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Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

veqlargh ::
I do :\ Bojo pa še ščit dodali kot opremo, ane. Proper.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: veqlargh ()

DarwiN ::
Keri dinner :))))
Predvidevam, da sem umrl tisočinko kasneje od nasprotnika. :P
Predvidevam, da sem umrl tisočinko kasneje od nasprotnika. :P
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

veqlargh ::
Je on pred tabo, samo si mel ti predobr ping, pa si ti prej javil serverju... be sure.
Drgač pa sem spet mal probal tale TPP, kolkr je začetni del igre lažji je end-game mnogo težji :\
Drgač pa sem spet mal probal tale TPP, kolkr je začetni del igre lažji je end-game mnogo težji :\

oo7 ::
PUBG Corp. just announced that they have reached the incredible number of 50 million units sold on the platforms PC and Xbox One. When including PUBG Mobile, they have over 400 million registered players world-wide, with over 87 million of them playing PUBG every single day.

Cristofori ::
Kako v PUBG, oziroma v vseh igrah vsposobiš voice chat?
Ali mora biti v Windows nastavitvah vklopljeno Listen to this device? Ker nočem poslušati samega sebe.
Ali mora biti v Windows nastavitvah vklopljeno Listen to this device? Ker nočem poslušati samega sebe.

Cristofori ::
Jaz ne slišim squada (ikona za zvok v pubg kaže da govorijo) in mene se ne sliši.
Kar sem iskal po netu je pogost problem.
Kar sem iskal po netu je pogost problem.

bajsibajsi ::

DarwiN ::
Če je Fortnite nekak bolj namenjen otrokom, PUBG odraslim, potem je ROE nekje vmes. :/
Vsekakor slabša grafika/zvok od PUBG, in manj realistično, slabša mehanika orožja, ampak mogoče za koga bolj zabavno. Vredno poskusit, IMO.
Vsekakor slabša grafika/zvok od PUBG, in manj realistično, slabša mehanika orožja, ampak mogoče za koga bolj zabavno. Vredno poskusit, IMO.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Gapi182 ::
Če je Fortnite nekak bolj namenjen otrokom, PUBG odraslim, potem je ROE nekje vmes. :/
Vsekakor slabša grafika/zvok od PUBG, in manj realistično, slabša mehanika orožja, ampak mogoče za koga bolj zabavno. Vredno poskusit, IMO.
Hja kar se tiče samega igranja, zahteva Fortnite veliko več skila, hkrati pa ima tudi mnogo mnogo boljši gameplay kot PUBG ker je enostavno polished in dela kot more. Ni nekega nerodnega movementa ki ti da filing kot da ga je naredu študent. Definitivno jim je glavni market mlajši otroci zaradi skinov in tega, ampak sam špil je pa kar dober čeprav sem se ga naveliču 2 meseca nazaj :D.

oo7 ::

DarwiN ::
TEAM je za n00be, Mpower. ;) Ne, hec, zna bit bolj zabavno, ampak je manjši izziv oz. je precej lažje osvojit chicken dinner.. In manj not padeš, ker recimo zvok pogosto ne igra nobene vloge pri close quarters bojevanju, saj se povsod sliši polno korakov in pol ne veš, kdo pije kdo plača.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

oo7 ::
Ne bi rekel, da je vedno manjši iziv. Če ti pobijejo ekipo in ostaneš sam potem se moraš braniti ali napadati drugo ekipo z tremi ali štirimi igralci kar je pa zelo zelo težko.

DarwiN ::
V takem primeru ti je praktično edina možnost skrivanje do konca, ker sam proti trem ali štirim nimaš nobene možnosti.
Izziv je manjši, ker če privzamemo, da so vsi igralci enako podkovani, imaš na SQUAD možnost za dinner nekje 1/25 in še lastne zasluge za zmago so pogosto vprašljive... Medtem pa imaš na SOLO vse v svojih rokah in možnost 1/100. Knede?
Izziv je manjši, ker če privzamemo, da so vsi igralci enako podkovani, imaš na SQUAD možnost za dinner nekje 1/25 in še lastne zasluge za zmago so pogosto vprašljive... Medtem pa imaš na SOLO vse v svojih rokah in možnost 1/100. Knede?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

oo7 ::
Čisto odvisno kakšno ekipo dobiš. Včasih dobiš ekipo, kjer vsak skoči zase in potem si sam.
Včasih dobiš ekipo kjer te še lastni igralci hočejo ubiti tako, da nikoli ne veš kaj te čaka.
Včasih dobiš ekipo kjer te še lastni igralci hočejo ubiti tako, da nikoli ne veš kaj te čaka.

