Forum » Loža » Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu!
Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu!
Aston_11 ::
Članek Nasa inženirja je glede tega uničujoč.
Če navajaš Krivita, potem moraš vsaj to vedet, da je osebni prijatelj Piantellija (ta drugega iz povezave Focardi-Piantelli) in da se dogaja čista medijska vojna. Krivit in Piantelli naj bi sodelovala z Defkalionom, torej direktnim konkurentom Rossija. Defkalion tudi ne zanika, da bo v svojih napravah uporabljal Piantellijevo rešitev.
To kar lapa Krivit na svojem blogu je treba vzet z rezervo. Tako kot Rossija seveda.
According to a slide presentation given by NASA engineer Michael A. Nelson...
Aston_11 ::
Počasi bomo lahko uporabili occamovo rezilo - če vse kaže na to, da je fail, potem je fail.
Loocas ::
Itak, saj vse te profesorje plačuje iz lastnega žepa. To je znano že od začetka.
Pogodbi o sodelovanju z Bolognjsko univerzo in Univerzo iz Uppsale sta v podpisu. Gre za dvoletno sodelovanje.
Hm.. kako ste srečni, ko najdete neko govorico.. lol.. a praktično vsaka stvar je pojasnjena nekje drugje, na drugi strani... LOL.
Pogodbi o sodelovanju z Bolognjsko univerzo in Univerzo iz Uppsale sta v podpisu. Gre za dvoletno sodelovanje.
Hm.. kako ste srečni, ko najdete neko govorico.. lol.. a praktično vsaka stvar je pojasnjena nekje drugje, na drugi strani... LOL.
EC9 ::
Cena delnice je predvsem odvisna od tega ali bo Rossi lahko patentiral svoj izum.
Močno dvomim, da mu bo uspelo preprečit prav vse posnemovalce. Pravzaprav upam, da ne bo mogel tega patentirat. Tako se lahko nadejamo izjemno ugodnih cen s strani raznih kitajskih proizvajalcev
Koliko EUR bi ti dal za delnice, če bi danes eCat kotiral na borzi, Rossi pa ni uspel z nobeno patentno prijavo?
Prosim za odgovor v obliki: 1 EUR / 10 EUR / 100 EUR / 1000 EUR / 10000 EUR.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: EC9 ()
WarpedGone ::
So se vsi zmotili?
Ne boš verjel - komot.
Zelo zelo težko se je **ne** zmotit, zelo komot se je zmotit, tut vsakič drugače.
Zelo rad bi videl delujočo hladno fuzijo ampak vso tole dogajanje nekako 'does not compute'.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
Aston_11 ::
Hladno fuzijo bomo videli, ko bo to projekt USA/EU in se bo vanj zmetalo enih 50 do 100 miljard in bo npr. aktualen tam okrog leta 2050. Kot Iter npr. Da pa bo packon zložil to skupaj, povrh vsega dokazan goljuf, in da bo to delovalo po naključju, ki ga ne zna nihče pojasniti, malo morgen. Traja ta njegov eksperiment že nekam dolgo.
Vikking ::
Ah Loocas Loocas, kaj če prevetrima teh 17 strani teme, ko si se skliceval na Rossija in Focardija in sodelovanje z Bolonjsko univerzo.
Loocas ::
Koliko EUR bi ti dal za delnice, če bi danes eCat kotiral na borzi, Rossi pa ne uspe z nobenim poskusom patenta?
Prosim za odgovor v obliki: 1 EUR / 10 EUR / 100 EUR / 1000 EUR / 10000 EUR.
Brez patenta.. ne več kot 10-15% (tako ali tako bo potem en kup firm, ki bodo to izdelovala)
sodelovanje z Bolonjsko univerzo.
mišljena je bila četica doktorjev fizike iz te univerze
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()
Matev ::
"no E-Cat experiments (not on October 28th nor in any previous occasion) have ever been performed inside any of the University of Bologna facilities nor by any of the University of Bologna researchers."
