Forum » Loža » Moon, hoax or real?
Moon, hoax or real?
PacificBlue ::
160 posnetkov luninega povrsja, zdruzenih v youtube filmcek. Poglejte in si ustvarite mnenje. Truth is stranger than fiction!
I’m out.
- zaklenil: bluefish ()
PacificBlue ::
A potem vaju fotografije nč ne ganejo, kljub vsem anomalijam je se vseeno hoax? Če se spomnim dobro je bilo pri ruski misiji na Mars- Fobos 2 veliko spekulacij, ker celo ruski znanstveniki so podprli tezo o Ufo, ki se je pojavil v blizini ruskega satelita, preden so izgubili komunukacijo z njim. Vem, da ne gre tukaj za luno, ampak dobro..marsikaj je ostalo nepojasnega.
Phobos ll arrived in January 1989 and entered an orbit around Mars as the first phase towards its real destination, a small Martian moon called Phobos.
The mission was flawless until the craft aligned itself with the moon.
On March 28, 1989 an elliptical object was detected moving towards the satellite seconds before it failed.
All indications were that the elliptical object had attacked the satellite which was now dead and left spinning out of control.
On March 28, 1989 Tass, the official Soviet news agency stated:
"Phobos II failed to communicate with Earth as scheduled after completing an operation yesterday around the Martian moon Phobos. Scientists at mission control have been unable to establish stable radio contact."
This presentation is a simple compilation of some more anomalous photographs and 16mm DAC film footage that I have archived during my years of research and investigation looking into the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
I’m out.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: bluefish ()
Highlag ::
Space trash... Glede na čudne nesimetrične oblike. Kar se fotk tiče pa napak na celuloznem filmu ni še nihče videl?
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window
innerspace ::
PacificBlue, with all respect..
Problem je v mindsetu, ki vsako t.i. anomalijo prevede v fizikalno realnost kot obstoj nekih objektov izvenzemeljskointeligentnega izvora.
Se spomnis videa z lucjo v Oslu? Izjemen primer, kako ti mozgani sformulirajo zgodbo iz nekih ocitno napacno interpretiranih podatkov.
Pa zakaj k. je vedno neka trancey muzika pri teh filmckih na jutubu?
Ker ocitno trancey populacija lahko edina resno verjame(in vidi) v njih dokaz za whatever ze??
Clear your mindset is what I say.
And not with drugs, possibly..
Problem je v mindsetu, ki vsako t.i. anomalijo prevede v fizikalno realnost kot obstoj nekih objektov izvenzemeljskointeligentnega izvora.
Se spomnis videa z lucjo v Oslu? Izjemen primer, kako ti mozgani sformulirajo zgodbo iz nekih ocitno napacno interpretiranih podatkov.
Pa zakaj k. je vedno neka trancey muzika pri teh filmckih na jutubu?
Ker ocitno trancey populacija lahko edina resno verjame(in vidi) v njih dokaz za whatever ze??
Clear your mindset is what I say.
And not with drugs, possibly..
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: innerspace ()
T-h-o-r ::
stari, ti ne ločiš ulične luči od letečega krožnika
stop poasting pls
stop poasting pls
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
innerspace ::
Jaz ti lahko verjamem, ampak moja vera ima svojo ceno.
Lahko se zmeniva za enega palcka, ki mi bo kuhal in pospravljal, recimo:)
Jaz ti lahko verjamem, ampak moja vera ima svojo ceno.
Lahko se zmeniva za enega palcka, ki mi bo kuhal in pospravljal, recimo:)
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4
PacificBlue ::
Se spomnis videa z lucjo v Oslu? Izjemen primer, kako ti mozgani sformulirajo zgodbo iz nekih ocitno napacno interpretiranih podatkov.
Z vsem spostovanjem, na osnovi tistega primera, sedaj trdis da je vse ostalo plod napacno interpretiranih podatkov? Kdo je sedaj v vecji zmoti, ti ali jaz?
I’m out.
technolog ::
Dokler ne bo malo bolj oprijemljivo vse skupaj, ne verjamem, čeprav sem velik fan serije X-Files-.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: technolog ()
RejZoR ::
Baje da so na luni pustili nek poseben odsevnik preko katerega lahko z laserjem posvetiš gor in dobiš podatek o oddaljenosti lune od Zemlje al neki tazga. Je bilo pri Mythbusterjih pred leti.
Retroreflector @ Wikipedia
Retroreflector @ Wikipedia
Angry Sheep Blog @
lonz ::
Če je problem verjet ali smo bli na luni al ne, se da na to vprašanje odgovorit z drugim vprašanjem: Od kod pol 382 kg luninega kamenja in materiala, ki so ga pobje prinesli z misij? Mimogrede, luninega kamenja ki je padel na zemljo zaradi udarcev kometov in ostalih dogodkov, so do sedaj našli cca 30 kg.
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...
