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Doom III

Doom III

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Tr0n ::

Velik plakat pred E3 zgradbo:

Doh, sem mislo, da bo ze ta bozic out :).
  • preklicalo razglas: Tr0n ()

DavidJ ::

sej bols, takrat bom mel ze nov multi praktik, v zdejsnjem itaq ne bi lavfal...
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

Tr0n ::

Pa ZAKAJ?! Jaz sem pa ravno novo masino nabavo ;). DOH!

Area_51 ::

:)) Lažejo glede izida. Ko bo napočil čas, za izid DOOM III bodo rekli, da morejo še nekja popravit, da čakajo na nov DirectX in podobno.

Sploh ne vemo, če je sploh narejen (več kot polovica). Mislim pa da imajo probleme s pogonom. Kdo ve. Kdor čaka, ta tudi dočaka. Potrebno bo potrpet. Samo takrat ne bo dovolj 2 GHz sigurno.:)
Area 51

G[e]c ::

jajca stavm da bo doom 3 prisel pred novim letom 2003 vn. Tron to bi ti ze lahko vedu da zmeri id tko vn rukne spil, poglej kaj je blo z q2 in q3 isto bo s tem.

Tr0n ::

Ja pa da jih nagacim, ce bom se leto in pol cakal na ta spil. Letos, bozic, ce ne pa Osama @ id ;).

Al bom pa Yoda majstera poklical!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

G[e]c ::

Kva je Tron prevec droge v glav to je sam pol leta za pocakat sej smo 2002 al si me pa narobe zastopu prisu bo vn pred letom 2003
na konc leta 2002

ChiefThunder ::

čuj Tr0n, a si kej v Ivančno skoču Carmacka povprašat o temu... da ni nek nateg tole... :)
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

Tr0n ::

Aja no, sem narobe mislo :).

Mozno, da je nateg, samo mislim, da je ta plakat res pred E3 dvorano. No, bomo vidli cez par dni, ko bi id naj predstavil Doom III na E3.

Je pa polek Warcrafta to tak edini spil, ki se ga splaca kupit ehm... dljat ;).

Tr0n ::

sCary: "Well it looks like that email I got the other week about DOOM was wrong. Everything now appears to be pointing to a public showing of the game, and there is even a huge poster out front of E3 proclaiming "coming in 2003" for the title. We've got a day1 appointment at noon to check stuff out so expect a report that evening."

Kewl, javna predstavitev bo. Bomo ze filmcke dljali :).

subz ::

Vi kvejkrji boste do nouga leta lepo pozabl na doom III ker boste ob ut2 postal lepo UTjasi :)

Tr0n ::

Zelo malo verjetno :).

Tr0n ::


Tukaj bodo slike in kratek filmcek predstavitve, intervjuji in tako dalje.

GameSpy: From the announcement of the official title and the game's appearance at E3, it appears fans are already getting excited about DOOM III. What do you think everyone's reaction will be to what you're showing?

Marty Stratton: Amazed. In fact, the game looks so amazing that one obstacle we face is making sure people know that what they see is NOT pre-rendered. Everything we are showing is running in real-time in the game engine -- there aren't any special tricks or CG cut-scenes -- this is how the game looks. You won't believe it until you see it -- and even then you still may not believe it.

Senitel ::

No vsaj nekaj je gotovo: ID ziher nebo čakal na nov DirectX >:D (zato ker je špil še zmeri v OpenGL-u :D)...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Senitel ()

G[e]c ::

Mocno upam ker za dx 9.0 zihr ne bo dost mocen moj 1800+ pa gts bo treba met 5000+ pa gts ultra duper 50

Troncek ka pa kej spilas ti zadne case nikjer te ne vidm

Senitel ::

Za Doom 3 ne boš potreboval 5GHz procesorja ampak samo dovolj hitro grafično. Minimum GeForce 256, Radeon, priporočeno vsaj GeForce 3 ali Radeon 8500. In 3D Mark je veliko veliko bolj "CPU Mark", kot pa bo Doom 3 :D.

Tr0n ::

Early indications suggest that the target system for Doom 3 will be a 700 mhz system with 128 megabytes of RAM and a "high-end" video card (assumably GeForce-level or higher). However, these specs are very tentative and will probably change multiple times. There will probably be versions released for Windows, Linux, and Mac.

In an interview on 9/18/00, John Carmack had the following to say about the Doom 3 engine and how fast it will run:

I am spending a huge amount of graphics horsepower to allow the engine to be flexible in ways that game engines have never been before. It is a little scary to drop down from the ultra-high frame rates we are used to with Q3, but I firmly believe that the power of the new engine will enable a whole new level of game content.
I am hoping that the absolute top-of-the-line system available when the game ships will be capable of running it with all features enabled and anti-aliasing on at 60hz, but even the fastest cards of today are going to have to run at fairly low resolutions to get decent frame rates. Many will choose to drop a feature or two to get some speed back, but they still won't be able to get near 60hz.

