Forum » Problemi človeštva » Trenja - DŽAMIJA:)??
Trenja - DŽAMIJA:)??

kuglvinkl ::
A nisi prebral Double_Jjevega linka? Se ti ne zdi verodostojen?
BiH in RS ni eno in isto. Če bi rad izredne razmere, povej naravnost.
Aja, heroin pa ne ogroža?
Ne. Zelo obrobna zadeva.
Sicer pa, US. ne naredi mira v Afganistanu.
BiH in RS ni eno in isto. Če bi rad izredne razmere, povej naravnost.
Aja, heroin pa ne ogroža?
Ne. Zelo obrobna zadeva.
Sicer pa, US. ne naredi mira v Afganistanu.
Your focus determines your reallity

Mercier ::
A nisi prebral Double_Jjevega linka? Se ti ne zdi verodostojen?V BIH so dobili težko pričakovano prvo đamijo in začeli novačiti teroriste?

Thomas ::
Nima se smisla naprej zgovarjat, ker bistven post je bil brisan. Tisti od attacicka.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Double_J ::
Pravico do registracije vere imajo tisti, katerih predstavnik javno izreče, da so državni zakoni nad božjimi oziroma njihovimi.
Drugo se vse prepove in je kaznivo.
Drugo se vse prepove in je kaznivo.

cirecire ::
Vsi tisti zgoraj, ki ste za đžamijo. Evo, malo pobrskajte po netu. V Bosni se že pripravljajo aretacije muslimanskih Wahhabijev, ker v BIH po islamskih centrih novačijo muslimane v Avganistan in Irak. Tud HTV je poročal o tem.
Ker pa vem, da tisti islamofili, ki ste za džamijo sploh ne veste kaj je Wahhabizem:
Wahabizem je posebna islamska fundamentalistična ločina, ki jo je ustanovil islamski klerik Abd al-Wahhab v 18 stol. Danes pa je to državna religija v Saudski Arabiji. Savdska arabija je ena največjih kršiteljic človekovih pravic, posebej žensk.
Ravno Savdska Arabija pa največ finacira islamske centre po Evropi. V Bosni so jih zgradili
kar nekaj.
Pa ja ne mislite, da bodo muftiju dali denar za đžamijo, da bo v njej poučeval o človekovih pravicah.!?
Ker pa vem, da tisti islamofili, ki ste za džamijo sploh ne veste kaj je Wahhabizem:
Wahabizem je posebna islamska fundamentalistična ločina, ki jo je ustanovil islamski klerik Abd al-Wahhab v 18 stol. Danes pa je to državna religija v Saudski Arabiji. Savdska arabija je ena največjih kršiteljic človekovih pravic, posebej žensk.
Ravno Savdska Arabija pa največ finacira islamske centre po Evropi. V Bosni so jih zgradili
kar nekaj.
Pa ja ne mislite, da bodo muftiju dali denar za đžamijo, da bo v njej poučeval o človekovih pravicah.!?

Gandalfar ::
cirecire: islamski terorizem pa lahko obstaja samo in izkljucno, ce obstaja dzamija ane?

Thomas ::
Đamija bi ga podprla. Ne sama đamija, pač pa Islamski center, financiran in pomagan s strani tistih, ki se imajo za Wahhabite ali kakšne druge bojevnike.
Zatiskati si oči pred tem, da bi tam potekalo novačenje vernikov "nearabskega izgleda" za operacije Al Kaide in podobnih organizacij, je naivno.
Zatiskati si oči pred tem, da bi tam potekalo novačenje vernikov "nearabskega izgleda" za operacije Al Kaide in podobnih organizacij, je naivno.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Mercier ::
Zatiskati si oči pred tem, da bi tam potekalo novačenje vernikov "nearabskega izgleda" za operacije Al Kaide in podobnih organizacij, je naivno.Dokler se ga mame pa ate po obrezuvanju v Sloveniji grejo nažret, je vse kar pišeš o terorizmu in fundamentalizmu, rahlo brezveze.

Thomas ::
Ti torej garantiraš, da emisarjev iz Islamskih držav ne bo, vpliv od tam se še čutil ne bo?
Oziroma čutil se bo nekoliko verski vpliv, k politični radikalizaciji ne bodo pozivali?
Po verskih obredih, bodo verniki šli na bosansko slovensko srbske menije po gostilnah na Viču in še bolj daleč naokoli?
Prispevali bodo k zmanjšanju potrošnje alkohola in morda še celo svinine, obrednega klanja živali ne bodo zahtevali?
Če to lahko garantiraš ... naj zaradi mene začno graditi že čez eno uro.
Oziroma čutil se bo nekoliko verski vpliv, k politični radikalizaciji ne bodo pozivali?
Po verskih obredih, bodo verniki šli na bosansko slovensko srbske menije po gostilnah na Viču in še bolj daleč naokoli?
Prispevali bodo k zmanjšanju potrošnje alkohola in morda še celo svinine, obrednega klanja živali ne bodo zahtevali?
Če to lahko garantiraš ... naj zaradi mene začno graditi že čez eno uro.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

MrStein ::
A ti lahko garantiraš da noben katoliški duhovnik ne bo spolno nadlegoval otroke ?
Ker če ne, jih moramo takoj izgnati, a ne ?
Pa cerkve porušiti, ta legla pedofilije...
Ker če ne, jih moramo takoj izgnati, a ne ?
Pa cerkve porušiti, ta legla pedofilije...

BigWhale ::
Ja, to se lahko vedno zagarantira... ;) Tako kot to, da ne bo naslednji papez spet zacel s krizarskimi pohodi... RKC ni neka angelska ustanova :P Za svoja dejanja se tudi niso nikoli opravicili, ker je cerkev pac nezmotljiva... ;>

Thomas ::
> Za svoja dejanja se tudi niso nikoli opravicili, ker je cerkev pac nezmotljiva
Ti se rad hvališ z znanjem, ki ga nimaš. Tule je že tako. Opravičil se Papež je, če to komu kaj pomaga.
Kar se RKC tiče, je tukaj off topic. Seveda da ima svoje nečednosti, tudi avtomehaniki otipavajo ženske, ki so tja pripeljale svoj avto, pa še kaj hujšega se jim je že zgodilo. Tale tema ni o pedofilskih duhovnikih (ali o pedofilskih očetih, ki jih je še več), niti o nadlegovalskih urarjih in posiljevalskih avtomehanikih. Tale tema je o Islamskem centru, ki ga mogoče Ljubljančani ne bodo hoteli imeti. Ker imajo pomisleke.
Dejmo jim pravico do tega. Sej niso take ovce, ki ne smejo govort.
Ti se rad hvališ z znanjem, ki ga nimaš. Tule je že tako. Opravičil se Papež je, če to komu kaj pomaga.
Kar se RKC tiče, je tukaj off topic. Seveda da ima svoje nečednosti, tudi avtomehaniki otipavajo ženske, ki so tja pripeljale svoj avto, pa še kaj hujšega se jim je že zgodilo. Tale tema ni o pedofilskih duhovnikih (ali o pedofilskih očetih, ki jih je še več), niti o nadlegovalskih urarjih in posiljevalskih avtomehanikih. Tale tema je o Islamskem centru, ki ga mogoče Ljubljančani ne bodo hoteli imeti. Ker imajo pomisleke.
Dejmo jim pravico do tega. Sej niso take ovce, ki ne smejo govort.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Gandalfar ::
To so čist rasistični pomisleki. Mar ne moremo z obstoječimi institucijami zagotoviti enakih pravic za vse in zaščito vseh? Moramo nujno biti diskrimitirati?

Thomas ::
Situacija je nekoliko podobna kajenju. Če me dim moti, zahtevam da v moji prisotnosti ne kadiš. Če morda v Islamskem centru dobrih 100 km vzhodno od Ljubljane novačijo Wahabiti, nočem takega v Ljubljani.
Če je večina Ljubljančanov takega mnenja ... premislimo če zanje ne velja pravica do agentov alkajde čistejšega okolja?
Muslimani lahko molijo naprej po molilnicah širom Slovenije, parkirišča in kar še rabijo, se jim pomaga zrihtat. Njihova verska svoboda je zagotovljena.
Islamskega (ali kakšnega drugega centra Saudijcev in Gadafija) - nočemo.
Če je večina Ljubljančanov takega mnenja ... premislimo če zanje ne velja pravica do agentov alkajde čistejšega okolja?
Muslimani lahko molijo naprej po molilnicah širom Slovenije, parkirišča in kar še rabijo, se jim pomaga zrihtat. Njihova verska svoboda je zagotovljena.
Islamskega (ali kakšnega drugega centra Saudijcev in Gadafija) - nočemo.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Thomas ::
To ni noben rasizem, če nasprotujem meni rasno čisto podobnim Bosancem, ki jih je inficiral nek Arabski (v bistvu še "predislamski", tribal) memeplex. Ali pa Slovencem.
Izigravanje rasistične karte je nepotrebno in je nefer diskreditacija, česta ko ni več argumenta.
Izigravanje rasistične karte je nepotrebno in je nefer diskreditacija, česta ko ni več argumenta.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

cirecire ::
Dajte no islamofili prosim no nek argument za.
Ne pa k'r neki "križarske vojne". Križarskih vojn je blo konec že leta 1270. Ne poznte niti zgodovine niti islama niti RKC.
Če pa hočete, da vam Wahhabiji iz Saudske arabije gradijo 4200 m2 velik islamski center je pa čudno.
Malo spremljajte kaj se trenutno dogaja v Sarajevu. Tam so z denarjem iz saudske arabije zgradili kar tri ogromne centre. Nato pa je prišlo še nekaj tisoč arabcev. In ima policija stalno probleme z njimi. Wahhabiji so večkrat celo na ulici, ki gre mimo islamskega
centra pretepli dekleta, ki niso nosila rut. Pa nekatere sploh nisobile muslimanke.
Ne pa k'r neki "križarske vojne". Križarskih vojn je blo konec že leta 1270. Ne poznte niti zgodovine niti islama niti RKC.
Če pa hočete, da vam Wahhabiji iz Saudske arabije gradijo 4200 m2 velik islamski center je pa čudno.
Malo spremljajte kaj se trenutno dogaja v Sarajevu. Tam so z denarjem iz saudske arabije zgradili kar tri ogromne centre. Nato pa je prišlo še nekaj tisoč arabcev. In ima policija stalno probleme z njimi. Wahhabiji so večkrat celo na ulici, ki gre mimo islamskega
centra pretepli dekleta, ki niso nosila rut. Pa nekatere sploh nisobile muslimanke.

Mercier ::
Prispevali bodo k zmanjšanju potrošnje alkoholaZa pivo pa šnopc nič ne garantiram, mogoče vino.