Good Guy ::
Če je problem verjet ali smo bli na luni al ne, se da na to vprašanje odgovorit z drugim vprašanjem: Od kod pol 382 kg luninega kamenja in materiala, ki so ga pobje prinesli z misij? Mimogrede, luninega kamenja ki je padel na zemljo zaradi udarcev kometov in ostalih dogodkov, so do sedaj našli cca 30 kg.
in ti verjameš da je bil ta kamenje lunin kamenje, ne pa nek apnenec nabran bogu za nogo?
lonz ::
Vsi znanstveniki na tem področju se strinjajo o izvoru. Mislim, da je finta v Heliju 3, ki ga ni na zemlji, oziroma ga na zmlji ni toliko prisotnega. Bom preveril.
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...
jest10 ::
Če je problem verjet ali smo bli na luni al ne, se da na to vprašanje odgovorit z drugim vprašanjem: Od kod pol 382 kg luninega kamenja in materiala, ki so ga pobje prinesli z misij? Mimogrede, luninega kamenja ki je padel na zemljo zaradi udarcev kometov in ostalih dogodkov, so do sedaj našli cca 30 kg.
in ti verjameš da je bil ta kamenje lunin kamenje, ne pa nek apnenec nabran bogu za nogo?
Apnenec nekako ne bi mogel biti
SmeskoSnezak ::
Baje da so na luni pustili nek poseben odsevnik preko katerega lahko z laserjem posvetiš gor in dobiš podatek o oddaljenosti lune od Zemlje al neki tazga. Je bilo pri Mythbusterjih pred leti.
Retroreflector @ Wikipedia
Nič baje.
Še vedno en observatorij "pinga" luno.
@ Pusti soncu v srce... @
innerspace ::
PB naj bi izjavil:
vsem spostovanjem, na osnovi tistega primera, sedaj trdis da je vse ostalo plod napacno interpretiranih podatkov? Kdo je sedaj v vecji zmoti, ti ali jaz?
Ne trdim tega za "vse", a sam ponujas svoje interpretacije, jaz jih pa komentiram, po svoje interpretiram. Pri mindsetu je problem to, da ga ponavadi branimo oziroma 'se brani', tudi moj skozi moje komentiranje.
Poskusi bit bolj dvomljiv(skepticen) do youtube virov in serviranih zgodb, that's all I'm saying.
Ko nekaj ponudis, ponudi tudi (svoj)razmislek in mogoce alternativo, komaj takrat se lahko 'bolj svobodno' odlocis, katera interpretacija ima vecjo tezo in je zato bolj sprejemljiva...tudi za nas, ki o 'moon hoaxu' ne razmisljamo.
"The UFOs are more likely the result of the known irrational characteristics of terrestrial intelligence, rather than the unknown rational efforts of extraterrestrial intelligence." -R.Feynman
Tako nekako.
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4
Tarzan ::
Nekaj malega fejka, nekaj malega napak na celuloidnem filmu, nekaj malega crknjenih pikslov pri digitalcu... Vse to lahko z nekaj malega domišljije pokaže in dokaže obstoj nezemljanov, vesoljskih plovil itd. Sam sem na starem digitalcu imel nekaj fotk, kjer so zaradi napak pri zajemu nastali prav ezoterični vzorčki. Če sem digitalca ped fotkanjem dvakrat vrgel ob tla, ali pa sem malo počakal in naredil par fotk, da se ogreje, je delal ponovno normalne slike. Pač, tudi trenutna tehnika ima svoje muhe.
Ko (ali bolje - če) bomo trčili ob nezemljansko civilizacijo, bomo verjetno to videli v višji resoluciji in brez čudnih filtrov s še bolj čudnimi algoritmi.
Ko pride E.T. vesoljček do mene, ga peljem na tour de Earth in na kišto pira, do takrat pa ostajam skeptik. :)
Ko (ali bolje - če) bomo trčili ob nezemljansko civilizacijo, bomo verjetno to videli v višji resoluciji in brez čudnih filtrov s še bolj čudnimi algoritmi.
Ko pride E.T. vesoljček do mene, ga peljem na tour de Earth in na kišto pira, do takrat pa ostajam skeptik. :)
PacificBlue ::
No, jaz ne trdim, da nismo bili na luni. Smo bili..oz:
More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. So what's going on with the Moon?
Je luna votla? Pravim, da je truth stranger than spomnite Death Star iz Vojne zvezd?
Da ne bomo ostali samo pri Luni...tretji najvecji Saturnov satelit Iapetus:
Ta greben je edinstven v nasem osoncju. Zakaj in kako je nastal je se danes nepojasnjeno.
Fora je v tem, da jaz ne verjamem nobenemu več, razen sebi. In moja zavest te pojave dozivlja, kot fenomen, ki je s strani skeptikov ze vnaprej etikiran kot zmota razlage "naravnega" pojava. Nobeden od skeptikov pa ni nikoli ponudil resne analize ter obrazlozitve. Če mi tega ne ponudijo bom moral pač to storiti sam. Nisem pa tip človeka, da bi se prepustil dvomljivcem ter obrnil glavo vstran. To je to.
