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Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

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oo7 ::

PUBG 2018 Roadmap
A new 4x4km island map on the Experimental Test Server will come next month. It's a small map which will provide an "intense and faster paced Battle Royale experience," with higher player density and shorter matches.

Another new map 8x8km in size. As with the smaller map, it too will be coming to the Experimental Test Servers.

Emote system coming to the Test Servers very soon.

New and interesting Game Modes, which are still in the early days - not in a place where specifics can be shared.

New vehicles coming in the first half of the year.

Continued weapon set expansion and new weapon attachments this year. A look at one of the new weapons coming soon is posted below.

Achievements, in-game friends list and squad voice chat in the main menu is ready for testing.

Further character customization and both parachute and weapon skins will be added in the future.

Limb and vehicle bullet penetration testingwill be on the test servers later. This will add "new depth" to the ballistic system, and increase the realism of gameplay.

The team is looking to overhauling the entire TPP and FPP animation systems to make them smoother and more reactive to the environment. This will include everything from getting inside vehicles and changing seats to how the character moves.

An overhaul for the parachuting system is also part of the roadmap. The goal is to make it "more responsive and polish the overall look of the animations."

Improvements to armed and unarmed melee combat systems are also in the works.

Continuing daily work to combat cheaters, improve server stability and further optimize servers and clients.

In the first half of 2018 there are plans to increase the detail of vehicle sounds. This includes introducing suspension sounds and more skidding sounds.

The plan is to work with surfaces that would reflect different weather conditions and add rain sounds to vehicle surfaces.

Also in the first half of the year, the team plans to make gun sounds more distinctly different depending on POV.

The sounds the player produces while moving so that it corresponds to the equipment they are carrying is planned for the second half of the year.

Different breathing sounds when the player is running, aiming down sight or holding breath are also in the planning stages.

mahone ::

Se komu igra ne deluje po novem update-u?

BivšiUser2 ::

Se splača investirati v PUBG za Xbox one ta trenutek ali pocakati na novo mainstream mmo.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Alien123 ::

mahone je izjavil:

Se komu igra ne deluje po novem update-u?

Šteka nekaj.. hitboxov mi sploh ne zaznava

oo7 ::

Tole je heker ?

Ta je ubil mene in celotno ekipo. Nekam čudna je njegova mini mapa kaže mu naše pozicije ?

ZaphodBB ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Tole je heker ?

Ta je ubil mene in celotno ekipo. Nekam čudna je njegova mini mapa kaže mu naše pozicije ?

To je zato ker gledaš replay in na replayu kaže pozicije in ekipe vseh igralcev v bližini.

Če misliš, da je heker ga reportaj, potem bo pa že Bluehole pogruntal.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Ales47 ::

Iščem soigralce za Duo/Squad for some chickens.

Steam: aleskuzmic
PUBG: Silencxz93
Ryzen 7 5800X3D|Aorus X570|32GB KINGSTON DDR4|RTX 3080|250GB SSD Samsung|2TB

mahone ::

Se je ze komu zgodilo kaj podobnega? :))

Alien123 ::

Tale novi update je kar izboljšal performens v igri..

veqlargh ::

S tem misliš kaj? FPS al net kodo? Ker pr slednji jaz še vedno ne vidim izboljšav. Zame se igra začne, ko nas je še 50-40.

Alien123 ::

Bolj smooth je vse, pa ni tolko fps dropov več..

Ales47 ::


Steamname : Silencxz
Ryzen 7 5800X3D|Aorus X570|32GB KINGSTON DDR4|RTX 3080|250GB SSD Samsung|2TB

oo7 ::

PUBG's 4×4 map, Codename: Savage, starts testing today

This first testing phase will only last a few days. It kicks off today at 7pm PT, 10pm ET, 3am UK (April 3) and goes on until April 5 at 4am PT, 7am ET, 12pm UK (April 6).

next3steps ::

Na test clientu?

ZaphodBB ::

Še en dodaten testni klient je.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Gejspodar ::

Waw, kaj pa če bi linkala?

