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World Of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft

20 / 31

shadeX ::

Evo, uraden Nostalrius feedback z meetinga.

Dear community,

Last Friday, Blizzard hosted the Nostalrius core team members at their campus in Irvine - California in order to discuss about the petition, the legacy community & realms for World of Warcraft. This all happened because of your engagement through the petition (it did matter whatever some people may think) and the fact that we worked hard for years for you, the community, and not for any financial reward. We wanted to share with you our feedback regarding this meeting.

1. Core team Nostalrius

The following people from our core team had been invited to the Blizzard campus:

Daemon - Administrator and Dev team manager
Viper - Administrator and project manager
Tyrael - GM team manager
Nano - IsVV (testing) team manager
Ithlien - Nostalrius assistant manager

2. Meeting preparation

We had worked hard during the previous month, and especially the last week when we were in Irvine, night & day during vacation without really leaving our hotel room. The goal was to provide them with quality feedback from our community and the Nostalrius experience.

We wrote a complete report of several dozen pages (Post Mortem), prepared a presentation, prepared several slides, went through the survey results, analyzed Nostalrius server data, answered journalists questions and kept you updated through social media in addition to our current respective jobs & families: it was a tough month.

3. The meeting

A few Blizzard & World of Warcraft executives were present, as well as people responsible for the WoW community:

Mike Morhaime - CEO
J. Allen Brack - Executive Producer for WoW
Tom Chilton - Game Director for WoW
Ion Hazzikostas - Assistant Game Director for WoW
Marco Koegler - Technical Director for WoW
Saralyn Smith - Global Director of Community Development
Kester Robison - Manager of WoW Community Development
Vanessa Vanasin - PR Manager for WoW
Randy Jordan - Blizzard Community Manager

We went through the following topics:

Project story, including WoW emulation history
Community analysis through survey and Nostalrius data
Internal structure presentation, and how a volunteer-based team could create something like Nostalrius
Technical details about the server architecture we designed to handle our high population
Presentation of the GM team organization
Technical insight on a part of the anti cheat system we conceived
A quality report of the state of the project, remaining bugs
Questions and Answers portion

When Blizzard initially proposed this discussion several weeks ago, we were anxious that it would be a simple PR / damage mitigation move. It is now clear to us that this wasn't the case.

First of all, people at key positions inside Blizzard attended the meeting. They were also all very interested, curious, attentive, and asked a lot of questions about all of the topics we mentioned: the presentation was meant to last less than 2 hours, and we finished after more than 5 hours! Finally, we were very surprised about the deep respect and admiration they all had for what we had accomplished and what the community has built around legacy WoW servers.

We were all World of Warcraft players: a large part of our community had played WoW on retail at some point. This meeting was a first step toward establishing a trustful relationship between the Nostalrius and Blizzard dev teams, a beginning for the reconciliation between legacy players and Blizzard that we are all aiming for. As proof, J. Allen Brack himself made sure that we were not under any NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), contrary to what the case is for all of the campus visitors usually.

A second surprise for us was the amount of dedication these guys have. All of them started playing WoW during Vanilla, they went through the same experience as you and us, did the same mistakes and killed the same bosses. In the last part of the meeting, as we presented in detail the remaining class/raid bugs, they knew exactly about the spells/talents we were mentioning, every quest we spoke about, raid bosses abilities and even remembered vanilla item changes through patches!

In a sense, they are also Vanilla World of Warcraft fans and one of the game developers said at a point that WoW belongs to gaming history and agreed that it should be playable again, at least for the sake of game preservation, and he would definitely enjoy playing again.

After this meeting, we can affirm that these guys WANT to have legacy WoW servers, that is for sure. We did everything we could to make this presentation & discussion as professional as possible, which was something that clearly was a pleasant unexpected surprise for the whole Blizzard team, Mike Morhaime included.

4. Why didn't they give us a definitive answer?

First of all, don't forget that, in a big company, nothing can be decided in one meeting and they have the right to announce any official yes or no themselves.

As they shared with us technical details, we would like to give you some information on that topic, as you deserve to know what the "tremendous work" is.

First, they DO have the source code for Vanilla WoW. Code version control systems are not something new, as it has been a standard in the industry for a long time. With these systems, they can retrieve the code at any given previous backup date.

However, in order to generate the server (and the client), a complex build system is being used. It is not just about generating the "WoW.exe" and "Server.exe" files. The build process takes data, models, maps, etc. created by Blizzard and also generates client and server specific files. The client only has the information it needs and the server only has the information that it needs.