More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. So what's going on with the Moon?
Je luna votla? Pravim, da je truth stranger than spomnite Death Star iz Vojne zvezd?
Da ne bomo ostali samo pri Luni...tretji najvecji Saturnov satelit Iapetus:
Ta greben je edinstven v nasem osoncju. Zakaj in kako je nastal je se danes nepojasnjeno.
Poskusi bit bolj dvomljiv(skepticen) do youtube virov in serviranih zgodb, that's all I'm saying.
Fora je v tem, da jaz ne verjamem nobenemu več, razen sebi. In moja zavest te pojave dozivlja, kot fenomen, ki je s strani skeptikov ze vnaprej etikiran kot zmota razlage "naravnega" pojava. Nobeden od skeptikov pa ni nikoli ponudil resne analize ter obrazlozitve. Če mi tega ne ponudijo bom moral pač to storiti sam. Nisem pa tip človeka, da bi se prepustil dvomljivcem ter obrnil glavo vstran. To je to.
Jung's primary concern in Flying Saucers is not with the reality or unreality of UFOs but with their psychic aspect. Rather than speculate about their possible nature and extraterrestrial origin as alleged spacecraft, he asks what it may signify that these phenomena, whether real or imagined, are seen in such numbers just at a time when humankind is menaced as never before in history.
I’m out.
_Dormage_ ::
Sem pogledal filmček in razen lepih slik naše lune pa nekaj ornamentov na njenem površju nisem videl nič posebnega.
Mislim, slike niso ponaredek, niso niti umetnine.
Ne razumem pa kaj naj bi predstavljale?
Od kod ideja o ufotih
Mislim, slike niso ponaredek, niso niti umetnine.
Ne razumem pa kaj naj bi predstavljale?
Od kod ideja o ufotih
jype ::
PacificBlue> Ta greben je edinstven v nasem osoncju. Zakaj in kako je nastal je se danes nepojasnjeno.
Ne, ni edinstven in ne, ni nepojasnjeno - več različnih teorij ti lahko razloži, kako je lahko do tega prišlo, a prava je le ena. Trenutno za eno verjetnejših velja tale:
Ne, ni edinstven in ne, ni nepojasnjeno - več različnih teorij ti lahko razloži, kako je lahko do tega prišlo, a prava je le ena. Trenutno za eno verjetnejših velja tale:
PacificBlue ::
Ne, ni edinstven in ne, ni nepojasnjeno - več različnih teorij ti lahko razloži, kako je lahko do tega prišlo, a prava je le ena. Trenutno za eno verjetnejših velja tale:
MIslim, da je kar edinstven..v vsej svoji velikosti. Sicer pa si dal imo napačen link, razen ce trdis da je Iapetus bil nekoc zemljina druga luna?
"Some people have proposed that the ridge might have been caused by a string of volcanic eruptions, or maybe it's a set of faults," McKinnon notes. "But to align it all perfectly like that -- there is just no similar example in the solar system to point to such a thing."
I’m out.
jype ::
Aja eh. Po moje se s tem še ni nihče zares natančno ukvarjal. Dokler tam ne pristane kakšna sonda, je nesmiselno špekulirat o njem, ker ne vemo dovolj.
innerspace ::
PB > Fora je v tem, da jaz ne verjamem nobenemu več, razen sebi. In moja zavest te pojave dozivlja, kot fenomen, ki je s strani skeptikov ze vnaprej etikiran kot zmota razlage "naravnega" pojava. Nobeden od skeptikov pa ni nikoli ponudil resne analize ter obrazlozitve. Če mi tega ne ponudijo bom moral pač to storiti sam. Nisem pa tip človeka, da bi se prepustil dvomljivcem ter obrnil glavo vstran. To je to.
Ok, kako potem lahko verjames, da luna zavibrira kot zvon, ko vanjo tresci meteorid?
Od kod so ti podatki? Namrec odstavek, ki si ga prilimal se nahaja na straneh, ki preferirajo neznanstven pristop do pojavov in, si upam rect, si verjetno tudi marsikatero zgodbo izmislijo, zaradi ohranitve lastnega nacina pristopanja k t.i.problemom.
Konkretno za lunino donenje prvic slisim, hkrati ko to slisim, mi je ponujenih na tone odgovorov s strani tistih, ki mi ta podatek predstavijo.
Ze to me odvrne od nadaljnega ukvarjanja s problemom.
A to je samo malenkost; verjamem, da poznas ogromno internetnih virov, ki propagirajo tak mindset.
Ce res ne verjames nikomur, ne verjet niti tem virom. Pravzaprav jih sploh ne upostevat, tako kot jih(po mojem) ne uposteva zares kriticno razmisljujoc clovek.
Raje obrni glavo stran.
