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Half-Life II

Half-Life II

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Tr0n ::

Kaj, na to igro pa nobeden ne caka? :)

Half-Life 2 will be shown at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo.
  • preklicalo razglas: Tr0n ()

R33D3M33R ::

Jaz čakam in to komaj!!!!
Prvi del sem z vsemi modi že nevemkolkokrat preigral, me prav zanima kak bo drugi. Samo akcija mora bit, veliko zverin pa napeto vzdušje. Upam da tisto z nVidio ni res ker bom ponorel.
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

(sic) ::

Preberite tole:


At long last! The sequel to the best PC First Person Shooter of all time has been announced at a press conference with Valve in NY this afternoon.

Having been present at this meeting of developers and media, I got to witness the first running preview and in-game demo to leave the walls of Valve's Design Studios since development began way back when, after the release of Half-Life. And I must say, I was no less than awestruck!

At a glance, you could mistake this game for a DVD movie. The Half-Life 2 engine, built from the ground up, and boasting cinematic quality graphics at blistering frame rates, looks like it will easily topple Doom3's engine before ID even releases it!

The Dev team showed us a demo of a working alpha just to prove that the game's cinematic-style graphics were in-fact, being rendered real time. It was nothing short of amazing, especially considering that it was cutting 70fps in highest detail on a 1.7ghz processor and Geforce 4 Ti4200!

"We've tried to accommodate for the widest range of users possible. We felt that allowing gamers with lower end PCs to play with the highest settings would greatly increase the multiplayer potential and encourage the online community to really get behind Half-Life 2." commented Willam Sykes, source programmer.

As some people may also know, the tactical aspect of Half-Life 2 has been greatly increased over its predecessor. Weapons are now fully functional with gun jams, dirty barrels, overheating and weight. For example, in any in-game mission, one is expected to clear bullet casing jams, hold weapons steady (counteracting against weight) and perform maintenance tasks such as stripping, cleaning and polishing of weapons.

The Team are excited with the new tactical aspect which includes missions of the following varieties:

Radio operator missions where you take on the role of 'behind the main lines' support crew, skills in tuning radio frequencies and counter-acting for static will be essential in giving the fighting troops accurate bearings on targets

Co-ordinating scouting missions into unknown regions. Again, these require the player to stay at base with a radio and satellite uplink, communicating with fighting soldiers during battles.

Weapon Maintenance missions are completed before every main mission. In these preparation segments, players must ensure their firearms are fully functional and well kept. Failure to successfully maintain one's weapon reults in demotion and 'less action' in main missions.

Of course the above is only a TASTE of whats to come in the retail package. Expect a lot of the features that made HL1 so popular, like the adventure aspect and of course, slaughtering a LOT of ultra high resolution baddies! While I looked on at valve's demo, I thought it a shame that these baddies were ceasing to exist by Gordon's well-maintained firearm, as they were so extremely detailed it was a pleasure to watch them! The models were so realistic in-fact, that whilst watching the demo, I noticed the following:

All models have rising and falling chests/areas where lungs are used (this is helpful when you are unsure if enemies are dying, dead, sleeping or pretending!

All models are fully destructable in an unlimited number of ways. Say goodbye to shooting the whole head off an enemy. Depending where you hit it, the skull will fragment accordingly, and differently every time!

The sheer detail is ridiculous: actual hair/fur (not textures), sweat, dirt, cuts (can be made anywhere and of different severity Eg: a cut on the skin, right up to a limb coming off or an opening into the abdominal area etc)

Along with the overwhelming abundance of eye-candy, this game has quite a few never-before-tried features incorperated into the adventure.

Players may be at first shocked to find that Valve has taken the standard mouse look of FPS and added in a 'turn head' type feature. This feature allows the player to look around while keeping the body and weapon aimed in a particular direction, and is controlled by the mouse (as are the body movements). This system, for example, will allow the player to observe an environment around them whilst still keeping a weapon trained on the many prisoners that are taken during missions.

Keeping in line with the new weapon detail systems (cleaning, unjamming, maintaining etc) a sidebar will be added that will allow the player to access his weapon cleaning kit quickly by toggling and then using the mouse to grab and apply tools to clean the firearms. After battles, it is quite common to 'take 5' and make use of the weapon maintenance kit in a quiet corner. The most impressive feature of the weapon maintenance kit is that the player will take control of the tools with the mouse. For example, when cleaning the barrel of a firearm, the player must move the mouse back and forth to move the wad inside the barrel. Players must also take care not to spill cleaning solvents with the mouse when applying them. Move the mouse too fast and you'll waste some good fluid.

Our first look at Half-Life 2 was an exciting experience to say the least. The team here at Deepgame Online News are looking forward to the inevitable flow of screenshots and movies that will spill forth from Valve's Studios over the coming months, and will keep you up to date with all the latest developments as the title progresses.

