Forum » Igre » Elden Ring [Great Rune] (FromSoftware)
Elden Ring [Great Rune] (FromSoftware)
oo7 ::
Studio : FromSoftware (Demon souls, Dark souls, Sekiro)
Žanr : RPG
Pisec zgodbe : George R.R. Martin ???
George RR Martin has apparently joined forced with FromSoftware, creators of the git gud Soulsborne collection of videogames like Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. But don’t assume it’s going to be set in the world of Game of Thrones, as rumours have it that this game - titled Great Rune, supposedly - is set in the Norse world, exploring Norse mythology and all its dark legends.
Martin himself confirmed in a blog post that he’s “consulted on a videogame out of Japan”, yet before this official confirmation there were already reports of the collaboration surfacing earlier this year. But we won’t have to depend on rumours for long, as other sources say that the game is going to be shown off at this year’s E3… can I get a hell yeah? As it’s focus is the Norse mythos, like God of War and the rumoured Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok, a big part of the game is going to be exploring its open world on horseback, a big change from previous FromSoftware games which traditionally have you fighting and running around on foot.
Tematika mi je zelo všeč pa še FromSoftvare
- spremenil: ahac ()
oo7 ::
Naslov igre se lahko še spremeni.
I can confirm it, a developer told me about this project MANY years ago. It may not be a "fully" Open World due to the limitations of the same (but improved) From Software engine.
I'm not sure, instead, about "Great Rune" name. The codename for Bloodborne was, for example, SPRJ.
I can confirm it, a developer told me about this project MANY years ago. It may not be a "fully" Open World due to the limitations of the same (but improved) From Software engine.
I'm not sure, instead, about "Great Rune" name. The codename for Bloodborne was, for example, SPRJ.
oo7 ::
Lepo prosim če lahko nekdo popravi naslov teme v Elden Ring. Hvala
Elden Ring is a "new world created by Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R. R. Martin" that is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Miyazaki is best known for his work as president of From Software, where he's developed Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro.
Elden Ring is a "new world created by Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R. R. Martin" that is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Miyazaki is best known for his work as president of From Software, where he's developed Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro.
Lizzy ::
ravno pred dnevi videla, me zanima ali bo to tudi multiplayer, pol bom definitivno igrala :)
RAČUNALNIK: i7, 16GB DDR4, Nividia 1060GTX 12GB GDDR5, 525GB SSD/1TB HDD, 2017
KONZOLA: PS4-1TB-slim 2017, PS3-FAT
KONZOLA: PS4-1TB-slim 2017, PS3-FAT
oo7 ::
Elden Ring will be more Dark Souls than Sekiro and way bigger than both
Though the combat will remain brutal and fast-paced, Elden Ring will be an even bigger and more complex RPG than Dark Souls
Though the combat will remain brutal and fast-paced, Elden Ring will be an even bigger and more complex RPG than Dark Souls
Vazelin ::
ravno pred dnevi videla, me zanima ali bo to tudi multiplayer, pol bom definitivno igrala :)
Sekirota se ne boš lotila?
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
oo7 ::
Elden Ring is just as tough as Dark Souls but combat is "fundamentally different"
Upam, da bodo kmalu pokazali gameplay in seveda izid igre :)
Upam, da bodo kmalu pokazali gameplay in seveda izid igre :)
oo7 ::
"Elden Ring is a third-person action RPG with a fantasy setting," he said. "The gameplay is not so far from Dark Souls. That doesn't mean that the gameplay will be identical, but you could say that Elden Ring belongs to the same genre."
But according to Miyazaki, Elden Ring goes beyond simply bringing new twists to the formula. By adding larger and more open environments, he believes that the game will evolve on a larger scale.
"With a larger world, new systems and action mechanics inevitably become necessary," he said. "In that sense, I think that Elden Ring is a more natural evolution of Dark Souls."
"Elden Ring is a third-person action RPG with a fantasy setting," he said. "The gameplay is not so far from Dark Souls. That doesn't mean that the gameplay will be identical, but you could say that Elden Ring belongs to the same genre."
But according to Miyazaki, Elden Ring goes beyond simply bringing new twists to the formula. By adding larger and more open environments, he believes that the game will evolve on a larger scale.
"With a larger world, new systems and action mechanics inevitably become necessary," he said. "In that sense, I think that Elden Ring is a more natural evolution of Dark Souls."
Zmajc ::
vedno vložijo 100% v SP, samo mi DS like co-op/pvp + sporočila ki jih najdeš okoli igro naredijo dosti bolj zanimivo.
Sekiro recimo nisem in niti nikoli ne bom igral. Isto se bo zgodilo s to igro, če bo striktno SP.
