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The Walking Dead

Izi ::
Tiste tri epizode z Michone mi niso bile preveč dobre. Sezono tri pa moram še preigrati.
Michone je stranska avantura, ki nima nič veze s glavno zgodbo. Res ni bila kaj posebnega.
Sezona 3 je pa spet pravi TWD s 5 epizodami. Edini problem je, da ne igramo Clementine, ampak enega člana hudo nefunkcionalne Kubansko Ameriške družine. Je pa Clementine prisotna skozi večji del sezone.
Sezona 4 se bo pa imenovala The Walking Dead: The Final Season
in je zaenkrat napovedana že za poletje 2018.
Celotni The Walking Dead je pravzaprav zgodba o Clementine.
v 1. sezoni je stara 8 let in na koncu 9 let.
v 2. sezoni je stara 11 let.
v 3. sezoni je stara okoli 13 let.
4. sezona se bo kaže nadaljevala takoj po koncu 3. sezone. V glavni vlogi bo Clementine, ki še vedno išče Alvina Jr. (AJ). Tisti AJ, ki se je rodil v 2. sezoni in ga je izgubila v 3. sezoni.

oo7 ::
Sezona 3 je pa spet pravi TWD s 5 epizodami. Edini problem je, da ne igramo Clementine, ampak enega člana hudo nefunkcionalne Kubansko Ameriške družine. Je pa Clementine prisotna skozi večji del sezone.
Se pravi je tretja sezona kot prva kjer igramo kot Lee Clementina je pa sopotnik?

Izi ::

Izi ::

Zmajc ::
Gre se za to, da je to njihova "break trough" igra zaradi katere so zasloveli in finančo uspeli.
Talltale Games takrat in danes sta dve različni podjetji, tudi osebe ki so pisale zgodbo po prvi sezoni so druge. Večina "ta boljših" je šla vstran.
Posledično je tudi kvaliteta nadaljevanj nižja.
Talltale Games takrat in danes sta dve različni podjetji, tudi osebe ki so pisale zgodbo po prvi sezoni so druge. Večina "ta boljših" je šla vstran.
Posledično je tudi kvaliteta nadaljevanj nižja.

bambam20 ::
Talltale Games takrat in danes sta dve različni podjetji, tudi osebe ki so pisale zgodbo po prvi sezoni so druge. Večina "ta boljših" je šla vstran.
Posledično je tudi kvaliteta nadaljevanj nižja.
Zdaj mi je jasno, zakaj je kvalitetat padla po prvi sezoni. Men sicer je prva sezona bila res zakon, potem je šlo še samo navzdol. Konceopt je sicer vse čas enak ampak sama zgodba je pa dolgočasna.

ahac ::
Kvaliteta je padla tudi zato, ker je prva sezona bila prva taka igra za Telltale in so se potrudil, da je bila dobra. Zdaj pa razvijajo po več iger istočasno.
Slo-Tech Discord -

bambam20 ::

oo7 ::
Telltale The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 1 Official Trailer (2018)
Igral sem Walking dead prvo in drugo sezono in Michone in vidim, da je v 4 sezoni grafika veliko boljša.
Igral sem Walking dead prvo in drugo sezono in Michone in vidim, da je v 4 sezoni grafika veliko boljša.

bambam20 ::
Ta serija je po prvi sezoni postala močno klišejska. Drugo sezono sem zato stežavo preigral, nato pa sem odnehal. Enostavno navadna molža denarja.