Ok, kako potem lahko verjames, da luna zavibrira kot zvon, ko vanjo tresci meteorid?
Od kod so ti podatki? Namrec odstavek, ki si ga prilimal se nahaja na straneh, ki preferirajo neznanstven pristop do pojavov in, si upam rect, si verjetno tudi marsikatero zgodbo izmislijo, zaradi ohranitve lastnega nacina pristopanja k t.i.problemom.
Konkretno za lunino donenje prvic slisim, hkrati ko to slisim, mi je ponujenih na tone odgovorov s strani tistih, ki mi ta podatek predstavijo.
Ze to me odvrne od nadaljnega ukvarjanja s problemom.
A to je samo malenkost; verjamem, da poznas ogromno internetnih virov, ki propagirajo tak mindset.
Ce res ne verjames nikomur, ne verjet niti tem virom. Pravzaprav jih sploh ne upostevat, tako kot jih(po mojem) ne uposteva zares kriticno razmisljujoc clovek.
Raje obrni glavo stran.
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4
Isht ::
Jaz sem enkrat med brskanjem po fotkah iz lune nekaj opazil na tejle fotki:
Z digitalno tehniko sem detajl povečal in ga močno očistil. Nisem mogel verjeti svojim očem:
Z digitalno tehniko sem detajl povečal in ga močno očistil. Nisem mogel verjeti svojim očem:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: bluefish ()
_Enterprise_ ::
tale videu na koncu tudi lepo prikaže, zakaj so UFOji bedarija. razkorak med našo civilizacijo in morebitno medgalaktično civilizacijo alienov je tako velik kot singularnost, ki je potrebna za prehod iz ene v drugo
PacificBlue ::
Za vse skeptike je tole namenjeno. Potrebujem razlago, ker po vasem ne smem več verjeti samemu sebi.
9 nepojasnjenih fotk iz apollo misij-
9 nepojasnjenih fotk iz apollo misij-
I’m out.
RazzorX ::
Nekaj možnih razlag:
1. Verjetno se hecaš? Tako deformiran objekt ti jemlješ za vesoljsko plovilo?
2. V vizirju vidiš odblesk sonca, v isti smeri je tudi ta svetla lisa, verjetno posledica odbleska na leči.
3. Preslaba resolucija/kvaliteta, da bi sploh komentiral.
4. Kako je lahko objekt osenčen le na sredini, na vrhu in spodaj pa je osvetljen, ob taki smeri sončne svetlobe? Objekt bi moral biti spodaj popolnoma v senci, zgoraj osvetljen.
5. Preslaba resolucija. Zakaj bi kdorkoli iz tega posnetka sklepal da gre za leteči krožnik (ki se naj bi očitno enakomerno svetil v močni modri barvi). Napaka na filmu.
6. Spet ne razumem, zakaj bi se tehnološki objekt svetil z zelo močno svetlobo. Izgleda precej oddaljen, sonce oddaja precej svetlobe, objekt bi se moral svetiti zelo močno.
7. Ponovno slaba resolucija, space trash.
8. Podobno kot 6. točka.
9. Ah...podobno kot si že v drugi temi za ulično luč domneval da je UFO.
No seveda, te slike so tako. Kdor hoče v njih videti UFO, ga bo videl povsod (predvsem pacificblue je to že pokazal). Kdor pa želi racionalno razlago, bo to vsaj poizkušal razložiti in potem pretehtati opcije, katera je bolj verjetna.
1. Verjetno se hecaš? Tako deformiran objekt ti jemlješ za vesoljsko plovilo?
2. V vizirju vidiš odblesk sonca, v isti smeri je tudi ta svetla lisa, verjetno posledica odbleska na leči.
3. Preslaba resolucija/kvaliteta, da bi sploh komentiral.
4. Kako je lahko objekt osenčen le na sredini, na vrhu in spodaj pa je osvetljen, ob taki smeri sončne svetlobe? Objekt bi moral biti spodaj popolnoma v senci, zgoraj osvetljen.
5. Preslaba resolucija. Zakaj bi kdorkoli iz tega posnetka sklepal da gre za leteči krožnik (ki se naj bi očitno enakomerno svetil v močni modri barvi). Napaka na filmu.
6. Spet ne razumem, zakaj bi se tehnološki objekt svetil z zelo močno svetlobo. Izgleda precej oddaljen, sonce oddaja precej svetlobe, objekt bi se moral svetiti zelo močno.
7. Ponovno slaba resolucija, space trash.
8. Podobno kot 6. točka.
9. Ah...podobno kot si že v drugi temi za ulično luč domneval da je UFO.
No seveda, te slike so tako. Kdor hoče v njih videti UFO, ga bo videl povsod (predvsem pacificblue je to že pokazal). Kdor pa želi racionalno razlago, bo to vsaj poizkušal razložiti in potem pretehtati opcije, katera je bolj verjetna.
