Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Stargate Universe in druge Sci-fi serije
Stargate Universe in druge Sci-fi serije

judoka ::

oo7 ::
Zadnja epizoda Orville je bila dobra.
Pogledal tudi drugo sezono Future man. Dobra odbita sezona
upam, da bo tudi tretja.
Pogledal tudi drugo sezono Future man. Dobra odbita sezona

misek ::
A mi lahko kdo v parih stavkih pove, zakaj je Future man tako dober? Jaz serijo sicer gledam ampak ni mi pa nič kaj posebnega.

Gregor P ::
Ravno zaradi tega:
... pa tudi simpatični igralci seveda, ki so kos svojim vlogam oz. odbitim karakterjem.
Morda res ni za vsako generacijo? To sedaj ne vem.
... pa tudi simpatični igralci seveda, ki so kos svojim vlogam oz. odbitim karakterjem.
Morda res ni za vsako generacijo? To sedaj ne vem.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gregor P ()

Kot ni štoparski vodnik za vsakega...okusi so pač različni.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

oo7 ::
V izdelavi kar nekaj TV serij po SCI-FI knjigah.
Tisti, ki veliko berete ta žanr katera je dobra knjiga in mislite, da bi lahko posneli dobro TV serijo ?
3001: The Final Odyssey - 3001: The Final Odyssey @ Wikipedia
Beacon 23 -
Foundation - Foundation (Asimov novel) @ Wikipedia
Gateway - Gateway (novel) @ Wikipedia
Hyperion - Hyperion (Simmons novel) @ Wikipedia
Luna: New Moon - Luna: New Moon @ Wikipedia
Ringworld (TV serija) - Ringworld @ Wikipedia
The Sirens of Titan - The Sirens of Titan @ Wikipedia
Snow Crash - Snow Crash @ Wikipedia
Y: The Last Man - Y: The Last Man @ Wikipedia
The War of the Worlds - The War of the Worlds @ Wikipedia
Tisti, ki veliko berete ta žanr katera je dobra knjiga in mislite, da bi lahko posneli dobro TV serijo ?

3001: The Final Odyssey - 3001: The Final Odyssey @ Wikipedia
Beacon 23 -
Foundation - Foundation (Asimov novel) @ Wikipedia
Gateway - Gateway (novel) @ Wikipedia
Hyperion - Hyperion (Simmons novel) @ Wikipedia
Luna: New Moon - Luna: New Moon @ Wikipedia
Ringworld (TV serija) - Ringworld @ Wikipedia
The Sirens of Titan - The Sirens of Titan @ Wikipedia
Snow Crash - Snow Crash @ Wikipedia
Y: The Last Man - Y: The Last Man @ Wikipedia
The War of the Worlds - The War of the Worlds @ Wikipedia

Okapi ::
Po Hamiltonovih space operah bi lahko posneli par odličnih serij.
Od Stephensona bi pa raje kot sci-fi gledal serijo Cryptonomicon.
Od Stephensona bi pa raje kot sci-fi gledal serijo Cryptonomicon.

Bezukhoff ::