DarwiN ::
Samo enga Kitajca rabiš v ekipi in je dinner na mizi. :P
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

oo7 ::
Igram samo na EU serverju in večinoma samo mapo Erangel včasih ampak redko tudi puščavsko tisto tamalo mapo pa sem mogoče igral trikrat vse skupaj.

Ales47 ::
Solo igrat je za mene totalna bedarija ker ljudje samo kempajo in pol nekdo zmaga z 1killom. Isto squad igrat z randomi je no go :)
Komu se tak stil vidi da se ceu game plazi je pa pač drugo, meni osebno ne odgovarja.
Jaz sem šeu v en nemški klan in tam imaš ljudi skaterimi lahk igram vsak dan pa boljša komunikacija.
Če kdo hoče igrat, steam : Silencxz
Only 2+ K/D
Komu se tak stil vidi da se ceu game plazi je pa pač drugo, meni osebno ne odgovarja.
Jaz sem šeu v en nemški klan in tam imaš ljudi skaterimi lahk igram vsak dan pa boljša komunikacija.
Če kdo hoče igrat, steam : Silencxz
Only 2+ K/D
Ryzen 7 5800X3D|Aorus X570|32GB KINGSTON DDR4|RTX 3080|250GB SSD Samsung|2TB

quake5 ::
squad na EU serverjih.. in očitno srečo, da skoraj vedno igram s Turki, Libanonci![]()
Ni sreča, vsi imamo problem z angleško nerazumevajočimi, s katerimi je team match res brezvezen. Da ne omenjam da jih moraš dostikrat dati na mute ker ne vejo kaj je to push to talk in niti ne slišiš igre ker imajo v ozadju vrtec oziroma očitno so tam popularni net gostilne...

veqlargh ::
DarviN knows the game! SOLO je edini pravi način, da se vidi kolk je kdo dobr. 1 kill za zmago je pa itak največji uspeh. Seveda, če imaš zraven dost prehojenih KM :) Če imam več kot enega štejem to kot neuspeh. K/D šteje pr klasičnem multiju, pri BR-jih ne sme imet nobene vloge.

Observer123 ::
veqlargh, če je to tvoj način igranja, potem zmagaj z 0 killi. Dejansko je to možno. Ko gre zadnji zone skupaj, se skriješ in popaš first aide enega za drugim. Ene 5 komadov je čist dovolj. Mi je že uspel takšen finish, čeprav ne z 0 killi.
Tik preden gre zadnji krog skupaj, se naboostaš do konca, pospraviš gun v nahrbtnik (ključnega pomena), in potem first aidi do zmage. :P p.s.: ta taktika ne deluje na Sanhoku, ker tam zadnji blue zone odžira preveč energije.
Tik preden gre zadnji krog skupaj, se naboostaš do konca, pospraviš gun v nahrbtnik (ključnega pomena), in potem first aidi do zmage. :P p.s.: ta taktika ne deluje na Sanhoku, ker tam zadnji blue zone odžira preveč energije.

Ales47 ::
kar se pa tiče rating-a... z 0 kills grandmaster, you need only games... so wheres the fuckin skill?
ampak do baje spremenili... sicer pa itak who cares about rating, jaz gledam k/d
ampak do baje spremenili... sicer pa itak who cares about rating, jaz gledam k/d
Ryzen 7 5800X3D|Aorus X570|32GB KINGSTON DDR4|RTX 3080|250GB SSD Samsung|2TB

quake5 ::
Observer123 je izjavil:
veqlargh, če je to tvoj način igranja, potem zmagaj z 0 killi. Dejansko je to možno.
Meni se je to zgodilo v singleplayerju, ko je edini preostali igralec v predzadnji coni ostal v vogalu hiše, jaz pa zunaj na odprtem.

