaki
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramesses II ()
Matev ::
ajin v linku ki si ga dal:
je slednja slika:
pod njo pa na dolgo in široko o podobnosti te slike z današnjimi stroji
a ajin - to sliko smo že obdelali in ugotovili da ni nič drugega kot naključna ker je sestavljena iz dveh prekrivajočih se slik...
če ti takim verjameš stranem ki nimajo pojma in objavljajo stvari ki so že dolgo ovržene
potem se mi smiliš
je slednja slika:
pod njo pa na dolgo in široko o podobnosti te slike z današnjimi stroji
a ajin - to sliko smo že obdelali in ugotovili da ni nič drugega kot naključna ker je sestavljena iz dveh prekrivajočih se slik...
če ti takim verjameš stranem ki nimajo pojma in objavljajo stvari ki so že dolgo ovržene
potem se mi smiliš
ajin ::
a ajin - to sliko smo že obdelali in ugotovili da ni nič drugega kot naključna ker je sestavljena iz dveh prekrivajočih se slik...
če ti takim verjameš stranem ki nimajo pojma in objavljajo stvari ki so že dolgo ovržene
potem se mi smiliš
MAtev, povedal si mi samo za eno sliko, ostale slike, ki po povezane Z bitji, in so tudi predstavljeni v linkih pa si zanemaril, tako tudi strukture! Ce si dobro pogledal na to stran je si videl da je ta slika, vrezana v tempelju, in potemtakem se mi ne zdi da ni mozno da je neavtenticna. ZAhteval si slike in dokaze, predstavil sem ti preko teh linkov, da je mnogo teh depikcij,slik po celem svetu, tako tudi strukture. In rekel sem tudi da vem tvoj odziv, tako da s tem me nisi nic presenetil!
P.S: UPam da si pregledal in prebral, no vsaj pogledal ce ne drugega, sposodi si kaksno knjigo rajsi o starih civilizacijah, strukturah. NAj se ti smilim!
jest10 ::
Ramesses II: In kaj več po tvoje pokaže druga slika a?
Če misliš vodo se motiš. Pokaže le relief
Če misliš vodo se motiš. Pokaže le relief
Matev ::
MAtev, povedal si mi samo za eno sliko, ostale slike, ki po povezane Z bitji, in so tudi predstavljeni v linkih pa si zanemaril,
zaupanje pridobiš zelo težko
izgubiš ga lahko v trenutku
ti si v mojih očeh izgubil zaupanje ker objavljaš stvari ki smo jih že v drugih temah obdelali in smo nedvouzmno dokazali da so zemeljskega izvora in povsem NE-ufovske
a ti še vedno eno in isto trajbaš
čez par starni boš spet linku in se skliceval na to:
zapomni si že enkrat da je slika naklučno nastala iz dveh prekrivajočih se slik
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matev ()
gzibret ::
> Ta slika se mi bolj dopade, vsaj pokaže malo več:
Temu se reče digitalni model reliefa (DMR krajše). Nima nič veze z vodo.
Temu se reče digitalni model reliefa (DMR krajše). Nima nič veze z vodo.
Vse je za neki dobr!
ajin ::
ti si v mojih očeh izgubil zaupanje ker objavljaš stvari ki smo jih že v drugih temah obdelali in smo nedvouzmno dokazali da so zemeljskega izvora in povsem NE-ufovske
zapomni si že enkrat da je slika naklučno nastala iz dveh prekrivajočih se slik
(..)It seems a beyond chance that a character should exactly match the profiles of the tails of an airplane and helicopter - and all in the same place. But what kind of king would be identified with such objects, and what kind of king would have them erased(...)?
(...)It is a well established fact that glider technology did not originate with the Wright Brothers. Leonardo DaVinci had designs for submarines, as well as helicopters, in the late 15th century - although they are not known to have ever been tested. There is even a toy helicopter from ancient China - an example of which was brought to the west by Marco Polo in the late 13th century. So, could the technology of our present era have possibly inspired our ancient past?(..)
