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Fallout 4

oo7 ::
New Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland Alpha Gameplay
Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland - You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head Gameplay Trailer
Kdor še ne ve Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland je ogromen MOD kjer bodo celotno igro Fallout 3 naredili igralno v Fallout 4.
Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland - You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head Gameplay Trailer
Kdor še ne ve Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland je ogromen MOD kjer bodo celotno igro Fallout 3 naredili igralno v Fallout 4.

oo7 ::

svecka ::
Sry sam Fallout : Las vegas je najboljši Fallout v 3D. questi so odlični, jaz se veselim. Napram poraznem Fallout 76.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: svecka ()

oo7 ::

Furbo ::
Preveč so vsi obtičali v preteklosti. Tudi če se naredi krasna predelava F3 z novim pogonom,.. čemu? To smo že 100x preigrali, ko ga grem spet igrat, dobesedno vem, kje se pojavi vsak sovražnik..
Potem se pa zaradi kopiranja še vedno pojavijo pravne zdrahe, ki slejkoprej ubijejo te projekte. Brezveze.
Zakaj se enostavno ne naredi kak nov mod, ki bi narejen po kopitu F3 ampak z novo vsebino?
Potem se pa zaradi kopiranja še vedno pojavijo pravne zdrahe, ki slejkoprej ubijejo te projekte. Brezveze.
Zakaj se enostavno ne naredi kak nov mod, ki bi narejen po kopitu F3 ampak z novo vsebino?
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

oo7 ::
Jaz sem že nekajkrat preigral F3 in F:NV ampak jih bom z veseljem še v F4. Čisto enako le ne bo gameplay bo drugačen tak kot je v F4.

oo7 ::
Fallout :Miami je MOD za igro Fallout 4. MOD še ni dokončan.
Fallout: Miami - "A Day in Miami" Environmental Showcase Trailer
Fallout: Miami - "A Day in Miami" Environmental Showcase Trailer

oo7 ::
Več o MOD-u Miami tukaj -
A tropical land of savage barbarism, the post-nuclear wilds of Miami Beach are brimming with deadly new creatures for you to encounter, from the terrifying Snapjaw to the bizarre Mingo.
From the glamorous broken shores of Sunshine Cove to the tropical wilderness of The Green, explore some of the most colorful locales ever seen in Fallout. Bathe in the exotic irradiated wonder of Florida as you venture into the Vacation Wasteland.
Help swing the tide of battle by choosing a side in the timeless struggle between order and freedom. Join forces with the nomadic, automobile-worshipping Nuclear Patriots or rebuild America to its former glory as a member of the Enclave.
With the return of the faction reputation system, numerous and varied perk and attribute checks and support of multiple playstyles, expect your choices to matter! Your standing with the various factions will change based on your decisions, and many different and unexpected outcomes await you in your quest.
A tropical land of savage barbarism, the post-nuclear wilds of Miami Beach are brimming with deadly new creatures for you to encounter, from the terrifying Snapjaw to the bizarre Mingo.
From the glamorous broken shores of Sunshine Cove to the tropical wilderness of The Green, explore some of the most colorful locales ever seen in Fallout. Bathe in the exotic irradiated wonder of Florida as you venture into the Vacation Wasteland.
Help swing the tide of battle by choosing a side in the timeless struggle between order and freedom. Join forces with the nomadic, automobile-worshipping Nuclear Patriots or rebuild America to its former glory as a member of the Enclave.
With the return of the faction reputation system, numerous and varied perk and attribute checks and support of multiple playstyles, expect your choices to matter! Your standing with the various factions will change based on your decisions, and many different and unexpected outcomes await you in your quest.

oo7 ::
Nov MOD za igro Fallout 4.
Če ne bi pisalo, da je MOD bi rekel, da je uradni DLC :) Zelo dobro narejen trailer.
Fallout 4 Mod Story Trailer - Sim Settlements 2 Announcement
Če ne bi pisalo, da je MOD bi rekel, da je uradni DLC :) Zelo dobro narejen trailer.
Fallout 4 Mod Story Trailer - Sim Settlements 2 Announcement

oo7 ::
Fallout 4 bo na Xbox Series X in S deloval z 60 FPS.
Xbox one je deloval na 30 fps.
Xbox one je deloval na 30 fps.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Video, ki prikazuje napredek MOD-a Miami za igro Fallout 4
Fallout: Miami - Fall 2020 Progress Update
Fallout: Miami - Fall 2020 Progress Update

