Forum » Loža » Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu!
Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu!

zee ::
Zakaj se pa masa veča, če se energija porablja?
Masa se veca zato, ker v endotermni kemijski reakciji nastajajo produkti. Ker ne morejo zapustiti reakcijske posode, ostajajo tam, posledicno se masa reaktorske posode v odvisnosti od casa reakcije povecuje.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zee ()

Loocas ::
Andrea Rossi
October 9th, 2011 at 6:29 AM
Dear Peter Roe:
The 99 Celsius water remained in the E-Cat at the moment in which we had to discharge it to inject cold water to cool down more rapidly the E-Cat to disassemble it and allow the ayyendants to look inside was about 20 liters.
The small difference of weight (the E-Cat had a weight slightly heavier than when it has been weighted before the test) is due to residual water. The stored energy in this amount of water is not significant, of course. Where the not-calculated-power-power produced by the reactor is relevant is the heating up to 660-80 celsius of the surface of the E-Cat, which is more than 5000 square cm. But we have chosen to allow a very conservative approach, to allow not biased People to understand well.
October 9th, 2011 at 6:29 AM
Dear Peter Roe:
The 99 Celsius water remained in the E-Cat at the moment in which we had to discharge it to inject cold water to cool down more rapidly the E-Cat to disassemble it and allow the ayyendants to look inside was about 20 liters.
The small difference of weight (the E-Cat had a weight slightly heavier than when it has been weighted before the test) is due to residual water. The stored energy in this amount of water is not significant, of course. Where the not-calculated-power-power produced by the reactor is relevant is the heating up to 660-80 celsius of the surface of the E-Cat, which is more than 5000 square cm. But we have chosen to allow a very conservative approach, to allow not biased People to understand well.

Loocas ::
How can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper?
In the present article I would like to answer a question posed by L. Kowalsky in a recent paper: how can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper? “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”, says a guy. I apologizes if I am too simplistic here.
The interest on Andrea Rossi’s Nickel-Hydrogen Cold Fusion technology is accelerating [1]. However, Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. Kowalski [2]. says that “this seems to be impossible because the produced copper isotopes rapidly decay into Ni”. But how it works?
How it works
Following Focardi Rossi [3]. a Ni58 nucleus produces a Copper nucleus according to the reaction
Ni58 + p → Cu59
Copper nucleus Cu59 decays with positron (e+) and neutrino (ν) emission in Ni59 nucleus according to
Cu59 → Ni59 + ν + e+
Then (e+) annichilates with (e-) in two gamma-rays
e- + e+ → γ + γ
Starting [3] from Ni58 which is the more abundant isotope, we can obtain as described in the two above processes Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, Ni61 and Ni62. Because Cu63, which can be formed starting by Ni62, is stable and does not decay in Ni63, the chain stops at Ni62 (i.e. Cu63). Each process means some MeV.
Of course how can a proton p gets captured by the Ni58 nucleus? (and subsequent Ni59, Ni60, Ni61 and Ni62). Following Stremmenos [4]. a neutron-like particle, an electron proton pair, a mini-atom, a proton masked as a neutron, gets captured by the Ni58.
If the masked proton becomes a neutron the result is Ni59.
In order to have Cu59 (increase of atomic number from 28 to 29) the electron (of the masked proton) gets ejected from the nucleus. The masked proton becomes a proton.
The same process holds for all the subsequent transformations, until Cu63.
It remains to be understood the issue of the gamma radiation in the MeV range.
I am an electronic engineer, so I need easy numbers in order to understand.
However “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”, says a guy. Maybe I am too simple here.
Let’s calculate.
MeV for each Ni transformation
I read that starting from Ni58 we can obtain Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, and Ni62. The chain stops at Cu63 stable.
For simplicity I assume all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58.
For simplicity I suppose for each Ni58 the whole sequence of events from Ni58 to Cu63 and as a rough estimate I calculate the mass defect between (Ni58 plus 5 nucleons) and the final state Cu63.
Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu
The actual mass of a copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu
Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu
Mass defect is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu
1 amu = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion
0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV
So each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
Nickel consumption
According to many blogs in the Internet “One hundred grams of nickel powder can power a 10 kW unit for a minimum of six months”.
How much of Ni58 should be transformed, in six months of continuous operation, in order to generate 10 kW?
I follow a procedure outlined in [2].
10 kW is thermal or electrical (?) power. The nuclear power must be larger. Assume a nuclear power twice:
20 kW = 20,000 J/s = 1.25 x 10**17 MeV/s.
Each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
The number of Ni58 transformations should thus be equal to (1.25 x 10**17)/37.36 = 3.346 x 10**15 per second.
Multiplying by the number of seconds in six months (1.55 x 10**7) the total number of transformed Ni58 nuclei is 5.186 x 10**22.
This means 5 grams.
The order of magnitude is not exactly the same but seems to be plausible. This means also 5 grams of Nickel in Rossi’s reactor transmuted into (stable) Copper after six months of continuous operation at the rate of 10 kW.
Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. At first glance this seems to agree with calculations based on simple assumptions.
In the present article I would like to answer a question posed by L. Kowalsky in a recent paper: how can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper? “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”, says a guy. I apologizes if I am too simplistic here.
The interest on Andrea Rossi’s Nickel-Hydrogen Cold Fusion technology is accelerating [1]. However, Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. Kowalski [2]. says that “this seems to be impossible because the produced copper isotopes rapidly decay into Ni”. But how it works?
How it works
Following Focardi Rossi [3]. a Ni58 nucleus produces a Copper nucleus according to the reaction
Ni58 + p → Cu59
Copper nucleus Cu59 decays with positron (e+) and neutrino (ν) emission in Ni59 nucleus according to
Cu59 → Ni59 + ν + e+
Then (e+) annichilates with (e-) in two gamma-rays
e- + e+ → γ + γ
Starting [3] from Ni58 which is the more abundant isotope, we can obtain as described in the two above processes Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, Ni61 and Ni62. Because Cu63, which can be formed starting by Ni62, is stable and does not decay in Ni63, the chain stops at Ni62 (i.e. Cu63). Each process means some MeV.
Of course how can a proton p gets captured by the Ni58 nucleus? (and subsequent Ni59, Ni60, Ni61 and Ni62). Following Stremmenos [4]. a neutron-like particle, an electron proton pair, a mini-atom, a proton masked as a neutron, gets captured by the Ni58.
If the masked proton becomes a neutron the result is Ni59.
In order to have Cu59 (increase of atomic number from 28 to 29) the electron (of the masked proton) gets ejected from the nucleus. The masked proton becomes a proton.
The same process holds for all the subsequent transformations, until Cu63.
It remains to be understood the issue of the gamma radiation in the MeV range.
I am an electronic engineer, so I need easy numbers in order to understand.
However “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”, says a guy. Maybe I am too simple here.
Let’s calculate.
MeV for each Ni transformation
I read that starting from Ni58 we can obtain Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, and Ni62. The chain stops at Cu63 stable.
For simplicity I assume all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58.
For simplicity I suppose for each Ni58 the whole sequence of events from Ni58 to Cu63 and as a rough estimate I calculate the mass defect between (Ni58 plus 5 nucleons) and the final state Cu63.
Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu
The actual mass of a copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu
Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu
Mass defect is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu
1 amu = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion
0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV
So each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
Nickel consumption
According to many blogs in the Internet “One hundred grams of nickel powder can power a 10 kW unit for a minimum of six months”.
How much of Ni58 should be transformed, in six months of continuous operation, in order to generate 10 kW?
I follow a procedure outlined in [2].
10 kW is thermal or electrical (?) power. The nuclear power must be larger. Assume a nuclear power twice:
20 kW = 20,000 J/s = 1.25 x 10**17 MeV/s.
Each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
The number of Ni58 transformations should thus be equal to (1.25 x 10**17)/37.36 = 3.346 x 10**15 per second.
Multiplying by the number of seconds in six months (1.55 x 10**7) the total number of transformed Ni58 nuclei is 5.186 x 10**22.
This means 5 grams.
The order of magnitude is not exactly the same but seems to be plausible. This means also 5 grams of Nickel in Rossi’s reactor transmuted into (stable) Copper after six months of continuous operation at the rate of 10 kW.
Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. At first glance this seems to agree with calculations based on simple assumptions.

