Forum » Loža » Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu!
Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu!
ZaphodBB ::
Patterson Power Cell - še par podatkov o patentu.
Pa še en Will Cold Fusion Become Commercialized ...Before Science Understands the Process?.
Članek pa govori o Patterson power cell-u. In da zadeva deluje in da bo na voljo v štirih letih!
Članek je iz leta 1995.
Torej, prišli smo do ugotovitve! Zadeva deluje in ne samo to, gre za preizkušeno tehnologijo!
Loocas, Lion et al. Iskreno se opravičujem za žlehtnobo. Mea maxima culpa.
Pa še en Will Cold Fusion Become Commercialized ...Before Science Understands the Process?.
We knew all along it would happen...."cold fusion" would begin to be commercialized long before science fully came to grips with what the mysterious and extremely potent excess heat-generating process really is.
Članek pa govori o Patterson power cell-u. In da zadeva deluje in da bo na voljo v štirih letih!
Članek je iz leta 1995.
Torej, prišli smo do ugotovitve! Zadeva deluje in ne samo to, gre za preizkušeno tehnologijo!
Loocas, Lion et al. Iskreno se opravičujem za žlehtnobo. Mea maxima culpa.
rockeye ::
"Today is the day!" Kupec pride testirat 1MW e-cat reaktor.
Spremljate lahko na Rossijevi strani http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c... ali na
Držimo pesti, če je pa hoax pa pač je, jebi ga. Jaz sem 95% da deluje.
Spremljate lahko na Rossijevi strani http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c... ali na
Držimo pesti, če je pa hoax pa pač je, jebi ga. Jaz sem 95% da deluje.
rockeye ::
Začnejo ob 11h dopoldne baje.
Andrea Rossi
October 27th, 2011 at 9:03 AM
Dear RockEye:
Thank you: now it’s 4 p.m. of the 27th, and we are finishing the cosmetics of the plant. I think tomorrow we will make, with the help of God, a good job. My work, basically, is finished. Within one hour the Consultants of the Customer will arrive to start the check of all the parts of the plant and prepare all their stuff for the test of tomorrow. Until some hour ago I felt a strong pressure, now, at the eve of the battle, as usual, I am recovering all my coldness and calm. We are ready.
Warm Regards,
October 27th, 2011 at 5:31 AM
Dear Mr. Rossi
I just want to wish you good luck and go change the world tomorrow!!
Andrea Rossi
October 27th, 2011 at 9:03 AM
Dear RockEye:
Thank you: now it’s 4 p.m. of the 27th, and we are finishing the cosmetics of the plant. I think tomorrow we will make, with the help of God, a good job. My work, basically, is finished. Within one hour the Consultants of the Customer will arrive to start the check of all the parts of the plant and prepare all their stuff for the test of tomorrow. Until some hour ago I felt a strong pressure, now, at the eve of the battle, as usual, I am recovering all my coldness and calm. We are ready.
Warm Regards,
October 27th, 2011 at 5:31 AM
Dear Mr. Rossi
I just want to wish you good luck and go change the world tomorrow!!
energetik ::
Očitno bo rabil božjo pomoč, kot je napisal, da bo spravil skupaj tisti nikelj in vodik.
ZaphodBB ::
Pizda, všeč mi je to. God powered power plant. Najbolj kontroverzna naprava ever, z njo se zameriš celemu svetu. Ateistom, znanstvenikom, vernikom in vsem ostalim naokrog.
Kljub cinizmu, pa tudi jaz držim majhno svečk(ico) za Rossija in ECat.
Kljub cinizmu, pa tudi jaz držim majhno svečk(ico) za Rossija in ECat.
ZaphodBB ::
Fantje... dajte malo manj praznovat, pa kakšen update objavite .
Človeštvo pač še ne more biti rešeno in predn bomo lahko rekli, da smo zmagali bomo potrebovali napisat še veliko forum postov!
Človeštvo pač še ne more biti rešeno in predn bomo lahko rekli, da smo zmagali bomo potrebovali napisat še veliko forum postov!
