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Doom III

Doom III

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Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

(sic) ::

TrOn: Pojdi spat :)

Sicer pa hvala, ker zdaj nimam časa iskat take zadeve (school) pa prav pride, če maš vse na roki.
Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

Tudi na Discharged.org so se potrudili in spesnili kar nekaj QCon novic, predvsem o Q3A tekmovanjih. Go get it!

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

QuakeCon se pocasi koncuje.

HomeLAN Fed A Chat With id's Tim Willits

Tr0n ::

BaRtMaN ::

Mislm, Tr0n, a me moraš zmeraj prehitet, ko hočem kakšen link poslat? :)

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

]Fusion[ ::

Nekdo ma definitivno prevec casa :)

"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

undefined ::

Mislim, Tr0n, teb sam še ena stran spet manjka. :D

Tr0n ::

Mah, samo zbiram linke, tak da so na enem mestu, ko jih nucas :).

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Ne kewl intervju z novimi multiplayer informacijami.


Ahiles ::

PQ: So, I imagine you've finalized the monster count by now...

TW: Actually, we haven't. We actually removed a monster not long ago, and then came up with some cool ideas for some new guys that worked, so we're going back and forth on that. But that's actually where we are in the game development. We have just about everything built and we're optimizing, of course. And right now we're balancing the monsters. If we get good ideas for monsters we'll work them in, and then we have to go back and balance to make sure the scenarios play out, that the sequences are fun, and so on.

PQ: How long does it take to create a monster?

TW: Kenneth [Scott] is really, really fast. He can make a high-polygon model in less than a week - five days or so. It takes about a day to skin it and to put the bones in, and then he'll work on the texture for a week or so while Fred [Nilsson] and James [Houska] work on the animations. Then there's the sound and scripting to finish after that. But Kenneth can make the high-polygon model extremely quickly.

Vec tuki: http://www.planetquake.com/features/articles/interviews/twillits_qcon2003_a.shtml

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Tr0n ::

undefined ::

Unfortunately, it will probably be representative of most DX9 games. Doom has a custom back end that uses the lower precisions on the GF-FX, but when you run it with standard fragment programs just like ATI, it is a lot slower. The precision doesn't really matter to Doom, but that won't be a reasonable option in future games designed around DX9 level hardware as a minimum spec.

John Carmack

No, se boste zdaj že sprijaznili s tem dejstvom vsi NV fanatiki? :)

Tr0n ::

S katerim? D3 je bil zgrajen na GF4 Ti karticah oz. te so uporabljali pri izdelavi. OpenGL != DirectX :).

undefined ::

> D3 je bil zgrajen na GF4 Ti karticah oz. te so uporabljali pri izdelavi. OpenGL != DirectX :).

Že že. Moja replika se je nanašala na tvoj zgornji link. :)

Fury ::

kaj si ti to zdej odgovoru? nic jasno. kar si povedu SPLOH nima veze jao...

ce bo kdo prek OGL uplorablu FULL PRECISION FRAGMENT SHADER KI JE EKVIVALENT DX9 PS2.0 POTEM BO STEKAL KO PRASICA. to je to kar ti hoce povedat.. ce bojo pa vsi 12 in 16 bitne shaderje teral bo pa pac slabsa slika...

Tr0n ::

Thx Ahiles.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Ahiles ::

Drgac je se ena slika une glave z nogami (trite) sam je ful slaba slika sam sem reku ce lohka naredijo scan celga artikla in ne sam slik upam da bo ker gor dal.

Ahiles ::

No pa sem dobil scane celga clanka:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Tr0n ::

Kewl, nekaj novih informacij :). Thx.

Ahiles ::

2 nove slike ki jih je Id relisal pa clanek. Zgleda bodo danes res novi clanki na plano prisli ko je NDA potekel 23 kot so pred enim mescom oblubil.

The NDAs have finally been lifted in Europe and Computer and Video Games has now posted up a Q&A with id Software's Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits as they talk about Doom III, their upcoming first person shooter sequel. Update This PC.IGN story reports via unnamed sources that metal band Tool is composing an original song for the game.



Tuesday 23rd September 2003

Hell in space? The most arresting depiction of intergalactic carnage we've ever seen, exposed!

