Forum » Igre » The Surge
The Surge
oo7 ::
Igra izide enkrat 2017 za Pc, Ps4 in Xbox One
The Surge is a sci-fi spin on Dark Souls, from the Lords of the Fallen team.
The Surge is set some 60 to 70 years in the future, when the technology that humanity has come to depend upon has turned against it. Süß showed a single piece of concept art (above) of the post-devastation world in which The Surge takes place, where enhanced humans and inhuman creatures live among the ruins of a technologically gifted society.
Players will assume control of a survivor in that world, an ordinary man who wears a powerful, industrial-grade exoskeleton. It's not express built with military combat in mind, but that's where the game's crafting system and modular upgrades will come in, Süß said. Those systems will tie into The Surge's combat, which will allow players to target specific limbs of tech-enhanced enemies, lop them off and harvest their technology.
The Surge is a sci-fi spin on Dark Souls, from the Lords of the Fallen team.
The Surge is set some 60 to 70 years in the future, when the technology that humanity has come to depend upon has turned against it. Süß showed a single piece of concept art (above) of the post-devastation world in which The Surge takes place, where enhanced humans and inhuman creatures live among the ruins of a technologically gifted society.
Players will assume control of a survivor in that world, an ordinary man who wears a powerful, industrial-grade exoskeleton. It's not express built with military combat in mind, but that's where the game's crafting system and modular upgrades will come in, Süß said. Those systems will tie into The Surge's combat, which will allow players to target specific limbs of tech-enhanced enemies, lop them off and harvest their technology.
opeter ::
Izgleda kot mešanica iz filma Na robu jutrišnjega dne s Tomažem Križarjenjem v glavni vlogi in dodanim ščepcem Warhammer 40k: Space Marine ...
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
vostok_1 ::
Po prvih par stavkih se mi je zdela fenomenalna ideja, pol pa vidim, da gre sam še za eno brezvezno akcijo, pa me je minil.
To bi bila zlo kul adventure-blade runner-esque igra.
To bi bila zlo kul adventure-blade runner-esque igra.
oo7 ::
The Surge Preview / Vorschau zum Action-RPG
Zgleda dobro za Pre-Alpha to naj bi bil Sci-Fi Lords of the fallen ali bolj znani Dark souls.
Zgleda dobro za Pre-Alpha to naj bi bil Sci-Fi Lords of the fallen ali bolj znani Dark souls.
oo7 ::
The Surge - E3 Trailer
Exploit the synergy of man and machine when The Surge releases in 2017 on consoles and PC.
Exploit the synergy of man and machine when The Surge releases in 2017 on consoles and PC.
vostok_1 ::
Generic, cookie-cutter, run of the mill, tretjeosebna arkada...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
V videu celo pravi, da je igra težja kot Dark souls.
The Surge vs Dark Souls | A Detailed Comparison of Structure, Setting & Mechanics (25 hours in)
The Surge vs Dark Souls | A Detailed Comparison of Structure, Setting & Mechanics (25 hours in)
oo7 ::
Prve ocene in kritike.
Trenutno po 16 opisih igre skupna ocena 77
Trenutno po 16 opisih igre skupna ocena 77
oo7 ::
Scrap materjal vlagaš samo v power consuption ali še kam drugam? Ker npr v Dark souls si vlagal duše v nadgrajevanje levela ali pa kupoval orožja.
BivšiUser2 ::
Je potrebno pri tej igri grindati ali GIT GUD?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
scipascapa ::
vsakega bosa lahko ubiješ na 2 načina :)
wiki surge :)
Pogrešam klasični save, če bi želel še 1x ubiti bosa na drug način recimo.
wiki surge :)
Pogrešam klasični save, če bi želel še 1x ubiti bosa na drug način recimo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scipascapa ()
oo7 ::
Ne vem men igra ni preveč všeč. Prvi level je bil dober tam na odpadu drugi level mi pa psloh ni všeč vse tako vtesnjeno drugače gameplay je pa res dober. ampak leveli mi pa čisto nič ne odgovarjajo.
scipascapa ::
Ja, dosti se povezujejo naokoli, ko z druge strani odpreš vrata. Design je res čuden pri 2 nivoju, katere implante imaš? Un je super, ko ti energijo pretvori v heal.
oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
Ja, dosti se povezujejo naokoli, ko z druge strani odpreš vrata. Design je res čuden pri 2 nivoju, katere implante imaš? Un je super, ko ti energijo pretvori v heal.
Drugi level mi je čisto zamoril celo igro. V katerem levelu si ti ?
scipascapa ::
Sem bil že v tretjem, tam pri Biolabs, pa sem začel od začetka, da sem nagrindal čim višji level jedra/core....ter, da sem končno Irini dal orožje za njen quest.
Zdaj sem spet 2 level :) pa se matram ubiti une security guarde, njihov gear.
Zdaj sem spet 2 level :) pa se matram ubiti une security guarde, njihov gear.
oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
Sem bil že v tretjem, tam pri Biolabs, pa sem začel od začetka, da sem nagrindal čim višji level jedra/core....ter, da sem končno Irini dal orožje za njen quest.
Zdaj sem spet 2 level :) pa se matram ubiti une security guarde, njihov gear.
Vse skupaj je 5 levelov to boš kmalu okoli :)
scipascapa ::
The Surge 2 Revealed for PC and Consoles by Deck13 and Focus Home Interactive
Ales320 ::
Nedolgo nazaj sem preigral prvi del in mi je bil špil top. Za drugi del si želim edino to, da bi bil občutno daljši kot prvi.
oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
The Surge 2 Revealed for PC and Consoles by Deck13 and Focus Home Interactive
Ja napovedana je dvojka - 2019
oo7 ::
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