Aston_11 ::
Povztek je tak, da matematika ne zanika Rossijeve trditve o tem, da naj bi se lahko v 6 mesecih 30% niklja pretvorilo v baker. Toplota, ki je nastala, ustreza tej številki.

Loocas ::
Harold Baker: October 3rd, 2011 at 2:54 PM
Dear Professor Rossi
I have been fascinated by this topic since the ill fated Pons Fleischmann announcement. It is a great shame that this promising field of research has been supppressed for so long. I have spent much time thinking about the possible menchanisms of action myself, but having a background in Chemistry rather than physics, do not understand the nuclear transformation aspect. I just had a an idea that might be helpful. Some time ago NASA developed an extremely light material called aerogel. It was created for the purpose of capturing tiny particles from the trails of a comet in outer space. I wondered if the nickel nano particles( together with your secret catalyst) were disseminated evenly throughout a highly porous substrate like aerogel, whether the amount of nano nickel required could be reduced. Also the reaction could be made to consume all of the nickel, rather than just 10%. Unfortunately aerogel is a heat insulator, so that would obviously not work, but a substance with the same extremely fine porous structure, having the ability to conduct heat, and to retain its structural integrity like for example buckyballs (a form of carbon) would be perfect. Hydrogen gas would be free to mix more intimately with the nano sized nickel particles.
Andrea Rossi: October 3rd, 2011 at 4:18 PM
Dear Harold Baker,
We do not use the aerogel, but your comment is very interesting.
Warm Regards,
Dear Professor Rossi
I have been fascinated by this topic since the ill fated Pons Fleischmann announcement. It is a great shame that this promising field of research has been supppressed for so long. I have spent much time thinking about the possible menchanisms of action myself, but having a background in Chemistry rather than physics, do not understand the nuclear transformation aspect. I just had a an idea that might be helpful. Some time ago NASA developed an extremely light material called aerogel. It was created for the purpose of capturing tiny particles from the trails of a comet in outer space. I wondered if the nickel nano particles( together with your secret catalyst) were disseminated evenly throughout a highly porous substrate like aerogel, whether the amount of nano nickel required could be reduced. Also the reaction could be made to consume all of the nickel, rather than just 10%. Unfortunately aerogel is a heat insulator, so that would obviously not work, but a substance with the same extremely fine porous structure, having the ability to conduct heat, and to retain its structural integrity like for example buckyballs (a form of carbon) would be perfect. Hydrogen gas would be free to mix more intimately with the nano sized nickel particles.
Andrea Rossi: October 3rd, 2011 at 4:18 PM
Dear Harold Baker,
We do not use the aerogel, but your comment is very interesting.
Warm Regards,

