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Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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lopov ::

Thx za tole. Patch gre preko nexusa?

Nazadnje sem igral septembra ali oktobra in nimam pojma, do kje sem prišel :P

Isotropic ::

matobeli je izjavil:

Ker v F4 je res bojazen da ti zmanjka metkov, oziroma česarkoli. Guns FTW

to zato, ker je karkoli avtomatskega neuporabno proti semiauto... (veliko manj škode)
če se greš pa minigun party, ti jih pa imo hitro zmanjka

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

lopov je izjavil:

Thx za tole. Patch gre preko nexusa?

Vprašanje če


lopov ::

Sem včeraj pognal igro in opazil nekaj sprememb, modi so znotraj igre (najde tudi tega omenjenega) + vdelana štacuna.

Tisto, kar me pred namestitvijo popravka skrbi je opomba tako na nexusu kot znotraj igre, da za namestitev zadnje verzije potrebuješ vse uradne DLC. Trenutno mam nameščen unofficial patch v2.0.0 in lepo dela tudi brez DLC.

Season pass je v tem trenutku 50% off @ 24,99 EUR in če ni nujno potrebno, ga ne bi kupoval :/

Ma še kdo tako situacijo in je poskusil z namestitvijo?

oo7 ::

Katere mode pa imaš?

Jaz imam inšalirano igro ampak zdaj je že nekaj časa nisem igral. Imam gor kar nekaj modov za grafiko in nazadnje je delalo brez vseh težav tako, da trenutno ne bom snemal tega patcha.

Kar se tiče seasson pass-a Nuka Cola DLC mi ni bil preveč všeč razen puščave, ki se dogaja izven parka. Far Harbor je pa super DLC.

lopov ::

Sem pol zvečer pobrskal po netu za cenami in se mi ni dalo zajebavati z neprverjenimi cenejšimi viri, tako da sem na steamu ubodel season pass. Mode sem preko nexusa onesposobil, namestil vse DLC in v obratni smeri ponovil vajo.

Z vgrajeno štacuno se nisem hecal, vse sem namestil preko nexusa. Deluje, drugega ne morem reči :)

Nimam veliko modov -- better settles, weightless junk, caryweight mod, unofficial patch, full dialogue interface & neke fixe za widescreen, ki pa (IMO) ne delujejo.

Moral bi vse skupaj pobrisati in na novo namestiti, ker mam zaradi "eksperimentov" čist buggy install, neko čudno resolucijo + po novem se mi nalaga od klika "play" pa do "press any key" minuto in pol. Sicer s klasičnega diska, a sem pred časom poskusil s SSD in ni bilo bistvene razlike, še vedno več kot minuta ...

oo7 ::

Tudi jaz imam vse mode preko Nexusa.

Jaz uporabljam večinoma mode za grafiko, ki tudi v veliki meri spremenijo sam svet. Lahko imaš svet zaraščen z zelenjem ali puščavo ali 4 letne čase... :D

oo7 ::

Road To Liberty, a group of Fallout modders, have released a new video showing 12 minutes of gameplay footage from their Fallout 3 remake in Fallout 4, Capital Wasteland.

Capital Wasteland | Fallout 3 REMAKE | Metro & Quest Pre-Alpha Gameplay

oo7 ::

Poleg zgoraj omenjenega moda Fallout 3 v Fallout 4 delajo tudi mod Fallout Miami

Kot kaže bo imel mod tudi vozila : http://falloutmiami.blogspot.si/p/blog-...

Fallout Miami Test Gameplay

Njihova stran: http://falloutmiami.blogspot.si/

Netrunner ::

Fallout-a še nikoli nisem igral. Večkrat sem zasledil da se nekateri hvalijo z svojimi postojankami ki so jih zgradili. V čem je poanta da si zgradiš neko utrdbo? Kaj imaš od tega?

matobeli ::

Notranje zadoščenje ob svojem osebnem dosežku v igri. Nekateri pač uživajo v takem tipu iger. Mogoče tudi spoštovanje soigralcev če narediš res nekaj posebnega.

