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Doom III

Doom III

4 / 25

Klemenn ::

moram, res :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Gandalfar ()

Fury ::

s temi pa neb su threesome niti za HL2 demo |O :'(

freejack ::

No ja, za špilčkanje z novim crytekovim pogonom, bi tut s temi tremi. :D

OwcA ::

Noččem biti zoperen, ampak 3 prelestne dame ponujajo svoje usluge (threesome) nekomu četrtemu, ki bi priskrbel demo. To pomeni, da imamo skupaj 4 osebe, threesome pa je, kot že ime pove, igra za 3, nekdo bo torej izvisel. Pravzaprav so praznje obljube res kar primerne, ko govorimo o Doomu 3. >:D
Otroška radovednost - gonilo napredka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: OwcA ()

Klemenn ::

potem pa samo gledaš ;D :D

Ahiles ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Gandalfar ()

(sic) ::

Aja, news :)

Bad news tokrat:

Graeme Devine je zapustil id software!

Graeme je delal na sound enginu. Je to razlog, da bo MOGOČE igra drugo leto? Nekdo bo moral dokončati sound engine, če ta še ni (ne vemo). To bomo vedeli kamlu, če bo id software najel kakega drugega programera.

From HomeLanFed.com:
A check of id Software's team web page shows that Graeme Devine is no longer on the page. While there has been no official word from id about Devine's departure, the German web site Gamestar.de reports that Devine has in fact moved down the road in Dallas to join Ensemble Studios (BabelFish translated of course) in an unnamed position. Devine joined id Software in 1999 as a designer, working on Quake III Arena, Team Arena, and was the main force behind Quest, a proposed multiplayer online game that was cancelled by id in favor of Doom III. Devine was also the main development force behind the Macintosh ports of id's more recent games.

Ni več v timu :(((
Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

To je pa ze kak teden staro. Sedaj ko je D3 koncan bo zgleda spet prislo do manjse prevetritve idja.

Ahiles ::

(sic) dej se mal umir po vseh forumih zganas paniko.

Sound engine je ze koncan prav tako ni blo uradne novice glede trenta tko da ne zgani panike po celem svetu.

Pac je koncal svoj del pa namest da bi zdej jajca praskal pol leta da ostali koncajo svoj del je su k drugi fimri kajti Graeme Devine je bil edn od tistih ki je nasprotoval da bi iD delal na novem doom3 spilu in je bil v tistem timu ki so hotl naredit nekaksn frp in je pac su ker iD bo zdej se vsaj 1-2 leti delal na doom3 addon sp/mp in je raje su k drugi firmi in delal na drugacnem zanru iger.

Cez 2 dni bomo tud dobil uradne novice vrjetn in ksno novo sliko.

Sam se se vedno trdno preprican da bo 1x septembra/oktobra public demo final relise pa okol 10-15.12

Torej ce id pove zalozniku da je koncal spil ksn mesec pred gold zacne ta stancat skatle pa vse kar zravn pase potem pa se ko je su game gold se 1 mesec da cdje nastancajo pa zapakirajo pa razposlejo more doom3 iz gold 1x zacetek novembra(to je se 3 mesce) in sele takrat se bo uraden datum napovedal.

Prav tako vrjamem da je SP ze koncan in da so v beta fazi kjer morjo samo spolirat se spil kar jim bo uzelo par mescev zato so se zacel tud ze z mp ukvarjat in ce se ze neki cajta z mp ukvarjajo tolk da lahko ze kej javnosti pokazejo pomen da je doom3 90% ze koncan.

Kot sem reku 100% bomo sele vedeli cez ene 2 dni ko se zacne qukecon.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

(sic) ::

wtf? Kje kakšno paniko zganjam???

Napisal sem, ker sem mislim, da še ni bilo to tukaj omenjeno.

Kako pa ti veš, da je sound engine končan? In on ni povedal, da je končal svoje in zakaj odhaja. SP mogoče, da je končan MP pa še daleč od tega.

Sicer pa komaj čakam QC (pa ne samo zaradi Dooma).
Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

(sic) za un drugi forum(doomworld) je blo mislen sam se mi ni dal tm prijavlat pa sem raj tle reku da ni treba takih traparij govorit kot si jih tm reku.