ZaphodBB ::
Rossi se očitno z energetiko ukvarja že skoraj 40 let!
Pišuka, to pa niso kar tako reference... Bi odpravil dvome pri marsikom, če bi to povedal na glas.
Pišuka, to pa niso kar tako reference... Bi odpravil dvome pri marsikom, če bi to povedal na glas.
gruntfürmich ::
Pizda, všeč mi je to. God powered power plant. Najbolj kontroverzna naprava ever, z njo se zameriš celemu svetu. Ateistom, znanstvenikom, vernikom in vsem ostalim naokrog.
Kljub cinizmu, pa tudi jaz držim majhno svečk(ico) za Rossija in ECat.
če bi to bilo res smo lahko vsi veseli. vendar razlika je da se eni že v naprej veselite, drugi pa ne in smo realni.
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Mipe ::
No, test je bil uspešen z nekaj manjšimi zapleti, skrivnostna stranka je zadovoljna. Kaže, da zadeva očitno res deluje!
No, test je bil uspešen z nekaj manjšimi zapleti, skrivnostna stranka je zadovoljna. Kaže, da zadeva očitno res deluje!
hamax ::
Kaže, da zadeva očitno res deluje!
lol :)
Skrivnostna stranka je za zaprtimi vrati testirala zadevo. Sploh ni moznosti za goljufajne :)
Okapi ::
Vse, ampak res čisto vse, na tem "testu" z velikimi črkami vpije NATEG in najbolj presenetljivo pri vsem skupaj je, da tega nekateri še kar nočejo videti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()
Lion29 ::
hm...okapi... ce bos 100x ponovil, ne bo nic bolj verjetno.... jaz itak slepo verjamem samo tebi... ze v prvo
Founder and CTO @
Okapi ::
Daj, razloži iz svojega udobnega naslonjača, zakaj stvar ne more delovati.Lahko ti razložim, zakaj je konkretna stvar nateg. Kaj lahko ali ne more teoretično delovati, je pri tem popolnoma nepomembno.
Nihče ne pravi, da je zdravilo za rak teoretično nemogoče pogruntati. Ampak šarlatana, ki razlaga, da njegova vodica zanesljivo pozdravi raka, vseeno prepoznaš od daleč. Prav tako kot šarlatana ali prevaranta signor Rossija.
hamax ::
Mipe a temu videu ti reces transparentno testiranje? Identicen video bi lahko posnel v vsaki tovarni ali celo na smetiscu, ce bi se malo potrudil.
Mene zanima kje so neodvisni raziskovalci, ki bi preverili, ce nima zadeva za plehom skritega dizel generatorja recimo. Ljudje ki bi bili pripravljeni tvegati svoj ugled.
Ne pa skrivnostni in po vsej verjetnosti slamnati investitorji, ki so verjetno tam samo zato, da bi zraven potegnil cim vec naivnih ljudi z denarjem.
Mene zanima kje so neodvisni raziskovalci, ki bi preverili, ce nima zadeva za plehom skritega dizel generatorja recimo. Ljudje ki bi bili pripravljeni tvegati svoj ugled.
Ne pa skrivnostni in po vsej verjetnosti slamnati investitorji, ki so verjetno tam samo zato, da bi zraven potegnil cim vec naivnih ljudi z denarjem.
Okapi ::
Mene zanima kje so neodvisni raziskovalci, ki bi preverili, ce nima zadeva za plehom skritega dizel generatorja recimo.Sploh jim ni treba nič skrivati;-)
during the entire test the E-Cat remained connected to a power supply by a cable.Sinjor Rossi prisega, da je bil štrom med testom izklopljen
Mipe, Lion29, naredita si uslugo in pojdita naslednji teden v knjižnico in si sposodite tole knjigo.
hamax ::
Sploh jim ni treba nič skrivati;-)
Jah ne vem, mogoce mu pa skrivni investitor zelo skrbno gleda pod prste
Lion29 ::
.....Lion29, naredita si uslugo in pojdita naslednji teden v knjižnico in si sposodite tole knjigo.
o cem se gre? ce si jo ti napisal, pol jo bom prebral z veseljem
Founder and CTO @
frudi ::
Okapi, daj vsaj link na originalni naslov knjige, ki mu preveden naslov po mojem dela hudo krivico :)
Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)
Pyr0Beast ::
>Mene zanima kje so neodvisni raziskovalci, ki bi preverili, ce nima zadeva za plehom skritega dizel generatorja recimo. Ljudje ki bi bili pripravljeni tvegati svoj ugled.
