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B16 užalil muslimane

B16 užalil muslimane

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Barakuda1 ::

NE govoriti da lahko prilepiš citate.

Seveda lahko. Sem jih že. In to ne enega ali deset.
Ne bom jih vsakič, ko se nekomu ne lub mal pobrskat po prejšnjih podobnih temah.

nevone ::

>He-he, pa niti slučajno po zaslugi kakšnega verskega veljaka.

To sploh ni tako važno. Do spremembe JE prišlo.

Sploh pa krščanstvo danes je krščanstvo danes. Islam danes je islam danes. To dvoje se primerja.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Bistri007 ::

Islam je bil daleč pod moralo tedanjih Arabcev. Samo preberi iz Korana, kako se zgražajo nad dejanji Mohameda.

Tabari VII:133/Ishaq:387 “When Muhammad saw Hamzah he said, ‘If Allah gives me victory over the Quraysh at any time, I shall mutilate thirty of their men!’ When the Muslims saw the rage of the Prophet they said, ‘By Allah, if we are victorious over them, we shall mutilate them in a way which no Arab has ever mutilated anybody.”

Ja, Mohamed je z Islamom pokvaril Arabce: we shall mutilate them in a way which no Arab has ever mutilated anybody.

>Poldi112: "Jaz se jim ne klanjam. Tudi osebno mi njihova vera ni všeč. Ampak zaničujem je pa ne! In izjava da ni nič pametnega naredil je pač neresnična in za papeža tudi neprimerna (česar se glede na opravičilo zaveda tudi sam)."
Poldi, ti poznaš premalo islama. Preberi si Islam in Muhammad's Own Words, pa boš potem komentiral.

Barakuda1>Oboji imajo skupen izvor in jasno tudi skupne temeljne verske postulate.
Kako je pet stebrov islama povezanih z 10 Božjimi zapovedmi ali z dvema Jezusovima??? Ne deset Božjih zapovedi, ne Jezusovi zapovedi, da naj ljubimo Boga in bližnjega nista niti omenjeni v Koranu. Kako tole? Muslimani odgovorajajo, da so Judje in kristjani ponaredili svoje svete spise. 8-O Pa ja...

Barakuda1>Bo potrebno ločit religijo od nestrpnosti posameznikov, ki religijo zlorabljajo, sicer bomo v večnem začaranem krogu.
Mohamed si je izmislil Islam, da bi izkoriščal ljudi. Zakaj pa misliš, da je hodil na "Ghazwa" oziroma pošiljal druge na al-Maghazi??? Zaradi bojnega plena, vštevši mledih sexy suženj... :\

Barakuda1>A hočeš reči, da je protestantizem napreden, katolicizem pa ne.
Pred protestantizmom niso ljudje doma sami brali in molili. Nepismen človek ne more imeti pristnega odnosa z Bogom, če gre enkrat na teden poslušati neko govorjenje v tujem jeziku (latinščini)... Današnji katolicizem upošteva te kritike: ljudje berejo sami Sv. Pismo in imajo maše v jeziku, ki ga razumejo...
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...

Luka Percic ::

Seveda lahko. Sem jih že. In to ne enega ali deset. Ne bom jih vsakič, ko se nekomu ne lub mal pobrskat po prejšnjih podobnih temah.

Vem da si v preteklosti že precej nalepil(nekoč se m nekaj bral), ampak če rečeš da lahko veliko citatov prilepiš, bi mogoče vsaj kakšen link do prejšnjih postov zrihtal. Saj verjameš da jih boš ti 3x prej našel kot kdo drug tvoje?
Pod kaj pa naj iščemo?
(da neboš mislil da sem prjudiciral da ti verjamem ali ne.)

kunigunda ::

Bistri v bibliji je 10x vec klanja (ala samuel 15:3, 15:8, ali pa Hosea 13:8 13:16 ipd). Potemtakem je krscanstvo bolj teroristicno kot pa islam

Poldi112 ::

Evo klemen, samo zate:

Tisti prerok ali tisti sanjavec sanj pa mora umreti, ker je nagovarjal k odpadu od GOSPODA, vašega Boga, ki vas je izpeljal iz egiptovske dežele in te odkupil iz hiše sužnosti. Hotel te je odvrniti s poti, po kateri ti je GOSPOD, tvoj Bog, zapovedal hoditi; tako boš iztrebil zlo iz svoje srede.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Barakuda1 ::

Nevone :)

saj se deloma s tabo strinjam.
Toda, ko govorimo o krščanstvu (tudi danes) in ga primerjamo z islamom, je pošteno da primerjaš skrajni klerikalizem krščanstva z islamskim fundametalizmom in obratno.

Če pogledaš naprimer Turčijo, boš pa lahko opazila, da kljub pretežno islamski veroizpovedi prebivalstva, nimamo opravka z enako radikalnim (fundamentalističnim) islamom kot kje drugje.

Je pa nerodno, če primerjaš zmerno strujo enih, s skrajneži drugih. Pride do popačene optike. samo na to opozarjam in nič drugega.

V tej luči osvetli tudi svojo trditev

To sploh ni tako važno. Do spremembe JE prišlo.

Če to sploh ni važno, potem se je islam že tudi transformiral. Turčija je dokaz za to.
Ali boš sedaj zanikala lastno trditev ;)

Bistri007 ::

Barakuda: glede nasilnosti Biblije in kristjanov:

In the Torah, Yahweh asked the Israelites to kill once, as well. He told
Moses and Joshua to remove those poisoned by the Canaanite religion from
the land. They were like Muhammad’s Muslims: immoral, terrorizing, plundering,
enslaving, and murdering. Their religion was as corrupt as Islam—
equally demonic. Yahweh recognized it was more compassionate to
exterminate some Canaanites than it was to allow them to seduce millions.
He made the right call, but the Jews failed to execute his order.
Let’s consider Yahweh’s moral justification for fighting. Imagine that you
were God and knew the thousand people most responsible for the September
11th suicide bombings. You know that they have been poisoned to believe that
mass murder is a service to you. Left alone, they will corrupt and murder
thousands. Would you kill them before they perpetrated these crimes or
would you let them go ahead?
Now move back in time to the dawn of the 20th century. As usual, the
world is full of bad people and bad ideas, but two doctrines are especially
lethal—Communism and Nazism. Because you’ve read their manifestoes and
have maneuvered in time, you know what is going to happen. Within their
first three decades, these dictatorial, intolerant, and violent dogmas will lead
directly to the annihilation of over fifty million people and to the indoctrination
of a billion more. Given the opportunity, would you exterminate a few
thousand aspiring Communists and Nazis to save the lives of the fifty million
their regimes butchered? Would you do it to save a billion people from being
forced into submission—forced to live in civil, religious, intellectual, and economic
poverty? Would you do it to keep them from growing strong enough
to kill you, your neighbors, and your children? What is the most moral, just,
and compassionate choice?
Perhaps now you know why Yahweh ordered his people to slay the practitioners
of a doctrine virtually identical to Islam. But don’t get carried away.
His last command to kill was 3,200 years ago. His command wasn’t open
ended. It was directed at a specific group of people, in a specific time and specific
place. Apart from self defense, that’s the end of the story.
So, when you hear Muslims defend their violent doctrine, saying that the
Bible is equally warlike, you’ll know the truth. Yahweh asked once. He
identified the reason and the people. The order wasn’t open ended, either.
And, even if it were, there are no Canaanites to kick around.

What’s more, the Jews were expressly forbidden from taking a spoil.
When the walls of Jericho fell, its storehouses remained filled. Children were
not sent off into slavery; women were not raped as if they were booty.
Judeo-Christian scriptures have to be corrupted to inspire such horrible acts.
Allah, by contrast, gave Muslims hundreds of commands to kill. His
orders were open ended—surviving throughout time. And his intended victims
were many: those who worshiped the one true God, many gods, or no
gods at all.
Allah especially hated Christians and Jews, ordering Muslims to
fight them until they were “wiped out to the last.” This is fundamental
Islam—the very core of Muhammad’s message.