sulaco ::
Očitno ALIEN serija bo !
Bloody-Disgusting has synopses for all six Alien shorts coming this year from 20th Century Fox.
ALIEN: Alone - Written and Directed by Noah Miller - Hope, an abandoned crew member aboard the derelict chemical hauler Otranto, has spent a year trying to keep her ship and herself alive as both slowly fall apart. After discovering hidden cargo, she risks it all to power up the broken ship in search of human life.
ALIEN: Containment - Written and Directed by Chris Reading - Four survivors find themselves stranded aboard a small escape pod in deep space. Trying to piece together the details around the outbreak that led to their ship's destruction, they find themselves unsure to trust whether or not one of them might be infected.
ALIEN: Harvest - Directed by Benjamin Howdeshell - The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes to reach the emergency evacuation shuttle. A motion sensor is their only navigation tool leading them to safety while a creature in the shadows terrorizes the crew. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight all along.
ALIEN: Night Shift - Written and Directed by Aidan Breznick - When a missing space trucker is discovered hungover and disoriented, his co-worker suggests a nightcap as a remedy. Near closing time, they are reluctantly allowed inside the colony supply depot where the trucker's condition worsens, leaving a young supply worker alone to take matters into her own hands.
ALIEN: Ore - Written and Directed by the Spear Sisters - As a hard-working miner of a planet mining colony, Lorraine longs to make a better life for her daughter and grandchildren. When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, Lorraine is forced to choose between escape or defying management orders and facing her fears to fight for the safety of her family.
ALIEN: Specimen - Directed by Kelsey Taylor - It's the night shift in a colony greenhouse, and Julie, a botanist, does her best to contain suspicious soil samples that have triggered her sensitive lab dog. Despite her best efforts the lab unexpectedly goes into full shutdown and she is trapped inside. Little does she know, an alien specimen has escaped the mysterious cargo, and a game of cat and mouse ensues as the creature searches for a host.
Bloody-Disgusting has synopses for all six Alien shorts coming this year from 20th Century Fox.
ALIEN: Alone - Written and Directed by Noah Miller - Hope, an abandoned crew member aboard the derelict chemical hauler Otranto, has spent a year trying to keep her ship and herself alive as both slowly fall apart. After discovering hidden cargo, she risks it all to power up the broken ship in search of human life.
ALIEN: Containment - Written and Directed by Chris Reading - Four survivors find themselves stranded aboard a small escape pod in deep space. Trying to piece together the details around the outbreak that led to their ship's destruction, they find themselves unsure to trust whether or not one of them might be infected.
ALIEN: Harvest - Directed by Benjamin Howdeshell - The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes to reach the emergency evacuation shuttle. A motion sensor is their only navigation tool leading them to safety while a creature in the shadows terrorizes the crew. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight all along.
ALIEN: Night Shift - Written and Directed by Aidan Breznick - When a missing space trucker is discovered hungover and disoriented, his co-worker suggests a nightcap as a remedy. Near closing time, they are reluctantly allowed inside the colony supply depot where the trucker's condition worsens, leaving a young supply worker alone to take matters into her own hands.
ALIEN: Ore - Written and Directed by the Spear Sisters - As a hard-working miner of a planet mining colony, Lorraine longs to make a better life for her daughter and grandchildren. When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, Lorraine is forced to choose between escape or defying management orders and facing her fears to fight for the safety of her family.
ALIEN: Specimen - Directed by Kelsey Taylor - It's the night shift in a colony greenhouse, and Julie, a botanist, does her best to contain suspicious soil samples that have triggered her sensitive lab dog. Despite her best efforts the lab unexpectedly goes into full shutdown and she is trapped inside. Little does she know, an alien specimen has escaped the mysterious cargo, and a game of cat and mouse ensues as the creature searches for a host.

Gregor P ::
Kaj je to predfilm k Snowpiercerju iz 2013, ali povsem samostojen nov film na isto temo?
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Izi ::
Kaj je to predfilm k Snowpiercerju iz 2013, ali povsem samostojen nov film na isto temo?
Ne bo film ampak serija:
Po trailerju sodeč gre za popolnoma isto zgodbo kot film, samo raztegnili jo bodo. Namesto 2 uri bo zgodbe za 7 ur.
Snowpiercer (2013) ni bil slab film in je imel kar zanimivo postapokaliptično zgodbo. Serija ima potencial, ker bodo lahko malo bolj razvili like.

oo7 ::
'Event Horizon' Series in Development at Amazon
Film z leta 1997
Film z leta 1997

vostok_1 ::
Snowpiercer: Official Trailer | TBS
Nova serija?
Oh dear.
Niti slučajno ne bo tako dobra kot filem. Slednji je bil namreč še narejen tik preden so SJW-ji zavzeli holivud.
Včasih si želim, kako super bi bilo, če bi lahko selektivno brisal spomine. Ker tista scena v filmu, ko odprejo "zadnja vrata", je vrjetno ena najboljših v zgodovini terms of shock and awe.
Vsaj ne pomnem, da bi kak drugi film imel nekaj podobnega s takim impaktom.
'Event Horizon' Series in Development at Amazon
Film z leta 1997
Holivudu je povsem zmanjkalo idej, da morajo obujat take starešine.
1997 je povsem drugi čas kot pa 2020.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

vostok_1 ::
Bolj ne kot ja. Je pa pač 90' movie. Ima svoj duh, ki se ga danes ne da več replicirati.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
'The 100' Prequel From Jason Rothenberg In Works At the CW With Backdoor Pilot Order

