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Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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oo7 ::

Predelava igre Fallout 4 prestavljena na naslednje leto


oo7 ::

Fallout 4 Horizon is basically a whole-new game you can play free now

Fallout 4: Horizon is the name of this expansion, and is a major overhaul to the gameplay and visuals, with a focus on Survival Mode. This is the extreme difficulty that makes enemies tougher, equipment weaker, and forces the player to keep track of their rest, hydration and more when exploring the Commonwealth. It's not for the faint of heart, and the Horizon expansion makes it even harder.

Če koga zanima MOD si lahko posname tukaj - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

oo7 ::

Velik MOD Fallout London za igro Fallout 4 izide 23 aprila 2024.

Fallout London - Official Release Announcement

Fallout: London is a DLC-sized mod for Bethesda's Fallout 4. As a continuation of the base game, the mod will allow the player to visit the previously unexplored post-apocalyptic environment of London.

DejchSLO ::

Verjetno sam PC a ne?

oo7 ::

DejchSLO je izjavil:

Verjetno sam PC a ne?

Mislim, da bo samo za PC ja.

oo7 ::

Nekaj podrobnosti o Fallout London MODu

V 4 letih je na MODu delalo okoli 200 prostovoljcev

V Londonu bo mogoče raziskati lokacije kot so Bromley, Camden, City of London, Croydon, Eastminster, Greenwich, Hackney, Islington, Lambeth, Lewisham, Newham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth, Westminster.

Velikost MOD London bo Commonwealth + Far Harbour

V igri bo 121 različnega orožja.

74 novih pesmi katere se bo poslušalo preko radia

53 glavnih kvestov, 35 stranskih kvestov, 25 frakcijskih kvestov in 64 drugih nalog.

7 kompanjonov med njimi tudi britanski pes.

Posneli so 90 000 linij dialoga to je 1,5x več kot jih ima Fallout New Vegas.

DejchSLO ::

Aja btw ker od teh treh uradnih DLCjev za igranje se dejansko splača preigrat za F4?

oo7 ::

DejchSLO je izjavil:

Aja btw ker od teh treh uradnih DLCjev za igranje se dejansko splača preigrat za F4?

Fallout 4: Far Harbor je dober DLC in se ga vsekakor splača preigrat.

DejchSLO ::

Kul, bom pomoje nabavil, ko končam F4. Sam ne vem kdaj bo to, ker me je zdaj RDR2 čist zaposlil, tko da sam to igram in nič drugega, ko si vzamem čas za igrat.:)

matobeli ::

Vse se splača preigrat, ne ravno da se za vse splača plačat polno ceno... za preigrat so pa čisto ok.

oo7 ::

DLC Nuka World me je kar razočaral kolikor se spomnim. Sploh mapa mi ni bila všeč razen okolice zunaj parka.

oo7 ::

Če še kdo nima igre Fallout 4 je treutno na Steamu samo 6,59 eur.

oo7 ::

What to Expect From the Fallout Franchise in 2024


oo7 ::

Fallout London Will Be Fallout 4's "Icing On the Cake"; Developer Wants To Create A Full Game


oo7 ::

[4K60] Fallout 4 ultra modded with 300+ mods | Beyond all limits CompleteRT I PredCaliber Modlist

DejchSLO ::

Sej bo mal glupo vprašanje sam zakaj hodi z FAMASom okol v videu? :D

oo7 ::

DejchSLO je izjavil:

Sej bo mal glupo vprašanje sam zakaj hodi z FAMASom okol v videu? :D

Ker uporablja MOD za FAMAS puško :)

oo7 ::

Za igro Fallout 4 delajo MOD Fallout 2 remake

Fallout 4: Project Arroyo aims to recreate and reimagine Fallout 2 in the Creation Engine of Fallout 4

FALLOUT 2 REMAKE - Locations Trailer [Project Arroyo]

DejchSLO ::

Odlično! Škoda, da bo to samo na PCju...

oo7 ::

Fallout: London - Final Progress Video 2024

Še dva mesca :)

oo7 ::

Fallout SPECIAL Anthology Edition Launches on April 11

oo7 ::

Če bi kdo rad malo bolj grozljivo izkušnjo s Fallout 4.

MOD In the flesh - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

This Mod Is Terrifying - In The Flesh | Fallout 4 Mods

oo7 ::

Še slab mesec, do izida Fallout 4 London :)

MOD London za Fallout 4 delajo od leta 2019.

Mapa Londona bo skoraj tako velika kot mapa v Fallout 4.

Posneli so 90 000 linij pogovorov.

In MOD bo popolnoma zastonj samo imeti moraš igro Fallout 4.

Bo kdo igral ? :D

oo7 ::

Še 23 dni :D

Fallout: London is set in 2237, placing it between the events of Fallout 1 and 2.
The story begins after a lab break-in, where the player must escape to the surface.
There will be a number of new factions vying for control of London during the story.

Fallout: London has been in development since 2019. It will have a main map around the same size as Fallout 4, with its five smaller hub areas combining to be roughly the same size as the Far Harbor DLC.