Sekiro recimo nisem in niti nikoli ne bom igral. Isto se bo zgodilo s to igro, če bo striktno SP.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
oo7 ::
Sporočila so tudi meni pri Dark Souls zelo zanimiva ali pa, da če imaš težave z šefom, da lahko pokličeš pomoč. Kar me je motilo so bili invaders, ker pri DS2 in DS3 vedno mi je MP delal počasi vedno sem imel zamik 1 ali dveh sekund in je bilo skoraj nemogoče igrati normalno.
Zmajc ::
EH, z invazijami ni težav, pokličeš nekoga na pomoč pa z invaderja naredite čevapčiče :D
Ja to z bossi je najboljši feature, kaj se boš j*ebal 50x če ti kak bos ne leži, pokličeš pomoč pa greš dalje in lahko np vidiš celotno zgodbo. Vem da obstajajo mazohisti ki jim je to point celotne igre, meni ni.
Ja to z bossi je najboljši feature, kaj se boš j*ebal 50x če ti kak bos ne leži, pokličeš pomoč pa greš dalje in lahko np vidiš celotno zgodbo. Vem da obstajajo mazohisti ki jim je to point celotne igre, meni ni.
oo7 ::
Pri Dark Souls nekje si imel lahko celo dva pomočnika enega igralca in phantoma. Pri nekaterih šefih pa nobene pomoči. Meni nikoli ni uspelo premagati v DS2 Acient Dragona.
oo7 ::
Miyazaki Says Collaboration with GRRM Went Surprisingly Smooth, Explains Why He Had Him Writing the Lore
Upam, da bodo kmalu pokazali gameplay.
Upam, da bodo kmalu pokazali gameplay.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
oo7 ::
Tole zveni čedalje boljše :)
Več o igri Hidetaka Miyazaki -
"Elden Ring is a third-person action RPG with a fantasy setting. The gameplay is not so far from Dark Souls. That doesn't mean that the gameplay will be identical, but you could say that Elden Ring belongs to the same genre."
According to Miyazaki, Elden Ring goes beyond simple changes to the game systems. By adding larger and more open environments, he believes that the game will evolve on a greater scale.
"With a larger world, new systems and action mechanics inevitably become necessary. In that sense, I think that Elden Ring is a more natural evolution of Dark Souls."
"While the narrow and complex dungeons of our previous games were indeed interconnected, Elden Ring's environments will be much more open and vast. The more extensive world will form the base of Elden Ring's gameplay, and its mechanics are designed with that type of environment in mind."
The dungeons of Miyazaki's previous games were interconnected in the style of a Metroidvania game, but this time there is a vast field between them.
According to Miyazaki, the inclusion of such an environment was decided for the sake of showing the story and world on a larger scale, to increase the freedom and depth of exploration, and to create more variation for battles.
You can get around the world on a horse, and you can fight enemies while riding.
Miyazaki wants to offer depth to exploration in Elden Ring in a way that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice did not.
Do not expect vibrant villages and towns. According to Miyazaki, "Villages will be the dark dungeon-like ruins that you have come to expect from us.
Creating a more open game is a big challenge for us. If we were to add towns on top of that, it would become a bit too much, so we decided to create an open-world-style game focused on what we are best at."
Miyazaki studied various open-world games as reference for Elden Ring's world, while at the same time not being too heavily influenced by a specific work, to make a game that is true to the DNA of a From Software game.
Regarding the collaboration with George R.R. Martin, Miyazaki said, "It all started with me being a fan of Mr. Martin's works. A Song of Ice and Fire and its drama adaptation Game of Thrones are both masterpieces. I am also very fond of Fevre Dream and Tuf Voyaging."
Miyazaki got in touch with Martin for a meeting, which he found to be surprisingly easy to do. From there, the two clicked and Martin was all in for
Miyazaki's idea of making a game together.
According to Miyazaki, Martin did not write the main story of Elden Ring. Rather, he wrote the events that happened long before the era the player explores--in other words, the "mythology" of the world. Miyazaki said that there were two reasons he had Martin write the mythology rather than the main story.
"Storytelling in video games--at least the way we do it at From Software--comes with a lot of restrictions for the writer. I didn't think it was a good idea to have Martin write within those restrictions. By having him write about a time the player isn't directly involved in, he is free to unleash his creativity in the way he likes. Furthermore, as From Software we didn't want to create a more linear and story-driven experience for Elden Ring. Both issues could be solved by having Martin write about the world's history instead."
According to Miyazaki, the excitement, drama, and depth in the mythology written by Martin had a major impact on From Software's creation of the world for Elden Ring.
Miyazaki compared Martin's mythology to the dungeon master's handbook in a tabletop RPG.
