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Doom III

Doom III

3 / 25

Zheegec ::

Malo bolj natančno:
CPU: 800 MHZ - 1 GHZ
GeForce 3 TI/ATi 9600 Pro

GeForce 4 TI 4400/4600/ATi 9700/Pro

CPU: 2.5 GHZ - 2.8 GHZ
GeForce 5800FX/5900FX/ATi 9800 Pro
RAM: 786-1024 MB RAM
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Klemenn ::

huh..only standard? :'(

Tr0n ::

Heh, tukaj omenjen standard bo komaj kaj laufal solidno na 800x600 in medium quality.

Here's some phun.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

morphling1 ::

Hehe, dobri štosi :D
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Klemenn ::

tudi jaz sovražim ko se mi zgodi zadnja slikica :D

(sic) ::


Jaz pa niti ne :)
Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

Vem da ni dlih z doom3 povezan sam bo pa isti engine Q4 (muhaha)
Tuki je rar probite ga cim prej dobit preden link crkne ma pa ene 40 slikc notr.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Ahiles ::

Aja pa glede min sistema:

With all the hubbub floating around the net lately about what would and what wouldn't run DOOM³, we decided to bring an end to the system requirement confusion and contact the main man, John Carmack, himself. Here is the official word on the minimum system configuration you'll need to run Doom³.
GF1 or Radeon 7xxx series card

Don't expect to run it fabulous with that system setup , but everything will be playable at least.

Toj ze ene 3-4 dni stara novica drgac.

Klemenn ::

hm no..če boš mogel met za max performanse tole:

CPU: 2.5 GHZ - 2.8 GHZ
GeForce 5800FX/5900FX/ATi 9800 Pro
RAM: 786-1024 MB RAM

potem bo hudič..čeprov..velikrat se mi je zdelo, da softwer ne dohiteva hardwera..bo zdaj drugače?

Tr0n ::

Even more phun.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Tr0n ::

Yay @ Quake4 concept art! 8-O

Fury ::

OMFG! Tale concept je pa res cist hud 8-O 8-O 8-O

MrX ::

GF1 or Radeon 7xxx series card

Ahiles ::

Zdej sem najdu se ene 14 novih slik od q4 k niso bli v raru jih bom 1x dal gor k bom mel cajt.

(sic) ::


Tole je komentar enega od moderatorjev na Ravenovem forumu, kjer je en hotel izvedeti ali so fake ali ne:

Links and Descussion about the leaked Q4 art are not alowed here.

Torej. Niso fake!

Še nekaj zanimivih linkov:

Tole so vsi leakani screenshoti

Pa še nekaj "zanimivega", kar samo povdari, da to SO screenshoti iz Quake IV;
Tole je sc mailov, ki jih je dobil tip, ki je na Q3W objavil te slike:

Fuck you all!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: (sic) ()

Fury ::

no, samo upam da se zavedate da so tiste slikce (renderji) modelov slikce tistih hipoly verzij k se jih pol oskub, ne tistih finalnih.. ker ce pogledas na eni sliki sem zihr se vid da pise 200000 polys kar je za en model ibr velik :)

(sic) ::

Ja, doh...

Mislim, da sem nekaj časa nazaj objavil ene screenshote modelov iz Doom 3 v Mayi. Kocka na kocki :)

D3 engine ni zasnovam na hitrosti ampak bolj na pametnih rešitvah. Recimo Unreal ima modele z 5-6000 poligoni, D3 pa z 3-4000 pa še vedno zgledajo veliko boljše.
Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

Made up, ampak vseeno smesna zgodbica.

No one is looking foward to the release of Doom III more than Greg Tanner. Greg, a 27-year-old computer gamer, intends to quit his job, sell his car, and break-up with his girlfriend when iD Software's new first-person action game is released.