(...)There are, for example, numerous reptilian gods - and a few reptilian stories and legends dating back as far as anyone is able to trace, and originating from all around the world. Gods live on mountains, or in the clouds, or in the sky, and even in the sea. When legends tell of a race of beings that live in space, or come from another planet - such as the Peruvian legends surrounding Lake Titicaca, or the Dogon tribe of Africa - then you may lift your head up from the dust that covers the past and the present, and learn all there is to know, to become worthy of our future.(..)
Obesil si se na eno sliko, ki pa je jasno da je vgravirana v Templju ABIdos, slika je samo posnetek vgraviranih hiroglifov v templju Abidos! KAJ pa ostalo? CEl svet je poln namigovanj, arheoloski viri !
SAmo zaman MAtev, ker isces, opravicila in luknje tam k jih ni, ali mi bos pokomentiral druge slike iz drugih linkov, pa tako tudi stare strukture in druge velike skulpture vseh starih svetov? Vedel sem kaj bo, samo ves se mama mi je rekela, zakaj se ukvarjam z vami, no poiomenovala vas je drugace, ker vidi za kaj gre.. Me je kar malo presenetila, o njeni tocnosti, ceprav ni vedela kaj se dogaja... No vsekakor, to je tisto , ko noces razumeti, in poseldicno iz tega verjeti, meni ni treba verjeti, ker starodavni viri dokazujejo, namigujejo! ČLovek pa iz straha, in napuha zanika!
Preisci vse, preberi, analiziraj in uporabi logiko, ne pa se celo trikrat obesiti na samo eno slikco, ki je samo posnetek, vgraviranega hiroglifa, in jasno povezana z zgodbo Vladarjev.
Ena stvar, od tisocih drugih, ce s tem spodbijas, potem moras spodbiti vse znane stare civilizacije, in menim da ni nikogar na svetu ki je to mozen, zato Prosim....
JAz se mvse preiskal, razmislil, uporabil svoj skromni um, in potem sodil, ti pa se to NISI. Tvoej besede niso kredibilne, ker ne poznas tematike, niti jo nisi bral niti preucil! TO je nekako da me hoces pouciti o resniscnosti necesa, sam pa se tega nikdar nisi ucil, ali razmisljal o tem! NIMAM besede, in koncal sem !¨
NApovedal sem kaj bo in zgodilo se je tako, le zakaj se sprasujem?
ti si v mojih očeh izgubil zaupanje
P.S: Zaupanje temelji na veri, jaz uporabljam skromno logiko in preko analiticnega preucevanja, prebiranja starih virov, povezovanja pridem do nekih logicnih zakljuckov, in potem posledicno zaradi vseh teh dejavnikov VERUJEM! In ce bi imel oci( oko, razumski vpogled), ne bi tako govoril!
Ti pa ocitno moras samo verjeti!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
keber ::
Grozno grozno, to ni možno več slediti, če bi ajina in ramsesa zaposlila kot nakladača v gradbeništvu, bi vse avtoceste v Sloveniji zgradili v enem mesecu.
Mislim, da je brezveze. Fanta sta v svojem svetu, prepolnem alienov, ki jih nikoli ni bilo in ne bo, polna sumerskih pravljic itn.
Samo še eno vprašanje: skoraj v vseh pravljicah so omenjeni zmaji, ki bruhajo ogenj. Kako da jih vidva nikjer ne omenjata?
Mislim, da je brezveze. Fanta sta v svojem svetu, prepolnem alienov, ki jih nikoli ni bilo in ne bo, polna sumerskih pravljic itn.
Samo še eno vprašanje: skoraj v vseh pravljicah so omenjeni zmaji, ki bruhajo ogenj. Kako da jih vidva nikjer ne omenjata?
R33D3M33R ::
Sem temi začasno nehal slediti, ker je postalo prehudo
To mi je zanimivo iz ajinovega citata:
(...)It is a well established fact that glider technology did not originate with the Wright Brothers. Leonardo DaVinci had designs for submarines, as well as helicopters, in the late 15th century - although they are not known to have ever been tested. There is even a toy helicopter from ancient China - an example of which was brought to the west by Marco Polo in the late 13th century. So, could the technology of our present era have possibly inspired our ancient past?(..)
Od kod so ti ljudje že tako zgodaj prišli na idejo narediti nekaj kar zgleda sumljivo podobno z našimi sedanjimi napravami oz. uporablja iste ideje.
