Forum » Loža » Vaje za "six pack"
Vaje za "six pack"

jype ::
rorry> :O nizke temperature, sneg..
(Na drugem posnetku se v stekleni površini na desni vidi mene v zimski opravi, ki preprečuje, da bi bile nizke temperature na kakršenkoli način neprijetne.)
(Na drugem posnetku se v stekleni površini na desni vidi mene v zimski opravi, ki preprečuje, da bi bile nizke temperature na kakršenkoli način neprijetne.)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

komar88 ::
to ti verjamem, vendar ob 5 zjutraj na kolo, da bi prišel do službe? no, kakor hitro bodo temperature nad ničlo se podam na kolo :)

jype ::
rorry> to ti verjamem, vendar ob 5 zjutraj na kolo, da bi prišel do službe?
Za six pack je to daleč najcenejša rešitev, IMHO.
Za six pack je to daleč najcenejša rešitev, IMHO.

To s savno je sigurno laž. Za zgubit maščobo moraš ti načeloma kar fajn švicat
Nekje sem nekoč slišal da je od točke začetka orenk švicanja (treninga) do točke ko nehaš kurit cuker in začneš kurit maščobe 0,5 ure.

Rippy ::
BRBR to nikakor ni res. Telo bo vedno najprej kurilo ogljikove hidrate, ko teh zmanjka bo začelo kuriti maščobo. Verjemi, da konkretno "čutiš", ko zmanjka "lahkih" oblik energije.

Ramon dekers ::
kaj ti bodo six packi? za pixke? Hebeš to, vrž se rajš v resen šport kjer ti dela še glava.
ješ jih po treningu, da zafilaš glikogenske rezerve.
torej je dobro, da pred treningom ne jem ogljikovih hidratov?
ješ jih po treningu, da zafilaš glikogenske rezerve.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramon dekers ()

blackbfm ::
Telo pri nizki obremenitvi kuri pretežno maščobe, pri visoki pa cuker v krvi in glikogen v mišicah.
Hidrate ješ načeloma pred intenzivno vadbo, vse ostalo lahko delaš na prazen želodec če ti sede.
glikogenske rezerve se komot zafilajo iz maščob, bolj so pomembne beljakovine
Hidrate ješ načeloma pred intenzivno vadbo, vse ostalo lahko delaš na prazen želodec če ti sede.
ješ jih po treningu, da zafilaš glikogenske rezerve.
glikogenske rezerve se komot zafilajo iz maščob, bolj so pomembne beljakovine
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: blackbfm ()

Ramon dekers ::
Glikogen je kompleksen ogljikov hidrat, ki ga telo lahko skladišči in po potrebi porablja za pridobivanje energije. Več o tem, kaj je glikogen in o izčrpanju in polnjenju glikogenskih rezerv, lahko preberete v članku Glikogenske zaloge in telesna aktivnost, zato tokrat za začetek ponovimo le nekaj za tokratno temo bistvenih stvari:
v telesu normalno prehranjenega, netreniranega odraslega človeka je približno 400 g glikogena;
zaloge normalno prehranjenih športnikov so lahko tudi precej večje;
do izčrpanja glikogenskih zalog pri treniranih, normalno prehranjenih športnikih pride po približno dveh urah telesne aktivnosti pri približno 80% maksimalne frekvence srčnega utripa;
hitrost izčrpanja glikogenskih rezerv zaradi telesne aktivnosti je odvisna od več dejavnikov, med najpomembnejše pa spada količina glikogena v telesu pred začetkom telesne aktivnosti.
Iz zadnje točke sledi, da lahko čas do izčrpanja glikogenskih zalog povečamo tudi tako, da povečamo glikogenske zaloge v telesu nad normalne vrednosti. Najpreprostejša in že zelo dolgo znana metoda za tako povečanje se imenuje >>ničesar ne spreminjaj, le dva dni pred tekmo jej v glavnem samo testenine, veliko testenin<<. Čeprav se morda sliši zapleteno, v resnici ni: dva dni ješ v glavnem samo testenine ali kakšen drug vir škroba, ogljikovi hidrati naj predstavljajo približno 80% vse zaužite energije. Na ta način se lahko glikogenske zaloge povečajo za približno 20% nad normalo.
Da lahko pretežno ogljikohidratna hrana v dneh pred tekmovanjem izboljša telesne sposobnosti in rezultate, je znano že dolgo, da so ti učinki povezani s povečanjem zalog glikogena, pa so odkrili v 60-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Zasluge za to odkritje ima švedski znanstvenik Gunvar Ahlborg, ki je razvil tudi prvo od treh najbolj znanih znanstvenih metod za povečanje zalog glikogena pred tekmovanji. O teh metodah v nadaljevanju.
o a res v čem je potem fora glikogena, če se lahko nafila kar iz maščob>?