DarwiN ::
Kolk cheaterjev ste že kaj polovili? Zdajle imajo super ta sistem, da lahk spremljaš igro svojega morilca in se da kar hitro ugotovit, če je cheater... Jaz sem doslej uspel dva permanentno banat. Ko naložiš igro, te pričaka sporočilo, da so cheaterja po tvoji prijavi za vedno poslali v Banovce.
Jaz prijavim le v primeru, ko sem ~99% prepričan. Pravkar sem oddal svojo tretjo prijavo. Da vidimo, če mi uspe tudi v tretje. :D Tip je jasno uporabljal vsaj wall hack, če ne tudi kak aim assistance, in je videl pozicijo vseh drugih igralcev na mapi. Res ne vem, kaj imajo budale od tega. Mi je bilo takoj sumljivo, ko je tip na 300m naprej vedel, da mu prihajam iznad hriba. In kasneje metal bombe točno v moje smer, čeprav ni mogel poznat moje pozicije. Potem ga spremljaš do konca igre in seveda lahko več ali manj potrdiš svoj sum. Fant jasno tudi osvojil chicken dinner. Zadnji žrtvi lepo vrgel granato, čeprav nikakor ni mogel vedet, da revež leži v gosti travi 50m proč. :D
Jaz prijavim le v primeru, ko sem ~99% prepričan. Pravkar sem oddal svojo tretjo prijavo. Da vidimo, če mi uspe tudi v tretje. :D Tip je jasno uporabljal vsaj wall hack, če ne tudi kak aim assistance, in je videl pozicijo vseh drugih igralcev na mapi. Res ne vem, kaj imajo budale od tega. Mi je bilo takoj sumljivo, ko je tip na 300m naprej vedel, da mu prihajam iznad hriba. In kasneje metal bombe točno v moje smer, čeprav ni mogel poznat moje pozicije. Potem ga spremljaš do konca igre in seveda lahko več ali manj potrdiš svoj sum. Fant jasno tudi osvojil chicken dinner. Zadnji žrtvi lepo vrgel granato, čeprav nikakor ni mogel vedet, da revež leži v gosti travi 50m proč. :D
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

oo7 ::
To sem čakal snežna mapa :)
PUBG Snow Map Vikendi Trailer - The Game Awards
Mapa je 6x6 velikosti.
PUBG Snow Map Vikendi Trailer - The Game Awards
Mapa je 6x6 velikosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

quake5 ::
Kolk cheaterjev ste že kaj polovili?
Meni se dostikrat zgodi da ko kje v hiši gledam kje se naokoli potika zlikovec dobim headšot in sem takoj mrtev. Kakšen mesec nisem igral in sedaj v zadnjih tednih redko pridem pod 20 ljudi na mapi, kar prej ni bilo.
Ne vem a sem fasal nesposobnitis ali je res toliko aim assist goljufov, ker ko sam koga ciljam v hišo s kalašnikom nikoli ne uspem takih 360 no scope hedšototv.

oo7 ::
Erangel ruska mapa in puščavska sta velikosti 8x8
Mala mapa je 4x4 velikost
Ta nova bo 6x6 + sneg
komaj čakam samo upam, da bo kmalu ven z test serverjev.
Mala mapa je 4x4 velikost
Ta nova bo 6x6 + sneg


DarwiN ::
Mene skrbi, kako bo s kozmetiko na snežni mapi.. Na ostalih mapah problem ni tako pereč, tukaj pa ti znajo bela oblačila nudit veliko prednost pred nekom, ki se sveti kot božična jelka.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

oo7 ::

veqlargh ::
Ales47: skill je last survivor, ja? Za K/D igraj klasičen deathmatch :D Res je problem izvest hotdrop, jih ene 3 potamanit pa si mrtu. To je men brezveze. Sploh glede na čakalno dobo te dni, da prideš v igro. Gunplay != skill v BR načinu. BR!
Drugače imam 8 uspešnih prijav za permaban, 5 za urne. Saj takoj vidiš no. Pa saj, gibam se takorekoč vedno, samo hotdropov ne maram, sploh pr tej uber net kodi. Si na tleh pa čakaš, da se orožje spawna :D Res proper skill. Hotdrop K/D ma vezo samo s srečo. In bol kot ne majo vsi visok KD samo zarad hotdropov. Nisem še srečal heroja, ki bi med igro nabral 10+ killov. Takoj na začetku 6, potem pa mogoče še par do konca. Gorovim za SOLO.
Drugače imam 8 uspešnih prijav za permaban, 5 za urne. Saj takoj vidiš no. Pa saj, gibam se takorekoč vedno, samo hotdropov ne maram, sploh pr tej uber net kodi. Si na tleh pa čakaš, da se orožje spawna :D Res proper skill. Hotdrop K/D ma vezo samo s srečo. In bol kot ne majo vsi visok KD samo zarad hotdropov. Nisem še srečal heroja, ki bi med igro nabral 10+ killov. Takoj na začetku 6, potem pa mogoče še par do konca. Gorovim za SOLO.