Since Islam’s principle defense is to claim that Christians have performed
no better, especially during the Crusades, I want to bring your attention to
two incredibly important historical facts. First, Pope Benedict IX: he reigned
in 1033 A.D., precisely 1,000 years after Christ’s resurrection. Benedict
became like Muhammad, demonic, fixated on the occult, demented, delirious,
and lascivious. The Church became corrupt, focused on rituals, suppression,
and money. With power-hungry men at the helm, it splintered,
ultimately causing cleric and king to send men off on fool-hearty crusades.
The second historical fact is that the Crusaders weren’t Christians. They
couldn’t have been. Four centuries had passed since the last sermon was given
in a language common to the people of Europe. The first Bible to be printed
in the vulgar tongue, John Wycliffe’s, wouldn’t find quill for another four centuries.

To be a “Christian” one must know Christ. He could not have been
known to the men who fought. They carried his symbols, nothing more.

Kunigunda, katero knjigo o Mohamedovem življenju pa naj si preberem? Ali Ishaq in Tabari ter Bukhari niso dobre reference???
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bistri007 ()

Double_J ::

Jezusov nauk se bistveno razlikuje od Mohamedovega.

Glede skrajnežev pa. Kristjanskih je malo. Muslimanskih pa tudi malo - neskrajnežev.

nevone ::

>Ker se s tem spustimo na njihov nivo?

S tem, da braniš svojo naprednejšo civilizacijo, ne pomeni, da se spuščaš na njihov nivo. Na njihov nivo se spuščaš, če jim ponižno prikimavaš in odpuščaš. V bistvu daješ njihovemu nizkemu nivoju zeleno luč.

Sej se lahko zmenimo za čisto enostaven deal. Naj oni dovolijo krščanstvo v okviru islama. Potem se bomo pogovarjali naprej. Aja, to pa že ne moremo pričakovati od njih, bogih revčkov.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

kunigunda ::

Cel cajt dajes prohphet of the book knjigo. Craig je bil javno na radiju ponizan in dokazan da je laznjivec (avtor te knjige). Pa se kar limas
citate s te strani.

O mohamedu je nesteto knjig, lani celo slovenska. Pa od v Strbencevi o siitih in sunitih je tudi ogromno faktov notri....
Tabarijeve ne bi, Ishaqove tekste pa lahko (ce jih seveda se nisi).

Barakuda1 ::

ljudje berejo sami Sv. Pismo in imajo maše v jeziku, ki ga razumejo...

Ah, daj no daj. Kva se pa greš.

Če bi bilo tako kot si je želela RKC, bi še dandanes ne imeli prevoda Svetega pisma.

A ti sploh veš, kdaj smo pričeli v sloveniji z branjem maš v domačem, slovenskem jeziku ???

A sploh veš, da katekizem še dandanes ni preveden v slovenski jezik.

A sploh veš, da se še dandanes uporablja izključno latinščina kot uradni jezik Vatikana.

Ne no govort nekaj, če stvari ne poznaš dovolj dobro.

klemen22 ::

Barakuda1: ne bi bilo bolj smotrno ko bi celo kaj pripomnim v zadevah ki so aktualne DANES in ne 100 in več let nazaj?

Sej se lahko zmenimo za čisto enostaven deal. Naj oni dovolijo krščanstvo v okviru islama. Potem se bomo pogovarjali naprej. Aja, to pa že ne moremo pričakovati od njih, bogih revčkov.

DOBER point.
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: klemen22 ()

Dr Evil ::

Krščanstvo in islam nimata nobene stične točke.Islam je božanstvo hinudističnega boga lune.Je glavni bog med okrog 500 bogovi,ki so jih pred mohamedom arabci častili v svetišču s kamnom kabba,ki je meteroit.