komar88 ::
@kaj ti bodo six packi? za pixke?
neee, če pa kaj sovražim so pa to slike, ki jih neki ljudje vržejo na fb pa pričakujejo da bo pol vseh uporabnikov stisniko like!
želim si le da bi imel raven trebuh in kakšno mišico
neee, če pa kaj sovražim so pa to slike, ki jih neki ljudje vržejo na fb pa pričakujejo da bo pol vseh uporabnikov stisniko like!
želim si le da bi imel raven trebuh in kakšno mišico

gendale ::
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

flipflop ::
Omenjate prehrano, ima kdo kake preproste jedilnike kaj,kdaj in koliko je treba jest? Rad bi tud sam zbil nekaj kg, pa mi nekako ne uspe, mi zmanjka volje.

gendale ::
Newbies Guide to Using DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol)
If you've never used DNP before, ONLY take 200mg per day for the first few days! This low dose will also give you time to see how your body reacts to DNP. Are you getting a rash, etc.? If so, you can try adding benedryl or Claritin. After you have determined how your body reacts to 200mg, then you can bump the dose up to 400mg per day. Some people will go up to 600mg/day. At that dose, the side effects are usually severe. While you will see a lot of people doing 7-10 day cycles at higher doses, I prefer a 30 day cycle at 200mg per day. The fatloss isn't as rapid as on the short "inferno" cycles, but the longer cycles will produce more fat loss with out much in the way of sides. I also think that this more gradual fat loss doesn't "shock" your body as much and that keeping the fat loss will be even easier! If you do take more than 200mg/day, divide the doses up throughout the day.
Please read everything below before posting questions or using DNP.
This is an educational article covering different aspects of DNP and is intended only to educate the reader about DNP. This article is far from comprehensive, but it should provide a good background to get the reader started on learning about DNP. If any of this information is unclear please feel free to contact me by email:
In this article I will attempt to cover the following topics regarding DNP:
Mechanism of Action
Dose and Cycle Recommendations
Dietary Recommendations
Side effects/ risks
Prevention/ Contraindications
Recommended supplements with DNP
DNP stands for 2,4-dinitrophenol. This is a chemical that was once used in the early 20th century to ignite dynamite and cast a yellow dye on wood and other handcrafts. A few years later demographical statistics showed that employees who worked with DNP everyday tended to lose weight, often rapidly. One fall out from this was a study conducted by Stanford University in 1920 showing that the ingestion of DNP does in fact cause weight loss. This prompted physicians to prescribe DNP to obese patients of that era. DNP was on the market for 2 decades as a weight loss drug and was eventually taken off the market and banned for human consumption by the FDA because there was a report of cataract formation among female users of this drug which turned out to be false. This chemical is still deemed too dangerous by the FDA to allow it to come back to the pharmaceutical marketplace. Over the decades of research on DNP, scientists have never shown it to have the ability to cause cancer or any other mutations despite the fact that it's a phenol and that most phenolic compounds are carcinogenic. DNP is now only used as a research chemical and as a pesticide in a few states that still approve of its use. It is not illegal to own DNP, but it is illegal to market it for personal consumption.
DNP exerts its effects within the cell, more specifically within the membrane of the mitochondria. The advantage of intracellular mechanisms of action such as this is that a tolerance to DNP cannot develop. To make a long story short, DNP makes the process of ATP formation very inefficient. Why is this important? Because ATP is the energy unit needed to drive all our biochemical reactions in our body that is necessary to keep us alive. The cells in our body constantly need energy (ATP) to stay alive. The amount of ATP needed to keep a person alive depends on his/her basal metabolic rate. By making ATP formation inefficient, a person's basal metabolic rate can increase indefinitely, but for practical uses, basal metabolic rate can safely increase by 30-50% without putting one's life in danger. It is not unheard of for people to lose up to one pound of pure fat per day while on DNP.
If you're not familiar with ATP, it's what the Calories that are stored in carbs, fats, and proteins are eventually turned into. In other words, the energy that is stored in the macromolecules are transferred to the ATP molecule, but DNP disrupts this process. Instead of making ATP from macromolecules in the presence of DNP, the potential energy is just turned into heat. This is very significant because ATP levels in the body will quickly diminish and cells want to replenish that storage by breaking down more fats, carbs, etc. As you can see, a patter quickly develops where ATP levels will constantly be below normal and the body will always be trying to burn more fats, carbs, and proteins to help replenish the ATP levels. This is no different than doing aerobic exercises such as jogging, biking, etc, except while on DNP, the body is doing the aerobic exercise non stop 24 hours a day.