(sic) ::

Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

Doom3 modeli bojo okol 3-7k uni pajki vrjetn ne bojo rabl dlih velik poligonov na drugi strani bojo pa ksni bosi k bojo mel mrbit celo vec k 7k pac bo soba bol taka arenska pa bojo dal lohka vecjega bosa notr.

Ja v unem raru so se tiste slike o katerih sem govoru ene 14 novih k jih v prejsnem raru ni blo.

Dlih carovnija Doomq3/Q4 engina je da te modele k majo tud po miljon poligonov pol predela v like 3-7k vendar potem v spilu zgledajo skoraj enaki.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

(sic) ::

Ja, saj takšni modeli ne bodo v igri. To so samo high-res modeli iz katerih se dela normal map. Ta model pa spravijo dol na kakšnih 4k poligonov, pa se mu pozneje doda tisti normal map pa potem v igri zgleda kot tale tu. Glede na ta model se pozneje v igri tudi računa vso osvetljevanje in senčenje.
Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

(sic) Vsi liki ne bojo mel isto stevilo poligov ker bojo tud bo 10x vecji od najmansih posasti. Np uni pajki z glavo nevem ce bojo tud 4k poligonov rabl prej ene 2-3k na drugi strani bojo pa ksne bosse z vecjim stevilom poligonov dal tako da bos mel okol 3-do ene 7k poligonov seveda bojo to v beta fazi se igral pa gledal kolk lohka povecajo da se ne pozna prevc na speedu pa da zgleda cool v spilu. Tud ce pogledas te risbe od q4 so nekateri boosi tud 5x vecji od marinca in ce bi blo isto stevilo poligonov kot marinc bi bla kocka.

Tr0n ::

Kot zgleda Doom-a III se letos ne bomo igrali. Here's the deal:

Sad news for all you guys looking forward to DOOM3, looks like we wont be seeing any DOOM3 this Christmas despite what those posters were saying at E3 2002. Grrr! The HomeLAN guys spotted the updated Activision release calendar in addition to the quarterly financial conference call. DOOM3 is pencilled in for fiscal year 2005 now (but thats just for financial stuff, it means Jan - March 2004). DOOM3 will be done "when its done". A bit more from the HomeLAN story:

Activision also had other game titles that were announced as being delayed, including True Crime: Streets of LA, which will be delayed from September until later in the fall of 2003 and the Gray Matter first person shooter Trinity which will be moved into sometime into the fiscal year 2005 (which begins on April of 2004). Activision also announced that Rome: Total War, the console Call of Duty game and Quake IV are all currently scheduled to be released in the fiscal 2005 time period. Activision execs also speculated during the conference call's Q&A session that they believe that the successors to the current game consoles won't show up until late 2005 at the earliest.


bf4ed ::

:| pa sem se že veselil da bo letos. :|

Pa jao na q4 pa že 2, 5 leta čakam ;((


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • polepsalo: OwcA ()

(sic) ::

During the conference call, the execs stated that for planning purposes they have Doom III pencilled in for the fourth quarter 2004 fiscal year (Jan-March 2004) but added that id Software, not Activision, dictates when the game will finally be released. !!!!!!!
Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

Idak da nima Activision pri datumu nic no pri ksnih drugih manjsih firmah mrbit lohka kej vpliva. Pri ID k se pol folka vrjetn z ferariji voz pa sam zarad uzitka delajo spile pa ne morjo nic vsilt.

Tako da bo vrjetn ko bojo koncal bojo sam tist master cd dal Activisionu ta nej pa nastanca cdje pa svoje naredi tko da vrjetnost da bo game letos je kr velika kajti ID se niti 1x ni zamudu Q4 relisa vse spile so relisal konc leta najraje decembra potem je november pa en spil se mi zdi da oktobra al septembra.

Edin kar me mal vznemirja je to da so to novico objavl na skor vseh vecjih pagih na netu tudi na tistih kjer novice vcasih komentirajo ljudje iz ID in sem pricakoval ksn post v stilu "2003 still on" al pa kej podobnega.

