Forum » Problemi človeštva » Še en način kje uporabiti WD 40
Še en način kje uporabiti WD 40

Cr00k ::
...jah sej vem, da je resnica nekje vmes...
Ce je bila zadnja mednarodna meja na rijeki (v casu sfrj, meja med HR, Slo ni obstajala...), bi morali nasi vrli gospodje, sli na arbitrazo za kopensko in morsko mejo... z izhodiscem na Rijeki... namesto da se tle neki jajcajo glede piranskega zaliva, ce bi lahko dobili mnogo vec... tako da se mi zdi da zdajsnja koalicija, ne dela v prid slovenije in njihovem volilcem...
A me lohka kdo poprave, ce sem neumnosti kvasil... Just IMO...
Lp, Cr00k
Ce je bila zadnja mednarodna meja na rijeki (v casu sfrj, meja med HR, Slo ni obstajala...), bi morali nasi vrli gospodje, sli na arbitrazo za kopensko in morsko mejo... z izhodiscem na Rijeki... namesto da se tle neki jajcajo glede piranskega zaliva, ce bi lahko dobili mnogo vec... tako da se mi zdi da zdajsnja koalicija, ne dela v prid slovenije in njihovem volilcem...
A me lohka kdo poprave, ce sem neumnosti kvasil... Just IMO...
Lp, Cr00k

Thomas ::
Ja je obstajala meja v SFRJ. Samo na morju so bile večje dubioze kot na kopnem.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

perci ::
Naj arbitražo naredijo, v arbitražo pa naj zajamejo celotno mejo (kopno+morje), pa vržejo vn tisti sporazum Drnovšek-Račan, ker itak ni bil parafiran.Sicer je off topic, ampak tale sporazum je bil parafiran.

Thomas ::
Ni bil ratificiran.
Papriciran pa by IDS & Joško J.
Papriciran pa by IDS & Joško J.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

perci ::
Ja, ni bil ratificiran, parafiran pa je ipak bil - je pa kar pomembna razlika med tema pojmoma.

Luka Percic ::
Cr00k; če je tako jasno, da je piranski zaliv naš, potem zakaj se bojimo/jo (vlada) arbitraže?
Če bomo res dobili več, potem bi jst takoj šel v arbitražo. A da bomo dobili manj?
Jah, v tem primeru pa nam je nekdo lagal. Le kdo?
Če bomo res dobili več, potem bi jst takoj šel v arbitražo. A da bomo dobili manj?
Jah, v tem primeru pa nam je nekdo lagal. Le kdo?

Luka Percic ::
ja, ja. My bad.
(ker verjamem da nism edini ki nisem razlikoval;
parafirati; sprejeti soglasje glede besedila
ratificirati; priznanje/potrditev sporazuma)
(ker verjamem da nism edini ki nisem razlikoval;
parafirati; sprejeti soglasje glede besedila
ratificirati; priznanje/potrditev sporazuma)

depresija ::
Glede na to, da smo v EU, bi lahko to prednost počasi začeli koristiti - tudi v odnosih s Hrvaško kot kandidatko za vstop.
Se nam pa obeta dokumentarec Jožeta Možine na tvs, ki bi znal zadeve vsaj zgodovinsko razjasniti.
Jorasa pa so moji sosedje (Italjani...)
v kempu v Poreču označili za novodobnega slovenskega terorista.
Se nam pa obeta dokumentarec Jožeta Možine na tvs, ki bi znal zadeve vsaj zgodovinsko razjasniti.
Jorasa pa so moji sosedje (Italjani...)

borchi ::
A da bomo dobili manj?
Jah, v tem primeru pa nam je nekdo lagal. Le kdo?
a janša pravi, da nam pripada več, kot pa pravi rop? a pol če dobimo manj kot pravi rop, pol je janša večji lažnivec?
Jah, v tem primeru pa nam je nekdo lagal. Le kdo?
a janša pravi, da nam pripada več, kot pa pravi rop? a pol če dobimo manj kot pravi rop, pol je janša večji lažnivec?

Luka Percic ::
Nisem še slišal Janše govorit o natančni meji. Kolikor vem je on le govoril da gre vse skupaj prepočasi in premlačno. Da bo počasi prednost kot EU članica, začela bledet.

Caligula ::
Jaz sem za arbitrazo o arbitrazi in sele potem za dejansko arbitrazo.
Vprasanje, ce bi arbitraza pripeljala do rezultatov, ki si jih tu predstavljate nekateri.
Pocakat, da se Hrvati pridejo v EU pol pa zaradi vecje kupne moci pokupit njihove najboljse kose zemlje tam
NAredimo ljipu njihovu ljipu nasu.
pol zaposlimo slovenske kelnarje, k bodo samo do Hrvatov tecni, arogantni in nesramni...
Skratka pocasi pa z uzitkom

Vprasanje, ce bi arbitraza pripeljala do rezultatov, ki si jih tu predstavljate nekateri.
Pocakat, da se Hrvati pridejo v EU pol pa zaradi vecje kupne moci pokupit njihove najboljse kose zemlje tam

NAredimo ljipu njihovu ljipu nasu.
pol zaposlimo slovenske kelnarje, k bodo samo do Hrvatov tecni, arogantni in nesramni...
Skratka pocasi pa z uzitkom

Alexius Heristalski ::
Jah, v tem primeru pa nam je nekdo lagal. Le kdo?
Po moje tisti, ki so na oblasti, nosijo vso odgovornost za tole. Janša je itak v opoziciji, torej ne na oblasti.
Po moje tisti, ki so na oblasti, nosijo vso odgovornost za tole. Janša je itak v opoziciji, torej ne na oblasti.
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

Jst ::
Ropova stranka je izjavila, da so za arbitražo. Ampak ko bo čas.
Kar se tiče piranskega zaliva, pa hrvatje ravnajo iz obupa. Letos so povišali cene letovanja, vendar niso izboljšali ponudbe. Kar jih je opeklo. Ker praktično nimajo proizvodnje in storitvenega sektorja, živijo predvsem na račun turizma. In letos je bila za njih katastrofalna sezona. Zato bi radi še več morja.
Slovenija (Čateške toplice...) bi rada kupila nekaj hotelov, ozemlja na hrvaškem, vendar jih vlada dobesedno jebe v glavo.
Hrvatje ne bodo videli EU še lep čas. Vsako leto se zadolžijo krepko čez dolečene meje. Kar skupno znaša 60% BDPja po merilu EU.
Hrvatje so proti Sloveniji ena napaka.
Kar se tiče piranskega zaliva, pa hrvatje ravnajo iz obupa. Letos so povišali cene letovanja, vendar niso izboljšali ponudbe. Kar jih je opeklo. Ker praktično nimajo proizvodnje in storitvenega sektorja, živijo predvsem na račun turizma. In letos je bila za njih katastrofalna sezona. Zato bi radi še več morja.
Slovenija (Čateške toplice...) bi rada kupila nekaj hotelov, ozemlja na hrvaškem, vendar jih vlada dobesedno jebe v glavo.
Hrvatje ne bodo videli EU še lep čas. Vsako leto se zadolžijo krepko čez dolečene meje. Kar skupno znaša 60% BDPja po merilu EU.
Hrvatje so proti Sloveniji ena napaka.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Caligula ::
No ja-jaz pravim, da smo proti takim drzavam, ki so imele podobna izhodisca-tudi Hrvaska-napaka mi. Izstopamo. Ampak v pozitivnem smislu.
Vcasih se vprasam kaj bi bilo, ce bi imeli skrajneze na oblasti. Ker to so meli Hrvati skos. Po mojem bi bli lih nekje na nivoju Hrvatov al pa minimalno boljs.
Oni majo vedno oblast tipa Hrvaski nacionalni interesi bla bla bla.... skratka podobno kot je kdaj kako opozicijo slisat.
Vcasih se vprasam kaj bi bilo, ce bi imeli skrajneze na oblasti. Ker to so meli Hrvati skos. Po mojem bi bli lih nekje na nivoju Hrvatov al pa minimalno boljs.
Oni majo vedno oblast tipa Hrvaski nacionalni interesi bla bla bla.... skratka podobno kot je kdaj kako opozicijo slisat.

