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Popolni zažig

Beli_Zajcek ::
Pa zakaj se ne držiš svojih obljub? Rekel si, da ne boš več bluzil tukaj o holokavst zaroti. Pojdi na neonazi forume pa boš dobil publiko po svoji meri. Sicer pa sem opazil, da si tak gorečnež, da si se registriral samo z namenom izobraževanja nas nevednežev. Kako lepo od tebe... Ampak zakaj misliš, da pa mi ne znamo razmišljati z lastno glavo. Draga ovčka, ne sodi nas po sebi.

donfilipo ::
Poecketeer>> Zakaj zagovarjate žide?
Jih zagovarja mandi:) Ampak ker so švabi s svojim nacionalizmom in rasizmom z zelo podobnimi argumenti, pri nas naredili mojim prednikom veliko gorja...sosedovim pa neizbrisljivo hudega...velja biti oboroženo previden:)
Jih zagovarja mandi:) Ampak ker so švabi s svojim nacionalizmom in rasizmom z zelo podobnimi argumenti, pri nas naredili mojim prednikom veliko gorja...sosedovim pa neizbrisljivo hudega...velja biti oboroženo previden:)
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

Pocketeer ::
\"A Jew must never be touched by even the shadow of a Christian church\"; \"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in hot shit\"; \"Christians worship their deity by defecating before the altar\"; and, \"All non-Jews are goyim (cattle) and were created by God to be the servants of the Jews always\" (Midrasch Talpioth 225).
HOW ABOUT LULZ PRI.EE.**??????????????????? KAJ JE TO
Aja, vsi tukaj ste židi, zdaj mi je vse jasno :)
HOW ABOUT LULZ PRI.EE.**??????????????????? KAJ JE TO
Aja, vsi tukaj ste židi, zdaj mi je vse jasno :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

Okapi ::
Aja, vsi tukaj ste židi, zdaj mi je vse jasnoJa, in nestrpno čakamo, da boš končno uresničil tisto, kar si rekel pred nekaj posti in se spokal smetit kam drugam.

Pocketeer ::
\"A Jew must never be touched by even the shadow of a Christian church\"; \"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in hot shit\"; \"Christians worship their deity by defecating before the altar\"; and, \"All non-Jews are goyim (cattle) and were created by God to be the servants of the Jews always\" (Midrasch Talpioth 225).

PacificBlue ::
Se strinjam, da je marsikaj nejasnega še pri "holokavstu". Samo krivit žide za vse svinjarijo na svetu,pa je smešno.
I’m out.

donfilipo ::
Pocketeer>> \"A Jew must never be touched by even the shadow of a Christian church\"; \"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in hot shit\"; \"Christians worship their deity by defecating before the altar\"; and, \"All non-Jews are goyim (cattle) and were created by God to be the servants of the Jews always\" (Midrasch Talpioth 225)."//
Pripelji enega, ki to upa na glas zagovarjati, pa mu pokažemo številko 63:) Papir in internet pa preneseta pa to razlog, da bi verjel, da več kot 6 judov, to dejansko verjame:) Več če so plačani:) Ampak potem se ne smejo čuditi antisemitizmu:)
Pripelji enega, ki to upa na glas zagovarjati, pa mu pokažemo številko 63:) Papir in internet pa preneseta pa to razlog, da bi verjel, da več kot 6 judov, to dejansko verjame:) Več če so plačani:) Ampak potem se ne smejo čuditi antisemitizmu:)
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: donfilipo ()

donfilipo ::
Pocketeer>> Žid ni žid, če se ne drži svojih svetih tekstov.
Dobro potem. Ostalo jih je 6 pravih in x plačancev. Vseeno bolje kot pred stoletji:)
Dobro potem. Ostalo jih je 6 pravih in x plačancev. Vseeno bolje kot pred stoletji:)
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

donfilipo ::
Pecketeer>> Krščanstvo ni taka nasilna vera kot judaizem.
Hvaljen Jezus!
Hvaljen Jezus!
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