MadMicka ::
cirecire, jaz pravim, da lahko postavjo džamijo, ker jim pač tega ne prepoveduje noben predpis. Noben, ampak res noben drug razlog ni potreben.
Če zdej zaradi tega tudi mene vključuješ med islamofile, potem lahko rečem, da se motiš. Imam že raje cerkev kot džamijo. In to zgolj zato, ker sem pač odraščal v taki sredini, kjer je cerkev običajna, džamija pa ne.
No, da slišim, kaj boš zdej reku.
Če zdej zaradi tega tudi mene vključuješ med islamofile, potem lahko rečem, da se motiš. Imam že raje cerkev kot džamijo. In to zgolj zato, ker sem pač odraščal v taki sredini, kjer je cerkev običajna, džamija pa ne.
No, da slišim, kaj boš zdej reku.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MadMicka ()

Thomas ::
No ampak če bi jim lokacijsko dovoljenje (zaradi referenduma naprimer) sfalilo, potem razlog da ne gradijo Islamskega centra je?
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

BigWhale ::
> > Za svoja dejanja se tudi niso nikoli opravicili, ker je cerkev pac nezmotljiva
> Ti se rad hvališ z znanjem, ki ga nimaš. Tule je že tako. Opravičil se Papež je, če to komu
> kaj pomaga.
Ti pa verjames vsemu kar slisis in precej na pol poslusas.
Ja. Papez se je opravicil ampak ne za napake, ki jih je naredila RKC ampak za stvari, ki so jih nekateri naredili v imenu cerkve. Cerkev sama je pa nezmotljiva, vedno bila in vedno bo. Njihovo opravicilo pa je bilo bolj v stilu, 'ja, se opravicujemo, ker je marsikdo zazgal kako zensko, ker jo je proglasil za carovnico, brez da bi jo stestiral!'
Papez ni nikoli rekel, 'cerkev se je motila zadnjih 2000 let in naredila precej napak in precej skode'
To bi bilo pa zanikanje lastne existence...
> Ti se rad hvališ z znanjem, ki ga nimaš. Tule je že tako. Opravičil se Papež je, če to komu
> kaj pomaga.
Ti pa verjames vsemu kar slisis in precej na pol poslusas.
Ja. Papez se je opravicil ampak ne za napake, ki jih je naredila RKC ampak za stvari, ki so jih nekateri naredili v imenu cerkve. Cerkev sama je pa nezmotljiva, vedno bila in vedno bo. Njihovo opravicilo pa je bilo bolj v stilu, 'ja, se opravicujemo, ker je marsikdo zazgal kako zensko, ker jo je proglasil za carovnico, brez da bi jo stestiral!'
Papez ni nikoli rekel, 'cerkev se je motila zadnjih 2000 let in naredila precej napak in precej skode'
To bi bilo pa zanikanje lastne existence...

Thomas ::
Kaj pa je RKC, če ne njeni podaniki? Nič. Samo njeni podaniki so lahko naredili kakšne krivice. Če se ni opravičil za zmote pisanega nauka - to bi ti rad?
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

link_up ::
hehe....trdovratna tema :)
anyway jst se useen mislem, da ne rabmo te zgradbe. poglejte kaj je v disneylandu vse maketastga ;) bodjo pionirji z dzamijo iz stiroporja ;)
p.s. sej lahko jo tud iz snega zgradijo sam da je stvar temoprary :)
damn sm dons nastrojen...btw....a mislte, da se majo oni za slovence al za kej druzga? cist tko...materni jezik je torej srbohrvascina (sodec po muftiju), pripadnost pa slovenska....damn...don't get it :(
anyway jst se useen mislem, da ne rabmo te zgradbe. poglejte kaj je v disneylandu vse maketastga ;) bodjo pionirji z dzamijo iz stiroporja ;)
p.s. sej lahko jo tud iz snega zgradijo sam da je stvar temoprary :)
damn sm dons nastrojen...btw....a mislte, da se majo oni za slovence al za kej druzga? cist tko...materni jezik je torej srbohrvascina (sodec po muftiju), pripadnost pa slovenska....damn...don't get it :(

link_up ::
"... ker je marsikdo zazgal kako zensko, ker jo je proglasil za carovnico, brez da bi jo stestiral!'"
hehe... sej so testiral... sam s kamnom na nogi pod vodo :) hehe...ce ostane na dnu je carovnica
"... ker je marsikdo zazgal kako zensko, ker jo je proglasil za carovnico, brez da bi jo stestiral!'"
hehe... sej so testiral... sam s kamnom na nogi pod vodo :) hehe...ce ostane na dnu je carovnica
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: link_up ()

MrStein ::
Ne ne ! Če ostane pod vodo, pol ni čarovnica. Če pa pride iz vode, je čarovnica in jo zažgejo !

attackiko ::
Evo za malo predaha še .. držite miško nad đamijo
Drugače sem pa vesel, da je kdo sploh prebral moj prejšnji post. Za zanimivost skopiram še razlog za brisanje: Brisano zaradi nestrpnosti. S tem, da neke primitivce citiraš, še ne pomeni, da je stvar v redu.
Seveda stvar ni v redu.. ravno to ves čas ponavljamo
Čestitam vsem, ki jim je uspelo tole prebrati še preden bo cenzurirano.

Drugače sem pa vesel, da je kdo sploh prebral moj prejšnji post. Za zanimivost skopiram še razlog za brisanje: Brisano zaradi nestrpnosti. S tem, da neke primitivce citiraš, še ne pomeni, da je stvar v redu.
Seveda stvar ni v redu.. ravno to ves čas ponavljamo

Čestitam vsem, ki jim je uspelo tole prebrati še preden bo cenzurirano.

perci ::
Če ima kdo probleme s kako odločitvijo moderatorjev, ima za to pritožbe, v tej temi pa naj ne bo tovrstnih zadev.

cirecire ::
Seveda nikjer ni izrecno prepovedano, da je prepovedano zgraditi džamijo. Samo preden ti lahko zgradiš neko stavbo moraš pridobiti vsa dovoljenja.
Nikjer pa ne piše, da imajo muslimani pravico zgraditi 4200 m2 velik islamski center z 29m
visokim minaretom (to je približno toliko kot 10 nadstropna stolpnica), ter 20 m visoko bronasto kupolo.
Takšen objekt lahko vsaka država gladko zavrne. To problematiko dobro poznam.
Lahko ti navedem več primerov:
-Zurich, kjer so dovolili zgraditi 4 večje molilnice, niso pa dovolili graditi nikakršnih minaretov. Kot razlog pa so navedli, da se minaret ne sklada z arhitektonskim okoljem.
-Milano, ki ima največje število muslimanov v Italiji, dovolili pa so samo molilnice
-Marseille, kjer je od prebivalcev kar 33% muslimanov, pa je mestna oblast gladko zavrnila gradnjo islamskega centra z minaretom
Tudi v Sloveniji je bila prvotno v načrtu samo 1200 m2 . Vse pa se je spremenilo, ko je prišel mufti z miljoni dolarjev iz S.Arabije in Katarja. Zdaj pa kar naekrat zahtevajo 4200 m2.
Ali ni to sramota, da mufti zbira denar v S.Arabiji , na siol-ovi klepetalnici pa je na vprašanje o pravicah žensk v S. Arabiji odgovoril, da te problematike ne pozna dobro.
Seveda nikjer ni izrecno prepovedano, da je prepovedano zgraditi džamijo. Samo preden ti lahko zgradiš neko stavbo moraš pridobiti vsa dovoljenja.
Nikjer pa ne piše, da imajo muslimani pravico zgraditi 4200 m2 velik islamski center z 29m
visokim minaretom (to je približno toliko kot 10 nadstropna stolpnica), ter 20 m visoko bronasto kupolo.
Takšen objekt lahko vsaka država gladko zavrne. To problematiko dobro poznam.
Lahko ti navedem več primerov:
-Zurich, kjer so dovolili zgraditi 4 večje molilnice, niso pa dovolili graditi nikakršnih minaretov. Kot razlog pa so navedli, da se minaret ne sklada z arhitektonskim okoljem.
-Milano, ki ima največje število muslimanov v Italiji, dovolili pa so samo molilnice
-Marseille, kjer je od prebivalcev kar 33% muslimanov, pa je mestna oblast gladko zavrnila gradnjo islamskega centra z minaretom
Tudi v Sloveniji je bila prvotno v načrtu samo 1200 m2 . Vse pa se je spremenilo, ko je prišel mufti z miljoni dolarjev iz S.Arabije in Katarja. Zdaj pa kar naekrat zahtevajo 4200 m2.
Ali ni to sramota, da mufti zbira denar v S.Arabiji , na siol-ovi klepetalnici pa je na vprašanje o pravicah žensk v S. Arabiji odgovoril, da te problematike ne pozna dobro.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: cirecire ()

drejc ::
Vsi tisti zgoraj, ki ste za đžamijo. Evo, malo pobrskajte po netu. V Bosni se že pripravljajo aretacije muslimanskih Wahhabijev, ker v BIH po islamskih centrih novačijo muslimane v Avganistan in Irak. Tud HTV je poročal o tem.
Malo spremljajte kaj se trenutno dogaja v Sarajevu. Tam so z denarjem iz saudske arabije zgradili kar tri ogromne centre. Nato pa je prišlo še nekaj tisoč arabcev. In ima policija stalno probleme z njimi. Wahhabiji so večkrat celo na ulici, ki gre mimo islamskega
Cirecire a mi loh das kake linke...slabo guglam zgleda
Se neki me zanima. Ker bolj slabo spremljam nacionalko&poptv me zanima, ce je o prvem citatu (zgoraj, ta post) kej porocala nacionalka al pa 24ur? Bi se mi zdel logicno da bi, ce je vir kr zanesljiv (SFOR).
Malo spremljajte kaj se trenutno dogaja v Sarajevu. Tam so z denarjem iz saudske arabije zgradili kar tri ogromne centre. Nato pa je prišlo še nekaj tisoč arabcev. In ima policija stalno probleme z njimi. Wahhabiji so večkrat celo na ulici, ki gre mimo islamskega
Cirecire a mi loh das kake linke...slabo guglam zgleda

Se neki me zanima. Ker bolj slabo spremljam nacionalko&poptv me zanima, ce je o prvem citatu (zgoraj, ta post) kej porocala nacionalka al pa 24ur? Bi se mi zdel logicno da bi, ce je vir kr zanesljiv (SFOR).

MadMicka ::
Thomas, ki neki kao obvlada pravno sceno z nekimi aksiomi, kjer je vse jasno
, pravi, da brez lokacijskega dovoljenja, ki ga bo razveljavil referendum, pa ne bodo mogli graditi džamije.
Kar pravi, je navadno sranje. Smisel referenduma je, da vpliva na zakon oz. splošne akte, katerih skupna značilnost je, da vplivajo na vse in ne zgolj na posameznika. Ne more pa referendum vplivati na posamični pravni akt (ki se tiče posameznika oz. posamezne pravne osebe), saj bi v takšnem primeru referendum sam po sebi pomenil diskriminacijo.
Da povem še bolj konkretno: če zakon določa npr. vsakdo lahko gradi na zazidljivem zemljišču in če potem določena oseba na podlagi tega dobi lokacijsko dovoljenje, ki pravi, da lahko oseba A gradi na zemljišču B, potemtakem ne more referendum določiti, da lahko oseba A gradi na zemljišču B samo pod pogojem, če ni črnc.
To je sicer poenostavitev, ker razlike med lokacijskem in gradbenem dovoljenjem niti dobro ne poznam, ampak poanta je jasna in stoji.
To, o čemer govori cirecire, pa je zazdialni načrt. Lokalna skupnost pač v naprej lahko sprjeme tak načrt, kjer je določeno, do katere višine se gradi. To je nekaj normalnega zaradi ohraniteve okolice.
To, da mufti zbira denar v S. Arabiji, je pa kvečjemu SRAMOTA ZA SLOVENIJO, ki ni sposobna zagotoviti denarja za eno samo samcato dažmijo.

Kar pravi, je navadno sranje. Smisel referenduma je, da vpliva na zakon oz. splošne akte, katerih skupna značilnost je, da vplivajo na vse in ne zgolj na posameznika. Ne more pa referendum vplivati na posamični pravni akt (ki se tiče posameznika oz. posamezne pravne osebe), saj bi v takšnem primeru referendum sam po sebi pomenil diskriminacijo.
Da povem še bolj konkretno: če zakon določa npr. vsakdo lahko gradi na zazidljivem zemljišču in če potem določena oseba na podlagi tega dobi lokacijsko dovoljenje, ki pravi, da lahko oseba A gradi na zemljišču B, potemtakem ne more referendum določiti, da lahko oseba A gradi na zemljišču B samo pod pogojem, če ni črnc.
To je sicer poenostavitev, ker razlike med lokacijskem in gradbenem dovoljenjem niti dobro ne poznam, ampak poanta je jasna in stoji.
To, o čemer govori cirecire, pa je zazdialni načrt. Lokalna skupnost pač v naprej lahko sprjeme tak načrt, kjer je določeno, do katere višine se gradi. To je nekaj normalnega zaradi ohraniteve okolice.
To, da mufti zbira denar v S. Arabiji, je pa kvečjemu SRAMOTA ZA SLOVENIJO, ki ni sposobna zagotoviti denarja za eno samo samcato dažmijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MadMicka ()

_sas_ ::
>"To, da mufti zbira denar v S. Arabiji, je pa kvečjemu SRAMOTA ZA SLOVENIJO, ki ni sposobna zagotoviti denarja za eno samo samcato dažmijo."
a to mislis na proračunska sredstva ali na prostovoljne prispevke?
a to mislis na proračunska sredstva ali na prostovoljne prispevke?