BivšiUser2 ::

Na xboxu bo špil, za gold memberje, naslednji vikend free.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

veqlargh ::

Končno bodo ruknil ven obleke iz spawna. KONČNO! Še red zone naj ukinejo, pa bo.

next3steps ::

Po rdeci coni lahko laufas kot kura brez glave :)

Linko ::

Kdaj bo nova mapa? V čem je smisel rdeče cone? Pač spizdi vun čimprej? :D

A imajo namen dodat nagrade za 1. mesta ?

bajsibajsi ::

Smisel rdece cone je, da jo ignoriras, ce ze ravno ne lootas tisti moment v zgradbah oz. si v blizini zgradb, saj so moznosti, da te zadene relativno nizke. Iz izkusenj lahko povem, da v nekaj sto urah stejem na prste ene roke, kolikokrat me/nas je zadelo.


peburuchug ::

Dell Gaming Laptops Are Perfect for Cheating in PUBG

"She spoke of how Chinese gamers are the most innovative and dominant in the world by using 'plugins' to, for example, run faster than other players, or blow up ten cars at a time, and that these top gamers can really use 8th-Gen power to 'run more plugins to win more at Chicken Dinner', and that the top players run the most 'plugins' so that's where 8th-gen Dell power gives them the gamer's edge.

oo7 ::

PUBG 'Metal Rain' event has eight-player squads, flare guns and falling UAZs


Alien123 ::

lepo so zjebali špil.. prej sem imel na very low pr 1440p minimalno 70fpsjev.. zdaj mi pada na 35.. nesposobni do amena konji

Linko ::

o čem ti to? Jaz ne opazim razlike

mahone ::

Pa se vedno faking cheaterji ;((

veqlargh ::

Ste probal tamalo mapco? Kak fajn lagfest na začetku :D Škoda, da mi Ring of Elysium neče štartat :\

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: veqlargh ()

oo7 ::

PC 1.0 Update #12

Hi everybody,

This is a big patch. We've got map selection, bug fixes, more improvements for Miramar, and a whole heap of weapon balance changes.

Weapon balance in particular is really important for us, and we want to take the time to get it right. For this reason, we're going to keep the changes on the test server for longer than we normally would. We'll be listening and and making changes based on your feedback before pushing this update to live. So please share your thoughts with us!

With love,
Your friends at PUBG Corp.

Weapon & Item Balance
We explained our goals with weapon balance in last week's dev blog. You can find the specific changes below:

ARs - rebalanced ARs so none is the "objective" best--the power differential between each is now reduced, but each brings advantages to different situations.
SMGs - adjusted them to be more effective in short range combat
Shotguns - increased overall damage and effective range

Increased the damage of the P92, P1911, P18C, R1895, and R45
Increased limb shots modifier (shooting limbs now does more damage)
Slightly decreased the damage of the S686 and S1897
Reduced pellet spread by 25%
Shotgun chokes can now be attached to the sawed-off
Increased limb shots modifier
Slightly increased the damage of the Micro UZI, UMP9, and Vector
Decreased vertical recoil on all SMGs
Decreased recoil and scope sway when moving in ADS (aiming down sights)
Increased ADS transition speed
Slightly decreased the damage of the M16A4, SCAR-L, AUG, and M416
Increased reload time by 30% for the SCAR-L, M16A4, and M416
Increased reload time by 10% for the AKM
Increased vertical and horizontal recoil for all ARs except the AKM
Decreased recoil recovery rate for all ARs
Restricted big scopes (8x and up) for use with all ARs
Added new recoil animations for all ARs
Increased head, body, and limb shot modifier
Decreased the damage of the SKS
Slightly increased the damage of the VSS and Mini14
Increased vertical and horizontal recoil for all DMRs
Decreased the recoil recovery rate for all DMRs
Added new recoil animations for all DMRs
Other guns
Slightly increased the damage of the DP28 and M249
Restricted big scopes (8x and up) for use with LMGs (DP28, M249)
Reduced crossbow reloading time from 4 seconds to 3.5 seconds
Weapon sway has been adjusted for all weapons (slightly increased side-to-side movement). And sway is now more pronounced when holding your breath.
Weapon sway when moving is now also reduced by the cheek pad attachment
Cheek pads now help you recover from weapon sway more quickly after moving

Frag grenades
Increased explosion damage and added new hit effects and animations
Previously, grenade damage was greatly dependant on fall damage (from the grenade's knockback effect) rather than explosion. We've removed the grenade's knockback effect for player characters, and have adjusted it so that only explosion damage is applied when you're struck by a grenade.
Weight changes (all throwables)
Frag grenade: Increased from 12 to 18
Molotov cocktail: Decreased from 18 to 16
Smoke grenade: Decreased from 16 to 14
Stun grenade: Decreased from 14 to 12

Character Movement
We've slightly decreased the movement speed when holding SRs, LMGs (M249, DP28) and shotguns. Your equipped weapon affects both your sprinting speed and your running (normal movement) speed.
We've removed the first shot delay when your character is not sprinting
Chambering a new round in certain weapons (M24, Kar98k, S1897, etc.) no longer limits you to walking speed while aiming down sights
The amount your camera shakes after being shot ("aim punch") now depends on the amount of damage received

