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Dvo-procerska plata

Dvo-procerska plata

kopar ::

:\ Zanima me katero dvo-procesorko :\ naj kupim, in kje na netu bi najdu kaksn test le teh. Cena naj bi bila do 100.000 SIT


kuglvinkl ::

Glede iskanja na netu. Najdeš ime plošče in v Googlu dodaš review. Predlagam tudi acehardware, tu je kar nekaj uporabnih testov (klikor se spomnim predvsem sistemov kot takih).

ST denimo laufa na Tyanki.
Your focus determines your reallity

Klemenn ::

...ki je že ankrat crknila se mi zdi..nisem sigurn.-...drgač pa poglej po kaki gigabytki :\

kuglvinkl ::

Sinko, ne trobezlaj in raje postrezi s kakšnim testom.
Your focus determines your reallity

Klemenn ::

??? al ste eni mal 8-O

Tito ::

Doma mamo dvoprocesorsko plato ASUS a7m266-d za Athlone. Na njej sta dve 1800-i in leti v nebesa (cena je okoli 72 kosov). Lahko ti postrežem s kakšnimi testi iz sandre... Drugače pa se bolje obnesejo Intelove plate...

kuglvinkl ::

Jebediah: kaj misliš, zakaj denimo Anandtech ni izbral Gigabytove plate in je raje vzel Tyanke? ...

Sicer pa, če hočeš bit res v pomoč, se potrudi in najdi kaj uporabnega. to poteka denimo takole:

test 1


All the numbers you have seen here in this review prove that the Tiger MP is the performance equal and sometimes winner in all the benchmarks shown. That makes sense, of course, since the Tiger MP and Thunder K7 are nearly identical motherboards if you take away the extra features of the Thunder version. Obviously though, the Tyan engineers were able to tweak the chipset slightly to get some improved performance from the AMD-760 MP north and south bridges.

Knowing that, the Tyan Tiger MP motherboard is going to be a great success – I can tell it already. Coming in at around $230 for this board, which is nearly half the price its cousin launched at, I see a lot of those eager for dual-Athlon power who were intimidated by the price of the Thunder K7 coming out of the woodwork to snatch this board up. And I don’t blame them.

As of this publication, I have heard nothing official from other motherboard manufacturers about dual-processor AMD motherboards except to say ‘We are working on it.’ Rumors are circulating that as early as late September we should be seeing options from MSI and/or Asus. I don’t see this as extremely likely though as these dates have moved back time, after time. Until these boards are released, that leaves Tyan holding the full dual-Athlon market in its palm. They are taking full advantage of it, too, by offering both a very high-end and lower-cost dual-Athlon solution.

All things considered, the Tyan Tiger MP is a great motherboard and is currently the only one in its class. I considered giving the board an Editor’s Choice award – as it certainly deserves one – but without more products to compare it to, I find it difficult to award it. The Tiger MP is still the best dual-Athlon solution for home users, in my opinion and will probably be so for some time as the other manufacturers try to play catch up.

Overall Rating

(9.0 / 10.0)

test 2

So we've seen the Tiger MPX's performance examined twelve ways from Sunday. What to make of it? The results are mixed, to put it mildly. We do know the Tiger MPX is consistently just a tad bit faster than the Tiger MP. Beyond that, we've seen some cases—specific ones like 3D rendering or image processing, and more general ones like Content Creation Winbench—where doing the dually thing will net some big performance gains.

However, the chipset tests have shown us the downside of desktop SMP. Quite simply, the pumped-up, pimped-out single-CPU hobbyists' mobos with extensive performance tuning plus memory tweaking features make the conservatively tuned Tiger MPX look like a pussycat. They deliver gobs more memory bandwidth, which even a single CPU can put to great use. For absolute maximum performance in single-task applications like games, there's no denying that single-processor rigs are the way to go. The Tiger MPX might have a beast lurking within, but Tyan hasn't given us the keys to unlock it.

And the Tiger MPX is still a fussy cat. You'll need to plan your RAM and PCI card purchases carefully make sure everything fits well and works right. Even if you do, the PCI slot quandary might bite you down the road. Meanwhile, the non-dually competition is bristling with open PCI slots, IDE RAID ports, and optical audio outputs.

The Tiger MPX is a solid, stable (when properly configured) motherboard that deserves to make its way into loads of low-end workstations and servers. There's no denying it. The Tiger MPX brings some of the most advanced SMP technology anywhere into the realm of us mortals. But this mobo isn't quite as good as what I want to see in desktop SMP. I'd like to see all the goodness of a single-processor enthusiast's board like a Soyo DRAGON combined with the SMP smoothness of the 760MPX, and this ain't it. Consequently, I'm going to have to give this board an 8 on our world-famous 11-point scale.

Before you write off the Tiger MPX, though, hear me out. If you've read this far, seen all the benchmarks, and wondered why anyone would bother with the Tiger MPX, you're just not getting it. None of the benchmarks and none of our niggling complaints can change the reality of the user experience on a dually Athlon system.

While fast single-processor rigs are screamers at many things, they can slow down. Fire off an install script for a Windows program, and even an Athlon XP or Pentium 4 will drop to its knees. Open an Explorer window after inserting a new CD and your expensive system will stop everything and wait. Watch an errant application go haywire and chew up all the CPU time, and that killer box won't even respond to keyboard input.