DNP is not a drug for everyone, definitely not the beginner who just wants to lose a couple of pounds to look better with the shirt off... Without proper education on its use, DNP can be deadly.
There are 2 forms of DNP currently on the market, pure crystalline (100% dry) DNP, and powdered DNP (usually 5-10% moisture). The crystalline version is stronger and more effective, but more caution needs to be used while using it. It acts much faster, and the side effects also subside faster as well.
I recommend between 2-6mg/kg-bw per day for crystalline DNP and 4-10mg/kg-bw for powdered DNP. A beginner should always start off at the low end to assess tolerance. Trying this for the first time 2 weeks before a competition can be disastrous. A 220lb man is 100kg exactly. This means that if he is a first time user of crystalline DNP then he should take 200mg per day. I suggest staying with this dose for at least 3 days to keep it safe, then slowly increase the dosage. 400mg/day can be used, but never take it all at once. Always split up the doses as far as possible, so for 400mg/day that would mean taking 1 200mg capsule every 12 hours. Only on rare occasions should someone attempt 600mg/day with the crystalline capsules unless it's used by a very experienced user and all the vital signs are closely monitored.
Cycle length depends largely on the individual. At first it was thought that a DNP cycle should be limited to 10 days at the most because the thyroids shuts down and t4 to t3 conversion in the liver becomes nil, however, this is not the case. 10 days is a very arbitrary number. A person taking 200mg/day would have almost completely normal thyroid function at day 10 whereas if s/he took 600mg/day, t3 would be non existent after 3 days. While the t3 hormone plays a very large role in determining fat loss, it should not be a big concern while on DNP because the fat burning capabilities of DNP will more than compensate for the suppressed t3 levels. An advantage to suppressed t3 levels is that the body will burn much less muscle while still burning fat on DNP. Normal t3 and thyroid function is restored within a week of stopping DNP.
Ok, so how long should you do it? I suggest playing around with it and just go by how your body feels. It is not a bad idea to just take 2-3mg/kg-bw for 3-4 weeks. This causes less side effects and will have the same overall effect, but it will just take a bit longer. After you get used to 2-3mg/kg-bw, then another option is to up the dose by 1 cap and carrying that out for as long as your body can handle it because fatigue and a host of other side effects will eventually overtake you. If 2 caps/day is still too mild then repeat the above step with 3 caps per day spread out into 8-hour intervals.
Because of some water retention caused by DNP, users typically find that they look their best 4-7 days after finishing their cycle when the water has normalized.
If you've never used DNP before, ONLY take 200mg per day for the first few days! This low dose will also give you time to see how your body reacts to DNP. Are you getting a rash, etc.? If so, you can try adding benedryl or Claritin. After you have determined how your body reacts to 200mg, then you can bump the dose up to 400mg per day. Some people will go up to 600mg/day. At that dose, the side effects are usually severe. While you will see a lot of people doing 7-10 day cycles at higher doses, I prefer a 30 day cycle at 200mg per day. The fatloss isn't as rapid as on the short "inferno" cycles, but the longer cycles will produce more fat loss with out much in the way of sides. I also think that this more gradual fat loss doesn't "shock" your body as much and that keeping the fat loss will be even easier! If you do take more than 200mg/day, divide the doses up throughout the day.
Please read everything below before posting questions or using DNP.
This is an educational article covering different aspects of DNP and is intended only to educate the reader about DNP. This article is far from comprehensive, but it should provide a good background to get the reader started on learning about DNP. If any of this information is unclear please feel free to contact me by email:
In this article I will attempt to cover the following topics regarding DNP:
Mechanism of Action
Dose and Cycle Recommendations
Dietary Recommendations
Side effects/ risks
Prevention/ Contraindications
Recommended supplements with DNP
DNP stands for 2,4-dinitrophenol. This is a chemical that was once used in the early 20th century to ignite dynamite and cast a yellow dye on wood and other handcrafts. A few years later demographical statistics showed that employees who worked with DNP everyday tended to lose weight, often rapidly. One fall out from this was a study conducted by Stanford University in 1920 showing that the ingestion of DNP does in fact cause weight loss. This prompted physicians to prescribe DNP to obese patients of that era. DNP was on the market for 2 decades as a weight loss drug and was eventually taken off the market and banned for human consumption by the FDA because there was a report of cataract formation among female users of this drug which turned out to be false. This chemical is still deemed too dangerous by the FDA to allow it to come back to the pharmaceutical marketplace. Over the decades of research on DNP, scientists have never shown it to have the ability to cause cancer or any other mutations despite the fact that it's a phenol and that most phenolic compounds are carcinogenic. DNP is now only used as a research chemical and as a pesticide in a few states that still approve of its use. It is not illegal to own DNP, but it is illegal to market it for personal consumption.