"God dammit! He was one of my favorites id guys. Hope the sound engine Greame was working on is finished or otherwise we will have to wait for the game next year. "

Since they are known to have problems, argues in the past (and also Paul Steed was fired in the start of D3). Well looking from now (Greame leaves, Trent leaves, delayed, delayed,...)

Zaradi takih kot si ti se pol pojavjo govorice pol en to prebere pa pasta na forum in gre tko naprje dokler cel net ne govori teh traparih in zdej nej iD vse te govorice sproti zanika razlaga? Spil bojo pa skrati delal.

iD zdej z polno paro finisira doom3 in nimajo cajta se tega it ker poskusajo spil dokoncat cim prej. Zdej bojo na qukeconu ksn teden zgubil cajta (mal pocitnic od programiranja razne konference pa 1001 intervju raznih strani in revij) potem se bojo pa spet vrgl v koncanje spila in ne bojo spet ene 3 mesce z nikomur govoril oz dokler ne bo ksn public test/demo..

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

(sic) ::


Mi bolj natanno razložiš kaj je tu narobe? Res ne vem. Mogoče bi si moral tam prebrati tudi odgovore pa bi potem "skapiral".

Lahko se je zgodilo, da je Trent odnesel svoje delo s sabo, ker on ne dela direktno za id ampak zase. Zato je vse njegovo delo copyright of NIN. Zelo verjetno je, da je on odnesel (nihče ne ve) vse svoje delo in so id morali najeti drugega sound enginira (kar tudi so) in zdaj mora ta narediti vse znova. Temu se reče delayed. Ker tega niso pričakovali, da bo Trent odšel. Sploh niso pričakovali, da se bo razvoj tako zavlekel. Grame pa mi je (bil) scena, ker je en redkih pri id, ki nimajo "izpadov". No, zdaj ga je tudi on mel.

Tisto z Paul Steedom pa si raje malo več preberi, če ne razumeš za kaj se gre pa boš videl o čem sem jaz sploh govoril.

Pa le pojdi in se tam prijavi pa tam napiši kar ne razumeš pa se bova tam pogovrila.
Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

(sic) zgodovino ID mal bol poznam kot ti pa to ti lohka vsak kdo potrdi k me pozna np tron.

Jest sem prespilal vse spile od commander kena do q3ta. Torej nekako 13-15 let in ID mi je vzel najvec casa v mp igrah in njegova scena q1 1-2leti q2 nekako 2 leti q3 nekako 1-2 leti doom wolf pa nekako niso bli prevec mp spili zato smo bol sp spilal ken je pa tud klasa zase. Edin spil k ga nisem nevem kako spilal je un catacombs al kva je bil te un pred wolfom.

Ahiles ::

"God dammit! He was one of my favorites id guys. Hope the sound engine Greame was working on is finished or otherwise we will have to wait for the game next year. "

Since they are known to have problems, argues in the past (and also Paul Steed was fired in the start of D3). Well looking from now (Greame leaves, Trent leaves, delayed, delayed,...)

Ok napake

1.Hope the sound engine Greame was working on is finished.

Greame je delu na sound enginu ze 2001 je en clank na netu kjer je reku da je koncan pa da more se particle part koncat se. Res da je v teh 2 letih se mal popravu oboje vendar je oboje koncano.
Prac tako je reku JC ksn let nazaj da je engine koncan in vsi deli le da jih je treba mal potwikat da jim ostane le se zgradba spila in vsebina.

2.Since they are known to have problems, argues in the past (and also Paul Steed was fired in the start of D3). Well looking from now (Greame leaves, Trent leaves, delayed, delayed,...)

Skregal so se le zaradi tega ker je polovica tima hotela FPS spil delat drugi pa neko novo zvrst. Tuki je par stvari tudi ki niso nikoli v javnost prisle zakaj so tocno Paul Steeda odpustil jc je reku kao da za kazen ker ker je podpiru njega pa njegov doom3.

3.Greame naj bi bil zelo veren clovk in mu teli fps spili tako krvavi niso dlih pri srcu in je bil ze na zacetku doom3 proti in je bil v taboru ki je nasprotoval novemu doom3 In jim je vrjetno reku pac ko bo koncal svoj del da bojo prekinl pogodbo pa da bo su drugam pac stem ko je koncal preden je su je dobil seveda placan vse kar je naredu.

