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Tr0n ::

Mythos je bil v originalu misljen kot network/server stress test za Hellgate: Londom, ampak se je dokaj hitro razvil v svojo igro. Free, online, Diablo-like (nekateri mu pravijo tudi Diablo 3) igra z ogromno itemi, skilli, instancami in vse kar pac spada v hack & slay kategorijo.

Trenutno je v beta fazi, zato so potrebna povabila. Cool spilcek! :)

Uradna stran

  • zavaroval slike: Mavrik ()

strictom ::

Massively Multiplayer Online Hack'n'Slash?

To je, like recept za zabijanje po 3k ur :D
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

Tac20 ::

Kje pa se da dobiti povabilo:)

strictom ::

Na njihovi strani imaš obrazec za oddajo emaila.

Če dobiš na mejl kaj mi povej :)
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

Tr0n ::

Trenutno najhitrejsa pot do beta invajta je obisk na njihovem IRC kanalu (irc.forthegamers.org, #mythos). Nato posljete PM userju G-15 s prosnjo za beta invite ter pripisete se vas email. GL.

ahac ::

Hm... ko sem igral se mi je zdelo dost ponavljajoče in sem se naveličal, ampak od takrat je verjetno bilo že dost dodanega.

Čeprav... še vedno je Mythos dost boljša igra kot Hellgate: London. :O
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Je kdo zato, da naredimo ST guild? Povejte vasa in-game imena v ta post.

strictom ::

Mi lahko kdo zdila kak invajt na andrej.ferk@gmail.com?

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

strictom ::

Ima kdo mogoče kak mal DL link k ni 15kbs?
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

Tr0n ::

Zal nimam vec instalacijskega fajla (je samo okoli 300 mb), tako da bi se moral hitro downloadat.

Sem pa ugotovil, da rabis 5 golda za kreacijo guilda, kar pa je kr precej denarja.

Moj in-game, ce me zeli kdo dodat v Friends listo: Troncek.

bozjak ::

ce kdo lahko zrihta kaksn invajt bi se tud jst pridruzu bozjakNO@SPAMgmail.com . Sm se sicer prijavil na strani za beto ampak se ocitno nc ne dogaja, tko da ce lahko kdo mal pospesi postopek bi bil zlo hvalezen. Lp

Tr0n ::

bozjak: Bi moral dobit aktivacijski mail.

bozjak ::

najlepsa hvala, ze dljam. Se vidimo v igri ;)


bozjak ::

sem zacel igrati in moram priznati, da sem navdusen!

Sem trenutno lvl4 bloodletter, ce me zeli kdo dodati pod friende da kaksno skupaj zaspilamo, sem Rekreativc.


T-Majo ::

Screen shoti so full dobri.

Sm že dal mail za beta povabilo. A to je neke vrste brezplačen Wow?

Tr0n ::

Brezplacna mesanica Titan Questa, Diablota in malce Guild Warsa. Tako nekako. :)

Tr0n ::

Sorry za vceraj bozjak. Party limit je zgleda samo 5 v prvem mestu. :|

T-Majo ::

Tr0n, js bi pa invajt mel :D

Lahko ti to nekako urediš? Sem dal not ''prošnjo'' pa nism nič dobu.

Tr0n ::

Na tisti IRC kanal idi, ki je zgoraj napisan pa bos dobo hitreje.

T-Majo ::

Kdaj smo to uporabljali. Še s konektat se več ne znam :8)

edit1 Noče se povezat z irc serverjem. Port je privzeti?

edit2 /connect irc.forthegamers.org

** /connect: not connected to server

Mal sm že pozabu kak te stvari grejo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: T-Majo ()

bozjak ::

uf lepo slisat da ste vceri vsaj vi uzival.

Meni iz neznanega razloga ne prikazuje grafike (ozadja, igralno je v teoriji vseeno) tako da upam da se bo kej postimalo (kot je bilo naroceno sem objavil svoj dxdiaf file na uradnem forumu tako da upam na kaksen pameten nasvet ;))

Cim bo zadeva postimana pridem igrat ker mi je zadeva res vsec. Lp

Tr0n ::

/server irc.forthegamers.org
/j #mythos

T-Majo ::

@G ali G-15?

Osebe G-15 ni v sobi.