oo7 ::
Snežna mapa bo na snegu puščala stopinje tako, da se bo dalo sovražnika zasledovati 
Vikendi is 6x6km map. The gameplay of Vikendi is quicker than Erangel and Miramar, but offers an arguably more tactical experience than Sanhok.
Players can throw snowballs while waiting to board the plane in the starting area
Vehicles will be more slippery in snow or icy areas. Acceleration on icy terrain is slow and you lose more general vehicle control as you speed up
Footprints and vehicle tracks will appear as players travel in snow-covered areas. Keep an eye out! These are great to help identify if enemies have passed by recently
Keep in mind that footprints and tracks in the snow don't stay around forever!
The center of the red zone spawns outside of the play zone
The smaller the play zone, the smaller the red zone
The first circle of every game is much smaller than other maps, but subsequent circle sizes change less drastically.
This facilitates more blue zone variety and unique experiences.
Similar strategies work on Vikendi to Erangel and Miramar for the first three phases, but the zones will close slower starting from phase 4, similar to Sahnok. We feel this leads to a good balance between strategy and gunplay throughout the duration of each match
Item Spawn Balance
The overall item spawn rate is at a midpoint between our maps - offering a unique place between the spawn rates of Erangel and Sahnok.
Level 3 helmets spawn in the world
Level 3 vests spawn more often than other maps
Smoke Grenades are spawned at a higher rate compared to other throw
New Weapon: G36C
Added a new AR - G36C
G36C spawns only in Vikendi
Chambered for 5.56mm ammo, it can load 30 bullets and 40 with an Extended Magazine
G36C has a lower and upper rail for attachments, but cannot attach a stock
New Vehicle: Snowmobile
Added a new vehicle - Snowmobile
The Snowmobile only spawns in Vikendi
It seats 2 players and performs much better than other vehicles on snow and ice, but is more difficult to drive on other terrain.
Replay Editor
Added a Replay editor system
This system allows you to create dynamic video clips with creative camera angles and special effects using your replay files
You can also create 3D paths for the camera and camera angles and export clips
Guide & Tutorial of the replay editor system will be updated later.
Improved the character animations used in the air.
Character movements are much more fluid and have been improved to be more realistic.
Parachute System Overhaul (Upcoming)
Updated parachuting system will be applied to the test server on Dec 10. We're looking forward to your feedback on this updated feature!
LSHIFT now puts you into a dive at full speed straight down towards the ground
Turning speed is now much faster and has increased control, responsiveness, and precision
Added new freefall animations and increased overall control and responsiveness
LSHIFT helps you drop faster and land quicker
LCTRL lets you glide, when you want to travel a longer distance
You can now cut the parachute while relatively close to the ground, while still moving through the air.
This can be used to strategically to get to your drop point faster, but be careful, as you can take damage if you drop too far
Added new landing animations
The speed in which you land matters, as landing too fast may force your character to roll, or roll for longer, before you can gain full control of your movement
Colliding with buildings or objects while parachuting will now automatically cut your parachute. Be careful!
The parachute no longer disappears instantly after landing
Improved blood hit effects
Improved the visuals of blood particles when players are shot.
Improved the visuals of blood effects that appear on screen when shot by other players.
Slightly increased delay between single shots of the M16A4
Players now receive damage from Molotovs that hit their vehicle
Molotovs that hit around the vehicle, or when driven through an already-exploded molotov will not damage those inside
Play Menu UI Renewal
Improved the map and game mode selection UI
Training mode can now be found under the PLAY menu, next to public match
Optimized foliage and vegetation rendering
Improved CPU performance by optimizing the object creation process
Improved GPU performance for Medium and Low options by adjusting graphic quality related to the 'Post Processing' with those settings (tuned HBAO+)