Loocas ::
21:51, 9 October 2011 (PDT)
Please participate in the E-Cat Case Design Project
Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) has asked for the help of the alternative energy community, in designing the case for his home heating product. He has asked for the community to submit concepts, so he can purchase the best idea from the individual who submitted it!
Please participate in the E-Cat Case Design Project
Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) has asked for the help of the alternative energy community, in designing the case for his home heating product. He has asked for the community to submit concepts, so he can purchase the best idea from the individual who submitted it!

Matev ::
tale Andrea Rossi je res en medisjki človek
toliko časa bo propagiral zadevo
da bo na koncu še knjigo napisal in postal slaven
kot človek ki je pritegnil pozornost širše množice
toliko časa bo propagiral zadevo
da bo na koncu še knjigo napisal in postal slaven
kot človek ki je pritegnil pozornost širše množice

Mipe ::
Ma, ne vem, iz tiste slike je razvidno, da je vložil kar nekaj dela in tudi denarja. Draga potegavščina.

energetik ::
Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. At first glance this seems to agree with calculations based on simple assumptions.
Kaj od podčrtanega ne razumeš:
The fusion of lighter elements in stars releases energy (and the mass that always accompanies it). For example, in the fusion of four hydrogen nuclei to form helium, seven-tenths of 1 percent of the mass is carried away from the system in the form of kinetic energy or other forms of energy (such as electromagnetic radiation)[2] However, the production of elements heavier than iron absorbs energy.Vir: Nuclear fusion @ Wikipedia
Poglej si še tale graf: File:Binding energy curve - common isotopes.svg @ Wikipedia

Lion29 ::
ja tip naj bi nekaj let to razvijal... do maja letos se sploh ni govorilo o tem v javnosti... od junija naprej pa se je o tem govorilo le ob testih... tako da rossi ni nic propragiral naprej...
zdaj pa ko ima neko potrdilo, da je vse skupaj zanesljiv (sklepam) pa je na test povabil nekaj uglednjesih znanstvenikov in medijev.... verjetno bi pa zdaj rad fajn potegnu iz tega...
sicer mi pa je ta clovek zelo, zelo antipaticen... njegova anglescina je ze pregovorno za italjane, polomljena...kar me full tega me moti njegov pristop k zadevi... tak skopuski... hoce anrediti vse sam... torej glede na to, da je fizki ali kemik ali karkoli, nima raprezentative v medijih.. oz. nasploh za stike z javnostjo...
upam, da ce je nekaj na tem, da bo vajeti v roke prevzela res kakna firma, ki se spozna na svoj foh (tipo apple)...da bo pravilno ustvaril hipe, naredil tudi lusten (futuristicen/green) dizajn napravice, neko celostno podobo, etc, etc...tako da bo lahkko tehnologijo uspesno cimprej prodal naprej, da se zacnejo tisti pravi razvoji....
zdaj pa ko ima neko potrdilo, da je vse skupaj zanesljiv (sklepam) pa je na test povabil nekaj uglednjesih znanstvenikov in medijev.... verjetno bi pa zdaj rad fajn potegnu iz tega...
sicer mi pa je ta clovek zelo, zelo antipaticen... njegova anglescina je ze pregovorno za italjane, polomljena...kar me full tega me moti njegov pristop k zadevi... tak skopuski... hoce anrediti vse sam... torej glede na to, da je fizki ali kemik ali karkoli, nima raprezentative v medijih.. oz. nasploh za stike z javnostjo...
upam, da ce je nekaj na tem, da bo vajeti v roke prevzela res kakna firma, ki se spozna na svoj foh (tipo apple)...da bo pravilno ustvaril hipe, naredil tudi lusten (futuristicen/green) dizajn napravice, neko celostno podobo, etc, etc...tako da bo lahkko tehnologijo uspesno cimprej prodal naprej, da se zacnejo tisti pravi razvoji....
Founder and CTO @

Okapi ::
da je vložil kar nekaj dela in tudi denarja.Če je sploh vložil svojega, ga je vložil v upanju, da bo iz 10 jurjev naredil milijon. Dopuščam tudi možnost, da je nategnil celo samega sebe in dejansko verjame, kar govori.
upam, da ce je nekaj na tem, da bo vajeti v roke prevzela res kakna firma, ki se spozna na svoj fohČe bi bilo kaj na tem, je čisto vseeno, kdo to dela, ker taka stvar preprosto ne more propasti. Ampak kaj, ko ni nič na tem.

Lion29 ::
seveda ne more propasti... in valda ni vseeno... gre se zato, da cimprej pride v siroko potrosnjo kar najbolj izpiljeno in karnajbolj ugodno... oba dejavnik sta zelo odvisna od tega kdo to prevzame!
Founder and CTO @

Okapi ::
Če bi delovalo, bi lahko prišlo v široko potrošnjo tudi neizpiljeno. In tudi kar se cene tiče, je dovolj najvišja možna cena, da se ti še splača kupit. Ti ne samo, da bi rad imel čudež, ti bi rad imel lep in najcenejši čudež. Daj se malo zberi in začni trezno razmišljati.


