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Zrušitev komunizma

MadMicka ::
Ma kakšn kanon futr neki. Poglejmo tele podatke:
Žrte na strani UN (oz. pretežno ZDA in J. Koreje):
From reports published by PVA on August 15 1953, UN suffered a total casualty of 1,093,839, in which 397,543 were Americans, 667293 were ROKs, and 29,003 were others.
PVA's portion of the score was: kill and wound, 671,954; capture, 46088; pursuaded surrender, 435; total 718,477, in which 290,000 were Americans. PV destroyed or damaged 2,006 enemy tanks, 3,165 vehicles, 44 amored vehicles, 10,629 aircrafts, 583 artellery pieces; captured 245 tanks, 5,256 trucks, 51 amored vehicles, 11 aircrafts, 4037 artellery pieces, 73,263 small arms.
From western sources, UN combat casualty totalled 1 million. It breaks as follows: US 144,173, ROK 844,000 (415,000 killed, 429,000 wounded), Commonwealth 6000, others 8,800 (Hastings). US suffered another 20,000 or so fatality. From military history authored by ROK Defense Department, ROK total casualty was actually 984,400.
The total count from both sources matched very well, some historians acknowledged that PLA was very honest in their statistics. However, PVA counted 220,000 more US casualties, and about 200,000 less ROK. This discrepancy was partly due to the fact that many ROKs were serving as attachments to US armies and they were counted as US force by PVA
Žrtve na strani PVA (Kitajska vojska):
Western sources gave assertions such as "it seems reasonable to assume that China cannot have lost less than half a million men" , "China suffered at least 900,000 casualties", etc. However, such numbers were based on arbitrary estimates which were greatly inflated.
From official Chinese sources, PVA casualty during the Korean war was 390,000. It breaks down as follows:
KIA: 110,400
WOUNDED: 260,000
No tukaj so gotovo Kitajci prikazali nižje številke, ki so sicer verjetno bližje oceni, ki jo je navedel Zahod.
Drugače, če Zahod v 50 letih ne bi imel A-orožja, bi ga ZSSR in Kitajska lahko vojaško povozila. Upošteva se pač število tankov, avionov, topov in vojakov ter izurjenost vojske, ki je bila kar se tiče Rusov in ZDA na podobni ravni, Kitajska pa morebiti nekoliko nižje.
Žrte na strani UN (oz. pretežno ZDA in J. Koreje):
From reports published by PVA on August 15 1953, UN suffered a total casualty of 1,093,839, in which 397,543 were Americans, 667293 were ROKs, and 29,003 were others.
PVA's portion of the score was: kill and wound, 671,954; capture, 46088; pursuaded surrender, 435; total 718,477, in which 290,000 were Americans. PV destroyed or damaged 2,006 enemy tanks, 3,165 vehicles, 44 amored vehicles, 10,629 aircrafts, 583 artellery pieces; captured 245 tanks, 5,256 trucks, 51 amored vehicles, 11 aircrafts, 4037 artellery pieces, 73,263 small arms.
From western sources, UN combat casualty totalled 1 million. It breaks as follows: US 144,173, ROK 844,000 (415,000 killed, 429,000 wounded), Commonwealth 6000, others 8,800 (Hastings). US suffered another 20,000 or so fatality. From military history authored by ROK Defense Department, ROK total casualty was actually 984,400.
The total count from both sources matched very well, some historians acknowledged that PLA was very honest in their statistics. However, PVA counted 220,000 more US casualties, and about 200,000 less ROK. This discrepancy was partly due to the fact that many ROKs were serving as attachments to US armies and they were counted as US force by PVA
Žrtve na strani PVA (Kitajska vojska):
Western sources gave assertions such as "it seems reasonable to assume that China cannot have lost less than half a million men" , "China suffered at least 900,000 casualties", etc. However, such numbers were based on arbitrary estimates which were greatly inflated.
From official Chinese sources, PVA casualty during the Korean war was 390,000. It breaks down as follows:
KIA: 110,400
WOUNDED: 260,000
No tukaj so gotovo Kitajci prikazali nižje številke, ki so sicer verjetno bližje oceni, ki jo je navedel Zahod.
Drugače, če Zahod v 50 letih ne bi imel A-orožja, bi ga ZSSR in Kitajska lahko vojaško povozila. Upošteva se pač število tankov, avionov, topov in vojakov ter izurjenost vojske, ki je bila kar se tiče Rusov in ZDA na podobni ravni, Kitajska pa morebiti nekoliko nižje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MadMicka ()
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