Saj ga nima za plehom. Ga ima kar zunaj. Glej tisti oranžen keson.
Jaz se še vedno nagibam h zelo dragemu grelcu za vodo.
Če je zadeva res 1MW je tisto provizorično hlajenje samo provizorično
Saj ga nima za plehom. Ga ima kar zunaj. Glej tisti oranžen keson.
Jaz se še vedno nagibam h zelo dragemu grelcu za vodo.
Če je zadeva res 1MW je tisto provizorično hlajenje samo provizorično
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
hamax ::
Zadeva je na testu bojda proizvajala 470kW. Za zagon poskusa so uporabljali 500kW generator, ki je tud med poskusom laufal. Samo je baje laufal v prostem teku in ni proizvajal tistih 470kW.
Aston_11 ::
Kaj je tip dovajal 500 kw, da je dobil 470 kW, kot razumem? Jaz znam tudi tako.
Za zagnat 1 MW rabiš pol 1 MW?
No ja, saj je nakako logično...
Za zagnat 1 MW rabiš pol 1 MW?
No ja, saj je nakako logično...
Zheegec ::
Haha, Perpetuum mobile for the alternate universe :)
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Pyr0Beast ::
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Bananovec ::
Kaj je tip dovajal 500 kw, da je dobil 470 kW, kot razumem? Jaz znam tudi tako.
Za zagnat 1 MW rabiš pol 1 MW?
No ja, saj je nakako logično...
Ne razumeš. 30kW in ostalo je davka, ki ga je moral dati državi. Samo namesto da bi to na koncu naredu je pač že sproti dajal...
Skrivnost uspešno razvozlana, sedaj pa samo še počakam na Nobelovo nagrada.
saj ni tako težko. Samo možgane moraš vklopiti. Ali pa izklopiti .... ?
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bananovec ()
Matev ::
zanimivo kako sta se tista dva ki sta vreščala da smo mi tepci ker ne verjamemo
sedaj potuhnila kot dve smrdljivi podgani
sedaj potuhnila kot dve smrdljivi podgani
Pyr0Beast ::
Z dizel generatorjem greje zadevo, potem bo pa spet naftni lobi kriv :P
(BTW - Model je dejansko ponovno izumil "toplo vodo")
(Samo kaj ko bo od teh reaktorjev folk dobil samo 'hladen tuš') :))
(BTW - Model je dejansko ponovno izumil "toplo vodo")
(Samo kaj ko bo od teh reaktorjev folk dobil samo 'hladen tuš') :))
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pyr0Beast ()
Loocas ::
Sorči Matev, ne sodelujem več tukaj od opozorila Zee-ja:
Lahko pa dam samo tale sestavek vam teoretikom zarote, PA POČASI PREBERTE:
"Unfortunately, if Rossi hired a bunch of actors to pretend to be the customer reps, created an elaborate year-long special-effects-derived series of demos, bribed, hypnotised or otherwise fooled Focardi, Levi, Kullander, Essen, Bianchini, Stremmenos and convinced a bunch of Greek crooks to set up a dummy company called Defkalion to pretend to fight with him over the non-existent eCat, to perpetuate the illusion and spin it off into a competing mirror-scam and convinced his former partners to set up another company called Ampenergo to pretend that they had a contract for The Americas for a substantial sum or that they just did this with no proof because they have worked with Rossi and trust him because he's such a fine fellow, arranged for Piantelli, Miley and a host of others to try to fool the world into thinking that cold fusion was real, got NASA, SPAWAR, The Defense Threat Reduction Agency and The Defense Intelligence Agency to say nice things about the field, got Bushnell to make a fool of himself, sold his profitable company to his ex-partners in order to spend that wealth on a multi-million dollar scam; certain that once he got all the above ducks in a row he would pretend to sell the first device and then reel in the true target of his dastardly plan - the second (this time genuine) buyer of a 1MW plant that will net him $2 million dollars until they want their money back or sucker a $100 million dollar deal under the table because he has experience in pulling the wool over all these idiotic eyes and knows that they will just take his word for it and not want to test if his 1MW plant can heat a small village without truckloads of coal or oil or a big fat electric cable coming into the container from beneath the floor (no you can't lift the carpet!) and that, in order to pull this off, Rossi had to risk discovery by interviewing all the people he subsequently fooled so that he could only invite the gullible Professors and not the brilliant anonymous posters on the Internet who surely would have found him out - then all bets are off and I'm with the guys who think that Rossi is an idiot and they are all geniuses."