MrStein ::
Ko za nekaj ni denarja, je to problem.
Ko denar je, pa je spet problem.
Eni niso nikoli zadovoljni...
Ko denar je, pa je spet problem.
Eni niso nikoli zadovoljni...

Tilen ::
Če bodo dobili dovoljenje in če đamija bo zgrajena v LJ ste slisali kaksni nameni so v naprej?
"Ce kmet prodava zelje in ce mu prodaja gre in ce ugovtovi da bi lahk se veliko vec prodal k v bistvu zdaj proda kaj bo naredu" ??? POVECAL PROIZVODNJO ..... enako bo tukaj ko bodo dobili 1 objekt bojo hotli VEČ VEČ VEČ VEČ VEČ VEČ ...
Ne razumem pa da je do zdaj zadeva bila sprejemljiva zdaj pa kr naenkrat hočejo đamijo?A je bil porastek "teh" ljudi pr nas naenkrat tako velik? Glede RKC pa velik delez tudi to da je RKC zrastla skupaj s KULTURO in Slovenci smo uradno katoliki in ne s taksnimi posti ven hodit da ce ne rabimo đamije da pol cerkva tut ne rabimo. Vsiljevanje neke đamije kr naenrkat je pomoje nesmiselno in nepotrebno kajti versta nestrpnost bo 100% narasla in s tem tudi kriminal v okolici. O naši policiji pa itak raje nebi zgubljal besed.
lp Tilen
"Ce kmet prodava zelje in ce mu prodaja gre in ce ugovtovi da bi lahk se veliko vec prodal k v bistvu zdaj proda kaj bo naredu" ??? POVECAL PROIZVODNJO ..... enako bo tukaj ko bodo dobili 1 objekt bojo hotli VEČ VEČ VEČ VEČ VEČ VEČ ...
Ne razumem pa da je do zdaj zadeva bila sprejemljiva zdaj pa kr naenkrat hočejo đamijo?A je bil porastek "teh" ljudi pr nas naenkrat tako velik? Glede RKC pa velik delez tudi to da je RKC zrastla skupaj s KULTURO in Slovenci smo uradno katoliki in ne s taksnimi posti ven hodit da ce ne rabimo đamije da pol cerkva tut ne rabimo. Vsiljevanje neke đamije kr naenrkat je pomoje nesmiselno in nepotrebno kajti versta nestrpnost bo 100% narasla in s tem tudi kriminal v okolici. O naši policiji pa itak raje nebi zgubljal besed.
lp Tilen

kuglvinkl ::
Slovenci smo uradno katoliki
Prvič slišim. + čista laž, tko da, kdorkoli ti je to rekel je ali versko blazen ali se prav zdajle reži.
Prvič slišim. + čista laž, tko da, kdorkoli ti je to rekel je ali versko blazen ali se prav zdajle reži.
Your focus determines your reallity

cirecire ::
Home Page > Current Issues > Bloodstained Christmas in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bloodstained Christmas 2002 in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The slaughter of Andjelko Andjelic (68) and his two daughters, Mara (46) and Zorica (27) took place in the village of Kostajnica, near the town of Konjic, in Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 24, 2002. Andjelko's son Marinko (30) was seriously injured during the attack. They were gunned down in their home while making Christmas preparations.
A couple days later, the killer was caught and he admitted to the massacre without much hesitation. For him this was a heroic spiritual experience. He was doing the will of Allah. The victims were members of a Croat Catholic family who returned a few years ago to their home after living outside the country as war-refugees. The murderer was Muamer Topalovic (25), a Muslim, from a nearby village. The timing of the killings was very symbolic.
To the time of peace, joy, and love for all Christians, this young Muslim responded with hate, fear, and death. The primary message of his evil act was that Bosnia and Herzegovina, more specifically the Bosniak-Croat Federation entity, is a land of Islam and not a place for the Croat Catholics. Stay away from the homes of your ancestors was the murderer's blood-written statement to the Croat refugees.
Topalovic, according to his confession, belongs to two Islamic organizations, Jemiet el Furkan and the Active Islamic Youth. The first is directly and the other indirectly sponsored by Islamic fundamentalist forces from Saudi Arabia.
Bloodstained Christmas 2002 in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The slaughter of Andjelko Andjelic (68) and his two daughters, Mara (46) and Zorica (27) took place in the village of Kostajnica, near the town of Konjic, in Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 24, 2002. Andjelko's son Marinko (30) was seriously injured during the attack. They were gunned down in their home while making Christmas preparations.
A couple days later, the killer was caught and he admitted to the massacre without much hesitation. For him this was a heroic spiritual experience. He was doing the will of Allah. The victims were members of a Croat Catholic family who returned a few years ago to their home after living outside the country as war-refugees. The murderer was Muamer Topalovic (25), a Muslim, from a nearby village. The timing of the killings was very symbolic.
To the time of peace, joy, and love for all Christians, this young Muslim responded with hate, fear, and death. The primary message of his evil act was that Bosnia and Herzegovina, more specifically the Bosniak-Croat Federation entity, is a land of Islam and not a place for the Croat Catholics. Stay away from the homes of your ancestors was the murderer's blood-written statement to the Croat refugees.
Topalovic, according to his confession, belongs to two Islamic organizations, Jemiet el Furkan and the Active Islamic Youth. The first is directly and the other indirectly sponsored by Islamic fundamentalist forces from Saudi Arabia.