0:01 Cagey old id. While Valve sets the hearts of FPS aficionados racing with the imminent release of Half-Life 2 (imminent until it says differently, anyway), the Doom-meister has finally let us go large with info on its long awaited Doom 3.

It's been so long since we saw the game in action - it was before id unveiled the multiplayer level at Quakecon - that our memory of the visuals are a little hazy, but suffice to say, it looked good. Good isn't sufficient at all actually - it looked godlike, but how did it play? id CEO Todd Hollenshead was on hand to give us the straight dope, along with Tim Willetts, lead designer on the title...

We were shown a real-time demonstration of the game in action by Willets - taken from an early level in the game, the action was indeed intense as the marine, separated from his fellow squad members, advanced through the dimly lit spacestation in order to send for help because clearly, you are hopelessly outnumbered.

The marine happened upon bloody corpses of spacestation workers, and various unpleasant creatures, like zombie commandoes and imps. But one gobsmackingly detailed creature deserves a special mention - a complete reimagining of the "Pinkie" of the original games, it's harder to imagine a more wondrously detailed, wonderfully hideous creature this side of Half-Life 2 (and one that's surely deserving of a less effeminate name than "Pinkie").

We watched as the marine was trapped in a small room while the Pinkie smashed into the door, visibly buckling it and finally breaking through, and friends, it looked pre-tty good.

We also saw more evidence of the torch/gun dilemma, as the marine moved through an area of pitch dark with the assistance of his flashlight - the downside was that while using this, he couldn't carry a gun, and thus couldn't protect himself very well. Luckily, there's another guy with you who can carry a torch to guide you through the area - as long as you can keep him alive...

id clearly didn't want to give too much away, but what we've seen so far left us desperate to play for ourselves. Here's more, straight from the horse's mouth.

Can you give us some background for anybody who's new to Doom 3?

Hollenshead: Doom 3 is a retelling of the original Doom; we're sort of pretending that Doom and Doom II didn't happen, so we have a new iteration of the story if you like.

What we're trying to give to the player is a really intense, terrifying horror experience where you're alone in the dark, playing at night, and you're so scared you don't even want to turn off the light.

The background on the story is that you play a marine who is sent on a security detail to assist with a union aerospace research facility which is based on Mars.

As soon as you arrive on the facility, literally all hell breaks lose; you're faced with a battle, trying to prevent the minions of hell from taking over the research facility which they want to use as a springboard to coming to Earth, so you've literally got the weight of the world on your shoulders.

To achieve the intensive experience that we have in Doom 3, we're using the brand new Doom 3 technology. So John Carmack and the team of programmers at id have created all new dynamics, dynamic lighting, shadowing, the bump-map surfaces, we've advanced our artificial intelligence system, together with a new animation scripting system - also we have our own proprietary physics engine - and all those big words and packages are wrapped with the big bow of real-time six channel audio.

How much of what we've seen was AI, and how much was scripted?

Hollenshead: The guys jumping round corners, that's AI; we do have random moments, but more or less the game is a linear experience.

What about multiplayer, which you unveiled at Quakecon?

Hollenshead: The main idea with Doom 3 is to make an intense, frightening single-player game. We're not looking to be revolutionary with the multiplayer mode.

However, there's definitely going to be a unique multiplayer Doom 3 feel that people will enjoy - you can use the dynamic lighting system so you can turn the lights on and off.

You can go in a room, turn off the lights, then wait in the corner for the next unsuspecting guy to walk in the room. He turns on the light, you know where the switch is - boom, he's dead.

There's the physics engine too, items can be moved around, obstacles placed so as to hinder other players - there's a lot of scope there.

Are there going to be more open environments as well as the claustrophobic corridor ones we've seen so far?

Hollenshead: We have a few open areas, when you move from one complex to another complex, but we're going for that scary thing and it works better within enclosed spaces.

Doom 3 is all about those dramatic lighting effects. When you go outdoors in Mars, you have a single light source which is a giant sun - so the dramatic and interesting and unique things that you can do in interior locations stand out less. It doesn't really make that much sense to go running around on Mars that much.

Is the Doom 3 technology going to appear in any other games you can tell us about?

Hollenshead: We're using the Doom 3 technology for Quake IV. There is other stuff going on with other licensees, but we haven't officially made those announcements yet.