V samem mehanizmu igre pa oblika naselja ne predstavlja nobene prednosti.

Netrunner ::

kaj fallout 4 je SP ali MP ?

matobeli ::

SP. soigralci so mišljeni kot ljudje ki igrajo isto igro in ne kot dejanski soigralci.

Fallout je precej kultna zadeva in ima širok community, kjer se lahko pohvališ in imaš dobre možnosto da te kdo pohvali ;)

Netrunner ::

:) v taki igri bi pasal kak coop mode. Se pravi je enako kot skyrim .. en velik sandbox

matobeli ::

Ja, skyrim je iz iste malhe.

Če ti je skyrim všeč si najprej poglej Fallout 3 in Fallout New Vegas, glede zgodbe veliko boljši igri kot F4.

oo7 ::

Netrunner je izjavil:

Fallout-a še nikoli nisem igral. Večkrat sem zasledil da se nekateri hvalijo z svojimi postojankami ki so jih zgradili. V čem je poanta da si zgradiš neko utrdbo? Kaj imaš od tega?

To je samo dodatek v igri če hočeš lahko gradiš če nočeš ti ni treba.

Fallout New Vegas ima najboljšo zgodbo.
Fallout 3 ima najbolj zanimiv svet in mapo.
Fallout 4 pa ima najbolši gameplay.

Splača se pa preigrati vse tri saj gre za eno najbolšo serijo. Pri New Vegasu in pri Fallout 3 pa si lahko naložiš kakšen mod za lepšo grafiko.

Furbo ::

Netrunner je izjavil:

Fallout-a še nikoli nisem igral. Večkrat sem zasledil da se nekateri hvalijo z svojimi postojankami ki so jih zgradili. V čem je poanta da si zgradiš neko utrdbo? Kaj imaš od tega?

Varno prenočišče, skladišče za tvojo robo, hrana in pijača se ti prideluje tam,.. pač pomisli, zakaj rabiš hišo v RL. :)
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

matobeli ::

V hardcore mode res pridejo prav, vsaj kar se tiče hrane, vode, craftinga. Ampak iz praktičnega vidika je čisto vseeno ali je to 3 nadstropna graščina ali samo prefab hlev.

krefi ::

nekje sem zasledil da te lahko na zgradbo tudi napadejo pa me zanima kako ke s tem
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s

oo7 ::

krefi je izjavil:

nekje sem zasledil da te lahko na zgradbo tudi napadejo pa me zanima kako ke s tem

lopov ::

Sry, OT ... Imam problem pri FO3, pa če kdo ne bere teme puščam link na vprašanje :)

Iatromantis ::

Če imaš problem samo s ključavnicami lahko mogoče naložiš kakšen mod, ki spremeni mehanike ključavnic...

matobeli ::

Je že pogruntal kaj je šlo narobe https://slo-tech.com/forum/t318082/p586...

oo7 ::

Project that remasters Fallout 3 as a Fallout 4 mod canned over voice acting rights ;(


Škoda. No so vsaj še trije veliki modi v izdelavi.

oo7 ::

Fallout 4 Vault fan art (Unreal Engine 4) (Work in progress)

oo7 ::

Mod za Fallout 4

Fallout: Miami - Official Teaser Trailer

The team behind Fallout Miami, a Fallout 4 mod that is set around Miami Beach, has released official teaser trailer. Fallout Miami is a total conversion that aims to recreate Miami Beach, featuring new quests and enemies and offering lots of gameplay hours.

oo7 ::

Fallout: Liberty Hell April 2018 Tiny Teaser

Liberty Wastes Beautification Committee is currently working on a new mod for Fallout 4 that will create a post-apocalyptic Philadelphia and its surrounding area. This mod has been under development for two years, and the team has released some new screenshots and a trailer.

oo7 ::

Fallout: Cascadia - Official Teaser Trailer

Fallout: Cascadia is an upcoming total-conversion mod for Fallout 4.