Je pa Pat Duffy ki ma cez uac page pa tiste kode ki jih je dal vsake tolk cajta na page rekel da bo do starta strani se ena koda "kar lohka pomeni start strani nekje v 3 mesecih". Page bo uporabljen za relise kot so demo, popravki, slike etc..

Vse dosedanje resitve kod.

Tr0n ::

So big up to HomeLan for drawing our attention to Activision's conference call. Announced in this conference was that Doom 3 would not be released this year. This comes from id apparently.

Voodoo Extreme

Tr0n ::

Aja, pa druge igre so tudi predstavli. Tak da, moznost obstaja.

Ja, pa to da niso nikjer komentirali, niti na /., shacku,... je tudi dodaten dokaz.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

(sic) ::

Naj si vzamejo toliko časa kot ga potrebujejo, da bodo igro dokončali in da bo zadovoljila njihove potrebe. Bom pa počakal na QC kjer se bo vedelo več.
Fuck you all!!!

Ahiles ::

Kokr sem poslusu recejo sam

During the conference call, the execs stated that for planning purposes they have Doom III pencilled in for the fourth quarter 2004 fiscal year (Jan-March 2004) but added that id Software, not Activision, dictates when the game will finally be released.

Pa nic drugega tisto so potem dodale razne druge strani. Oz nisem poslusal vsega 1 uro al kolk un traja ampak sam tist del o doom3.

URL Do posnetka

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

(sic) ::

Ja, saj to sem pastal. Ker ne vem od kje je TrOn dobil tisto "dodatno".
Fuck you all!!!

Tr0n ::

Na VE3D.

bf4ed ::

Ma glavno ko pride da bo igra kak treba napravljena.

Najbolj me raspizdi ko napravijo igro za ps2 pa ta sranja pa potem izdajo še pc verzijo katera je tak slabo napravljena da niti ne moreš drugo nastavljat kak resolucijo, ali pa še ko maš nekaj ko ti napiše kaj moreš pritisni ti napiše da pritisni to pa to tipko na konzoli potem pa samo gledaš kaj naj pritisneš.;((

Igre na quake pogonu pa itak rasturajo!>:D 8-)

(sic) ::


Mah, to so tisti Japonski developerji, ki nekaj na hitro skup spacajo pa po možnosti vse še vnaprej renderirajo, da potem otroki na konzolah grejo wow, ko zagledajo. Čisti primer slabe predelave je bil THPS3 in GTA3. Oba temeljita na istem enginu (in mislim, da je oba predelal Gearbox - vsaj THPS3 je), ki pa je za PC tako slabo predelan, da je GTA štekal na najboljših mašinah izgleda pa kot Quake 2 :)
No, za Vice City so se malo bolj potrudili.

Igre na quake pogonu pa itak rasturajo!

To pa zato, ker je Quake engine tako drag (250.000 $), da si ga ne morejo privoščiti za neko bullshit igro, ki ne bo pokrila niti stroške izdelave...
Fuck you all!!!

bf4ed ::

Predvsem sem mislil na konzolo v quake pogonu ko si lahko naštimaš kaj se spomniš, no skoraj vse.:D

Ahiles ::

Nerds To Play Doom 3 (2:10 am)
Doom 3 - Posted by Linguica - 5 Comments

More or less. Activision sent out a press release this morning advertising the news that at this year's annual QuakeCon, attendees will have the chance to partake in some presumably-four-way shadowy deathmatch action. Doom at a Quake convention? Has the world gone mad? To wit:

Santa Monica, CA – July 24, 2003 – Prepare for DOOM 3™! id Software™ and Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) are bringing DOOM 3 to QuakeCon 2003. The world’s most legendary multiplayer gaming event will host the first-ever opportunity for fans to play DOOM 3 multiplayer. In Dallas at the Adam’s Mark Hotel from Aug. 14 – 17, QuakeCon attendees will go toe-to-toe at the Activision/id Software booth in the ultimate sneak preview of the most anticipated game ever.

