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Halo (serija 2022 - )

oo7 ::
Drugo leto se pravi 2015 naj bi začeli predvajati novo Tv serijo : Halo: The Television Series in producent je Steven Spieldberg.
Letos 11 Novembra pa se bo začela Tv mini serija Halo : Nightfall in producent je Ridley Scoot.
Halo: Nightfall First Look
- spremenil: ahac ()

bambam20 ::
Kje je Master Chief... Brez njega v glavni vlogi je vse skupaj brez pomena. on je bistvo franšize.

oo7 ::

opeter ::
Kje je Master Chief... Brez njega v glavni vlogi je vse skupaj brez pomena. on je bistvo franšize.
Nope. Master Chief je le eden izmed izpostavljenih likov. Ni pa on bistvo.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Pa tudi Master Chief nikoli ne sname svoje čelade tako, da vprašanje kaj bodo naredili s tem v seriji(2015)

oo7 ::
Bi bilo super če bi serija zgledala nekako takole
Ampak po moje bi kaj takega prišlo predrago za Tv serijo edino za film bi bilo mogoče.

Ampak po moje bi kaj takega prišlo predrago za Tv serijo edino za film bi bilo mogoče.

bambam20 ::

RejZoR ::
Upam, da se ne bo 3/4 serije dogajalo v labirintih neke zabačene copy pastane knjižnice tko kot se je igra...
Angry Sheep Blog @

oo7 ::
Halo Nightfall Trailer #2 (TV Series)
Halo: Nightfall 2014 - Ridely Scott
Halo : The television 2015 : Steven Spieldberg
Bomo videli kdo bo naredil boljšo serijo
Halo: Nightfall 2014 - Ridely Scott
Halo : The television 2015 : Steven Spieldberg
Bomo videli kdo bo naredil boljšo serijo

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Microsoft says it's still working on that Halo TV series
Those "creative partners" are Showtime and Steven Spielberg, who's been attached to the series from the very beginning. We don't have any more details, or anything like a release date, but the project hasn't been killed off yet.
Those "creative partners" are Showtime and Steven Spielberg, who's been attached to the series from the very beginning. We don't have any more details, or anything like a release date, but the project hasn't been killed off yet.

vostok_1 ::
It will not work.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::
Steven Spielberg's Halo Series Is Still Very Much in Development at Showtime

oo7 ::
Steven Spielberg's Halo Series Could Start Filming This Fall
A new report from Production Weekly suggests that the mini-series will finally begin filming sometime this fall, with Amblin Television's Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank and Alex Maggioni attached to the project as producers.
A new report from Production Weekly suggests that the mini-series will finally begin filming sometime this fall, with Amblin Television's Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank and Alex Maggioni attached to the project as producers.

oo7 ::
A live-action Halo TV show is finally, truly on the way 
But on Thursday, publisher Microsoft and Halo developer 343 Industries announced that we're finally getting a live-action Halo TV series -- Showtime has ordered a 10-episode season.
They're hinting, however, it may be a big-budget show, with hour-long episodes. "Halo is our most ambitious series ever, and we expect audiences who have been anticipating it for years to be thoroughly rewarded," said Showtime CEO David Nevins.
Rupert Wyatt (who directed Rise of the Planet of the Apes) will serve as exec producer and director on some episodes, with writer-producer Kyle Killen (Lone Star, Awake) as showrunner. Production will begin in early 2019.

But on Thursday, publisher Microsoft and Halo developer 343 Industries announced that we're finally getting a live-action Halo TV series -- Showtime has ordered a 10-episode season.
They're hinting, however, it may be a big-budget show, with hour-long episodes. "Halo is our most ambitious series ever, and we expect audiences who have been anticipating it for years to be thoroughly rewarded," said Showtime CEO David Nevins.
Rupert Wyatt (who directed Rise of the Planet of the Apes) will serve as exec producer and director on some episodes, with writer-producer Kyle Killen (Lone Star, Awake) as showrunner. Production will begin in early 2019.

oo7 ::
Master Chief will be "a lead character" in Showtime's upcoming Halo TV series, Showtime's President of Programming Gary Levine told IGN, although he won't be the only protagonist in the series.
The series is such an "enormous undertaking," Levine said, the premium cable network is aiming to air the series in 2020, and confirmed that the series will take place in "multiple locations" on "foreign planets," meaning that they'll likely shoot on a studio backlot rather than on location.
več tukaj :
Master Chief will be "a lead character" in Showtime's upcoming Halo TV series, Showtime's President of Programming Gary Levine told IGN, although he won't be the only protagonist in the series.
The series is such an "enormous undertaking," Levine said, the premium cable network is aiming to air the series in 2020, and confirmed that the series will take place in "multiple locations" on "foreign planets," meaning that they'll likely shoot on a studio backlot rather than on location.
več tukaj :