Other Item Balance
Level three helmets now only spawn in care packages (and one is guaranteed to be in every care package)
Both SR quickdraw magazines and SR extended quickdraw magazines now spawn only in care packages
We've reduced the spawn rate for AR extended quickdraw magazines
DMRs now use AR attachments (magazines, compensators, etc.) along with SR attachments
Adrenaline syringes now spawn (rarely) alongside normal loot in the game world
Adjusted the casting time of Adrenaline syringe from eight seconds to six seconds

Along with all the balance changes, we're introducing a new weapon, a new vehicle for Miramar, and a ton of new weapon attachments.

New Weapon

Added the SLR
The SLR will be spawned alongside normal world loot. It's a DMR which uses 7.62mm ammo and contains 10 bullets per magazine (20 bullets when extended.)
The SLR is more powerful than the SKS but has more recoil. Recoil control is the key to using the SLR effectively.

New Vehicle

The Mirado is a classic muscle car: a fast, four-seat sedan that's limited to Miramar. It can be found around downtown areas and main city streets

Think of the Mirado as a compliment to the other unique vehicles on Miramar: The van is extremely sturdy, but slow and ineffective when taken off-road; The pickup is great for off-road travel; And the Mirado is the fastest way to blaze down a highway.

New Attachments
Duckbill - A new attachment for shotguns (S1897, S12K). It reduces the vertical pellet spread but increases horizontal bullet spread
Attachable to S1897, S12K
Light Grip - It reduces recoil recovery time but increases vertical and horizontal recoil
Attachable to ARs, SMGs, DMRs (UMP9, AUG, M416, SCAR-L, SKS)
Thumb Grip - It reduces vertical recoil but increases horizontal recoil. It also increases the recoil recovery time
Attachable to - ARs, SMGs, DMRs (UMP9, AUG, M416, SCAR-L, SKS)
Half Grip - It reduces vertical and horizontal recoil and also reduces recoil recovery time
Attachable to - ARs, SMGs, DMRs (UMP9, Vector, AUG, M416, SCAR-L, SKS)
Scope 3x - This scope has fixed 3x magnification with an illuminated reticle. It's discoverable as a common world-drop item
Scope 6x - This scope has variable 3x-6x magnification. It's discoverable as a rare world-drop item.

You can now change the reticle style and color on the red-dot, holo-sight, and 2x scope using the scope zeroing keys (Page Up/Page Down by default).

Boat and Swimming Adjustments
Boats now sink when destroyed
We've made some adjustments to the way swimming works to reduce the effectiveness of hiding underwater.
We've decreased the maximum submersible time from 35 to 15 seconds
Once you've run out of air, you'll now take 10 damage per second (up from four damage per second)
We've increased the delay for breath recovery time from one to four seconds. (In other words, when you lift your head up out of the water, it'll now take four seconds before you begin to recover your breath)

Map Selection and Main Menu UI

Map selection is now available.
Pick just one map (Erangel or Miramar) on its own to guarantee you'll play there
If you select multiple maps, the game will randomly drop you into one of the selected maps
As we discussed in the map selection announcement dev blog, we may revisit the design of this feature as additional maps are added. We'll keep you updated if changes are made.

We've also Improved the UI for team mode and perspective selection. As before, only the host can select these options.

We've added an option to adjust vertical mouse sensitivity
We've added an option to change the hotkey for reporting a player during killer spectating (R key)

We've made more improvements to Miramar:
We've increased the size of the oasis and added more buildings nearby
We've added extra farming points by placing small building sets near various cities and towns
We've reduced the number of buildings in some city areas to cut down on excessive building density
We've removed some excessive cover points (rocks, drums, boxes) inside various cities and towns
We've added more objects like trees and rocks throughout the map to provide some additional options for cover in wide-open spaces.
The interiors of certain buildings have been simplified

Bug fixes
We reduced some overly-dramatic collision effects (read: space shuttle takeoffs) that occurred when the motorbike crashed into other vehicles
We fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent you from hopping off of the motorbike after it had fallen down
When players move and shoot at the same time, bullet shells should now fall to the ground and remain there, instead of chasing the player like hella scary demon bullets
The timer for the final bluezone should now display correctly
We fixed an issue that was muting the bluezone's sound effects for player who left and rejoined a game
We resolved an issue that sometimes allowed you to adjust your camera to see through the ceilings of the school on Erangel
Certain problematic terrain elements (which caused weird collisions or movement) on Erangel and Miramar have been fixed
We've fixed some abnormal orange lighting effects in buildings on Erangel
We've resolved some strange collision problems that were affecting character models and bullet cartridges
Walking on wooden structures will no longer create bizarre or out-of-place footstep noises
Prone characters should no longer improperly clip into the ground.
We've resolved an issue that sometimes limited movement after using emotes and the quantity popup window at the same time.
Text on a UMP skin from the Equinox crate labelled the gun as 45 ACP instead of 9mm. Thanks to the power of memes, this has now been fixed.
Weapon ammo is now counted as "loaded" when the magazine or bullet is inserted into the weapon, rather than when the animation finishes


veqlargh ::

