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Fallout 5

WizzardOfOZ ::
A cela naenkrat, al del po del, vsak teden?
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

matobeli ::
"Fallout" will be released on Prime Video on April 11. All eight episodes will be available at that time, and it's currently unclear if this will be the first season of many, or a limited series event. I'm currently leaning toward the latter.
Amazon Prime Video, če se ne motim imajo res tendenco izdati celo sezono naenkrat.

WizzardOfOZ ::
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

oo7 ::
Todd Howard spet omenil Fallout 5 in, da bo potrebno počakati nekaj časa.
"Yes, Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production and, you know, we're going to be doing Fallout 5 after that, so our slate's pretty full going forward for a while. We have some other projects that we look at from time to time as well."
Od Fallout 4, do Fallout 5 bo vmes preteklo vsaj 15-20 let
"Yes, Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production and, you know, we're going to be doing Fallout 5 after that, so our slate's pretty full going forward for a while. We have some other projects that we look at from time to time as well."
Od Fallout 4, do Fallout 5 bo vmes preteklo vsaj 15-20 let

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

BigWhale ::
Preteklo bo toliko casa, da ne bo vec smisla imenovati igre Fallout 5. Tisti, ki so igrali 4ko bodo ze pozabili, da so jo igrali. :>

oo7 ::

BigWhale ::
Preteklo bo toliko casa, da ne bo vec smisla imenovati igre Fallout 5. Tisti, ki so igrali 4ko bodo ze pozabili, da so jo igrali. :>
Me zanima če bo tebi uspelo preigrati Fallout 4 preden izide Fallout 5![]()
Slabo kaze. Sem se pri Baldurst Gate 3, caka me se Cyberpunk z DLCjem, potem pa se drugi del Horizon Zero Dawn. :D

oo7 ::
Preteklo bo toliko casa, da ne bo vec smisla imenovati igre Fallout 5. Tisti, ki so igrali 4ko bodo ze pozabili, da so jo igrali. :>
Me zanima če bo tebi uspelo preigrati Fallout 4 preden izide Fallout 5![]()
Slabo kaze. Sem se pri Baldurst Gate 3, caka me se Cyberpunk z DLCjem, potem pa se drugi del Horizon Zero Dawn. :D
Časa je dovolj. Fallout 5 verjetno ne bo izšel pred 2030.

oo7 ::
Fallout 5's Setting May Already Be Set in Stone
Speculation suggests Fallout 5 may return to the New California Republic or San Francisco.
Series producer Jonathan Nolan has already confirmed that the show had to edit some of the story to avoid clashing with Fallout 5 ideas that Todd Howard had already thought of.
Speculation suggests Fallout 5 may return to the New California Republic or San Francisco.
Series producer Jonathan Nolan has already confirmed that the show had to edit some of the story to avoid clashing with Fallout 5 ideas that Todd Howard had already thought of.

oo7 ::
Kot kaže bo Bethesda dala v višjo prestavo...
Todd Howard says Bethesda is focused on finding ways to increase its output
The company hasn't ruled out partnering with external developers on future games
Todd Howard says Bethesda is focused on finding ways to increase its output
The company hasn't ruled out partnering with external developers on future games

oo7 ::
Več Fallout iger ?
However, the most intriguing aspect of the interview was the inquiry about the implications of the shows' success for the brand's future. Todd Howard stated that Bethesda is currently creating plans for the next games in this series. It's worth paying attention to the plural here because the studio head's statement suggests that not only Fallout 5 is planned. Of course, it's too early for the studio to reveal any specifics.
However, the most intriguing aspect of the interview was the inquiry about the implications of the shows' success for the brand's future. Todd Howard stated that Bethesda is currently creating plans for the next games in this series. It's worth paying attention to the plural here because the studio head's statement suggests that not only Fallout 5 is planned. Of course, it's too early for the studio to reveal any specifics.

Furbo ::
Itak bo prilagojena na najnižji skupni imenovalec, pa še dodali bodo kaj za molzenje denarja.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

BigWhale ::
Par dni nazaj sem gledal spet tisti Matrix Unreal 5 demo. Ta demo je star tri leta.
Ce naslednja Fallout igra ne bo po vsebini dosegla vsaj 50% Baldurs Gate-a in graficno ne bo dodelana vsaj tako kot Cyberpunk, potem lahko Bethesda kar zapre stacuno.
Ce naslednja Fallout igra ne bo po vsebini dosegla vsaj 50% Baldurs Gate-a in graficno ne bo dodelana vsaj tako kot Cyberpunk, potem lahko Bethesda kar zapre stacuno.

oo7 ::
Fallout 5 May Release Sooner Than Anticipated, Thanks to the Success of the TV Show
Bomo pa lahko drugo leto igrali neke vrste Britanski Fallout ?
Atomfall Reveal Trailer
Bomo pa lahko drugo leto igrali neke vrste Britanski Fallout ?

Atomfall Reveal Trailer

tikitoki ::
Par dni nazaj sem gledal spet tisti Matrix Unreal 5 demo. Ta demo je star tri leta.
Ce naslednja Fallout igra ne bo po vsebini dosegla vsaj 50% Baldurs Gate-a in graficno ne bo dodelana vsaj tako kot Cyberpunk, potem lahko Bethesda kar zapre stacuno.
Bethesda ni sposobna skupaj spacati igre, ki bi vsebinsko bila na nivoju. DA ne govorimo o kupu hroscev, ki jih nikoli ne odpravijo. Ne vem zakaj jih nekateri tako vneto zagovarjajo, verjetno fanbojcki.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tikitoki ()

oo7 ::
New Fallout Games Won't Be Rushed, Says Howard; Bethesda Game Studios Had 25 Million Players Last Month

oo7 ::
Bethesda Is Taking Playable Ghouls "Into Consideration" For Fallout 5
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