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Nigerijci odgovorni za še eno življenje

Nigerijci odgovorni za še eno življenje

The Register - Številka 419 vsem poznavalcem interneta ni tuja, za tiste manj osveščene pa naj povem, da gre za zelo popularno spletno prevaro, v okviru katere se prejemniku elektronske pošte ponudi velika količina gotovine v zameno za malce pomoči pri spravljanju omenjenega denarja iz države, ponavadi gre za katero od afriških držav, prvotno Nigerijo.

Naivneži z vsega sveta se veselo lotevajo lova na denar, pri čemer pogosto končajo revnejši, kot so bili na začetku, nekateri pa so dovolj pogumni, da se celo odpravijo na črno celino ter pri tem nemalokrat (do sedaj je bilo zabeleženih vsaj 25 primerov) postanejo žrtev tamkajšnjih zločincev. No, tokrat je zaradi prevare prišlo do še ene smrti, le da so bile okoliščine rahlo drugačne.

Mary Carol Winkler, žena duhovnika iz ameriške zvezne države Tenesee, je prejšnji mesec svojega moža odrešila vseh muk. Morilka je v času pred incidentom poslovala z že omenjenimi zlobnimi strici iz Afrike ter pri tem zapravila dobrdšen del družinskega premoženja, kar možu ni bilo po godu. Družinski prepir o financah pa je očitno eskaliral, saj je Mary svojega ljubljenega ponoči preprosto ubila z enim strelom iz šibrovke. Poleg tega je bila gospa župnikova bojda tudi zasvojena s spletnim igralništvom, pišejo na Registerju.

16 komentarjev

slatko ::

Jest sem pa podoben mail dobil v malo drugačni obliki.

Pribljižno en mesec nazaj sem od nekega gospoda po imenu Hillario Gomez dobil mail, češ da ga zanima neka moja računalniška roba ki jo je našel na bolhi, in da bi jo rad izvozil. Trdil je da je iz Kolumbije ter da kupljeno robo pošilja v države tretjega sveta (afrika). Sestavil sem mu predračun z vsemi podatki ki bi jih rabil za nakazilo, robo naj bi po prejetem plačilu poslal ravno v Nigerijo. Čez en dan mi je na mail priletelo neko sumljivo bančno potrdilo (slika, žig...), češ da je denar nakazal (potrdilo naj bi bilo verificirano iz strani neke uradne osebe v neki severnoameriški banki). Po tem ko sem dobil to potrdilo od te ''banke'' je model zahteval naj mu robo pošljem. Robe seveda nisem poslal, od takrat pa tudi nisem dobil nobenega maila (pa da ne bo kakšne pomote, tudi denarja seveda nisem prejel). Žal sem od takrat kišto formatiral, pa sem pozabil te maile spraut...:\

No vglavnem, še ena prevara pri kateri pa vbistvu ne gre za denar, ampak je slo za računalniško robo.

No kakorkoli že, nikakor mi ni jasno kako folk lahko nasede na take fore, al more bit tup ko kanta, al more bit pa tok zlo pohlepen ga je groza.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: slatko ()

iskra ::

En tak primer sem dobil pred kratkim na hotmail:

Good Day,

I know that my message will come to you as a surprise since I don’t know you in person or met with you before, but I am of the believe that you would be obliged to come to my assistance after hearing about my situation.I was, until recently, a Medical student of the University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast West Africa.

I am the only child of late Mr Frederick Owotaba . My father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant based in Abidjan, the economic capital of Ivory Coast. He was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their outing to discuss on a business last year.

When my mother died on the October 1988, my father took me so special because I am motherless. Before the death of my father last year, in a private hospital here in Abidjan. He secretly called me on his bed side and told me that he has a sum of US$ 9,500,000 left in account in a bank here in Abidjan, that he used my name for the next of kin in deposit of the fund. He also explained to me that it is because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates.

1)I am honourably seeking your assistance to provide a bank account where this money will be transferred to.

2)You will serve as the guardian of this funds since I am a boy of 20 years.

3)You will make arrangement for me to come over to your country after the money has been transferred to you.I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and
industrial production.

This is my reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me please indicate your interest.

I am willing to offer you 15% of the total sum as compensation for your effort/input after this successful transfer of this fund to your nominated account overseas.

Finally if you have any question as regards this transaction, so that I will send you documents of this fund. Note that the confidentiality of this transaction would be highly appreciated in replying soonest.

Thanks and best regards.

John Owotaba

Phone Number;+225 09 24 29 11

Email Address; john01_owotaba@yahoo.fr

Na to sem odgovoril z vprašanji (v angleščini, jasno) kot so: kje ste dobili moj naslov, veste kdo sem, veste kje sploh živim, itd. To sem storil v šali, ker sem prvič videl tak mail med spamom.

Nehote sem dobil odgovor:

Dear Brother,

I am writing to thank you for you’re good response to my message to you and your kind mind to assist me in this hour of need. Thank you also for your acceptance to assist me to get the money my late father deposited with Bank of Africa bank Abidjan as fixed deposit. I have been praying since I saw your mail and asking God if you are the real person that I will trust to transfer this money into his account that my late father suffered for. Please I do not know you and I do not no if you are a good man, it is you that is going to prove yourself to me, for me, I read your profile it interest me, to have a man of you age I will call me Father and who will take care of me. And invest the money for our both interest that was why I contact you. If you have any intention of cheating me please tell me and leave me a lone ok. Please tell me this, about your self and are you married?
I contacted you to be my Guardian so that you will look after me and help to look for a better investment, so that I can invest wisely when the money transferred to you. Everything I told you about this money is real and legal. I have suffered a lot since my father died. I don’t have any body to look after me, but I have some heartless and wicked relations who want to kill me too and have the money to enrich them. That is why I don't want to have the money invested here or to leave here any more.