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Še en video o MOD-u Fallout 4 New Vegas
Fallout 4: New Vegas - Showcase Week 2020 - Vault Boy Animation
Fallout 4: New Vegas - Showcase Week 2020 - Vault Boy Animation

oo7 ::
Fallout: Cascadia OST - War Never Changes
Fallout: Cascadia bo zelo velik MOD za igro Fallout 4.
Fallout: Cascadia bo zelo velik MOD za igro Fallout 4.

oo7 ::
Nov mod za igro Fallout 4 velik 3,2 GB, ki polepša okolico.
Perfect landscape -
Perfect landscape -

oo7 ::
Fallout 4 Modded Ultra graphics 4K showcase I RTX 2080ti
Če bi radi tako grafiko potem imate tukaj list modov -
Če bi radi tako grafiko potem imate tukaj list modov -

Zmajc ::
Še vedno je to F4, lahko drek poliraš pa prek zalepiš lepše tapete ... še vedno bo ...drek.

Horas ::
tako kot bo čez par let s 2077.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

oo7 ::
Fallout 4 je čist dobra igra. Zdaj samo še čakam predvsem dva moda Fallout 4 : New Vegas in Fallout 4 : capital wasteland :)

oo7 ::
Fallout 4 offers what Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't: consequences
RPGs should make you feel like your actions matter
RPGs should make you feel like your actions matter

matobeli ::
A ima kdo mogoče dolpotegnen mod za FNV: the Frontier so ga zgleda dali dol in odstranili nekaj zadev ki niiso šle čez američanske puriste.

oo7 ::
A ima kdo mogoče dolpotegnen mod za FNV: the Frontier so ga zgleda dali dol in odstranili nekaj zadev ki niiso šle čez američanske puriste.
Jaz ga nimam, ker sem čakal na MOD na Steamu.
Sem se odločil za Steam verzijo, ker na Nexusu-u si moral še nekaj dodatnih modov zdraven dol prenesti na Steamu pa bi bilo že vse zdraven.
Steam je imel zamudo s tem modom, ker so morali razvijalci nekaj popraviti potem pa se je zgodil tisti škandal in sedaj so MOD čisto umaknili iz Steama.
Tako, da jaz nimam nobene verzije.

matobeli ::
sem ga mogoče dobil, pa še dost dober tutorial zraven za vse tiste dodatke...
Ko sem prebral da imaš lahko slave-a po imenu America sem pač moral najti original.
Ko sem prebral da imaš lahko slave-a po imenu America sem pač moral najti original.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: matobeli ()

BigWhale ::
A ima kdo mogoče dolpotegnen mod za FNV: the Frontier so ga zgleda dali dol in odstranili nekaj zadev ki niiso šle čez američanske puriste.
Puriste? O cem sploh govoris? Avtorji moda so za enega artista, ki je bil v ekipi ugotovili, da je objavljal en kup pedofilske vsebine in so se zato distancirali od njega in odstranili njegovo vsebino.
Ne nabijat o purizmu.

matobeli ::
Pedofilsko vsebino je objavljal nepovezano z igro na privat kanalih, če vsebina igre ne bi bila sporna, bi verjetno lahko pustili not zadeve, ne bi bilo prvič. So pa tudi actorji zahtevali zahtevali umik svojih del, tako da ustvarjalci niso imeli ravno veliko možnosti.
Dejstvo da je bila notri mentalno nestabilna, barley 18, najstnica po imenu America, ki jo lahko zasužnjiš, ni prav nič pomagalo pri priljubljenosti in na ta del (in par drugih) se je nanašal moj komentar o puristih.
Po drugi strani pa so notri pustili kršenje ženevske konvencije na najbolj brutalen način.
Dejstvo da je bila notri mentalno nestabilna, barley 18, najstnica po imenu America, ki jo lahko zasužnjiš, ni prav nič pomagalo pri priljubljenosti in na ta del (in par drugih) se je nanašal moj komentar o puristih.
Po drugi strani pa so notri pustili kršenje ženevske konvencije na najbolj brutalen način.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: matobeli ()