Gandalfar ::
Uglavnem ... katolicanih zadnjih 50 let so bili cisto nedolzni ..
.. torej, ce se enemu cloveku od par tisocih strga je za to treba seveda preganjati celo nacijo. Seveda, ce pa je moriles katoliske vere je pa seveda samo nepristeven in se ga da v norisnico.
Encyclopedia: Croat Catholic Ustashi clergy
Here follows an incomplete list of Croat Roman Catholic clergy that participated in the atrocities and Holocaust of the Ustashi regime of Ante Pavelic.
# By the end of WW II, 1500 Croat Roman Catholic clergymen fled Europe in order to escape justice. These were Roman Catholic priests who murdered Serbs and Jews with their own hands, incited others to do so or took part in their forced conversions. ABRUS, Fra IVAN: Active Ustasha and Franciscan priest.
# ADAMCIK, Prof. BRUNO: Active Ustasha and Catholic priest.
# ARSAMOVIC, Dr. ANTUN: Djakovo Catholic bishop. Decorated by Pavelic. Used scare and terror tactics to force Orthodox Serbs into conversion. Took over Serbian Orthodox churches in his jurisdictional area in the name of Catholic Church. He ordered the destruction of many Orthodox churches such as those in Bracevci, Major, Poucje, Depsin, Tenje, Dalj, Markusica, Kapelna, Kucanci, Budimci, Poganovci, Bijelo Brdo, Borovo Selo, Trpinje, Bobota, Pacetin, Brsadin, Cepin, Martinci Cepinski, Trnjani, Klokocevik, Topolje, and Brod na Savi. He followed the directives in the 'The Return to the Faith of our Fathers,' written and published by the Institute of St. Jeronim (St. Girolamo) in Zagreb which was under the direct control of Archbishop Stepinac.
# ALAUPOVIC, MARKO: Catholic priest who was an active Ustasha and close associate of the bloodthirsty Archbishop Saric of Sarajevo.
# ALAUPOVIC, ANTE: Catholic priest in New Sarajevo. Close friend and associate of Archbishop Saric and Jasenovac killer Max Luburich. Under his leadership, the property of the Serbian Cultural Society 'Prosveta' in Sarajevo was pillaged and destroyed. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# ALFIREVIC, ANTE: Catholic priest in Zagreb and active Ustasha.
# ANDERLIC, Dr. VILKO: Catholic curate in Sotin and a very active Ustasha who used terror extensively to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism, threatening those that didn't with death.
# ANIC, Fra SIME: Franciscan priest and very active Ustasha.
# ANDJELOVIC, Fra ANDJEL: Catholic curate in Kraljevska Sutjeska. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# ANDRASEC, Fra DIONIZIJE: Franciscan priest who was a very active Ustasha and a close associate of Bishop Aksamovic. Personally went to Serbian churches, pillaging them, then setting them on fire. Used torture and terror to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism. Decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# ANTIC, Don PETAR: Catholic priest who worked very closely with Fra Dr. Bilobrk, a curate in Metkovic who called on all Croats to use axes, hoes and scythes to slaughter Serbs rather than 'expensive' bullets.
# ARBULIC, MIHO: Catholic curate in Mandaljen who was an active Ustasha and was decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# ASTALOS, JOSIP: Catholic curate in Dalj and Osijek. Considered a Croatian intellectual. Participated in the sadistic tortures of Serbs in Dalj and Erdut. During the night, he arrested women, took them to a basement, and forced them to completely undress. Organized several Ustasha killing bands. Personally arrested the first 25 Serbs in Dalj, torturing them for several days, then killed them all. An extreme sadist. Decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BABIC, Fra AUGUSTIN: Franciscan priest who was an active Ustasha.
# BABIN, Don MARTIN: Catholic curate in Bisk and an active Ustasha.
# BADURINA Dr. TEODOR: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BAIER, VIRTOR: Catholic priest who used terror extensively to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism.
# BAJIC, LEONARD: Fraciscan priest from Makarska. Active Ustasha who was decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BAKOTIN, JERRO: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# BARSIC, Dr. STJEPAN: Catholic priest and very active Ustasha. Was a trustee in Croatia of His Holiness, the Pope.
# BAKULA, Fra ANTE: Croatian Catholic priest who organized the slaughter of several thousand Serbs during mid 1942. He personally participated in the slaughters in the county of Hrasno. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BARULA, PETAR: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BALICEVIC, DR. MARRO: Catholic curate who terrorized Serbs to force them to convert to Catholicism.
# BALTIC, Fra VIKTOR: Franciscan priest in Ljubincic. Active Ustasha. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BANDIC, Fra BRANRO: Franciscan priest in Derventa. Personally took a band of Ustasha killers to the Serbian village of Hrvacani where he had 120 Serbs arrested. All were taken to Banja Luka where they were tortured. All 120 were then slaughtered. Fra Bandic participated personally in the killings.
# BANDIC, DRAGO: Catholic curate in Prnjavor. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BANIC, STANRO: Catholic abbot in Zagreb. Active Ustasha.
# BARAC, DOMINIRO: Catholic catechist who committed numerous atrocities against Serbs in the area of Dubrovnik. Organized terrorist groups of Croats who went through Serbian villages, killing men, women, and children, and pillaging their properties.
# BARBARIC, Dr. MLADEN: Croatian professor and priest who terrorized Serbs into converting to Catholicism. Personally participated in slaughtering Serbs. Decorated by Fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BARBIR, Fra FRANJO: Franciscan priest and professor at the Franciscan high school in Dubrovnik. Active Ustasha. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BARESA, IVAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha who was decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BARIC, PASRO: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BARISIC, JAROV: Catholic priest and active Ustasha. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BARISIC, RRESIMIR: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BARISIC, Fra STIPE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha. Decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BARSIC, BERTRAND: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BARUN, BORIS: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BASIC, MIRKO: Catholic curate and active Ustasha.
# BASIC, Fra PETAR: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BAUERLEIN, STJEPAN: Catholic catechist and active Ustasha who was decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BEBIC, BERNARDIN: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BECRER, IVAN: Catholic priest in Trnjani. Gave an ultimatum to all Serbs in his area to either convert to Catholicism within 30 days or face a brutal death.
# BEDRICA, Fra GABRO: Franciscan priest. Very active Ustasha and terrorist.
# BEKMAN, JOSIP: Catholic priest in Prijedor and active Ustasha.
# BELIC, Fra O.: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BELUHAN, Fra EUGEN: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BELUHAN, Dr. MILAN: Catholic priest and trustee of His Holiness, the Pope. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BENIGAR, Dr. ALERSIJE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BENRO, FRAN: Franciscan priest and terrorist. Very active Ustasha.
# BENKOVIC, AMBROZIJE: Catholic curate and terrorist. Very active Ustasha.
# BENKOVIC, Dr. JAROV: Catholic cleric and chaplain in the Ustasha Army.
# BENKOVIC, IVAN: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BERROVIC, Fra Dr. PETAR: Head of the Catholic deans in Drnish. Personally participated in the slaughter of Serbs in Knin and Drnish. He was also present during the infamous slaughter of Serbs in the Serbian Orthodox Church at Glina, known as the Glina massacre.
# BESTIC, MIJO: Catholic curate in Bosiljevo. Active Ustasha.
# BEZIN, Fra IVAN: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BILOBRK, Dr. VLADO: Catholic curate in Metkovic. Called on all Croats to use pick-axes, hoes, and scythes to slaughter Serbs, because they weren't worth wasting Croatian bullets on. On April 27, 1941 he was one of the first Croatian clerics to organize the massacres of Serbs. With his band of killers, he slaughtered hundreds of them on the bank of the Neretva River and, had their bodies thrown into the water. At the end of 1943, on his insistence, 107 women, children, and old men were slaughtered in the villages of Sipka, Cilum and Pepsko Blato. Insisting that all Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia must be executed for fear if they were simply expelled, they would return to their homes. Dr. Vlado was decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BILOGRIVIC, Msgr. Dr. NIROLA: Catholic curate from Banjaluka. Enjoyed torturing his Serbian victims. He liked to watch the blood draining from their bodies as they slowly died.
# BILORAPIC, FRANJO: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# BILUSIC, FILIP: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# BINICKI, Dr. FRAN: Catholic curate in Licki Osik. Very active Ustasha and terrorist. Hundreds of Serbs were slaughtered in the basement of his home. Twice decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BIRGER, JULIJE: Catholic deacon who used terror extensively to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism.
# BIRT, BRANRO: Catholic priest in Fenicani. Used terror and torture to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism.
# BISRUPOVIC, Don ANTE: Catholic curate in Praznici who preached from the pulpit of his church that 'all Serbs in Croatia should be executed.'
# BJELOROSIC, Don IVAN: Catholic priest in Lisac. Committed numerous atrocities against Serbs in the area of Dubrovnik.
# BLAGA, ADOLF: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# BLAZEROVIC, RARLO: Catholic curate. Very active Ustasha.
# BLAZEVIC, GRGA: Catholic priest in Bosanski Novi where he organized a concentration camp for Serbs and made himself commander of it. Many Serbs who were arrested were slaughtered in this camp on his orders. He insisted that he was doing what Archbishop Stepinac wanted and expected of him. For his work on behalf of the 'Croatian cause' he was decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BOCAR, VALENTIN: Catholic priest in Krizevci. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Ante Pavelic.
# BOCRMAN, JOSIP: Catholic priest in Sanski Most where he participated in the slaughter of Serbs. Very active in the establishment of the concentration camp in the area. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BOGDAN, IVO: Catholic cleric. Active Ustasha.
# BOGUTOVAC, STJEPAN: Chaplain in the the ustasha Army. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BOJANIC, STJEPAN: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# BOLOROVIC, Fra GRUJO: Franciscan priest who was a volunteer chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Participated in the slaughter of Serbs. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BONEFACIC, Dr. KVIRIN: Catholic bishop of Makarska and Split. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BORIC, NIROLA: Catholic curate. Active Ustasha.
# BORIK, HARIJA: Dominican priest and active Ustasha.
# BOROSA, VLADIMIR: Catholic curate in Lobor. Active Ustasha. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# BORTAS, FRANJO: Catholic priest and teacher in Zagreb. Close associate of Archbishop Stepinac. Very active Ustasha.
# BOSNJAR, Don NIKOLA: Catholic curate in Prenje where he organized widespread massacres of Serbs, not sparing women, children, or old men. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army.
# BOZNAR, ANTUN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BRADARIC, Fra STANRO: Franciscan priest who personally slaughtered hundreds of Serbs.
# BRAJROVIC, SLAVRO: Catholic curate and terrorist. Very active Ustasha.
# BRALIC, LUJO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BRALO, BOZIDAR: Catholic priest in the St. Joseph church in Sarajevo. Organized the slaughter of 180 Serbs on the Alipasa Bridge. After killing them, he danced the Croatian national dance, the Circle Dance, around their bodies before their bodies were thrown into the river. He organized a large number of Moslems from Sarajevo into slaughtering bands. These Moslem groups were responsible for the brutal deaths of thousands of Serbs in the area of Sarajevo. Bralo also murdered thousands of Serbs in the concentration camp Jasenovac. He was a member of the Ustasha Parliament, together with Archbishop Stepinac. Personally slaughtered Serbs in the villages of Sabalj, Marsic-Gaj, Piskavica, Ponira, Biljevina, Kozara mountain, Sanski Most, Kamengrad and Grmec. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BRANDIC, MIRKO: Catholic priest. A sadist who was a very active Ustasha.
# BRASRIC, ANTE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BREKALO, ZVONKO: Catholic priest who engaged personally in the mass slaughters of Serbs in the concentration camp Jasenovac. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BRESRI, BRUNO: Catholic priest from Varazdin monastery. Active Ustasha.
# BRISEVAC, Fra DANIEL: Catholic curate of Stratinska. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BRKAN, Fra IVO: Franciscan priest from Koraca (Bosnia) who was responsible for the arrest of about 500 Serbs who were taken to the concentration camps in Luzane, Muratovac, and Derventa. From there, they were taken to the camp in Slavonski Brod where they were brutally tortured. None of the innocents ever returned home.
# BRKIC, Fra MARIJAN: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha. Repeatedly urged Croats to take up arms to kill the Orthodox Serbs.
# BRKLJACIC, Dr. IVAN: Trained to be a Catholic priest, he loved to torture Serbs to death. In 1943 he was named commander of the Jasenovac death camp. The second Catholic cleric to be made commander there. Prior to his 'promotion,' he was in Stara Gradiska where he was responsible for the slaughter of over 2,000 Serbian women.
# BRZICA, PETAR: Catholic cleric from the monastery of Siroki Brijeg. Member of the 'Great Brotherhood of Crusaders.' This notorious 'King of the Killers.' won a contest held in Jasenovac based on who could kill the most Serbs in the shortest period of time. Fr. Brzica won. In the course of the night of Auqust 29. 1942, he cut the throats of 1,350 people with his own hands.
# BUBANJ, MARTIN: Catholic priest in Susak. Personally participated in the executions of Serbs.
# BUBIC, CIRO: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# BUBLE, VINRO: Catholic curate and active Ustasha.
# BUC, ANTE: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# BUCIN, PETAR: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# BUCKOVIC, STJEPAN: Catholic curate in Gornji Bogicevci. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# BUCONIC, Don ANTE: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha who organized the slaughter of Serbs in the county of Stolac. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army.
# BUJANOVIC, JOLE: Catholic priest who was the director of the Catholic parishes in the Lika and Gacka areas. Slaughtered Serbs indiscriminantly, then pillaged their properties. Organized Ustasha 'storm' units, consisting of the worst dregs of the Croatian criminal element, who were sent to slaughter Serbs throughout the province of Lika. Insisted that no Serb must survive in the Croatian state. Insisted that that was the aim of His Holiness, the Pope. As late as February 1945, he hung 60 Serbs in Gospic. He was decorated by Pavelic.
# BUJAS, Fra GASPAR: Franciscan priest, active Ustasha.
# BURINAC, BEATO: Catholic priest, active Ustasha.
# BULAT, STJEPAN: Catholic priest in Osijek, active Ustasha.
# BULJAN, Dr. ANTUN: Catholic priest and educator, active Ustasha.
# BULJAN, LADISLAV: Catholic priest in Zavidovici where he was a central personality in the Ustasha movement. Initiated many of the slaughters of the Serbian people in that region. Personally participated in the slaughters.
# BULJAN, STJEPAN: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BULJEVIC, Fra BERNARD: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BULUM, PETAR: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# BUNTIC, Fra DIDAK: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# BURGER, JULIJE: Croatian Catholic dean in Podravska Slatina who used terror to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism.
# BURIC, MIRJAN: Catholic priest from Scit, an active Ustasha.
# BURIC, Dr. VIRTOR: Catholic bishop from Senj. One of the three members of the 'Bishops Committee for the Forced Conversion of Serbs.' The other two members were Archbishop Stepinac and Janko Simrak. He was decorated by Pavelic.
# BUTORAC, IVAN: Catholic priest, active Ustasha and decorated by Pavelic.
# BUTORAC, PAVLE: Catholic bishop of Kotor and Dubrovnik. An active Ustasha, decorated by Pavelic.
# BUTUROVIC, IVAN: Catholic curate in Jamnica, near Pisarovina. An active Ustasha.
# BUZUK, Fra MIROSLAV: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha who participated in massacres. He was a curate in Lasina and was decorated by Pavelic.