Mipe ::
Kakšen je videti 1 cm velik meteorit, ki s hitrostjo 100 km/s švigne tik mimo kamere?
In kakšna je stabilnost komunikacijske zveze s satelitom, ki ga dotični meteorit zadane?
In kakšna je stabilnost komunikacijske zveze s satelitom, ki ga dotični meteorit zadane?
PacificBlue ::
1. Verjetno se hecaš? Tako deformiran objekt ti jemlješ za vesoljsko plovilo?
Nisem rekel, da je nepojasnjen predmet. Mogoče obstaja način, da v našo dimenzijo prehajajo bitja/predmeti iz drugih dimenzij ali pararelnih vesolij in potem nastajajo takšni nerazloženi ali nejasni posnetki.
2. V vizirju vidiš odblesk sonca, v isti smeri je tudi ta svetla lisa, verjetno posledica odbleska na leči.
Da ni odblesk od Nlp?
3. Preslaba resolucija/kvaliteta, da bi sploh komentiral.
4. Kako je lahko objekt osenčen le na sredini, na vrhu in spodaj pa je osvetljen, ob taki smeri sončne svetlobe? Objekt bi moral biti spodaj popolnoma v senci, zgoraj osvetljen.
Zakaj vidimo Mesec na nebu? Zato, ker se sončeva svetloba odbija od njegovega površja=)
5. Preslaba resolucija. Zakaj bi kdorkoli iz tega posnetka sklepal da gre za leteči krožnik (ki se naj bi očitno enakomerno svetil v močni modri barvi). Napaka na filmu.
Vec milijonov vredne kamere ne bi smele kazati taksnih napak. In zakaj so vedno napake na filmu krive...da si olajšamo dušo?
6. Spet ne razumem, zakaj bi se tehnološki objekt svetil z zelo močno svetlobo. Izgleda precej oddaljen, sonce oddaja precej svetlobe, objekt bi se moral svetiti zelo močno.
Sori, tole sem 3krat prebral pa se vedno ne zastopim. Strinjam se v tem, da objekt sveti zelo močno svetlobo.
7. Ponovno slaba resolucija, space trash.
8. Podobno kot 6. točka.
Enaki odgovor.
9. Ah...podobno kot si že v drugi temi za ulično luč domneval da je UFO.
Samo tale odgovor ni vreden pol kozarca mrzle vode. V glavnem hoces povedati, da nekaj je, ni alien technology kvecjemu bi prej rekel da so ulične luči?
I’m out.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: PacificBlue ()
RazzorX ::
Daj za hec preberi kakšno knjigo, za začetek lažjo varianto, kot je npr. Vesolje v orehovi lupini, potem lahko presedlaš na težje. Ko kaj od tega prebereš, se samo malo zamisli o prisotnosti, drugih, zelo naprednih civilizacij v našem osončju (če nisem rekel preozko). Ne rečem, da verjemi vsemu kar piše, le malo se zamisli o tem.
Vikking ::
Ne moreš hkrati vpiti da niso bili na luni, potem pa kazati slike kako so bili na luni ter posneli NLP-je.
Vsekakor pa podaj uradne označbe fotografij (ki so predmet debate) , da se poišče kvalitetna slika v večji ločljivosti.
Vsekakor pa podaj uradne označbe fotografij (ki so predmet debate) , da se poišče kvalitetna slika v večji ločljivosti.
Vikking ::
Vsekakor na večini fotk gre za odboj svetlobe od leč ter igro senc.
Ker pa me je zanimala tretja fotka, saj že vsakemu laiku zgleda da je nekaj zelo zelo hudo narobe z njo. resolucija, barve, zatemnenjost vse je narobe z njo, a prav lepo poustvarjena da zgleda da je desno spodaj plovilo z lučkami. A kaj se zgodi ko pogledamo original v visoki ločljivosti.
Lej ga zlomka, kaj sedaj pacificblue ko plovila ni več?: Kaj ko bi limal originalne fotke, ne pa potemnjene in pobarvane s strani UFO zanesenjakov.
Ker pa me je zanimala tretja fotka, saj že vsakemu laiku zgleda da je nekaj zelo zelo hudo narobe z njo. resolucija, barve, zatemnenjost vse je narobe z njo, a prav lepo poustvarjena da zgleda da je desno spodaj plovilo z lučkami. A kaj se zgodi ko pogledamo original v visoki ločljivosti.
Lej ga zlomka, kaj sedaj pacificblue ko plovila ni več?: Kaj ko bi limal originalne fotke, ne pa potemnjene in pobarvane s strani UFO zanesenjakov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: bluefish ()
PacificBlue ::
Ne moreš hkrati vpiti da niso bili na luni, potem pa kazati slike kako so bili na luni ter posneli NLP-je.
Jaz sploh ne trdim, da niso bili na luni.