Welcome to the Pacific Wasteland - revisit old gameplay systems from previous installments of the Fallout franchise such as skills, the dialogue system and much more, explore new locations and delve into the massive ruins of downtown Seattle in the biggest modern Fallout map ever created, and who knows, maybe make a trip into Cascade, the grand capital of the region.

Berni_01 ::

Kdaj pa bodo vsi ti super modi? Rad bi nekaj preigral pred Fallout 76 :)
Intel i5-6600K, OC 4,4GHz; Fractal Design Celsius S36; EVGA GTX 1070;
Kingston HyperX Savage, 2x8GB, DDR4-2400MHz; Asus Z170-A;
Samsung 840 EVO, 250GB; Seagate SV35 1 TB ST1000VX000; Chieftec ATX 1000W

oo7 ::

Berni_01 je izjavil:

Kdaj pa bodo vsi ti super modi? Rad bi nekaj preigral pred Fallout 76 :)

Se še ne ve.
Oktobra pride velik mod za Fallout New Vegas.

yoco ::

Katere mode priporočate k igri?

oo7 ::

Za grafiko ali kaj drugega ?

yoco ::

Grafika in gameplay. Igre nisem igral od relisa, sedaj me pa mika da se vrnem nazaj, samo ne vem kateri modi so "obvezni". :)

oo7 ::

yoco je izjavil:

Grafika in gameplay. Igre nisem igral od relisa, sedaj me pa mika da se vrnem nazaj, samo ne vem kateri modi so "obvezni". :)

oo7 je izjavil:

lopov je izjavil:

Pa tole mi je še najbolj všeč, za razliko od zgornjih predlogov :)
Kater mod imaš?

Kar se grafike tiče imam:

FAR - Faraway Area Reform - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
High Resolution Texture Pack - Valius - 2k and 4k - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Photorealistic Commonwealth - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
RustBelt Flora - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Textures in HD - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Vivid Fallout - Trees - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Vivid Fallout - Rocks - Textures in HD - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Water Enhanced - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...?

Water Enhanced imam trenutno 4k imaš pa še možnost 2K ali 8K

Sem že kar nekaj ur preigral z to postavitvijo modov in nobenega crasha ali bilokaterega problema. Te vse mode se, da posneti z manegerjem edino Photorealistic Commonwealth mislim, da je treba manual.

Vrstni red modov je pa vseeno edino ta mod High Resolution Texture Pack - Valius - 2k and 4k dam vedno nazadnje, ker je za notranje prostore ostali so vsi za zunanjost.

yoco ::

tenx :)

oo7 ::

Tukaj pa še nekaj grafičnih modov.

THIS MOD IS INSANE!! (Fallout 4 Resurrection Mod : Forrest Edition)

Fallout 4 Mods: Best PhotoRealistic Next Gen Graphics 2017

Turn Fallout 4 into Fallout New Vegas - Dustbowl Overhaul MoD (XBOX/PC) Desert Overhaul

Fallout 4 Mods: RustBelt Flora

Fallout 4: Wasteland Walk (Resurrection Mod)

The Best Fallout 4 Graphics/Immersion Mods Xbox One (June/July 2017)

Toliko enih modov za grafiko jaz, ko sem igral v drugo sem na vsakih nekaj ur spremenil pokrajino z poletja v jesen pa potem v zimo in v pomlad nato v puščavo potem v gozd :D

oo7 ::

Lahko pa tudi narediš vse skupaj bolj temačno.

Fallout 4 - Dread

oo7 ::

Nov mod za grafiko

Fallout 4 - Visceral ENB 2018 Realistic

oo7 ::

Fallout 4 Northern Springs is a massive free fan DLC, larger than both Nuka World and Far Harbor

MOD: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

Fallout 4: Northern Springs Worldspace DLC (Combat Preview 2)

Everything has been meticulously placed. An unimaginable amount of time & work has been put into this mod. A lot of playtesting went on, so I hope all the quests work. The mod was worked on nearly every single day for almost 2 years. And will continue to be worked on as time goes on.