GEC: spilam Worms World Party preko neta, ni boljsega spila :) pa seveda na Warcraft in Doom III cakam ;)

Tr0n ::

Doom III Preview @ GameSpy

Nekaj zanimivih povzetkov:

Having seen the 11-minute presentation in its entirety - twice - I can safely say: you're going to be amazed. Even in this early state, it is -- by far -- the most impressive game engine I've ever seen.

DOOM III will support Dolby 5.1 surround sound.

One thing we were able to confirm, however, is that a deathmatch mode is expected at the very least, and that other decisions will be made as development t continues.

Trent Reznor did all of the sound effects for id's E3 presentation.

"One of the design goals of the game is to terrify people," Stratton explains, "we're setting up scenarios to scare people."

For the game, id has enlisted the services of science fiction writer Matthew Costello to pen the game story and dialogue. Costello is no rookie to this sort of thing - you may recognize him as the writer of the 7th Guest and the 11th Hour games.

One of the most obvious additions to the new engine is the lighting system - lights are now completely dynamic, reacting with every object in the game world in an appropriate way.

There's a scene where a scientist sits in front of a computer, which casts a glow upon his face in addition to the other light already present in the room. As the computer display changes, so does the overall lighting, similar to how a television will light up a dark room. Shadows also play a big role - at a number of points in the demo, you'd see a shadow approach before the actual enemy, giving you a chance to react before being attacked.

For DOOM III, id is hoping to take a very cinematic approach - one of their employees (Fred Nilsson) has an extensive film background, having worked on features such as Antz and Shrek, which is representative of the level of detail id is shooting for.

Textures are no longer painted - they're now models with complete bump-mapping.

Models are now so detailed that you can see pores on a character's face or even the individual hairs on their head, and skeletal animation system allowing for blending of multiple animations should make character movement appear more natural.

Another highlight of the demo was the physics and collision system - items reacted to surrounding events in ways we've yet to see before in any game. "Things fly off shelves as they should," said Stratton, "it just makes the world so much more alive." Indeed, one scene shows a character falling down steps, while another shows boxes getting knocked off a shelf and bouncing to the floor in an entirely realistic manner.

One of the more interesting technical innovations we saw is a new GUI system that allows for Flash-like animation on any surface, and can be completely interactive.

"When you're running the game, you're running the editor." What this means is that you'll be able to walk around in a level, press a key, bring up the editor, place some lights, and go back to the level.

Doom III is currently being developed for the PC and PC only.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

G[e]c ::

U peesda dolby 5.1 tale camrack je pa norc pol si bom pa zvocnike kupu pa cist v dooma padau pa bo, pa bo slo moje druzabno spet zivljenje navzdol :D

Ahiles ::

Tron bos odpru site kork pred leti za Q3a? ;)

Tr0n ::

Heh, ne. Tisti casi so mimo.

Tr0n ::

Nekaj novih slik s predstavitve. Se vedno nic informacij o 11 minutnem filmcku.

Area_51 ::

:)) Računalnik , da bi to igro poganjal.Hmmm Pod 2.2GHz NON FUNCIONA(don't work) Ne bo delalo. In brez GeForce-ja 4 Ti 4600 tudi.:)
Area 51

Highlag ::

Slikice in napovedi so kar preveč "lepe", da bi bilo vse res :D

Kaj pa mislite o Duke-Nukemu?

ChiefThunder ::

hmm, te slike niso tolk gud...

... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

G[e]c ::

Kdo je reku da ne bos rabu 5ghz procesorja ke si zdej kurbez :D

madona za ta spil si pa kupm nov raculanik ce bo treba takoj tole je pa nova doba v spilih jjjjaaaaammmmmmm nej en beto dobi ka bi spilu

Tr0n ::


Iste slike, le da so @ 1024x768.

Dva, zelo na hitro narejena wallpaperja za 1024x768.

http://tr0n.org/doom3.zip [540 kb]

I'm DOOMED! :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

No, pa je prisel se 7 minutni filmcek, ki ga lahko obiskovalci E3 vidijo pred vstopom v Doom III prostor. Torej to se ni pravi 11 minutni film.

http://www.fileplanet.com/index.asp?fil... [low-res, 8.4 mb]

http://www.fileplanet.com/index.asp?fil... [hi-res, 92.1 mb]

morphling1 ::

WOW, neverjetno, kera grafika, definitivno bo treba kupit novo grafo. Komaj čakam
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Tr0n ::

DivX verzija 7 minutnega demota


Skrajsana DivX verzija 7 minutnega demota, ki prikazuje samo Doom III stuff


Kot zgleda 11 minutnega pravega demote od predstavitve ne bo. Skoda :).