Ker pa me je zanimala tretja fotka, saj že vsakemu laiku zgleda da je nekaj zelo zelo hudo narobe z njo. resolucija, barve, zatemnenjost vse je narobe z njo, a prav lepo poustvarjena da zgleda da je desno spodaj plovilo z lučkami.
Saj ti že v mojmu linku pise, da gre verjetno za odsev. Zdaj pa lahko pogledas se za drugimi fotografijami..jaz jih recimo nekaj sploh nisem našel v Hasselblad Magazines. Izgleda niso več na voljo javnosti.
I’m out.
T-h-o-r ::
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: bluefish ()
lonz ::
Beliver je beliver. Al v boga al v UFO-ta. V nobenem primeru ni sposoben sprejet neobstoja.
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...
Vikking ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Ne moreš hkrati vpiti da niso bili na luni, potem pa kazati slike kako so bili na luni ter posneli NLP-je.
Jaz sploh ne trdim, da niso bili na luni.
skeptiki in ljubitelji zarot imajo skupno to, da jim NASA nekaj prikriva.
Ker pa so si z svojo osnovno teorijo v nasprotju, se najprej zmente kaj za vraga NASA prikriva. Da NASA prikriva resnico o bitjih, ter ostankih civilizacije na luni. Ali prikriva da so posnetki neresnični ter sploh nikoli ni nihče bil oz. pristal na luni.
Problem imate med sabo, hec pa je v tem, da se ene in iste fotografije uporabljajo za obe tezi, ki pa sta si v nasprotju. Fotografije pa so v večini potemnjene, obarvane oz. resolucije tako slabe da so že kockaste. Najraje potegnejo sliko kar iz videa (snapshot) saj lahko v tem primeru govorijo o originalu, ter sami sebe zajebavajo v glavo.
PacificBlue ::
Kaj mene zanimajo drugi..moonhoaxerji. Nisem član nobenga kluba, tudi lovskega ne. Trdim, da smo bili na luni, veliko slik pa je bilo obdelanih s strani Nase, ker se je gor videlo kaj preveč nevarnega za javnost. Obstaja tudi veliko zvocnih zapisov..pogovorov med člani odprave in Huston centrom, kjer se omenjajo nlpji.
I’m out.
bluefish ::
Trdim, da smo bili na luni, veliko slik pa je bilo obdelanih s strani Nase, ker se je gor videlo kaj preveč nevarnega za javnost.In spet smo pri teoriji zarote, ki jo tako rad omenjaš v praktično vseh temah s podobno tematiko - obstajajo zapisi, ki jih mala skupina priredi za jasvnost. Pri tem seveda zanemariš, da te iste posnetke pred obdelavo vidi že precejšen kup ljudi, sama obdelava tudi ni tako trivialna,....
Vikking ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Kaj mene zanimajo drugi..moonhoaxerji. Nisem član nobenga kluba, tudi lovskega ne. Trdim, da smo bili na luni, veliko slik pa je bilo obdelanih s strani Nase, ker se je gor videlo kaj preveč nevarnega za javnost. Obstaja tudi veliko zvocnih zapisov..pogovorov med člani odprave in Huston centrom, kjer se omenjajo nlpji.
Citiraš ter kopiraš pa njihove izjave, ter njihove predelane slike. Vsekakor se odloči, ker dosti teh slik ter izjav uporabljajo oboji. Se pravi bodi previden katero sliko in katero izjavo vzameš.
Kajti lahko se ti zgodi da so isto sliko uporabili za demantirnje poleta na luno oz. za dokazovanje da je apollo pravkar slikal nlp na luni.
Dej zvočne zapise oz. transcripte le teh med Hustonom in Apollom.
A meni najljubša je kar ta domnevna izjava astronavta.
Armstrong: "It was incredible. Of course we had always known there was a possibility. The fact is, we were warned off! [by the aliens]. There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city."
T-h-o-r ::
jao pacific blue odpira že žnjto temo o sranju
vi mu pa še kar pišete nazaj
vi mu pa še kar pišete nazaj
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
PacificBlue ::
Še transcript:
Še transcript:
Narrator: But three days and 200,000 miles into the flight, Mission Control did miss the significance of a cryptic message from Apollo 11.
Apollo 11: 'Do you have any idea where the S-IVB is with respect to us?
Mission Control: 'Stand-by'
Narrator: The Crew required information on the current position of the S-IVB, the final stage of the rocket which had been jettisoned away 2 days earlier. This short message hid an extraordinary turn of events: Apollo 11 wasn't alone in space.
Buzz Aldrin: There was something out there that, uh, was close enough to be observed and what could it be?
Narrator: Traveling along side of Apollo 11 was a mysterious object like this one (a ringed object at close range is shown), filmed on a later mission. If it wasn't part of their own rocket, it could only be one thing, a UFO.
Aldrin: Mike (Collins) decided he thought he could see it in the telescope and he was able to do that and when it was in one position, that had a series of ellipses, but when you made it real sharp it was sort of L shaped. That didn't tell us very much.