"The player will be able to learn about Martin's mythology through exploration. We are known for letting the player explore the game's lore through fragments of environmental storytelling, and this time around Martin's story is what you will be trying to unravel. The period the player actually explores is still connected to the old times, so as you slowly discover why the world has become the way it is, you will learn more about Martin's mythology as well."
"There is no fixed main character in Elden Ring. We mostly leave it up to the player to decide the characteristics and personality of the character they create."
Miyazaki believes that Elden Ring's NPC characters will be more compelling than his previous works thanks to Martin's mythology as a source of inspiration.
Več o igri Hidetaka Miyazaki -
"Elden Ring is a third-person action RPG with a fantasy setting. The gameplay is not so far from Dark Souls. That doesn't mean that the gameplay will be identical, but you could say that Elden Ring belongs to the same genre."
According to Miyazaki, Elden Ring goes beyond simple changes to the game systems. By adding larger and more open environments, he believes that the game will evolve on a greater scale.
"With a larger world, new systems and action mechanics inevitably become necessary. In that sense, I think that Elden Ring is a more natural evolution of Dark Souls."
"While the narrow and complex dungeons of our previous games were indeed interconnected, Elden Ring's environments will be much more open and vast. The more extensive world will form the base of Elden Ring's gameplay, and its mechanics are designed with that type of environment in mind."
The dungeons of Miyazaki's previous games were interconnected in the style of a Metroidvania game, but this time there is a vast field between them.
According to Miyazaki, the inclusion of such an environment was decided for the sake of showing the story and world on a larger scale, to increase the freedom and depth of exploration, and to create more variation for battles.
You can get around the world on a horse, and you can fight enemies while riding.
Miyazaki wants to offer depth to exploration in Elden Ring in a way that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice did not.
Do not expect vibrant villages and towns. According to Miyazaki, "Villages will be the dark dungeon-like ruins that you have come to expect from us.
Creating a more open game is a big challenge for us. If we were to add towns on top of that, it would become a bit too much, so we decided to create an open-world-style game focused on what we are best at."
Miyazaki studied various open-world games as reference for Elden Ring's world, while at the same time not being too heavily influenced by a specific work, to make a game that is true to the DNA of a From Software game.
Regarding the collaboration with George R.R. Martin, Miyazaki said, "It all started with me being a fan of Mr. Martin's works. A Song of Ice and Fire and its drama adaptation Game of Thrones are both masterpieces. I am also very fond of Fevre Dream and Tuf Voyaging."
Miyazaki got in touch with Martin for a meeting, which he found to be surprisingly easy to do. From there, the two clicked and Martin was all in for
Miyazaki's idea of making a game together.
According to Miyazaki, Martin did not write the main story of Elden Ring. Rather, he wrote the events that happened long before the era the player explores--in other words, the "mythology" of the world. Miyazaki said that there were two reasons he had Martin write the mythology rather than the main story.
"Storytelling in video games--at least the way we do it at From Software--comes with a lot of restrictions for the writer. I didn't think it was a good idea to have Martin write within those restrictions. By having him write about a time the player isn't directly involved in, he is free to unleash his creativity in the way he likes. Furthermore, as From Software we didn't want to create a more linear and story-driven experience for Elden Ring. Both issues could be solved by having Martin write about the world's history instead."
According to Miyazaki, the excitement, drama, and depth in the mythology written by Martin had a major impact on From Software's creation of the world for Elden Ring.
Miyazaki compared Martin's mythology to the dungeon master's handbook in a tabletop RPG.
"The player will be able to learn about Martin's mythology through exploration. We are known for letting the player explore the game's lore through fragments of environmental storytelling, and this time around Martin's story is what you will be trying to unravel. The period the player actually explores is still connected to the old times, so as you slowly discover why the world has become the way it is, you will learn more about Martin's mythology as well."
"There is no fixed main character in Elden Ring. We mostly leave it up to the player to decide the characteristics and personality of the character they create."
Miyazaki believes that Elden Ring's NPC characters will be more compelling than his previous works thanks to Martin's mythology as a source of inspiration.
oo7 ::
Gameplay za Elden ring bodo pokazali ta mesec ampak za zaprtimi vrati tako, da bo potrebno še počakati.
scipascapa ::
upam, da bo kdo kaj sneknu :)
i need souls porcijo, sekiro to ni bil. hvala bogu bo vmes pogojno the surge 2 :)
i need souls porcijo, sekiro to ni bil. hvala bogu bo vmes pogojno the surge 2 :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scipascapa ()
Berserker ::
The dungeons of Miyazaki's previous games were interconnected in the style of a Metroidvania game, but this time there is a vast field between them.
Mislim da za tem trpijo skoraj vse japonske igre in vsi Soulsi + Demons. Ravno zato nisem nikoli končal DS3, enostavno se naveličaš. Prvič še potegne, potem pa vedno manj, ko opaziš podoben patent koncepta čez več iger, vsekakor pozdravljam, če se bodo umaknili od te prakse, ki uničuje odprte igre.
