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The Elder Scrolls VI
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oo7 ::
Elder Scrolls 6 to be Unveiled During E3 2016 Event
One of the most popular action role-playing game series is “The Elder Scrolls”. Now, the gamers are looking forward to know when Bethesda will finally release “The Elder Scrolls 6”.
In concordance with Ecumenical News, the “Elder Scrolls 6” might be announced sometime soon. However, we know Bethesda as being one of those developer companies that will keep things secret right until they unveil a game. They did the same with the Fallout 4 game and we’re pretty sure that they were quite surprised to see it released last year, as Bethesda didn’t reveal anything until the actual official announcement.
According to some rumors, the “Elder Scrolls 6” will most likely be announced by Bethesda during the E3 2016 event that will be held in Los Angeles during July 14-16, 2016. We remind you that in February 2016, Bethesda has officially announced that it will attend the annual event for video game developers and that it will host a press conference in June 2016.
The Elder Scrolls 6 or Skyrim 2 Release Date: Argonia or Redguard?
When it comes to 'The Elder Scrolls 6' or 'Skyrim 2', everyone's just a bit confused about when it's going to be released. Whilst Pete Hine's previous interviews seems to point to a 2019 release date; the most recent E3 2016 announcement of Bethesda seems to point to a 2016 release date.

Meizu ::
Ce bo vsaj tak kot Skyrim bo to epic zadeva.
Edini spil, ki ga res tezko pricakujem in ki bo od mene po dolgem casu iz mene spet spravil igricarsko navdusenje. Pa kisto bo treba menjat verjetno.
Edini spil, ki ga res tezko pricakujem in ki bo od mene po dolgem casu iz mene spet spravil igricarsko navdusenje. Pa kisto bo treba menjat verjetno.

Izi ::
E3 2016: Bethesda Is Working on The Elder Scrolls 6
Evo, pa smo končno dobili tudi uradno potrditev
Todd Howard je potrdil, da Bethesda dela na The Elder Scrolls 6, ampak igra je še "a very long way off".
.. you don't even have the technology. How long is that going to take? ... many years from now.
Hahaha, mašine na katerih bo tekel The Elder Scrolls VI danes še ne obstajajo. Morda ga bomo igrali tam nekje okoli leta 2020 s čeladami za Virtualno resničnost na glavi
Evo, pa smo končno dobili tudi uradno potrditev

Todd Howard je potrdil, da Bethesda dela na The Elder Scrolls 6, ampak igra je še "a very long way off".
.. you don't even have the technology. How long is that going to take? ... many years from now.
Hahaha, mašine na katerih bo tekel The Elder Scrolls VI danes še ne obstajajo. Morda ga bomo igrali tam nekje okoli leta 2020 s čeladami za Virtualno resničnost na glavi

oo7 ::
Jaz mislim, da bo TES 6 zunaj prej kot 2020 :)
Govorice za Fallout 4 so prišle ven enkrat leta 2013 vmes so se pojavljale tudi lažne strani pri Bethesdi pa so bili tiho.
No leta 2014 malo pred E3 so se pri Bethesdi oglasili in rekli, da naj ne pričakujemo Fallout 4 na E3 ali kaj kmalu.
No leta 2015 pa je junija na E3 Bethesda predstavila Fallout 4 ta pa je izšel še istega leta v novembru :)
Pri Bethesdi so znani, po tem, da skrivajo čim dlje tako, da jaz mislim, da bo TES 6 na E3 enkrat 2018/19 in potem v tistem letu izid igre
Govorice za Fallout 4 so prišle ven enkrat leta 2013 vmes so se pojavljale tudi lažne strani pri Bethesdi pa so bili tiho.
No leta 2014 malo pred E3 so se pri Bethesdi oglasili in rekli, da naj ne pričakujemo Fallout 4 na E3 ali kaj kmalu.
No leta 2015 pa je junija na E3 Bethesda predstavila Fallout 4 ta pa je izšel še istega leta v novembru :)
Pri Bethesdi so znani, po tem, da skrivajo čim dlje tako, da jaz mislim, da bo TES 6 na E3 enkrat 2018/19 in potem v tistem letu izid igre

oo7 ::
The Elder Scrolls VI - Official E3 Announcement Teaser
Elder Scorlls VI v izdelavi
Če sem prav razumel bo igra izšla za igro Starfield.
Elder Scorlls VI v izdelavi

[D]emon ::
Vmes bomo pa dobili se ene 10 posebnih izdaj Skyrima...

Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

ahac ::
Če je "in pre-production" potem je še zelo daleč od izida.
Verjento so že zdaj napovedal samo zato, da jim nehate težit...
Verjento so že zdaj napovedal samo zato, da jim nehate težit...

Slo-Tech Discord -

Meizu ::
Pa sem ze mislil, da se bo treba it razstrelit pred njihov studijo da najavijo ta spil. To je doseglo ze taksne proporcije, da sploh ni vec debata o tem ali mislijo delat tes6 ali ne, dolzni so ga narest!! :)

oo7 ::
Bethesda ponavadi najavi igro pol leta pred izidom ampak kot kaže je bil tokrat pritisk prehud in so morali igro uradno najaviti 
Naslednja nova velika igra Bethesde je Starfield . Po moje bo ta igra drugo leto glavna tema na E3 pri Bethesda konferenci in nato bo tudi leta 2019 izšla.
Kar se pa tiče Elder Scorls VI pa je igra tudi že nekaj časa v izdelavi ampak Betheda ponavadi to prikriva. Tako, da predvidevam Elder Scorls VI na E3 2020 in istega leta izid ali pa najkasneje E3 2021 in izid leta 2021
Potem pa je itak spet na vrsti Fallout 5

Naslednja nova velika igra Bethesde je Starfield . Po moje bo ta igra drugo leto glavna tema na E3 pri Bethesda konferenci in nato bo tudi leta 2019 izšla.
Kar se pa tiče Elder Scorls VI pa je igra tudi že nekaj časa v izdelavi ampak Betheda ponavadi to prikriva. Tako, da predvidevam Elder Scorls VI na E3 2020 in istega leta izid ali pa najkasneje E3 2021 in izid leta 2021

Potem pa je itak spet na vrsti Fallout 5

[D]emon ::
Ga bos lahko se ene 20x vsaj, vsako naslednjo posebno izdajo 1x.

Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

yayo ::

[D]emon ::
More like 2025, ko se bodo navelicali izdajati rimejke Skyrima.
Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

oo7 ::
Igra, ki pride ven pred Elder Scorls 6 Starfield bo next generation kar pomeni, da bo Elder Scorls igra imela nov engine

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
The Elder Scrolls 6's teaser may hide important clues to its setting.
A Map of Tamriel, as seen in The Elder Scrolls Oblivion's update to the Official Codex
Can you spot the city far off in the distance along the coast?
The towering peaks that surround High Rock's Stormhaven in The Elder Scrolls Online
A Map of Tamriel, as seen in The Elder Scrolls Oblivion's update to the Official Codex
Can you spot the city far off in the distance along the coast?
The towering peaks that surround High Rock's Stormhaven in The Elder Scrolls Online

Tr0n ::

oo7 ::
Se vidmo 2020?![]()
Jaz bi rekel 2020 ali 2021 :)
Uff, takrat se Starfield ne bo izsel.
Racunaj nekje 2025-2026.
Starfield bo izšel 2019 ali 2020.
Todd Howard je rekel, da že ve kdaj bo išla igra TES 6 ampak ni povedal datuma.
Jaz stavim na tale datum, ki ga je galu napovedal 2 leti nazaj

Skyrim - 11/11/11
VI - 22/22/22![]()

Infusion ::
Se komu sanja zakaj čakamo na TES VI toliko časa? Kaj jim Fallout serija in miljon različnih Skyrimov prinese več denarja?

oo7 ::
Se komu sanja zakaj čakamo na TES VI toliko časa? Kaj jim Fallout serija in miljon različnih Skyrimov prinese več denarja?
Saj je tudi Skryrim Elder Scorlls.
1994 The Elder Scrolls: Arena
1996 The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
2002 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
2006 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
2011 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
TBA The Elder Scrolls VI

Meizu ::
Se komu sanja zakaj čakamo na TES VI toliko časa? Kaj jim Fallout serija in miljon različnih Skyrimov prinese več denarja?
Hype. Hype po taksnem cakanju bo tu tako nenormalno visok, da bo folk pograbil po denarnici ko za stos (edit: z mano vred).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Meizu ()