Okapi ::
Prav, moje delo je tu končano.Tvoje delo tu je končano. Zbogom in hvala za vse modrosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()

PaX_MaN ::
Delo ja, ne pa postanje raznih malenkosti.
Še en s kratkim spominom:
2. člen
1. Zahteva se argumentiran pogovor, ki se nanaša na predmet razprave. Zaželeno je, da je podkrepljen z viri.
3. člen
1. V odgovorih je potrebno slediti vsebini postavljene teme ali novice.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Pocketeer ::
Navajal sem vire. Očitno si slep.
Stvari, katere smo se danes naučili: Nihče ni dokazal 6 000 000 mrtvih (le par kosti, nikjer ni znamenja o 800 000 mrtvih v treblinki), da ni bilo plinskih celic, da ni dokumenta, ki potrdil popolno uničenje židov in tole:
\"A Jew must never be touched by even the shadow of a Christian church\"; \"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in hot shit\"; \"Christians worship their deity by defecating before the altar\"; and, \"All non-Jews are goyim (cattle) and were created by God to be the servants of the Jews always\" (Midrasch Talpioth 225).
Stvari, katere smo se danes naučili: Nihče ni dokazal 6 000 000 mrtvih (le par kosti, nikjer ni znamenja o 800 000 mrtvih v treblinki), da ni bilo plinskih celic, da ni dokumenta, ki potrdil popolno uničenje židov in tole:
\"A Jew must never be touched by even the shadow of a Christian church\"; \"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in hot shit\"; \"Christians worship their deity by defecating before the altar\"; and, \"All non-Jews are goyim (cattle) and were created by God to be the servants of the Jews always\" (Midrasch Talpioth 225).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

PaX_MaN ::
Nihče ni dokazal 6 000 000 mrtvih
To so, še vedno, samo ocene.
(le par kosti, nikjer ni znamenja o 800 000 mrtvih v treblinki),
Kupi pepela.
da ni dokumenta, ki potrdil popolno uničenje židov
Korherr report.

Beli_Zajcek ::
Navajal sem vire. Očitno si slep.
Stvari, katere smo se danes naučili: Nihče ni dokazal 6 000 000 mrtvih (le par kosti, nikjer ni znamenja o 800 000 mrtvih v treblinki), da ni bilo plinskih celic, da ni dokumenta, ki potrdil popolno uničenje židov in tole:
\"A Jew must never be touched by even the shadow of a Christian church\"; \"Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in hot shit\"; \"Christians worship their deity by defecating before the altar\"; and, \"All non-Jews are goyim (cattle) and were created by God to be the servants of the Jews always\" (Midrasch Talpioth 225).
Ok neonacistek, spokaj se stran, kot si obljubljal. Tukaj ne boš našel bebcev, ki bi verjeli tvojim "kredibilnim" virom ali tebi. Za razliko od tebe še imamo možganske celice in jih celo uporabljamo.
/ če mi boš jokal, da te žalim si pa samo preberi tvoje prejšnje poste, kjer žališ dosti več ljudi kot jaz v tem postu