Jst ::
Men se pa zdi, da ima Hrvaška bolj Jelinčič-type oblast, kot pa slo opozicijsko.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Ciho ::
S temi njihovimi nacionalnimi interesi so kar dosti dosegli. Kar naenkrat se mi ves čas branimo. In ne pozabit da so imeli dolgo in kruto vojno, pa so se pobrali. Ne bi rekel da jim gre tako zelo slabo. Če bi mi v našo politiko dali samo kanček njihovih nacionalnih interesov in nebi bili tako mlačni, bi bila situacija (po mojem mnenju) veliko bolj v našo korist.

Jst ::
V EU ni prostora za skrajne naciolano-interesne dejavnosti.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Jst ::
"Do sredine Piranskega zaliva je morje slovensko, od sredine sem pa je hrvaško," je danes v pogovoru za Hrvaški radio poudaril hrvaški premier Ivo Sanader. Pri tem je komentiral tudi sobotno dejanje slovenskega premiera Antona Ropa, ki je, kot je poročal Hrvaški radio, ob tem, ko je skupaj s slovenskimi ribiči v Piranskem morju odvrgel mrežo, izjavil, da je to slovensko morje. Hrvaški premier je dejal, da to ravnanje slovenskega kolega tolmači kot del predvolilne kampanje pred oktobrskimi parlamentarnimi volitvami v Sloveniji.
Glede sporazuma Drnovšek-Račan je Sanader povedal, da ga Hrvaška ni mogla ratificirati, ker ni bil podpisan. "Ta sporazum je bil parafiran, mi pa menimo, da je bila to velika napaka nekdanje hrvaške vlade in tedanjega premiera Ivice Račana ter da je bil storjen nepotreben škodljiv korak. Sedaj je tako na eni kot drugi strani, da se napetosti ne zaostrujejo," je še povedal hrvaški premier.
Danes v Delu
Glede sporazuma Drnovšek-Račan je Sanader povedal, da ga Hrvaška ni mogla ratificirati, ker ni bil podpisan. "Ta sporazum je bil parafiran, mi pa menimo, da je bila to velika napaka nekdanje hrvaške vlade in tedanjega premiera Ivice Račana ter da je bil storjen nepotreben škodljiv korak. Sedaj je tako na eni kot drugi strani, da se napetosti ne zaostrujejo," je še povedal hrvaški premier.
Danes v Delu
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jst ()

beatdirector ::
Kot je ze vsakmu otroku jasno je treba pri vsakih pogajanjih mal popustit pol pa gre.
Zgleda, da nasi politiki se niso bli nikol na kaksnem bazarju v istambulu.
Pri osamovojitvi bi mogl mejo postavt vsaj kaksn kilometr na Hrvasko stran pol pa se pogajat in na koncu pokazat kolk smo dobri in jim odstopt tist del. Tako bi bli vsi zadovolni kako so se dobr zmenl.
Zdej pa je kar je in nobedn nima namena odstopt niti za centimetr ker bi to pomenil da bi na naslednih volitvah pogoru.
Se mi zdi da je to dogajanje tiha zasedba nasega ozemlja in da tuki ni sam kaksen ribi,c ki bi rad ulovil eno kilo rib vec.
Zgleda, da nasi politiki se niso bli nikol na kaksnem bazarju v istambulu.
Pri osamovojitvi bi mogl mejo postavt vsaj kaksn kilometr na Hrvasko stran pol pa se pogajat in na koncu pokazat kolk smo dobri in jim odstopt tist del. Tako bi bli vsi zadovolni kako so se dobr zmenl.

Zdej pa je kar je in nobedn nima namena odstopt niti za centimetr ker bi to pomenil da bi na naslednih volitvah pogoru.
Se mi zdi da je to dogajanje tiha zasedba nasega ozemlja in da tuki ni sam kaksen ribi,c ki bi rad ulovil eno kilo rib vec.

Thomas ::
Jaaaa ... to pa mene tudi zanima in tega - naiven kot sem - ne vem. Je zadaj kakšno načrtovanije, al se to spontano dogaja zaradi Istrijanskega (Hrvaškega?) kozmopolitizma (beri: omejenosti)?
Beseda "načrtovanije" je srbska in pomeni "načrtovanje, kako bi prišel do večje države".
Beseda "načrtovanije" je srbska in pomeni "načrtovanje, kako bi prišel do večje države".
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Phil ::
More biti načrtovanije ker zakaj bi sicer Hrvaška še slabšala odnose s sosedo. Za enega ribiča in njegov ulov jih (vlade) najbrž že ne skrbi.
Eh Rop se pa ne bi smel iti tistega ribarjenja. Samo slabša zadeve.
Eh Rop se pa ne bi smel iti tistega ribarjenja. Samo slabša zadeve.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Phil ()

Luka Percic ::
"Oni majo vedno oblast tipa Hrvaski nacionalni interesi bla bla bla.... skratka podobno kot je kdaj kako opozicijo slisat. "
Nacionalni interes najbolj povdarja kucan (&forum 21), zaradi tega, ker hoče da bo njegov gospodarski krog (od nedavnega forum 21), lahko kupoval podjetja ceneje kot tujci. Torej je tukaj kar gospodarski interes.
No, je pa res da mu SNS pomaga. Majo kar enih par "skupnih interesov" (čudno ane?
Nacionalni interes najbolj povdarja kucan (&forum 21), zaradi tega, ker hoče da bo njegov gospodarski krog (od nedavnega forum 21), lahko kupoval podjetja ceneje kot tujci. Torej je tukaj kar gospodarski interes.
No, je pa res da mu SNS pomaga. Majo kar enih par "skupnih interesov" (čudno ane?

Thomas ::
Čudno sploh ni. Čudno je samo, kako je Peče sinoči na TV čutu potrebo po poudarjanju tega.
Niti to ni čudno.
Niti to ni čudno.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

depresija ::
V EU ni prostora za skrajne naciolano-interesne dejavnosti.

Kaj je kdo tukej govoru o kašnih nesprejemljivih skrajnih zahtevah?????

borchi ::
tega članka nisem prebral. ampak, da rečeš, da "finance znajo" je tako kot bi reku, erm, ....
Farfetched reality
jumbo shrimp
cold hot dogs
Act naturally
Resident alien
Advanced BASIC
Genuine imitation
Airline Food
Good grief
Same difference
Almost exactly
Government organization
Sanitary landfill
Alone together
Legally drunk
Silent scream
American history
Living dead
Small crowd
Business ethics
Soft rock
Butt Head
Military Intelligence
Software documentation
New York culture
New classic
Sweet sorrow
"Now, then ..."
Synthetic natural gas
Passive aggression
Taped live
Clearly misunderstood
Peace force
Extinct Life
Temporary tax increase
Computer jock
Plastic glasses
Terribly pleased
Computer security
Tight slacks
Definite maybe
Pretty ugly
Twelve-ounce pound cake
Diet ice cream
Working vacation
Exact estimate
Microsoft Works
Farfetched reality
jumbo shrimp
cold hot dogs
Act naturally
Resident alien
Advanced BASIC
Genuine imitation
Airline Food
Good grief
Same difference
Almost exactly
Government organization
Sanitary landfill
Alone together
Legally drunk
Silent scream
American history
Living dead
Small crowd
Business ethics
Soft rock
Butt Head
Military Intelligence
Software documentation
New York culture
New classic
Sweet sorrow
"Now, then ..."
Synthetic natural gas
Passive aggression
Taped live
Clearly misunderstood
Peace force
Extinct Life
Temporary tax increase
Computer jock
Plastic glasses
Terribly pleased
Computer security
Tight slacks
Definite maybe
Pretty ugly
Twelve-ounce pound cake
Diet ice cream
Working vacation
Exact estimate
Microsoft Works

Thomas ::
Dej pod "funny links" borchi!
Tukaj pa rajš povej kej lepega o LDSu!
Tukaj pa rajš povej kej lepega o LDSu!
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

borchi ::
o LDSu? pred 4 leti so meli ful bolš kampanjo. zgleda, da se letos njihova agencija ni kj preveč pretegnala. no, pa še ti kj grdega povej o SDSu.
btw, ne vem a naj tvojo pripombo smatram kot da ti resno jemlješ Finance?
btw, ne vem a naj tvojo pripombo smatram kot da ti resno jemlješ Finance?

Thomas ::
Kaj bi jest govoru o SDSu grdo?
No, pa bom! Premalo so gorki LDSu!
No, pa bom! Premalo so gorki LDSu!