/prosim izbrišite
/prosim izbrišite
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matev ()
dzinks63 ::
Sam sem še bolj pesimističen. Hladna fuzija bo mogoče uporabno mogoča čez kakšnih 1000 let ali pa še veliko veliko pozneje. Zadeva ni simpl. Lepiti nevtrone in protone na jedro z ravno pravo energijo, da se ne razletijo in da obstanejo stabilni, sploh če upoštevamo da se protoni od pozitivnega jedra odbijajo, vse to skupaj je izjemno težko v pogojih hladne fuzije. To niso lego kocke, to niso navadne kemijske reakcije, kjer se da s pomočjo katalizatorjev pospeševati in usmerjati reakcije. To so jederske reakcije, kar pa je nekaj povsem drugega.
Aston_11 ::
Loocas ::
WarpedGone je izjavil:
Zelo rad bi videl delujočo hladno fuzijo ampak vso tole dogajanje nekako 'does not compute'.
bi moral brat še kaj drugega od Slo-techa...
Sounds like a scam to me.
Sounds like "I dont know anything about it" to me....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()
Aston_11 ::
Niti Rossi ne ve. Pa bi skoraj moral.
Bistvo je premetavanje protonov in nevtronov.
Sam sem še bolj pesimističen. Hladna fuzija bo mogoče uporabno mogoča čez kakšnih 1000 let ali pa še veliko veliko pozneje. Zadeva ni simpl. Lepiti nevtrone in protone na jedro z ravno pravo energijo, da se ne razletijo in da obstanejo stabilni, sploh če upoštevamo da se protoni od pozitivnega jedra odbijajo, vse to skupaj je izjemno težko v pogojih hladne fuzije. To niso lego kocke, to niso navadne kemijske reakcije, kjer se da s pomočjo katalizatorjev pospeševati in usmerjati reakcije. To so jederske reakcije, kar pa je nekaj povsem drugega.
Bistvo je premetavanje protonov in nevtronov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Aston_11 ()
Matev ::
The University of Bologna explicitly states that they have not been involved in the demonstrations and none of the experiments were at the university.
tudi wikipedia navaja da je vse skupaj scam
... kje si sedaj lookas
/prosim izbrišite
tudi wikipedia navaja da je vse skupaj scam
... kje si sedaj lookas
/prosim izbrišite
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matev ()
Matev ::
The University of Bologna explicitly states that they have not been involved in the demonstrations and none of the experiments were at the university.
pa zanikaj če moreš
/prosim izbrišite
pa zanikaj če moreš
/prosim izbrišite
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matev ()
JanK ::
to niso navadne kemijske reakcije, kjer se da s pomočjo katalizatorjev pospeševati in usmerjati reakcije. To so jederske reakcije, kar pa je nekaj povsem drugega.
Tole ni cisto res. Ampak katalizator je mion - subatomski delec.
Muon-catalyzed fusion (?CF) is a process allowing nuclear fusion to take place at temperatures significantly lower than the temperatures required for thermonuclear fusion, even at room temperature or lower. Although it can be produced reliably with the right equipment and has been much studied, it is believed that the poor energy balance will prevent it from ever becoming a practical power source. However, if muons (?-
) could be produced more efficiently, or if they could be used as catalysts more efficiently, the energy balance might improve enough for muon-catalyzed fusion to become a practical power source.
"Think about how stupid the average person is,
then realize that 50% are stupider than that"
-George Carlin
then realize that 50% are stupider than that"
-George Carlin
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanK ()
Loocas ::
seveda ne zanikam... ...
saj je bil Focardi takrat že upokojen (75 let), ko ga je Rossi kontaktiral in ni bil zaposlen na univerzi.. torej ga je Rossi plačeval privat.
Ko pa bo podpisana pogodba z Univerzo, bo pa to univerza seveda plačala (torej obratno).
saj je bil Focardi takrat že upokojen (75 let), ko ga je Rossi kontaktiral in ni bil zaposlen na univerzi.. torej ga je Rossi plačeval privat.
Ko pa bo podpisana pogodba z Univerzo, bo pa to univerza seveda plačala (torej obratno).
WarpedGone ::
Se pravi, tule niste ponovili vseh "pomembnih dejstev" vsaj ene 15x?
Včasih je bolje prebrati manj kot pa več. Da zaradi posameznih dreves ne spregledaš gozda - ki ga ni.