DNP exerts its effects within the cell, more specifically within the membrane of the mitochondria. The advantage of intracellular mechanisms of action such as this is that a tolerance to DNP cannot develop. To make a long story short, DNP makes the process of ATP formation very inefficient. Why is this important? Because ATP is the energy unit needed to drive all our biochemical reactions in our body that is necessary to keep us alive. The cells in our body constantly need energy (ATP) to stay alive. The amount of ATP needed to keep a person alive depends on his/her basal metabolic rate. By making ATP formation inefficient, a person's basal metabolic rate can increase indefinitely, but for practical uses, basal metabolic rate can safely increase by 30-50% without putting one's life in danger. It is not unheard of for people to lose up to one pound of pure fat per day while on DNP.
If you're not familiar with ATP, it's what the Calories that are stored in carbs, fats, and proteins are eventually turned into. In other words, the energy that is stored in the macromolecules are transferred to the ATP molecule, but DNP disrupts this process. Instead of making ATP from macromolecules in the presence of DNP, the potential energy is just turned into heat. This is very significant because ATP levels in the body will quickly diminish and cells want to replenish that storage by breaking down more fats, carbs, etc. As you can see, a patter quickly develops where ATP levels will constantly be below normal and the body will always be trying to burn more fats, carbs, and proteins to help replenish the ATP levels. This is no different than doing aerobic exercises such as jogging, biking, etc, except while on DNP, the body is doing the aerobic exercise non stop 24 hours a day.
DNP is not a drug for everyone, definitely not the beginner who just wants to lose a couple of pounds to look better with the shirt off... Without proper education on its use, DNP can be deadly.
There are 2 forms of DNP currently on the market, pure crystalline (100% dry) DNP, and powdered DNP (usually 5-10% moisture). The crystalline version is stronger and more effective, but more caution needs to be used while using it. It acts much faster, and the side effects also subside faster as well.
I recommend between 2-6mg/kg-bw per day for crystalline DNP and 4-10mg/kg-bw for powdered DNP. A beginner should always start off at the low end to assess tolerance. Trying this for the first time 2 weeks before a competition can be disastrous. A 220lb man is 100kg exactly. This means that if he is a first time user of crystalline DNP then he should take 200mg per day. I suggest staying with this dose for at least 3 days to keep it safe, then slowly increase the dosage. 400mg/day can be used, but never take it all at once. Always split up the doses as far as possible, so for 400mg/day that would mean taking 1 200mg capsule every 12 hours. Only on rare occasions should someone attempt 600mg/day with the crystalline capsules unless it's used by a very experienced user and all the vital signs are closely monitored.
Cycle length depends largely on the individual. At first it was thought that a DNP cycle should be limited to 10 days at the most because the thyroids shuts down and t4 to t3 conversion in the liver becomes nil, however, this is not the case. 10 days is a very arbitrary number. A person taking 200mg/day would have almost completely normal thyroid function at day 10 whereas if s/he took 600mg/day, t3 would be non existent after 3 days. While the t3 hormone plays a very large role in determining fat loss, it should not be a big concern while on DNP because the fat burning capabilities of DNP will more than compensate for the suppressed t3 levels. An advantage to suppressed t3 levels is that the body will burn much less muscle while still burning fat on DNP. Normal t3 and thyroid function is restored within a week of stopping DNP.
Ok, so how long should you do it? I suggest playing around with it and just go by how your body feels. It is not a bad idea to just take 2-3mg/kg-bw for 3-4 weeks. This causes less side effects and will have the same overall effect, but it will just take a bit longer. After you get used to 2-3mg/kg-bw, then another option is to up the dose by 1 cap and carrying that out for as long as your body can handle it because fatigue and a host of other side effects will eventually overtake you. If 2 caps/day is still too mild then repeat the above step with 3 caps per day spread out into 8-hour intervals.
Because of some water retention caused by DNP, users typically find that they look their best 4-7 days after finishing their cycle when the water has normalized.
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