Tarzan ::
Neverjetno, kaj vse se najde na internetu. ;)
Nad židi so nacisti izvajali holokavst, to je dejstvo, če slike kupov trupel židov, slovanov, invalidov in ostalih "inferiornih" ljudi niso dovolj, ti žal ni pomoči.
Kar pa delajo Izraelci v tem trenutku Palestincem, ni prav nič drugače, kot tisto, kar se je njim godilo okoli 2. svetovne vojne. Niso jih zažigali v pečeh, so pa z letal metali fosfor. Če nekdo nad teboj izvaja genocid nimaš pravice istega izvajati nad drugimi. Tega se Izrael še ni naučil ampak se bo verjetno prej ali slej moral.
Če mogoče še lahko nekako razumem, da nekateri nadaljujejo s poveličevanjem belogardističnih in domobranskih idej, mi ni jasno, kako lahko nekdo zagovarja iztrebljanje druge rase (vere, spola, politične pripadnosti,...). Izgleda, da imamo tudi pri nas v lepem porastu neonacistične ideje. Sramote in obžalovanja vredno.
Nad židi so nacisti izvajali holokavst, to je dejstvo, če slike kupov trupel židov, slovanov, invalidov in ostalih "inferiornih" ljudi niso dovolj, ti žal ni pomoči.
Kar pa delajo Izraelci v tem trenutku Palestincem, ni prav nič drugače, kot tisto, kar se je njim godilo okoli 2. svetovne vojne. Niso jih zažigali v pečeh, so pa z letal metali fosfor. Če nekdo nad teboj izvaja genocid nimaš pravice istega izvajati nad drugimi. Tega se Izrael še ni naučil ampak se bo verjetno prej ali slej moral.
Če mogoče še lahko nekako razumem, da nekateri nadaljujejo s poveličevanjem belogardističnih in domobranskih idej, mi ni jasno, kako lahko nekdo zagovarja iztrebljanje druge rase (vere, spola, politične pripadnosti,...). Izgleda, da imamo tudi pri nas v lepem porastu neonacistične ideje. Sramote in obžalovanja vredno.

Pocketeer ::
ponarejene slike
Zakaj je Hrvaška bila zaveznica Hitlerja? Da Češkoslovaške ne omenjam. SZ so pa napadli zato, ker so jo vodili židi (Lenin, trotsky, vsi so bili židi oz. vsaj delno, preveri).
Jugoslavija pa je bila tudi zaveznica Hitlerja, preden so jo zavzeli liberalci tik pred 2. Sv.
ponarejene slike
Zakaj je Hrvaška bila zaveznica Hitlerja? Da Češkoslovaške ne omenjam. SZ so pa napadli zato, ker so jo vodili židi (Lenin, trotsky, vsi so bili židi oz. vsaj delno, preveri).
Jugoslavija pa je bila tudi zaveznica Hitlerja, preden so jo zavzeli liberalci tik pred 2. Sv.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

teoo ::
spet en 16 letnik, ki si je obril glavo in odkril nazi forume pa zdaj misli, da je boga za jajca prijel?
defying gravity

PaX_MaN ::
Zakaj je Hrvaška bila zaveznica Hitlerja? Da Češkoslovaške ne omenjam. SZ so pa napadli zato, ker so jo vodili židi (Lenin, trotsky, vsi so bili židi oz. vsaj delno, preveri).
Jugoslavija pa je bila tudi zaveznica Hitlerja, preden so jo zavzeli liberalci tik pred 2. Sv.
Kaj ima to s 'popolnim zažigom'?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Pocketeer ::
Preberi si Tarzanovo sporočilo.
3. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favor of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed. Everyone understands what torture is, but few can believe it would have been used by the Allies on war criminals. This is documented in Butz's book
4. The Katyn Forest Massacre: That numerous German officers were hung for the murder of thousands of Polish nationalists by Stalin's NKVD demonstrates the fraudulence going on during the war years. President Roosevelt deliberately covered up the evidence of who really committed the crime. That such corruption could have been going on in high levels of the US government during the war years proves that we should not believe any of the official evidence of the Holocaust.
3. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favor of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed. Everyone understands what torture is, but few can believe it would have been used by the Allies on war criminals. This is documented in Butz's book
4. The Katyn Forest Massacre: That numerous German officers were hung for the murder of thousands of Polish nationalists by Stalin's NKVD demonstrates the fraudulence going on during the war years. President Roosevelt deliberately covered up the evidence of who really committed the crime. That such corruption could have been going on in high levels of the US government during the war years proves that we should not believe any of the official evidence of the Holocaust.