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Thomas ::
Sicer sem pa o SDSu že povedal. Oni bi bili v Ameriki eno levo krilo Demokratov.
Jest, ki sem politično v centru Republikancev, od koder prezirljivo bevskam na vse strani, jih ne bom ravno nevemkako hvalil, ane?
Hkrati pa tudi svojo politično usmeritev jemljem kot nujno zlo. Kot nekdo, ki se je znašel na prizorišču nesreče, zdaj pa misli, da mora dajati prvo pomoč. Čeprav mu je urgentna medicina mrzka in ga medicina sploh ne zanima.
Taka je moja situacija v politiki, da ne bo kakšne pomote.
Jest, ki sem politično v centru Republikancev, od koder prezirljivo bevskam na vse strani, jih ne bom ravno nevemkako hvalil, ane?
Hkrati pa tudi svojo politično usmeritev jemljem kot nujno zlo. Kot nekdo, ki se je znašel na prizorišču nesreče, zdaj pa misli, da mora dajati prvo pomoč. Čeprav mu je urgentna medicina mrzka in ga medicina sploh ne zanima.
Taka je moja situacija v politiki, da ne bo kakšne pomote.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Thomas ::
Poleg tega naj bo pa jasno tudi to, da se mi lastna stranka (=Republikanci) zdi večinsko moronska. Nimajo pojma za kaj res gre.
Kar je pa normalno. To itak vemo, da se na množice ne gre nevemkaj zanašat. Tu in tam kakšen pameten posameznik ... to je vse.
Kar je pa normalno. To itak vemo, da se na množice ne gre nevemkaj zanašat. Tu in tam kakšen pameten posameznik ... to je vse.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Thomas ::
Kje pa! On je profesionalni politik, ki v tem najde svoj gušt.
Dinamika milijard ljudi je še presenetljivo calm, če mene vprašaš. Še dosti malo problemov. Če bi ne bilo Afrike in Arabije, jih jest sploh ne bi videl. Resnih že ne.
Toda Afrika in Arabija sta tukaj in pridno opozarjata na našo evolucijsko preteklost. Oni jo živijo, mi smo jo nehali nekaj desetletij nazaj. Zdej nas vabijo v igro.
Dinamika milijard ljudi je še presenetljivo calm, če mene vprašaš. Še dosti malo problemov. Če bi ne bilo Afrike in Arabije, jih jest sploh ne bi videl. Resnih že ne.
Toda Afrika in Arabija sta tukaj in pridno opozarjata na našo evolucijsko preteklost. Oni jo živijo, mi smo jo nehali nekaj desetletij nazaj. Zdej nas vabijo v igro.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