Vikendi is 6x6km map. The gameplay of Vikendi is quicker than Erangel and Miramar, but offers an arguably more tactical experience than Sanhok.
Players can throw snowballs while waiting to board the plane in the starting area
Vehicles will be more slippery in snow or icy areas. Acceleration on icy terrain is slow and you lose more general vehicle control as you speed up
Footprints and vehicle tracks will appear as players travel in snow-covered areas. Keep an eye out! These are great to help identify if enemies have passed by recently
Keep in mind that footprints and tracks in the snow don't stay around forever!
The center of the red zone spawns outside of the play zone
The smaller the play zone, the smaller the red zone
The first circle of every game is much smaller than other maps, but subsequent circle sizes change less drastically.
This facilitates more blue zone variety and unique experiences.
Similar strategies work on Vikendi to Erangel and Miramar for the first three phases, but the zones will close slower starting from phase 4, similar to Sahnok. We feel this leads to a good balance between strategy and gunplay throughout the duration of each match
Item Spawn Balance
The overall item spawn rate is at a midpoint between our maps - offering a unique place between the spawn rates of Erangel and Sahnok.
Level 3 helmets spawn in the world
Level 3 vests spawn more often than other maps
Smoke Grenades are spawned at a higher rate compared to other throw
New Weapon: G36C
Added a new AR - G36C
G36C spawns only in Vikendi
Chambered for 5.56mm ammo, it can load 30 bullets and 40 with an Extended Magazine
G36C has a lower and upper rail for attachments, but cannot attach a stock
New Vehicle: Snowmobile
Added a new vehicle - Snowmobile
The Snowmobile only spawns in Vikendi
It seats 2 players and performs much better than other vehicles on snow and ice, but is more difficult to drive on other terrain.
Replay Editor
Added a Replay editor system
This system allows you to create dynamic video clips with creative camera angles and special effects using your replay files
You can also create 3D paths for the camera and camera angles and export clips
Guide & Tutorial of the replay editor system will be updated later.
Improved the character animations used in the air.
Character movements are much more fluid and have been improved to be more realistic.
Parachute System Overhaul (Upcoming)
Updated parachuting system will be applied to the test server on Dec 10. We're looking forward to your feedback on this updated feature!
LSHIFT now puts you into a dive at full speed straight down towards the ground
Turning speed is now much faster and has increased control, responsiveness, and precision
Added new freefall animations and increased overall control and responsiveness
LSHIFT helps you drop faster and land quicker
LCTRL lets you glide, when you want to travel a longer distance
You can now cut the parachute while relatively close to the ground, while still moving through the air.
This can be used to strategically to get to your drop point faster, but be careful, as you can take damage if you drop too far
Added new landing animations
The speed in which you land matters, as landing too fast may force your character to roll, or roll for longer, before you can gain full control of your movement
Colliding with buildings or objects while parachuting will now automatically cut your parachute. Be careful!
The parachute no longer disappears instantly after landing
Improved blood hit effects
Improved the visuals of blood particles when players are shot.
Improved the visuals of blood effects that appear on screen when shot by other players.
Slightly increased delay between single shots of the M16A4
Players now receive damage from Molotovs that hit their vehicle
Molotovs that hit around the vehicle, or when driven through an already-exploded molotov will not damage those inside
Play Menu UI Renewal
Improved the map and game mode selection UI
Training mode can now be found under the PLAY menu, next to public match
Optimized foliage and vegetation rendering
Improved CPU performance by optimizing the object creation process
Improved GPU performance for Medium and Low options by adjusting graphic quality related to the 'Post Processing' with those settings (tuned HBAO+)

veqlargh ::
A je kdo probal na testnem serverju tole zimsko? Matr, 6x6 se mi zdi res taprava mapa. Here's to hoping.

Ales47 ::
Ales47: skill je last survivor, ja? Za K/D igraj klasičen deathmatch :D Res je problem izvest hotdrop, jih ene 3 potamanit pa si mrtu. To je men brezveze. Sploh glede na čakalno dobo te dni, da prideš v igro. Gunplay != skill v BR načinu. BR!
Drugače imam 8 uspešnih prijav za permaban, 5 za urne. Saj takoj vidiš no. Pa saj, gibam se takorekoč vedno, samo hotdropov ne maram, sploh pr tej uber net kodi. Si na tleh pa čakaš, da se orožje spawna :D Res proper skill. Hotdrop K/D ma vezo samo s srečo. In bol kot ne majo vsi visok KD samo zarad hotdropov. Nisem še srečal heroja, ki bi med igro nabral 10+ killov. Takoj na začetku 6, potem pa mogoče še par do konca. Gorovim za SOLO.
Ne govorim o hotdropu ker je tu vedno 50/50. Ok bit prvi z 1 killom ni lih skill . Pol pa polovica ljudi ne obvlada recoila in ne zna z orožjem ker ga špara:) vsak ma svoj stil in kdor obvlada recoil se nebo sam plazil do endzone ker je to dolgočasno. Nasploh solo men ne ugaja, no fun.
Na EU jaz nikol ne čakam več kot 30sec:)
Ryzen 7 5800X3D|Aorus X570|32GB KINGSTON DDR4|RTX 3080|250GB SSD Samsung|2TB
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ales47 ()

Ales47 ::
Heroja z 10kili? Jaz sem v squad meu 14 in na koncu solo vs 3man squad zmagu. To je bil do zdaj najlepši čiken
Ryzen 7 5800X3D|Aorus X570|32GB KINGSTON DDR4|RTX 3080|250GB SSD Samsung|2TB
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ales47 ()

ZaphodBB ::
A si že dojel, da se nahaja v Sloveniji?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
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