# CALUSIC, Fra MARRO: Catholic priest of St. Ante in Sivsa. Organized and led a group of killers in Sivsa, killing hundreds of Serbs. Decorated by Pavelic.
# CANJUGA, ANZELMO: Catholic priest from the monastery of Varazdin and an active Ustasha.
# CAREV, Don JOZO: Catholic priest in Neoric and an active Ustasha who personally participated in the slaughters of Serbs. Used the pulpit to preach that 'all Serbs must be destroyed.'
# CECELJ, VILIM: Catholic priest and an active Ustasha who was very close to Archbishop Stepinac.
# CECELJA, MARTIN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# CEKADA, Dr. CEDOMIR: Chief of the Vrhbosanski Captol. A very active Ustasha.
# CRADA, MILIVOJ: Catholic priest in Gornja Zenica. All the atrocities against Serbs in that area were initiated by him.
# CELAR, Fra DANE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# CELIR, Dr. DRAGUTIN: Catholic curate from Sarajevo who was an active Ustasha.
# CICUJAN, STANISLAV: Franciscan priest and an active Ustasha.
# CIAVOLA, Fra AGOSTINO: The guardian of the St. Frane Monastery in Split. Active Ustasha.
# CIPCIC, MILAN: Catholic curate from Davor. An active Ustasha who was decorated by Pavelic.
# CONDRIC, IVAN: Catholic curate who organized terrorist and killer groups, leading them to Serbian villages where they killed indiscriminantly and pillaged without mercy.
# CORIC, Fra DIDAR: Franciscan priest in Tomislavgrad. Organized the massacres of Serbs in Nevesinje and Berkovici. Twice decorated by Pavelic.
# CORIC, Fra DOMINIK: Catholic curate. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# COSIC, ALOJZIJE: Catholic priest in Kotor Varos who participated personally in the slaughter of Serbs. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Decorated by Pavelic.
# COSIC, EFREM: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# CISIC, FRANJO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha who used terrorism to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism.
# COTIC, STANRO: Catholic curate and active Ustasha.
# COVIC, Fra MILO: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# CRNKOVIC, JOSIP: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# CRNKOVIC, MATIJA: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# CUBELA, Fra ANTE: Franciscan priest who was an active Ustasha.
# CUBRANIC, JERRO: Catholic priest from Barbati. Very active Ustasha.
# CUCROVIC, IVO: Catholic curate from Slano where some of the first mass slaughters of Serbs took place and in which he personally participated. Decorated by Pavelic.
# CUJIC, Fra MILO: Franciscan priest in Duvno. Personally participated in massacres in Prisoja and Vila.
# CULE, ANTE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# CULE, Dr. PETAR: First a vicar then promoted to Catholic bishop of Mostar.
# CULINA, Fra ANSELMO: Catholic priest who was personally killing inmates of Jasenovac. He committed all of his murders with a small knife that he liked to show to his victim before killing them. He carried this knife with him at all times, even when holding church services for the Croat soldiers in the camp. Decorated by Pavelic.
# CULINA, CVITAN: Catholic priest from Uzde. Active Ustasha who was decorated by Pavelic.
# CUNITIC, MIJO: Catholic curate in Pukovo. Active Ustasha.
# CURIC, Fra VLADISLAV: Catholic priest in Bilo. Terrorized Serbs into converting to Catholicism. He organized and led marauding bands of Ustase killers to Serbian villages arresting Serbs indiscriminantly and pillaging their properties.
# CURIN, FRANJO: Catholic priest in Crni Lug. Active Ustasha.
# CVERAN, PASRAL: Franciscan priest who was an active Ustasha and decorated by Pavelic.
# CVETAN, FRANJO: Catholic priest and an active Ustasha.
# CVITKOVIC, Fra ANTE: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# DAMJANOVIC, DAMJAN: Catholic priest from the Zagreb monastery. A close associate of Archbishop Stepinac and an active Ustasha.
# DARESIC, Don NIKO: Catholic curate in Trsten. Pointed out the Serbs in Trsten and the surrounding area that were to be executed.
# DEBELJAR, Msgr. IGNACIJE: House priest of His Holiness, the Pope in Zagreb. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# DEFAR, MILAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# DELIC, Don NIKO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha. He was the Catholic dean of Makarska. Decorated by Pavelic.
# DEMAN, Don MARTIN: Catholic Praznici. Preached from the pulpit that all Serbs in Croatia should be killed.
# DEPOLO, BOZO: Catholic religlous teacher on the Island of Korcula. An active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# DERKES, GILBERT: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# DESPALJ, Don JURE: Catholic curate from Zagreb. Active Ustasha who was decorated by Pavelic.
# DEVCIC, MARKO: Catholic priest from Makarska and an active Ustasha.
# DEZELIC, IVAN: Catholic priest who was an active Ustasha.
# DIDOVIC, Fra MIRKO: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# DJURAK, GABRIEL: Catholic priest from the Zagreb monastery. Active Ustasha.
# DJURIC, ANTE: Catholic priest in Divusa. Chief of the Ustasha Police in Dvor na Uni. Organized bands of killers and sent them to various Serb villages to slaughter the men, women, and children. He instructed them specifically not to spare women and children. After the killings, he absolved all of the murderers of their sins. He was an extreme sadist. He would arrest Serbs, locking them up in his stable, where he tortured them for hours before killing them. He insisted from the church pulpit that the Serbian question in Croatia could only be solved with the 'steel broom' (the gun). In his journal, he noted that on April 14, 1941 (four days after the establishment of The Independent State of Croatia) he went to Zagreb to ask for instructions from Stepinac and then, he continued in his journal: 'I met with the leaders of all the surrounding parishes, and we agreed what we need to do.' The following day, he arrested a number of Serbian women, forced them to undress and ride naked on horses through the Croatian villages in his area. Then he slaughtered them. He was decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# DOBRECIC, NIKOLA: Catholic priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Chief of the Ustasha Police in Dvorna Uni.
# DOBUK, MATO: Catholic curate from Dubrovnik. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# DOCKAL, Dr. RAMILO: Catholic canonic prelate of His Holiness, the Pope, in Zagreb. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# DODIC, PAVAO: Catholic priest who was an active Ustasha.
# DOPELHAMER, STJEPAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# DORESIC, NIKOLA: Catholic priest who fought as a volunteer on the Eastern Front. Decorated by the Nazis.
# DRAGANOVIC, Dr. KRUNOSLAV: Catholic priest and professor at the Catholic Theological University of Zagreb. This Croatian Catholic priest would become the head strategist within the Vatican, called the 'Ratline,' Fr. Draganovic was instrumental in helping thousands of Nazi criminals escape Croatia after the war to the West and to Argentina where they all escaped prosecution. The criminals included fascist Ante Ante Pavelic and his Minister of the Interior Andrija Artukovic, who were ultimately responslble for the murders of nearly one million human beings in The Independent State of Croatia. He was the mastermind of the Ratline. Many of those Nazis he helped to escape are still alive. A very active Ustasha he was decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic. He was also found guilty for war crimes and was jailed for those crimes.
# DRAGICEVIC, Fra BERTO: Catholic priest and captain in the Ustasha Army.
# DRLJIC, Fra Dr. RASTISLAV: Catholic priest and professor in Sarajevo.
# DRNAS, Don STANKO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# DUJMOVIC, Fra JOSIP: Catholic priest who was an active Ustasha.
# DUJMUSIC, Dr. DRAGAN: Catholic catechist and active Ustasha.
# DZAKULA, MATE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# ETEROVIC, FRANE: Catholic priest in Dubrovnik, active Ustasha.
# ETEROVIC, JERRO: Catholic preacher and active Ustasha.
# ETTINGER, MIJO: Catholic curate in Daruvar. A member of the Ustasha Parliament. Very active Ustasha.
# FABEC, TOMA: Catholic priest in St. Martin who was an active Ustasha.
# FAJDETIC, JOSIP: Catholic priest and religious teacher from Kompolje. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# FALATAR, A: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# FANTELA, NIRO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# FELICINOVIC, Don JOZO: Catholic priest on the Island of Pag where some of the first slaughters of Serbs took place. Was educating Croatian youth on how to 'properly' terrorize Serbs. Personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of them in the concentration camp on that island. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# FERENCIC, Dr. KARLO: Director of the Sarajevo Theological University. Catholic priest and dedicated Ustasha.
# FILIPOVIC, FRANO: Catholic priest. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Very active Ustasha.
# FILIPOVIC-MAJSTOROVIC, MIROSLAV: Commander of Jasenovac concentration camp
# FIRIS, Dr. TOMISLAV: Catholic priest and an active Ustasha.
# FORJAN, Fra FLORENCIJE: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# FRANROVIC, Fra SILVIJE: Franciscan monk who participated personally in the massacres of Serbs.
# FRIGANOVIC, Fra JOAKIM: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# FRIMEL, ANTUN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# FUCHS, JOSIP: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GABRIC, STJEPAN: Catholic priest in Siroka Kula. Personally participated in the slaughters of Serbs.
# GAGULIC, LADISLAV: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# GALESIC, JOSIP: Catholic priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# GARAPIC, ILIJA: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GARIC, Fra JOSO: Catholic Bishop in Banja Luka who personally terrorized Serbs in order to force them to convert to Catholicism. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# GASMAN, VENDELIN: Guardian of the Franciscan monastery in Bjelovar. Active Ustasha.
# GAVRANOVIC, MATA: was Stepinac's confessor. An active Ustasha.
# GAVRILOVIC, NENAD: Catholic priest who was assigned by Bishop Janko Simrak to take possession of Serbian Orthodox property (namely churches and monasteries) in order to turn them over to the the bishop's residence in Krizevci.
# GECINA, MARTIN: Catholic priest in Recica who was a Major in the Ustasha Army. Personally participated in the slaughters of Serbs.
# GELIC, Fra TOMISLAV: Franciscan priest in Hrvace (Sinj). An active Ustasha.
# GLAVAS, Fra PETAR: Franciscan priest in Hrvace. An active Ustasha. Testified that Archbishop Stepinac ordered him to support the Ustasha Proqrams. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# GLAVAS, Dr. RADOSLAV: Franciscan priest and an active Ustasha. On July 4, 1941, the Ustashi newspaper, Hrvatski Narod hailed him as a 'great organizer of the Ustashe.' Responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of Serbs.
# GLAZAR, MATIJA: Catholic canon (prebendary) from Senj. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# GLIBOTIC, Fra IVAN: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# GOLIR, Msgr. ANTUN: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# GORSE, KORNELIJE: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# GOSPODNETIC, JURAJ: Catholic curate in Bosansko Grahovo. A very active Ustasha.
# GRABIC, Fra PETAR: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# GRABIC, STJEPAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GRBAVAC, Fra KARLO: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha who participated extensively in slaughtering Serbs in Duvno. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army.
# GRBAVAC, LEOPOLD: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GRANIC, Fra SRECRO: Franciscan priest and catechism professor in Siroki Brijeg. Active Ustasha.
# GREBENAROVIC, Fra BONO: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# GREBIC, ANDJELKO: Catholic priest in Borovo who terrorized and tortured Serbs to force them to convert to Catholicism.
# GRESL, Fra FELIX: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GRGIC, NEGELBERG: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# GRGIC, PETAR: Catholic curate from Tramosnjica. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army and a very active Ustasha.
# GRGUREV, DON IVO Catholic curate in Vodice. Active Ustasha. Personally responsible for hundreds of Serbian deaths during World War II.
# GRIC, ANTONIN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GRZANIC, VJEKOSLAV: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GUBERINA, Dr. IVO: Catholic priest and a devout Ustasha. Calling Serbs 'a poison in Croatia,' he wrote in 1943: 'It is the natural right of the Croatian State and the Croatian people to cure its body of such poison...according to all principles of Catholic morality they are assailants, and the state of Croatia has the right to destroy them, even with a knife.'
# GUBIC, Fra BOSILJKO: Catholic priest in Volar. He participated personally in the slaughter of Serbs in the villages of Niska Glava, Jugovac, Cikota, and Volar. Used terror and applied various atrocities to force the surviving Serbs to convert to Catholicism. From the pulpit, he called on all Croats to start digging the graves where the bodies of Serbs would be thrown.
# GUBIC, Don CIRO: Catholic priest and an active Ustasha.
# GUDELJ, Don MARTIN: Catholic priest in Opuzen. Called on all Croats in his church sermons to begin digging Serbian graves. Organized groups of killers that went with him through the Serbian villages in his jurisdiction, killing the Serbs they found there and pillaging their properties. He killed the children by beheading them with a bayonet. Personally slaughtered 450 men, women, and children. Together with Fra Dr. Bilobrk, he committed great massacres of Serbs on June 28, 1941, Vidovdan, a Serbian national holiday.
# GUJIC, EUGEN: Catholic curate in Busovaca (Bosnia) who murdered Serbian priest Djordje Skobic. Called on all Croats to kill all Serbs west of the Drina river (in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slavonia, Krajina and Croatia)
# GUNCEVIC, Dr. JOSIP: Catholic priest and director of the High School in Brod-na -Savi (Slavonski Brod). Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# GUTIC, BLAZO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# GVOZDANOVIC, PAVLE: Catholic priest in Bjelovar. Very active Ustasha.
# GVOZDANOVIC, PETAR: Catholic priest. Participated in killings.
# HABIJANOVIC, STJEPAN: Catholic priest and an active Ustasha.
# HAILO, MATO: Catholic priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. An active Ustasha.
# HAJDUKOVIC, FILIP: Catholic canonic and active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# HAUBRIR, JOSIP: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# HERAKOVIC, JANKO: Catholic curate who tortured Serbs, including the Serbian Orthodox priest Jovo Andric, from Tepuljak. Ruthlessly terrorized Serbs to force them to convert to Catholicism.
# HERENIC, Fra HADRIJAN: Catholic priest who was an active Ustasha.
# HERMANN, Fra CASTIMIR: The guardian of the Catholic Monastery of Cutinic. Organized a concentration camp for Orthodox men and women. No one who was sent there came out alive. Decorated by fascist Ante Pavelic.
# HERMANN, Dr. FRANJO: Catholic priest who terrorized Serbs to force them to convert to Catholicism.
# HITREC, TEODOR: Catholic curate in Vrlika. He was an active Ustasha.
# HOLEVACKI, STJEPAN: Catholic priest who was an active Ustasha.
# HORDZIC, STJEPAN: Catholic priest who was a chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Very active Ustasha in Mokro Polje where hundreds of Serbs were tortured and executed.
# HRGIC, LJUBOMIR: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# HRISTIC, Prof. IVAN: Catholic cleric and professor in Sinj. Principally responsible for the deaths of 82 Serbs. On his initiative, the Serbs were thrown alive into the pit in Prolog. As a priest, he led a band of killers to the town of Vrlika where he personally participated in executions. Decorated by Pavelic.
# HRVAT, Fra ANTE: Catholic curate and monastery guardian. Active Ustasha who was decorated by Pavelic.
# HULJIC, Fra STANKO: Franciscan priest who was an active Ustasha.
# HUSNJAR, LADISLAV: Catholic priest in Bjelovar. Active Utasha.
# ILIC, Msgr. STJEPAN: Catholic priest in Cemerac. Renown in his area as a ruthless Ustasa.
# ILIJIC, IVAN: Catholic curate and active Ustasha.
# ILOVACA, Fra BORIS: Franciscan priest and custodian of the museum in Banja Luka. Active Ustasha.
# IRGOLIC, ANTUN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha who was named to the Ustasha Parliament.
# IVAR PATER, IGNJACIJE: Catholic priest who was a very active Ustasha. Decorated by Ustashi regime.
# IVAKIC, Fra PAVLE: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# IVANCIC, IVAN: Catholic priest who urged his annihilatedflock to insisted that Serbs must be .
# IVANIS, BOZIDAR: Catholic priest and a very active Ustaša.
# IVANKOVIC, Fra CIRIL: Franciscan priest in Hercegovina. Active Ustasha.
# IVANKOVIC, Fra NIKOLA: Franciscan priest who participated personally in the slaughtering of Serbs in the area of Nevesinje. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army.
# IVSIC, Dr. MILAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JAGER, IVAN: Jesuit priest and a teacher of religion in Daruvar. Active Ustasha.
# JAGODAR, MIJO: Catholic priest and captain of the Ustasha Army. Participated in the Kozara Massacre of 42,000 Serbian men, women, and children. 22,000 of the victims were children under 12 years of age. He was decorated by Pavelic.
# JAKOVIC, IVAN: Catholic priest and Ustasha activist.
# JANKOVIC, Fra JOSIP: Catholic priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Important Ustasa activist.
# JANKOVIC, STJEPAN: Catholic priest and Ustasa activist.
# JELAVIC, BONO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JELCIC, Fra ANDRIJA: Franciscan from Capljina (Hercegovina). Chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Organized Ustasha militias which he led into Serb villages in order to cleanse them of their residents. Renown for his bloody role in the masscre of Rakitin.
# JELCIC, Fra Dr. VITOMIR: Franciscan priest and dean and professor at the Catholic Theological University in Sarajevo. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by fascist Pavelic.
# JELENIC, KRSTO: Catholic priest. Personally responsible for the slaughter of 120 Serbian men, women, and children.
# JELIC, Fra MARINKO: Franciscan and Ustasha activist.
# JEMBREKOVIC, STJEPAN : Catholic priest. Director of the Jesuit High School in Zagreb. Active Ustasha.
# JERICEVIC, DON ROMANO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JERKOVIC, DON RADE: Catholic priest in Metkovic (Dalmatia). Very active Ustasha.
# JESIR, LJUDEVIT: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JESIH, PAVAO: Catholic priest and close friend of Archbishop Stepinac. Active Ustaša.
# JEZIC, ADALBERT: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JOSIC, LJUDEVIT: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# JUNGWIRT, FRANJO: Catholic priest in Tenja (near Vukovar, Slavonia). Active Ustasa. Used torture and terror to force Serbs to convert to Catholicism.
# JURCIC, Fra MARSO: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# JURENOVIC, Fra LUJO: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# JURETIC, Dr. AUGUSTIN: Franciscan priest who used terror to force Serbs into conversion to Catholicism.
# JURIC, Fra ANTE: Franciscan priest in Sokolina. An active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# JURIC, MIJO: Catholic parish priest in Plivnice. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Important Ustasa activist.
# JURICEV, ANTE: Catholic priest and very active Ustasha.
# JURICEV, Fra DIONIZIJE: Franciscan priest who headed the Croatian Catholic Office for Conversions. He promised Ante Pavelic in 1941 that he would have one million Serbs converted to Catholicism within a year and that by that time there Would be no more Serbs living in The Independent State of Croatia.
# JURICIC, IVO: Catholic curate in Kreševo (Bosnia). Active Ustasa who was decorated Pavelic.
# JURISIC, JURE: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
# JURISIC, NIKOLA: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JURKOVIC, Dr. IGNJACIJE: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# JURKOVIC, JULIJAN: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KADIJIC, Don STANKO: Catholic priest in Zelevica-Orije who preached from the pulpit that all Serbs in The Independent State of Croatia must be annihilated.
# KALAJ, Dr. JANKO: Catholic priest. Very active Ustasha.
# KALAJDZIC, JOSIP: Catholic priest from Varazdin who was a very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KALAJDZIC, ZIVKO: Catholic curate and very active Ustasha.
# KAMARIC, Fra DRAGO: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# KAMBER, Dr. DRAGUTIN: Catholic priest and Ustaša chief of police in Doboj, Bosnia. Praised the greatness of Hitler's Germany both in writing and speech. Personally participated in mass executions of Serbs along with Muslim lawyer Omer Muftic. His sermons condemning Serbs were repeatedly published in Croatian publications such as 'Catholic Weekly,' 'Novi List,' 'Vrhbosna,' and 'Croatian Thought.' His articles calling for the annihilation of Serbs from the Independent State of Croatia appeared in every Roman Catholic publication in Croatla.
# KAMTLO, PETAR: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KARAHAN, SIME: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KANOTI, MIHOVIL: Catholic curate. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Ustaša regime.
# KAPURSO, KARL: Catholic priest. Secretary of The Office of Croatian Bishops. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KARADJORE, Fra PIJO: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# KARGACIN, VLADIMIR: Catholic cleric and professor. Considered a Croatian intellectual in his time. Participated in the muder of Serb Orthodox priests in the vicinity of Gospic, Lika. As a professor, he trained high school boys and organized them into killing squads that roamed Serb villages in Lika, indiscriminantly killing hundreds of Serb men, women, and children.
# KARIN, KARLO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KATIC, Dr. LOVRO: Catholic priest and professor who promoted hatred of the Serbs. Active Ustasha.
# KAURINOVIC, Msgr. JOSIP: Catholic priest in Prijedor, Bosnia. Special representative of His Holiness the Pope Pius XII. Personally participated in the mass killings of Serb men, women and children. Preferred killing Serbs to expelling them. He insisted that they could, conceivably return some day to their homes. He ordered the arrest, torture and murder of Serb Orthodox priests from the Kozara area in Bosnia. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KERIC, Fra VLADIMIR: Franciscan priest. Active Ustasha.
# KILENDAR, PAVAO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KLAPSIC, JOSIP: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KLARIC, Fra ANTE: Franciscan priest in Tramosnjica (Bosnia) who personally slaughtered a number of Serbs. He exclaimed that there were 'better' methods of killing than with guns and bullets. He preached directly from the pulpit that 'We don't have enough arms or knives, but we should make knives out of old scythes and sickles so that whenever we see a Serb, we can slay him.' Responsible for the deaths of about 3,000 Serbs in Donja Slatina, Gornja Slatina, Brcko, and the surrounding Serbian villages of Bosnian Posavina.
# KLARIC, Dr. MARKO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KLARIC, TEPELJUK: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KLEMEN, KRESO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KLOBIC, FRANJO: Catholic priest in Andrijevci, Eastern Slavonia. Active Ustasha.
# KNEZOVIC, Fra Dr. OTON: Franciscan priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Important Ustaša activist.
# KOCSIS, STJEPAN: Catholic curate from Bosanski Brod, Bosnia. Active Ustaša.
# KOLARER, Dr. NIROLA: Catholic priest and very active Ustasha.
# KOLARIC, MIHOVIL: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KOLB, BORIS: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KOLB, RAMILO: Franciscan who forcefully converted Serbs. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KONJEVOD, LOVRO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KONJEVOD, Don MARKO: Catholic priest in Prenje-Stolac (Hercegovina) who personally participated in the mass killings of Serbs. A very active Ustasha with a bloody repertoire.
# KONZUL, JULIJE: Catholic priest in Mostar, Hercegovina. Chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Very active Ustasha.
# KORDIC, MIRKO: Catholic curate in Supetarska Draga. Active Ustasha.
# KOVACEVIC, FIRMUS: Franciscan priest from Virovitica, West Slavonia. Very active Ustasha.
# KOVACIC, PETAR: Catholic curate of St. Obitelj. Active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KOZINA, ANTE: Catholic priest from Derventa (Bosnia) and active Ustasha.
# KOZINOVIC, MIRON: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KOZUL, Fra JULIJE: Franciscan priest and active Ustaša.
# KRAJACIC, ILIJA: Catholic priest from Krizevci, Zagorje. A very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KRAJNOVIC, EMANUEL: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KRALIK, FRANJO: Catholic priest and chief-editor of the Catholic magazine 'Katolicki Tjednik' through which he propagated an unrelenting hatred of the Serbs. In his writings, he insisted that Croatia could not be cleansed of Serbs in a 'nice way' and added: 'Pope Gregory VII didn't clean up the Catholic Church in some nice way, but with force.'
# KRALJ, AUGUSTIN: A Catholic preacher who terrorized Serbs to force them to convert to Catholicism. He ordered a Serb girl to be publicly impaled because she refused to convert.
# KRANJCEC, Dr. MATIJA: Catholic priest from Ozalj. An active Ustasha.
# KRCMAR, FERDO: A Catholic curate and dean in Lepoglava who was a very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KRECAR, DJURO: Catholic curate in Dubrovnik and an active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KRESIR, MARTIN: Catholic curate in Rotimlje. A very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KRISIC, JOZO: Franciscan priest and a very active Ustasha.
# KRIST, JAKOV: Catholic priest in Osijek. An active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KRISTEK, VENDELIN: Catholic curate from Djakovo. Active in the Ustaša terrorist branch.
# KRIVOSIC, STJEPAN: Catholic student of theology. Active Ustasha.
# KRODER, HINKO: Catholic curate and active Ustasha.
# KROFLIN, DJURO: Catholic priest who used terror and torture to force Serbs into converting.
# KRZANIC, Fra Dr. KRSTO: Franciscan priest and professor in Sinj, Lika. An active Ustasha.
# KUKUCMANIC STJEPAN: Catholic priest in Ramensko and a dean who personally participated in the mass slaughter of Serbs. He was very close to Archbishop Stepinac and worked under his directives. He followed precisely the orders of 'The Council of Three' headed by Stepinac.
# KUDRIC, ALFONZ: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KUHAR, IVAN: Catholic priest in Pecanj. An active Ustasha.
# KUKINA, EUGEN: Catholic guardian in Trsten. A very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# KUKOLJA, DRAGUTIN: Catholic priest in Ogulin. Personally participated in mass slaughters of Serbs.
# KURKOLJA, Dr. STJEPAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KVAS, R.: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# KVINTUS, IVAN: Catholic priest and professor. Very active Ustasha.
# LACIC, ANTUN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# LACKOVIC, Dr. STJEPAN: Catholic priest and close friend of Archbishop Stepinac. Very active Ustasha.
# LACR, Dr. JOSIP: General Vicar-Bishop and Croat contact with the Vatican concerning the forced conversion of Serbs to Catholicism. Instructed in his circular of September 26, 1941 that 'the soul-saving clergy perform the religious conversions as fast as possible and without delay.' A member of 'The Archbishopric Spiritual Board' in Zagreb. Worked closely with Archbishop Stepinac. A very active Ustasha.
# LASIC, Fra DIONIZIJE: Franciscan priest who was assigned to confiscate the property of the Serb Orthodox Church in Crkveni Bok and transform the building into a Catholic church. Used terror and torture against surviving Serbs to force them to convert to Catholicism.
# LATINAC, METOD: Franciscan priest and terrorist. A very active Ustasha.
# LAZICRI, IVAN: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# LEOPOLD, KARLO: The chief of the Jesuit Monastery in Sljeme, near Zagreb. Active Ustasha.
# LEPES, DANIEL: Catholic canonic from Trsten. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# LIBERNJAK, Fra BERNARDIN: Franciscan priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. An active Ustasha.
# LIRO, DEZIDERIJE: Catholic priest and Ustaša activist with a bloody history.
# LIPOVAC, Dr. PRANJO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# LIPOVAC, Fra ZVONKO: Official Catholic priest for the death camp in Jasenovac, where he personally participated in the mass slaughters of thousands of Serbs. Member of the 'Brotherhood of St. Francis.' Assistant to Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, commander of Jasenovac death camp. Decorated by Pavelic for his devotion to the Ustaši cause.
# LISICA, Fra CIPRIJAN: Franciscan priest who was an active Ustasha.
# LIVAJUSIC, Fra MATRO: Franciscan priest who was an active Ustasha.
# LIZATOVIC, ANTE: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# LJUBETIC, FRANJO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# LONCAR, Fra SLOBODAN: Franciscan who was a very active Ustasha.
# LONCARIC, Fra Dr. ANTE: Catholic priest and professor of theology as well as a chaplain in the Ustasha Army. Member of the Ustasha Parliament. Very active Ustasha. Twice decorated by Pavelic.
# LONCARIC, Dr. JOSIP: Catholic curate of St. Peter in Zagreb. An active Ustasha and close collaborator of Archbishop Stepinac. Decorated by Pavelic.
# LOVRENCIC, LEO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# LOVRIC, Fra VJENCESLAV: Franciscan and very active Ustasha in the area of Šibenik, Dalmatia.
# LUBURIC, SLAVKO: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# LURAC, KARLO: Catholic priest from Gradina who led the massacres of Serbs in the area.
# LURIC, STJEPAN: Catholic curate and assistant commander of the Croat concentration camp at Zepce.
# LUTIC, Fra MLADEN: Guardian of the monastery of Sit in the county of Prozor in Western Hercegovina. Preached against the Serbs, insisting that they had to be eliminated from The Independent State of Croatia and all their property confiscated. Very active Ustasha.
# MACH, Fra BORIVOJE: Franciscan priest in Vidosa. Very active Ustasha.
# MADJEREC, Msgr. Dr. JURAJ: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# MAGAS, LJUBO: Catholic priest in Kolan-Barbat (Island of Pag). He participated in the slaughtering of Serbs in the Croatian concentration camp on Slano on the Island of Pag. A very active Ustasha.
# MAHALIC, IVAN: Catholic priest and chaplain in the Ustasha Army. An active Ustasha.
# MAJER, Dr. EMIL: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# MAJIC, ANDRIJA: Catholic priest and active Ustasha.
# MAJIC, Don ILIJA: Catholic priest from Duvno, Hercegovina. Participated personally in the slaughter of Serbs in Capljina.
# MAJIC, LJUBO: A Jesuit from Travnik (Bosnia) who was, after Maks Luburic, the single most brutal killer in Jasenovac. He participated in the killings of thousands of Serbs.
# MAJIC, MARIJAN: Catholic priest who was a very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# MAJIC, MIJO: Catholic curate in Mostar. Very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# MAJSTOROVIC, Fra SRECKO: Guardian of the Zagreb monastery across from the capitol. He terrorized Serbs into conversion. After the war, he insisted to have simply followed the directives given to him by Archbishop Stepinac.
# MAJSTOROVIC, VINKO: Catholic priest and very active Ustasha.
# MANDAC, JOVAN: Catholic priest and an active Ustasha.
# MANDARIC, DON FILIP: Catholic priest in Lovrec-Cisti. Personally participated in the slaughering of Serbs. A brutal Ustaša who was decorated by Pavelic.
# MANDIC, Dr. DOMINIK: Catholic priest and a very active Ustaša activist who helped forge travel documents for Nazi war criminals fleeing via the Ratlines after the end of the war. Later accused by the Vatican of embezzlement.
# MARETIC, FERDO: Catholic curate in Stara Gradiška. A very active Ustasha. Decorated by Pavelic.
# MARGETIC, MAMERTO: Franciscan priest who was a close friend of Archbishop Stepinac.
# MARGETIC, VLADIMIR: Catholic priest. Active Ustasha.
# MARIC, Dr. DJURO: Catholic priest and active terrorist. Terrorized Serbs into conversion to the point of even using physical torture.
# MARIJANOVIC, Fra MARKO: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha. Chaplain in the Ustaša Army in Djakovo.
# MARJANOVIC, DRAGUTIN: Catholic priest and chaplain in Slavonski Brod (Slavonia) whose bloody reputation was renown. Participated in the slaughter of hundreds of Serbs.
# MARJANOVIC, JAKOB: Catholic priest who, together mgr. Petar Sivjanovic, organized the killing of over 500 Serbs in Grubisno Polje, Slavonia.
# MARKOVIC, IVAN: Catholic priest and chaplain who participated in massacres of Serbs. Argued that killing was prefered to converting the Orthodox Serbs because of the risk of return to Orthodoxy.
# MARKOVIC, JOSIP: Catholic catechist and active Ustasha.
# MARKOVIC, Dr. TOMO: Catholic priest in Sarajevo. Active Ustasha who was decorated Pavelic.
# MARKOVIC, DR. ZVONIMIR: Croatian canonic and active Ustasha.
# MARTINAC, JOSIP: Catholic priest in Vocin (Kordun) who used terror and torture to force Serbs to convert. Murdered all those who objected to conversion. Decorated by Pavelic.
# MARTINAC, Fra PASRO: Franciscan priest and curate from Vocin, Kordun. Active Ustasha.
# MARTINCIC, MODESTO: Catholic priest who was very close to Archbishop Stepinac. Active Ustasha.
# MASIC, DIONIZIJE: Franciscan priest and active Ustasha.
.. torej, ce se enemu cloveku od par tisocih strga je za to treba seveda preganjati celo nacijo. Seveda, ce pa je moriles katoliske vere je pa seveda samo nepristeven in se ga da v norisnico.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gandalfar ()

