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Claw ''codes''

Claw ''codes''

Mercenary ::


Zanima me, če kdo ve, kak pri tej igci uporabit cheate. Na googlu sm najdu, tako eno stran o cheatih, sam nikjer pa ne piše, ka je treba še nadit, da kode primejo.

Vem da je igrca stara celo desetletje, ampak še nikol nisem takih kod unašal v grco, zato bi rabu mal pomoči....:D
Some people think that somewhere in space are aliens...
...but i think there are some really odd human beings,
who were exiled from Earth...

Mercenary ::

Noben ne bi vedu??:\
Some people think that somewhere in space are aliens...
...but i think there are some really odd human beings,
who were exiled from Earth...

jan01 ::

kar hitro(brez restanka) vpisati kodo?

Mercenary ::

Jst sem najdu že prej en Trainer, ga dol potegnu in to. Dal sem da tut v tisto mapo od igrce, sam ne vem kak ga uporabit. V tistem dodanem fajlu-Readme piše tole:

Press the delete key, to enter float mode. To exit, press delte key again

Jst ga pritiskam, sam ni haska. (probu sem tud, taprvo zagnat trainer, pa pol igrco, in obratno, sam tud ne prime)

Pol pa še ingame keys (home-weird effect, End, set healt to 255...)
Sam tud nič ne dela.

Kaj protisnat, da bi delal tist, ko sm dal link v prvem sporočilu, pa tud ne vem... :(
Some people think that somewhere in space are aliens...
...but i think there are some really odd human beings,
who were exiled from Earth...

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mercenary ::

Sem že pogruntu! :D

Za lebdenje morm držat delete tipko, jst sm pa narobe delu, pa sm jo sm prtisnu...

še 4 leveli pa konc igre... jupi...
Some people think that somewhere in space are aliens...
...but i think there are some really odd human beings,
who were exiled from Earth...

Margaret ::

Igrate lahko tudi druge igre s popolnoma brezplačnimi kodami na https://codesrandom.com/

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: vres.ales ()

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