BorutO ::
Skyrim je pri meni dal pogled v čisto novo in drugačno igro, kot sem jo do takrat poznal. Res odlična, če tudi malo zbugana, kar sploh ni moteče, če gledaš po tem, da lahko marsikaj "koristnega" s temi bugi narediš - brez hekanja.
Meni je Elder Scroll Online odlična igra. Mesta so veliko lepše urejena, in nasploh je vse v igri veliko boljše kakovosti in lažja igralnost. Zato sem prepričan, da bodo grafično prekosili vso grafično konkurenco, ki jih ponujajo igre. Zgodbe so pa v Skyrimu 100x boljše od Online.
Fajn bi bilo, če bi naredili online za dva ali največ tri igralce, da bi lahko s prijatelji igral to igro, s tem, da bi isto bili vsi mobi levelani enako kot vsak igralec, kot imajo to v online načinu, ki mi je zelo všeč. Če dva koljeta istega moba, pa ima en level 5 drugi pa 30, ima isti mob isti hip level 5 in level 30 ...
Ta način igre mi je zelo dober, boljše ne bi mogli narediti v online.
Meni je Elder Scroll Online odlična igra. Mesta so veliko lepše urejena, in nasploh je vse v igri veliko boljše kakovosti in lažja igralnost. Zato sem prepričan, da bodo grafično prekosili vso grafično konkurenco, ki jih ponujajo igre. Zgodbe so pa v Skyrimu 100x boljše od Online.
Fajn bi bilo, če bi naredili online za dva ali največ tri igralce, da bi lahko s prijatelji igral to igro, s tem, da bi isto bili vsi mobi levelani enako kot vsak igralec, kot imajo to v online načinu, ki mi je zelo všeč. Če dva koljeta istega moba, pa ima en level 5 drugi pa 30, ima isti mob isti hip level 5 in level 30 ...
Ta način igre mi je zelo dober, boljše ne bi mogli narediti v online.

oo7 ::
"Even now, the amount of people who play Skyrim seven years later; millions of people every month are playing that game," Howard replied. "That's why we keep releasing it. If you want us to stop releasing it, stop buying it."
Zato se jim ne mudi preveč.
Pa tudi razni modi igro držijo še dolgo pri življenju enako je z serijo Fallout.
Zato se jim ne mudi preveč.
Pa tudi razni modi igro držijo še dolgo pri življenju enako je z serijo Fallout.

MasterTade ::
Folk še Oblivion igra, kaj šele Skyrim..Še jaz sem TES IV spet preigral pred nekaj leti

oo7 ::
Bethesda may have just trademarked the name for Elder Scrolls 6. On Sep. 10, ZeniMax Media inc, parent company behind all Bethesda releases, filed a new trademark for "Redfall." The filing is for a "computer game software for use with computers and video game consoles" and that's pretty much all we know.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
If it is Hammerfell, it might not just be Hammerfell. We might also get the Orsmer home of High Rock, which combined would both give us a healthy increase in the size of the map as well as some more dramatic landscape variance than what we saw in Skyrim.
Hammerfell and High Rock seem to be Reddit's best guesses, but there's a wildcard in there as well. This speculation really only works if the game is in Tamriel, which is the continent we've been working with for the entirety of the series so far.
Hammerfell and High Rock seem to be Reddit's best guesses, but there's a wildcard in there as well. This speculation really only works if the game is in Tamriel, which is the continent we've been working with for the entirety of the series so far.

oo7 ::
Ja glavna kandidata sta Hammerfell in High Rock. Mogoče pa obe provinci.
REDFALL - What Is Zenimax's New Trademark 'REDFALL'?
REDFALL - What Is Zenimax's New Trademark 'REDFALL'?

GupeM ::

oo7 ::

Meizu ::
Spet bo treba lajf stran vrct.
Saj ne da sem se zdaj fino zeznil ko sem ESO kupil in trpi vse ostalo.
Saj ne da sem se zdaj fino zeznil ko sem ESO kupil in trpi vse ostalo.

oo7 ::
Everything we know about The Elder Scrolls 6
Zdaj pa samo vprašanje ali bo nov engine ali samo nadgrajen pri Bethesdi je vse možno.
Zdaj pa samo vprašanje ali bo nov engine ali samo nadgrajen pri Bethesdi je vse možno.