cirecire ::
SARAJEVO - Tužilaštvo BiH dobiloje informacije o odlasku mladića iz BiH na ratišta u Irak, Avganistan i Čečeniju, izjavio je u petak Marinko Jurčević, glavni državni tužilac.
" Mi ne možemo kontrolisati ko i gdje putuje, ali imamo informacije da postoje organizacije koje organizuju odlazak mladih ljudi iz BiH na ratišta u Irak, Avganistan ili Čečeniju", objasnio je Jurčević.
Izvor blizak međunarodnim stabilizacijskim snagama u BiH, kazao je kako mladići iz BiH, uglavnom pripadnici radikalnog islamskog pokreta Vehabija, odlaze na ratišta u Iraku, Avganistanu i Čečeniji. Njihov odlazak organizuje nekoliko organizacija povezanih u neformalno udruženje za koje sumnjaju da je povezano sa mrežom Al Kaida.
Posredstvom jedne od ovih organizacija na ratište u Čečeniju 2000. godine otišao je i Almir Tahirović iz Novog Travnika. Na jednom od ratišta u Čečeniji poginuo je u martu 2000. godine. Njegova majka Fatima kazala nam je da ne zna ko je organizovao odlazak njenog sina na ratište u Čečeniji.
"Moj sin je bio jedinac i znao je da mu ne bih nikad dopustila da ode u rat. Rekao nam je da odlazi na školovanje u Tursku. Kada je poginuo, saznali smo da je dobrovoljno otišao da se bori u Čečeniju", dodala je Fatima Tahirović.
U martu 2002. godine Federalni MUP je u prostorijama humanitarne organizacije Bosanska idealna futura (BIF) na CD-u otkrio skenirano pismo koje je svojeručno napisao šef Al Kaide Osama bin Laden, potvrdilo je nekoliko članova tadašnjeg Državnog antiterorističkog tima.
Direktor ove organizacije bio je Munib Zahiragić, bivši službenik Agencije za informisanje i dokumentaciju (AID). Krajem juna prošle godine osuđen je na dvije godine zatvora zbog odavanja službene tajne. Zahiragić je bio optužen da je od septembra 1996. do juna 2000. godine iz AID-a iznosio tajne dokumente i odavao povjerljive informacije Sirijcu Enamu Arnautu, direktoru Benevolencia internacional fond (BIF). Arnaut je u SAD-u, zbog sumnje da je pomoću BIF-a finansirao Al Kaidu i druge militantne grupe u svijetu, osuđen na 12 godina zatvora.
U informaciji koju je zaplijenio FMUP stoji da je Bin Laden pismom Ernauta ovlastio da potpisuje dokumente u njegovo ime.
"Znam za tu informaciju, ona je korištena u sudskom procesu koji se vodio u SAD i u kojem je Ernaut osuđen za pomaganje Al Kaidi. Ona je vraćena vlastima BiH", kaže jedan od bivših članova Državnog antiterorističkog tima.
Ivica Mišić, tadašnji prvi čovjek Državnog antiterorističkog tima, rekao je u petak da su bh. vlasti raspolagale s obimnom dokumentacijom te da se ne može sjetiti svakog dokumenta.
Bh. vlasti su na CD-ovima, zaplijenjenim u prostorijama BIF-a u Sarajevu, otkrile i organizacionu kartu borbene grupe na čijem čelu je bio Bin Laden, zapisnike sa sastanaka na kojima je 1988. godine uspostavljana Al Kaida u Avganistanu.
Istragu bi moglo tražiti i Predsjedništvo BiH
"Predsjedništvo BiH može na osnovu novinskih napisa zatražiti informacije od nadležnih organa o odlasku mladića iz BiH na ratišta u Irak, Avganistan i Čečeniju. Ne mogu decidno odgovoriti da li će to i biti urađeno jer je naredna sjednica tek sljedeće sedmice", kazao je u petak Edin Dilberović, savjetnik Sulejmana Tihića, člana Predsjedništva BiH.
Razlozi hapšenja bosanskih studenata u Makedoniji
Makedonske službe sigurnosti u februaru 2002. godine u Skoplju su pritvorile dvojicu bosanskih državljana Sefera Asima i Omera Avdibašića kod kojih su pronašli četiri diska sa oko 10.000 stranica materijala "koji bi mogao biti interesantan u borbi protiv globalnog terorizma", potvtđeno je u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova BiH.
Uhapšeni bh. državljani su studirali u Amanu, glavnom gradu Jordana.
"Naša ambasada u Skoplju obavijestila nas je o privođenju naših državljana. Oni su zadržani 24 sata i pušteni. To je sve što znam", kazala je Sanja Vidović iz Ureda portparola MVP-a.
" Mi ne možemo kontrolisati ko i gdje putuje, ali imamo informacije da postoje organizacije koje organizuju odlazak mladih ljudi iz BiH na ratišta u Irak, Avganistan ili Čečeniju", objasnio je Jurčević.
Izvor blizak međunarodnim stabilizacijskim snagama u BiH, kazao je kako mladići iz BiH, uglavnom pripadnici radikalnog islamskog pokreta Vehabija, odlaze na ratišta u Iraku, Avganistanu i Čečeniji. Njihov odlazak organizuje nekoliko organizacija povezanih u neformalno udruženje za koje sumnjaju da je povezano sa mrežom Al Kaida.
Posredstvom jedne od ovih organizacija na ratište u Čečeniju 2000. godine otišao je i Almir Tahirović iz Novog Travnika. Na jednom od ratišta u Čečeniji poginuo je u martu 2000. godine. Njegova majka Fatima kazala nam je da ne zna ko je organizovao odlazak njenog sina na ratište u Čečeniji.
"Moj sin je bio jedinac i znao je da mu ne bih nikad dopustila da ode u rat. Rekao nam je da odlazi na školovanje u Tursku. Kada je poginuo, saznali smo da je dobrovoljno otišao da se bori u Čečeniju", dodala je Fatima Tahirović.
U martu 2002. godine Federalni MUP je u prostorijama humanitarne organizacije Bosanska idealna futura (BIF) na CD-u otkrio skenirano pismo koje je svojeručno napisao šef Al Kaide Osama bin Laden, potvrdilo je nekoliko članova tadašnjeg Državnog antiterorističkog tima.
Direktor ove organizacije bio je Munib Zahiragić, bivši službenik Agencije za informisanje i dokumentaciju (AID). Krajem juna prošle godine osuđen je na dvije godine zatvora zbog odavanja službene tajne. Zahiragić je bio optužen da je od septembra 1996. do juna 2000. godine iz AID-a iznosio tajne dokumente i odavao povjerljive informacije Sirijcu Enamu Arnautu, direktoru Benevolencia internacional fond (BIF). Arnaut je u SAD-u, zbog sumnje da je pomoću BIF-a finansirao Al Kaidu i druge militantne grupe u svijetu, osuđen na 12 godina zatvora.
U informaciji koju je zaplijenio FMUP stoji da je Bin Laden pismom Ernauta ovlastio da potpisuje dokumente u njegovo ime.
"Znam za tu informaciju, ona je korištena u sudskom procesu koji se vodio u SAD i u kojem je Ernaut osuđen za pomaganje Al Kaidi. Ona je vraćena vlastima BiH", kaže jedan od bivših članova Državnog antiterorističkog tima.
Ivica Mišić, tadašnji prvi čovjek Državnog antiterorističkog tima, rekao je u petak da su bh. vlasti raspolagale s obimnom dokumentacijom te da se ne može sjetiti svakog dokumenta.
Bh. vlasti su na CD-ovima, zaplijenjenim u prostorijama BIF-a u Sarajevu, otkrile i organizacionu kartu borbene grupe na čijem čelu je bio Bin Laden, zapisnike sa sastanaka na kojima je 1988. godine uspostavljana Al Kaida u Avganistanu.
Istragu bi moglo tražiti i Predsjedništvo BiH
"Predsjedništvo BiH može na osnovu novinskih napisa zatražiti informacije od nadležnih organa o odlasku mladića iz BiH na ratišta u Irak, Avganistan i Čečeniju. Ne mogu decidno odgovoriti da li će to i biti urađeno jer je naredna sjednica tek sljedeće sedmice", kazao je u petak Edin Dilberović, savjetnik Sulejmana Tihića, člana Predsjedništva BiH.
Razlozi hapšenja bosanskih studenata u Makedoniji
Makedonske službe sigurnosti u februaru 2002. godine u Skoplju su pritvorile dvojicu bosanskih državljana Sefera Asima i Omera Avdibašića kod kojih su pronašli četiri diska sa oko 10.000 stranica materijala "koji bi mogao biti interesantan u borbi protiv globalnog terorizma", potvtđeno je u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova BiH.
Uhapšeni bh. državljani su studirali u Amanu, glavnom gradu Jordana.
"Naša ambasada u Skoplju obavijestila nas je o privođenju naših državljana. Oni su zadržani 24 sata i pušteni. To je sve što znam", kazala je Sanja Vidović iz Ureda portparola MVP-a.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: cirecire ()