Počasi bo treba spet inštalirati Fallout 4 :)

matobeli ::

Ne sam inštalirat, še GPU bo treba spet navabit :))

oo7 ::

Saj če ti je delal Fallout 4 ti bo moral tudi London, ker je delano na istem pogonu.

matobeli ::

Tistega GPUja ni več, ko sem prešpilal vse dodatke in kasneje še Metro Exodus je šel v prodajo.

Čakam trenutno da padejo cene 27" oled gaming monitorjem. Sem si po Metro Exodus rekel da nima smisla porabit nobenega dobrega špila več. Ampak za F4L bom verjetno naredil izjemo. Če sem že vse v seriji dal skoz na raznoraznih kantah od zaslonov, bo pa tudi ta dodatek šel skoz.

DejchSLO ::

jah jz bi ga igral, sam tole ne bo na PS4, laptop je pa prešvoh za tole. res škoda.

Furbo ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Še 23 dni :D

Če ne bodo skladno z izzidom TV serije 11.4. končno lansirali Fallout 4 next gen patch in pokvarili vse mode. :))
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

oo7 ::

matobeli je izjavil:

Tistega GPUja ni več, ko sem prešpilal vse dodatke in kasneje še Metro Exodus je šel v prodajo.

Čakam trenutno da padejo cene 27" oled gaming monitorjem. Sem si po Metro Exodus rekel da nima smisla porabit nobenega dobrega špila več. Ampak za F4L bom verjetno naredil izjemo. Če sem že vse v seriji dal skoz na raznoraznih kantah od zaslonov, bo pa tudi ta dodatek šel skoz.

Za F4 je minimalna zahteva NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti.
Jaz sem preigral na GTX 970 F4. London pa bom na RTX 3060TI.

oo7 ::

DejchSLO je izjavil:

jah jz bi ga igral, sam tole ne bo na PS4, laptop je pa prešvoh za tole. res škoda.

Ja trenutno nimajo planov, da MOD naredijo za konzole. Trenutno je prioriteta PC.

oo7 ::

Furbo je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Še 23 dni :D

Če ne bodo skladno z izzidom TV serije 11.4. končno lansirali Fallout 4 next gen patch in pokvarili vse mode. :))

Ne upajo :)
Sigurno se bo dalo vrniti igro na staro verzijo kjer bodo modi delovali ne bodo naredili tako kto so pri witcher 3. Vsaj upam, da ne.

matobeli ::

Mal da se spet v filing pade :D

Intensely Authentic

oo7 ::

Dobro posnet kratek film.

oo7 ::

One of the biggest Fallout modding projects in years is about to release, and if it goes wrong it could 'kill the Fallout modding scene'


oo7 ::

V izdelavi MOD Fallout 2 remake. MOD se bo igral preko igre Fallout 4.

FALLOUT 2 REMAKE - Remake vs Original Comparison

Ampak bo potrebno na izid MOD-a počakati še nekaj časa.

oo7 ::

"Attack of the Lobotomites!" - Fallout 4 Mod Release Trailer

Če koga zanima ta MOD attack of the lobotomites - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods...

V tem modu - one-hour long dungeon with 4 unique hard bosses, 3 endings and new weapons

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Fallout Cascadia :D

Fallout 4 Mod To Be Almost as Big as Fallout 3 in Land Area, with More Content Than Far Harbor

One such undertaking is Fallout Cascadia. This Fallout 4 mod is meant to be an entirely separate adventure from the main game, set in a retro-futuristic post-apocalyptic version of Seattle and the surrounding areas.

The scale of this project is a land area that is just a bit smaller than Fallout 3, but more quests and locations than Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC. We currently have approximately 18 members working on this project to the bring the Pacific Northwest to the world of Fallout. Work on this mod began six months ago, and has intensified with the release of the Creation Kit. Inside the mod, players will find new quests that challenge them mentally and morally, locations that tell a story, and factions that are vying for control. Please consider followinng us on any and all our outlets, as we have much more to share as the project matures, and the release date begins to comes closer.
Fallout Cascadia is definitely a huge project and one that won't be completed anytime soon. The good news is that it will be completely free; a few more details were shared in the official FAQ.

When will this release?
Every time someone asks, we push the date back by one week. Seriously though, that is something really hard to estimate. The project is made entirely of volunteers who are free to come and go. They work on it at their leisure when they have time. The expected release is several years away. Sorry, we can't be more specific at this time.

Will this mod come to consoles?
Our plan is to make this available to as many people as possible. The Nexus website has been the primary release site for most of our team's individual projects in the past. We plan to release there, and on Bethesda.net for PC/PS4/XB1 so as to make it available to as many people as possible. At this time however, we cannot guarantee it will work on consoles.

Any special requirements to run?
Our plan is to make this mod run on any machine that runs Fallout 4, without any additional script extenders, or additional mods. However, we are currently considering adding a requirement to own the DLC to run our mod. The resources contained in the DLC could greatly enhance the quality and the speed of the creation of our project. More details will come later.