Generator, ki je bil tam, je bil potreben za zagon eletrarne (cca 400kWh - skupaj uro in pol) in je po zagonu skrbel za napajanje vodnih pump, ventilatorjev..
October 30th, 2011 at 3:54 PM
1. How many 1 megawatt plants can you sell in one year do you think?
2. When is the next sell?
3. When will the home plants be available for pursued?
Hampus Ericsson
Andrea Rossi
October 30th, 2011 at 5:56 PM
Dear Hampus:
1- From 30 to 100 for the first year is what we are already ready to make, but we will get exponentially faster in time
2- done
3- this is a more complicated issue, because we need complex certifications
Bo prihodnost povedala svoje, ne pa vaši velecenjeni posmehljivi in žaljivi komentarji.
Lahko pa dam samo tale sestavek vam teoretikom zarote, PA POČASI PREBERTE:
"Unfortunately, if Rossi hired a bunch of actors to pretend to be the customer reps, created an elaborate year-long special-effects-derived series of demos, bribed, hypnotised or otherwise fooled Focardi, Levi, Kullander, Essen, Bianchini, Stremmenos and convinced a bunch of Greek crooks to set up a dummy company called Defkalion to pretend to fight with him over the non-existent eCat, to perpetuate the illusion and spin it off into a competing mirror-scam and convinced his former partners to set up another company called Ampenergo to pretend that they had a contract for The Americas for a substantial sum or that they just did this with no proof because they have worked with Rossi and trust him because he's such a fine fellow, arranged for Piantelli, Miley and a host of others to try to fool the world into thinking that cold fusion was real, got NASA, SPAWAR, The Defense Threat Reduction Agency and The Defense Intelligence Agency to say nice things about the field, got Bushnell to make a fool of himself, sold his profitable company to his ex-partners in order to spend that wealth on a multi-million dollar scam; certain that once he got all the above ducks in a row he would pretend to sell the first device and then reel in the true target of his dastardly plan - the second (this time genuine) buyer of a 1MW plant that will net him $2 million dollars until they want their money back or sucker a $100 million dollar deal under the table because he has experience in pulling the wool over all these idiotic eyes and knows that they will just take his word for it and not want to test if his 1MW plant can heat a small village without truckloads of coal or oil or a big fat electric cable coming into the container from beneath the floor (no you can't lift the carpet!) and that, in order to pull this off, Rossi had to risk discovery by interviewing all the people he subsequently fooled so that he could only invite the gullible Professors and not the brilliant anonymous posters on the Internet who surely would have found him out - then all bets are off and I'm with the guys who think that Rossi is an idiot and they are all geniuses."
Generator, ki je bil tam, je bil potreben za zagon eletrarne (cca 400kWh - skupaj uro in pol) in je po zagonu skrbel za napajanje vodnih pump, ventilatorjev..
October 30th, 2011 at 3:54 PM
1. How many 1 megawatt plants can you sell in one year do you think?
2. When is the next sell?
3. When will the home plants be available for pursued?
Hampus Ericsson
Andrea Rossi
October 30th, 2011 at 5:56 PM
Dear Hampus:
1- From 30 to 100 for the first year is what we are already ready to make, but we will get exponentially faster in time
2- done
3- this is a more complicated issue, because we need complex certifications
Bo prihodnost povedala svoje, ne pa vaši velecenjeni posmehljivi in žaljivi komentarji.