Že downloadam :D

Hvala Tr0n.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: T-Majo ()

Tac20 ::

Sicer me ni bilo doma, ampak sem 18.12. takoj dobil invite na mail, bom instaliral in potem malo pokomentiram, naceloma bi mogla biti odlicna:)

Evil mind ::

Še kdo igra? Jst sem po dolgem času se spomnil na tole igro in jo dal DLjat ker me zanima kako kej zgleda.

strictom ::

Rata bedna. Ne daje MMO priokusa in na koncu postane samo en navaden hack'n'slash.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

RedStar ::

Če ima še kdo kaki invite se priporočam. :)

NorK ::

Če ima kdo kak invite, bi ga lahko tudi prodal. Zanimanja za to igro je kar nekaj, povabil pa zaenkrat nekako ni. Ta naj bi prišla v marcu, tako da bo potrebno še malo potrpet.:D

ahac ::

Poslan invite RedStarju.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

NorK ::

Ima kdo še kakega? :D

RedStar ::

Najlepša hvala ahac. 8-)

ahac ::

Imam še, Kitoslav. :))
Sporoči mi tvoj mail (v osebnih podatkih ga nimaš)... pa da se zmeniva za plačilo. A 10€ bo ok cena? :P ;)
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Izsel Zone 3. Dodali so se crafting, luck, PvP, pa se kaj se bi naslo.

Tr0n ::

Se lista vseh novosti, ce koga zanima.


Back by popular demand… We would like to re-introduce PVP to Mythos! Each zone will have access to a Shadowlands portal which allows you to switch to an all-PVP world (even in town!) where you can aggress against other players at any time. Tread carefully for if you fall it means you drop one random piece of your equipped loot. Killing low-level players will increase your Anarchy rating, and you will drop more loot when killed - other players can see your Anarchy rating visually, so watch out! Additionally, much more of the world is shared in small instances. You can potentially run into other players anywhere. Note: Monsters respawn in these regions.

For those that wish to live on the edge we also offer a Shadowlands Only mode which is available at character creation. This will flag your character permanently for PVP and can not be changed back so choose this option wisely.

We have added in the ability to duel others. There is no risk with dueling other then feelings getting hurt and bragging rights! To challenge another player to a duel type /duel – or click on the quote bubble above another players head and choose “duel” from the radial menu, just like when you trade or whisper another person. Low level zombies are available for people to kill to summon minions. No experience or money will be awarded for killing these.

Mail System
Tired of waiting for your friend to login to give him some items you have been saving? Wait no more… just mail those items them! The mail system is the first step to moving towards the auction system being in place. The mail system will allow players to send and receive messages, items and money to anyone, including your own characters!

Introducing an all new crafting system with hundreds of recipes, harvestable ingredients, ingredient refinement, a full Crafting skill tree, and a unique risk-based system of crafting. No grind! There are also crafting quests. For more information on crafting click here http://forums.mythos.com/showthread.php...

* Crafters will now have a separate crafting ingredient backpack to prevent clutter.
* Crafting has a separate Respec option with the same rules

User Interface

* WASD control in Advanced Camera mode is now available!
* Instance switching via dropdown menu in towns
* Autorun can now be keymapped
* Ignore Targets key - hold down this button to force yourself to ignore interaction or attack
* Key/Button remapping
* Chat/Automap background opacity control
* Chat bubbles above other players’ heads
* Advanced Camera mode - play behind the shoulder, or rotate your camera! ( Accessible via the options menu )
* Red health warning when health is low - visible at screen borders
* Quest Tracking and Buffs/Debuffs slide over when panes are open to remain visible
* Bottom HUD Health/Mana elements sized up and moved
* Hide Headgear option
* Automap Zoom settings persist after restarting the game
* Improved Vanity camera
* Recompressed all UI textures for crisper UI
* Fixed improper click area on dropdown menus


* Armor and Trinkets now have sockets. Socketables provide different effects based upon what they are added to.


* New race – Cyclops!
* All races now get some mild racial bonuses
* Human Male beards
* Improved several wardrobe textures, and fixed several wardrobe problems ( Female Gremlin Gadgeteer shoulders, for instance )

Grouping and Combat

* Increased party XP scaling
* Hirelings respawn with you when you die
* Investing in the Skill Tree tiers gives you bonuses to core stats, with different breakdowns by class
* Skyship travel gated by level
* Monsters rendering behind walls are colored 'Red' for hostile
* Several new 'group' potions that can be tossed into a crowd (Group Heal, Group Antidote, etc.) as well as bandages which heal slowly over time even after health is maxed.
* Removed Respec cap, but cost doubles each time. Respecs remain disallowed in Hardcore and Elite

Zones and Quests

* Vin Graves now has a cool boss fight in Zone 2
* All outdoor regions now have border filler, so that you don't see black edges
* Monsters properly respect line-of-sight in outdoor regions when rendering
* Units fade smoothly in and out of view, instead of popping
* Raven behaviors fixed – less crazy
* Elite difficulty increased
* Monster density increased in most dungeons
* Hardcore resurrection exploit fixed
* Balanced monster gold drops