Zato imajo vse islamske države mesec in zvezde(hčeri allaha) v zastavi.Torej o istem viru islama in krščanstva ni govora.Mohamed je berljiv del kurana vzel in svetega pisma in priredil.Saj je sam rekel,da mu je allah zaukazal,da če ne bo česar vedel,ga naj poučijo kristjani in židje.Ti pa z njim niso nič hoteli in so biljio in torah skrivali.

Sicer pa kuran ni delo mohameda.Ta je nastal po njegovi smrti.Njegovo izorčilo so hadith.Idiotizem par excellenc če mene vprašaš.


Barakuda1 ::

Teh pristranskih oslarij je počas že dost.

Dajte mi citirat iz korana

Sura ta pa ta, verz, ta pa ta, vrstica ta pa ta...govori to pa to.

Za vsak sovražen verz do "nevernikovi" z Korana (ampak iz Korana, ne nekih bluzov iz tretje roke) jaz nalepim sovražen verz (do nevernikov) iz Svetega pisma (Biblije)

Smo zmenjeni?

kunigunda ::

krščanstvo v okviru islama

??? kva pa ti je to

Problem islama je,da krscanstvo Mohammeda ne priznava za preroka (prerok je sicer cudna beseda), Islam pa priznava (Jezusa) Iso.

nevone ::

>Ali boš sedaj zanikala lastno trditev

Mi ni treba. Jest sem samo povedala, da Cerkev tudi evoluira, ker si ti trdil nasprotno.

Da islam ne evoluira, o tem pa nisem nikoli govorila.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Poldi112 ::

>Sej se lahko zmenimo za čisto enostaven deal. Naj oni dovolijo krščanstvo v okviru islama. Potem se bomo pogovarjali naprej. Aja, to pa že ne moremo pričakovati od njih, bogih revčkov.

Kaj pa če bi mi najprej dovolili islam? Recimo vsaj eno mošejo? Ok, svobodo veroizpovedi po ustavi sicer imajo, ampak kaj jim to pomaga?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Poldi112 ()

Dr Evil ::

Ah, daj no daj. Kva se pa greš.

Je Cerkev imela čisto prav.Le poglej protestante.Imajo 30 000 različnih Cerkva,ker si vsak posebej razlaga sveto pismo.Nihče pa ne vzame v obzir,da je Katoliška Cerkev bila tista,ki je sveto pismo iz starih spisov sestavla in zvezala.In ona ima direktno linijo od apostolov.Zato ima tudi neodtuljivo pravico,da interpretira Jezusov nauk po njenem.

Barakuda1 ::

Islam je božanstvo hinudističnega boga lune.Je glavni bog med okrog 500 bogovi,ki so jih pred mohamedom arabci častili v svetišču s kamnom kabba,ki je meteroit.

Ja, se kar strinja, koa se boš ti strinjal, da tud krščanstvo nima nič skupnega z judovstvom.
Jezus je namreč v resnici en vesoljček, ki je proš po pomot na zemlo. Pravzaprav se mu je pokvarla vesoljska ladja, pol pa je hodo mal gor pa mal dol, folk pa je temu rekel vnebovzetje.

Dajte so no zresnit. Al pa bom zaprosil TP, da temo premakne v ložo.

Bistri007 ::

Jaz imam en prijazen verz v svojem podpisu...

Craig Winn pa ni bil nič ponižan na radiu...
To begin cleaning up Jalal's trash, we must first deal with the allegation that is getting the most play in the Islamic world. Jalal did not "prove Craig wrong in a debate on the Mike Gallagher Show." What Jalal did was make a "straw argument"-one that Craig not only destroyed, but with it, Jalal's credibility as well as Islam's.

Jalal's entire argument consisted of a singular challenge. He demanded that Craig prove that either the Qur'an or Sunnah ordered Muslims to kill women and children. Jalal didn't bother to mention that Craig had never made that claim.
Did Jalal Prove Craig Wrong?
In zakaj je bil samo en intervju... :O
Poslušajte res najprej ta intervju - tu je http://www.invitation2truth.com/mp3/debate-myth-prophet-of-doom.mp3
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...