Dr. David Baker (Apollo 11 Senior Scientist): NASA knew very little about, um, the object reported by the Apollo 11 crew. It was obviously an unidentified flying object, but such objects were not uncommon and the history of even earth orbit space flights going back over the previous years indicated that several crews saw objects.
Narrator: Despite having a clear view of the UFO, the crew were wary of reporting it to Mission Control.
Aldrin: Now, obviously, the three of us were not going to blurt out, 'Hey Houston we got something moving along side of us and we don't know what it is, you know, can you tell us what it is?'. We weren't about to do that, cause we know that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would have demanded that we turn back because of Aliens or whatever the reason is, so we didn't do that but we did decide we'd just cautiously ask Houston where, how far away was the S-IVB?
Narrator: Unaware of the drama unfolding in space, Mission Control radioed the position back to Apollo 11.
Mission Control: 'Apollo 11, Houston. The S-IVB is about 6,000 nautical miles from you now, over.'
Aldrin: And a few moments later, why they came back and said something like it was 6,000 miles away because of the maneuver, so we really didn't think we were looking at something that far away, so we decided that after a while of watching it, it was time to go to sleep and not to talk about it anymore until we came back and (went through) debriefing.
Narrator: To this day, whatever it was that the crew saw has never been positively identified or officially acknowledged.
Dr. David Baker: There were a lot of people within the program who went off later and became convinced that UFOs existed and that lead to some concern on NASA's part where they got the agreement of the crew never to publicly talk about these things for fear of ridicule.
I’m out.
lonz ::
In 2005, while being interviewed for a documentary titled First on the Moon: The Untold Story, Aldrin told an interviewer that they saw an unidentified flying object. Aldrin told David Morrison, an NAI Senior Scientist, that the documentary cut the crew's conclusion that they were probably seeing one of four detached spacecraft adapter panels. Their S-IVB upper stage was 6,000 miles away, but the four panels were jettisoned before the S-IVB made its separation maneuver so they would closely follow the Apollo 11 spacecraft until its first midcourse correction.[38] When Aldrin appeared on The Howard Stern Show on August 15, 2007, Stern asked him about the supposed UFO sighting. Aldrin confirmed that there was no such sighting of anything deemed extraterrestrial, and said they were and are "99.9 percent" sure that the object was the detached panel.[39][40][41]
Interviewed by the Science Channel, Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and he claims his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft, but they refused.[42]
In 2005, while being interviewed for a documentary titled First on the Moon: The Untold Story, Aldrin told an interviewer that they saw an unidentified flying object. Aldrin told David Morrison, an NAI Senior Scientist, that the documentary cut the crew's conclusion that they were probably seeing one of four detached spacecraft adapter panels. Their S-IVB upper stage was 6,000 miles away, but the four panels were jettisoned before the S-IVB made its separation maneuver so they would closely follow the Apollo 11 spacecraft until its first midcourse correction.[38] When Aldrin appeared on The Howard Stern Show on August 15, 2007, Stern asked him about the supposed UFO sighting. Aldrin confirmed that there was no such sighting of anything deemed extraterrestrial, and said they were and are "99.9 percent" sure that the object was the detached panel.[39][40][41]
Interviewed by the Science Channel, Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and he claims his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft, but they refused.[42]
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...
PacificBlue ::
Ja verjetno je povedal preveč, vendar to ni bilo prvič tole spet vzeto iz konteksta?
Buzz's interesting comments have not ended; on July of 2009 he was interviewed on CSPAN's Washington Journal regarding the importance of space exploration. When speaking about one of the moons of Mars (presumably Phobos), he said "There is a monolith there. There is a very unusually structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say 'Who put that there!? Who put that there!?' Well, the universe put it there. If you choose, God put it there."
Fox told us the story of how he had found out about Aldrin's UFO sighting, and his attempted interview with Aldrin to get the details. Fox played as an extra on the set of Mickey Rooney's The Legend of O.B. Taggart. While talking with Mickey and Jan Rooney, Fox's interest in UFOs was brought up, he feared that they would tease him but instead seemed very interested. They even told Fox that they were friends with Buzz Aldrin and that he had something to share about a sighting he had. Fortunately, Fox happened to also be friends with Aldrin's sister, Fay Ann Potter. So with the help of Potter and the Rooney's, who all sent Aldrin letters on Fox's behalf, after a few years of making requests, Aldrin finally granted an interview in 1999.