* Alt-Tabbing the game will not turn areas black
* New and improved skies
* Tons of optimization - the game should run substantially better for many players, hopefully
* Particles now dynamically throttle based on framerate to keep things running smoothly
* Nice new loading screens - lots more of them too
* Fixed several shadow rendering cutoff problems
* Loads of new sounds
* Hopeful fix for the dreaded 'black startup'
* Pet health bars
* Friends list should properly update on login
* Improved pathing - less craziness near unpathable areas, more 'solid'
* Roads are shared similar to the sharing in the Shadowlands - you can run across other players on public roads, and these areas respawn. Things DO NOT respawn 'in sight'

Skill Fixes/Tweaks

* Fixed free-identify exploit
* Wisdom now contributes to non-weapon-based Skill damage! 4 points of Wisdom = 1% bonus. So, a Wisdom of 200 would provide a 50% bonus to nonweapon skill damage
* Boom Zipper damage repaired, and they detonate faster
* Hemorrhage – damage radius doubled
* Raze, Adrenaline Rush upgrade – damage increased
* Blade Shards, Deep Wounds upgrade – was never proccing explosion. – Fixed
* Adept of Edges, Blade Specialist upgrade – was never proccing bleed. – Fixed
* Blood Boil – Doubled damage, spread out between tier nodes
* Blood Command – Tripled damage, spread out between tier nodes
* Fiery Weapon – damage smoothed over ranks
* Flamewielder, Fiery Weapon upgrade – explosion was not damaging on proc – Fixed
* Burning Sweep, Blazing Blade upgrade – Ignite chance improved
* Thermal Damage, Thermal Shield upgrade – No damage was reflecting. – Fixed
* Cinderwall – Mana cost reduced and smoothed
* Improved Latchbomb – Mana cost increase halved. Various latchbomb properties improved - detonation now happens properly, range of detonation improved, generally not as crummy overall. Also looks a bit nicer.
* Improved Noxius Grenade – Poison Damage bonus increased, poison chance decreased
* Seeking Shot – Cooldown removed
* Deafening Explosion – Damage increased by 150%
* Marksman’s Refire, Rapid Refire upgrade – Damage increased by 100% at max and smoothed along that tier node
* Galvanic Widget – Tripled movement speed
* Suppression Widget can now reduce target resists in last tier
* Toggleable skills with cooldowns now properly respect the cooldowns
* All Gadgeteer minions get minion bonuses
* Flame Turret turn rate sped up
* Fixed overspawning of Gadgeteer widgets
* Blood Mist cooldown reduced by 1 second
* Piercing barrage damage reduced with subsequent ricochets making it less overpowered
* Bauble Traps start with more HP
* Many, many other skill fixes and adjustments across the board

Rotaidal ::


Igra je izšla, če želi kdo probat. ftp

XsenO ::

Koliko bo item store pokvaril igro za hmm "neplačnike"?
1 + 1 = 1

Bananovec ::

Sem imel željo probati igro, ko je še bila v beti vendar v njo nisem nikdar prišel. Potem so igro eni par stokrat skenslali, nato pa jo še poqrcali tako, da me je minilo. Pa čeprav naj bi bil neuraden klon Diabla 3...
Edit: Se pridružujem zgorajšnjemu vprašanju.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Zgodovina sprememb…

Meizu ::

Ma kaj za en k. Kao da je f2p, in deluje že od 28. aprila letos. Potem prideš v frogsterjev master account. Da boš aktiviral špil, je potrebno še vedno vnesti beta key. Uglavnem, jst ne morm notr prit. Naj si gre u 3pm.

Bolf3nk ::

nevem kako si ti aktiviral spil, jaz nisem rabil vpisovat dobenega beta keya.... le normalen account naredit

Boobiz ::

Tudi od mene hočejo beta key. :(
I'm drunk, what's your excuse?

Bolf3nk ::

kak beta key, če je igra izšla?


vneses samo nick, email, geslo, ko potrdiš, to zacne dl igro, potem pa te pošlje na https://account.frogster-online.com/ kjer se zgoraj samo vpises da potrdis account...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bolf3nk ()

Boobiz ::

Sem naredil še en nov acc in me zdaj ni vprašalo za beta key tako da je acc aktiviran za špilat. Majo očitno neki čudno narjeno.
I'm drunk, what's your excuse?

Meizu ::

Ja, sem ugotovil že včeraj, da potrebuje frogsterjev sistem kakšnih 10-15min, da vnese tvoj acc v podatkovno bazo. Sedaj dela bp, špil je dokaj zanimiv za igrat, vleče me k igranju zato, ker tudi sam obožujem diablo serije, ter titans quest igro, tako da je takšen špil meni dokaj pisan na kožo.

Sam btw če greš pa pogledat na frogsterjev master acc, pa je za registracijo Mythos računa tam še vedno potreben beta key... Ke so razstreseni do amena.

Sicer pa frogster je dokej kul firma, lavfajo tudi runes of magic, ki je ena najbolj popularnih free mmorpgjk, tako da upam da se mythosu končno pišejo lepa leta igranja :)

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