oo7 ::
Tole so izrezali ven iz MOD-a.
At the same time, we took The Frontier down, and delayed our Steam release, to give remaining team members some time to rest, and gather strength to continue working on the project.
For the time being, The Frontier will be distributed with default vanilla icons, while we are looking for a proper replacement.
We have also made the following changes:
- We have removed ZuTheSkunks content from the mod, namely icons and self inserts. We'd like to re-iterate that his behaviour is abhorrent and we have distanced ourselves from him as soon as we were informed of the situation
- We have made changes to America and Mae's content. We have removed the Slavery lines, and the lines from Mae that were inappropriate. We recognize that these topics were not handled tactfully, however, there was never any malicious intent behind the writing of the lines.
- We have locked the Trochili. Temporarily they are inaccessible but they will be re-added in an esp that will be provided optionally later.
- We have unfortunately had to remove multiple characters worth of voice acting as people have requested that they not be associated with the project going forward. We will be revoicing these characters in the future
- We have removed content that has been asked to be removed by artists.
- We have had to remove the music for the breach outreach as the artist has requested his content to be removed
- We have modified and removed a few pieces of questionable content mod wide.
At the same time, we took The Frontier down, and delayed our Steam release, to give remaining team members some time to rest, and gather strength to continue working on the project.
For the time being, The Frontier will be distributed with default vanilla icons, while we are looking for a proper replacement.
We have also made the following changes:
- We have removed ZuTheSkunks content from the mod, namely icons and self inserts. We'd like to re-iterate that his behaviour is abhorrent and we have distanced ourselves from him as soon as we were informed of the situation
- We have made changes to America and Mae's content. We have removed the Slavery lines, and the lines from Mae that were inappropriate. We recognize that these topics were not handled tactfully, however, there was never any malicious intent behind the writing of the lines.
- We have locked the Trochili. Temporarily they are inaccessible but they will be re-added in an esp that will be provided optionally later.
- We have unfortunately had to remove multiple characters worth of voice acting as people have requested that they not be associated with the project going forward. We will be revoicing these characters in the future
- We have removed content that has been asked to be removed by artists.
- We have had to remove the music for the breach outreach as the artist has requested his content to be removed
- We have modified and removed a few pieces of questionable content mod wide.

oo7 ::
Kar se tiče MOD-a Frontier bom počakal na Steam verzijo. In ko bo Steam verzija bodo že malo porihtali hrošče.

matobeli ::
Jaz sem začel (ene pol urce), pa bom počakal, če se slučajno omehčajo tisti ustvarjalci, ki so šli zarad spornega avtorja stran. Mod dobiva na vidnosti in morda bodo želeli spet sodelovati sedaj ko so se vodilni distancirali.
Sicer je po videnem precej daleč stran od FNV filinga, ampak mogoče pa vseeno ima lepšo prihodnost kot pa jo ima trenutno.
Sicer je po videnem precej daleč stran od FNV filinga, ampak mogoče pa vseeno ima lepšo prihodnost kot pa jo ima trenutno.

oo7 ::
Še nekaj zelo velikih Fallout 4 modov v izdelavi.
The Capital Wasteland : Alpha and Omega Teaser.
Celotna Fallout 3 igra v MOD-u za Fallout 4
Fallout 4: New Vegas - A Refreshing Nuka Cola!
Celotna Fallout New Vegas igra v MOD-u za Fallout 4.
Fallout: Cascadia - Official Teaser Trailer
Fallout: Miami - Official Reveal Trailer
Vsi MOD-i trenutno še vedno v izdelavi.
The Capital Wasteland : Alpha and Omega Teaser.
Celotna Fallout 3 igra v MOD-u za Fallout 4
Fallout 4: New Vegas - A Refreshing Nuka Cola!
Celotna Fallout New Vegas igra v MOD-u za Fallout 4.
Fallout: Cascadia - Official Teaser Trailer
Fallout: Miami - Official Reveal Trailer
Vsi MOD-i trenutno še vedno v izdelavi.