Okapi ::
SZ so pa napadli zato, ker so jo vodili židi (Lenin, trotsky, vsi so bili židi oz. vsaj delno, preveri).Ti pa preveri, kaj sta počela Lenin in Trocki leta '41.

Pocketeer ::
Dejstvo je, da so bili židi glavni sovjeti v Rusiji (ja, vem, da sta bila že zdavnaj mrtva, dejstvo je tudi, da se je Stalin obdajal s samo židiovskimi častniki in se poročal z židinjami).
No Evidence & Ovens Not Capable:
I quote your point #3 because it is the most important. There was and is no physical evidence, no physical remains to account for the outragious claim of 6 million, (Weizman even claimed it was 11 million!). This stark lack of evidence was explained away by annother completely rediculous claim: That the Germans decided to "get rid of the evidence" by cremating all 6 million bodies! The last time I checked, Germany was confident it would win the war. Then they show these pitiful little ovens used at Dachau & Auschwitz which were used to cremate the bodies of prisoners who had died of contagious deseases. Furthermore; it takes several hours to cremate a single body. Then the oven must be cleaned out before it can effectively be used again!
Rampant Danger from Desease:
Remember that the badly overcrouded Jewish ghettos of Warsau & other Polish cities, were infested with cholera, typhus, hepatitus, TB, and a host of other contagious deseases. Cremation of the remains of such cases had been the law and custom in all Europe for centuries.
One of my favorites is the Tattoos:
So called "death camp survivors" proudly display the numbers they have tatooed on ther forearms. The obvious question is: Why in the world would the Germans go through all the time & trouble to tattoo numbers on prisoners they intended to gas & cremate ? ? ?
Falsified Photos:
Then there are those incriminationg photos. Students of history know that both world wars were fought on many fronts, but the most improtant front was the propoganda front; The war for the minds of the world. Any photo found laying around after the war showing dead bodies was used against Germany. And ofcourse many of these photos were craftilly altered, mislabled and even staged by the invading victors as greatly valued propoganda tools. And ofcouse there were plenty of "witnesses" of German atrocities to go with them. The victors needed to show justifcation for the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent German civilians in firestorms. (the one true holocaust), so what better way than to depict all Germans the world all as "Nazi Murderers" . . . . . ?
Migrated Jews:
As for the "missing Jews": Fact is, hundreds of Jewish families showed up in business in many US cities after the war. Jews of means acted quickly, and hosts of monyed resourceful Jews simply bought passage out of Germany long before the dung hit the fan . . . Countries like Argentina, Honduras, Chile, Uruguay, Equador etc etc were famous for the sheer number of monyed political refugees they accepted into their countries. All this can be documented with a little effort.
A footnote: I can tell you that my 6 year old uncle Fritz saw the Americans arrive in 1945 and he saw plenty of atocities perpetrated by them. His first sight of the Yanks was when they drove into town in a jeep dragging the body of a German soldier behind them. Of these acts there is little or no mention in our history books.
No Evidence & Ovens Not Capable:
I quote your point #3 because it is the most important. There was and is no physical evidence, no physical remains to account for the outragious claim of 6 million, (Weizman even claimed it was 11 million!). This stark lack of evidence was explained away by annother completely rediculous claim: That the Germans decided to "get rid of the evidence" by cremating all 6 million bodies! The last time I checked, Germany was confident it would win the war. Then they show these pitiful little ovens used at Dachau & Auschwitz which were used to cremate the bodies of prisoners who had died of contagious deseases. Furthermore; it takes several hours to cremate a single body. Then the oven must be cleaned out before it can effectively be used again!
Rampant Danger from Desease:
Remember that the badly overcrouded Jewish ghettos of Warsau & other Polish cities, were infested with cholera, typhus, hepatitus, TB, and a host of other contagious deseases. Cremation of the remains of such cases had been the law and custom in all Europe for centuries.
One of my favorites is the Tattoos:
So called "death camp survivors" proudly display the numbers they have tatooed on ther forearms. The obvious question is: Why in the world would the Germans go through all the time & trouble to tattoo numbers on prisoners they intended to gas & cremate ? ? ?
Falsified Photos:
Then there are those incriminationg photos. Students of history know that both world wars were fought on many fronts, but the most improtant front was the propoganda front; The war for the minds of the world. Any photo found laying around after the war showing dead bodies was used against Germany. And ofcourse many of these photos were craftilly altered, mislabled and even staged by the invading victors as greatly valued propoganda tools. And ofcouse there were plenty of "witnesses" of German atrocities to go with them. The victors needed to show justifcation for the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent German civilians in firestorms. (the one true holocaust), so what better way than to depict all Germans the world all as "Nazi Murderers" . . . . . ?
Migrated Jews:
As for the "missing Jews": Fact is, hundreds of Jewish families showed up in business in many US cities after the war. Jews of means acted quickly, and hosts of monyed resourceful Jews simply bought passage out of Germany long before the dung hit the fan . . . Countries like Argentina, Honduras, Chile, Uruguay, Equador etc etc were famous for the sheer number of monyed political refugees they accepted into their countries. All this can be documented with a little effort.
A footnote: I can tell you that my 6 year old uncle Fritz saw the Americans arrive in 1945 and he saw plenty of atocities perpetrated by them. His first sight of the Yanks was when they drove into town in a jeep dragging the body of a German soldier behind them. Of these acts there is little or no mention in our history books.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