Do I have to start a new save?
Yes. Our adventure is completely separate from the main game. It begins before the intro movie and character creation even start. You will not be able to travel between the Pacific Northwest and the Commonwealth. This is a design choice (but if you really want to, a simple mod will likely make it possible).

What is the setting?
This mod takes place several decades after the events of Fallout 3/NV/4. The city of Seattle is the main hub of the game. Many locations of the game focus around the city proper, including certain fair grounds, public markets, and other famous locations. The game will also include other locations to the west and south, including Mercer Island, Redmond, Bellevue, forested areas and airports. The project makes an effort to make the world a believable and alive one.

Še en velik MOD o katerem sem prvič pisal že pred 8 leti :)

Fallout: Cascadia | Spring 2024 Environmental Showcase

Fallout: Cascadia is an upcoming total conversion mod for Fallout 4 on PC

Izid MOD-a pa še vedno ni znan. Bo treba še počakati.

oo7 ::

Upam,d a tole ne bo vplivalo na London mod ? :|

Fallout 4 Current Gen Update Adds Quality, 60fps Modes on PS5/XSX, PC Also Getting Upgrades

The Fallout Amazon TV series debuted last night, and to follow up on the hype, Bethesda will be releasing a long-awaited next/current-gen update for Fallout 4. On PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, that means players will now have access to a both a Quality mode and a 60fps Performance mode.


yoco ::

Kdaj pride ta update?

oo7 ::

yoco je izjavil:

Kdaj pride ta update?

The proper next-gen console versions and PC update arrive on April 25.

London pa 23 aprila.

yoco ::

oo7 je izjavil:

yoco je izjavil:

Kdaj pride ta update?

The proper next-gen console versions and PC update arrive on April 25.

London pa 23 aprila.

Tenx! Me prav zanima kakšen update bo! :)

oo7 ::

We are also releasing a free Fallout 4 update for PC players! Experience Fallout 4 on your next-generation PC with widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, as well as fixes to Creation Kit and a variety of quest updates.

Players with PC versions of Fallout 4 on Steam, Microsoft Store and GOG will receive stability, mods and bug fixes. For Japanese and Chinese language players on PC, Bethesda.net login issues have been resolved, fixing access to mods.

Alongside this exciting update, Fallout 4 will be available to purchase on the Epic Games Store.

Fallout 4 will also be Steam Deck verified.

Več informacij tukaj - https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article...

Furbo ::

Sem upal, da bo update danes, da spet preigram zadevo, pa tudi če brez modov, ki jih bo tole zagotovo pokvarilo.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

oo7 ::

Men se pa ne gre kaj veliko trenutno za update bolj čakam na London.

oo7 ::

Fallout London prestavljen ;(( zato, ker je Bethesda napovedala update.

Mislim 9 let so imeli pri Bethesdi čas in gredo potem napovedati ta update ravno takrat kot bi moral iziti London.

Kurzweil ::

Mogoče pa je to le "izgovor", da si kupijo še kakšen dan... sej vemo kako je s temi deadlini... sploh ko gre za RPGje... ta Fallout London je dodatek za Fallout 4 s strani fanov? Mogoče sprašujem neumnosti, ampak res ne spremljam zadeva že nek čas... sem pa od 1. dela do 4. dela vse preigral... well, preveč...

oo7 ::

Kurzweil je izjavil:

Mogoče pa je to le "izgovor", da si kupijo še kakšen dan... sej vemo kako je s temi deadlini... sploh ko gre za RPGje... ta Fallout London je dodatek za Fallout 4 s strani fanov? Mogoče sprašujem neumnosti, ampak res ne spremljam zadeva že nek čas... sem pa od 1. dela do 4. dela vse preigral... well, preveč...

Ja Fallout London je MOD za igro Fallout 4 katerega delajo fani.
Bethesda je celo nekatere te ljudi že zaposlila pri sebi in še več jih vabi med svoje vrste. Torej nekaj moradjo delati prav :)

Fallout London bo zelo velik MOD mapa bo v velikosti mape Fallout 4 in za igro so poseli več kot 90 000 linij pogovorov.
Mod delajo že več kot 5 let.

MOD London se že dlje časa ve, da naj bi izšel aprila letos čeprav so pred kratkim povedali točni datum se pravi april 23.
Bethesda pa je napovedala pred nekaj dnevi, da update izide 25 aprila.

In seveda zaradi tega update MOD lahko, da ne bo deloval pravilno zato morajo popravljati.

Zdaj samo upam, da bo ta Fallout 4 update res vreden, da ne bo na koncu samo malo kozmetičnih popravkov, ker drugače nj gredo nekam po domače povedano.

oo7 ::

Je pa Fallout 4 igra trenutno spet bolj popularna če gledamo št igralcev.
Npr od januarja letos pa do aprila od 15-25k igralcev na Steamu. Sedaj, ko je izšla TV serija ima igra že več kot 58k igralcev pa še več jih bo, ko izide 25 aprila tisti update.

Največje število Fallout 4 igralcev na Steamu je bilo ob izidu igre leta 2015 - 471k igralcev.

oo7 ::

Fallout London - Next-Gen Update Announcement

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