oo7 ::
Fallout 4 ima sedaj neuradni fotomode.
Fallout 4 Unofficial Photo Mode Key Features
Field of View. Control the field of view of the Photo Mode camera. Capture intimate close-ups using low FOV, or sprawling vistas with high FOV.
View Roll. Tilt/rotate the camera.
Depth of Field. Control the DoF strength, distance, and range. Optionally enable auto-focus on the player. DoF allows you to blur the background while keeping your subject matter in focus.
Freeze / Unfreeze Time. Blinked? Unfreeze time without leaving Photo Mode.
Time Multiplier. Slow down time to capture the perfect frame.
Show/Hide Player. Sometimes, your character isn't the main attraction.
Player Positioning. Precisely control the position, rotation and elevation of your character.
Effects. Control brightness, contrast, saturation and apply a color tint to the image.
Fallout 4 Unofficial Photo Mode Key Features
Field of View. Control the field of view of the Photo Mode camera. Capture intimate close-ups using low FOV, or sprawling vistas with high FOV.
View Roll. Tilt/rotate the camera.
Depth of Field. Control the DoF strength, distance, and range. Optionally enable auto-focus on the player. DoF allows you to blur the background while keeping your subject matter in focus.
Freeze / Unfreeze Time. Blinked? Unfreeze time without leaving Photo Mode.
Time Multiplier. Slow down time to capture the perfect frame.
Show/Hide Player. Sometimes, your character isn't the main attraction.
Player Positioning. Precisely control the position, rotation and elevation of your character.
Effects. Control brightness, contrast, saturation and apply a color tint to the image.

oo7 ::
Fallout 4: 6 Hidden Details You Never Noticed During The Intro Sequence
Fallout 4 - Intro Cinematic/Opening (Live Action)
Fallout 4 - Intro Cinematic/Opening (Live Action)

yayo ::
tole pa imam še v celofanu, kupljeno kaka 3-4 leta nazaj v bargain binu pri Harvey Normanu. Je možno, da ključ propade?

oo7 ::

oo7 ::

crni_kos ::

oo7 ::
New Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland Alpha Gameplay
Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland - You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head Gameplay Trailer
Kdor še ne ve Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland je ogromen MOD kjer bodo celotno igro Fallout 3 naredili igralno v Fallout 4.
Zgleda sick
Enako delajo za Fallout New Vegas.

oo7 ::
Bethesda faces lawsuit over Fallout 4 DLC
The company faces charges of deceit for not including its Creation Club in the game's Season Pass, which could delay Microsoft's ZeniMax takeover
Zdaj bo moral Microsoft čakati še na tožbo in marca če bodo dobili dovoljenje od EU, da lahko kupijo.
The company faces charges of deceit for not including its Creation Club in the game's Season Pass, which could delay Microsoft's ZeniMax takeover
Zdaj bo moral Microsoft čakati še na tožbo in marca če bodo dobili dovoljenje od EU, da lahko kupijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Modifikacija Whispering Hills pripelje megleni Silent Hill v Fallout 4

BigWhale ::

oo7 ::
Emm? Kaksni hidden detajli? Vidis jih, ce pogledas intro? :>
No ja malo pa je razloženo.
A si ti že preigral igro, do konca ali si obupal ?
Dokler se nisem pobrisal iz diska, se nisem obupal! ;>
Do kje si pa prišel pri Fallout 4 ?
A Fallout 3 in F:NV si pa preigral ?

BigWhale ::

oo7 ::
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | The Outer Worlds - (Obsidian Entertainment) (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )Oddelek: Igre | 27959 (1107) | oo7 |
» | Fallout 76 (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )Oddelek: Igre | 79171 (3928) | todman74 |
» | Fallout 5 (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Igre | 26005 (1774) | oo7 |
» | Fallout 3 (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )Oddelek: Igre | 53763 (5705) | oo7 |
» | Fallout: New Vegas (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )Oddelek: Igre | 55214 (19349) | oo7 |