Pa se nekaj o hardware zahtevah za igro od Carmacka:

In order from best to worst for Doom:

I still think that overall, the GeForce 4 Ti is the best card you can buy. It has high speed and excellent driver quality.

Based on the feature set, the Radeon 8500 should be a faster card for Doom than the GF4, because it can do the seven texture accesses that I need in a single pass, while it takes two or three passes (depending on details) on the GF4. However, in practice, the GF4 consistently runs faster due to a highly efficient implementation. For programmers, the 8500 has a much nicer fragment path than the GF4, with more general features and increased precision, but the driver quality is still quite a ways from Nvidia's, so I would be a little hesitant to use it as a primary research platform.

The GF4-MX is a very fast card for existing games, but it is less well suited to Doom, due to the lower texture unit count and the lack of vertex shaders.

On a slow CPU with all features enabled, the GF3 will be faster than the GF4-MX, because it offloads some work. On systems with CPU power to burn, the GF4 may still be faster.

The 128 bit DDR GF2 systems will be faster than the Radeon-7500 systems, again due to low level implementation details overshadowing the extra texture unit.

The slowest cards will be the 64 bit and SDR ram GF and Radeon cards, which will really not be fast enough to play the game properly unless you run at 320x240 or so.

Torej en 2 GHz sistem (AMD XP, P4,..) in GF4 Ti bo verjetno cisto dovolj. Fingers crossed :).

jRk0 ::

Ah, pomoje da bo dovolj 1ghz+ proc pa gf3/radeon8500+ graficna. Pa bi moglo delat kolko tolko normalno...
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • polepsal: Sergio ()

Area_51 ::

:)) Najboljše bo, da vsi skupi počakamo na izid DOOm-a III, ker do takrat lahko samo ugibamo in ugibamo. Nekdo od nas mora imeti prav.:)
Area 51

Tr0n ::

Nekako je "leakal" TA PRAVI 11 minutni demo od E3!


Nekdo je s kamero snemal, zato kvaliteta posnetka ni ravno najboljsa, ampak O MOJ BOG!

Tistim, ki imate malce slabse srce ali ljubiteljem Unreal-a ogled ni priporocen!

zile ::

Link je dead. Dej na svoj page :D

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Thanatos ::


da dam še jaz enga Fajl je zazipan!

tha_man ::


To je pa še bolje kot sem pričakoval! Definitivno ne bom sedaj kupoval neke ultra drage grafične, ker bo zadeva prešvoh za Doom... Tole bo uživancija igrat samo pri max detail na min 60 fps >:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tha_man ()

Senitel ::

Za "max detail na min 60 fps" boš pa še en lep čas čakal... >:D

Tr0n ::

Tako, zdaj smo koncno pogruntali, na kaki masini je tekla prezentacija. In sicer 2.2 GHz sistem (verjetno P4) in pa nova ATI kartica (verjetno naslednja generacija?).

subz ::

Ma je**** single player spile. In je**** dobro grafiko. To neki zdej kazejo o DOOM3 sam ker se bojijo da jim bo celoten multiplayer community odzru ut2003.

Tr0n ::

Heh, sam Doom III bo ze imel vgrajen deathmatch. Kasneje pa bodo posebaj dodali se ostale multiplayer nacine. Tako je povedal JC v enem intervjuju na GameSpy-ju.

Sicer si pa poglej malce kak video od UT2003, ko je skoraj isto sranje kot UT pa ga primerjaj z Doom III. Lol :).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

subz ::

Sm vedu da Tr0n ne bo tiho ce neki cez ID stuff prjavm :)

Tr0n ::

:). Jaz sem samo povedo, kak pac je :D.

Tr0n ::

NVidia has been stellar in terms of driver quality and support and doing all of the things right",says Carmack, who has been an outspoken evangelist for NVidia’s GeForce technology. "For the past few years, they have been able to consistently outplay ATI on every front. The problem is that they are about one-half step out of synch with the hardware generation because they did Xbox instead of focusing everything on their next board. So they are a little bit behind ATI. I told everyone that I was going to demonstrate Doom III on the best hardware, and there has been no collusion or kickbacks or anything like that going on. Our objective is the technical merit The new ATI card was clearly superior. I don’t want to ding NVidia for anything because NVidia has done everything they possibly could; but in every test we ran, ATI was faster."

How about that? The next-gen ATI card according to Carmack outpaces the next-gen NVidia stuff. At least when it comes to running DOOM3.

Se nVidiji pocasi steta leta? :)

Tr0n ::

Heh, wow, se ena zanimiva informacija.

A lot of people love speculating hardware (as do I) and I'm reading that
ATI was the supplier of the gfx chip that ran Doom at E3, can you please
confirm if it is either.