How about the Xbox version?

Hollenshead: We're literally in the early stages of getting the technology up and running on the Xbox. The Xbox is completely within the specs of what the target for Doom III technology is.

You'll be seeing a lot of unique textures that literally make the world just the way you might imagine if Hell really had erupted on a spacestation.

What about a PS2 version?

Hollenshead: Frankly, the PS2 couldn't do the math calculations for the geometry acceleration, real time shadows and light. GameCube is the same thing, no version planned.

And can you tell us more about the physics engine?

Hollenshead: Everything reacts properly, bodies, guns, the glass reacts properly, you get teleported into the laboratory and the shockwave from the teleporter knocks out the windows in the lab. The Doom system is really a unified rendering system of casting all surfaces and lights with the same render.

When are you hoping to have the game out?

Hollenshead: [laughs] The official release date is: "When it's done." We're not actually working towards any specific date, we just want to get towards the experience we're aiming for, then we'll worry about dates once we've done that.

We do not anticipate that we're going to be done this year, but we're working to get the game finished as soon as we can. As soon as we know the release date, trust us, we'll let you know...

Steve Colton

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

Tr0n ::

Najboljse in najlazje je pastat kr link :).


Tr0n ::

Tool in Doom 3?

September 22, 2003 - Sources who know what they're talking about tell us that the progressive metal band Tool is doing an original song for Doom 3. We'd love to bring you more details on this but the fear that some sort of demonic beast will spurt forth from our stereos, turn off all the lights and start eating away at our tummies prompts us to avoid talking about this any further. We'll bring you more information once we get rid of our stereo.

Pozna kdo to skupino?

kuglvinkl ::

Jep. Kul zadeva.
Your focus determines your reallity

morphling1 ::

NOROROOOO, TOOL je ena mojih najljubših Hard Rock skupin, tip je čisti genij ko gre za glasbo, ni kar eno nabijanje v 3krasne kot večina novih bandov, takoj ko poslušaš vidiš da ima človek glasbeno izobrazbo.

Njihov home page

Že vidim da bo vzdušje v tem špile neprimerljivo z vsem ostalim, komaj čakam :)
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Tr0n ::

Hehe, kewl pol :).

Ahiles ::

Tr0n problem s tistim pagom je da lohka sam 1x na dan obisces preden zahteva da si member. Sem se ze ene 2x zajebu pa nisem mel pol vec dostopa do clanka tko da sem raj dons v miru vse pobral pa shranu.

BaRtMaN ::

Da enkrat prehitim Tr0na, evo vam link previewa na GameSpy-ju

Ahiles ::

Clanek na Gamespot

undefined ::

> Tr0n problem s tistim pagom je da lohka sam 1x na dan obisces preden zahteva da si member. Sem se ze ene 2x zajebu pa nisem mel pol vec dostopa do clanka tko da sem raj dons v miru vse pobral pa shranu.

Proxy? Cookie remove? Still no success? :)

undefined ::

Ampak tisti "pajki" so pa 100% kopirani iz HL2. Vsaj koncept. :)

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

BaRtMaN ::

Bah, itak samo na konkurenčnih (?) straneh mlatijo eno in isto slamo.

Samo upam, da mi bo D3 delal na GF4Ti4200 z 64MB RAMa.

MrX ::

delal bo tud na gf2, samo z zelo,zelo oskubljeno grafiko

Ahiles ::

globalno: persona non grata

registriran: 12.11.2000

Poslano: 23.09.2003 15:37:05 | odgovori
Ampak tisti "pajki" so pa 100% kopirani iz HL2. Vsaj koncept.

There are no answers, only choices.

Kopiran iz HL2???? Preh so kopiral iz filma The Thing (Thing, The 1982)


Tko da ne govor traparij kdo je kej kopiral.

Prav tako je ze doom1 mel pajke le da bos v doom3 jih mel vec vrst unga mehanicnega pajka vrjetno ne bojo pokazal dokler ne bo igra na polic.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

undefined ::

> Kopiran iz HL2???? Preh so kopiral iz filma The Thing (Thing, The 1982)

Zakaj so se potem pojavili screenshoti tega stvora šele nekaj časa za tem, ko se je nekaj podobnega videlo v HL2 filmčku?