oo7 ::
Season one of Showtime's live-action drama series HALO, based on the video game franchise, is planning to begin principle photography in Budapest early June.
It was announced that the Halo TV series was ordered by Showtime earlier this year, revealing that the first season would feature 10 hour-long episodes and that it would begin production in early 2019. According to Showtime, the adaptation "will take place in the universe that first came to be in 2001, dramatizing an epic 26th-century conflict between humanity and an alien threat known as the Covenant."
Se pravi konec 2019 ali v začetku 2020 prva sezona ?
It was announced that the Halo TV series was ordered by Showtime earlier this year, revealing that the first season would feature 10 hour-long episodes and that it would begin production in early 2019. According to Showtime, the adaptation "will take place in the universe that first came to be in 2001, dramatizing an epic 26th-century conflict between humanity and an alien threat known as the Covenant."
Se pravi konec 2019 ali v začetku 2020 prva sezona ?

oo7 ::
Halo' Series at Showtime Casts Pablo Schreiber in Lead Role

oo7 ::

bambam20 ::

oo7 ::
Showtime's Halo TV series casts Cortana, Soren, and a trio of new Spartans

oo7 ::
Showtime's Halo TV show loses director M.J. Bassett due to scheduling conflicts stemming from the coronavirus delays affecting all of Hollywood.
Še bo treba čakat
Še bo treba čakat

oo7 ::
HALO Tv serija se seli iz televizije Showtime na Paramount +.
Tv serija naj bi se začela enkrat v začetku leta 2022.
Tv serija naj bi se začela enkrat v začetku leta 2022.

opeter ::
A zdaj bodo vsi studiji imeli lasten pretočni servis?

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

ahac ::
Sicer Paramount+ je menda novo ime za CBS All Access. V ZDA so tam gor Star Trek serije (ki so pri nas na Netflixu in Prime).
Če ne mislijo launchat Paramount+ izven ZDA bodo mogočr tudi to serijo probal prodat enemu od teh dveh.
edit: Wikipedija pravi, da naj bi se Paramount+ letos širil tudi izven ZDA.

Sicer Paramount+ je menda novo ime za CBS All Access. V ZDA so tam gor Star Trek serije (ki so pri nas na Netflixu in Prime).
Če ne mislijo launchat Paramount+ izven ZDA bodo mogočr tudi to serijo probal prodat enemu od teh dveh.
edit: Wikipedija pravi, da naj bi se Paramount+ letos širil tudi izven ZDA.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
Halo TV serija se bo razlikovala od igre po tem, da bo chief več časa brez čelade.
Probably the biggest challenge with adapting the game is, the game is designed to put you in Chief's armor. What we're asking people to do with the show is sort of sit back, and we're going to present a side of Chief that you just don't get to play in the game.
Probably the biggest challenge with adapting the game is, the game is designed to put you in Chief's armor. What we're asking people to do with the show is sort of sit back, and we're going to present a side of Chief that you just don't get to play in the game.

oo7 ::
V nedeljo bodo pokazali prvi pravi trailer za TV serijo HALO.
Bi prosil moderatorja če lahko porpavi naslov teme v HALO TV serija. Hvala
Bi prosil moderatorja če lahko porpavi naslov teme v HALO TV serija. Hvala

oo7 ::
Halo tv serija prva epizoda 24 marec 2022
Tukaj je prvi trailer
Halo | Official Trailer | Paramount+
Tukaj je prvi trailer
Halo | Official Trailer | Paramount+

oo7 ::
Halo TV serija je dobila zeleno luč za drugo sezono.
Tukaj še enkrat trailer, ker zgornji video ne dela več.
Halo The Series (2022) | Official Trailer | Paramount+
Tukaj še enkrat trailer, ker zgornji video ne dela več.
Halo The Series (2022) | Official Trailer | Paramount+

Gregor P ::
Kdo pa je ocenil, da je serija tako dobra, da si zasluži še drugo sezono?!?

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

oo7 ::

Gregor P ::
No, upam da se niso zmotili pri oceni.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Gregor P ::
Ok potem pa ne bomo gledal; to isto neumnost so naredili že pri Judge Dreddu s Stallonom.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

oo7 ::
Halo TV Show: Steven Spielberg Was More Involved Than We Expected

oo7 ::
Halo: Series Premiere - "Contact" Review
Experience the story of Master Chief in a very different form.
Experience the story of Master Chief in a very different form.

klemenSLO ::
Dobr tole. Igrce nism igral tko da zgodbe ne poznam.
KOnčno nek obetajoč SCI FI
KOnčno nek obetajoč SCI FI
Life is not measured in minutes, but in MOMENTS...
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