Forum » Problemi človeštva » B16 užalil muslimane
B16 užalil muslimane
jype ::
Dr Evil> This character trait has been passed on to all subsequent forms of the Party that have arisen since its birth.
Bedarija. Sodobni komunisti so sposobni _zmagat_ na volitvah brez vsakršnega nasilja.
Bedarija. Sodobni komunisti so sposobni _zmagat_ na volitvah brez vsakršnega nasilja.
Zorro ::
Če seštejemo vse križarje, konkvistadorje, pa še novejše ustaše, črnorokce in podobne glasnike rimokatoliške vere, potem je številka kar zastrašujoča, sploh v odstotkih tedanje populacije
jype, lepo si to napisal! Nekateri pač raje štejejo glave, kot pa naredijo realno primerjavo. Kdaj pa je živelo na svetu toliko ljudi kot zadnjih 100 let?
Dr Evil ::
Ne daedalus nič nisi ovrgel.Jaz za spremembo od tebe moje trditve potrdim z linki,ti samo na pamet pišeš.Prilepi link,al pa vtihni.
Kak bull.Te pa lepo s številkami pokaži jype.Stavim,da ne moreš,mogoče kakšno anarhistično stran.Mrtvi zaradi katoliške cerkve je sto procentno dosti manj od ateističnih ideologij nacizma in komunizma.Pa če še tretino od kuge pobitega prebivalstva rkc pripišeš,pa bo še vedno manj.
LINK prosim!
Pa vnaprej želim od tebe le linke.Tvoje pisanje na pamet sucks.
Če seštejemo vse križarje, konkvistadorje, pa še novejše ustaše, črnorokce in podobne glasnike rimokatoliške vere, potem je številka kar zastrašujoča, sploh v odstotkih tedanje populacije
Kak bull.Te pa lepo s številkami pokaži jype.Stavim,da ne moreš,mogoče kakšno anarhistično stran.Mrtvi zaradi katoliške cerkve je sto procentno dosti manj od ateističnih ideologij nacizma in komunizma.Pa če še tretino od kuge pobitega prebivalstva rkc pripišeš,pa bo še vedno manj.
LINK prosim!
Pa vnaprej želim od tebe le linke.Tvoje pisanje na pamet sucks.
Dr Evil ::
Daedo tu imaš.
Another interesting facet of history is the connection between evolution and communism. With communism the struggle of "race" is replaced by the struggle of "class" as history is viewed as an evolutionary struggle.
Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were evolutionists before they encountered Darwin's "The Origin of Species" - (Dec 12, 1859) Engels wrote to Marx: "Darwin who I am now reading, is splendid" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Zirkle). Like Darwin, "Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life... In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Borzin). "There was truth in Engel's eulogy on Marx: 'Just as Darwin had discovered the law of evolution in organic nature so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history'" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Himmelfarb).
"It is commonplace that Marx felt his own work to be the e
xact parallel of Darwin's. He even wished to dedicate a portion of Das Kapital to the author of The Origin of Species" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Barzum). Indeed, Marx wished to dedicate parts of his famous book to Darwin but "Darwin 'declined the honor' because, he wrote to Marx, he did not know the work, he did not believe that direct attacks on religion advanced the cause of free thought, and finally because he did not want to upset 'some members of my family'" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Jorafsky).
Other Soviet Communist leaders are evolutionists as well. Lenin, Trostsky, and Stalin were all atheistic evolutionists. A soviet think tank founded in 1963 developed a one-semester course in "Scientific Atheism" which was introduced in 1964. Also, a case can be made that Darwinism was influential in propagating communism in China.
Interestingly, according to Morris, Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University, the co-founder of the punctuated equilibrium theory of evolution is a Marxist in philosophy, along with other distinguished Harvard evolutionary scientists and university professors across the country. One has to ask - could a person espouse the Marxist view and tolerate creationism?
Komunizm ni osnovan na darvinizmu,kje pa.Pojma nimaš.
Another interesting facet of history is the connection between evolution and communism. With communism the struggle of "race" is replaced by the struggle of "class" as history is viewed as an evolutionary struggle.
Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were evolutionists before they encountered Darwin's "The Origin of Species" - (Dec 12, 1859) Engels wrote to Marx: "Darwin who I am now reading, is splendid" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Zirkle). Like Darwin, "Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life... In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Borzin). "There was truth in Engel's eulogy on Marx: 'Just as Darwin had discovered the law of evolution in organic nature so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history'" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Himmelfarb).
"It is commonplace that Marx felt his own work to be the e
xact parallel of Darwin's. He even wished to dedicate a portion of Das Kapital to the author of The Origin of Species" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Barzum). Indeed, Marx wished to dedicate parts of his famous book to Darwin but "Darwin 'declined the honor' because, he wrote to Marx, he did not know the work, he did not believe that direct attacks on religion advanced the cause of free thought, and finally because he did not want to upset 'some members of my family'" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Jorafsky).
Other Soviet Communist leaders are evolutionists as well. Lenin, Trostsky, and Stalin were all atheistic evolutionists. A soviet think tank founded in 1963 developed a one-semester course in "Scientific Atheism" which was introduced in 1964. Also, a case can be made that Darwinism was influential in propagating communism in China.
Interestingly, according to Morris, Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University, the co-founder of the punctuated equilibrium theory of evolution is a Marxist in philosophy, along with other distinguished Harvard evolutionary scientists and university professors across the country. One has to ask - could a person espouse the Marxist view and tolerate creationism?
Komunizm ni osnovan na darvinizmu,kje pa.Pojma nimaš.
Dr Evil ::
The ideas of racial supremacy and the survival of the fittest race reached it's zenith with the National Socialist party of Nazi Germany. The legacy of Haeckel and the Monist league turned many German scientists to monism and atheism. Adolf Hitler himself was a evolutionist. His book "Mein Kamp" (My Struggle), which sold 11 million copies in 1944, has a strong theme of the necessity of struggle, a struggle between the races. "The Jews formed a sub-human counter race, predestined by their biological heritage to evil, just as the Nordic race was destined for nobility" ... "History would culminate in a new millennial empire of unparalleled splendor, based on a new racial hierarchy ordained by nature herself". (Morris 1989, 78 - quoting Gann). One has to ask - would Hitler act the way he did if he were a creationist?
kuglvinkl ::
Kljub temu, da bi utegnila biti ta tema na trenutke iskrva še naprej, se je konkretni topic kot kaže izčrpal.
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