Potrebno je znati videt tudi tisto česar ni, pa bi po vseh pravilih logike moralo bit v takšni ali drugačni obliki.
Na primer kakšna vsaj na pol spodobna meritev dogajanja. V lastni garaži, pol ko avto zapeljem ven, lahko vzpostavim bol kontroliran proces/poizkus kot pa je tole, kar se objavlja kot *dokazni preizkus*.
Rezultat "voda se je segrela". GTFO.
bi moral brat še kaj drugega od Slo-techa...
Se pravi, tule niste ponovili vseh "pomembnih dejstev" vsaj ene 15x?
Včasih je bolje prebrati manj kot pa več. Da zaradi posameznih dreves ne spregledaš gozda - ki ga ni.
Potrebno je znati videt tudi tisto česar ni, pa bi po vseh pravilih logike moralo bit v takšni ali drugačni obliki.
Na primer kakšna vsaj na pol spodobna meritev dogajanja. V lastni garaži, pol ko avto zapeljem ven, lahko vzpostavim bol kontroliran proces/poizkus kot pa je tole, kar se objavlja kot *dokazni preizkus*.
Rezultat "voda se je segrela". GTFO.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
Loocas ::
In kaj je točno tvoj problem warpedone?
VeŠ vse o kvantni mehaniki?
VeŠ vse o kvantni mehaniki?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- polepsal: Ziga Dolhar ()
Aston_11 ::
Aston_11 ::
dzinks63 ::
Tole ni cisto res. Ampak katalizator je mion - subatomski delec.
The muon is an unstable subatomic particle with a mean lifetime of 2.2 µs.
Kje boš dobil stalen in zadosten vir muonov za katalizacijo, to še v cernu težko spravijo skupaj, ne pa v neki srednjeveški kišti, kot je rossijev reaktor.
Loocas ::
če prlimamo cel članek:
Brian Ahern getting 8 Watts for over four days of operation in a Low Energy Nuclear Process
Brian Ahern replicated the work of Arata where Arata got small amounts of power without adding any power into his cold fusion set up.
Brian Ahern received his PhD in material science from MIT, holds 26 patents and was a senior scientist for 17 years in research and development at USAF Rome Lab at Hanscom Air Force Base.
Brian Ahern is attempting replications of Rossi and Forcardi and he is getting 8 watts of continuous power output (for over four days of operation) from 10 grams of metal nanopowder. The good news is there is no radiation detectable above background levels . It is also worthy to note that there were no precious metals involved the alloy was Zr66%-Ni21%-Cu13%. The Zirconium becomes Zirconium dioxide when it is baked.
An email at vortex where Ahern provides some description of the processes he used that generated 5 watts for a few days
There is an as yet undisclosed spillover catalysts that amplifies the process. The LENR community is directing its attention to this nanoscale opportunity.
So Brian Ahern is getting some success replicating Rossi and Focardi. Brian Ahern plans to make some adjustments to what he is doing to attempt to get the higher power levels that Rossi and Forcardi have claimed to achieved over the last year or so.
2011 Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction/Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT
Science and engineering of cold fusion, also known as LANR, LENR, and CMNS.
Where: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
It was this past weekend. Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, 2011
Speakers: Peter Hagelstein, Mitchell Swartz, Brian Ahern, Larry Forsley, George Miley, Robert Smith, Fran Tanzella, Xing Zhong Li, and contributions by other colleagues.
I think that the partial replication removes the scenario of complete fraud for the Rossi claims. I suppose there could still be fraud for the kilowatt level of work where the lower power levels replicate. However, Brian Ahern seems to think that he will be able to get to far higher power levels as well based upon his decades of related work and the results that he is getting.
The description of steps taken to get 5 watts for a few days
Ames National Laboratory processed metal alloy foils via arc melting
followed by melt spinning. This is the Yamaura process employed by Arata
and others. The foils were baked in ordinary air at 445C for 28 hours.
The brittle, oxidized foils were placed in a tumble mill for 24 hours.
This resulted in 30 grams of black powder with a median grain size of about
40 microns.Presumably, each grain has about one million nanoscale islands of
NiCu inside.