Dr Evil ::

Dajte mi citirat iz korana

Sem že velikokrat prilepil.Zdaj se lahko ti zmigaš in pobrskaš za nazaj.

Da se te usmilim.V mojem predprejšnem komentarju se prilepil link do www.islamreviw.com.Malo si preberi.Do takrat pa ne podajaj mnenj če nimaš pojma.Hvala.

kunigunda ::

Islam je božanstvo hinudističnega boga lune.

Islam je religija, ne pa bozanstvo.

Je glavni bog med okrog 500 bogovi,ki so jih pred mohamedom arabci častili v svetišču s kamnom kabba,ki je meteroit.

Kaaba ni kamen, ampak stavba, katere je zgrajena (en vogal) na kamnu, ki naj bi bil meteorit.
Sicer so vecinoma castili le tri glavne boginje, ostalo je bilo bolj izjema.

Dr Evil ::

Barakuda1.Dokaži,da ni res,ali pa bodi tiho,ker si prav smešen s tvojimi neutemeljenimi komentarji.

Dr Evil ::

(A) In pre-Islamic days, that Muslims call the Days of ignorance, the religious background of the Arabs was pagan, and basically animistic. Through Moon, Sun, Stars, Planets, Animals, wells, trees, stones, caves, springs, and other natural objects man could make contact with the deity. At Mekka, “Allah” was the chief of the gods and the special deity of the Quraish, the prophet’s tribe. Allah had three daughters: Al Uzzah (Venus) most revered of all and pleased with human sacrifice; Manah, the goddess of destiny, and Al Lat, the goddess of vegetable life. These three daughters of Allah (there is a Quranic verse about them) were considered very powerful over all things. Therefore, their intercessions on behalf of their worshippers were of great significance.

(B) Arabs used to give their children names such as—Abdullah (slave of Allah). Clean proof was the fact that, Muhammad’s father’s name was “Abdullah”. Logical analogy here is—had there been no “Allah” in pre-Islamic Arab, there could be no Abdullah or slave of Allah in Arabia.

kunigunda ::

Bistri, sam eno vprasanje, a ma prohpetofthedoom.com za homepage ?

Poldi112 ::

>Da se te usmilim.V mojem predprejšnem komentarju se prilepil link do www.islamreviw.com.Malo si preberi.Do takrat pa ne podajaj mnenj če nimaš pojma.Hvala.

In oni so kao tisti katerim gre verjeti? Iz njihove strani:
Our Theology
This ministry was established as a Christian organization.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Barakuda1 ::

Moja teza

Krščanstvo kot tako, ni doživelo nobene evolucijske sprembe.

Tvoj odgovor nano

Samo krščanstvo v samem sebi res mogoče zelo malo. Ampak navzven in v odnosu do "nevere" pa kar precej. In predvsem v tem se bistveno razlikuje od islama.

Kako pa se to sklada s prejšnjo izjavo

Da islam ne evoluira, o tem pa nisem nikoli govorila.

Postala si malce nedosledna

Daedalus ::

Dr Evil - tud krščanstvo je na veliko kradlo ideje iz poganske preteklosti. In prirejalo poganske običaje "novemu" Bogu. Tak da nisi povedal čisto nič novega ali presenetljivega.

Aja, pa za evolucijo religije je značilno, da se je politeizem nadomestil z monoteizmom. In precej logično je, da niso razni preroki lih vsega na novo izumlali, ampak so si zelo hvaležno sposojali ideje, koncepte in ostali šmorn iz materiala, ki je bil do tedaj na voljo. Večino s čisto posvetnimi cilji. Religija (in z njo Bog) je pač miselni konstrukt človeka.

p.s. - upam, da se bo kmal prišlo do dokaza, da Bog v kakršnikoli obliki ne obstaja. Bo koj mir na Zemlji>:D :D
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Daedalus ()

nevone ::