This isn't an addition inside of the Commonwealth. Although it does include quests and other things that work with the Commonwealth. It's a new location that expands adventure elsewhere to make the Commonwealth exploration experience much more vast.

Here's what to expect:

OVER 25 Quests
(And Radiant Quests also work)

4 jobs to choose from. That including:

Cage Fighter
Deathclaw Hunter
Book Collector
Bounty Hunter

4 new followers (As of now)
Fully functional, and voiced.
(The Vault-Tec Rep is an unlockable Companion)

3 settlements to find and build your own settlements:

Waker's Creek
Helen's Farm
Weskan Farm

2 Player homes

TONS of new locations
And random ghost spotting

New Weapons and Armor
New ruthless enemies to encounter with many quests to unlock.

This DLC Mod is fully modular as it's an ESM just like any other Bethesda releases.

oo7 ::

Nov mod za Fallout 4 - New Empiria

MOD : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

Following the great resource wars Europe was left in utter chaos. Many fled the ruins to find somewhere new to live despite the devastation that would soon ensue. Many citizens fled to the lands of the British commonwealth. Australia, welcomed these citizens in a bid to build a fighting populace should the eyes of China turn to them. New Empiria was built to house these refugees (funded by the remnants of the British elite who fled long before Europe was left in ruins).
When the bombs finally fell New Empiria was buried under a sky of sand which, through the immense heat, turned to glass.
Centuries later the Western part of the city (which was not buried under sand) was repopulated by wondering Australian survivors. However lurking in the Deep city ruins are hoards of frenzied fanatics that impose a threat to the new settlers.

In it's current iteration there are no quests yet however a plot has already been thought out. In the finished version of the mod the sole survivor will sign up to work as a private detective to investigate a series of murders across the city. In the investigation the sole survivor will unravel a plot involving the new settlers, the commonwealth remnants and a fanatical cult calling themselves "the buried". Through the sole survivor's investigation, they will encounter difficult decisions as different factions struggle for power over the city.

oo7 ::

Bethesda gives the green light to Fallout: New California mod: "We don't foresee an issue"

As Bethesda's representative stated:

"The great thing about modding is that people can build mods about whatever they want. We don't foresee an issue with this team's work, and we wish them well in their development."

oo7 ::

Fallout: Miami - Official Trailer (2018)

Fallout Miami: http://falloutmiami.blogspot.com/

oo7 ::

Nov mod za Fallout 4

New York was the location of the United Nations headquarters, before it was disbanded on July 26, 2052.

In 2065, a nuclear reactor, struggling to power the population of seventeen million people, went super critical for a period of about five minutes. While there was no explosion, the NYC incident coined the term "hot summer" for a heat-related electrical overload on nuclear systems.

During the Great War, the city was affected by the nuclear strikes.

MOD: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

oo7 ::

MOD za Fallout 4 New Vegas. Igra Fallout New Vegas v igri Fallout 4.

Fallout 4: New Vegas - Ain't That a Kick In The Head

Izid MOD-a še ni znan.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::

so modi za PS4 kdaj zaživeli sploh?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

so modi za PS4 kdaj zaživeli sploh?

Seveda so :)

oo7 ::

Unofficial Fallout 4 patch 2.0.5 is now available for download

Fallout 4 Unofficial Patch 2.0.5 Release Notes

UFO4P Fixes

Removed the Guard Gutsy voice fix after it was determined that the robots are invisible for anyone who begins a new game and visits General Atomics Galleria with the fix in place. (Bug #24628)
Precomb data was accidentally disabled on a cell at The Castle. (Bug #25055)
The edit locks added by previous UFO4P versions to certain functions on WorkshopParentScript have been re-evaluated, and the locks on the following functions have been removed (Bug #24643)
HandleActorDeath (regression of UFO4P 2.0 Bug #21899)
ModifyResourceData, SetResourceData (regression of UFO4P 2.0 Bug #21896)
RecalculateResourceDamage, RecalculateResourceDamageForResource (regression of UFO4P 1.0.5 Bug #21899)
WoundActor (regression of UFO4P 2.0 Bug #21898)

Actor Fixes

The Protectron in Virgil's Lab had an invalid set of script properties set on it. (Bug #24910)
Dead guards inside Parsons State Insane Asylum were being labeled as Gunners due to an incorrect template setting. (Bug #24944)
LvlBloodbugAmbush, LvlBloodbugInt and LvlBloodbugIntAmbush were missing a property on BloodbugScript (Bug #25148).