mlamat ::
Afghan War (part of America’s world-wide War on Terrorism)--
q Al-Aqsa Intifada (Israeli-Palestinian Conflict) (high-risk to become a regional war)--
q Algerian Civil War—(1992-Present): After the Islamic Salvation Front won national elections in 1992, the military annulled the elections and the winning party's military wing, The Islamic Salvation Army (AIS), began a bloody rebellion. The AIS surrendered in June 1999, but other groups continue to fight the government.
q Basque Separatist Conflict—(1958-Present): The rebel group called Basque Fatherland and Liberty guerrilla group (ETA) has waged an urban guerrilla movement against the Spanish government. The organization's goal is independence for the Basque region of northern Spain and southwestern France. Some operations have taken place in France, causing Paris and Madrid to cooperate. Approximately 800 deaths are attributed to the ETA's campaign.
q Burma (Myanmar) Civil War—(1948-Present): In Earth's longest running and perhaps most complex conflict, several different ethnic groups attempted to secede in the years following World War 2. Most of these groups continue the struggle to this day, along with political dissidents who took up arms after a 1988 coup. Some areas of northern Burma have been controlled by Narco-guerrillas harvesting opium, which the government has attempted to halt. Military operations near border areas have brought both rebels and the Burmese government into occasional conflict with neighboring Thailand.
q Burundi Civil War—(1994-Present): The Tutsi-dominated government is fighting Hutu rebels. The rebels use neighboring Congo as a base to launch attacks, thereby giving the Burundi government reason to involve itself in the Second Congolese War.
q Colombian Civil War—(1964-Present): Marxist Guerrillas began a Cuban-inspired insurgency in the 1960s, which continued at a fairly low level until the 1990s, when the strength of the guerrilla groups increased due to their de facto alliance with narcotics-producing crime cartels. Over the past year (since 2001), the violence of the conflict has increased as the government realized that negotiations with the guerrillas were not leading to a peaceful solution. The United States is providing military and logistical support to the government.
q Congo: Second Congolese War (This IS a regional war)—(1998-Present): Peace talks may soon end what has been called “Africa’s World War.” Congolese rebels, backed by Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi, seek the overthrow of President Kabila (the father was assassinated and his son then became president), who is supported by rebels from the above three countries, in addition to the armies of Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia. Estimates put the number of dead in this war at over one million, mostly civilians. Also known as the “Great Lakes War.”
q Chechnya (Russia): Second Chechen War--
q Iraq-Coalition Conflict (high-risk to become a regional war)—
q Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian Forces in Lebanon—Part of ongoing conflict between Israel and Syria in Lebanon. (high-risk to become a regional war)—
o July 1, 2001: Israeli warplanes struck a Syrian Army radar post and anti-aircraft site in Lebanon in retaliation for a Hezbollah attack on the Israel-Lebanon border in an area called the Cheba Farms. Israel believes Syria controls the Hezbollah and struck the Syrians in order to "send a message."
o April 15, 2001: Israel dropped six bombs on a Syrian Army radar post in Lebanon in retaliation for a Hezbollah attack on the Israel-Lebanon border. Israel believes Syria controls the Hezbollah. Three Syrian troops died in the attack.
q Israeli –Syrian Border Clashes—Part of ongoing conflict between Israel and Syria in Lebanon. (high-risk to become a regional war)—
o January 10, 2003: Israeli troops shot and killed one Syrian soldier and captured another in an apparent attempt by the Syrian soldiers to infiltrate across the border into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Approximately one hour after the initial shooting, a Syrian outpost opened fire on Israeli forces. Israel chose not to respond for fear of escalating the violence. Isael later turned over the body of the dead soldier and the prisoner to the United Nations for transfer back to Syria.
o July, 1991: Three Syrians, members of a military intellegence unit, infiltrated into Israeli-Occupied territory near Mount Hermon. They fired an anitank weapon at an Israeli military outpost, killing one Israeli soldier.
q Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-àSee Al-Aqsa Intifada (above)-- (high-risk to become a regional war)—
q q q Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivorie) Civil War—(Sept. 19, 2002-Present): Rebel soldiers (who later called themselves the Patriotic Movement of Ivory Coast (MPCI) launched a coordinated, nation-wide attack on forces loyal to President Laurent Gbagbo. Loyalist forces held onto the capital city of Abidjan, but lost control of the northern cities of Bouake and Korhogo. Initial reports had former military dictator General Robert Guei as the leader of the coup. It was also reported that he perished in the fighting. Ivory Coast has seen ethnic and religious violence since 2000 between northern Muslims (such as Guei) and southern Christians (such as President Gbagbo). The government also claims that rebel reinforcement entered the country from a bordering nation, most likely Burkina Faso to the north. Tensions have increased between the two West African nations partly as a result of the status of millions of migrant Burkina Faso citizens living in Ivory Coast seeking jobs. A cease-fire began on Oct. 17, which held until the last week of November, as government forces launched a new offensive with recently acquired helicopters and what appeared to be a unit of English-speaking mercenaries. Also, a new rebel group appeared, seizing several towns along the western border with Liberia. This group, calling itself the Ivorian Popular Movement for the Greater West, clashed with French peacekeeping forces that were attempting to evacuate Europeans from the area. This Yacouba-based tribal group, which appears to include some Liberians, may be connected to one of the factions involved in the Liberian Civil War. A second western rebel group, called the Movement for Justice and Peace, appears loyal to the late General Guei.
q Kashmir Conflict (high-risk to become a regional war)—(1991-Present): Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, and a Kashmiri rebel movement is aided by Pakistan. Intermittent clashes along the border nearly turned into full-scale war in the summer of 1999 and in late 2001.
o o o o Intense Clashes Along the LOC-- (Dec. 23, 2001-Continuing): Following the terrorist attack on India's Parliament, tensions between India and Pakistan increased, with machine gun, mortar and artillery fire across their border (Line of Control) in disputed Kashmir.
o o o o Terrorist/Rebel Attack on the Indian Parliament in New Delhi—( Dec. 13, 2001): Kashmiri Terrorists attacked the Indian Parliament, attempting to blow it up during a legislative session. Security guard killed the militants before they could enter the Parliament building. 5 terrorists and 7 Indian security officers and 2 Indian bystanders were killed in the attack. This attack triggered a violent confrontation along the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir between the armies of India and Pakistan. India blamed Pakistan for aiding the rebels
q Liberian Civil War--
q Nepal Civil War—(Feb. 13, 1996- Present): Maoist Guerrillas seek to overthrow the Nepal monarchy though a rural uprising. This conflict has grown in intensity in recent months. Chinese aid to the rebels is alleged.
q Northern Ireland Conflict—(1969-Present): This is the latest in a very long series of conflicts fought by Britain in Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom, with a Protestant majority loyal to London. The Irish Catholic minority has sought to break away and join the Irish Republic in the southern part of the island. The IRA and other groups have conducted a largely urban guerrilla campaign since 1969. Protestant para-military groups also wage an underground war against the Catholic population. Peace talks have been under way for some time. Over 2,500 deaths have occurred since1969.
q Philippines Conflicts—
o Muslim Rebellion in the Southern Philippines--(1969-Present): Muslim rebel groups seek autonomy/independence from the mostly Christian Philippines. One rebel group, the Abu Sayaf Group, is believed linked to Osama bin-Laden’s Al-Qaida. This connection, plus their tactic of kidnapping and beheading Americans, led the United States to send Special Forces to aid the Philippine Army.
o New People’s Army Rebellion--(1969-Present): The Communist New People’s Army (along with the rival Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB); is attempting to overthrow the Philippine government and install a Marxist regime.
q Rwandan Civil War—(1994-Present): The current Rwandan government is dominated by the Tutsi tribe, which overthrew the old government dominated by the Hutu tribe. Before losing power, the Hutu rulers and their militia massacred over half a million people. The Hutus now conduct a guerrilla war against the Tutsi government from bases in the Congo. Rwanda used the presence of these Hutu guerrillas to take part in both of the recent Congolese Wars.
q Sri Lankan Civil War—(1983-Present): Sri Lanka's civil war is due to problems between the Tamil minority and the Sinhalese majority. In the 1980's, India intervened on the government's side, but has since withdrawn its troops. Over 70,000 deaths have resulted from this war. Peace talks have been under way for some time.
q Sudanese Civil War—(1983-Present): This is a war based largely on racial, religious and regional differences. The government is dominated by Muslim Arabs, while the south of the country is largely black Christian.
q War on Terrorism—Officially beginning Oct. 7, 2001, this American-led crusade against al-Qaida thus far involves: the campaign against al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the search by U.S. and Pakistani forces for al-Qaida followers in Pakistan, the deployment of U.S. special forces to aid government forces in the Philippines battle the Abu Sayyaf guerrillas on the southern Philippine island of Bamiyan, the deployment of U.S. special forces to Yemen to train and aid government forces dealing with rural tribes possibly allied with al-Qaida and the deployment of U.S. special forces to the republic of Georgia to train and aid government forces against rebels. Other military, para-military and covert missions are probably ongoing, but not yet public.
q Ugandan Civil War--
Current “Minor” wars and conflicts in the world— Wars and conflicts, which are relatively small impact on the world or the region in which they occur. Placement on this list is somewhat subjective. For nations and individual people caught up in these conflicts, these wars are far from “minor,” but from the perspective of the world as a whole, they are possess a lower “profile” than the wars in the “major” category. This category also contains “one-time” occurrences such as the Korean border battles, which are part of a long-standing hostility. Generally speaking, these conflicts involve few than 1,000 deaths, involve only one nation (for internal conflicts) or only two nations (for international conflicts) and/or do not possess the likelihood of developing into multi-national regional conflicts.
Alphabetical listing.
q Bougainville War of Independence—(1989-Present): The island of Bougainville seeks independence from Papua New Guinea.
q Cabinda (Angola) Separatist War—(1984-Present): The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) seeks to separate the oil-rich enclave of Cabinda from Angola. On September 19, 2002, the Angolan army began a major military offensive against the Cabinda rebels.
q Chad-Central African Republic Border Conflict—(Aug. 7, 2002): The armies of Chad and the CAR clashed in an exchange that left approximately two dozen dead. Each side blamed the other for initiating the attack. Tensions have been high since an attempted coup in the CAR last November.
q Chittagong Hill Tracts War in Bangladesh- (1975?-Present): Peace settlements have ended some fighting, but at least one rebel group remains active.