4. Trent leaves

To je isto ko si ti neki napisu in potem prebere 10 folka ki potem naprje povejo in cez 1 dan je po celem netu ceprov je govorica . Jest sem slisal da trent se zmeri dela na zvoku Oz trent je vecinoma sam muzko na ostalih zvokih mu je pa pomagu se en zvocni tehnik ki so ga iskali pred ksnim letom pa pol. Trent je svoje delo tudi koncal (muzka) in se je posvetu svojemu novemu albumu(iz tu izhaja govorica potem so pa panicarji kot si ti sic izmisli razne zgodbice ki so obsle cel net) vendar ce je bilo treba kej popraviti spremeniti je trent to tudi naredu vecina drugih stvari je ta novi tehink naredu. Trent pa JC sta izredno dobra frenda.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

(sic) ::

S tabo se ne bom prepiral o tem kdo ve več ali nekaj takčnih otroških... Povem ti samo, da vem kaj igraš in Q ne spada pod to. To, da je sound engine končan je isto kot je JC govoril, da je engine že končan le še nekaj optimizacij je treba narediti. V resnici pa se engine dela še danes. Vem zakaj so se skregali ti meni povej kaj je tu narobe?
Po moje pa je Graeme pričakoval (kot tudi Trent), da bo igra izšla kot so sprva mislili in je že planiral za naprej kaj bo delal. Zdaj je verjetno videl, da ne bo tako kmalu bo odšel naprej (ali pač nekaj). Ja, za Graema tudi ni uradne izjave, da ni več pri id ampak, ker je del id softwarea je bil napisan na Teams strani in zdaj ga več ni. Trent pa ni delal direktno za id in en njegov fan site je pač rekel, da naj nebi več delal na D3, ker je že na začetku (kot Graame) sklepal, da bo igra končana hitreje in je hotel po tistem nadaljevati svoj album. btw: te govorice (kot tudi GD novice) niso nikoli zanikali.

EDIT: Dobil sem naziv, tak da če kaj hočeš veš kje me najdeš (khm d3w, kdm). Tu bom pa zdaj šel ustvarjat novega usera (sic)1 < --- če je na voljo :)
Fuck you all!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: (sic) ()

Ahiles ::

(sic) in kva igram? ke me tko dobro zgleda poznas.

Glede engina res da je reku JC da bo dodal par stvari ki jih bodo potem drugi ki bojo kupil engine lahko uporabl v svojih spilih vendar ne bojo uporabljeni v Doom3 prav tako je od tega minilo ze vsaj 1.5 leta od kar so rekl da je engine v vecini koncan optimizacija pa naj bi bila koncana pred ene pol leta ko so predstavil prve rezultate FPS z najnovejsimi graficnimi. Res da ce je treba kej spremenit da bo JC to tudi naredu sam vsi programerji se tega izogibajo kajti ze najmansa sprememba kode ma lohka hude posledice in rab potem tudi par mescov da v red sprav Doom3 je izredno kompleksna koda z katero se ne more vec kr tko igrat kadar se mu zlubi pa dodajat kar hoce.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Tr0n ::

Hehe. Malo se ohladita. :\

QuakeCon se zacne sele cez dva dni. ;)

(sic) ::

TrOn: Word!

Ahiles ::

Tron ja vem sam dons je tak dan dlihkar so na horoskop rekl da sem hitre jeze dons in me vse iz tira sprav ;)

In to da folk za vsako govorico cist znori po celem netu mi je dons mal prkeipel zgleda.
Ucer je en reku da je propadla Arxel Tribe v resnici ni in to je le 1 osebek sprozu govorico a po netu so vse strani na veliko razglasale to.

Da pa Greama ni vec na uradni strani je kr uradna novica seveda pa ne bojo zdej z nami razglablal zakaj pa kako pa cemu ker je to njihova stvar mozno je da je on odsel ze takoj po e3 pa da so sele zdaj odstranil z webpaga.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Tr0n ::

Aja (sic), upam da ne mislis, da sem ti jaz dal naziv. Nimam te moci ;).

Saj se te bodo usmilili :).

Ko smo ze pri tem ... kdo mi placa karto, prenocitev, polni penzion do Texasa? ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

(sic) ::

Ne TrOn, dobro vem kdo ga je dal.

Ti si kul :)

Ahiles ::

Tron sem ti reku jest casim 10k pa sotor ti nama pa karto zrihtas ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

(sic) ::

A to za QC2k3?