Tem se je čist utrgalo al kaj? Update na update na update... saj se samo posodablja cel dan :D

Aramis ::

Špil mi je začel noro štekat. Procesor mi nabije do 100%

veqlargh ::

Počak kako uro, bo zih nov update!

ZaphodBB ::

veqlargh je izjavil:

Počak kako uro, bo zih nov update!




Guys we need to get woke one the Autist Question.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Alien123 ::

lepo so recoil zjebali.. pravi so toti azijci smešni

SambaShare ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:




Guys we need to get woke one the Autist Question.

Daj no lepo prosim. Iz enega ekstrema v drugega. Tole deployanje kar vsakega builda je pod vsako kritiko. Očitno so nesposobni popraviti net code, da goljufanje ne bi bil tak problem in zdaj bi radi goljufivce upehali. Amaterji.

ZaphodBB ::

Daj no lepo prosim. Iz enega ekstrema v drugega. Tole deployanje kar vsakega builda je pod vsako kritiko. Očitno so nesposobni popraviti net code, da goljufanje ne bi bil tak problem in zdaj bi radi goljufivce upehali. Amaterji.

Dunno mate, mene nihče ne sili špilat.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

SambaShare ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Daj no lepo prosim. Iz enega ekstrema v drugega. Tole deployanje kar vsakega builda je pod vsako kritiko. Očitno so nesposobni popraviti net code, da goljufanje ne bi bil tak problem in zdaj bi radi goljufivce upehali. Amaterji.

Dunno mate, mene nihče ne sili špilat.

Hvala za info. Bluehole so pa vseeno amaterji.

tryhard ::

SambaShare je izjavil:

ZaphodBB je izjavil:




Guys we need to get woke one the Autist Question.

Daj no lepo prosim. Iz enega ekstrema v drugega. Tole deployanje kar vsakega builda je pod vsako kritiko. Očitno so nesposobni popraviti net code, da goljufanje ne bi bil tak problem in zdaj bi radi goljufivce upehali. Amaterji.

Trije anticheati naredijo svoje, sploh ko je en zelo zahteven na računski moči, end dokaj manj, tretji pa skoraj nič.
Alternativni špili so prišli do zgolj dveh, pri katerih je največ čiterjev pobil Rainbow6Siege procentualno, absolutno pa največ Valvev AI detektor.

Blue3D ::


Tested on Quakers
I5 14600K 4080SUPER

veqlargh ::

Ma kdo od vas nick Anarhija?

ZaphodBB ::

veqlargh je izjavil:

Ma kdo od vas nick Anarhija?

"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

oo7 ::

Upam, da bo kmalu nova mapa tista, ki je zaklenjena v izbiri :)

veqlargh ::

Jaz bol upam, da že updejtajo na zadnjo verzijo engina. Da bo vsaj 20Hz tick rate... mogoče clo 30. Much improvement!

Alien123 ::

veqlargh je izjavil:

Jaz bol upam, da že updejtajo na zadnjo verzijo engina. Da bo vsaj 20Hz tick rate... mogoče clo 30. Much improvement!

Kdaj pa mislijo?

6151 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Upam, da bo kmalu nova mapa tista, ki je zaklenjena v izbiri :)

Danes jo imaš na experimental serverju. Uživaj
7900X3D | 32GB | 6800 | 4 TB

veqlargh ::

Alien: Verjetno čez kakšno leto... treba prej dodat še kakšne nove objekte :)

tryhard ::

6151 je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Upam, da bo kmalu nova mapa tista, ki je zaklenjena v izbiri :)

Danes jo imaš na experimental serverju. Uživaj

Ne več. Mi je pa sama mapa veliko bolj igrabilna.
*Težave s povezovanjem na strežnik.

Igra dobiva 60Hz Tickrate update.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tryhard ()

kecip ::

Igra se kdo? :)

Alien123 ::


kecip ::

Iscem kompanjona za duo :D

treker ::

Aha :)
7 / 10

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