The 30 grams occupies about 7 ml inside the 50 ml dewar. The system was
vacuum baked at 220C for 24 hours and cooled to room temperature.
H2 gas was added at 200psi. The pressure dropped only to about 185 psi over
twenty minutes. In these replication experiments the exothermic reactions
have had peak temperatures above 220C with substantial loading above 3.0 H/M
ratios. This time the temperature only rose by 2 degrees C.
The system was heated with a band heater to high temperature. There was no
controller. A rheostat was set at an arbitrary position and the system comes
to a an arbitrary temperature.The average power input was 90 watts.
After several hours the hydrated system was evacuated overnight at a
constant high temperature at 530C. The next day H2 gas was again added at
100psi and the temperature rose by 40C to 570C and came back down to 530C
after two hours. At the end of the day the dewar was again evacuated while
still at 530C overnight.
The third day repeated the same procedure. H2 gas was added at 100psi and
the temperature rose by 44C to 574C. However, this time it did not come back
to the initial temperature. It remained at the elevated temperature
On the fourth day H2 gas was again added at 100psi and the system rose by
50C to 580C and again stayed at the elevated temperature indefinitely.
A rough calibration suggests that the 30 grams of hydrated nanopowder is
putting out 5 watts of excess power.
Yesterday Peter Gluck suggested that the relationship between loading and
excess power may be a myth. This seemed to be true for electrolysis with Pd
and heavy water where loading levels exceeding 0.9 D/M were a prerequisite
for observing excess power.
My loading level with this nanopowder sample as less than 0.1 H/M.
This 5 watt excess is very much less than Rossi, but it is a real and
repeatable experiment There was no radiation above the background level.
Brian Ahern getting 8 Watts for over four days of operation in a Low Energy Nuclear Process
Brian Ahern replicated the work of Arata where Arata got small amounts of power without adding any power into his cold fusion set up.
Brian Ahern received his PhD in material science from MIT, holds 26 patents and was a senior scientist for 17 years in research and development at USAF Rome Lab at Hanscom Air Force Base.
Brian Ahern is attempting replications of Rossi and Forcardi and he is getting 8 watts of continuous power output (for over four days of operation) from 10 grams of metal nanopowder. The good news is there is no radiation detectable above background levels . It is also worthy to note that there were no precious metals involved the alloy was Zr66%-Ni21%-Cu13%. The Zirconium becomes Zirconium dioxide when it is baked.
An email at vortex where Ahern provides some description of the processes he used that generated 5 watts for a few days
There is an as yet undisclosed spillover catalysts that amplifies the process. The LENR community is directing its attention to this nanoscale opportunity.
So Brian Ahern is getting some success replicating Rossi and Focardi. Brian Ahern plans to make some adjustments to what he is doing to attempt to get the higher power levels that Rossi and Forcardi have claimed to achieved over the last year or so.
2011 Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction/Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT
Science and engineering of cold fusion, also known as LANR, LENR, and CMNS.
Where: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
It was this past weekend. Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, 2011
Speakers: Peter Hagelstein, Mitchell Swartz, Brian Ahern, Larry Forsley, George Miley, Robert Smith, Fran Tanzella, Xing Zhong Li, and contributions by other colleagues.
I think that the partial replication removes the scenario of complete fraud for the Rossi claims. I suppose there could still be fraud for the kilowatt level of work where the lower power levels replicate. However, Brian Ahern seems to think that he will be able to get to far higher power levels as well based upon his decades of related work and the results that he is getting.
The description of steps taken to get 5 watts for a few days
Ames National Laboratory processed metal alloy foils via arc melting
followed by melt spinning. This is the Yamaura process employed by Arata
and others. The foils were baked in ordinary air at 445C for 28 hours.
The brittle, oxidized foils were placed in a tumble mill for 24 hours.
This resulted in 30 grams of black powder with a median grain size of about
40 microns.Presumably, each grain has about one million nanoscale islands of
NiCu inside.
The 30 grams occupies about 7 ml inside the 50 ml dewar. The system was
vacuum baked at 220C for 24 hours and cooled to room temperature.