q Hmong Insurgency in Laos—(1975-Present): The Hmong ethnic group have fought the Communist government since it took power following the end of the Vietnam (2nd Indochina) War in 1975. Vietnam provides military aid and troops to the Laotian government periodically.
q India: Minor Wars—A series of conflicts mostly involving ethnic groups seeking independence or autonomy from the central government. One conflict, the Naxalite War, is political rather than ethnic. These are in addition to the Kashmir Rebellion, which rates as a major conflict.
o Hindu-Muslim Sectarian Violence—(1947-Present): Since independence from Britain in 1947, Hindus and Muslims in India have engaged in periodic outbursts of violence against each other. The latest mob violence in early 2002 in the state of Gujarat claimed 800 to 1,000 lives.
o Naga Rebellion—(1952-Present): The Naga ethnic group sought independence from India. A cease-fire took effect in 1997, though some Naga groups continue to oppose the government.
o Mizo Rebellion—(Feb. 28, 1966-Present): The Mizo National Front (MNF) seeks independence from India for the Mizoram region.
o Naxalite Guerrilla War—(May 25, 1967-Present): Beginning with a peasant uprising in the town of Naxalbari, this Marxist/Maoist rebellion sputters on in the Indian countryside. The guerrillas operate among the impoverished peasants and fight both the government security forces and the private paramilitary groups funded by wealthy landowners. Most fighting takes place in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Mahrashtra, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
o Tripura Rebellion—(1979-Present): Tripura, in Northeast India, is embroiled in a separatist rebellion as several rebel groups fight for independence.
o Assam Rebellion—(1980-Present): The United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) formed in April 1979 in response to an influx of non-Assamese from Bangladesh and parts of North East India. This movement seeks to evict those "foreigners" and seek greater autonomy from the Indian government.
o Bodo Rebellion—(Mid-1980s-Present): The National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) is fighting for a separate state within India. They feel that their ethnic group is persecuted by the Assamese and Bengali groups which dominate the region.
q Indonesia: Minor Wars—A series of rebellions against the government, along with sectarian and ethnic violence between Indonesia’s many ethnic and religious groups continues to threaten the unity and perhaps the continued survival of Indonesia. These do not include the recently resolved conflict in East Timor, which resulted in that island’s independence.
o West Papua Rebellion—(1965-Present):
o Aceh Rebellion—(mid-1980s-Present):
o Ambon Ethnic Violence—(1999-Present)
o Sulawesi Sectarian Violence—(1998-Present): Violence between Muslims and Christians on the island of Sulawesi. Violence escalated in mid-2001, when thousands of members of a fundamentalist Muslim militia called Laskar Jihad arrived from the island of Java.
q Iranian Mujahadeen Khalq Guerrilla War—(1979-Present): After the Iranian Revolution in 1979 toppled the government of the Shah, the Mujahadeen Khalq soon began a bloody guerrilla war against the new Islamic government. The Mujahadeen are currently based in Iraq and conduct cross-border raids into Iran, as well as conducting urban guerrilla operations in the cities and conducting political assassinations. Iran occasionally launches raids against Khalq bases in Iraq.
q Japanese Coast Guard Sinking of Suspected Spy Ship—(Dec. 21 and 22, 2001): The Japanese Coast Guard chased a suspected spy ship and sank it. Crewmembers of the spy ship fired on the Japanese ships, wounding two Coast Guard sailors. The spy ship crew all perished when their vessel sank. Japan suspects the ship was North Korean.
q Korean Border Battle at Sea—(June 28, 2002): North and South Korean naval vessels fought a twenty-minute gun battle in which 4 South Korean sailors died and 18 wounded near Yeonpyeong island in the Yellow Sea. A South Korean vessel was sunk and a North Korean vessel sustained damage, with casualties. This is one of several Korean border fights in recent years. News link—BBC
q Korean Border Battle—(Nov. 27, 2001): The first cross-border shooting of 2001 between North and South Korea. North Korean troops fired several shots at a South Korean guard post. The South Koreans returned fire.
q Kurdish Rebellion in Iraq—(1991-Present): Following Iraq's defeat in the Second Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Iraq's Kurds rebelled, seeking independence. This is the latest in a long series of Kurdish uprisings. The Kurds currently enjoy autonomy in north Iraq under the protection of the United States and the United Kingdom.
q Kurdish Rebellion in Turkey—(1984-Present): Rebel groups of the Kurdish ethnic group seek independence from Turkey.
q Namibia: Caprivi Uprising—(Aug. 2, 1999-Present): The Caprivi Liberation Army, led by Namibian politician Mishake Muyongo, claims that the government is neglecting their region. Guerrillas attacked Namibian military and police on August 2 in the Caprivi area.
q Niger Army Mutiny—( July 31-Aug. 9, 2002): Forces loyal to the government of Niger put down an army mutiny that had spread to several army garrisons across the country. The uprising is believed related to low pay for army soldiers. News link--BBC
q Nigerian Minor Conflicts—(1991-Present): Various ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria engage in sporadic communal violence. More detail to be added soon.
q Oromo Rebellion in Ethiopia—(1973-Present): Long-running rebellion by the Oromo Liberation Front. The OLF is currently allied to Eritrea, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and with the Aideed clan in Somalia--all of which are fighting the Ethiopian regime. See Ethiopian-Oromo Conflicts
q Russian Bombing of Pankisi Gorge in Georgia—(September, 2002): Russian warplanes bombed the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, which borders on Chechnya. Russia claimed that Chechen rebels used the Gorge as a staging area for attacks on Russian forces in Chechnya. Georgia protested the attacks.
q Shiite Muslim Rebellion in Iraq--—(1991-Present): Following Iraq's defeat in the Second Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Iraq's Shiites, a religious minority, rebelled against the government. Low-level guerrilla warfare continues in the southern marshes.
q Somali Civil War (state of anarchy)—(1991-Present): The Somali government ceased to exist following the 1991 overthrow of dictator Siade Barre. Rival Somali groups fight for advantage but the net result is anarchy. In 1992 and 1993, United Nations forces, led by the United States, attempted to bring order to the country and head off a famine. After incurring casualties, the U.S. and the U.N. withdrew.
q Tuareg Rebellion in Niger—
q Yemen Tribal Conflict—(Dec. 19, 2001): Yemeni armed forces moved against several villages of the Abida tribe suspected of harboring al-Qaida fugitives. 24 soldiers and 16 members of the Adiba tribe perished. American Special Forces were in Yemen to train the government military so that operations such as this one against suspected terrorists could be undertaken. No Americans are known to have taken part in this operation. (part of America’s world wide War on Terrorism)--
Recently concluded or suspended wars and conflicts in the world—Wars and conflicts which, as of this page’s latest update, are concluded due to a cease-fire, peace treaty or some other apparently permanent cessation of hostilities. Many of these conflicts can easily re-erupt into violence. Generally, conflicts remain in this category until ten years have passed without a resumption of war. Alphabetical listing.
q Angolan Civil War—(1975-April 4, 2002): After jointly fighting for independence against Portugal, the MPLA and UNITA, two rebel groups, fell into civil war over control of Angola. In the 1970s and the 1980s, the MPLA accepted aid from Cuba and the Soviet Union, while UNITA took aid from South Africa and the United States. UNITA used bases in neighboring Congo, which led the MPLA-led Angolan government to intervene in the Congolese Wars. After UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi’s death in early 2002, negotiations led to the April cease-fire.
q Cambodian Civil War--
q Chiapas Uprising in Mexico (“Zapatista Uprising”)—(Jan. 1, 1994- Present): Zapatista rebels, most of whom are Mexican Indians, launched a rebellion in the Southern state of Chiapas. Though no outright fighting has taken place since a cease-fire in late January 1994, tensions remain as negotiations take place.
q Congo-Brazzaville Civil War—(1997-2000):
q East Timor War—(1975-1999)
q Egyptian Muslim Rebellion—(1992-2000): Fundamentalist Muslim rebels seek to topple the secular Egyptian government. At least 1,200 people have perished since the beginning of the rebellion. The conflict was primarily waged as an urban guerrilla/terrorist war. The opposition Muslim Brotherhood took part in elections in 2000, indicating that they felt armed force would not work.
q Second Eritrea-Ethiopia War—(1998-2000): Border war between two heavily armed east African neighbors with a long and violent history between them. Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 following a 30-year guerilla war.
q Fiji Civil War--
q Georgian Military Revolt--
q Guinea-Bissau Civil War and Intervention—(1998-1999): An army rebellion against the Guinea-Bissau government plunged this West African nation into a violent civil war. Neighboring Senegal and Guinea-Conakry sent troops to aid the government. Despite this aid, the war ended with the rebel leader in control of the nation. Senegal intervened partially due to the rebellion in its own Casamance region, which borders on Guinea-Bissau.
q Haiti Coup Attempt –( Dec. 17, 2001):
q Israeli Occupation of Southern Lebanon –(1982-2000): Following the 1982-1984 Israeli Invasion and Occupation of Southern Lebanon, a border war has began in which Islamic and Palestinian guerrillas seek to drive Israeli troops from a strip of southern Lebanon which they occupied with the aid of the anti-government South Lebanon Army. Israel occasionally bombed and shelled areas throughout Lebanon. Israel withdrew from Southern Lebanon in mid-2000.
q Intervention in Lesotho by South Africa and Botswana—Following election-related violence in Lesotho, neighboring South Africa and Botswana intervened to preserve the current government.
q Kosovo War—(1998-1999): The latest round of the Yugoslav Civil War (or Third Balkan War) began as another ethnic rebellion against Serbian authority. NATO intervened to halt what it called the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, turning this backwater war into a relatively significant air campaign leading to the liberation of the province from Serbian Yugoslav authority.
q Madagascar Civil War—( June, 2002-July 7, 2002): Didier Ratsiraka and Marc Ravalomanana ran against each other in Madagascar’s presidential election of December 16, 2001. They disagreed on who should take charge of the government following Ravalomanana’s apparent victory, and violence between their supporters broke out in June, 2002. Ratsiraka fled the country in July after Ravalomanana gained the diplomatic support of the United States and France. BBC News Link
q Peruvian Civil War—(1980-2000): The Peruvian government defeated the Maoist Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).
q Saharan War—(1975-Present): A truce has been in place since 1991, but a permanent peace deal has not yet been reached. The Western Sahara is a former Spanish colony. When the Spanish left their Saharan colony, Morocco and Mauritania seized the area and the native Saharawi began a struggle for independence. Mauritania gave up its portion of the Western Sahara in 1979 and ended participation in the war.
q Saudi-Yemen Border Conflict—(1998): Border conflict between two neighbors who have never gotten along. The border is ill defined and has been a source of conflict for decades.
q Senegal Civil War (“Casamance War”)--
q Sierra Leone Civil War—(March, 1991-2002):
q Tajikistan Civil War—(1992-1997):
q Yemeni Tribal Uprising—(1998): Rebellion by rural tribesmen protesting the poor economy. The Yemeni government alleges that Saudi Arabia coaxed the rebels into violence. Conflict between the government and the interior tribes occurs often.