Da ne bo pomote. Islamski verniki so (lahko) čisto kulturni ljudje. Seveda oni niso predmet te debate. Običajni ljudje, ki potrebujejo običajno religijo, se pač oprimejo ene, in ponavadi niti nimajo popolnega vpogleda v to, kam pravzaprav spadajo, in kaj vse njihova (uradna) religija vsebuje in zagovarja. Ponavadi je njihova religija mešanica uradne dogme in nekih osebnih čustev in prepričanj, ki pa uradni veri niso nujno lastna.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Bistri007 ::

Ja, kunigunda, problem je da Islam priznava Iso, in ne Jezusa... :\

Islamski Jezus - Isa naj bi rekel:
“And Jesus, the son of Mary, said: ‘Children of Israel, I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming that (which was revealed) before me in the Torah, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad, the Praised One.’ But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, ‘this is sorcery!’” (Koran 061.006)

Kje v Bibliji to piše??? Kje je Jezus napovedal Mohameda??? 8-O
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bistri007 ()

Dr Evil ::

p.s. - upam, da se bo kmal prišlo do dokaza, da Bog v kakršnikoli obliki ne obstaja. Bo koj mir na Zemlji>:D :D

To smo že imeli.Razmnožili so se razni meseni enonogi bogovi.:D

nevone ::

>Postala si malce nedosledna.

Kaj ti sklepaš iz mojih izjav je tvoj problem.

Trdila sem, da se islam in krščanstvo bistveno razlikujeta v odnosu do "nevere".

Ti pa si trdil, da
Krščanstvo kot tako, ni doživelo nobene evolucijske sprembe.

Če ti meni očitaš nedoslednost (seveda povsem neupravičeno), potem jest lahko tebi (popolnoma upravičeno) očitam širjenje popolnih neresnic.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenila: nevone ()

Bistri007 ::

nevone>Običajni ljudje, ki potrebujejo običajno religijo, se pač oprimejo ene, in ponavadi niti nimajo popolnega vpogleda v to, kam pravzaprav spadajo, in kaj vse njihova (uradna) religija vsebuje in zagovarja.

To je na Zahodu, ki ga Islam tako prezira. V Islamskih deželah pa se odpad od Islama (apostazija), kaznuje s smrtjo. V islam se rodiš, edini izstop iz islama je smrt ali emigracija. Oče za odpad od islama ubije sina, brat brata ali sestro. Če hočejo ljudje ostati živi, morajo ostati vsaj "hinavci", ki pa so po Allahovo najslabše živali.

“O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger. Do not turn away from him when you hear him speak. Do not be like those who say, ‘We hear,’ but do not listen. Those who do not obey are the worst of beasts, the vilest of animals in the sight of Allah. They are deaf and dumb. Those who do not understand are senseless. If Allah had seen any good in them, He would have made them listen. And even if He had made them listen, they would but have turned away and declined submission.” (Koran 8:20)
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bistri007 ()

Barakuda1 ::

Koran 061.006

A lahko navedeš katera sura in kateri verz.

Označevanje kot ga podajaš, je namreč neustrezno.

Je podobno kot bi jaz zapisal

Sveto pismo 234 -345.

Namesto da zapaišem 2Mz 2,10

Upam, da ne razumeš napak. Želim le točen navedek, da preverim.

kunigunda ::

A Ahmad je isto kot Mohammed ?

kunigunda ::

Sej ti je napisano, da je 61-ta sura

Barakuda1 ::

Če ti meni očitaš nedoslednost (seveda povsem neupravičeno), potem jest lahko tebi (popolnoma upravičeno) očitam širjenje popolnih neresnic.

A res :D

V čem pa je neresnica. A v tem, da krščanstvo kot tako ni doživelo nobene evolucijske spremebe.

Hja, pokaž mi no kje pa jo je.

Od kanonizacije Svetega pisma, se sveto pismo ni spremenilo. Torej.