Since around 400 BC the Chinese had a flying top that was used as a children's toy. This toy eventually made its way to Europe via trade and has been depicted in a 1463 European painting. "Pao Phu Tau" was a 4th century book in China that described some of the ideas in a rotary wing aircraft.
The first somewhat practical idea of a human carrying helicopter was first conceived by Leonardo da Vinci around 1490, but it was not until after the invention of the powered aeroplane in the 20th century that actual models were produced.
Zanimivo a ni?
To mi je zanimivo iz ajinovega citata:
(...)It is a well established fact that glider technology did not originate with the Wright Brothers. Leonardo DaVinci had designs for submarines, as well as helicopters, in the late 15th century - although they are not known to have ever been tested. There is even a toy helicopter from ancient China - an example of which was brought to the west by Marco Polo in the late 13th century. So, could the technology of our present era have possibly inspired our ancient past?(..)
Od kod so ti ljudje že tako zgodaj prišli na idejo narediti nekaj kar zgleda sumljivo podobno z našimi sedanjimi napravami oz. uporablja iste ideje.
Since around 400 BC the Chinese had a flying top that was used as a children's toy. This toy eventually made its way to Europe via trade and has been depicted in a 1463 European painting. "Pao Phu Tau" was a 4th century book in China that described some of the ideas in a rotary wing aircraft.
The first somewhat practical idea of a human carrying helicopter was first conceived by Leonardo da Vinci around 1490, but it was not until after the invention of the powered aeroplane in the 20th century that actual models were produced.
Zanimivo a ni?
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
ajin ::
Chinese Myths About Creation
(..)In the third year of Shen-ch'ueh of Han, in early summer, when the Great Bear Stood in the Serpent, Haemosu came to Korea, a true Son of Heaven. He came down through the air in a five-dragon chariot, with a retinue of hundreds, robes streaming, riding on swans. The atmosphere echoed loudly with chiming music, and banners floated on the tinted clouds. From ancient times men ordained to rule have come down from Heaven, but in daylight he came from the heart of the sky - a thing never before seen(...)
SAm, itak to ni za verjeti, niti razumeti, so samo zgodbice.....
REsno; veliko je tega!
(..)In the third year of Shen-ch'ueh of Han, in early summer, when the Great Bear Stood in the Serpent, Haemosu came to Korea, a true Son of Heaven. He came down through the air in a five-dragon chariot, with a retinue of hundreds, robes streaming, riding on swans. The atmosphere echoed loudly with chiming music, and banners floated on the tinted clouds. From ancient times men ordained to rule have come down from Heaven, but in daylight he came from the heart of the sky - a thing never before seen(...)
Zanimivo a ni?
SAm, itak to ni za verjeti, niti razumeti, so samo zgodbice.....
REsno; veliko je tega!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
ajin ::
(...)Grški pisec Aratos je zapisal tole zgodbo o ozvezdju Devica:
Devica je najverjetneje pripadala rasi zvezd, ki so predniki davnih ozvezdij. V davnih časih, natančneje v zlati dobi, je živela med ljudmi kot poosebljena Pravičnost in jih opozarjala, naj se držijo resnice. Takrat so ljudje živeli mirno, brez hinavščine in prepirov. Pozneje, v srebrni dobi, se je skrila v gore in med ljudi prihajala občasno, da bi jih oštela zaradi njihovih zli dejanj. Končno je nastopila bronasta doba. Ljudje so izumili meč in bili prvi, ki so okusili meso krav. Tedaj je devica odletela v nebo(odšla v nebeško kraljestvo)..(...)
(..)V času stvarjenja človeška vrsta soobstoja z drugimi življenjskimi vrstami. V Bhagavata purani4 (9.10.20) je opisana vojna med božanskim avatarjem Ramačandro in Ravano, vladarjem Lanke. Dobršen del Ramačandrove vojske so sestavljale inteligentne, človeku podobne, opice. Vede torej govorijo o soobstoju človeka z vrstami, ki jih danes obravnavamo kot človekove prednike. V knjigi Forbidden Archeology avtorja Michaela Cremo in dr. Richard Thompson navajata številne primere najdb človeških ostankov in predmetov, ki jih je izdelal človek, starih več milijonov let(..).
