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Dual Xeon on 875

kuglvinkl ::
With its 1-MB L3 cache, Intel's Xeon was poised to take the workstation market by storm. Unfortunately, the Intel E7505 chipset isn't the greatest match for the CPU, as it only supports dual DDR266. Asus decided it needed to tackle this problem. And tackle it did: it developed a board that aims to enhance performance with an 875P desktop chipset and dual DDR333.
With its 1-MB L3 cache, Intel's Xeon was poised to take the workstation market by storm. Unfortunately, the Intel E7505 chipset isn't the greatest match for the CPU, as it only supports dual DDR266. Asus decided it needed to tackle this problem. And tackle it did: it developed a board that aims to enhance performance with an 875P desktop chipset and dual DDR333.
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kuglvinkl ::
Conclusion: More Performance for a PCI-X Price
If this article has only one message for Intel, it is this: we need a faster Xeon chipset. We don't have to look any further than the example set by Asus: the company designed its own Xeon board with the fastest desktop chipset on the market.
In many benchmarks, the 1-megabyte Xeon at 3.06 GHz can almost hold its own against the faster Pentium 4 3.20 GHz. In memory-intensive benchmarks, however, the Xeon system is not even on a par with the Athlon XP 3200+, which can draw on its 200-MHz memory clock and dual-channel DDR. In this case, though, the PC-DL's asynchronous memory clock is most certainly ensuring that the performance improvement is much less than you might imagine from just looking at the numbers.
In standard workstation benchmarks like MainConcept (MPEG-2-Encoding), Cinema 4D XL, Lightwave, 3DStudio Max and SPECviewperf, however, the Xeon makes up for its gap with the 875P chipset. Asus also scores better in the gaming benchmarks, although it is still not as fast as the Athlon XP 3200+ or the Pentium 4 3.2-GHz systems. You'll find a most dramatic improvement in performance in the file-compression benchmark with WinRAR 3.2.
Since the synthetic benchmarks (PC Mark 2002, Sandra 2003) give the PC-DL better marks than the test system with the E7505, you can also expect improvements in standard server applications.
Of course, this board isn't designed to handle extremely complex applications, as it doesn't have the fast PCI-X slots nor the DIMM expansion slots to add to your memory. After all, 4 GB of RAM are nothing for large database servers, large-format image processing, CAD depictions of an entire car, or similar applications.
But for the bulk of applications (graphics, video) and for all-purpose servers, this board is currently the cat's meow. With its gigabit Ethernet, high performance and relatively low price (not least thanks to its unbuffered memory), it offers a value that other boards would be hard-pressed to beat.
If this article has only one message for Intel, it is this: we need a faster Xeon chipset. We don't have to look any further than the example set by Asus: the company designed its own Xeon board with the fastest desktop chipset on the market.
In many benchmarks, the 1-megabyte Xeon at 3.06 GHz can almost hold its own against the faster Pentium 4 3.20 GHz. In memory-intensive benchmarks, however, the Xeon system is not even on a par with the Athlon XP 3200+, which can draw on its 200-MHz memory clock and dual-channel DDR. In this case, though, the PC-DL's asynchronous memory clock is most certainly ensuring that the performance improvement is much less than you might imagine from just looking at the numbers.
In standard workstation benchmarks like MainConcept (MPEG-2-Encoding), Cinema 4D XL, Lightwave, 3DStudio Max and SPECviewperf, however, the Xeon makes up for its gap with the 875P chipset. Asus also scores better in the gaming benchmarks, although it is still not as fast as the Athlon XP 3200+ or the Pentium 4 3.2-GHz systems. You'll find a most dramatic improvement in performance in the file-compression benchmark with WinRAR 3.2.
Since the synthetic benchmarks (PC Mark 2002, Sandra 2003) give the PC-DL better marks than the test system with the E7505, you can also expect improvements in standard server applications.
Of course, this board isn't designed to handle extremely complex applications, as it doesn't have the fast PCI-X slots nor the DIMM expansion slots to add to your memory. After all, 4 GB of RAM are nothing for large database servers, large-format image processing, CAD depictions of an entire car, or similar applications.
But for the bulk of applications (graphics, video) and for all-purpose servers, this board is currently the cat's meow. With its gigabit Ethernet, high performance and relatively low price (not least thanks to its unbuffered memory), it offers a value that other boards would be hard-pressed to beat.
Your focus determines your reallity