Izi ::
Super, samo še 2 multiplatformske AAA igre morajo narediti, potem bo pa na vrsti TES6.
Če smo torej zelo optimistično bodo z izdelavo TES6 začeli čez približno 6 let, če smo pa malo manj optimistično pa čez približno 10 let. Potem pa samo še kakšne 3 do 5 let da jo dokončajo. Se pravi do leta 2033 bomo zagotovo dobili TES6, lahko pa celo prej
Če smo torej zelo optimistično bodo z izdelavo TES6 začeli čez približno 6 let, če smo pa malo manj optimistično pa čez približno 10 let. Potem pa samo še kakšne 3 do 5 let da jo dokončajo. Se pravi do leta 2033 bomo zagotovo dobili TES6, lahko pa celo prej

Zmajc ::
Everything we know about The Elder Scrolls 6
Zdaj pa samo vprašanje ali bo nov engine ali samo nadgrajen pri Bethesdi je vse možno.
Starfield in TES 6 bosta oba narejena v istem enginu in z istimi orodji kot vse igre od Fallout 3 do F76.
Aka, ne pričakujte preveč.

Izi ::
Kako dve? A ni samo Starfield pred TES 6 ?To je iz tvojega linka:
"There's still two major, multiplatform releases that the team has to work on first, and so TES6 isn't happening until those games happen,"Ampak ko sem malo globlje pobrskal je to izjava iz leta 2017. En projekt je bil Fallout 76, ki so ga ravno "končali", drugi pa bo Starfield.
Še vedno drži da s TES6 sploh še začeli niso, vse je še na papirju v začetni fazi.
Na srečo je Starfield projekt že nekje proti polovici, menda je že v igralni fazi. Datum izida za Starfield je trenutno predviden za konec leta 2021.
Ponavadi kakšno leto pred končanjem projekta že začno počasi preusmerjati ljudi na nov projekt. Torej lahko pričakujemo, da bodo z TES6 začeli nekje leta 2020, če bo vse po sreči. Za izdelavo pa bodo rabili verjetno okoli 5 let. Moja napoved za TES6 je torej leto 2025.