oo7 ::
Telltale closure.
Today is a very, very sad day.
I left Telltale a year and a half ago after an extended period where the Board of Directors and I had very different visions of Telltale's future and how we might get there. That was one of the hardest times of my professional life, but in the end the company is controlled by its Board of Directors and I respected their decisions throughout.
As a co-founder, I take an enormous amount of pride that we were able to build the kind of games that I am immensely passionate about creating, exploring, evolving, and perfecting (if that's even possible). We built a significant new brand, helped define a new genre, and thrived for more than a decade.
We pursued projects that no one else would consider. The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us, Batman, Minecraft, Puzzle Agent, Poker Night and Sam & Max are the kind of projects I personally loved and I poured my heart and soul into each one. Those are the kind of projects no other publisher or studio would touch. We chose to venture where others dared not go, and we found some success along the way. It took a lot of vision, luck, will power, teamwork, talent, and very long days and nights to get there, but it will forever have been worth it.
And we did it all while growing, attracting some of the most talented people I've ever known. We were equally passionate about making sure our employees always had a home. Prior to my leaving, we were able to avoid sweeping layoffs and (somehow) managed to ensure that we always had work for everyone. We worked hard and sometimes it seemed like we had more than we could handle but we stuck together and forged ahead.
Today, I'm mostly saddened for the people who are losing their jobs at a studio they love. And I'm also saddened at the loss of a studio that green-lit crazy ideas that no one else would consider. I'm comforted a bit knowing there are now so many new talented people and studios creating games in the evolving narrative genre. While I look forward to those games and new developments, and continuing to contribute, I will always find "A Telltale Game" to have been a unique offering.
I know that Telltale will be remembered fondly for what it has done best.
co-founder, Telltale Games.
Today is a very, very sad day.
I left Telltale a year and a half ago after an extended period where the Board of Directors and I had very different visions of Telltale's future and how we might get there. That was one of the hardest times of my professional life, but in the end the company is controlled by its Board of Directors and I respected their decisions throughout.
As a co-founder, I take an enormous amount of pride that we were able to build the kind of games that I am immensely passionate about creating, exploring, evolving, and perfecting (if that's even possible). We built a significant new brand, helped define a new genre, and thrived for more than a decade.
We pursued projects that no one else would consider. The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us, Batman, Minecraft, Puzzle Agent, Poker Night and Sam & Max are the kind of projects I personally loved and I poured my heart and soul into each one. Those are the kind of projects no other publisher or studio would touch. We chose to venture where others dared not go, and we found some success along the way. It took a lot of vision, luck, will power, teamwork, talent, and very long days and nights to get there, but it will forever have been worth it.
And we did it all while growing, attracting some of the most talented people I've ever known. We were equally passionate about making sure our employees always had a home. Prior to my leaving, we were able to avoid sweeping layoffs and (somehow) managed to ensure that we always had work for everyone. We worked hard and sometimes it seemed like we had more than we could handle but we stuck together and forged ahead.
Today, I'm mostly saddened for the people who are losing their jobs at a studio they love. And I'm also saddened at the loss of a studio that green-lit crazy ideas that no one else would consider. I'm comforted a bit knowing there are now so many new talented people and studios creating games in the evolving narrative genre. While I look forward to those games and new developments, and continuing to contribute, I will always find "A Telltale Game" to have been a unique offering.
I know that Telltale will be remembered fondly for what it has done best.
co-founder, Telltale Games.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Kaj je razlog še ni čisto znano se pa govori o slabi prodaji in o slabem vodstvu ?
Studijo ima 250 zaposlenih 225 jih bo takoj ostalo brez službe ostalih 25 pa bo moralo dokončati igro Minecraft: Story Mode, ki jo delajo za Netflix. To igro morajo dokončati drugače jih bo še tukaj udarilo po žepih. Potem po tej igri pa je najbrž konec tudi za teh preostalih 25.
Studijo ima 250 zaposlenih 225 jih bo takoj ostalo brez službe ostalih 25 pa bo moralo dokončati igro Minecraft: Story Mode, ki jo delajo za Netflix. To igro morajo dokončati drugače jih bo še tukaj udarilo po žepih. Potem po tej igri pa je najbrž konec tudi za teh preostalih 25.

Izi ::
Ja kaj pa The Walking Dead: Finalna sezona? Druga epizoda naj bi v kratkem izšla. Bodo menda naredili kakšen zaključek ali kaj?
Pa tu bo tudi potrebna kakšna kompenzacija za vse, ki so plačali Finalno sezono, saj še na polovici niso.
Pa tu bo tudi potrebna kakšna kompenzacija za vse, ki so plačali Finalno sezono, saj še na polovici niso.

oo7 ::
Ja kaj pa The Walking Dead: Finalna sezona? Druga epizoda naj bi v kratkem izšla. Bodo menda naredili kakšen zaključek ali kaj?
Pa tu bo tudi potrebna kakšna kompenzacija za vse, ki so plačali Finalno sezono, saj še na polovici niso.
Walking dead finalna sezona je že končana tako, da jo bodo izdali.
Episode 1
August 14, 2018
Episode 2
September 25, 2018
Episode 3
November 6, 2018
Episode 4
December 18, 2018

BOCo. ::
Mogoče pa bomo res videli še preostali dve epizodi (tretja in četrta). Jutri izide druga.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BOCo. ()

BOCo. ::
"We're SO happy to announce that we've reached a deal with @telltalegames that will allow Skybound to continue #TheWalkingDead: The Final Season!" it tweeted. "Let's wrap up Clem's story right! More details to come soon."
Očitno bomo dočakali konec zgodbe.

Zmajc ::
"We're SO happy to announce that we've reached a deal with @telltalegames that will allow Skybound to continue #TheWalkingDead: The Final Season!" it tweeted. "Let's wrap up Clem's story right! More details to come soon."
Očitno bomo dočakali konec zgodbe.
Glede na to da so odpustili še zadnji skeleton crew, ki bi naj končal projekte nekako dvomim.

oo7 ::
Skybound Games and Epic Games have partnered to bring Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season on PC exclusively to the Epic Games store for all future purchases.
Fans who already bought the season on a different PC platform will still receive the final two episodes through their previous point of purchase.
Fans who already bought the season on a different PC platform will still receive the final two episodes through their previous point of purchase.

oo7 ::
The walking dead sezona 5 ?
The Walking Dead Season 5: A Fatal Frontier Leaked
A new leak claims to reveal gameplay, story, and other details about The Walking Dead: A Fatal Frontier, the continuation of TellTale's Season 3.
The Walking Dead Season 5: A Fatal Frontier Leaked
A new leak claims to reveal gameplay, story, and other details about The Walking Dead: A Fatal Frontier, the continuation of TellTale's Season 3.
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