kuglvinkl ::
Test na Anandu
Final Words
The Asus PC-DL is a product that both excites and disappoints. As the first in what will likely be a long line of Xeon 875 boards, we are very excited about where this branch of development is headed. There is a lot of promise in the prospect of Dual 800FSB Xeons. It is also easy to get excited about the idea of a future PC-DL BIOS upgrade with the full range of tweaking and overclocking options we have today on another Asus Canterwood board — the P4C800-E. When we see how well the Dual-Xeon is executed and how stable the current PC-DL is with two Xeon 3.06 1Mb Cache processors, it makes us hopeful about what is coming.
On the other hand, if we take a close look at the current PC-DL as it exists today, it is hard not to be disappointed. Overclocking options consist of only a very modest FSB adjustment and multipliers that can only be adjusted down on 3.06 processors. There is no PCI/AGP lock, so even these modest options perform poorly. Perhaps worst of all, the modest overclocking options are turned off when any SATA drive is attached to the PC-DL and SATA is enabled in the BIOS.
We also have reservations about where Dual Xeon will really go in the competition with Opteron and Athlon64. There are things that could be better in the execution of Opteron/Athlon64, but one area no one questions is that Opteron scales much better than Xeon. As Anand Shimpi showed in his April launch review of the Opteron, the Opteron CPU gains almost 24% in performance in the move from 1 to 2 CPUs while Xeon gains just 11.4%.
With a single Opteron 2.0GHz already very competitive in most areas with this Dual-Xeon setup, we would expect Dual Opteron to dramatically out-perform this Dual-Xeon setup as we move ahead.
In the things it does very well — Media Encoding and Multimedia Content Creation — the Asus PC-DL is easy to recommend. Also, as a fast workstation or a cost-effective SOHO server, the PC-DL would be a very good choice. However, as a gaming platform or Computer Enthusiasts “brag” box, the Asus PC-DL has a long way to go. The promise is certainly there, but the hardware needs to evolve with Xeons competitive with current Pentium 4 processors. Asus also needs to work on the tweaking and overclocking options, to bring them to the level that will genuinely excite gamers and enthusiasts. Perhaps they can do that with a BIOS upgrade. We certainly hope so.
Final Words
The Asus PC-DL is a product that both excites and disappoints. As the first in what will likely be a long line of Xeon 875 boards, we are very excited about where this branch of development is headed. There is a lot of promise in the prospect of Dual 800FSB Xeons. It is also easy to get excited about the idea of a future PC-DL BIOS upgrade with the full range of tweaking and overclocking options we have today on another Asus Canterwood board — the P4C800-E. When we see how well the Dual-Xeon is executed and how stable the current PC-DL is with two Xeon 3.06 1Mb Cache processors, it makes us hopeful about what is coming.
On the other hand, if we take a close look at the current PC-DL as it exists today, it is hard not to be disappointed. Overclocking options consist of only a very modest FSB adjustment and multipliers that can only be adjusted down on 3.06 processors. There is no PCI/AGP lock, so even these modest options perform poorly. Perhaps worst of all, the modest overclocking options are turned off when any SATA drive is attached to the PC-DL and SATA is enabled in the BIOS.
We also have reservations about where Dual Xeon will really go in the competition with Opteron and Athlon64. There are things that could be better in the execution of Opteron/Athlon64, but one area no one questions is that Opteron scales much better than Xeon. As Anand Shimpi showed in his April launch review of the Opteron, the Opteron CPU gains almost 24% in performance in the move from 1 to 2 CPUs while Xeon gains just 11.4%.
With a single Opteron 2.0GHz already very competitive in most areas with this Dual-Xeon setup, we would expect Dual Opteron to dramatically out-perform this Dual-Xeon setup as we move ahead.
In the things it does very well — Media Encoding and Multimedia Content Creation — the Asus PC-DL is easy to recommend. Also, as a fast workstation or a cost-effective SOHO server, the PC-DL would be a very good choice. However, as a gaming platform or Computer Enthusiasts “brag” box, the Asus PC-DL has a long way to go. The promise is certainly there, but the hardware needs to evolve with Xeons competitive with current Pentium 4 processors. Asus also needs to work on the tweaking and overclocking options, to bring them to the level that will genuinely excite gamers and enthusiasts. Perhaps they can do that with a BIOS upgrade. We certainly hope so.
Your focus determines your reallity
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Blue22 ::
kaj ti sam pri tej temi sodeluješ??? kolk pa stane ta plata?? da se ne boš sam s sabo pogovarjal