A system fortified with the creamy smoothness of SMP, on the other hand, simply will not slow down. It's friction-free computing. There's nothing else like it. Yes, a good OS can multitask well with one CPU, but as always, some things are just better done in hardware. With SMP, you can run a few game servers in the background while you compute unaffected in the foreground. Or rip and compress MP3s—whatever. If you're going to spend eight or more hours a day in front of the PC you're about to build, and if you're going to use it like I do—umpteen different windows open running a zillion things with your hair on fire—then there's no substitute for some creamy smooth SMP action. That's why I'd recommend investigating a dually Duron rig before dropping the cash on an Athlon XP 2000+ or the like. That's also why this is one motherboard with an 8 rating that I'd really like to have in my own PC.


To sta testa Tyan plat, za ostale le poženi Googla. In kakor je razvidno, mordaš prekleto dobro vedeti, zakaj boš uporalbljal dva procesorja. Na STju, se po besedah Primoza stvar zelo zelo dobro obnese (še posebej od kar je to podprto v Linuxu).
Your focus determines your reallity

kopar ::

AMD-760 MP chipset supporting two Athlon MP processors

Zanima me če se da na to plato dat gor tudi AMD-ja XP (2400).
Kje pa to plato pri nas prodajajo?

kopar ::

Aja, pozabu sm oment da me zanimajo plate samo za AMD-jove CPU-je.

Tito ::

LAhko gor daš vse XP, ki so MP torej dražje varjante... Navadne se da z manšim posegom odklent (podobno kot pomnoževalnik).

kopar ::

In kje prodajajo te plate? (TYAN)

kuglvinkl ::

v najdi.si uheblaj tyan
Your focus determines your reallity

Tito ::

Ča rabš ti lahko prodam dva 1800+ mp-odklenjena procesorja, sta čisto nova...

kopar ::

Nekdo mi je namesto dveh AMD-jev XP2400, svetoval naj vzamem P4 3.06GHz. Zanima pa me s katero kombinacijo bi dosegu večje število računskih operacij na sekundo, in koliko?

Klemenn ::

v bistvu je tako 1 3.06 proti dva 2400+ je po moje nekje isto saj 3.06 v bistvu deluje kot dva proca...zahvaljujoč hypethreadingu...če pa imap v mislih dva 3.06 potem pa obvezno p4 saj bo vse veliko hitrejše :\

kopar ::

Če bi dal pa dva P4 bi bilo pa že bistveno dražje, že z enim pride dražja ta različica proti AMD-jema, ker je sam P4 približno 180 jurjev.
Tko da bi P4 vzel samo če bi bil hitrejši pri računskih operacijah.

A pa kdo točno ve kakšna je razlika?

Zheegec ::

HT omogoči CPUju, da deluje kot dvoprocesorski..samo ne čist. V VSEH testih sta bila dva AMD Athlon MP2200+ hitrejša od 1x P4 3,06 HT (Saj P4 itaq ne gre kot dvo-procesorski), vsaj kar se gre testov, ko program podpira dvaCPUja. Pa še ceneje te AMD kombinacija pride. Samo je pa fora da nič več računskih operacij ne boš imel z dvo-procesorsko, lahko recimo edino špile špilaš in zraven SETI poganjaš. Torej se s tega vidika bolje P4 splača. Seveda če imaš 200K samo za procesor :) Drugače pa priporočam Epox 8Rda+ in pa AthlonXP2400+, pa boš imel čisto dovolj računskih operacij na sekundo (malo manj kot P4 2,6Ghz), ko bo pa premalo pa samo CPU nadgradiš.... Sicer pa je razlika med P4 2,0 ali XP2000+ in 2,8 zelo majhna na oko, če boš pa kake zahtevne programe poganjal ti bo pa za 100K več pač v 5% prej naredil operacijo, kar se po moje ne splača.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

nodes ::

Z implementacijo Hyper-Threadinga je samo pseudo-supstitucija za simetrično multiprocesiranje, tako, da en procesor interno ustvari dva virtualna ali logična pogona. Ta način se imenuje Thread- level-paralellism in ne poveča perfomanse samega procesorja, temveč samo iskorišča resurse, ki bi drugače čakali da dokončajo delo. Procesor lahko paralelno izvaja dve operacije namesto serijsko kot dosedaj in tako popolnoma iskoristi procesorske resurse. Paralelnost dela HT bi tako impliciralo obstoj dveh pipelinea, ta pa v tem primeru ne obstaja. Problem povezan s to tehnologijo je, da se pojavlja potreba po internem shranjevanju podatkov v dodatnih bufferjih o stanju vsakega seta inštrukcij. Procesor nima zmožnost dvakratnih resursev, temveč jih deli med dva logična pogona; vsak logični procesor se tepe za hardvwrske resurse fizičnega procesorja. Na kratko; lahko izvaja več manjših opravil hkrati. Pri zahtevnih opravilih tako ni problem P4 arhitekture ni nič manjši; npr. antivirusno skeniranje se izvrši na enem XP2800+ še vedno 70% hitreje. Razlika med Xeon in P4 je vedno manjša in vsekakor dobra izbira. V tvojem primeru nikakor ne more zamenjati dveh AMD 2400+, se ve če boš uporabljal zato ustrezne multiprocesorske programe.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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