Lion29 ::
Zelo objektiven FORBES-ov članek govori točno o tem o čemer mi tle debatiramo
Founder and CTO @
Loocas ::
Bistveno prepočasi se vse skupaj odvija, da bi bila prevara.
Pri svojih 60ih letih, kolikor jih Rossi šteje, bi ga poslovna prevara ob prodaji in znesku stala ene 20-25 let čuze, torej do konca življenja.
Pri svojih 60ih letih, kolikor jih Rossi šteje, bi ga poslovna prevara ob prodaji in znesku stala ene 20-25 let čuze, torej do konca življenja.
Aston_11 ::
Loocas ::
Stranka je iz USA. Torej bi mu verjetno sodili v USA.
Tudi Rossijeva firma ima sedež v USA.
Tudi Rossijeva firma ima sedež v USA.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()
Aston_11 ::
Stranka je iz USA. Torej bi mu verjetno sodili v USA.
Si ti pravnik morda, da teh stvari ne poznaš?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Aston_11 ()
Lion29 ::
Jaz delim popolnoma enako mnenje kot avtor prispevka v forbesu.
2 odstavka sta pa precej ujela mojo pozornost:
tocno tako.... razen par posnetkov, nismo izvedeli nic novega
za kar ratam se bolj skepticen. Prej v clanku se avtor razpise o razlogih, cemu se Rossi tako skrivnostno obnasa... in jih ni mogel rzvozlati....ali je tip res tako tup kar se stikov z javnostjo in vsega kar se temu pritice ali kaj?
2 odstavka sta pa precej ujela mojo pozornost:
So, as with the other E-Cat tests, we're really not much better off than we were prior to the 28th. We've got reports that sound exciting but there's still no real evidence. That's not to say some data doesn't exist but until a verifiably objective analysis is conducted by an independent third party that confirms the results match the claims there's no real news, which is utterly disappointing.
tocno tako.... razen par posnetkov, nismo izvedeli nic novega
Rossi has also announced that that's it; no more testing and the next we'll see of the E-Cat technology will be hand-built commercially available units that will sell for $2,000 per kilowatt. Rossi also expects mass-produced E-Cat systems to become available for around $100 per kilowatt.
za kar ratam se bolj skepticen. Prej v clanku se avtor razpise o razlogih, cemu se Rossi tako skrivnostno obnasa... in jih ni mogel rzvozlati....ali je tip res tako tup kar se stikov z javnostjo in vsega kar se temu pritice ali kaj?
Founder and CTO @
Senitel ::
Pyr0Beast ::
Teoretiki zarote. Ajoj.
>"Unfortunately, if Rossi hired a bunch of actors to pretend to be the customer reps
What? Kupec pač pošlje svojega sela tam da se prepriča kako zadeva dela. Zakaj bi Rosi ta folk najemal nimam pojma
>created an elaborate year-long special-effects-derived series of demos
Not an issue.
Sploh ker ni 'elaborative' ampak površen kar se da
>hypnotised or otherwise fooled Focardi, Levi, Kullander, Essen, Bianchini, Stremmenos and convinced a bunch of Greek crooks to set up a dummy company called Defkalion to pretend to fight with him over the non-existent eCat
Kakor vem za zagon firme ne rabiš večmiljonskega kapitala in jo lahko ustvariš iz danes na jutri.
Poleg tega bo s obljubami bajnih zaslužkov folk sam sebe podmazal da bo šlo kar se da čimveč preko njih.
>got NASA, SPAWAR, The Defense Threat Reduction Agency and The Defense Intelligence Agency to say nice things about the field
Shit he did
Tile tako ali tako stalno trobezljajo, z njim ali brez njega.