kurc kne vem kaj bi napisu

kuglvinkl ::
To, da se sam s sabo pogovarjaš, je stvar izjemnega mentalnega napora.
Ok, dodajam koristne informacije oz. različne linke do testov. Ne vem zakaj bi moral novo temo odpret.
Kolk stane plata? Če ni v testu, glej na PriceWatch.
Ok, dodajam koristne informacije oz. različne linke do testov. Ne vem zakaj bi moral novo temo odpret.
Kolk stane plata? Če ni v testu, glej na PriceWatch.
Your focus determines your reallity

Mr.B ::
Bomo raje tole počakali.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Zheegec ::
Dodatni L3 cache ne bo veliko pomagal, zakaj raje ne dajo več L1 cacha -- aja, ker ne bi mogli MHz tako dvigovat, oupsii
Ponekod bodo razlike, ponekod pa ne, mislim da ta "extreme edition" ne bo uspel zapolniti teh nekaj mesecev do Prescotta, bodo samo Intel fanboji tole kupovali

"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

morphling1 ::
Dodatni L3 predpomnilnik bo čisto lepo pomagal, verjemi, še vedno je dosti hitrejši od sistemskega pomnilnika. Če prav berem naj bi imela zadeva tudi extra 2MB predpomnilnika, predvidevam da je to L2, če sešteješ 1+1 bo zadeva verjetno kar res daleč najhitrejši proc za osebne računalnike do sedaj. Seveda ob predpostavki da bo res prišel ven, še vedno je to le Inquier :) Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Zheegec ::
Ne, govori se samo o dodatnem L3 pomnilniku, ki je pri P4 celo manj, ker se tudi L1 in L2 duplicirata v L3, tako da bo okoli 1.5MB
L3 cache only

L3 cache only
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Samuel ::
pravzaprav gre za kopijo Xeona z jedrom Gallatin (512Kb L2 in 2MB L3) z disejblanim MP (le za eno-procesorske sisteme).
od tu tud drugacno podnozje (S478 pri P4 in 603/604 pri P4Xeon).
z drugimi besedami, nic novega v tehnicnem smislu, bo pa zagotovo videti razlike med navadnim P4 in novim.
od tu tud drugacno podnozje (S478 pri P4 in 603/604 pri P4Xeon).
z drugimi besedami, nic novega v tehnicnem smislu, bo pa zagotovo videti razlike med navadnim P4 in novim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()

asPeteR ::
->Ne, govori se samo o dodatnem L3 pomnilniku, ki je pri P4 celo manj, ker se tudi L1 in L2 duplicirata v L3, tako da bo okoli 1.5MB
Res je. Toda se vedno 1.5MB "cistega" pomnilkika za dato ni nikar malo, nasprotno veliko! In tudi ne govori, da ne bo kaj dosti prispeval k hitrosti. Tudi ce bo deloval s polovicno hitrostjo jedra, nima veze, se vedno bo prispeval k pospesku hitrosti pri pomnilnisko intenzivnih aplikacijah.
Res je. Toda se vedno 1.5MB "cistega" pomnilkika za dato ni nikar malo, nasprotno veliko! In tudi ne govori, da ne bo kaj dosti prispeval k hitrosti. Tudi ce bo deloval s polovicno hitrostjo jedra, nima veze, se vedno bo prispeval k pospesku hitrosti pri pomnilnisko intenzivnih aplikacijah.

Samuel ::
Hitrost tega procesorja bi lahko izmerili ze zdaj
Vzames eno single Xeon plato (npr. Supermicro) pol pa se enega Xeona MP 2.8GHz (sicer je cena sam 3600 USD
), pa primerjas z P4 2.8GHz HT + 875P.
Po moje lahko kmalu pricakujemo teste v takem smislu...
Vzames eno single Xeon plato (npr. Supermicro) pol pa se enega Xeona MP 2.8GHz (sicer je cena sam 3600 USD

Po moje lahko kmalu pricakujemo teste v takem smislu...
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