q Al-Aqsa Intifada (Israeli-Palestinian Conflict) (high-risk to become a regional war)--
q Algerian Civil War—(1992-Present): After the Islamic Salvation Front won national elections in 1992, the military annulled the elections and the winning party's military wing, The Islamic Salvation Army (AIS), began a bloody rebellion. The AIS surrendered in June 1999, but other groups continue to fight the government.
q Basque Separatist Conflict—(1958-Present): The rebel group called Basque Fatherland and Liberty guerrilla group (ETA) has waged an urban guerrilla movement against the Spanish government. The organization's goal is independence for the Basque region of northern Spain and southwestern France. Some operations have taken place in France, causing Paris and Madrid to cooperate. Approximately 800 deaths are attributed to the ETA's campaign.
q Burma (Myanmar) Civil War—(1948-Present): In Earth's longest running and perhaps most complex conflict, several different ethnic groups attempted to secede in the years following World War 2. Most of these groups continue the struggle to this day, along with political dissidents who took up arms after a 1988 coup. Some areas of northern Burma have been controlled by Narco-guerrillas harvesting opium, which the government has attempted to halt. Military operations near border areas have brought both rebels and the Burmese government into occasional conflict with neighboring Thailand.
q Burundi Civil War—(1994-Present): The Tutsi-dominated government is fighting Hutu rebels. The rebels use neighboring Congo as a base to launch attacks, thereby giving the Burundi government reason to involve itself in the Second Congolese War.
q Colombian Civil War—(1964-Present): Marxist Guerrillas began a Cuban-inspired insurgency in the 1960s, which continued at a fairly low level until the 1990s, when the strength of the guerrilla groups increased due to their de facto alliance with narcotics-producing crime cartels. Over the past year (since 2001), the violence of the conflict has increased as the government realized that negotiations with the guerrillas were not leading to a peaceful solution. The United States is providing military and logistical support to the government.
q Congo: Second Congolese War (This IS a regional war)—(1998-Present): Peace talks may soon end what has been called “Africa’s World War.” Congolese rebels, backed by Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi, seek the overthrow of President Kabila (the father was assassinated and his son then became president), who is supported by rebels from the above three countries, in addition to the armies of Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia. Estimates put the number of dead in this war at over one million, mostly civilians. Also known as the “Great Lakes War.”
q Chechnya (Russia): Second Chechen War--
q Iraq-Coalition Conflict (high-risk to become a regional war)—
q Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian Forces in Lebanon—Part of ongoing conflict between Israel and Syria in Lebanon. (high-risk to become a regional war)—
o July 1, 2001: Israeli warplanes struck a Syrian Army radar post and anti-aircraft site in Lebanon in retaliation for a Hezbollah attack on the Israel-Lebanon border in an area called the Cheba Farms. Israel believes Syria controls the Hezbollah and struck the Syrians in order to "send a message."
o April 15, 2001: Israel dropped six bombs on a Syrian Army radar post in Lebanon in retaliation for a Hezbollah attack on the Israel-Lebanon border. Israel believes Syria controls the Hezbollah. Three Syrian troops died in the attack.
q Israeli –Syrian Border Clashes—Part of ongoing conflict between Israel and Syria in Lebanon. (high-risk to become a regional war)—
o January 10, 2003: Israeli troops shot and killed one Syrian soldier and captured another in an apparent attempt by the Syrian soldiers to infiltrate across the border into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Approximately one hour after the initial shooting, a Syrian outpost opened fire on Israeli forces. Israel chose not to respond for fear of escalating the violence. Isael later turned over the body of the dead soldier and the prisoner to the United Nations for transfer back to Syria.
o July, 1991: Three Syrians, members of a military intellegence unit, infiltrated into Israeli-Occupied territory near Mount Hermon. They fired an anitank weapon at an Israeli military outpost, killing one Israeli soldier.
q Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-àSee Al-Aqsa Intifada (above)-- (high-risk to become a regional war)—
q q q Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivorie) Civil War—(Sept. 19, 2002-Present): Rebel soldiers (who later called themselves the Patriotic Movement of Ivory Coast (MPCI) launched a coordinated, nation-wide attack on forces loyal to President Laurent Gbagbo. Loyalist forces held onto the capital city of Abidjan, but lost control of the northern cities of Bouake and Korhogo. Initial reports had former military dictator General Robert Guei as the leader of the coup. It was also reported that he perished in the fighting. Ivory Coast has seen ethnic and religious violence since 2000 between northern Muslims (such as Guei) and southern Christians (such as President Gbagbo). The government also claims that rebel reinforcement entered the country from a bordering nation, most likely Burkina Faso to the north. Tensions have increased between the two West African nations partly as a result of the status of millions of migrant Burkina Faso citizens living in Ivory Coast seeking jobs. A cease-fire began on Oct. 17, which held until the last week of November, as government forces launched a new offensive with recently acquired helicopters and what appeared to be a unit of English-speaking mercenaries. Also, a new rebel group appeared, seizing several towns along the western border with Liberia. This group, calling itself the Ivorian Popular Movement for the Greater West, clashed with French peacekeeping forces that were attempting to evacuate Europeans from the area. This Yacouba-based tribal group, which appears to include some Liberians, may be connected to one of the factions involved in the Liberian Civil War. A second western rebel group, called the Movement for Justice and Peace, appears loyal to the late General Guei.
q Kashmir Conflict (high-risk to become a regional war)—(1991-Present): Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, and a Kashmiri rebel movement is aided by Pakistan. Intermittent clashes along the border nearly turned into full-scale war in the summer of 1999 and in late 2001.
o o o o Intense Clashes Along the LOC-- (Dec. 23, 2001-Continuing): Following the terrorist attack on India's Parliament, tensions between India and Pakistan increased, with machine gun, mortar and artillery fire across their border (Line of Control) in disputed Kashmir.
o o o o Terrorist/Rebel Attack on the Indian Parliament in New Delhi—( Dec. 13, 2001): Kashmiri Terrorists attacked the Indian Parliament, attempting to blow it up during a legislative session. Security guard killed the militants before they could enter the Parliament building. 5 terrorists and 7 Indian security officers and 2 Indian bystanders were killed in the attack. This attack triggered a violent confrontation along the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir between the armies of India and Pakistan. India blamed Pakistan for aiding the rebels
q Liberian Civil War--
q Nepal Civil War—(Feb. 13, 1996- Present): Maoist Guerrillas seek to overthrow the Nepal monarchy though a rural uprising. This conflict has grown in intensity in recent months. Chinese aid to the rebels is alleged.
q Northern Ireland Conflict—(1969-Present): This is the latest in a very long series of conflicts fought by Britain in Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom, with a Protestant majority loyal to London. The Irish Catholic minority has sought to break away and join the Irish Republic in the southern part of the island. The IRA and other groups have conducted a largely urban guerrilla campaign since 1969. Protestant para-military groups also wage an underground war against the Catholic population. Peace talks have been under way for some time. Over 2,500 deaths have occurred since1969.
q Philippines Conflicts—
o Muslim Rebellion in the Southern Philippines--(1969-Present): Muslim rebel groups seek autonomy/independence from the mostly Christian Philippines. One rebel group, the Abu Sayaf Group, is believed linked to Osama bin-Laden’s Al-Qaida. This connection, plus their tactic of kidnapping and beheading Americans, led the United States to send Special Forces to aid the Philippine Army.
o New People’s Army Rebellion--(1969-Present): The Communist New People’s Army (along with the rival Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB); is attempting to overthrow the Philippine government and install a Marxist regime.
q Rwandan Civil War—(1994-Present): The current Rwandan government is dominated by the Tutsi tribe, which overthrew the old government dominated by the Hutu tribe. Before losing power, the Hutu rulers and their militia massacred over half a million people. The Hutus now conduct a guerrilla war against the Tutsi government from bases in the Congo. Rwanda used the presence of these Hutu guerrillas to take part in both of the recent Congolese Wars.
q Sri Lankan Civil War—(1983-Present): Sri Lanka's civil war is due to problems between the Tamil minority and the Sinhalese majority. In the 1980's, India intervened on the government's side, but has since withdrawn its troops. Over 70,000 deaths have resulted from this war. Peace talks have been under way for some time.
q Sudanese Civil War—(1983-Present): This is a war based largely on racial, religious and regional differences. The government is dominated by Muslim Arabs, while the south of the country is largely black Christian.
q War on Terrorism—Officially beginning Oct. 7, 2001, this American-led crusade against al-Qaida thus far involves: the campaign against al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the search by U.S. and Pakistani forces for al-Qaida followers in Pakistan, the deployment of U.S. special forces to aid government forces in the Philippines battle the Abu Sayyaf guerrillas on the southern Philippine island of Bamiyan, the deployment of U.S. special forces to Yemen to train and aid government forces dealing with rural tribes possibly allied with al-Qaida and the deployment of U.S. special forces to the republic of Georgia to train and aid government forces against rebels. Other military, para-military and covert missions are probably ongoing, but not yet public.
q Ugandan Civil War--
Current “Minor” wars and conflicts in the world— Wars and conflicts, which are relatively small impact on the world or the region in which they occur. Placement on this list is somewhat subjective. For nations and individual people caught up in these conflicts, these wars are far from “minor,” but from the perspective of the world as a whole, they are possess a lower “profile” than the wars in the “major” category. This category also contains “one-time” occurrences such as the Korean border battles, which are part of a long-standing hostility. Generally speaking, these conflicts involve few than 1,000 deaths, involve only one nation (for internal conflicts) or only two nations (for international conflicts) and/or do not possess the likelihood of developing into multi-national regional conflicts.
Alphabetical listing.
q Bougainville War of Independence—(1989-Present): The island of Bougainville seeks independence from Papua New Guinea.
q Cabinda (Angola) Separatist War—(1984-Present): The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) seeks to separate the oil-rich enclave of Cabinda from Angola. On September 19, 2002, the Angolan army began a major military offensive against the Cabinda rebels.
q Chad-Central African Republic Border Conflict—(Aug. 7, 2002): The armies of Chad and the CAR clashed in an exchange that left approximately two dozen dead. Each side blamed the other for initiating the attack. Tensions have been high since an attempted coup in the CAR last November.
q Chittagong Hill Tracts War in Bangladesh- (1975?-Present): Peace settlements have ended some fighting, but at least one rebel group remains active.