Če pa nekdo vidi spremebo v tem, da so nekateri kleriki in ostali veljaki pričeli drugače gosti kot so včasih (pa tud to ne vsi) je pa druga zadeva.

Spremebe so torej doživljale institucije ne pa religija. o.k. ;)

Dr Evil ::

Krščanstvo ne potrebuje evolucije,ker ima ,dajte cesarju kar je cesarjevega in Bogu,kar je božjega.:D

Barakuda1 ::

61-ta sura


hahahahahaha in še enkrat hahahahah.

Kva vam pa je. A vi sploh veste kolk sur ima Koran.

Dajte no najprej osnove razčistit. Resno

Dr Evil ::

Mohammed's teachings are included in what is called "Hadith." The "Hadith" is a record of Mohammed's words and deeds according to his wives, relatives, and companions. Next to the Quran, it is the most important part of Islamic law; its teachings are just as binding.

The Hadith is recorded in many books, and by many people, not all of them are agreed upon by all Muslims. All of our quotes here are from "Sahih Al-Bukhari" which comes in nine volumes, and contains thousands of Hadiths. Al Bukhari is accepted by most Muslims as the authentic words of Mohammed. Because of the limited space, we will mention here just a few examples.

Our purpose is to give the reader a taste of the teachings of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. Some of these teachings may shock you, and some may amuse you. Others may simply leave you mystified.


Women are deficient in mind and religion.

* Mohammed asked some women, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?" The women said, "yes," He said, "This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind. " Vol. 3:826

* Mohammed to women: "I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you." Vol. 2:541

The majority of people in hell are women.
* Mohammed said, "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women. " Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124

Women are a bad omen.
* Mohammed said, " Bad omen is in the woman, the house and the horse." Vol. 7:30

Women are harmful to men.
* Mohammed said, "After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women." Vol. 7:33

Women may not wear wigs.
* Mohammed said, " Don't wear false hair for Allah sends His curse upon such ladies who lengthen their hair artificially." Vol. 7:133

mercutio ::


"Kaj meniš, koliko citatov Svetega pisma lahko prilepim sem gor, ki so daleč bolj krvoločni, amoralni, neetični in kar je še teh oznak?"
"Sem jih že tolikokrat v različnih temah o religiji, da se mi preprosto več ne lub."

Saj sem si mislil.... bla bla bla, pol pa ne najdeš nobenga citata...

Dr Evil ::

Mohammed's sexual strength is equal to 30 men.

* Anas said, "The prophet used to visit all his wives in an hour round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the prophet was given the strength of thirty (men). " Vol. 1:268

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl.

* "Narrated Aisha that the prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old."Vol. 7:64

Allah hurries to please Mohammed's sexual desires.

* When the Quranic verse that allows Mohammed to postpone the turn of any wife was revealed, and when Mohammed said that Allah allowed him to marry his adopted son's wife, Aisha (one of his wives) told him, "O Allah's Apostle I do not see but that your Lord hurries in pleasing you. " Vol. 7:48

When a woman is divorced irrevocably, she can not return to her husband until she marries (including having sexual intercourse) with another man.

* "Narrated Aisha: The wife of Rifaa Al-Qurazi came to Allah's Apostle and said, 'O Allah's Apostle, Rifaa divorced me irrevocably. After him I married Abdur-Rahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi who proved to be impotent.' Allah's Apostle said to her, 'Perhaps you want to return to Rifaa? Nay (You cannot return to Rifaa) until you and Abdur-Rahman (the impotent man) engage in sexual intercourse!" Vol. 7:186

Dr Evil ::

Islam is to be imposed by force.

* Mohammed said, "I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and whoever says, " None has the right to be worshipped but Allah , his life and property will be saved by me." (otherwise it will not). Vol. 4:196

Apostasy is punishable by death.

* Mohammed said, "Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him." Vol. 9:57

A Muslim must not be killed if he kills a non-Muslim.

* Mohammed said, " No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir" (infidel). Vol. 9:50

Ethnic cleansing is practiced.