This means that before re-launching vanilla realms, all of the data needed for the build processes has to be gathered in one place with the code. Not all of this information was under a version control system. In the end, whichever of these parts were lost at any point, they will have to be recreated: this is likely to take a lot of resources through a long development process.

In addition to the technical aspects of releasing a legacy server Blizzard also needs to provide a very polished game that will be available to their millions of players, something existing unofficial legacy servers cannot provide.

5. Conclusion

To sum up, the good surprise of the meeting was the level of engagement of all these Blizzard people toward making legacy servers a reality. The down side is the technical difficulty it will take to reach our objective. Blizzard is now well aware of the amount of players willing to play legacy servers, something which wasn't the case until Nostalrius shutdown.

This meeting with Blizzard was the accomplishment of the petition you signed and of your unexpected level of engagement. We expressed your thoughts and voices the best we could and we saw that Blizzard listened really carefully. We hope that we will hear from them soon, and will keep you updated: this meeting isn't an end point for us, more like a milestone.

J. Allen expressed his will to keep in touch, and the whole Nostalrius team would be excited to work further in this process that could bring back legacy servers.

We still have things to provide to the community, so stay tuned !

Best regards,
Nostalrius Begins Team.

Zmajc ::

Če bo sreča do 2020 prvi beta strežnik zakurblajo. :))

shadeX ::

Enkrat pol leta po izidu Legiona (ko se bojo subi spet po mesecu dni spustili), recimo da ga bojo :)

Jerry000 ::

Koliko denarja bi moral zapravit da bi kupil WOW, da bi ga lahko igral normalno, in da bo veliko ljudi gor? Brez novega expansiona recimo (in odštejte mesečni strošek). Rad bi pa kupil v škatli igro, ne digitalno. In še 1x, priporočate igranje WOW dandanes? Ali je res toliko slabše?

Dosan ::

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Koliko denarja bi moral zapravit da bi kupil WOW, da bi ga lahko igral normalno, in da bo veliko ljudi gor? Brez novega expansiona recimo (in odštejte mesečni strošek). Rad bi pa kupil v škatli igro, ne digitalno. In še 1x, priporočate igranje WOW dandanes? Ali je res toliko slabše?

V bigbangu imaš škatlo za 16€, to vključuje vse expansione (ne glede na to kaj gor piše) do danes, nov expansion je avgusta.
Za veliko ljudi izbereš kak server kot je Kazzak, kjer je tudi veliko slovencev. Če ti ni problem dati tistega mesečnega stroška in če si najdeš družbo v wowu, je stvar še vedno super, ogromno stvari za počet, ko pride nov expansion bo pa itak spet ogromen influx novega folka za vsaj ene 2-3 mesece.

Jerry000 ::

Sem gledal ja, pa že tko ali tako če kupiš špil dobiš 1 mesec zastonj če se ne motim? Ima mogoče še kdo key za WOW? Sem bil v kinu pa sem stran vrgel misleč da ne bom potreboval :/

kr?en ::

Kazzak je mrtev za allianco, pa tudi slovenci so sli na druge realme iirc.

Najceneje ga dobis, ce gres gledat Warcraft film in dobis zraven kupon za igro in 1 mesec igralnega casa (isto kot ce bi kupil box).

Ali pa ti ga nekdo, ki si je ze ogledal film, senka.

ahac ::

kr?en je izjavil:

Kazzak je mrtev za allianco, pa tudi slovenci so sli na druge realme iirc.

Najceneje ga dobis, ce gres gledat Warcraft film in dobis zraven kupon za igro in 1 mesec igralnega casa (isto kot ce bi kupil box).

Ali pa ti ga nekdo, ki si je ze ogledal film, senka.

Ni nujno, da ga dobiš. Nismo ga vsi...
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Jerry000 ::

Bi kr nabavil box, sam tko me zanima. Pa še zdaj so popusti in box oziroma battlechest dobiš za 7€, tudi če 1 mesec igram samo se splača za ta drobiž

Ascendor ::

5€ pa roka ;)

Jerry000 ::

Ascendor je izjavil:

5€ pa roka ;)

Si zastojn dobil, ne bom ti še plačeval ;). Sm reku, če ma kdo odveč, kupoval pa ne bom to če so zastojn talal. Ill skip that :)

Ascendor ::

Karta ni bila zastonj :)

ahac ::

Jaoooooo..... :))
Jerry000: vzemi box, če ga box za 7€. To je manj kot vsak nadaljnji mesec naročnine... :P
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Jerry000 ::

Ascendor je izjavil:

Karta ni bila zastonj :)

Seveda film ni bil zastojn, z karto si film plačal, koda je bila for free.

shadeX ::

Jerry je itak velik game trol. Človek trola (sebe), že toliko časa, da že kar glava peče :)

Prvo kot prvo. True WoW fan-u ne bo težko dat polne cene, za igranje tega špila. On govori o neki vanili, pa o tem da bi takoj plačal za igranje, če dajo legacy serverje nazaj. A wow-a še od blizu ni videl, kaj šele od daleč. Tukaj se človek neki pizdi zaradi 5€, ki je mimogrede top cena za nekoga ki hoče zadevo sprobat.