q Hmong Insurgency in Laos—(1975-Present): The Hmong ethnic group have fought the Communist government since it took power following the end of the Vietnam (2nd Indochina) War in 1975. Vietnam provides military aid and troops to the Laotian government periodically.
q India: Minor Wars—A series of conflicts mostly involving ethnic groups seeking independence or autonomy from the central government. One conflict, the Naxalite War, is political rather than ethnic. These are in addition to the Kashmir Rebellion, which rates as a major conflict.
o Hindu-Muslim Sectarian Violence—(1947-Present): Since independence from Britain in 1947, Hindus and Muslims in India have engaged in periodic outbursts of violence against each other. The latest mob violence in early 2002 in the state of Gujarat claimed 800 to 1,000 lives.
o Naga Rebellion—(1952-Present): The Naga ethnic group sought independence from India. A cease-fire took effect in 1997, though some Naga groups continue to oppose the government.
o Mizo Rebellion—(Feb. 28, 1966-Present): The Mizo National Front (MNF) seeks independence from India for the Mizoram region.
o Naxalite Guerrilla War—(May 25, 1967-Present): Beginning with a peasant uprising in the town of Naxalbari, this Marxist/Maoist rebellion sputters on in the Indian countryside. The guerrillas operate among the impoverished peasants and fight both the government security forces and the private paramilitary groups funded by wealthy landowners. Most fighting takes place in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Mahrashtra, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
o Tripura Rebellion—(1979-Present): Tripura, in Northeast India, is embroiled in a separatist rebellion as several rebel groups fight for independence.
o Assam Rebellion—(1980-Present): The United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) formed in April 1979 in response to an influx of non-Assamese from Bangladesh and parts of North East India. This movement seeks to evict those "foreigners" and seek greater autonomy from the Indian government.
o Bodo Rebellion—(Mid-1980s-Present): The National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) is fighting for a separate state within India. They feel that their ethnic group is persecuted by the Assamese and Bengali groups which dominate the region.
q Indonesia: Minor Wars—A series of rebellions against the government, along with sectarian and ethnic violence between Indonesia’s many ethnic and religious groups continues to threaten the unity and perhaps the continued survival of Indonesia. These do not include the recently resolved conflict in East Timor, which resulted in that island’s independence.
o West Papua Rebellion—(1965-Present):
o Aceh Rebellion—(mid-1980s-Present):
o Ambon Ethnic Violence—(1999-Present)
o Sulawesi Sectarian Violence—(1998-Present): Violence between Muslims and Christians on the island of Sulawesi. Violence escalated in mid-2001, when thousands of members of a fundamentalist Muslim militia called Laskar Jihad arrived from the island of Java.
q Iranian Mujahadeen Khalq Guerrilla War—(1979-Present): After the Iranian Revolution in 1979 toppled the government of the Shah, the Mujahadeen Khalq soon began a bloody guerrilla war against the new Islamic government. The Mujahadeen are currently based in Iraq and conduct cross-border raids into Iran, as well as conducting urban guerrilla operations in the cities and conducting political assassinations. Iran occasionally launches raids against Khalq bases in Iraq.
q Japanese Coast Guard Sinking of Suspected Spy Ship—(Dec. 21 and 22, 2001): The Japanese Coast Guard chased a suspected spy ship and sank it. Crewmembers of the spy ship fired on the Japanese ships, wounding two Coast Guard sailors. The spy ship crew all perished when their vessel sank. Japan suspects the ship was North Korean.
q Korean Border Battle at Sea—(June 28, 2002): North and South Korean naval vessels fought a twenty-minute gun battle in which 4 South Korean sailors died and 18 wounded near Yeonpyeong island in the Yellow Sea. A South Korean vessel was sunk and a North Korean vessel sustained damage, with casualties. This is one of several Korean border fights in recent years. News link—BBC
q Korean Border Battle—(Nov. 27, 2001): The first cross-border shooting of 2001 between North and South Korea. North Korean troops fired several shots at a South Korean guard post. The South Koreans returned fire.
q Kurdish Rebellion in Iraq—(1991-Present): Following Iraq's defeat in the Second Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Iraq's Kurds rebelled, seeking independence. This is the latest in a long series of Kurdish uprisings. The Kurds currently enjoy autonomy in north Iraq under the protection of the United States and the United Kingdom.
q Kurdish Rebellion in Turkey—(1984-Present): Rebel groups of the Kurdish ethnic group seek independence from Turkey.
q Namibia: Caprivi Uprising—(Aug. 2, 1999-Present): The Caprivi Liberation Army, led by Namibian politician Mishake Muyongo, claims that the government is neglecting their region. Guerrillas attacked Namibian military and police on August 2 in the Caprivi area.
q Niger Army Mutiny—( July 31-Aug. 9, 2002): Forces loyal to the government of Niger put down an army mutiny that had spread to several army garrisons across the country. The uprising is believed related to low pay for army soldiers. News link--BBC
q Nigerian Minor Conflicts—(1991-Present): Various ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria engage in sporadic communal violence. More detail to be added soon.
q Oromo Rebellion in Ethiopia—(1973-Present): Long-running rebellion by the Oromo Liberation Front. The OLF is currently allied to Eritrea, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and with the Aideed clan in Somalia--all of which are fighting the Ethiopian regime. See Ethiopian-Oromo Conflicts
q Russian Bombing of Pankisi Gorge in Georgia—(September, 2002): Russian warplanes bombed the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, which borders on Chechnya. Russia claimed that Chechen rebels used the Gorge as a staging area for attacks on Russian forces in Chechnya. Georgia protested the attacks.
q Shiite Muslim Rebellion in Iraq--—(1991-Present): Following Iraq's defeat in the Second Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Iraq's Shiites, a religious minority, rebelled against the government. Low-level guerrilla warfare continues in the southern marshes.
q Somali Civil War (state of anarchy)—(1991-Present): The Somali government ceased to exist following the 1991 overthrow of dictator Siade Barre. Rival Somali groups fight for advantage but the net result is anarchy. In 1992 and 1993, United Nations forces, led by the United States, attempted to bring order to the country and head off a famine. After incurring casualties, the U.S. and the U.N. withdrew.
q Tuareg Rebellion in Niger—
q Yemen Tribal Conflict—(Dec. 19, 2001): Yemeni armed forces moved against several villages of the Abida tribe suspected of harboring al-Qaida fugitives. 24 soldiers and 16 members of the Adiba tribe perished. American Special Forces were in Yemen to train the government military so that operations such as this one against suspected terrorists could be undertaken. No Americans are known to have taken part in this operation. (part of America’s world wide War on Terrorism)--
Recently concluded or suspended wars and conflicts in the world—Wars and conflicts which, as of this page’s latest update, are concluded due to a cease-fire, peace treaty or some other apparently permanent cessation of hostilities. Many of these conflicts can easily re-erupt into violence. Generally, conflicts remain in this category until ten years have passed without a resumption of war. Alphabetical listing.
q Angolan Civil War—(1975-April 4, 2002): After jointly fighting for independence against Portugal, the MPLA and UNITA, two rebel groups, fell into civil war over control of Angola. In the 1970s and the 1980s, the MPLA accepted aid from Cuba and the Soviet Union, while UNITA took aid from South Africa and the United States. UNITA used bases in neighboring Congo, which led the MPLA-led Angolan government to intervene in the Congolese Wars. After UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi’s death in early 2002, negotiations led to the April cease-fire.
q Cambodian Civil War--
q Chiapas Uprising in Mexico (“Zapatista Uprising”)—(Jan. 1, 1994- Present): Zapatista rebels, most of whom are Mexican Indians, launched a rebellion in the Southern state of Chiapas. Though no outright fighting has taken place since a cease-fire in late January 1994, tensions remain as negotiations take place.
q Congo-Brazzaville Civil War—(1997-2000):
q East Timor War—(1975-1999)
q Egyptian Muslim Rebellion—(1992-2000): Fundamentalist Muslim rebels seek to topple the secular Egyptian government. At least 1,200 people have perished since the beginning of the rebellion. The conflict was primarily waged as an urban guerrilla/terrorist war. The opposition Muslim Brotherhood took part in elections in 2000, indicating that they felt armed force would not work.
q Second Eritrea-Ethiopia War—(1998-2000): Border war between two heavily armed east African neighbors with a long and violent history between them. Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 following a 30-year guerilla war.
q Fiji Civil War--
q Georgian Military Revolt--
q Guinea-Bissau Civil War and Intervention—(1998-1999): An army rebellion against the Guinea-Bissau government plunged this West African nation into a violent civil war. Neighboring Senegal and Guinea-Conakry sent troops to aid the government. Despite this aid, the war ended with the rebel leader in control of the nation. Senegal intervened partially due to the rebellion in its own Casamance region, which borders on Guinea-Bissau.
q Haiti Coup Attempt –( Dec. 17, 2001):
q Israeli Occupation of Southern Lebanon –(1982-2000): Following the 1982-1984 Israeli Invasion and Occupation of Southern Lebanon, a border war has began in which Islamic and Palestinian guerrillas seek to drive Israeli troops from a strip of southern Lebanon which they occupied with the aid of the anti-government South Lebanon Army. Israel occasionally bombed and shelled areas throughout Lebanon. Israel withdrew from Southern Lebanon in mid-2000.
q Intervention in Lesotho by South Africa and Botswana—Following election-related violence in Lesotho, neighboring South Africa and Botswana intervened to preserve the current government.
q Kosovo War—(1998-1999): The latest round of the Yugoslav Civil War (or Third Balkan War) began as another ethnic rebellion against Serbian authority. NATO intervened to halt what it called the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, turning this backwater war into a relatively significant air campaign leading to the liberation of the province from Serbian Yugoslav authority.
q Madagascar Civil War—( June, 2002-July 7, 2002): Didier Ratsiraka and Marc Ravalomanana ran against each other in Madagascar’s presidential election of December 16, 2001. They disagreed on who should take charge of the government following Ravalomanana’s apparent victory, and violence between their supporters broke out in June, 2002. Ratsiraka fled the country in July after Ravalomanana gained the diplomatic support of the United States and France. BBC News Link
q Peruvian Civil War—(1980-2000): The Peruvian government defeated the Maoist Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).
q Saharan War—(1975-Present): A truce has been in place since 1991, but a permanent peace deal has not yet been reached. The Western Sahara is a former Spanish colony. When the Spanish left their Saharan colony, Morocco and Mauritania seized the area and the native Saharawi began a struggle for independence. Mauritania gave up its portion of the Western Sahara in 1979 and ended participation in the war.
q Saudi-Yemen Border Conflict—(1998): Border conflict between two neighbors who have never gotten along. The border is ill defined and has been a source of conflict for decades.
q Senegal Civil War (“Casamance War”)--
q Sierra Leone Civil War—(March, 1991-2002):
q Tajikistan Civil War—(1992-1997):
q Yemeni Tribal Uprising—(1998): Rebellion by rural tribesmen protesting the poor economy. The Yemeni government alleges that Saudi Arabia coaxed the rebels into violence. Conflict between the government and the interior tribes occurs often.