Item Fixes

Gunner Flannel Shirt and Jeans (Armor_GunnerRustic_Underarmor) was not included on the formlist for scrapping into cloth like other clothing items. (Bug #24744)
Bourbon was using the wrong version of the put down sound for bottles. (Bug #24739)
Antibiotics and Curie's Health Pack were not properly flagged as ObjectTypeStimpak. (Bug #24738)
MS10_RadioTowerNote: Property not set on the book record, resulting in an error when trying to add a map marker. Nearest logicial location based on the note's content is the Coast Guard Pier across the river from it, so the script will now set this marker when the book is read. (Bug #24619) [NR]
Overdue book tokens should be using the drop sound that matches the pickup sound originally assigned in another bugfix. (Bug #23123)
Mr Handy Buzz Blades were yielding no scrap when they should return 1 aluminum. (Bug #24908)
The control item used for the track system in the Mechanist's Lair was not properly setting up the Arc tank bot due to incorrectly set script properties. (Bug #24678)
The leveled list for T-45 Power Armor B (LL_Armor_Power_T45_Set_B) had 2 chest pieces and was missing the left arm. (Bug #24985)
Laundered Denim Dress (ClothesPreWarDressBlue) and Laundered Rose Dress (ClothesPreWarDressPink) did not return any cloth when scrapped. They should return 1 piece like other similar outfits. (Bug #24969)

Location Fixes

Echo Lake Lumber Mill was not set with the Far Harbor world location as its parent. This could lead to incorrectly assigned radiant quests that should go to the Commonwealth instead. It may also have played a part in settlers leaving for Dalton Farm at random times. (Bug #24586)
Dunwich Borers was not correctly flagged as part of its own location. At the same time, Hugo's Hole nearby was mistakenly flagged as being part of the Dunwich Borers location. (Bug #24668)
A bad navmesh section over a hole in the bridge at Mass Pike Interchange has been corrected. (Bug #24001)
Med-Tek Research could not be properly cleared because the Glowing One on the second level was not marked as the location's boss. (Bug #24928)
Mesh Fixes

The left Voltaic Frame shoulder was not displaying correctly on a Robobrain. (meshes\actors\dlc01\robot\parts\robobrain\RoboBrainConstructionLeftArmArmor_10.nif) (Bug #24742)

oo7 ::

Megaton mesdto mod z Fallout 3 v Fallout 4

MOD: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

oo7 ::

Nov MOD za Fallout 4 - Fallout 4 Story Mod 'Sakhalin' Released, Inspired by STALKER and New Vegas

Welcome to Sakhalin Island, vault dwellers. Brought to you by the creators of Gothic: Orpheus mod for Skyrim and the upcoming game Trails of Ayash. In an alternate future of the Fallout universe after a devastating nuclear war, remnants of Communist China, The USSR, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany have been fighting over the bones of Sakhalin Island for many generations. Forgetting anything else but everlasting war over an irradiated hell-scape. This moody horror based Fallout mod will take you through a hand crafted adventure on an island filled with conflict and intrigue. Fight back against your enemies and perhaps put an end to this everlasting conflict. If you liked the New Vegas DLC, The Divide or the atmospheric environments of S.T.A.L.K.E.R You will be right at home here. We're keeping some things under wraps for now to show off when they're ready. We look forward to showing you more in the future. Have fun surviving the future in Fallout: Sakhalin.

Fallout 4 - Sakhalin Teaser

MOD: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

MOD je velik 1,4 GB

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Fallout 4: New Vegas - An Important Answer to an Important Question

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