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Energy Drink vs. Kava

Energy Drink vs. Kava


Michaelosz ::

Coca-Cola samo ali nasploh vsi kofeinski napitki?

Wajsmiler ::

Guarana (kapsule, tableti, po novem tudi bonboni) - super zadeva. Boljša kot kava, manj škodljiva, primerno dražja.

Kreatin - deluje na daljši rok. Ne takoj.

sweeti007 ::

lipo 6x , ce verjamemo govoricam prve 14 dni zlo tezko zaspis zaradi vseh stvari ki jih ima not, ima pa stranski ucinek - na trenutke si omoticen.Prvotno pa je bil namenjen za hujsanje

Nutrex Lipo 6,

Product Description An accelerated fat-loss formula that gives you the energy you need, with the fat burning capabilties you've come to expect from Lipo 6. Nutrex Lipo 6 with Liqui-Caps is a combination of fat burning and energy enhancing compounds to assist you in losing fat.

Ingredients Breakdown

Citrus Aurantium 335 mg per serving: LIPO-6 Ephedra Free contains specially standardized Citrus Aurantium with high levels of the beta 3 fat receptor fighting agents Synephrine, N-Methyl tyramine, Tyramine, Hordenine and Octopamine. With its unprecedented 335 mg of Citrus Aurantium per serving, LIPO-6 Ephedra Free literally cracks open existing fat cells and forces them to release fatty acids. In addition to that, Citrus Aurantium helps to control your appetite and it gives your metabolism a significant boost via the beta 3 thermogenic pathway.

Yohimbine HCL 5 mg per serving: Yohimbine HCL is a godsend for men who can’t get rid of their love handles and women who have difficulty losing body fat in those stubborn glute and thigh areas. Yohimbine HCL effectively blocks the alpha-receptors, which are predominantly located in the fat cells of the upper thighs, lower glutes and obliques. Check out the label of your ‘favorite’ fat burner. If it doesn’t say Yohimbine HCL, you are not targeting your alpha-receptors and you won’t get the results you are looking for: a slim waistline devoid of love handles plus tight legs and buns. What truly separates LIPO-6 Ephedra Free from ordinary fat burners is the fact, that this unique formula supplies you with a total of 15 mg of Yohimbine HCL per day in its clinically proven pharmaceutical grade form and not as its much weaker herbal cousin Yohimbe Bark.

Coleus Forskohlii 100 mg per serving: Coleus Forskohlii increases natural thyroid function, which is crucial for long term fat loss. Strict dieting generally slows down thyroid activity, which in turn makes it difficult to continuously lose fat over several weeks. A sluggish thyroid is also the main reason why people often times rebound after the conclusion of a diet and re-gain most of their fat. The Coleus Forskohlii in LIPO-6 Ephedra Free, which is standardized to a record high 20% of active Forskolin, lays the groundwork for you to keep the weight off. Note the extra high amount of Coleus Forskohlii you are getting per serving, 100 mg!

Caffeine Anhydrous USP 200 mg per serving: This is not your ordinary cup of coffee! Pure pharmaceutical grade caffeine is used instead of the much weaker Guarana or Green Tea version to accelerate the release of free fatty acids from stored fat and to give you an intense energy boost which will get you through periods of strict dieting and tough workouts.

Carnitrex™ 100 mg per serving: Another crucial ingredient in LIPO-6 Ephedra Free is Carnitrex which is supplied as patented L-Carnitine L-Tartrate. Carnitrex is a carrier that transports fatty acids which have been released from your fat cells through the bloodstream into your muscles where they can finally be burnt as energy. In essence, Carnitrex helps to ensure that all the body fat that has been taken out of your fat cells finds its proper way out of your body.

Bioperine™ 5 mg per serving: Bioperine is a unique thermogenic nutrient that increases the absorption rate of all the fat burning compounds in LIPO-6 Ephedra Free. Bioperine insures maximum effectiveness and potency.

kuglvinkl ::

Probi tole. Skuhaj običajno turško kavo, samo da namesto vode daš coca-colo.

Ejsi_Disi ::

A to ti resno? 8-O
Rock n' roll ain't noise pollution!

gzibret ::

Probi tole:

pojej kakih 5 zmletih muškatnih oreščkov.

Sigurno ne boš 3 dni zaspal >:D
Vse je za neki dobr!

