Forum » Loža » Ročni mlinček za kavo
Ročni mlinček za kavo

Aston_11 ::
erkgheoruugh je izjavil:
Mislim, da ga iam tudi Cafe čokl v LJ. A po netu pa ne bi naročal?Prepozno. Todaj is D-day. Grem pa kamorkoli, samo da ga imajo.

Aston_11 ::
erkgheoruugh je izjavil:
Pa si preveril tam, kjer sem ti napisal?Ne, do Ljubljane sem sicer prišel, nato pa sem ga našel pred nosom, torej v trgovini v Postojni.

alkor ::
v cem je fora rocnega mlincka za kavo? oz prednost pred motornim? toplota?
našel sem tole, kar me pa ne prepriča:
Why Grind By Hand?
So if hand grinders are a little trickier to use and don’t create the most even grind out there then why even bother using them at all? Personally, I believe they do have their place in the world of coffee grinders for several reasons.
Hand grinders are perfect for travelers. If you have to bounce around from hotel to hotel for work you know how hard it can be to enjoy some of the little things in life. Hand grinders are small and easy to carry with you so you can enjoy your favorite specialty coffee no matter where you are.
Hand grinders are more affordable. While we may all want to spend however much money we want on our coffee habits, the fact is we can’t do that. Just because you have to operate on a budget, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to enjoy a cup of coffee. Hand grinders are far more affordable making them the perfect grinders for people who are shopping on a tight budget.
Hand grinders show your dedication to quality coffee. Using a hand grinder to grind your own coffee is probably the best way to demonstrate your devotion to the perfect cup of joe.
v cem je fora rocnega mlincka za kavo? oz prednost pred motornim? toplota?
našel sem tole, kar me pa ne prepriča:
Why Grind By Hand?
So if hand grinders are a little trickier to use and don’t create the most even grind out there then why even bother using them at all? Personally, I believe they do have their place in the world of coffee grinders for several reasons.
Hand grinders are perfect for travelers. If you have to bounce around from hotel to hotel for work you know how hard it can be to enjoy some of the little things in life. Hand grinders are small and easy to carry with you so you can enjoy your favorite specialty coffee no matter where you are.
Hand grinders are more affordable. While we may all want to spend however much money we want on our coffee habits, the fact is we can’t do that. Just because you have to operate on a budget, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to enjoy a cup of coffee. Hand grinders are far more affordable making them the perfect grinders for people who are shopping on a tight budget.
Hand grinders show your dedication to quality coffee. Using a hand grinder to grind your own coffee is probably the best way to demonstrate your devotion to the perfect cup of joe.

erkgheoruugh ::
Razlika je v načinu mletja. Taki poceni mlinčki imajo rezilo, ki razbija zrnja in daje nekonsistentno mletje, kar je pri kavi, kjer je zaželjeno nekoliko bolj grobo mletje, pomembno.
Pač pri nas je kultura pitja turške kave, zato to niti ni toliko pomembno. V lokalih pa imaš itak ta prave grinderje.
Pač pri nas je kultura pitja turške kave, zato to niti ni toliko pomembno. V lokalih pa imaš itak ta prave grinderje.
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