* Mohammed said to the Jews, "You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle (Mohammed) and I want to expel you from this land (The Arabian Peninsula), so, if anyone owns property, he is permitted to sell it." Vol. 4:392

* Mohammed's last words at his deathbed were: "Turn the pagans (non-Muslims) out of the Arabian Peninsula." Vol. 5:716

Barakuda1 ::

A Ahmad je isto kot Mohammed ?

Ne, ni.

Dr Evil ::

No assurance of Salvation.

* Mohammed said. "By Allah, though I am the apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me." Vol. 5:266

God punishes a deceased if his relatives weep.

* Mohammed said, "The deceased is punished because of the weeping of his relatives." Vol. 2:375

When you speak badly about a deceased, the deceased will go to hell.

* Mohammed said, "You praised this, so Paradise has been affirmed to him, and you spoke badly of this, so hell has been affirmed to him. You people are Allah's witnesses on earth." Vol. 2:448

Urine on your clothes will bring punishment from God.

* Mohammed said, "The deceased person is being tortured in the grave not for a great thing to avoid, it is for being soiled with his urine. " Vol. 2:460

Holy war (Jihad) is a guarantee of heaven.

* Mohammed said, "The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostle, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to paradise (if he is killed). " Vol. 1:35

Dr Evil ::

Drinking camel's urine will make you healthy.

* "The prophet ordered them to follow his camels, and drink their milk and urine , so they followed the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy." Vol. 7:590

Fever is from the heat of hell.

* Mohammed said, " Fever is from the heat of hell, so put it out (cool it) with water." Vol. 7:619

A fly in your drink is a cure.

* Mohammed said, "If a housefly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease. " Vol. 4:537

How the baby's looks are determined.

* Mohammed said, "As for the child, if the man's discharge precedes the woman's discharge, the child attracts the similarity of the man, and if the woman's discharge precedes the man's, then the child attracts the similarity of the woman." Vol. 5:275

Barakuda1 ::

Saj sem si mislil.... bla bla bla, pol pa ne najdeš nobenga citata...

Ko bo citat iz Korana ( s točno navedbo, kje v Korano) bom jaz podal citat iz Svetga pisma, pravtako s točno navedbo).

Do takrat pa...

Dr Evil ::

In še nekaj veselega:D

If you eat garlic don't come to the place of worship.

* Mohammed said, "Whosoever ate from this plant (i.e. garlic) should not enter the mosque." Vol. 1:812

Effect of evil eye

* Mohammed said, "The effect of an evil eye is a fact. " Vol. 7:636

Which shoe you should put on first.

* Mohammed said, "If you want to put on your shoes, put on the right shoe first, and if you want them off, take the left one first." Vol. 7:747

Breathing in your drink is bad.

* Mohammed said, "Don't breath into your drinking utensil." Vol. 1:156

God frightens his devotees with eclips.

* Mohammed said, "The sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Allah and they do not eclipse because of the death of someone but Allah frightens His devotees with them. " Vol. 2:158

Satan urinates in people's ears, when they don't wake up for prayer.

* Narrated Abdullah: the prophet was told that a person had kept on sleeping till morning and had not got up for the prayer. The prophet said, "Satan urinated in his ears." Vol. 2:245

Yawning is from Satan.

* The prophet said, "Yawning is from Satan and if anyone of you yawns, he should check his yawning as much as possible, for if anyone of yuo (during the act of yawning) should say: "Ha", Satan will laugh at him." Vol. 2:158

Stars are missiles which God uses to hit the devils.

* The creation of stars is for three purposes, i.e., as decoration of the sky, as missiles to hit the devils, and as signs to guide travelers. Vol. 2:158

Daedalus ::

Brati Koran in ne upoštevati konteksta časa, v katerem je nastajal, je isti idiotizem, ko brez istega neupoštevanja konteksta brati (in dobesedno jemati) recimo Staro zavezo Bibilije.

Če eno ali drugo za svoje (zelo pragmatične namene) uporabi taprav norec, bo pizdarija.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
2 / 13

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