> Prav tako je ze doom1 mel pajke


> Tko da ne govor traparij kdo je kej kopiral.

Ravno toliko je moje HL2 sklepanje traparija, kot je tvoje The Thing sklepanje. Zdaj pa se samo še odloči, ali oboje je traparija, ali ne. :)

Ahiles ::

Pol mi pa to povej HL2 so napovedal mal pred E3 pokazal niso se nic ampak pajki so bli pa ze integrirani v spil (doom3)film ki je viden na E3 za 1 posast rabjo od koncepta do konca ksn mesec ene 3 tedne. Torej je valve klical ID pa jim povedu ej mi bomo mel pa pajka vi pa ne. U shit valve bo dal pajka notr se mi ga mormo dat WWEEEEe.

Dej kekc poglej si film The Thing prvo pol pa govor iz kje so kej kopiral kajti ta posast je 100% kopija iz the thing glava narobe obrnena, noge, jezik z kerim pleza etc.

Pa film ki je bil narejen za E3 ga ne naredis dlih v 1 dnevu.

Pa hl2 niso dlih pajki ampak scurki iz Starship tropersov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

MrX ::

Iceman klati banane :D

undefined ::

Ok Ahiles, si grem zdaj potegnit E3 movie dol. Drugače pa, kaj ti tole stvar jemlješ tako osebno? Se počutiš napadenega? Ogroženega? Mal več samozavesti rabiš, pa bo bolje. :))

Ahiles ::

Ne sam na zivce mi gre da se nekateri hocjo prevec pametne delat pa neki drugim pametovat tko kot ti.

Pa ce ne ves te tud v casih 3dfxa nisem maral ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

undefined ::

> Ne sam na zivce mi gre da se nekateri hocjo prevec pametne delat pa neki drugim pametovat tko kot ti.

Bilo je moje mnenje, katero pa verjamem, da niti samemu Carmacku ne bi šlo toliko na živce, kot gre tebi. Get a life. ;)

> Pa ce ne ves te tud v casih 3dfxa nisem maral ;)

Vem, da si imel že takrat probleme, ja. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: undefined ()

Tr0n ::

Lol. Ok, that was funny :).

Se ena zanimiva "D3 vs. HL2" zadevica iz GameSpy clanka.

This ended the "game" portion of our demonstration, and Willits wrapped things up by booting up a small tech demo that consisted of a room with a tower of 100 boxes stacked on top of each other. As Willits shot out one of the boxes near the bottom, the entire stack collapsed, with boxes falling and bouncing in different ways. Reloading the level and then spawning a humanoid model into the room, Willits then picked up the body and swung it into the stack, causing the boxes to fall yet again and bounce off the body in various ways.

There's no way around it -- this demo appeared to be id reacting to all the hoopla surrounding the recent Half-Life 2 tech demos, as if to say, "this really isn't that big a deal. We can do it too, see?" Although they probably won't allow themselves to be quoted as such, you get the feeling that the id guys believe they've clearly got the best new tech on the planet, and can't wait to get it in the hands of the players.

undefined ::

> "this really isn't that big a deal. We can do it too, see?"

Seveda, niso se pa tega sami uspeli spomnit. Kot da bi rekli Američani isti citat v času, ko so tekmovali kdo bo prej dosegel vesolje. Rusi so ga prvi, pa pika. Prav tako je mel sam Duke3D 1000x več interakcijskih vložkov kot Quake1... ali celo Quake2... no ja, roko na srce, še Q3A jih ni imel toliko. HL(1) jih je imel pa kar dosti. ID se bo moral sprijaznit, da obvlada le gradnje igračarskih pogonov, ne pa tudi iger.:)
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Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Half-Life II (strani: 1 2 3 431 32 33 34 )

Oddelek: Igre
1693121395 (871) oo7

Doom 4 (strani: 1 2 3 411 12 13 14 )

Oddelek: Igre
659120884 (36171) SoundBlaster

6800 gt sparkle (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
696369 (5363) jest10

Quake IV or 4

Oddelek: Igre
342392 (1234) Tilen

NV35 ali GeF FX 5900 Ultra (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
585081 (4371) Ahiles

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