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Valve & STEAM & On-Line gaming

Valve & STEAM & On-Line gaming


Morpheus ::

ti prov v svojem svetu živiš... fpsji so enaki že odkar je vn pršla uradna verzija... itak pogona samega ne spreminjajo niti ne dodajajo nikakšrnih grafičnih lastnosti.
I too shall be brought low by death, but until then, let me win glory!

Tilen ::

Kaksno graficno si lastis? ;)

Drugace sm opazil "lepso" vodo samo v Aztecu. Drugih plat pa se nekak nism igral kr nam Matrix se ni updejtal serverja.

Sem pa pridobil zdaj nekaj fpsjev z enimi optimiziranimi driverji za sourcre, tko da zdaj v stress testu dobim spet ~115 FPS-jev.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

sk8er ::

mi še tut čakamo na update s strani alpha-forca (Tilen tnx ko si omenil, da to nardi Matrix, js sem pa že skor zgubil živce, ker mi ga ni in ni uspelo updatat :8) :D )

btw...v katerem klanu igraš? (sklepam, da si klanu, če imate server)
Flip that sh*t!

Tilen ::

Jaz sm u YY, drugace pa se nimamo serverja, cakamo da se matrix zmiga. Mam pa se server rcon od prejsnjega klana k je propadu :)

Drugace pa ja ... ti updejti, ne vem zakaj se ob "rcon quit" server ne updejta. To je smesno narejeno, restarta se, updejta pa se ne...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

Morpheus ::

ker očitno ni naštiman na automatično updejtanje, kr logično če mal pomislš.
I too shall be brought low by death, but until then, let me win glory!

Tilen ::

Zakaj pa ?

Suli ::

Mogoče bi sredi igre samo začelo updejtat?:D

Tilen ::

Zgleda, da si nov v uporabljanju Steama. Lahko bi vedel, da se updejtanje automaticno ustavi ko pozenes igro.

edit: drugace pa tudi nebi blo slabo saj so ti strezniki na noro dobrih povezavah in bi se updejtalo zelo zelo hitro. Za potrditev pa bi samo dal rcon quit in restartal server. To bi bilo super, skoda da ni tako.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

Suli ::

Nisem nov v uporabi steam-a, ampak igram 1.6, ki pa se nažalost od leta 2003 ne posodablja več.:) Sej bom source začel, ko izpopolnijo ta svoj VAC 2.0 in dodajo več skinov.:D

Zheegec ::

VAC2 je ze beta (testirajo performance vpliv na serverje, se ne banna), novih skinov pa ne vem ce bo kaj, sedaj so prisli novi CTji, Tji so ze nekaj casa novi, ce hoces pa kaj vec imas pa ogromen developer community, tako kot pri CS 1.6.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

|Jurcek| ::

tudi meni po zadnjem update-u ne dela več normalno :\ igrca mi sedaj teče ravno tako kot da bi mel 200 pinga;((

Tilen ::

HL1 Engine Update
June 7, 2005, 4:12 pm · Alfred Reynolds
Updates to the HL1 Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

HL1 Engine

* Fixed several exploits triggered by malicious server operators (found by Stan Bubrouski)
* As part of the next version of VAC, which is currently in testing, the Linux game server now must have GLIBC 2.3.2 or above installed

HL1 Engine Master Server Query Protocol
These changes bring the HL1 engine's querying protocol in line with that of the Source engine. If you connect to Steam enabled game servers using a third party tool, you may need to contact the vendor for an update.

* Added a challenge number to A2S_PLAYER and A2S_RULES server queries.
Setting "sv_enableoldqueries" to 1 (currently the default) allows old style (no challenge/response) queries to work
* Changed A2S_INFO server query to require the string "Source Engine Query" appended to the end of the query packet
* Removed support for "info", "infostring", "details", "players" and "rules" queries, use A2S_INFO, A2S_PLAYERS and A2S_RULES instead


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

Tilen ::

BTw, poznam ljudi, ki so jim v tekocem mesecu disejblali accounte. A se pozna kdo koga in ce ze, zakaj? Ker namrec tisti ki ga jaz poznam ima vse igre legalne pa je ostal brez logina... :\

Tilen ::

odgovor, ki ga je dobil od enega Valve administratorja na STeam forumu glede njegovega accounta:

30,000 accounts disabled and there's been barely a whimper - yet!