Lion29 ::
lol...ej Okapi... dej no...
se pravi če te prav raumem, ČE (ponavljam, da pišem ČE in ne KO, da se ne boš spet vpiču)... bi to delovalo... bi ti to kupil, neglede na to, če bi mogla biti grda naprava zavita v neko aluminjasto folijo sred tvoje kuhinje... ropotat kot zmešana... cevi vsepovsod okoli...
in ne samo to... kupil bil zaevo, tudi za 20 tisoč evrov, saj se bi na long run itak splačala... ne???? pol pa zadevo kupiš, zmontiraš.... čez 5 let pa bo na trg prišla manjša prkupna, tiha napravica, ki jo boš lahko priklopil v kleti....
sam da trolaš.....
sej pravim... zame si heroj...
se pravi če te prav raumem, ČE (ponavljam, da pišem ČE in ne KO, da se ne boš spet vpiču)... bi to delovalo... bi ti to kupil, neglede na to, če bi mogla biti grda naprava zavita v neko aluminjasto folijo sred tvoje kuhinje... ropotat kot zmešana... cevi vsepovsod okoli...
in ne samo to... kupil bil zaevo, tudi za 20 tisoč evrov, saj se bi na long run itak splačala... ne???? pol pa zadevo kupiš, zmontiraš.... čez 5 let pa bo na trg prišla manjša prkupna, tiha napravica, ki jo boš lahko priklopil v kleti....
sam da trolaš.....
sej pravim... zame si heroj...
Founder and CTO @

Okapi ::
bi ti to kupil, neglede na to, če bi mogla biti grda naprava zavita v neko aluminjasto folijo sred tvoje kuhinje... ropotat kot zmešana... cevi vsepovsod okoli...Seveda bi kupil, takoj. Ne bi bil pa tako nor kot ti, in ne bi tega sredi kuhinje postavil, ampak bi dal lepo v klet.
čez 5 let pa bo na trg prišla manjša prkupna, tiha napravicaTebi nekdo obljublja free energy (so to speak), ti bi pa rekel, ah ne, bom počakal, da bo v lepši škatli in še cenejša. In potem mi tak govori o trolanju


energetik ::
Jaz bi okoli zadeve postavil še biološki ščit, ker tiste gama fotone ne zadrži glih tista alu ti to kupil, neglede na to, če bi mogla biti grda naprava zavita v neko aluminjasto folijo sred tvoje kuhinje... ropotat kot zmešana... cevi vsepovsod okoli...Seveda bi kupil, takoj. Ne bi bil pa tako nor kot ti, in ne bi tega sredi kuhinje postavil, ampak bi dal lepo v klet.

Ampak tip je po mesecih izpostavljanja gama sevanju še vedno pri močeh...

Brane2 ::
Ampak tip je po mesecih izpostavljanja gama sevanju še vedno pri močeh...![]()
Tud gama foton ima svoj ponos...

On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

zee ::
Ampak tip je po mesecih izpostavljanja gama sevanju še vedno pri močeh...
Ča deca zna ča je to gama foton ?

Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Lion29 ::
free? tisti sort to speak si zatakni nekam... ce sas 20,000 eur, valda ni free... v tistih letih pa ko se bi ti to porvnilo, bi pa prisle 100x boljse in cenejse naprave ven...
mah dej.. ne da se mi vec... cisto brezpredmetno... ce bo prav, ce ne bo pa tudi prav
mah dej.. ne da se mi vec... cisto brezpredmetno... ce bo prav, ce ne bo pa tudi prav
Founder and CTO @

il ::
Komentar na energijsko bilanco:
Dovedena el. energija je vsaj cca. 2,5kW * cca. 3,5h = 8,75kWh = 31,5MJ, v diagramu energija pa je "priznanih" vloženih le 15MJ !
Dovedena el. energija je vsaj cca. 2,5kW * cca. 3,5h = 8,75kWh = 31,5MJ, v diagramu energija pa je "priznanih" vloženih le 15MJ !

zee ::
To samo mi neverniki in placanci naftne in energetske industrije dvomimo.
To samo mi neverniki in placanci naftne in energetske industrije dvomimo.

Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zee ()