Owe- ::
Ramon dekers je izjavil:
kaj ti bodo six packi? za pixke? Hebeš to, vrž se rajš v resen šport kjer ti dela še glava.
torej je dobro, da pred treningom ne jem ogljikovih hidratov?
ješ jih po treningu, da zafilaš glikogenske rezerve.
Tole niti približno ni res. Če želiš six packe potrebuješ nizek odstotek maščobe v telesu, tako da ogljikove hidrate jej le pred treningom, najboljše uro pa pol prej. Če bi delal na mišični masi, potem bi potreboval ogljikove hidrate tudi po treningu, s tem pa niti približno ne boš dobil six packov.
Druga stvar je, da če želiš six packe, ne moreš imeti ostalega telesa mišično nerazvitega. Ne gre skupaj. Ali imaš športno postavo (ti omogoča, da imaš six packe), ali je pač nimaš in o six packih le sanjaš. Simple as that. Okey mogoče bo kdo reku, da nikoli ni ravno treniral in ima sixpacke. Okey mogoče res če si totalno podhranjen, kar pa za moje pojme ni to to :)
Če želiš six packe pridobiti le z vajami za trebušne mišice naj ti bo tole v poduk: S študijami so izračunali, da bi 1kg telesne teže izgubil s približno pol milijona vzgibi ob normalni prehrani. Six packe lahko pridobiš le tako, da veliko tečeš ali kolesariš, oziroma da se ukvarjaš z športom, imaš nizek odstotek maščobe in predvsem, da se pravilno prehranjuješ. S fitnesom se ukvarjam že kar nekaj časa in verjemi za six packe je potrebna zelo veliko dela in težkih diet, uglavnem - cena je visoka. Nič alkohola, nobenih pic, sladkarij, na kakšen mcdonalds tudi pomislit ne smeš :) Najboljše je, če začneš s fitnesom, lahko tudi doma. Imaš ogromno vaj na spletu brez uteži, pa tudi uteži niso več tako drage, da si jih ne bi mogel privoščiti. Potrebno se je zavedati, da so mišice največji porabnik energije v našem telesu in se tako lažje znebiš odvečne maščobe. Pa veselo na delo ;)