Mislim da za tem trpijo skoraj vse japonske igre in vsi Soulsi + Demons. Ravno zato nisem nikoli končal DS3, enostavno se naveličaš. Prvič še potegne, potem pa vedno manj, ko opaziš podoben patent koncepta čez več iger, vsekakor pozdravljam, če se bodo umaknili od te prakse, ki uničuje odprte igre.
oo7 ::
A listing on Target's website recently leaked what appears to be a tentative release date for FromSoftware's upcoming epic action game Elden Ring. The post went up on Target today, listing the game as now available for pre-order for $59.99, with a release date of June 30, 2020.
30 junij 2020 izid igre ?
30 junij 2020 izid igre ?
oo7 ::
Elden Ring's Open World Will Include Dynamic Weather And Enemy Systems - Rumor
The game's systems will be more active than previous titles.
Zaenkrat samo govorice še nič potrjenega.
The game's systems will be more active than previous titles.
Zaenkrat samo govorice še nič potrjenega.
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Features Dynamic Wildlife, Bloodborne 2 Not in Development - Rumor
oo7 ::
Glede na zadnji leak naj bi prišel nov trailer za igro Elden ring 23 julija 2020.
The gameplay is apparently close to Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3, a bit slower but more dynamic.
There is a jump option like in Sekiro but no wall jumping, though.
There is an air dodge feature.
No classes but you can join guilds and change your mastery.
You can mount a ghost horse that can be summoned at will and carry gear.
Inventory management is similar to Demon's Souls.
The game has five main bosses in each kingdom.
Leaker noticed twelve regular bosses.
Boss health is similar to Sekiro, where there is a counter for each phase.
Day and Night cycle is in the game, enemies and bosses are stronger during the night.
You can rest in towns to pass time.
There are Bonfire-like checkpoints all over the world.
No difficulty options but there is a system similar to Sekiro's unseen aid that refills your health elixirs.
Trailer drops at Xbox event later this month.
Screenshots should start appearing soon.
The gameplay is apparently close to Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3, a bit slower but more dynamic.
There is a jump option like in Sekiro but no wall jumping, though.
There is an air dodge feature.
No classes but you can join guilds and change your mastery.
You can mount a ghost horse that can be summoned at will and carry gear.
Inventory management is similar to Demon's Souls.
The game has five main bosses in each kingdom.
Leaker noticed twelve regular bosses.
Boss health is similar to Sekiro, where there is a counter for each phase.
Day and Night cycle is in the game, enemies and bosses are stronger during the night.
You can rest in towns to pass time.
There are Bonfire-like checkpoints all over the world.
No difficulty options but there is a system similar to Sekiro's unseen aid that refills your health elixirs.
Trailer drops at Xbox event later this month.
Screenshots should start appearing soon.
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Open World Features, Story Themes and More Discussed
oo7 ::
Ja kje si Elden Ring
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Is Still Alive as FromSoftware Mentions the Game on Social Media
No pa so se le oglasili :)
No pa so se le oglasili :)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Is Clearly From Software Most Ambitious Title, Phil Spencer Says; Game Is "Miyazaki Expanding His Horizons"
Me pa že orng zanima kakšen bo gameplay.
Me pa že orng zanima kakšen bo gameplay.
oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
Čudno, da ni nič ven prišlo :P
Trailer je prišel že nekaj časa nazaj ven ampak ni kaj veliko pokazal. Upam, da kmalu pokažejo gameplay.
Master_Yoda ::
Igra naj bi bila že skoraj končana. Nov trailer mogoče še letos.
Razen ce je koncana tako kot je Rothfuss ze koncal The Doors of Stone .
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
oo7 ::
Master_Yoda je izjavil:
Igra naj bi bila že skoraj končana. Nov trailer mogoče še letos.
Razen ce je koncana tako kot je Rothfuss ze koncal The Doors of Stone .
Del gameplaya lahko pokažejo :)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Is in Polishing Phase; Game Will Be Very Similar to Dark Souls - Rumor
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Alleged Concept Art Leaks Online; Some Enemies' Design Will Be Similar to Bloodborne's - Rumor
oo7 ::
Zmajc ::
Saj boljše tak. Sekiro tudi ni imel nobenegy hypa ... ko so izdali so rekli .."tak ..igra izide!" pred tem pa vse tiho je bilo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Gets An Age Rating, Is A Release Date Announcement Coming Soon?
oo7 ::
Schreier: Elden Ring to be Shown "Relatively Soon", Game Has Been "Delayed a Bunch"
Res me zanima kakšen bo gameplay.
Res me zanima kakšen bo gameplay.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()