A rocket league pa heartstone si že pozabil? A si ti tisti, ki je pravil, koliko igra HS in da čaka božič (2015), da odpre vse packe pa te zadeve?

On je tudi tisti, ki je s TAKO VELIKO vnemo hotel igrati COD UO. Ko sem pa server naredil, ni zdržal niti do konca ene mape.

Dejte prišparat čas, pa nehite svetovat našemu mišku đeriju. Če hoče probat wow se bo že znajdu. Sej je dovolj velik (upam) :)

Jerry000 ::

Hahaha, mulc tkole ti bom povedu. HS sm dal malo na stran ker enostavno šiht in 23452364534 iger igrat + treningi + punca enostavno...ne gre. Rl sem tudi dal na stran ker enostavno...sem užitek drugje našel in še 1x, beri malo višje.
COD UO sem bil vnet ja...igral s tabo 1h potem sem moral pa nehat ker so obveznosti klicale, a ti si se pizdil ker sem samo 1h igral. Mulc, nimam jaz tok časa kot ti.
Zdaj me je prijel WOW, in ja sem reku če ma kdo ODVEČ key, ker dobiš še neke iteme. Po vanilla sprašujem ker miljaužnt folka čivka o tem, in valda da bom spraševal, nisem nikoli igral WOW in želim dobro izkušnjo. Nisem pa true WOW fan ker enostavno...nisem WOW igral...ni logično to :)?
Zdej pa ne tež pa bot tih...prosm.

In ja, tolk dobrih iger je da se težko ene držim (dobr LOL špilam od 2010). Ampak 4h na dan pa nimam. Če ti tista 1h ni bla dost COD UO, pol ne se name pizdit k mam obveznosti pa sm mogu it dol. Tisto sm skup spravu iz moje volje, da bi še kdo igral...pa nisi ne ti ne noben drug bil tok da bi se zmenli pa igrali...sam name si čaku kr se teb ni dal mrdnit.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jerry000 ()

shadeX ::

Mulc :) Dobra..

COD UO sem bil vnet ja...igral s tabo 1h potem sem moral pa nehat ker so obveznosti klicale, a ti si se pizdil ker sem samo 1h igral

Ena mapa traja 30 minut. Ti si odšel natanko 7 minut pred koncem mape, torej po 23minutah igranja. V svoji temi si pisal koliko bi ti igral in koliko igro pogrešaš.

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Koliko vas je, da imaste željo odigrati COD1 tko kot v starih časih :)? Gledam malo serverje in ni nič pametnega...ne vem zakaj folk na server postavi 30 botu ko usak bot u steno gleda pa nič se ne dogaja. Rad bi da se nas nekaj nabere pa si naredimo server in zaigramo kaj :)

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Ni nobenega comunitija vec? To igro pa res pogresam :).

Torej 22 minut nostalogije je bilo zate dovolj. Lahko bi vsaj povedal da se boš naveličal po 22 minutah. Če si imel obveznosti, pa še vedno nisi bil zainteresiran igrat v naslednjih dneh :)

sam name si čaku kr se teb ni dal mrdnit.

Ti si odprl temo in povezal folk, jaz sem posodil server. Kaj hočeš, da naredim vse namesto tebe? Trolček :)

HS sm dal malo na stran ker enostavno šiht in 23452364534 iger igrat + treningi + punca enostavno...ne gre.

Seriously? In ti bi Wow igral? Eno izmed najbolj time consuming iger na planetu? Za Wow sem zabil 8 let življenja, na tisoče ur igranja ter na stotine EUR. Iz izkušenj ti povem, da če hočeš bit povprečno dober igralec, je 5 ur na dan igranja minimum.

Pa če bi mal odsrfal na blizzardovo spletno stran bi ugotovil, da imaš do 20 levela zastonj igranje. Do takrat pa že vidiš ali ti je igra všeč ali ne.