H2 gas was added at 200psi. The pressure dropped only to about 185 psi over
twenty minutes. In these replication experiments the exothermic reactions
have had peak temperatures above 220C with substantial loading above 3.0 H/M
ratios. This time the temperature only rose by 2 degrees C.
The system was heated with a band heater to high temperature. There was no
controller. A rheostat was set at an arbitrary position and the system comes
to a an arbitrary temperature.The average power input was 90 watts.
After several hours the hydrated system was evacuated overnight at a
constant high temperature at 530C. The next day H2 gas was again added at
100psi and the temperature rose by 40C to 570C and came back down to 530C
after two hours. At the end of the day the dewar was again evacuated while
still at 530C overnight.
The third day repeated the same procedure. H2 gas was added at 100psi and
the temperature rose by 44C to 574C. However, this time it did not come back
to the initial temperature. It remained at the elevated temperature
On the fourth day H2 gas was again added at 100psi and the system rose by
50C to 580C and again stayed at the elevated temperature indefinitely.
A rough calibration suggests that the 30 grams of hydrated nanopowder is
putting out 5 watts of excess power.
Yesterday Peter Gluck suggested that the relationship between loading and
excess power may be a myth. This seemed to be true for electrolysis with Pd
and heavy water where loading levels exceeding 0.9 D/M were a prerequisite
for observing excess power.
My loading level with this nanopowder sample as less than 0.1 H/M.
This 5 watt excess is very much less than Rossi, but it is a real and
repeatable experiment There was no radiation above the background level.
WarpedGone ::
Preveč, da bi bil impresioniran na temle.
Kvantna mehanika je standardno pribežališče mutibarićev. Bi bil bol zaupanja vreden, če te besede nebi omenjal razen v skrajni sili.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
EC9 ::
Koliko EUR bi ti dal za delnice, če bi danes eCat kotiral na borzi, Rossi pa ne uspe z nobenim poskusom patenta?
Prosim za odgovor v obliki: 1 EUR / 10 EUR / 100 EUR / 1000 EUR / 10000 EUR.
Brez patenta.. ne več kot 10-15% (tako ali tako bo potem en kup firm, ki bodo to izdelovala)
Česa? Tvojega premoženja?
Če imaš recimo 100.000 EUR premoženja (vrednost avta, stanovanja, delnic, gotovina...) bi dal 15.000 EUR za delnice eCat?
Loocas ::
Gor maš recept za replikacijo Ahernovega poiskusa.
Če si vešč tega in če imaš vse potrebne naprave, probaj pa napiši kako je šlo.
10-15% za ta sektor (eCAT, eCAT kopije, izdelovalci podpornih naprav, rudniki Niklja)
Če si vešč tega in če imaš vse potrebne naprave, probaj pa napiši kako je šlo.
Če imaš recimo 100.000 EUR premoženja (vrednost avta, stanovanja, delnic, gotovina...) bi dal 15.000 EUR za delnice eCat?
10-15% za ta sektor (eCAT, eCAT kopije, izdelovalci podpornih naprav, rudniki Niklja)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()
Lion29 ::
Loocas: dej no, pa sej ne visi tvoje zivljenje na nitki zaradi tega izuma, da ga tako gorece zagovarajs in se prepriras tle z vsemi....
vsi smo svoje mnenje povedali... sploh ne vem, kaj bi rad dosegel? Za ostale trole vem...
daj si pusti dihat in ne nasedaj na provokacije... pac pridno lepi sem novosti in to je to...breveze svojih zivcev in na splosno smetit to temo.... tudi troli se bodo izpeli in potihnili, ce ne bos prilival vode na gorece olje...
pac vsi si zelimo cimvec relevantnih informacij...ce ze lepis linke, lepi tudi take, ki morebiti pricajo tudi proti rossiju..
peace out
vsi smo svoje mnenje povedali... sploh ne vem, kaj bi rad dosegel? Za ostale trole vem...
daj si pusti dihat in ne nasedaj na provokacije... pac pridno lepi sem novosti in to je to...breveze svojih zivcev in na splosno smetit to temo.... tudi troli se bodo izpeli in potihnili, ce ne bos prilival vode na gorece olje...
pac vsi si zelimo cimvec relevantnih informacij...ce ze lepis linke, lepi tudi take, ki morebiti pricajo tudi proti rossiju..
peace out
Founder and CTO @
Loocas ::
No ja. Glede na to, da se vprašanja večinoma samo ponavljajo (bi rekel celo od istih ljudi), potem to kaže samo na to, da te (verjetno načitani ljudje) osebe pač potrebujejo to, da se vsaka stvar pove večkrat.. počasi... razumljivo..