Ejsi_Disi ::

Ehh, vem. Zanič je ko svinja pa še žejen si ko pra... Koliko si pa zraven še zadet pa ne vem. Sem bral o tem pa verjetno ravno na tem forumu.
Rock n' roll ain't noise pollution!

igor0203 ::

gzibert, gremo probat? >:D

gzibret ::

Sem že probal (v srednji šoli). Zanimiva izkušnja. Sem bil kar ork prbit (se ti vrti v glavi oz. na splošno imaš čuden občutek, malo te kordinacija jeb*, usta imaš suha kot poper...). Efekt je podoben efektu trave, samo zadetost traja in traja in traja.... 2-3 dni v bistvu.
Vse je za neki dobr!

jype ::

A policija kaj sitnari, če imaš tri maestro flaške mletega muškatnega oreščka v šolski torbi? :)

dejanslo ::

kaj pa ta orešček vsebuje takšnega..? kak se to pol pozna v krvi..? :)

drugače pa je moje stališče do energy drink vs kava enako Fizikalkotovemu
There`s More Than One Way To Do It

El!te ::

2 redbulla na prazen zelodec zjutraj pa se do 12 ure ne vstavis:)) preverjeno do 12 sem na sihti tak delo da mi je sef 2x placo poviso:) :)

Michaelosz ::

Tebe de tak pobralo...>:D :D

T0RN4D0 ::

ah, redbull je za v vodko dobr. Drugač pa kava al pa kak čaj, čist odvisn od razpoloženja :)
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

Michaelosz ::

Problem je v tem, da po šoli nemrem kuj tak z vodko okol hodit.:D

dejanslo ::

"energydrink" + alkohol lahko vodi do aritmije srca. to dobro vsekakor ni in ob taki izbiri boljših pijač jaz raje posežem po čem drugem, po lovcu npr ;)

pitje na prazn želodec je pa čisto mimo. ne vem, če ti bo šef tud bolniško tak rad plačeval..

She describes such possible symptoms as upset stomach, leg weakness, heart palpitations, being jittery, nervousness, and more. Drink these energy drinks on an empty stomach and the effects can be magnified.


upset stomach -> povečano izločanje kisline -> če ni v njem hrane, ni sluzi, ki bi ščitla želodec pred to kislino -> postopek ponovimo in dobimo razjedo.
There`s More Than One Way To Do It

Michaelosz ::

Upam da se niso začeli kazat prvi znaki prekomernega uživanje Red Bulla... Med tekmo danes me je v srcu namreč začelo malo ščipat in po 5 min sem bil tko zmatran, da glava peče:|

El!te ::

hah glede scipanja v srcu upam da bo te cimprej pobralo pa da bos dau pred smrtjo vse na mene pisat da si bom Akrapovica za na KTM lahko kupo :D glede tega da si hitro zmatran pa mors vcasih na trening it ne pa samo pri meni igrce spilat>:D :D 8-)

igor0203 ::

Jaz sem tud opazil, da če pred rekreacijo spijem Red Bull, da sem bolj zmatran kot pa če ga ne spijem. :|

Michaelosz ::

Lahko ti zapustim le dolgove...:D :D :D Na treningu pa sem vedno>:D
igor0203 - Morš ga spit kako uro do dve prej.

germanistek ::

Kdo ve, kje se da dobiti Simply Colo (Red Bull Cola)?

Vice ::

Tudi večja količina feferonov pomaga da par dni ne moreš sedeti, kaj šele spati...

Gjurisic ::

Sam sem sprva pil po dva red bulla
nekajkrat sem jih pil po pet,
šest enkrat celo 9.
Ne pijem kave in energy drinkov vsak dan tako,
da se mi zdi najboljša črna grenka barcava.

Nashina ::

Odkar sem si uredil prehrano nimam potrebe po takih stvareh. haj fajv meni:))
Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.

Gjurisic ::

Red bull vs Burn Juiced?

DragonHeart ::

definitivno hladen burn juiced. Zakaj? Ker kot prvo je hladen, kar me že v prvi vrsti zbudi....pač če spiješ pol litra hladne pijače te to mora vsaj malo zbuditi:D kot drugo pa ima tudi nekaj kofeina, kar te dodatno zbudi. In boljšega okusa je.

Ampak to pijem le če res ni možno dobiti kave. efekt ki ga ima energijska pijača na telo mi ni ravno všeč...postane telo čist čudno, medtem ko te kava zbudi in sprosti.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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