Tarzan ::
Predlagam Moderatorjem, da to temo dajo pod ključ, avtorju pa kak neonazi-v.
S psihično motenimi posamezniki se nima smisla pregovarjati, še manj pa dopuščati, da blodnje razglaša preko spleta morebitnim mladeničem, ki o zgodovini še ne vedo dovolj. Hvala, over and out.
S psihično motenimi posamezniki se nima smisla pregovarjati, še manj pa dopuščati, da blodnje razglaša preko spleta morebitnim mladeničem, ki o zgodovini še ne vedo dovolj. Hvala, over and out.

Okapi ::

Pocketeer ::
Vsak ve, da prostozidarji sledijo zionističnim načelom ...
Oz. kot sem že napisal:
prostozidarji, naši nevidni sovražniki
Videti je, da ste prostozidarji prevzeli principe naravnost iz Talmuda. 'Magični' obredi in simbolizem so vsi Kabalistični, okultna praksa, katere so se židi priučili, ko so bili zasužnjeni v Egiptu.
Vredno je tudi vedeti, da so bili prostozidarji za vsako revolucijo, vsaj od francoske.
'Boaz', beseda s katero se prostozidarji prepoznate, je židovskega izvora. (Kar je spet dokaz, da so prostozidarji zionisti.)
Oz. kot sem že napisal:
prostozidarji, naši nevidni sovražniki
Videti je, da ste prostozidarji prevzeli principe naravnost iz Talmuda. 'Magični' obredi in simbolizem so vsi Kabalistični, okultna praksa, katere so se židi priučili, ko so bili zasužnjeni v Egiptu.
Vredno je tudi vedeti, da so bili prostozidarji za vsako revolucijo, vsaj od francoske.
'Boaz', beseda s katero se prostozidarji prepoznate, je židovskega izvora. (Kar je spet dokaz, da so prostozidarji zionisti.)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

Beli_Zajcek ::
Vsak ve, da prostozidarji sledijo zionističnim načelom ...
Vsak ve kvečjemu to, da si še eden izmed neonazi bebcev. S svojimi posti pa žališ Žide in pa seveda razum vseh nas.