oo7 ::
Ekipa v Bethesdi se je z leti povečala
ES Morrowind (2002) igro je delalo okoli 30 ljudi
ES Oblivion (2006) igro je delalo okoli 80 ljudi
Fallout 3 (2008) igro je delalo okoli 80 ljudi (pravico za Fallout igre je Bersheda pridobila leta 2004)
Skyrim (2011) Igro je delalo okoli 100 ljudi
Fallout (2015) Ogro je delalo okoli 130 ljudi
Fallout 76 (2018) Igro je delalo več kot 300 ljudi z pomočjo Arkane studios, ID in Zenimax online studios.
Glede na število in, da Betshesda izda bugaste igre bi rekel, da bo izid prej kot 2025. Samo če ne bodo zamenjali pogona bo igra po 2020 res zgledala že orng zastarelo.
ES Morrowind (2002) igro je delalo okoli 30 ljudi
ES Oblivion (2006) igro je delalo okoli 80 ljudi
Fallout 3 (2008) igro je delalo okoli 80 ljudi (pravico za Fallout igre je Bersheda pridobila leta 2004)
Skyrim (2011) Igro je delalo okoli 100 ljudi
Fallout (2015) Ogro je delalo okoli 130 ljudi
Fallout 76 (2018) Igro je delalo več kot 300 ljudi z pomočjo Arkane studios, ID in Zenimax online studios.
Glede na število in, da Betshesda izda bugaste igre bi rekel, da bo izid prej kot 2025. Samo če ne bodo zamenjali pogona bo igra po 2020 res zgledala že orng zastarelo.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Nekaj napovedi analitikov za leto 2019. Ena najhujših je definitivno, da bo igra Elder Scorls VI izšla že leta 2019.
What lies ahead? Analysts make 2019 predictions
Michael Pachter, Wedbush Securities -
Last year's report card:
Xbox One X cut to $349 by year-end: F, the price is pretty consistently $399, and though spotty at $349 during Black Friday, it didn't hit my target and likely won't
No new hardware from any of the big three: A+, unless you count Pokéballs
Dramatic cut on PSVR: B, I didn't define the word "dramatic", and the cuts have largely been $100
A new Elder Scrolls game: D-, teased at E3 but not yet announced
Battle Royale in Call of Duty: A+, nailed it
Switch sales under 20 million: A+, tracking to 13 million this year
A mobile Warcraft game: F, although Diablo Immortal was announced
Continued mobile flops from Nintendo: A+, enough said
No BIG game announcements from Rockstar: A+, unless you count giving up the trademark on Agent as an announcement
This year's predictions:
We will get major game announcements from Take-Two. I think we'll hear about a new BioShock game and a new title from Rockstar, both for 2020. It would be cheating to say that the company will announce Borderlands, since it will probably happen before this article is published.
Ubisoft's lineup will include four AAA titles. I expect these to include Skull & Bones (already announced), Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs and Rainbow 6.
Activision will make Overwatch and Blackout free-to-play. I think that the 18 Overwatch League owners have been assured by Blizzard that it will expand the audience for Overwatch. The most expedient way to do this is to make the core game free-to-play in order to attract tens of millions of new users, who ostensibly will convert to OWL viewers. I expect this by mid-June (the third anniversary of the launch of the original game. Disgruntled players who bought the core game will likely be compensated by being given free stuff (skins or other cosmetic items). Blackout will go FTP at least a month prior to the launch of next year's Call of Duty, in order to promote the new game.
Respawn will launch two titles next year: Titanfall 3 and the new Star Wars game. I expect Titanfall to launch by September.
Nintendo will launch a fully handheld version of the Switch at $199. I expect the device to have the same screen, but with Joy Cons built into the body and no docking station. Since it can't "switch" from handheld to console, it's hard to guess what they will call it, but let's assume Game Boy (kidding).
Elder Scrolls VI is coming in 2019. The flop of Fallout 76 makes a hit more essential for Bethesda, and I expect them to accelerate development of ESVI. (This was my prediction from 2016 and 2017...)
We will see progress on "streaming" services in 2019, with an iTunes like model (pay for a single game at a time) launched first. This could come from Amazon, Apple, Google or Microsoft (not from EA), as each is tinkering with streaming. Ultimately, we may not need to stream anything, since storage and processing power is becoming more ubiquitous, and may be included in a greater number of home devices sold by these companies (Echo, Home, project "Scarlett"), but I think we'll see a major announcement from at least one of them during 2019.
What lies ahead? Analysts make 2019 predictions
Michael Pachter, Wedbush Securities -
Last year's report card:
Xbox One X cut to $349 by year-end: F, the price is pretty consistently $399, and though spotty at $349 during Black Friday, it didn't hit my target and likely won't
No new hardware from any of the big three: A+, unless you count Pokéballs
Dramatic cut on PSVR: B, I didn't define the word "dramatic", and the cuts have largely been $100
A new Elder Scrolls game: D-, teased at E3 but not yet announced
Battle Royale in Call of Duty: A+, nailed it
Switch sales under 20 million: A+, tracking to 13 million this year
A mobile Warcraft game: F, although Diablo Immortal was announced
Continued mobile flops from Nintendo: A+, enough said
No BIG game announcements from Rockstar: A+, unless you count giving up the trademark on Agent as an announcement
This year's predictions:
We will get major game announcements from Take-Two. I think we'll hear about a new BioShock game and a new title from Rockstar, both for 2020. It would be cheating to say that the company will announce Borderlands, since it will probably happen before this article is published.
Ubisoft's lineup will include four AAA titles. I expect these to include Skull & Bones (already announced), Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs and Rainbow 6.
Activision will make Overwatch and Blackout free-to-play. I think that the 18 Overwatch League owners have been assured by Blizzard that it will expand the audience for Overwatch. The most expedient way to do this is to make the core game free-to-play in order to attract tens of millions of new users, who ostensibly will convert to OWL viewers. I expect this by mid-June (the third anniversary of the launch of the original game. Disgruntled players who bought the core game will likely be compensated by being given free stuff (skins or other cosmetic items). Blackout will go FTP at least a month prior to the launch of next year's Call of Duty, in order to promote the new game.
Respawn will launch two titles next year: Titanfall 3 and the new Star Wars game. I expect Titanfall to launch by September.
Nintendo will launch a fully handheld version of the Switch at $199. I expect the device to have the same screen, but with Joy Cons built into the body and no docking station. Since it can't "switch" from handheld to console, it's hard to guess what they will call it, but let's assume Game Boy (kidding).
Elder Scrolls VI is coming in 2019. The flop of Fallout 76 makes a hit more essential for Bethesda, and I expect them to accelerate development of ESVI. (This was my prediction from 2016 and 2017...)
We will see progress on "streaming" services in 2019, with an iTunes like model (pay for a single game at a time) launched first. This could come from Amazon, Apple, Google or Microsoft (not from EA), as each is tinkering with streaming. Ultimately, we may not need to stream anything, since storage and processing power is becoming more ubiquitous, and may be included in a greater number of home devices sold by these companies (Echo, Home, project "Scarlett"), but I think we'll see a major announcement from at least one of them during 2019.