IMHHO so le te inteligentne cloveku podoben opice, ki sosluzile RAmačandro bile predhodne alternacije, mi smo najuspesnejsa alternacija; Podoba "bogov"
Kot je receno : Let US make man in OUR image and LiKENESS
Primer Atomske eksplozije v ZApisane v MAHABHARATI!
(..)The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe...An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.
"The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.
(..)Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that Indian sacred writings are full of such descriptions, which sound like an atomic blast as experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons. An ancient battle is described in the Drona Parva, a section of the Mahabharata. "The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees," says Ganguli.
"Instead of mushroom clouds, the writer describes a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds as consecutive openings of giant parasols. There are comments about the contamination of food and people's hair falling out.(...)"
Archeologist Francis Taylor says that etchings in some nearby temples he has managed to translate suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city. "It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."
Construction has halted while the five member team conducts the investigation. The foreman of the project is Lee Hundley, who pioneered the investigation after the high level of radiation was discovered.
CE koga zanima : VEDE
P.S: upam da ne bom zbrisan To ni to kar sem vam obljubil, samo trenutni navdih
(...)Grški pisec Aratos je zapisal tole zgodbo o ozvezdju Devica:
Devica je najverjetneje pripadala rasi zvezd, ki so predniki davnih ozvezdij. V davnih časih, natančneje v zlati dobi, je živela med ljudmi kot poosebljena Pravičnost in jih opozarjala, naj se držijo resnice. Takrat so ljudje živeli mirno, brez hinavščine in prepirov. Pozneje, v srebrni dobi, se je skrila v gore in med ljudi prihajala občasno, da bi jih oštela zaradi njihovih zli dejanj. Končno je nastopila bronasta doba. Ljudje so izumili meč in bili prvi, ki so okusili meso krav. Tedaj je devica odletela v nebo(odšla v nebeško kraljestvo)..(...)
(..)V času stvarjenja človeška vrsta soobstoja z drugimi življenjskimi vrstami. V Bhagavata purani4 (9.10.20) je opisana vojna med božanskim avatarjem Ramačandro in Ravano, vladarjem Lanke. Dobršen del Ramačandrove vojske so sestavljale inteligentne, človeku podobne, opice. Vede torej govorijo o soobstoju človeka z vrstami, ki jih danes obravnavamo kot človekove prednike. V knjigi Forbidden Archeology avtorja Michaela Cremo in dr. Richard Thompson navajata številne primere najdb človeških ostankov in predmetov, ki jih je izdelal človek, starih več milijonov let(..).
IMHHO so le te inteligentne cloveku podoben opice, ki sosluzile RAmačandro bile predhodne alternacije, mi smo najuspesnejsa alternacija; Podoba "bogov"
Kot je receno : Let US make man in OUR image and LiKENESS
Primer Atomske eksplozije v ZApisane v MAHABHARATI!
(..)The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe...An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.
"The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.
(..)Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that Indian sacred writings are full of such descriptions, which sound like an atomic blast as experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons. An ancient battle is described in the Drona Parva, a section of the Mahabharata. "The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees," says Ganguli.
"Instead of mushroom clouds, the writer describes a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds as consecutive openings of giant parasols. There are comments about the contamination of food and people's hair falling out.(...)"
Archeologist Francis Taylor says that etchings in some nearby temples he has managed to translate suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city. "It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."
Construction has halted while the five member team conducts the investigation. The foreman of the project is Lee Hundley, who pioneered the investigation after the high level of radiation was discovered.
CE koga zanima : VEDE
P.S: upam da ne bom zbrisan To ni to kar sem vam obljubil, samo trenutni navdih
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
keber ::
>>>> SAm, itak to ni za verjeti, niti razumeti, so samo zgodbice.....
Res je, vse kar pišeš, ni za verjeti, niti razumeti, so samo zgodbice ...