Keep an eye out this Friday as we will be releasing the first screenshots of Half-Life 2 for all to marvel at.


Samo sanjajte... FAKE je.

Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

(sic): Na Shacknews so objavili uradno izjavo od Valve, da bo HL2 predstavljen na letosnjem E3 expotu :).

(sic) ::

Jaz vem, da ga bodo predstavili na E3, samo to kar je zgopraj napisano je fake :)

Ker bo (tole je neuradno) uporabljal D3 engine.

Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

Aja, to kaki engine bo, ne vem. Bomo vidli na E3 zdaj maja.

Ahiles ::

Zdi se mi da HL2 ne bo uporabljal doom3 engina oz je zlo mal vrjetno vec se bo vedlo po E3.

tha_man ::

HL 1 mi je še vedno najboljša 3D streljačina, zato tud dvojko težko čakam. Sm če bo res samo za nVidie pa takoj pošljem vse nekam in si kupim Playstation...
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd

(sic) ::

Tole je od enga tipa, ki ma zveze :)


HL2 runs on an inhouse engine of Valve.

I've read this forum post somewhere else a couple of days ago - I'm still shocked that so many people read this completely obvious comedian standup and take it as facts.

I was almost falling laughing off my chair when I read it.

However, someone I had contact with confirmed to me 2 months ago that Half Life2 is going to look good ("but it's not Doom" he added) and that TeamFortress2 is still under development (reads: not cancelled).
As described it looks like a crossbreed of Quake3 and the Lithtech engine, but more up to date.

I could resist to look at HL2 images when they got offered to me, so I have at least three things to look forward to for this year's E3.


Torej ne bo uporabljen D3 engine. Vendar kot povedano: It's not Doom.

Klik :)

Fuck you all!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: (sic) ()


Tudi sam komaj čakam drugi del te igre! Prvi del mi je še danes ena izmet najboljših 3d streljaćin, ki sem jo že 3x končal :))

Aja, kdo pa je ta ženska na tej slikci ???

undefined ::

> Kaj, na to igro pa nobeden ne caka? :)

Jaz že predolgo. ;(

Gh0st ::

Tud jest sm že skori obupal nad čakanjem...|O
you might start believe in Gh0st stories. you're in one. :)

Gemm ::


klikni za vecjo sliko

Tole sm prejšn teden stauhal nekje.. mi je takoj blo jasn da gre za HL2.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Predator ()

dizel ::

Gemini: jap, ne morš zgrešit:D, nekateri špili pač ostanejo legende:)
Najboljši so že padli mi pa se pogumno spotikamo naprej!

Tr0n ::

Še nekaj novih scanov:

San ::

Dober dizajne dvojk, zelo lepo :)

(sic) ::

No, videli smo slike iz PCGamerja (ki ga BTW še sploh ni zunaj :))))) in kaj lahko povemo o engineu?

Poglejte osvetljavo na drugem screenshotu. Fuj...

Zgleda kot nadgrajeni HL (1) engine...

Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

Poudarek bo verjetno bolj na igralnosti, multiplayer,...

(sic) ::


Komaj zdaj sem opazil....

Glede na to, da tale PCG še ni zunaj in to so nelegalne fotke, tipa ki je tole preskeniral po mojem ne bo težko najti.

HINT: Glej spodnji del screenshota 3.


Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::


(sic) ::

Evo za vse Half Life fane.


Zahvaite se mi lahko kasneje :)

Fuck you all!!!

(sic) ::

Evo še tole:


Posebej zanimivo je tole:


hl2 will be twice as long as hl

hl2 has dust

hl2 can be downloaded via steam or bought at a store

the girl is a "non-playable buddy sidekick."

the game takes place in a city thats being invaded, the new aliens are "more organized"

some aliens are friendly.

supposedly hl2 can run on "mid range pcs"

you can blow up stuff made of wood


Zdaj vam je pa res zadosti :)))))

Fuck you all!!!

undefined ::

Sic, kolk si plačan ti za tole? Al ti je le dolgčas? Zmanjkal pr0na? ;)

Tr0n ::

IceMan, ti si obseden s pr0nom.


(sic) ima pač voljo da brska po netu in išče zanimive stvari.;)
Oba sta pa itak na internetu cele dneve,ti pa komaj čakaš da kdo na Slo-Techu da gor novo temo.
Seveda dodaš svoj post k vsaki temi.:)

Zakaj še nisi moderator tukaj na strani, ko pa si vedno zraven8-)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: M4TECH ()

Tr0n ::


Half-Life 2 takes place in a Eastern European city, called City 17. It happens a short time after the end of the first game. Earth is once again under attack by aliens from Xen, and you, Gordon Freeman (now working for a secret government agency) have to save the day. Valve promises 12 chapters and almost 40 hours of gameplay.