gruntfürmich ::
How can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper?
In the present article I would like to answer a question posed by L. Kowalsky in a recent paper: how can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper? “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”, says a guy. I apologizes if I am too simplistic here.
The interest on Andrea Rossi’s Nickel-Hydrogen Cold Fusion technology is accelerating [1]. However, Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. Kowalski [2]. says that “this seems to be impossible because the produced copper isotopes rapidly decay into Ni”. But how it works?
How it works
Following Focardi Rossi [3]. a Ni58 nucleus produces a Copper nucleus according to the reaction
Ni58 + p → Cu59
Copper nucleus Cu59 decays with positron (e+) and neutrino (ν) emission in Ni59 nucleus according to
Cu59 → Ni59 + ν + e+
Then (e+) annichilates with (e-) in two gamma-rays
e- + e+ → γ + γ
Starting [3] from Ni58 which is the more abundant isotope, we can obtain as described in the two above processes Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, Ni61 and Ni62. Because Cu63, which can be formed starting by Ni62, is stable and does not decay in Ni63, the chain stops at Ni62 (i.e. Cu63). Each process means some MeV.
Of course how can a proton p gets captured by the Ni58 nucleus? (and subsequent Ni59, Ni60, Ni61 and Ni62). Following Stremmenos [4]. a neutron-like particle, an electron proton pair, a mini-atom, a proton masked as a neutron, gets captured by the Ni58.
If the masked proton becomes a neutron the result is Ni59.
In order to have Cu59 (increase of atomic number from 28 to 29) the electron (of the masked proton) gets ejected from the nucleus. The masked proton becomes a proton.
The same process holds for all the subsequent transformations, until Cu63.
It remains to be understood the issue of the gamma radiation in the MeV range.
I am an electronic engineer, so I need easy numbers in order to understand.
However “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”, says a guy. Maybe I am too simple here.
Let’s calculate.
MeV for each Ni transformation
I read that starting from Ni58 we can obtain Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, and Ni62. The chain stops at Cu63 stable.
For simplicity I assume all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58.
For simplicity I suppose for each Ni58 the whole sequence of events from Ni58 to Cu63 and as a rough estimate I calculate the mass defect between (Ni58 plus 5 nucleons) and the final state Cu63.
Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu
The actual mass of a copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu
Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu
Mass defect is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu
1 amu = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion
0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV
So each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
Nickel consumption
According to many blogs in the Internet “One hundred grams of nickel powder can power a 10 kW unit for a minimum of six months”.
How much of Ni58 should be transformed, in six months of continuous operation, in order to generate 10 kW?
I follow a procedure outlined in [2].
10 kW is thermal or electrical (?) power. The nuclear power must be larger. Assume a nuclear power twice:
20 kW = 20,000 J/s = 1.25 x 10**17 MeV/s.
Each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
The number of Ni58 transformations should thus be equal to (1.25 x 10**17)/37.36 = 3.346 x 10**15 per second.
Multiplying by the number of seconds in six months (1.55 x 10**7) the total number of transformed Ni58 nuclei is 5.186 x 10**22.
This means 5 grams.
The order of magnitude is not exactly the same but seems to be plausible. This means also 5 grams of Nickel in Rossi’s reactor transmuted into (stable) Copper after six months of continuous operation at the rate of 10 kW.
Rossi says that about 30% of nickel was turned into copper, after 6 months of uninterrupted operation. At first glance this seems to agree with calculations based on simple assumptions.
loca, razumeš 1% tega kar piše tu?
in naj že eden poišče nuklearni periodni sistem elementov pls!!!!!!
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

gruntfürmich ::
ravno zdaj gledam linke na wiki, pa vidim da je tip totalen debil.
vse cifre so napačne.
Neutrons @ Wikipedia
Proton @ Wikipedia
Atomic mass unit @ Wikipedia
Isotopes of copper @ Wikipedia
Isotopes of nickel @ Wikipedia
5 nukleonov mu je kar 5u. mislim kakšen debil je ta človek NOOOOOOOoooooooooooo
Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380? 15 amu
The actual mass of a copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu
Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu
Mass defect is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu
1 amu = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion
vse cifre so napačne.
Neutrons @ Wikipedia
Proton @ Wikipedia
Atomic mass unit @ Wikipedia
Isotopes of copper @ Wikipedia
Isotopes of nickel @ Wikipedia
5 nukleonov mu je kar 5u. mislim kakšen debil je ta človek NOOOOOOOoooooooooooo

"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Matev ::
5 nukleonov mu je kar 5u. mislim kakšen debil je ta človek NOOOOOOOoooooooooooo
a misliš da believrji vedo kaj je 5 nukleonov ali 5u
zatorej so te cifre zanje čisto dobre da verjamejo in se slinijo nad pričakovanjem
ter obenem še kak euro primaknejo v pušico temu človeku

Loocas ::
pa izračunaj sam, da bo prav (to je bil en reply izmed forumašev, ki sodelujejo v njegovem blogu).
ti si pa vedno naokol, ko je treba obračunat z beliverji.. sam od tebe nikoli nobene vsebine.. samo trollanje.
pa izračunaj sam, da bo prav (to je bil en reply izmed forumašev, ki sodelujejo v njegovem blogu).
ti si pa vedno naokol, ko je treba obračunat z beliverji.. sam od tebe nikoli nobene vsebine.. samo trollanje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()

gruntfürmich ::
ni mi jasno tudi od kod mu kar nevtroni za Cu 63 iz Ni 58...
ampak to verjetno sploh ni pomembno
le kdo bi se sekiral zaradi tega... glavno da stvar dela!
ampak to verjetno sploh ni pomembno

le kdo bi se sekiral zaradi tega... glavno da stvar dela!