Če sta zainterasirana se lahko zmenimo drugo leto (letos je itak prepozno). Vidva samo šparajta za avion, vstopnine pa itak ni. Pa da pokažem noobom kako se Q3 (oz. naslednje leto bo že D3) igra :)))))))))

Ahiles ::

Ni dlih preozn ker uradno se zacne sele 15. 14 samo postavlajo racunalike etc uraden del se sele 15 zacne. Pa da do dalasa prides rabs ksn dan.

Tr0n ::

Okey dokey. QuakeCon se je pricel! :D

X-Cast QuakeCon 2003 Radio [ stream ]

QuakeCon Doom III Multiplayer Impressions
Doom III Preview @ Eurogamer

Ce bo kdo se kaj najdo, naj kr v to temo pasta.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Ahiles ::

2 Uradne VELIKE slikce iz doom3 MP testa:


Neki ga ST jebe

TrOn: Yup :).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

Ahiles ::

Clank ni vec dostopn se je treba prijavt sam ga lohka pastam celga sem ;)

Ahiles ::


World's first multiplayer shots and in-depth impressions direct from the US! GET IN HERE NOW!

18:03 Right, here we go, our first in-depth look at Doom 3 multiplayer - well, deathmatch - via a feverish report back from our crazed first-person shooter nut currently recovering after a bout with id Software's FPS at QuakeCon. Allllll-riiiight!

And just to remind you before we go any further, Doom 3's multiplayer maps are being designed by Splash Damage of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory fame.

OK, first things first - how good is Doom 3 deathmatch? Only one map, with no name, was playable, supporting four players (we don't know yet if this is the maximum number of players in deathmatch), but how good is it?

"It's f***ing cool, it's really cool. It looks superb. Everything in it looks superb, just like the screenshots really," spouted our man at the event. Cool.

So what was the one map like, then? "OK, it's a big map and it's got this central kind of laser thing that fires periodically. And that's kind of the focus of the whole level." Right-oh.

It's more or less your classic room-corridor type level - a lot of it is really tight corridors. In the one level on show there's the main central chamber where the "laser thing" resides, which is on several levels. "There's the top platform, where you have to jump down - so you're on the top there, and you have to jump down into the centre."

Apparently you have to jump down a series of rotating platforms, which are in the central chamber, each of which is three quarters of a disc, and you have to jump through the holes to get right down to the bottom. Which is where a power-up lurks. But more on this in a second.

"It's definitely the same sort of atmosphere as we've seen in the single-player game," says Holden. Everywhere you look in the level there's industrial machinery moving, much of which can kill you - pneumatic spikes shooting out and piercing your body - you get the idea.

There are loads of effects, such as steam coming out of the walls. There's just so much going on: there are flame effects, steam, and when the laser thing fires the whole room glows red and little bits of plasma stuff flies around.

To give you some idea, it's much like the scene in Aliens when Ripley goes back into the colony complex to rescue Newt.

Also there are small parts of the level that have been taken over by the demon realm - it's the only way we can describe it. So, you'll turn a corner from a moon base-style, metallic corridor, for example, and you'll be in the hellish sort of area where there's dead bodies embedded in walls and other gruesome images.

Industrial machinery is ubiquitous, which moves and can kill you. There's one part where you get one of the weapons from where you have to wait until these pneumatic spikes retract. They can spike you on the way past when they come out. Ouch!

On to the power-up then. When you get to the bottom of the central chamber there's the main power-up in the level, which is the Berserk power-up (as yet we don't know if other power-ups will feature in the level).

The Berserk power-up increases damage and movement speed. Basically, it doubles your movement speed and gives you 2x or 4x damage (damage multiplayer isn't clear yet) with ranged weapons.

But mainly it gives 30x damage with melee weapons. So it's basically instant kills with your fists when you're Berserk. And you also do melee damage with the flashlight - yep, you can twat people with the flashlight. Result.

The Berserk power-up is really cool. When you grab that you scream for the whole time you've got it, making a "Ooaaaaarggggghhhhh!" noise. Or thereabouts. And because you're also moving twice as fast there's a vision blur effect on that as well. It's really disorientating. And it's quite hard to go on a rampage, but the instant kill thing helps.