>can heat a small village without truckloads of coal or oil or a big fat electric cable coming into the container from beneath the floor (no you can't lift the carpet!) and that, in order to pull this off, Rossi had to risk discovery by interviewing all the people he subsequently fooled so that he could only invite the gullible Professors
Šlepanje na dobroto rossija za okolje tule sploh nima veze.
>not the brilliant anonymous posters on the Internet who surely would have found him out - then all bets are off and I'm with the guys who think that Rossi is an idiot and they are all geniuses."
Ni pene. Če pride v SI si pridem osebno ogledat ta monstroum. Sicer je pa to navaden rant.
Model se bo moral še precej potrudit da bo (vsaj meni) dokazal da zadeva lavfa.
Zakaj ne zalavfa samo enega reaktorja in potem greje ostale z njim je tudi uganka.
Zaenkrat se mi zdi da je prvi ki mu je uspelo nasrati folk do te mere da je začel zanemarjati vhodno energijo.
^ Malce bolj učinkovita zadeva od rossijevega bojlerja
>"Unfortunately, if Rossi hired a bunch of actors to pretend to be the customer reps
What? Kupec pač pošlje svojega sela tam da se prepriča kako zadeva dela. Zakaj bi Rosi ta folk najemal nimam pojma
>created an elaborate year-long special-effects-derived series of demos
Not an issue.
Sploh ker ni 'elaborative' ampak površen kar se da
>hypnotised or otherwise fooled Focardi, Levi, Kullander, Essen, Bianchini, Stremmenos and convinced a bunch of Greek crooks to set up a dummy company called Defkalion to pretend to fight with him over the non-existent eCat
Kakor vem za zagon firme ne rabiš večmiljonskega kapitala in jo lahko ustvariš iz danes na jutri.
Poleg tega bo s obljubami bajnih zaslužkov folk sam sebe podmazal da bo šlo kar se da čimveč preko njih.
>got NASA, SPAWAR, The Defense Threat Reduction Agency and The Defense Intelligence Agency to say nice things about the field
Shit he did
Tile tako ali tako stalno trobezljajo, z njim ali brez njega.
>can heat a small village without truckloads of coal or oil or a big fat electric cable coming into the container from beneath the floor (no you can't lift the carpet!) and that, in order to pull this off, Rossi had to risk discovery by interviewing all the people he subsequently fooled so that he could only invite the gullible Professors
Šlepanje na dobroto rossija za okolje tule sploh nima veze.
>not the brilliant anonymous posters on the Internet who surely would have found him out - then all bets are off and I'm with the guys who think that Rossi is an idiot and they are all geniuses."
Ni pene. Če pride v SI si pridem osebno ogledat ta monstroum. Sicer je pa to navaden rant.
Model se bo moral še precej potrudit da bo (vsaj meni) dokazal da zadeva lavfa.
Zakaj ne zalavfa samo enega reaktorja in potem greje ostale z njim je tudi uganka.
Zaenkrat se mi zdi da je prvi ki mu je uspelo nasrati folk do te mere da je začel zanemarjati vhodno energijo.
^ Malce bolj učinkovita zadeva od rossijevega bojlerja
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Loocas ::
LOL .. pa smo že pri Ponzijevih shamah. Glejte. Prihodnost bo povedala svoje. Obstaja en kup bistveno bolj kvalitetnih forumov za tole temo in na tistih sodelujem.
Rossijeva firma ima sedež v USA, če nisi opazil.
Stranka je iz USA. Torej bi mu verjetno sodili v USA.
Si ti pravnik morda, da teh stvari ne poznaš?
Rossijeva firma ima sedež v USA, če nisi opazil.
Pyr0Beast ::
>Obstaja en kup bistveno bolj kvalitetnih forumov za tole temo in na tistih sodelujem.
Dvomim da iščeš na tistih forumih kvaliteto
Dvomim da iščeš na tistih forumih kvaliteto
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Lion29 ::
>Obstaja en kup bistveno bolj kvalitetnih forumov za tole temo in na tistih sodelujem.
Dvomim da iščeš na tistih forumih kvaliteto
roko na srce, je tudi tle ni
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Pyr0Beast ::
Moram priznati da se kar strinjam s teboj
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
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