jetam ::
To, da mufti zbira denar v S. Arabiji, je pa kvečjemu SRAMOTA ZA SLOVENIJO, ki ni sposobna zagotoviti denarja za eno samo samcato dažmijo.
Hm pa iz kje ti vleces te neumnosti Mici? Se ce pises v afektu, ni opravicila za takele in podobne bedarije.
Error on line: Object of type SIGNATURE expected
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jetam ()

Thomas ::
Nihče ne "preganja celega naroda". Razen če ti smatraš, da je nasprotovanje Islamskemu centru, zgrajenemu z denarjem Saudijcev preganjanje celega naroda.
Kar je pa precejšnje pretiravanje, se ti ne zdi? Več kot pretiravanje.
Nihče ne "preganja celega naroda". Razen če ti smatraš, da je nasprotovanje Islamskemu centru, zgrajenemu z denarjem Saudijcev preganjanje celega naroda.
Kar je pa precejšnje pretiravanje, se ti ne zdi? Več kot pretiravanje.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Gandalfar ::
Thomas: seveda gre za preganjane celega naroda, ce je glavni argument to, da ko bodo imeli islamski center jih bo vec in mi jih nocemo met tukaj.

MrStein ::
Za nestrpneže :
Čudno , v Evropi, kjer je polno džamij, se take stvari (omenjeni zločini) ne dogajajo. Hej, mogoče pa vzrok ni v veri ampak v čem drugem ? Mogoče nedavna krvava vojna v BiH ?
"Če bodo dobili dovoljenje in če đamija bo zgrajena v LJ ste slisali kaksni nameni so v naprej? .. VEČ VEČ VEČ"
Po tej logiki v trgovini ne bi smeli plačat, ker potem bi trgovec hotel več in več in več...
"Ne razumem pa da je do zdaj zadeva bila sprejemljiva zdaj pa kr naenkrat hočejo đamijo?"
Zahteva po džamiji je stara, ne se prosim zdaj neumne delat !
"...Slovenci smo uradno katoliki in ne s taksnimi posti ven hodit da ce ne rabimo đamije da pol cerkva tut ne rabimo..."
Vere so v RS enakopravne, če pa si navajen na kaki Pakistan, ti priporočam, da se čim prej aklimatiziraš in prebereš vsaj Ustavo RS. Če pa ti je težko najti kaki izvod, pa ti bom kar citiral :
7. člen
Država in verske skupnosti so ločene.
Verske skupnosti so enakopravne; njihovo delovanje je svobodno.
Če pa komu to ne paše , pa lahko kadarkoli reče svojemu izvoljenemu predstavniku v državnem zboru, naj poda predlog za spremembo ustave. Ne pa da zdaj izmišljujejo razloge za nespoštovanje ustave ali se kako drugače neumne naredijo...
Čudno , v Evropi, kjer je polno džamij, se take stvari (omenjeni zločini) ne dogajajo. Hej, mogoče pa vzrok ni v veri ampak v čem drugem ? Mogoče nedavna krvava vojna v BiH ?
"Če bodo dobili dovoljenje in če đamija bo zgrajena v LJ ste slisali kaksni nameni so v naprej? .. VEČ VEČ VEČ"
Po tej logiki v trgovini ne bi smeli plačat, ker potem bi trgovec hotel več in več in več...
"Ne razumem pa da je do zdaj zadeva bila sprejemljiva zdaj pa kr naenkrat hočejo đamijo?"
Zahteva po džamiji je stara, ne se prosim zdaj neumne delat !
"...Slovenci smo uradno katoliki in ne s taksnimi posti ven hodit da ce ne rabimo đamije da pol cerkva tut ne rabimo..."
Vere so v RS enakopravne, če pa si navajen na kaki Pakistan, ti priporočam, da se čim prej aklimatiziraš in prebereš vsaj Ustavo RS. Če pa ti je težko najti kaki izvod, pa ti bom kar citiral :
7. člen
Država in verske skupnosti so ločene.
Verske skupnosti so enakopravne; njihovo delovanje je svobodno.
Če pa komu to ne paše , pa lahko kadarkoli reče svojemu izvoljenemu predstavniku v državnem zboru, naj poda predlog za spremembo ustave. Ne pa da zdaj izmišljujejo razloge za nespoštovanje ustave ali se kako drugače neumne naredijo...

cirecire ::
Mogoče boš pa spremenil mišljenje ko bodo Wahhabiji na cesti pred islamskim centrom na Viču pretepli tvojo punco ali pa sestro, ker ne bo hotela imeti rute na glavi. To so že večkrat storili v Sarajevu.
Kdaj pa bodo Wahhabiji, ki so dali muftiju denar za islamski center priznavali ločitev cerkve od države v Sloveniji?
Mogoče boš pa spremenil mišljenje ko bodo Wahhabiji na cesti pred islamskim centrom na Viču pretepli tvojo punco ali pa sestro, ker ne bo hotela imeti rute na glavi. To so že večkrat storili v Sarajevu.
Kdaj pa bodo Wahhabiji, ki so dali muftiju denar za islamski center priznavali ločitev cerkve od države v Sloveniji?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: cirecire ()

DavidJ ::
Mogoče boš pa spremenil mišljenje ko bodo Wahhabiji na cesti pred islamskim centrom na Viču pretepli tvojo punco ali pa sestro, ker ne bo hotela imeti rute na glavi. To so že večkrat storili v Sarajevu.
Zaradi takšnih dejanj bodo odgovarjali sodišču.
Zaradi takšnih dejanj bodo odgovarjali sodišču.
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

Thomas ::
> Kdaj pa bodo Wahhabiji, ki so dali muftiju denar za islamski center priznavali ločitev cerkve od države v Sloveniji?
Nikoli, sej veš. Zato tudi ne bodo dobili islamskega centra. Simpl.
Nikoli, sej veš. Zato tudi ne bodo dobili islamskega centra. Simpl.

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

perci ::
Hehe, Thomas - slovenski muslimani bodo dobili džamijo, ne glede na to, da tebi in ostalim nestrpnežem to ne paše. Gremo stavit?

cirecire ::
> slovenski muslimani bodo dobili džamijo, ne glede na to, da tebi in ostalim nestrpnežem
to ne paše. Gremo stavit?
....In nato pretepali Slovenke, ker ne bodo hotele nosit ferdže na glavi.
to ne paše. Gremo stavit?
....In nato pretepali Slovenke, ker ne bodo hotele nosit ferdže na glavi.

cirecire ::
" Da tebe ni (iracionalno) strah?"
Najbolj me je strah tistih, Ki gledate samo POP tv in ne veste niti kaj se dogaja 100 km vzhodno v Sarajevu!?
Najbolj me je strah tistih, Ki gledate samo POP tv in ne veste niti kaj se dogaja 100 km vzhodno v Sarajevu!?

Gandalfar ::
cirecire: no, zdej mi pa povej kaj se dogaja v nemciji .. saj tam je nas cilj? Sicer pa glede na seznam, ki sem ga dal gor in je enakovreden tvojim zgodbicam bi me sedaj moral grabiti smrtni strah pred katolicani.

Thomas ::
Verjetno so pripadniki katerekoli dovolj množične ideologije naredili zločine v imenu svojega prepričanja.
Da bi zdaj prepovedali vse ... bi morali prepovedati tudi rdeči križ oziroma vse karitativne dejavnosti, ker tudi v njihovem imenu je najbrž kakšen umor že bil storjen.
Tukaj nimamo takšnega razmišljanja in odločanja. Tukaj razmišljamo, če lahko Wahhabiti financirajo Islamski center, Wahhabitski center. Ker oni še vedno podpirajo Bin Ladna, vse njegove pretekle in prihodnje zločine.
A to mogoče ni res? Resno vprašam.
Da bi zdaj prepovedali vse ... bi morali prepovedati tudi rdeči križ oziroma vse karitativne dejavnosti, ker tudi v njihovem imenu je najbrž kakšen umor že bil storjen.
Tukaj nimamo takšnega razmišljanja in odločanja. Tukaj razmišljamo, če lahko Wahhabiti financirajo Islamski center, Wahhabitski center. Ker oni še vedno podpirajo Bin Ladna, vse njegove pretekle in prihodnje zločine.
A to mogoče ni res? Resno vprašam.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Prispevki za gradnjo džamije (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )Oddelek: Loža | 52744 (49068) | Ziga Dolhar |
» | ĐAMIJA (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 10 11 12 13 )Oddelek: Loža | 32525 (24491) | KaiV6 |
» | Džamija v lj na cesti dveh cesarjev (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )Oddelek: Loža | 17450 (12993) | Daedalus |
» | referendum (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 36795 (35290) | Gr0unD Zer0 |
⊘ | B16 užalil muslimane (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 10 11 12 13 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 30084 (23560) | kuglvinkl |