When you grab the Berserk power-up, you teleport through this tunnel, like a hellish sort of tunnel, and you pop out in another part of the level. And when you pop out of there, you're just a skeleton and all of a sudden your body rebuilds around you. Also, when you die you dissemble down to a skeleton, and the skeleton rag-dolls onto the ground.

It looks really awesome.

Other pick-ups in the level include armour, combat armour that gives you +50 armour, and then there's armour shards and health packs, and of course ammo packs.

As for weapons, you've got a Pistol that holds 12 bullets, a Shotgun that holds eight scatter shells - it's really meaty, the Shotgun - the Flashlight, the Machine gun and the Plasma gun - which is mint, looks the mutt's nuts and is really deadly - cells contain 50 rounds. And then there's the Rocket Launcher, which holds up to five rockets. Boom!

One point worth noting is that, from what we've been able to tell so far, there doesn't seem to be that much splash damage from the rockets.

Unfortunately the chainsaw wasn't in the game itself, but it is an option in the menu. Other weapons to feature that weren't available are the Chaingun, Grenades, the BFG and something called the Soulcube. We've no idea what the Soulcube is, but it sounds like it should rock. Gravity well-type thing, perhaps?

When you get shot in multiplayer, you get a vision-blur effect, which really messes things up for you, makes it an onerous task indeed to shoot back. Your vision blurs and wobbles around as well, so you're not looking at the target anymore. Generally speaking, a great deal of blind panic is caused by these disorientating effects.

There are other cools things, for example when you shoot someone who's in front of glass they'll fly back and smash the glass. Nice. And in the map there are numerous places where you can fall off ledges into death traps. Not so nice.

Because of the technology used in Doom 3, the characters no longer have the invisible bounding box that you can shoot - it is actually per-ploy hit detection. It also employs regional damage, so headshots and so on are perfectly possible.

Presumably because of the per-poly hit detection, characters in multiplayer will all be of a very similar size, otherwise it just wouldn't be fair. Hence we can't imagine they'll have too many crazy player models.

In terms of general impressions, it's a far cry from Quake III - it's not like pure skill-based deathmatch. It's set at a much slower pace, and there's so much going on that it's also quite disorientating. There's really is an enormous amount happening at once in the environment.

It's intense. You're still running, but not as fast as you do in Quake III; but when you do run into someone it goes a bit crazy. It's very hard to achieve headshots and so forth. But it's all just so incredibly detailed. Not that we ever doubted it, but we must stress again - the game looks amazing.

There's very little of jumping as well, another thing that sets it far apart from Quake III. The only times you have to jump is across a gap to get the Rocket Launcher, say, or from one platform to another. It's not that you're jumping to make yourself harder to hit. It's more random, intense and crazy.

It's also dark, very dark, according to our man at the scene. Robert Duffy, programmer at id, commented: "It's a lot darker than any game you're used to, and that's deliberate".

"He says you need to use your flashlight, but I never did," says our man. "There's probably some hidden stuff that I didn't find."

Looking beyond deathmatch, can we expect any other modes? Well, as yet id Software hasn't confirmed any other modes, but we think there will be team deathmatch. A bind for a "Team Chat" key certainly appears in the controls menu. And, Robert Duffy was overheard mumbling about this very feature. What did he mean? No doubt we'll know soon...

Phew! Expect masses more coverage on this enormous game in the run up to release, but for now check out the first ever multiplayer shots in all their sublime, eye-melting glory!


There are loads of effects, such as steam coming out of the walls. There's just so much going on: there are flame effects, steam, and when the laser thing fires the whole room glows red and little bits of plasma stuff flies around.

Ce bo kso joku zarad prevec rdece na sliki. Pa doom3 je v gibanju 100X lepsi k premikajoce luci dajo velik bolsi vzdusje v spilu kot pa na eni sliki ko je vse staticno.

bf4ed ::

Jao komaj čakam da dobim to igro v roke. Potem pa še Quake 4 jao jao.>:D

R33D3M33R ::

Naj še malo počakajo da si boljšo grafo nabavim:8)
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

Ahiles ::

Bad News

id wouldn't give a firm release date for DOOM 3, but they did confirm that it won't be shipping in 2004, which gives them plenty of time to continue balancing the weapons and other multiplayer components. Stay tuned to our QuakeCon 2003 coverage throughout the week, as there's sure to be more news as the show continues.•

Zdi se mi da bi mogl bit tm 2003 k drugace nima stavk smisla :(((((((

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

Ahiles ::

Ce ma kdo kerga frenda v tujin k je narocen na Pcgajmerja nej mu pliz rece da nej poskenira doom3 clank (oktoberska stevilka-narocniki) recen je da je ena cool slikca notr.