Gregor P ::
Zgleda dolgočasno

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

BigWhale ::
Ja, Foundation pac ... :> Se mal bolj dolgocasen kot Dune. :P
Bo pa zanimivo videti kako bodo stvari, ki so se dogajale v tako dolgem casovnem obdobju spravil v format serije.
Bo pa zanimivo videti kako bodo stvari, ki so se dogajale v tako dolgem casovnem obdobju spravil v format serije.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::

Gregor P ::
Jaz bom počakal, da poveste ostali, kako se vam zdi

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

misek ::

BigWhale ::
Jaz sem pogledal oba dela. Prva dva dela sta mi bila bolj zanimiva kot knjige. Knjige so totalen snooze fest :>
Ampak ze vidim kako bodo nekateri kricali 'spet ena woke serija'. :)))
Ampak ze vidim kako bodo nekateri kricali 'spet ena woke serija'. :)))

eventyrer ::

oo7 ::
Jaz sem pogledal oba dela. Prva dva dela sta mi bila bolj zanimiva kot knjige. Knjige so totalen snooze fest :>
Ampak ze vidim kako bodo nekateri kricali 'spet ena woke serija'. :)))
Sem prebral nekaj kritik na IMDB pravijo, da niso dovolj zvesti knjigam.
Ah jaz sem se odločil, da ne bom gledal :)

josipdare ::
Jaz ravnokar poslusam stargate od big finish. Avdio dramatizacije z danijelom pa valo v glavnih vlogah.
Kar fejst, je pravi stargate.
Kar fejst, je pravi stargate.

BigWhale ::
Sem prebral nekaj kritik na IMDB pravijo, da niso dovolj zvesti knjigam.
To je v bistvu precej nepomembno. Broflakes so itak irrelevant pri branju kritik.
Knjige so bile dolgocasne. Dogajale so se v razponu tako dolgega obdobja, da je neka zvesta ekranizacija v praksi precej tezko izvedljiva, ne glede na budget.
To kar so zdej nardil je pa cist gledljiv in decent Sci-Fi.

BigWhale ::
Mule se pojavi v drugem delu druge knjige. To je vec kot sto let po tem, ko so Seldona poslali na Terminus.

Gregor P ::
Lepo, da so naredili, a me prikolica ravno ne navdušuje preveč. Ampak dajmo seriji možnost

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Yossarian ::
Pogledal sem prva dva dela Invasion. Kaj pa vem, zdi se mi razvlečeno u tri krasne.
Nikoli se ne prepiraj z idiotom, ker te bo potegnil
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.

Vanich ::
A je letos sploh kaj pametnega za pogledat na temo Sci-fi serije? Peacemaker je bil recimo edino špasen, Boysi so zelo v redu, vse ostalo je pa za en kurz.

Lion29 ::
A je letos sploh kaj pametnega za pogledat na temo Sci-fi serije? Peacemaker je bil recimo edino špasen, Boysi so zelo v redu, vse ostalo je pa za en kurz.
night sky je precej obetala ..odlicna igra JK Simmonsa, pa Spacekove.... azal so drugi porazni... in zgodba je postala kaqr nekaj... je pa gledljivo
Founder and CTO @

oo7 ::
The Ark (Syfy) Trailer
"The Ark" takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One encounters a catastrophic event causing massive destruction and loss of life. With more than a year left to go before reaching their target planet, a lack of life-sustaining supplies and loss of leadership, the remaining crew must become the best versions of themselves to stay on course and survive.
Mogoče bo za pogledat.
"The Ark" takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One encounters a catastrophic event causing massive destruction and loss of life. With more than a year left to go before reaching their target planet, a lack of life-sustaining supplies and loss of leadership, the remaining crew must become the best versions of themselves to stay on course and survive.
Mogoče bo za pogledat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

A to bo spet ena, ko so za multi-billion, survival-of-human-race misijo izbrali najslabšo od najslabših posadk?
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Lion29 ::
A to bo spet ena, ko so za multi-billion, survival-of-human-race misijo izbrali najslabšo od najslabših posadk?
ne, sej ponavadi izberejo na tisoce posadk, ampak ta je najbolj zanimiva in edina prezivi

Founder and CTO @
Vredno ogleda ...
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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