The game is powered by Valve's in-house developed graphics engine, called Source. The specs of the graphics engine sound very impressive, and Half-Life 2 is sure to give Doom 3 a run for its money. Even more impressive is the scalability of this engine - while to take full advantage of it an Athlon 2Ghz with a GeForce 4 will be needed, the game will be able to run on a P3-700 powered by a DX6 compatible video card.

The good part is that the game will be in stores... on September 30, 2003.

Half-Life 3 is planned as well.


boha ::

šele septembra, jao...

upam, da ne bo tečnih alien-world levelov, kot npr. v enki...

R33D3M33R ::

Če bo 40 ur gameplaya se že močno veselim, samo je pa enkica bla tudi svinjsko dolga.
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:


Tukaj pa imate vse scane od PC GAMERA kaj se jih do zdaj da videt ! Se splača pogledat 8-)

Jaoo, že komaj čakam da pride igra ven :) :) :)

undefined ::

> IceMan, ti si obseden s pr0nom.

To sem le ponovil, kar je sic rekel prejšnji dan. Sicer pa ne projeciraj sebe samega name. ;)

> Zakaj še nisi moderator tukaj na strani, ko pa si vedno zraven

Zaenkrat se še ne strinjam s politiko Slo-Techa 100%. Kot tak pa ne morem bit eden od njih. :)

tha_man ::

Men so bli pa tiste alien stopnje ful zakon :) Saj jih ni blo tako veliko, samo par zadnjih.
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd

Tr0n ::

Kewl slike, ceprav grafika/engine po slikah sodec ni ne vem kaj.

Kaboom ::

fak samo 40 ur gameplaya... pa bom obrno v dveh dneh >:D
Če se zatakne - pritisni močneje. Če se zlomi - bil je skrajni čas za nakup novega.

R33D3M33R ::

Heh, pol pa nekje ne znaš naprej al pa kak prehiter quicksave pa se čas podvoji :D
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

undefined ::

> Kewl slike, ceprav grafika/engine po slikah sodec ni ne vem kaj.

TrOn, ti nimaš pravico do glašanja, ker si itak doom 3 engine fanatik. ;)

Tr0n ::

40 ur je ogromno, ce bi naj D3 bolj zagrizeni igralci po besedah Carmacka koncali cez vikend :).

MrX ::

Doom3 bos v enem popoldnevu obrnu :D

(sic) ::


Doom 3 ni igra kot Half Life, ki igra na zgodbo (in ostalo sranje :)), VELIK povdarek bo na vzdušju.

Sicer sem pa ljudi kot si ti vajen - vedno pred id softwareovo igro govorijo kako bo zanič, pa to, pa tisto,... ko pa pride ven pa je itak najboljše in tisti, ki so največ proti govorili jo potem najbolj igrajo...

Samo spomnite se, ko je id napovedal Quake III: Arena - sem mislil, da bodo fani id linčali... O Q3 pa ni treba zgubljat besed o tem koliko ga je igralo...

Fuck you all!!!

Gh0st ::

Men so bli pa tiste alien stopnje ful zakon :) Saj jih ni blo tako veliko, samo par zadnjih.

Sej so ble kr gut, ampak name je največji vtis naredila atmosfera. Tak vzdušje, tist cel facility, skrivnostnost, nepojasnjeni pojavi, zamolčana dejstva...Mene so vedno take stvari ful fascinirale. Surface Tension in Lambda Complex so najboljše stopnje zame. :)
you might start believe in Gh0st stories. you're in one. :)

Zheegec ::

"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

TomazXX ::

Men je pa najbl zabavno komandose pobijat. :D
Look on tha bright side! It couldn't get worse than this....

(sic) ::

Half Life 2 še sploh ni zunaj, že preučujejo buge na slikah :)))))))))))


Fuck you all!!!

root987 ::

Mni tut komadose, al pa v Opposing Force je bvo naj ta bol one SpecOpse. So se metali pa to tko lepo...Se spomnete onga napada na oni top ko je strelo vn one granate pa naredo parmalajs iz vsega? Mljask.
"Myths which are believed in tend to become true."
--- George Orwell

MrX ::

Tr0n ::

Kewl pix.

tha_man ::

Nekdo je rekel da HL2 ne bo imel dobro grafiko? Think again >:D
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd

R33D3M33R ::

Zanimive slikice, skenirane slike so pač bolj tak...samo ko boš dal reč na kompjuter, pol se bo šele videla čudovita grafika...komaj čakam.
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

root987 ::

Hehe, vsi komaj čakamo. Zanima me, kake bodo le minimalne zahteve?
"Myths which are believed in tend to become true."
--- George Orwell

MrX ::

več kot XP 1700+ in GF3/ati8500 ne mire bit

Zheegec ::

Menda bodo minimalne zahteve zlo majhne (okoli 800Mhz, 128MB, GF2MX style grafa), ker se bo dalo zlo detajle zbit -> bo pač več ljudi igro kupilo, to je nujno za biznis. Bodo pa priporočene malo višje... verjetno za 800*600:D
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
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