Ramon dekers ::
pa ti sploh veš kaj so glikogenske rezerve? Maščobe se ti kurijo skozi cel dan, če pravilno ješ.

gendale ::
Ramon dekers je izjavil:
kaj ti bodo six packi? za pixke? Hebeš to, vrž se rajš v resen šport kjer ti dela še glava.
torej je dobro, da pred treningom ne jem ogljikovih hidratov?
ješ jih po treningu, da zafilaš glikogenske rezerve.
Tole niti približno ni res. Če želiš six packe potrebuješ nizek odstotek maščobe v telesu, tako da ogljikove hidrate jej le pred treningom, najboljše uro pa pol prej. Če bi delal na mišični masi, potem bi potreboval ogljikove hidrate tudi po treningu, s tem pa niti približno ne boš dobil six packov.
Druga stvar je, da če želiš six packe, ne moreš imeti ostalega telesa mišično nerazvitega. Ne gre skupaj. Ali imaš športno postavo (ti omogoča, da imaš six packe), ali je pač nimaš in o six packih le sanjaš. Simple as that. Okey mogoče bo kdo reku, da nikoli ni ravno treniral in ima sixpacke. Okey mogoče res če si totalno podhranjen, kar pa za moje pojme ni to to :)
Če želiš six packe pridobiti le z vajami za trebušne mišice naj ti bo tole v poduk: S študijami so izračunali, da bi 1kg telesne teže izgubil s približno pol milijona vzgibi ob normalni prehrani. Six packe lahko pridobiš le tako, da veliko tečeš ali kolesariš, oziroma da se ukvarjaš z športom, imaš nizek odstotek maščobe in predvsem, da se pravilno prehranjuješ. S fitnesom se ukvarjam že kar nekaj časa in verjemi za six packe je potrebna zelo veliko dela in težkih diet, uglavnem - cena je visoka. Nič alkohola, nobenih pic, sladkarij, na kakšen mcdonalds tudi pomislit ne smeš :) Najboljše je, če začneš s fitnesom, lahko tudi doma. Imaš ogromno vaj na spletu brez uteži, pa tudi uteži niso več tako drage, da si jih ne bi mogel privoščiti. Potrebno se je zavedati, da so mišice največji porabnik energije v našem telesu in se tako lažje znebiš odvečne maščobe. Pa veselo na delo ;)
lohk tud like a boss prebere člank 2 posta višje in zrihta stvar v dveh tednih
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

blackbfm ::
o a res v čem je potem fora glikogena, če se lahko nafila kar iz maščob>?
Fora glikogena je da je že napol pripravljen na porabo, medtem ko maščoba ni. Po vadbi je telesu načeloma čist vseeno iz kje dobi glikogen, ali iz hrane ali iz maščob. Vsaj dokler imaš vamp

Omenjate prehrano, ima kdo kake preproste jedilnike kaj,kdaj in koliko je treba jest? Rad bi tud sam zbil nekaj kg, pa mi nekako ne uspe, mi zmanjka volje.
Najbolj simpl lahko začneš tako da ješ to kar ponavadi, ampak samo polovične porcije

Owe- ::
Ramon dekers je izjavil:
pa ti sploh veš kaj so glikogenske rezerve? Maščobe se ti kurijo skozi cel dan, če pravilno ješ.
Zalog glikogena NE MOREŠ obnoviti prej kot v 36-48 urah, tudi če je prehrana zelo bogata z ogljikovimi hidrati.

Owe- ::
Se popravlam; nekaj OH še vedno potrebuješ po treningu, sam ne v takšnih količinah kot pred treningom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Owe- ()

Avenger ::
A res? Jah glej, sto bilderjev boš vprašal kako je s tem, pa ti bo vsak drugač povedal, vsi se strinjajo, da jih po treningu rabiš, kaj je pred treningom (=tko v roku pol ure prej) je pa odvisno od ciljev. Če si na ketonski recimo, si pač skoz brez hidratov, če ne delaš intenzivnih treningov.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.

Ramon dekers ::
A res? Jah glej, sto bilderjev boš vprašal kako je s tem, pa ti bo vsak drugač povedal, vsi se strinjajo, da jih po treningu rabiš, kaj je pred treningom (=tko v roku pol ure prej) je pa odvisno od ciljev. Če si na ketonski recimo, si pač skoz brez hidratov, če ne delaš intenzivnih treningov.
mah se jim ne da dopovedat. Itak je na netu 1000 teorij. Ampak fakt je da tudi če boš treniral po 4 ure na dan in jedel enako kot prej torej zaužil več kalorij kot porabil se ne bo spremenilo nič.
Maščoba se topi skozi cel dan. Pa saj je logično da vsak organ potrebuje za svoje delovanje energijo, odvisno je od kje jo jemle. Manj maščob, manj enostavnih OH - jev, VEČ kompleksnih oh - jev, beljakovin, in dobrih maščob.
Da boš šel pa na beljakkovinsko dieto pa ni smiselno pa še "rabbit staravation" lahko dobiš.