"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Loocas ::
ti izračuni, kot rečeno, niso od Rossija... tko da lahko nehaš padat v nezavest in narediš pravilen izračun.
večina teže tega E-Cat predstavlja teža svinca....
Ampak tip je po mesecih izpostavljanja gama sevanju še vedno pri močeh...
Ča deca zna ča je to gama foton ?![]()
večina teže tega E-Cat predstavlja teža svinca....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()

Matev ::
samo trollanje
glede na to da ima nek človek zavezan žakelj in pravi da je notri zmaj
in da se prerekamo o tem
ja trolanje - totalno trolanje

Loocas ::
Bi blo fajn, da nemetaforično poveš, od kod pridejo potem bakrovi atomi v E-Cat, če ne z fuzijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()

Matev ::
od kod pridejo potem bakrovi atomi v E-Cat, če ne z fuzijo.
a fuzija je odgovor če ne veš kako
fuzija je mislim da še najmanj verjeten odgovor
vse kaj drugega prej bi bilo verjetno
ker elementi ne nastajajo v laboratoriju ampak pod strašanskimi pritiski in v strašansi vročini
znotraj zvezd ali tokamakov
če bo pa možno kdaj fuzijo zganjati v laboratoriju je pa seveda odprto
ampak ta rossi trenutno deluje prevarant
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matev ()

Loocas ::
Par elementov nikel-baker je bil za kandidata za hladno fuzijo večkrat omenjen že v devetdesetih prejšnega stoletja. Problem je bil v katalizatorju, ki naj bi ga Rossi pač našel (ob tem pove, da je izdelava katalizatorja poceni in je iz vsem dostopne substance - je pa trenutno ena izmed poslovnih skrivnosti).
Torej ne veš kako nastanejo bakrovi atomi v njegovem E-Catu?
In to kar ti pišeš je vroča fuzija. To se bodo šli v ITERju (H->He).
Torej ne veš kako nastanejo bakrovi atomi v njegovem E-Catu?
In to kar ti pišeš je vroča fuzija. To se bodo šli v ITERju (H->He).

Matev ::
Torej ne veš kako nastanejo bakrovi atomi v njegovem E-Catu?
fuzija ni dokazan razlog
Par elementov nikel-baker je bil za kandidata za hladno fuzijo večkrat omenjen že v devetdesetih prejšnega stoletja.
če misliš na fleishman-pons zadevo...
Problem je bil v katalizatorju, ki naj bi ga Rossi pač našel
ima kak dokaz?
tu si lahko prebereš več o tem "žaklju z zmajem"
Energy Catalyzer @ Wikipedia
naj poudarim:
According to PhysOrg, the demonstrations held from January to April 2011 had several flaws that make them lose credibility and Rossi has refused to perform several tests that could clarify dark points

Loocas ::
Lej, tole ni tema o UFOtih, ampak precej bolj ekzaktna zadeva. Naprava obstaja.
Zapravil je že ogromno svojega časa in denarja za razvoj tega in hoče od tega tudi kaj iztržit. Verjamem pa, da bi bilo za človeštvo najbolje, da bi povedal prav vse o E-Cat.
ne ne mislim.. tist test nima veze s tem
A si ti resen, da navajaš pol leta star test???
Imaš novega starega nekaj dni z občutno več dokaznega materiala.
Zapravil je že ogromno svojega časa in denarja za razvoj tega in hoče od tega tudi kaj iztržit. Verjamem pa, da bi bilo za človeštvo najbolje, da bi povedal prav vse o E-Cat.
če misliš na fleishman-pons zadevo...
ne ne mislim.. tist test nima veze s tem
According to PhysOrg, the demonstrations held from January to April 2011 had several flaws that make them lose credibility and Rossi has refused to perform several tests that could clarify dark points
A si ti resen, da navajaš pol leta star test???
Imaš novega starega nekaj dni z občutno več dokaznega materiala.

Matev ::
Imaš novega starega nekaj dni z občutno več dokaznega materiala.
daj link
potem si pa preberi najnovejše na wikipedii
link sem ti že prilimal
je pa zanimivo da pol leta človek še vedno skriva zadevo kot kača noge

Matev ::
In August 2011 Rossi announced that he had cancelled his contract with Defkalion, stating that none of E-Cat's technology had been transferred to them.[49][50][51][52][53] Rossi said that "the issue [that caused the cancellation] is just financial, not personal, nor technological, nor scientific", and that he wouldn't comment further because he was preparing a lawsuit against Defkalion.[49] A board member of Defkalion likewise indicated that the reasons for the cancellation were entirely financial.[54] Rossi later confirmed this, specifying that Defkalion was unable to fulfil its contractual obligations in due time.
in pa še iz tega meseca
In early October, Rossi stated however that due to contractual difficulties, the container had not been shipped to the U.S.
in pa še iz tega meseca
In early October, Rossi stated however that due to contractual difficulties, the container had not been shipped to the U.S.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matev ()

Loocas ::

torej.. niti enega linka nisi odprl, ki sem jih nalimal tukaj na zadnjih 2-3 straneh??
Za koga boga dajem jaz tukaj te linke in zapravljam svoj čas.
glej, midva sva zaključla.
Se pišemo, ko bo štartal s svojo 1MW elektrarno v cca enem mesecu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()

Matev ::
torej.. niti enega linka nisi odprl, ki sem jih nalimal tukaj na zadnjih 2-3 straneh?
prilimaj link od wikipedie ali od kake resne strani
razni tvoji reallyrealscience linki me ne zanimajo