1, an un-announced product from ATI
2, the 8500 card that's already out?

(no one has really been specific if it's "new ati" or current! :(

It is not an 8500. The 8500 is consistently slower than the GF4 at Doom,
except when you turn on anisotropic texturing, which the 8500 is
significantly faster at.

We actually screwed up at E3 -- we should have been running it at high
quality settings (uncompressed textures, anisotropic filtering), but we
were chasing some problems the first day, and it got set back to medium
quality. The problems had gone away, so we left it that way, rather than
risk changing it back.

John Carmack

Doom 3 was only in medium detail! and he's using texture compression! :)

jeb ::

Ce bo stvar RES izgledala tako, kot kaze filmcek, bi clovek rekel, da se bo splacalo kupit spil kot tudi nadgradit masino. Ampak, bogve, kaksna konfiguracija bo zares dovolj dobra.
Ce pomislimo, da recimo se dandanes najbrz ni prav veliko folka, ki bi lahko poganjali Q3 na kaksnih 1600x1200, da ne govorimo se o kaksnem FSAA, hehe...
Ok, kaj pa tale Dolby surround? A bo kaksen LivePlayer5 dovolj dobra zadeva, al bo treba poseci po Audigy-u?
Se pa spet lepo vidi, da zna ID Software delat vrhunske spile, in v tem zanru iger jim nihce ni do kolen.

Tr0n ::

Verjetno bo kak Audigy dovolj (poglej si nov Monitor, kjer imajo teste malo boljsih zvocnih kartic). Sicer pa zvocna ni tak problem, vecji problem bo nabavit ozvocenje torej kvalitetne zvocnike. Jaz bom zadevo kr na svojo hi-fi mrcino priklopo :).

Ke si ti nor kak bo to ob polnoci zvecer nabijalo. Ze vidim, da ne bom mogo spat, ker bom mel nocne more. 8-O

Enzo77 ::

a je kdo pogledu un leaked cam movie do konca...
ta death sekvenca seka...
With a license to gib :)

Tr0n ::

Heh ja. Ko mu loci glavo od telesa, telo pade na tla, kri se vlije in lepo popapca glavo, medtem pa se vedno gledas iz prve perspektive. NJAM! :D

Tr0n ::

Upam, da mi admini ne bodo zamerili, da takole "zbiram" informacije o Doom III. Verjetno se marsikoga zanima, kaj se novega dogaja o tej novi 3D masinci, ki bo po vsej verjetnosti postala nova testing platforma :).

This batch of comments from me have let people draw conclusions that leave me scratching me head wondering how they managed to get from what I said to what they heard.

Other people have outlined the issues in detail in comments already, but the crux is that, even with driver quality removed from the discussion (not counting conformance issues, running at fill limited resolutions), GF4 hardware is still faster than 8500 hardware on basically everything I tested. The 8500 SHOULD have been faster on paper, but isn't in real life.

The hardware we used at E3 was not an 8500, and while the drivers were still a bit raw, the performance was very good indeed.

Take with a grain of salt any comment from me that has been paraphrased, but if it is an actual in-context quote from email, I try very hard to be precise in my statements. Read carefully.

John Carmack

We know for sure that we will be excluding some of the game buying public with fairly stiff hardware requirements, but we still think it is the right thing to do.

The requirement for GF1/Radeon 7500 as an absolute minimum is fundamental to the way the technology works, and was non-negotiable for the advances that I wanted to make. At the very beginning of development, I worked a bit on elaborate schemes to try and get some level of compatibility with Voodoo / TNT / Rage128 class hardware, but it would have looked like crap, and I decided it wasn't worth it.

The comfortable minimum performance level on this class of hardware is determined by what the artists and level designers produce. It would be possible to carefully craft a DOOM engine game that ran at good speed on an original SDR GF1, but it would cramp the artistic freedom of the designers a lot as they worried more about performance than aesthetics and gameplay.

Our "full impact" platform from the beginning has been targeted at GF3/Xbox level hardware. Slower hardware can disable features, and faster hardware gets higher frame rates and rendering quality. Even at this target, designers need to be more cognizant of performance than they were with Q3, and we expect some licensee to take an even more aggressive performance stance for games shipping in following years.

Games using the new engine will be on shelves FIVEYEARS (or more) after the initial design decisions were made. We had a couple licensees make two generations of products with the Q3 engine, and we expect that to hold true for DOOM as well. The hardware-only decision for Q3 was controversial at the time, but I feel it clearly turned out to be correct. I am confident the target for DOOM will also be seen as correct once there is a little perspective on it.

Unrelated linux note: yes, there will almost certainly be a linux binary for the game. It will probably only work on the nvidia drivers initially, but I will assist any project attempting to get the necessary driver support on on other cards.

John Carmack
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