Ni v moji navadi da obsojam ljudi, ki jih ne poznam, ampak glede na tvoje pisanje, lahko trdim da si kar razvajeno pezde. Čakaš da ti folk šenka nekaj kar sploh ni zastonj, čakaš da vse pride samo do tebe, sam pa za to ne bi naredil nič.

A punco vsaj nategneš, al mora tud to ona naredit namest tebe?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: shadeX ()

Jerry000 ::

Ja, za tisti dan je bilo žal 22min dosti, ker so obveznosti bile bolj pomembne kot igra. In ja, WOW bom igral. Če ti kej ne paše pa zamiži.
Poleg tega pa noben ni perfect...tut ti ne ;). Si dokazal. Jaz pa tudi, zdej pa tih bot.

Ne da se mi z tabo ubadat s tabo. Torej, če ima kdo odveč key, se priporočam :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jerry000 ()

shadeX ::

Wow, boš igral kljub temu da nimaš časa?

HS si pa dal na stran zaradi pomanjkanja časa.

I don't get it..

Verjetno si HS dal na stran, ker pač nisi imel pojma. Isto Rocket League. :)

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Evo, špil mam 3 dni in morm rečt da je to najbolših 20€ ki sem jih vložil letos v MP igro. Fun ko šus :). Samo morm malo strenirat ker malokrat dam gol, vedno ko imam šanso za dat gol se pojavi nasprotnik al pa moj team in žogo spizdne :D

Pa še vedno ne razumem, zakaj potrebuješ Wow key, ko pa lahko do 20. levela igra Free. Kaj poskušaš dosečt?

Jerry000 ::

shadeX je izjavil:

Wow, boš igral kljub temu da nimaš časa?

HS si pa dal na stran zaradi pomanjkanja časa.

I don't get it..

Verjetno si HS dal na stran, ker pač nisi imel pojma. Isto Rocket League. :)

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Evo, špil mam 3 dni in morm rečt da je to najbolših 20EUR ki sem jih vložil letos v MP igro. Fun ko šus :). Samo morm malo strenirat ker malokrat dam gol, vedno ko imam šanso za dat gol se pojavi nasprotnik al pa moj team in žogo spizdne :D

Pa še vedno ne razumem, zakaj potrebuješ Wow key, ko pa lahko do 20. levela igra Free. Kaj poskušaš dosečt?

Igram for fun, tko da znam al pa ne, glavno da uživam ob igranju ;). In ja, HS sem nehal ker sem druge igre začel malo bolj igrat in posledično je za HS zmanjkalo časa. Sem ga dosti igral za nekaj časa, bom pa vsekakor nazaj ga začel čez X dni, let.

In kaj si hotel povedati z tem citatom od RL? A teb ni potegnilo da je to WOW tema, ne RL? Sorry ker ne geekam tok kot ti in nisem tok dober kot ti. Mislm...kera mularija je dons, ne morš vrjet...

Sem že povedal kaj želim doseči. Zdej pa glede na to da iščeš moje stare poste izpred 6 mesecov, pa še to najdi ;). Mi je pa v čast da se mi toliko posvetiš ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jerry000 ()

Dosan ::

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Zdaj me je prijel WOW, in ja sem reku če ma kdo ODVEČ key, ker dobiš še neke iteme.

No, you don't.

Jerry000 ::

Dosan je izjavil:

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Zdaj me je prijel WOW, in ja sem reku če ma kdo ODVEČ key, ker dobiš še neke iteme.

No, you don't.

Tukaj sem videl informacijo za iteme:

Dosan ::

"Beginning on May 25 through August 1, players who log in to World of Warcraft will receive a set of movie-inspired transmogrification items. "

Ni odvisno od tistega specifičnega keya iz filmskih promocij. Vsak z aktivnim računom to dobi.

Jerry000 ::

Ah, potem pa ne rabim key. Sem bolj površno prebral zgleda. Hvala!

slofreak7 ::

ka s to kodo dobiš kuplen battlechest? Če hočeš se po enem mesecu igrat naprej sam game card kupiš pol?

Jerry000 ::

Kolikor vem je potrebno še vedno igro kupit in na to mesečno plačevat.

Dosan ::

slofreak7 je izjavil:

ka s to kodo dobiš kuplen battlechest? Če hočeš se po enem mesecu igrat naprej sam game card kupiš pol?


Jerry000 ::

Aja to je fora pol tega keya, cel battlechest dobiš in 1mesec free. Dobro, zdej mi je jasno :). Sicer pa je zdaj škatla v popustu, 7€ :)

Netrunner ::

Imam dve promo kodi ki sem jih dobil v kinu tako, da če kdo potrebuje naj mi pošlje ZS. Drugače pa sem na blagajni vprašal po teh kodah, ker ona prodajalka mi v osnovi ni nič ponudila.