Pocketeer ::

Brane2 ::
Verjamem, da bo Jezus na sodni dan dokončno ločil pravičneže od izdajalcev in nejevernežev.
Se pravi, da bo opravil v bistvu to, kar so počeli pred njim nemški poveljniki ob sprejemu folka v taborišče ?
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

PaX_MaN ::
3. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favor of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed. Everyone understands what torture is, but few can believe it would have been used by the Allies on war criminals. This is documented in Butz's book
V knjigi piše samo o Dachavskem in Belsenskem procesu.
4. The Katyn Forest Massacre: That numerous German officers were hung for the murder of thousands of Polish nationalists by Stalin's NKVD demonstrates the fraudulence going on during the war years. President Roosevelt deliberately covered up the evidence of who really committed the crime. That such corruption could have been going on in high levels of the US government during the war years proves that we should not believe any of the official evidence of the Holocaust.

pecorin ::
Se pravi, da bo opravil v bistvu to, kar so počeli pred njim nemški poveljniki ob sprejemu folka v taborišče ?
ne ne. saj pa ze celo temo govori, da so nemci v taboriscih imeli kvecjemu fat camp...

Pocketeer ::
3. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favor of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed. Everyone understands what torture is, but few can believe it would have been used by the Allies on war criminals. This is documented in Butz's book
V knjigi piše samo o Dachavskem in Belsenskem procesu.
4. The Katyn Forest Massacre: That numerous German officers were hung for the murder of thousands of Polish nationalists by Stalin's NKVD demonstrates the fraudulence going on during the war years. President Roosevelt deliberately covered up the evidence of who really committed the crime. That such corruption could have been going on in high levels of the US government during the war years proves that we should not believe any of the official evidence of the Holocaust.
Doing my reading on the history of German war crimes, German war criminals and their adjudication by the victors after World War II, I came across a most interesting passage. In November 1945, seven officers of the German Wehrmacht (and I think it is reasonable to mention their names -- K.H. Strueffling, H. Remlinger, E. Böhom, E. Sommerfeld, H. Jannike, E. Skotki and E. Geherer) were tried by a court of the victorious allies, the Americans, the English, the French and the Russians. They were condemned to death for war crimes and subsequently hanged.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

Okapi ::
Prav. Bom nehal postat,Daj, bodi mož beseda, ne pa kot Judje, prostozidarji in komunisti, ki jim ne moreš nič verjet.

Pocketeer ::
it's time to stop poasting
Preveč časa sem zapravil za tako 'closed-minded' ljudi.
it's time to stop poasting
Preveč časa sem zapravil za tako 'closed-minded' ljudi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pocketeer ()

PaX_MaN ::
Doing my reading on the history of German war crimes, German war criminals and their adjudication by the victors after World War II, I came across a most interesting passage. In November 1945, seven officers of the German Wehrmacht (and I think it is reasonable to mention their names -- K.H. Strueffling, H. Remlinger, E. BĂśhom, E. Sommerfeld, H. Jannike, E. Skotki and E. Geherer) were tried by a court of the victorious allies, the Americans, the English, the French and the Russians. They were condemned to death for war crimes and subsequently hanged.
Đizs no, saj ti piše vmes (tole zgoraj citiraš vir 57):
Contrary to claims on several "revisionist" sites,[57] of all the accused during the Leningrad Trial, only Diere was accused of a connection to the Katyn massacre.[58]
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Pocketeer ::
Doing my reading on the history of German war crimes, German war criminals and their adjudication by the victors after World War II, I came across a most interesting passage. In November 1945, seven officers of the German Wehrmacht (and I think it is reasonable to mention their names -- K.H. Strueffling, H. Remlinger, E. BĂśhom, E. Sommerfeld, H. Jannike, E. Skotki and E. Geherer) were tried by a court of the victorious allies, the Americans, the English, the French and the Russians. They were condemned to death for war crimes and subsequently hanged.
Đizs no, saj ti piše vmes (tole zgoraj citiraš vir 57):
Contrary to claims on several "revisionist" sites,[57] of all the accused during the Leningrad Trial, only Diere was accused of a connection to the Katyn massacre.[58]
Uradno že. Obešeni so bili pa vsi.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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