Aldrin told Fox to meet him in Monte Carlo, so Fox borrowed some funds to gather a crew and equipment to take to Monte Carlo. Unfortunately, after Fox and his crew arrived, Aldrin kept putting off the interview. Finally on the fourth day, Fox contacted Aldrin on the phone and explained that it was expensive to have this crew out there so he needed to get the interview done as soon as possible. Aldrin agreed to meet him the next morning in the lobby, but asked Fox not to bring a camera. The next morning, instead of Aldrin showing up in the lobby as planned, the concierge told Fox that he had a phone call. Over the phone Aldrin told Fox that he couldn't do the interview. Shocked, after the expense of flying out there and putting up a crew for several days, Fox asked why. Aldrin told Fox that Paul Allen had just invested in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), and he was labeled a UFO nut. Aldrin explained that he could not jeopardize his initiative of getting funding for a rocket to send citizens into outer space. He then asked what difference his story would make anyway. Fox told him that it takes people of his caliber to come forward to take the phenomena out of the rut that it's in. That didn't sway Aldrin, he refused to do the interview.
Če pa še to ni dovolj, tukaj imate intervju z Gordon Cooper
Gordon Cooper @ Wikipedia
Buzz's interesting comments have not ended; on July of 2009 he was interviewed on CSPAN's Washington Journal regarding the importance of space exploration. When speaking about one of the moons of Mars (presumably Phobos), he said "There is a monolith there. There is a very unusually structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say 'Who put that there!? Who put that there!?' Well, the universe put it there. If you choose, God put it there."
Fox told us the story of how he had found out about Aldrin's UFO sighting, and his attempted interview with Aldrin to get the details. Fox played as an extra on the set of Mickey Rooney's The Legend of O.B. Taggart. While talking with Mickey and Jan Rooney, Fox's interest in UFOs was brought up, he feared that they would tease him but instead seemed very interested. They even told Fox that they were friends with Buzz Aldrin and that he had something to share about a sighting he had. Fortunately, Fox happened to also be friends with Aldrin's sister, Fay Ann Potter. So with the help of Potter and the Rooney's, who all sent Aldrin letters on Fox's behalf, after a few years of making requests, Aldrin finally granted an interview in 1999.
Aldrin told Fox to meet him in Monte Carlo, so Fox borrowed some funds to gather a crew and equipment to take to Monte Carlo. Unfortunately, after Fox and his crew arrived, Aldrin kept putting off the interview. Finally on the fourth day, Fox contacted Aldrin on the phone and explained that it was expensive to have this crew out there so he needed to get the interview done as soon as possible. Aldrin agreed to meet him the next morning in the lobby, but asked Fox not to bring a camera. The next morning, instead of Aldrin showing up in the lobby as planned, the concierge told Fox that he had a phone call. Over the phone Aldrin told Fox that he couldn't do the interview. Shocked, after the expense of flying out there and putting up a crew for several days, Fox asked why. Aldrin told Fox that Paul Allen had just invested in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), and he was labeled a UFO nut. Aldrin explained that he could not jeopardize his initiative of getting funding for a rocket to send citizens into outer space. He then asked what difference his story would make anyway. Fox told him that it takes people of his caliber to come forward to take the phenomena out of the rut that it's in. That didn't sway Aldrin, he refused to do the interview.
Če pa še to ni dovolj, tukaj imate intervju z Gordon Cooper
According to his accounts, Cooper realized that these men, who on a regular basis have seen experimental aircraft flying and landing around them as part of their job of filming those aircraft, were clearly worked up and unnerved. They explained how the saucer hovered over them, landed 50 yards away from them using three extended landing gears and then took off as they approached for a closer look. Being photographers with cameras in hand, they of course shot images with 35mm and 4-by-5 still cameras as well as motion film. There was a special Pentagon number to call to report incidents like this. He called and it immediately went up the chain of command until he was instructed by a general to have the film developed (but to make no prints of it) and send it right away in a locked courier pouch. As he had not been instructed to not look at the negatives before sending them, he did. He said the quality of the photography was excellent as would be expected from the experienced photographers who took them. What he saw was exactly what they had described to him. He did not see the movie film before everything was sent away. He expected that there would be a follow up investigation since an aircraft of unknown origin had landed in a highly classified military installation, but nothing was ever said of the incident again. He was never able to track down what happened to those photos. He assumed that they ended up going to the Air Force's official UFO investigation, Project Blue Book, which was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
He held claim until his death that the government is indeed covering up information about UFOs. He gives the example of President Harry Truman who said on April 4, 1950, "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." He also pointed out that there were hundreds of reports made by his fellow pilots, many coming from military jet pilots sent to respond to radar or visual sightings from the ground. He was quite convinced till the day he died that he had seen UFOs and was a strong advocate to make the government come clean with what it knew. [1]
In his memoirs Cooper wrote he had seen other unexplained aircraft several times during his career and also said hundreds of similar reports had been made, often by military jet pilots responding to radar or visual sightings from the ground. He further claimed these sightings had been "swept under the rug" by the US government.[4] Throughout his later life Cooper expressed repeatedly in interviews he had seen extra-terrestrial crafts and described his recollections for the documentary Out of the Blue.
Gordon Cooper @ Wikipedia
I’m out.
Mipe ::
Zopet vzeto iz konteksta. Kaj ti res hočeš videti te NLP-je, da tako selektivno izbiraš dejstva?
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