Netrunner ::

Obe kodi oddani. Kdor gre v kino naj izrecno reče za kodo, ker očitno jo pozabijo dat.

slofreak7 ::

Baje da je full pomembno da imaš dober Keybinding. Sam sem trenutno noob in še nimam naštimanih vseh key-ev. Bi mi kdo prosil napisal katere keye vse potrebuješ in kateri so najboljši keyi za uporabo. Bil bi zelo hvaležen:)

barakus ::

Cist vseeno je.

shadeX ::

slofreak7 je izjavil:

Baje da je full pomembno da imaš dober Keybinding. Sam sem trenutno noob in še nimam naštimanih vseh key-ev. Bi mi kdo prosil napisal katere keye vse potrebuješ in kateri so najboljši keyi za uporabo. Bil bi zelo hvaležen:)

Vse na dosegu leve roke.



(Malo manj dostopni)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: shadeX ()

kr?en ::

slofreak7 je izjavil:

Baje da je full pomembno da imaš dober Keybinding. Sam sem trenutno noob in še nimam naštimanih vseh key-ev. Bi mi kdo prosil napisal katere keye vse potrebuješ in kateri so najboljši keyi za uporabo. Bil bi zelo hvaležen:)

Zbindas si tako kot tebi pase.

Jerry000 ::

Evo, igram 2 dni in me je navdušilo. Sicer igram 1-2 uri samo na dan but anyway :). So kakšne dobre strani o kakšnih buildih, tipsih,...? Katere kaj spremljate?

Dosan ::

Ahiles ::

IcyFox ::

Če bi kdo rad začel igrati, ugodno prodam Battlechest 6.0 v katerem dobite vse dosedaj izdane dodatke + 30 dni igralnega časa

buttplugs ::

IcyFox je izjavil:

Če bi kdo rad začel igrati, ugodno prodam Battlechest 6.0 v katerem dobite vse dosedaj izdane dodatke + 30 dni igralnega časa

3EUR pa roka.

IcyFox ::

Je čisto nova, še zapakirano. Sem kupil v neki trgovini, pa nisem vedel da ne moreš aktivirat na računo, ki že ima aktivno igro (se mi je zdelo cheap za 30 dni game tima)

Jerry000 ::

IcyFox je izjavil:

Če bi kdo rad začel igrati, ugodno prodam Battlechest 6.0 v katerem dobite vse dosedaj izdane dodatke + 30 dni igralnega časa

6.0 še ne obstaja, 5.0 je zadnja verzija in v trgovini so se za 7€ prodajal...tko da boš bolj malo dobil za to

IcyFox ::

6.0 obstaja, sem kupil 2 kopiji in ob inštalaciji napiše battlechest 6.0

ahac ::

Mislim, da zdaj pri vsakem dobiš vse expansione tako, da nima veze kakšen battlechest je.
Je pa res, da ni prav veliko vreden.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Jerry000 ::

Še eno vprašanje...kako plačujete naročnino? Mate kar avtomatsko al kupujete keye? In kje kupujete?
Meni tisto avtomatsko ne diši preveč...se to enostavno lahko prekini če kdaj ne bom igral kakšen mesec in pol nadaljujem?

SimplyMiha ::

Jaz pač prekinem takoj, ko plačam za tekoče obdobje, za slučaj, če me zbije avto, da ne bodo mogli sprazniti računa.

Jerry000 ::

Torej vedno kupiš in prekineš...vsaki mesec?

Dosan ::

Ali pa enostavno kupiš enkraten game time direkt na battlenet strani... https://eu.battle.net/shop/en/product/w...

Jerry000 ::

Ja, vidim da se bolj splača kupit in prekinit vsaki mesec (torej da se izbere avtomatika) pride ceneje vidim

Dosan ::

Kaj sanjaš? Cena je identična za subscription ali za single game time purchase.

30 Days - EUR 12.99
90 Days - EUR 35.97
180 Days - EUR 65.94

1 Month EUR 12.99/Month
3 Months EUR 11.99/Month (EUR 35.97 billed every 3 months. Save EUR 12.00/year.)
6 Months EUR 10.99/Month (EUR 65.94 billed every 6 months. Save EUR 24.00/year.)

1 mesec = 30 dni, vedno.

Jerry000 ::

Ah, pa res, zgleda da sem kako drugo valuto gledal

20 / 31

Vredno ogleda ...

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