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Ubuntu 21.04 AMD Radeon RX 6000 artifacti

Ubuntu 21.04 AMD Radeon RX 6000 artifacti

Rad21 ::

V Ubuntu 21.04 imam artifacte na zaslonu z AMD Radeon RX 6000. Za Ubuntu 21.04 nisem našel AMD gonilnikov razen za Ubuntu 20.04 in starejše. Z NVIDIA GPU nikoli nisem imel teh problemov.

V Windows 10/11 nimam tega problema razen v Linux-u.

Kakšna rešitev?

  • spremenilo: Rad21 ()

Rad21 ::

Gonilniki so problem v Ubuntu 21.04. V Ubuntu 20.04 brez gonilnikov nimam artifactov.

Kako zamenjam gonilnike?

Na spletu sem bral, da je treba zamenjati kernel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Rad21 ()

Rad21 ::

Gonilniki za graficno kartico so bili problem. Sedaj nimam vec artifactov.


PPA third-party repository

If you absolutely insist to have the latest AMD Radeon driver version you may use the PPA third-party repository which might be always ahead of the stable default opensource driver coming with your Ubuntu 20.04 system as default. To install the PPA third-party repository drivers execute the following commands:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers

The above will add the PPA AMD Radeon driver repository to your system. The following command will upgrade your current AMD Radeon driver to the latest version:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade

Bizkit45 ::

glad you made it

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