To praktično kaže na to, da je njihova zmožnost dojemanja in sprejemanja informacij nizka... pravzaprav s tem ponavljenjem enega in istega sami sebe ponižujejo.
To praktično kaže na to, da je njihova zmožnost dojemanja in sprejemanja informacij nizka... pravzaprav s tem ponavljenjem enega in istega sami sebe ponižujejo.
-valvoline- ::
Kar je res zanimljivo je to da na netu ni nobenega linka kjer bi bil Rossijev šporhet vnaprej obsojen na propad,oz da ne deluje. Če ma kdo kšn link da vidimo,jaz ga še nisem videl.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: -valvoline- ()
Aston_11 ::
Loocas ::
Če imaš recimo 100.000 EUR premoženja (vrednost avta, stanovanja, delnic, gotovina...) bi dal 15.000 EUR za delnice eCat? 10-15% za ta sektor (eCAT, eCAT kopije, izdelovalci podpornih naprav, rudniki Niklja)
Aja.. mogoče se ti zdi malo.
Nooo... Fora je v tem, da Rossi ni edini, ki razvija take in podobne "štose".
Steorn (kaj si že rekel ZaphodBB?.. da od njih ni nič?)
eee.. wrong...
Dva tedna nazaj (8.nov.2011) je Steorn vendarle predstavil HephaHeat
HUD bojler!
tukaj je nekaj izjemnih filmčkov
pa še tehnikalije:
Pyr0Beast ::
Joj. Kako težko je razmišljat
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
-valvoline- ::
WarpedGone ::
jep... 1kW inputa in 40kW outputa..
Nope, nobene meritve vhodne moči/energije.
Samo copranje z napetostjo in temperaturo kar je samo po sebi le pol zgodbe.
V vsaki polspodobni elektro-štacuni dobiš klinčev kitajski powermeter, ki ti šteje Wh. Še tega niso mogl porint na vhod.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: WarpedGone ()
Loocas ::
V glavnem, COP 40 in več pri Steornu (Steorn says ).
Glede na to, da Rossi zagotavlja na prodajnih pogodbah samo COP 6 (torej vsak input 1W => output 6W)....
Glede na to, da Rossi zagotavlja na prodajnih pogodbah samo COP 6 (torej vsak input 1W => output 6W)....
Loocas ::
Ker je na webu na desetine različnih teorij, kako ta Rossijev LENR deluje, je tukaj kot zanimivost en link do teorije Franka Znidarsica (verjetno slovenskega rodu):
The Z Theory of Everything
The Z Theory of Everything
Loocas ::
Intervju z Rossijem 11.11.2011 (v MP3)
o zgodovini, kupcu, načrtih...
o zgodovini, kupcu, načrtih...
Pyr0Beast ::
Zakaj ni intervjuja s kupcem ?
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
mikhaair ::
Jaz pa mislim da je mogoce catch v temu, da bo to oznaceno kot eko energija. :)
Pa se bo prodajala elektrika v omrezje drazje kot pa kupovala. :):)
Pa se za doma bo nekaj ostalo.
Pa se bo prodajala elektrika v omrezje drazje kot pa kupovala. :):)
Pa se za doma bo nekaj ostalo.
Vredno ogleda ...
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» | MotoGP 2012 (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 14287 (11546) | Qrents |
» | Japonska ugasnila zadnji jedrski reaktor (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )Oddelek: Novice / Znanost in tehnologija | 70997 (62969) | gruntfürmich |
» | Tudi Belgija bo zaprla svoje jedrske elektrarne (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )Oddelek: Novice / Znanost in tehnologija | 73482 (66164) | enadvatri |
⊘ | Brezplačna energijaOddelek: Loža | 4704 (4467) | Ziga Dolhar |