“What better way to celebrate QuakeCon than to unveil to our fans a preview of DOOM 3 multiplayer,” said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. “While everyone knows that DOOM 3 is the most terrifying and scary single player experience ever created, multiplayer delivers the intense competitive action that our fans can count on. It’s a natural to debut the DOOM 3 multiplayer experience at QuakeCon, the world’s preeminent fan-based multiplayer gaming event.”

QuakeCon attendees will have the chance to play DOOM 3’s four-player Deathmatch on a level co-developed by id Software and U.K.-based developer Splash Damage, Ltd. Splash Damage has most recently worked with id Software on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and will be co-developing DOOM 3’s multiplayer levels.

So if you're going, get ready to set phasers to fun! Tie up those jaws so they don't hit the floor! Break out the kleenex to wipe up the drool! Or something.

Tr0n ::


Ahiles ::

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

kuglvinkl ::

Audi fani za ID ne štejejo. ;)
Your focus determines your reallity

(sic) ::

id Software and Activision have just announced that Splash Damage is co-developing Doom 3™’s multiplayer levels with id Software, a preview of which will be on show at QuakeCon 2003

Tole je verjetno razlog zakaj Doom 3 šele 2004.
Fuck you all!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: (sic) ()

Ahiles ::

Bah ne da se mi z mojim besedam pisat se pa strinjam stemu 100%


Okay, I have now read everything in every forum regarding this Activistion nonsense and I have drawn my own conclusions. They are as follows:

Activision has never been given a release date for Doom so they cannot put it on their projections for this year until id give them the go-ahead. I believe they are covering their backs in case the worst happens and the game is put back a few more months. In the event that the game is released before Christmas, I guess all that Activision will do is update their projection/release lists.
The matter that their share price has gone down isn't that relevant, BUT, why release a game after Christmas when everybody is smashed broke until March. Shitty sales compared to the Christmas boom.
Activision are not developing this game and id can tell them to piss-off at any point so why should Activision ruin possibly one of their bigges clients by pissing them off and pressurising them for a release date? What do they do? They cover their backs by announcing that they don't think it will be out this year. They never said it wouldn't for definite!!!!

The amount of speculation and the tendancy to blow things way out of proportion for this game is unique. We have never seen hype like this before. I stand firmly on the ground that the release date will be in or around December 9th. When it's done folks.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing much has changed, only maybe the fact that we are even more anxious than we were before.

Tr0n ::

(sic): Zelo malo verjetno. Verjetneje je zamenjava Trent Reznorja razlog. Ali pa se jim ne da vec delat na single player zgodbi, ker vsi multi nabijajo ;).

Ahiled: Ze, ze. Ampak na VE3D recimo pise, da zadeva prihaja od id-a. Sicer bo pa vec znanega v casu QuakeCona.

Ahiles ::

Tr0n ma tisto je avtor sam dodal kar pa ni res da je od ID sem celo konferenco poslusal in omenjo doom3 sam v 1 stavku pa se tist v stilu "when is done" Uradne besede od ID ni blo nobene se nikjer tud folk k je mail poslal ni nic se dobu. Uraden odgovor bo vrjetn okol quake cona k bojo razni govri etc JC nej bi mel spet govor tko kot vsako leto pa folk ga pol 1 uro razna vrpasanja sprasuje upam da bo lotes kdo to prenasal lansko leto so zajebal vse skup.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ahiles ()

Ahiles ::

bf4ed ::

Ja ja, dosadni ste že s temi slikami.>:D

Tr0n ::

Nah, keep them coming!

FireSpit ::

dosadni ste ze s tem doom-om
Burn, bleed all the lives of life,
ascend to The sky.

Tr0n ::

Nah, more Doom!

Klemenn ::


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Klemenn ()
3 / 25

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