Loocas ::
Monday, October 10, 2011
Dear Don Witcher:
The test will be made on the 28th of October. I will give details within a week.
Warm Regards,
--Francesco 10:05, 10 October 2011 (PDT)
The technological breakthrough of LENR (or CANR) is no longer speculation. It is a fact that will eventually change the world's energy problems and its sociopolitical divides through cheap, clean and green energy. The world needs LENR as a new energy source. Although change will not happen over-night, LENR will help reduce CO2 emissions, lower the cost of energy, and provide longevity to our planet's energy needs.
Defkalion sees its role with responsibility and asks the community at large to continue its support.
Defkalion has: o Enhanced technology and engineering on Rossi's invention or similar inventions o Prepared business models for international expansion o Established a strong network of global contacts o Prepared legislative and certification procedures o Ensured national, regional and international network in politics and business o Prepared global financing
Defkalion has worked in close partnership with Andrea Rossi for a very long time to prepare a commercially viable and industrially applicable product using his invention. Defkalion invested a lot of money to evolve Rossi's E-Cat lab prototype into its Hyperion product. Defkalion is now at the stage where its industrial prototype is ready for production.
Defkalion has held direct business discussions with 62 interested companies who visited our offices in Greece and witnessed our work. Small industry and large energy players internationally were all impressed by our progress in technology and engineering. More are still coming. Despite this phenomenal progress, Defkalion never made promises.
Our aim has always been to inform and demonstrate to public our progress when the final product is ready for use, thereby avoiding any speculations.
Today, Hyperion engineering has completed version 7. We were surprised to see our old designs used in public testing. We were confused why our old designs were implemented wrongly, as well as witnessing insufficient use of instruments and testing protocols. We also identified confidential (yet shown in public) special instruments designed in collaboration with Rossi and prepared by Defkalion. These actions have already paved the way for more negative criticism (unworthy) against the inventor, which do not give credibility to his important work.
The plethora of positive and negative comments is not helpful, as pointed out recently on the Vortex mail archive: ( ... 52357.html).
Defkalion fully supports and endorses this technology. Our mission is to introduce this technology on a global scale, responsibly. To date, we have self-financed all R&D and business development phases without asking for a single penny from anyone (private or public). We will soon be ready to announce the results of our extensive R&D with Hyperion final products.
Athens, October 10th, 2011 Defkalion GT S.A.
se pišemo čez tri tedne!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Dear Don Witcher:
The test will be made on the 28th of October. I will give details within a week.
Warm Regards,
--Francesco 10:05, 10 October 2011 (PDT)
The technological breakthrough of LENR (or CANR) is no longer speculation. It is a fact that will eventually change the world's energy problems and its sociopolitical divides through cheap, clean and green energy. The world needs LENR as a new energy source. Although change will not happen over-night, LENR will help reduce CO2 emissions, lower the cost of energy, and provide longevity to our planet's energy needs.
Defkalion sees its role with responsibility and asks the community at large to continue its support.
Defkalion has: o Enhanced technology and engineering on Rossi's invention or similar inventions o Prepared business models for international expansion o Established a strong network of global contacts o Prepared legislative and certification procedures o Ensured national, regional and international network in politics and business o Prepared global financing
Defkalion has worked in close partnership with Andrea Rossi for a very long time to prepare a commercially viable and industrially applicable product using his invention. Defkalion invested a lot of money to evolve Rossi's E-Cat lab prototype into its Hyperion product. Defkalion is now at the stage where its industrial prototype is ready for production.
Defkalion has held direct business discussions with 62 interested companies who visited our offices in Greece and witnessed our work. Small industry and large energy players internationally were all impressed by our progress in technology and engineering. More are still coming. Despite this phenomenal progress, Defkalion never made promises.
Our aim has always been to inform and demonstrate to public our progress when the final product is ready for use, thereby avoiding any speculations.
Today, Hyperion engineering has completed version 7. We were surprised to see our old designs used in public testing. We were confused why our old designs were implemented wrongly, as well as witnessing insufficient use of instruments and testing protocols. We also identified confidential (yet shown in public) special instruments designed in collaboration with Rossi and prepared by Defkalion. These actions have already paved the way for more negative criticism (unworthy) against the inventor, which do not give credibility to his important work.
The plethora of positive and negative comments is not helpful, as pointed out recently on the Vortex mail archive: ( ... 52357.html).
Defkalion fully supports and endorses this technology. Our mission is to introduce this technology on a global scale, responsibly. To date, we have self-financed all R&D and business development phases without asking for a single penny from anyone (private or public). We will soon be ready to announce the results of our extensive R&D with Hyperion final products.
Athens, October 10th, 2011 Defkalion GT S.A.
se pišemo čez tri tedne!

Loocas ::
Andrea Rossi
October 16th, 2011 at 2:14 AM
Dear Giovanni:
We will run also in self sustained mode, the periods will depend on many factors. In any case, the power output will be 6 times the power input. About the snakes: the time of the snakes is over. The start up of the 1 MW plant is the end of the mental masturbations of enviuos, wannabe theorists, lecturers of calorimetry and engineering. Now LENR goes to the market. The test will not be made by me, but by the Customers' consultants. Time of chatters is over. Maybe the test will not be good, maybe: it will be the first time I will start up a plant of that dimension, but in this case the problem will be the Customer, not the bunch of imbeciles that instead of understanding that we actually made LENR a reality lose their time digging holes on the surface the water in the middle of the ocean to find the wine. And in the case this test will go not well, we will learn and remake another, and another, and another, but, be sure, we will arrive to the target. At any cost.
Warm Regards,
Torej test 1MW eletrarne čez slaba dva tedna bo opravil kupec sam!
Andrea Rossi
October 16th, 2011 at 2:14 AM
Dear Giovanni:
We will run also in self sustained mode, the periods will depend on many factors. In any case, the power output will be 6 times the power input. About the snakes: the time of the snakes is over. The start up of the 1 MW plant is the end of the mental masturbations of enviuos, wannabe theorists, lecturers of calorimetry and engineering. Now LENR goes to the market. The test will not be made by me, but by the Customers' consultants. Time of chatters is over. Maybe the test will not be good, maybe: it will be the first time I will start up a plant of that dimension, but in this case the problem will be the Customer, not the bunch of imbeciles that instead of understanding that we actually made LENR a reality lose their time digging holes on the surface the water in the middle of the ocean to find the wine. And in the case this test will go not well, we will learn and remake another, and another, and another, but, be sure, we will arrive to the target. At any cost.
Warm Regards,
Torej test 1MW eletrarne čez slaba dva tedna bo opravil kupec sam!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()

