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'ATLANTA' | | FX Networks | Renewed For Season 3

'ATLANTA' | | FX Networks | Renewed For Season 3

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Atlanta is one of the top cities for young rappers looking to make a name for themselves in the business. Among those up-and-comers is Alfred Miles, a hot new artist who is trying to understand the line between real life and street life. He is managed by his cousin, Earn, who gets caught up in the local rap scene and his cousin's career after returning home to the ATL. Earn does whatever he can to try to get Alfred's career to the next level. Darius, the rapper's right-hand man and visionary, is also in Alfred's entourage. When Earn isn't busy managing his cousin's career, he spends much of his time with best friend Vanessa, who is also the mother of his daughter.

Season 1 Trailer (Promo)

Season 2 Trailer

Series Cast:


Paper Boi






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FX Says 'Atlanta' Season 3 May Not Come in 2019 But Is Now Being Written

FX chief John Landgraf shared the news at the Television Critics Association critics tour on Monday morning, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The network renewed the series for a third season in June 2018, anticipating its return in 2019. However, it looks like that won't be a possibility.

Langraf said, "I don't know whether we'll have Atlanta or not. The writers are back working right now, thank god."

He continued, "As you might imagine, Donald Glover is sort of the king of all media, and he just has had an incredibly complicated life. He's had personal things he's had to deal with, from injuries to other things I'd rather not say publicly that just have to do with not with his personal life but his extended family."

One of the personal situations Langraf could be referencing is the death of Glover's father, whom the artist paid tribute to during the last show of his This Is America Tour in Los Angeles in December. "I lost my father a couple weeks ago," Glover told fans. "I wanted to play him some of the new songs, but he didn't want to hear them because he was like, 'I know they'll be great.' I'm not saying that to talk about music, I say that to talk about trust."



Očitno ga je izguba očeta popolnoma potolkla. :8) Verjetno bo treba čakati, podobno kot po prvi sezoni. Takrat je bil razlog nekoliko drugačen saj je bil v tistem obdobju Glover enostavno prezaposlen. Poleg tega se želi skoncentrirati še na glasbo in izdajo novega studijskega albuma.

Zakaj vedno pri Serijah, ki so mi všeč :'(

Zgodovina sprememb…

Outcast ::

Boš pa kaj drugega vmes pogledat;), važno da bo 3.sezona, kar je bilo čisto pričakovano!

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Outcast je izjavil:

Boš pa kaj drugega vmes pogledat;), važno da bo 3.sezona, kar je bilo čisto pričakovano!

Ja verjetno bom začel gledati TD (sicer bo treba čakati vsak teden ampak dobro). Poleg tega imam še nekaj rezerve pri Stranger Things (drugo sezono še nisem pogledat).

Če ne drugega je 3 sezona potrjena in ideje za scenarij so že v teku. Upam da bomo za nagrado dobili več kot 10-12 delov.

WallSreet ::

Končno update po skoraj enem letu. Še celo leto bo treba čakati :(

'Atlanta' to Return to FX in 2021

Calling Seasons 3 and 4 "Part 1 and 2" of a new chapter in the series' life, Landgraf said that the first 10 episodes should return in January 2021, with the next batch, which as of now will consist of eight episodes, following in the fall of that year.

These 18 episodes will be shot in sequence, with some of filming taking place in the titular city, but much of it also "shooting outside the U.S.," he noted.

Torej dve sezoni skupaj oziroma 18 delov. Hands down najboljša serija zadnjih let. Jo bom kmalu pogledal še enkrat. Dobri spomini.

Vredno ogleda ...

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