Res je, vse kar pišeš, ni za verjeti, niti razumeti, so samo zgodbice ...
ajin ::
Primer Kitajske NOetove barke, in Boga ki jih je resil, Tudio V Epu gilgamesa je omenjena zgodba Zisudre, UTnapistima:
(...)Thunder God pulled a long canine tooth from his mouth and gave it to them saying: "In three days, mankind will suffer a terrible calamity. You may use this tooth to keep yourselves safe from harm."
Having said this, the Thunder God leaped into the sky and disappeared.
Three days later, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning. A tremendous storm broke out. Rain fell incessantly and the flood waters rose; huge waves swept across the earth and the entire human race was destroyed. As the flood began, the Thunder God's tooth transformed itself into a boat. Safe aboard this vessel, Fuxi and his sister rode the waves and drifted with the tides. Only when the waters had subsided did Fuxi and Nuwa realise that they alone had survived the desolation. When they had grown into adults, Fuxi and Nuwa became husband and wife in order to bear descendants and establish a new human race.(...)
The historical records say:
(...)Nuwa had the surname Feng; she had the body of a snake, a human head and the virtue of a divine being. She is also known as Mixi.
The name Nuwa first appears in one of the Elegies of Chu entitled Tian Wen:
Nuwa loved peace and delighted in making things. She moulded figures from the yellow earth and gave them life and the ability to bear children: this is how humanity was created. When demons fought a terrible war, they broke the pillars which held the heavens up.(...)
TA boginja NUWa, koliko sem zdaj ugotovil povezana z boginjo Ninhursag, ki je v Sumerske epu Stvaritve, tisti ki je ustvarila/upodobila ČLoveka!
(..)Now this is the account of how the Primitive Worker was created,
How Enki and Ninmah, with Ningishzidda assisting, the Being fashioned.
Another way the admixture of essences to attain must be tried, Ninmah was saying.
From the ME formulas of Nibiru's essence only bit by bit could be attempted!
With ME Anunnaki seed containing, she the oval impregnated;(...)
(...)In seven vessels of the clay of the Abzu made, Ninmah ovals of the two-legged females placed,the life essence of Adamu she extracted, bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted.
Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out;
She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop of blood in each vessel to the admixture she added. In this clay's admixture, Earthling with the Anunnaki shall be bound!
To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be brought(...)
(..)Proper sounds the newborn uttered!
To Ninki, the spouse of Enki, she the newborn handed, to be suckled, nourished, and raised. A name will you give her? Enki of his spouse inquired. A Being she is, not a creature.
Perfectly she is fashioned, a model for female workers you have attained!
Ninki cast her hand upon the newborn's body, with her fingers her skin she caressed
Ti-Amat let her name be, the Mother of Life! Ninki was saying
Like the planet of old of which the Earth and the Moon were fashioned, let her be called,From her womb's life essences other birth-givers shall be molded,
To a multitude of Primitive Workers she thereby life will be giving
Thus was Ninki saying; the others words of concurring uttered.(..)
NInKi, je MAMI, tista ki je rodila, človeka.
NImah je znanstvenica, tako tudi ENKI in Ningishzidda, sin ENKI-ja.
Ninharsag; Epithet of Ninmah after she was granted an abode in the Sinai peninsula
Ningishzidda: Son of Enki, master of genetics and other sciences; called Tehuti (Thoth) in ancient
SO vidne povezave, med vsemi kulturami sveta! VSI Pricajo ISTO, O "BOGvih" ki so Prisli z nEBA!
SUmerian religion
SUmerian GODS
P.s UPam da ne bom zbrisan!
(...)Thunder God pulled a long canine tooth from his mouth and gave it to them saying: "In three days, mankind will suffer a terrible calamity. You may use this tooth to keep yourselves safe from harm."
Having said this, the Thunder God leaped into the sky and disappeared.
Three days later, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning. A tremendous storm broke out. Rain fell incessantly and the flood waters rose; huge waves swept across the earth and the entire human race was destroyed. As the flood began, the Thunder God's tooth transformed itself into a boat. Safe aboard this vessel, Fuxi and his sister rode the waves and drifted with the tides. Only when the waters had subsided did Fuxi and Nuwa realise that they alone had survived the desolation. When they had grown into adults, Fuxi and Nuwa became husband and wife in order to bear descendants and establish a new human race.(...)