Ciho ::
Opozicijska stranka NSI je predstavila predloge kako izboljšati pravosodni sistem. Torej konkretni predlogi in ne kot nekateri pišete da samo "lajajo brez idej", če pa bi prišli na oblast pa nebi nič spremenili, ampak bi bilo isto ali kvečjemu slabše. Na kratko si lahko preberete tukaj.

depresija ::
isto ali kvečjemu slabše
slabše kot to?

enako težko je prepričat pravoverne ostanke komunistov v obstoj kakšne bolšje vladavine, kot je bila eldeesovska

Olajuwon ::
Mam občutek, da če opozicija letos ne pride na oblast, potem je ne bo vidla za 50 let garant. Ker toliko napak, kot jih je letos naredila LDS&ZLSD pomojem jih bo stežka še kdaj ponovila.
Bolj pomembno je obstajati, kakor biti opazen.

Thomas ::
Po moje pa ne. Zdej so tako zreli, da bodo delali same napake še. To je normalno.
Če letos opozicija ne pride na oblast, bodo njene možnosti čez 4 leta kvečjemu večje, kot so danes.
Če letos opozicija ne pride na oblast, bodo njene možnosti čez 4 leta kvečjemu večje, kot so danes.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

mlamat ::
Janša se bo po moje letos bolje izkazal na volitvah kot mu napovedujejo ankete, ker je dons dobil častno 1. mesto na volilnem listu ... kar utegne prepričat "neopredeljene", drugače pa sem mnenja da je nesposoben za prevzem oblasti... nima pravih spin-mojstrov in svetovalcev za kampanjo

depresija ::
boljše kot na anketah?
brez dvoma!
glede kampanije sds-a:
bla sem priča (lokalnim) predstavitvam kandidatov v mojem okraju za sds in lds
in je kampanija sdsa s svetlobno hitrostjo napredovala od prejšnjih volitev
če ne drugega se prezentirajo kot zmagovalci
pa dobre predvolilne finte imajo (kolo sreče ipd)
sicer zelo "ljudske" a gotovo palijo, če ne drugače se širi spekter volilcev sds-a
brez dvoma!
glede kampanije sds-a:
bla sem priča (lokalnim) predstavitvam kandidatov v mojem okraju za sds in lds
in je kampanija sdsa s svetlobno hitrostjo napredovala od prejšnjih volitev
če ne drugega se prezentirajo kot zmagovalci
pa dobre predvolilne finte imajo (kolo sreče ipd)
sicer zelo "ljudske" a gotovo palijo, če ne drugače se širi spekter volilcev sds-a

borchi ::
danes sem skor zavil s ceste z avtom :-(
razlog? računsko sodišče se je pri pregledu financiranja kampanj spotaknilo samo ob dr. andrej "javnefinancesonetransparentne" bajukovo NSi. cccc...
razlog? računsko sodišče se je pri pregledu financiranja kampanj spotaknilo samo ob dr. andrej "javnefinancesonetransparentne" bajukovo NSi. cccc...

Alexius Heristalski ::
Mene najbolj jezijo tisti ljudje, ki se jim zdi sedanja oblast slaba, opozicija pa še slabša in imajo polna usta tega. Mater, če nočeš/ne moreš narediti drugega, lahko vsaj nehaš maziliti podplate LDS, zaboga! (To namreč počneš s tunkanjem opozicije v drek.)
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

borchi ::
Alexius: po tvojem bi morali taki ljudje držat jezik za zobmi, ane?
če se že nočejo igrat kolesa sreče, izmečki nevredni!
p.s. čeprav je že nekdo reku .... WTF, kolo sreče???!!!
če se že nočejo igrat kolesa sreče, izmečki nevredni!
p.s. čeprav je že nekdo reku .... WTF, kolo sreče???!!!

Pepe ::
Dajmo malo po špekulirat.
Kaj bi pomenila za Slovenijo koalicija LDS & SDS.
Bi blo zanimivo. Vprašanje pa če dobro.
Kaj bi pomenila za Slovenijo koalicija LDS & SDS.
Bi blo zanimivo. Vprašanje pa če dobro.
Kaj je?
Ti samo pridi, ti mater!
Ti samo pridi, ti mater!

Phil ::
Hm a ni Rop (že) enkrat izjavil da s SDS ne gredo v koalicijo, ker se jim preveč razlikujejo programi?
BTW danes je bilo na POP-u zanimivo Rupel & Vajgl soočenje. Kdo ni dobil občutka da je Vajgl ownal Rupla
BTW danes je bilo na POP-u zanimivo Rupel & Vajgl soočenje. Kdo ni dobil občutka da je Vajgl ownal Rupla

Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Prigode in nezgode nove vlade (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 6366 (4984) | Ziga Dolhar |
» | Rezultati državnozborskih volitev 2004 (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 7 8 9 10 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 29290 (19329) | iration |
» | Rupel (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 9439 (7302) | drejc |
» | 10 let LDS (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 8510 (6614) | BigWhale |
» | Lds-pot v brezno (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Loža | 5625 (4523) | Thomas |