That's 50,000 all up so far. Quite amazing.

I guess we should batten down the hatches!


sk8er ::

me likes...8-)

kr lepo stran z nesnago>:D
Flip that sh*t!

Tilen ::

Counter-Strike: Source and Source Engine Updates Available
July 6, 2005, 2:55 pm · Alfred Reynolds
Updates to Counter-Strike: Source and the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Counter-Strike: Source

New Features/Improvements

* New Source remake of classic Counter-Strike map cs_assault
* New "Phoenix Connection" Terrorist model (replaces existing model)

New Player Animations

* Walk/run cycles now include whole-body motion
* Players automatically raise their weapon and aim through the sights when they stop to fire
* Weapon-specific reload animations with removable ammo clips added
* Shotgun reloads animate each individual shell reload
* Animated the bolt pull for each shot of the AWP
* Added upper-body recoil animations for shotguns and AWP
* New grenade throw and knife animations
* Spectator UI now resizes controls to account for long map names
* A notification is now displayed to all players when auto-balancing teams
* Added message for players who try to defuse the bomb while another player is already doing so
* Added item_nvgs and item_ ammotype entities for fy_ maps
* Can no longer stab with the knife while defusing or during freeze time at the start of a round
* Player count in dedicated server interface now includes bots
* Dedicated servers can now use the "timeleft" command
* Dedicated servers are now secure by default, add "-insecure" to the command line to run in insecure mode.

Bug fixes

* Dedicated servers no longer crash when setting "name" via the console
* Fixed bug that would occasionally make player weapons disappear
* Low-violence death animations no longer float if the player dies while in the air
* Fixed bug that caused the grenade throw animation to incorrectly play when spectating in the game
* Fixed view jitter caused by prediction errors when near physics objects
* Spectators now hear weapon pickup sounds
* Armor is now given with game_player_equip
* Extra pistol ammo no longer given at round restart
* Weaker flashbangs effects no longer cancel out stronger ones
* maps/cfg/mapname.cfg aren’t exec'd if they don’t exist (fixes console warnings)
* Fixed bug that caused hostage scenario HUD icon showing 1 hostage left when all were rescued or dead
* game_player_equip removes player equipment before adding new items

Bot Changes

* Bots can use sloped ladders now
* Bots open +use doors better
* Bots don't think they're stuck when hiding
* Bots using knives can break breakables while pursuing enemies now

Navigation Mesh generation improvements

* Nav generation ignores doors and breakables better
* Non-planar nav areas aren't merged into larger areas
* Added nav_generate_incremental to generate additional nav areas starting from a walkable marker, without destroying existing mesh
* Areas no longer get connected to ladders multiple times (caused a crash if the ladder was deleted)
* Added nav_restart_after_analysis
* Fixed bug where some areas would be incorrectly marked as crouch

Navigation Mesh Editor changes

* Nav areas draw a background color, making them more visible
* Nav_update_blocked warps the local player to the first blocked area
* Added nav_build_ladder (point at a climbable surface so the cursor is green, and type nav_build_ladder to automatically create a nav ladder)
* Added nav_no_hostages, to mark an area as not suitable for hostage navigation
* Added nav_remove_unused_jump_areas to remove extraneous jump areas
* Fixed a crash caused by manually creating an area before doing a nav_generate on a new map

Tilen ::

Kak se vam zdijo novi skini? :O

lopov ::

T skin prevec podoben CT ... zelo slabo.

Tilen ::

No to je pomoje nacrtno, ker v prihodnjem tednu bi naj izsel popravek, ki bi igro napravil se bol podobno 1.6. Isto kot tam bi si izbral model preden bi zacel igrat... Izbiras med 5 modeli na vsaki strani in po vecini si bodo kr podobni pomoje :)

Tilen ::

Counter-Strike: Source Update Available
July 13, 2005, 4:46 pm · Alfred Reynolds
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Counter-Strike: Source

* Fixed model scale problem resulting in under-sized players
* Fixed model's feet sliding while running
* Made the new Terrorist model leaner


Tilen ::

Koncno! :D

Tilen ::


Counter-Strike: Source Update Available
July 20, 2005, 5:00 pm · Alfred Reynolds
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Counter-Strike: Source

* Optimized game to lower CPU usage

Bravo Valve !! Na pravi poti ste ...

Vredno ogleda ...

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