The historical records say:
(...)Nuwa had the surname Feng; she had the body of a snake, a human head and the virtue of a divine being. She is also known as Mixi.
The name Nuwa first appears in one of the Elegies of Chu entitled Tian Wen:
Nuwa loved peace and delighted in making things. She moulded figures from the yellow earth and gave them life and the ability to bear children: this is how humanity was created. When demons fought a terrible war, they broke the pillars which held the heavens up.(...)
TA boginja NUWa, koliko sem zdaj ugotovil povezana z boginjo Ninhursag, ki je v Sumerske epu Stvaritve, tisti ki je ustvarila/upodobila ČLoveka!
(..)Now this is the account of how the Primitive Worker was created,
How Enki and Ninmah, with Ningishzidda assisting, the Being fashioned.
Another way the admixture of essences to attain must be tried, Ninmah was saying.
From the ME formulas of Nibiru's essence only bit by bit could be attempted!
With ME Anunnaki seed containing, she the oval impregnated;(...)
(...)In seven vessels of the clay of the Abzu made, Ninmah ovals of the two-legged females placed,the life essence of Adamu she extracted, bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted.
Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out;
She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop of blood in each vessel to the admixture she added. In this clay's admixture, Earthling with the Anunnaki shall be bound!
To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be brought(...)
(..)Proper sounds the newborn uttered!
To Ninki, the spouse of Enki, she the newborn handed, to be suckled, nourished, and raised. A name will you give her? Enki of his spouse inquired. A Being she is, not a creature.
Perfectly she is fashioned, a model for female workers you have attained!
Ninki cast her hand upon the newborn's body, with her fingers her skin she caressed
Ti-Amat let her name be, the Mother of Life! Ninki was saying
Like the planet of old of which the Earth and the Moon were fashioned, let her be called,From her womb's life essences other birth-givers shall be molded,
To a multitude of Primitive Workers she thereby life will be giving
Thus was Ninki saying; the others words of concurring uttered.(..)
NInKi, je MAMI, tista ki je rodila, človeka.
NImah je znanstvenica, tako tudi ENKI in Ningishzidda, sin ENKI-ja.
Ninharsag; Epithet of Ninmah after she was granted an abode in the Sinai peninsula
Ningishzidda: Son of Enki, master of genetics and other sciences; called Tehuti (Thoth) in ancient
SO vidne povezave, med vsemi kulturami sveta! VSI Pricajo ISTO, O "BOGvih" ki so Prisli z nEBA!
SUmerian religion
SUmerian GODS
P.s UPam da ne bom zbrisan!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ajin ()
gzibret ::
> P.s UPam da ne bom zbrisan!
Ah, to je loža. Ni tak problem.
Vidim, da obvladaš starodavne spise (recimo Ep o Gilgamešu, Mahabharata...), pa razne Vede... Zakaj ne odpreš svoje teme, recimo v oddelku Problemi Človeštva (ki je namenjen tudi religioznim temam), kjer se lahko diskutira izključno o teh stvareh?
Mene osebno te stvari tudi zanimajo, malo kot religija, malo pa kot iskanje vzporednic med raznimi verstvi po svetu in v času.
Ah, to je loža. Ni tak problem.
Vidim, da obvladaš starodavne spise (recimo Ep o Gilgamešu, Mahabharata...), pa razne Vede... Zakaj ne odpreš svoje teme, recimo v oddelku Problemi Človeštva (ki je namenjen tudi religioznim temam), kjer se lahko diskutira izključno o teh stvareh?
Mene osebno te stvari tudi zanimajo, malo kot religija, malo pa kot iskanje vzporednic med raznimi verstvi po svetu in v času.
Vse je za neki dobr!
ajin ::
Res je, vse kar pišeš, ni za verjeti, niti razumeti, so samo zgodbice
KEber, prvo razumeti potem verjeti, in zgodbice samo za tiste ki morajo samo verjeti!
Drugace pa, te tvoje besede so nekoristne, niti logicni zakljucki, na kratko nic kar vsebuje pravilo debatiranja! JAZ saj upostevam, navajam( linki), intepretiram, devam logicne zakljucke...PA mene brisejo.
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