komar88 ::
fantje povem vam da se mi na vagi rezultati boljše prehrane in več gibanja že poznajo
sicer minimalno, ampak pravijo: zrno na zrno pogača, kamen na kamen palača

jype ::
Joj, to je nevarno. Če par dni manj ješ, bo sicer super, ampak napredek se bo po par dneh ustavil in takrat ne smeš odnehat.
V ekscel si zapisuj številke, ki jih smatraš za pomembne, da boš še vedno videl, da napredek je, čeprav se ti bo zdelo, da stojiš na mestu.
V ekscel si zapisuj številke, ki jih smatraš za pomembne, da boš še vedno videl, da napredek je, čeprav se ti bo zdelo, da stojiš na mestu.

gendale ::
gendale> ja
gendale> (no homo)
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

komar88 ::
torej, sedaj sem delal tabato z 4kg dodatne teže, kot pravite je res uničujoča, glede na to da sem že pri 4kg kar fajn zmatran..
drugače pa sem naredil približno toliko počepov: 15, 15, 12, 12, 12, 13, 10, 8.
drugače pa sem naredil približno toliko počepov: 15, 15, 12, 12, 12, 13, 10, 8.

ZaphodBB ::
@rorry: To s počepi in drugimi vajami *ni* pravi tabata. Ko boš mel možnost prešaltaj na tek/kolesarjenje, boš videl kaj je pravi suffer.

ZaphodBB ::
Sklece/počepi/trebušnjaki != šprint
pikolovstvo pač, kar se tiče kondicije in efekta na srce in ožilje je šprint precej bolj intenziven.
pikolovstvo pač, kar se tiče kondicije in efekta na srce in ožilje je šprint precej bolj intenziven.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

ZaphodBB ::
Če boš kombiniral vaje bo manj naporno. To je bila bolj opazka, če imaš možnost potem rajši delaj vaje zunaj (noter je pač lažje delat 20 sekund počepov kot pa teka).
Probaj različne zadeve in delaj tako kot ti najbolj ustreza.
Škodilo ti ne bo pa nič :)
Kolebnica je super kandidat za tabato.
Probaj različne zadeve in delaj tako kot ti najbolj ustreza.
Škodilo ti ne bo pa nič :)
Kolebnica je super kandidat za tabato.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

Ramon dekers ::
gendale> ja
gendale> (no homo)
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
sam je mal trebuščka

komar88 ::
ja to tako ali tako bom, samo sedaj nemorem ven ker že 2 dni sneži ko noro pa še 35 cm snega je..
sedaj pač malo vadim odznotraj..
no kaj pa če bi naredil tabato iz počepov, potem tako iz trebušnjakov, potem z kolebnico in tako napraj, to bi šlo?
sedaj pač malo vadim odznotraj..
no kaj pa če bi naredil tabato iz počepov, potem tako iz trebušnjakov, potem z kolebnico in tako napraj, to bi šlo?

js osebno ::
Nekje sem videl tole verzijo: narediš 20 počepov(kolikor se da hitro), in nato šprintaš 100 metrov. Vajo ponoviš 3x in odideš domov. :>

ZaphodBB ::
@rorry: Verjemi, da v enem dnevu se ne da treh tabat nardit pravilno. Ko boš enkrat naredil "do konca" boš v solzah obležal na tleh.

Bananovec ::
Me zanima, če bi kombinacija HIIT + Long slow distance bila uspešna za pridobivanje kondicije in ali ekplozivnosti ali moči?
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

jype ::
Ramon dekers> sam je mal trebuščka:))
Ja, blo ga je pa že precej več, potem smo pa dobil tuš v office, pa je splahnel.
Ja, blo ga je pa že precej več, potem smo pa dobil tuš v office, pa je splahnel.

Bananovec ::
Nekje sem videl tole verzijo: narediš 20 počepov(kolikor se da hitro), in nato šprintaš 100 metrov. Vajo ponoviš 3x in odideš domov. :>
Sem tole pravkar poizkusil pri -7° C. Ubitačno. Drugo polovico vaje sem prav noro hlastal za zrakom.
Bo treba hitro ponoviti!
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Nashina ::
Cel kup neumnosti sem prebral tukaj. Bolj pametno je iti po info na kakšen BB forum (kot je maxximumov npr), kot da sprašuješ tukaj.
Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.
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