Pyr0Beast ::
Tudi če zadeva zlavfa je cena 200€ za tistih 5kWh vseeno malce pretirana :)
Aja: Kam potem z vsemi nuklearnimi odpadki ? Menda ne kar na deponijo ?
- Še vedno ostaja vprašanje, kaj čaka s svojo 1MW elektrarno. Mar jo nebi poizkusil že zagnati do sedaj - vsaj poizkusno?
In zakaj niso delal benchmarkov na tisti elektrarni, saj je vse že pripravljeno.
+ Zakaj je pri testu bilo vse skupaj povito z alu folijo ? Če je zadeva tako energetsko pozitivna se ti lahko je*e za izgube ....
Aja: Kam potem z vsemi nuklearnimi odpadki ? Menda ne kar na deponijo ?
- Še vedno ostaja vprašanje, kaj čaka s svojo 1MW elektrarno. Mar jo nebi poizkusil že zagnati do sedaj - vsaj poizkusno?
In zakaj niso delal benchmarkov na tisti elektrarni, saj je vse že pripravljeno.
+ Zakaj je pri testu bilo vse skupaj povito z alu folijo ? Če je zadeva tako energetsko pozitivna se ti lahko je*e za izgube ....
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Pyr0Beast ()

Loocas ::
V bistvu se govori o 500€ za en inštaliran kW.
S tem da bi se cena ob množični proizvodnji hitro približala meji 50€/kW (NE kWh!).
O sami elektrarni imaš tukaj nekaj napisanega:
Iz elektrarne je vzel en E-Cat, katerega so testirali 6. oktobra.
Po testu je sam dejal, da bo napravil še nekaj izboljšav na posameznih modulih.
Problem delovanja take elektrarne je predvsem odvajanje proizvedene toplote (cca 1100kW), kar bo pač rešil v teh nekaj tednih. Eletrarno bo testirala delegacija enega izmed kupcev. Torej.. ne bo je sam testiral, temveč kupec.
Alufolija je bila tam tudi tudi zaradi varnosti, ker se ohišje E-Cata segreje na 65-85 stopinj (izolacija je sekundarnega pomena).
Da ne bo kdo misli, da se je razvoj tega E-Cata zgodil v samo kakšnem letu. Sploh ne.
Rossi, ki po izobrazbi ni znanstvenik ampak bolj kot ne samo entuziast, je pred časom prebral, da bi bil NLER lahko možen pri reakciji NI+H. Enostavno je nekaj let sprobaval na tisoče možnih katalizatorjev, in po vsem tem preizkušanju je imel vendarle večji uspeh. Tako je šele leta 2008 kontaktiral profesroja Focardija iz Bolonjske univerze, kateri je že prej delal preizkuse in celo imel nekaj manjših uspehov. V dveh letih sta skupaj izpopolnila prototip in ga prestavila sprva decembra svojim kolegom na univerzi in nato še januarja letos tudi selektivnim medijem.
S tem da bi se cena ob množični proizvodnji hitro približala meji 50€/kW (NE kWh!).
O sami elektrarni imaš tukaj nekaj napisanega:
Iz elektrarne je vzel en E-Cat, katerega so testirali 6. oktobra.
Po testu je sam dejal, da bo napravil še nekaj izboljšav na posameznih modulih.
Problem delovanja take elektrarne je predvsem odvajanje proizvedene toplote (cca 1100kW), kar bo pač rešil v teh nekaj tednih. Eletrarno bo testirala delegacija enega izmed kupcev. Torej.. ne bo je sam testiral, temveč kupec.
Alufolija je bila tam tudi tudi zaradi varnosti, ker se ohišje E-Cata segreje na 65-85 stopinj (izolacija je sekundarnega pomena).
Da ne bo kdo misli, da se je razvoj tega E-Cata zgodil v samo kakšnem letu. Sploh ne.
Rossi, ki po izobrazbi ni znanstvenik ampak bolj kot ne samo entuziast, je pred časom prebral, da bi bil NLER lahko možen pri reakciji NI+H. Enostavno je nekaj let sprobaval na tisoče možnih katalizatorjev, in po vsem tem preizkušanju je imel vendarle večji uspeh. Tako je šele leta 2008 kontaktiral profesroja Focardija iz Bolonjske univerze, kateri je že prej delal preizkuse in celo imel nekaj manjših uspehov. V dveh letih sta skupaj izpopolnila prototip in ga prestavila sprva decembra svojim kolegom na univerzi in nato še januarja letos tudi selektivnim medijem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Loocas ()
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