Ahiles ::


The first portion of the keynote had Kent ask his own questions to the assembled id team about Doom III as members talked about the challenges they have had to make while making the next game in what is arguably the most well known first person shooter series of all time. Willits said that while there will be elements of the first two games in the series, he promises that Doom III will be a “uniquely different game”. Team members talked about how programming, level design, animation and art for the game is a lot more detailed and complicated for Doom III than for the first two Doom titles. Willits said that making a map for Doom III is a lot more of a collaborative effort than in previous Doom games because of the level of detail. In the past, Willits said a map maker could map a single map for an id game from start to finish but for Doom III they get worked on and commented on by several people in order to make a solid map.

Willits said that the physics engine for Doom III is a unique id Software engine and is not a licensed engine like other games have. Willits described a Doom III test map where 100 boxes are stacked up and one shot can bring the entire stack down. Willits claimed such a scene would bring other game physics engines down to their knees.

Ostalo na zgornjem linku.

Tr0n ::

Torej sedaj je bolj ali manj uradno. Doom III sele 2004. :'(

Pa se tole. Quake IV bo baje vseboval tudi vozila.

Gandalfar ::

Hudo. Vsi sajti skupi so sposobni sproducirat celi dve sliki.. ah well.. :)

Zakaj tocno je ze tak hype glede te igrce? Drugace pa se mi zdi hud LAN party :) Se par let pa bomo pri nas lahko imeli kaj podobnega..


Tr0n ::

Pri nas nikoli ni bilo zadostnega interesa za taksne velike LANe. Pa ne s strani igralcev, ampak s strani sponzorjev.

Zakaj tak hype okoli tretjega nadaljevanja najbolj legendarne FPS igre z najnaprednejsim 3D pogonom?

Asked and answered. :)

Gandalfar ::

vsaj pingvinasta verzija bo ocitno prisla ven ob izidu, kar me zelo veseli :)

Pa to, da laufa na 64bitnih procih je tud dobr. Se bo dalo fajn benchmarkat opterone ;)

Tr0n ::

Zheegec ::

AMD64 verzija bo tud:D Kulsko to, če bo pa IDjev pogon podpiral to, potem bo pol iger v letu 2004 podpiralo to>:D
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Gandalfar ::

Concering the story line of Doom3, it was announced that id Software hired a novelist to make a complex plot for Doom3. A story board was setup which the id Software staff would check as the went along designing the game.

Jaz sem pa vedno mislil, da je Doom sinonim za no-brainer shoot them all. Bo na koncu 'pustolovscina' s celim kupom stikal ;)

Tr0n ::

Ljubitelji Linuxa.

Something I found very interesting was that the Doom3 Multiplayer that is available for people to play at QuakeCon 2003 is being run on Linux.

Gandalfar ::

Tr0n: a je vidt kaksne uporabne winse za 64bitni athlon? >:D >:D

btw. koliko stane vstopnica za QC?

Ahiles ::

Free je. Sam ce hoces racunalnik na lan prines se mors vpisat(prijavt)par mescov prej ker je limitirano stevilo.

Zheegec ::

a je vidt kaksne uporabne winse za 64bitni athlon?

Ja, beta verzija je že, bo pa to samo service pack za obstoječo 64-bitno verzijo WinXP, tako da pride isti čas kot SP2 za WinXP >:D
Drugače so pa uporabni winsi za 64bitne Athlone -- Win98 >:D
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Tr0n ::

Aha, a zato tak dolgo rabijo za izdajo WinXP SP2. Interesting.

Tr0n ::

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4 / 25

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Half-Life II (strani: 1 2 3 431 32 33 34 )

Oddelek: Igre
1693121391 (867) oo7

Doom 4 (strani: 1 2 3 411 12 13 14 )

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659120881 (36168) SoundBlaster

6800 gt sparkle (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
696368 (5362) jest10

Quake IV or 4

Oddelek: Igre
342392 (1234) Tilen

NV35 ali GeF FX 5900 Ultra (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
585081 (4371) Ahiles

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