I contacted you to help and make sure that this money will be smoothly transferred into your bank account, you will also help to source for a nice investment where you will invest and manage the money for me. You will make arrangement for me to come over to your country to continue my studies. I am presently hiding in a guesthouse were people cannot trace me easily and my feeding is just by charity help and is not my pressing problem now. I need this money to be transferred so that I can be able to have a new life altogether. I’m assuring you that any help you render to me will be much appreciated by me.

I have been in great difficulties and my only hope is in this money with the Bank in their fixed deposit and that is why I needed someone that the lord will touch his mind to help me transfer this money and get me out from Africa.

You have to keep this confidential and no other body should know about this, till the money is transferred to you and you bring me up to your country. Please promise me that you are not going to change your mind if the money is transferred to you, because this is the highest risk I am taken in my life.

I will be sending you my photo and the bank documents which my late father used in depositing the money in the bank as soon as I hear from you in my next mail. He warned me that I can only hand over these documents to someone I trust fully and who will assist me get the money and myself out of Cote D’Ivoire. So with the documents you will contact the bank and inform them that you want them to transfer the money into your account. Then you can tell the bank how to transfer the money because I do not have any experience in banking. Thank God that I found you and you have idea.

The most important thing is to secure the fund with your name as my Guardian and my father Former foreign Partner so that the bank can transfer the money to you and I will come to meet you in your country.

I will be very glad if you can come down here in Cote d’Ivoire, to see things your self, because seeing believes and also afford us the opportunity to see each other physically. If you can not come let me know so that we will talk and you will give me assurance of your person and I will give you more information to contact the Bank here as My Guardian.

Yours brother

John Owotaba

Phone Number, +225 ...

In spet sem udaril z enakimi vprašanji, ker mi nanje ni odgovoril, kot bi si želel. Povedal sem mu še, da vem, da je to prevara in naj mi za začetek, da dokaže, da temu ni tako, pošlje nekaj tisoč dolarjev na moj tekoči račun.

Pisanje se je končalo :) Vsaj z njegove strani.

Nato se je oglasil še en moj "brat" z identičnim sporočilom, kot je prvo, le z drugega naslova in z drugim imenom.

From : peee ubanga iz naslova peee0061@hotmail.com
Reply-To : ubanga_peee@yahoo.fr

Izgleda, da ima yahoo.fr težave s spammerji.
Ajow! 5 metru drow ...
Če bi imel Ronaldinho izvenzakonskega sina, bi se klical Bastardinho.

km- ::

Zadnic sm na eni italianski oddaji videl kako so s skritimi kamerami sli v nek hotel v londonu, in se dobesedno dobili s tem tipom, ki je ponujal nek nov avto (kao nagradna igra). Clovek je trdil da je vse res, samo da morajo nakazat nek dolocen kes, da lahko uredijo papirje in ga uvozijo v italijo. Potem pa za stos pride nek tip oblecen v kombinezon in celado, da bi rad stestiral avto in da vejo da je to prevara in tip je zacel tect po ulicah in kamer-meni pa kr za njim.. Pa cel stos nardijo iz tega..

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • polepsalo: gzibret ()

Dr Živago ::

Zdi se mi, da sem tudi jaz dobila podoben email, vendar raje pobrišem take spame.

ALTbla ::

# Mary Winkler is awaiting trial over the shooting of her pastor husband on March 22, 2006, after allegedly being taken for $17,500 in a 419 scam.[19]

?? :) je letnica na wikipediji napacna ali je malce stara novicka?

dela ::

Vse o telih "419" prevarantih se mi zdi izjemno zanimivo branje. Najnovejši trend je pa očitno poigravanje s temi prevaranti. Klik

Nekatere stvari, ki jih tukaj prebereš, že res težko verjameš. Očitno si je te prevare izmislil res nek lisjak, da tako dobro delujejo, sami izvajalci (ki jih je ogromno) so pa skoraj tako naivni njihove žrtve.

Ve kdo za kakšen film/dokumentarec o takšnih ali podobnih prevarah?

edge540 ::

Svaka čast onemu ko na to nasede:D

Fatboyslim ::

En ki ni nasedel:

p-p-powerbok prank :D

WarpedGone ::

>>> Nigerijci odgovorni za še eno življenje

Aja? Men se pa zdi, da je kriva in odgovorna predvsem ženska, ki je stisnila petelina.
Takšnole prekladanje odgovornosti je en navaden javni linč.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Oven-2k ::

Se strinjam z WarpedOne. Upam da taki naslovi ne bodo postali praksa tudi na Slo-Tech, ker jih imam že na 24ur.com vrh glave. Sej je lepo, da je naslov udaren samo ne pa da je tako zavajajoč.

mumbo ::

Naslov je čisto mimo.

Mogoče pa prevaranti sploh niso iz Nigerije in se le pretvarjajo da so od tam?

Highlander ::

Se strinjam glede naslova novice: ocitno je misljen ironicno, vendar vseeno prevec spominja na razne 24ur.com ipd. zgodbice, ki pa so predvsem senzacionalisticne in zavajujoce, dostikrat pa preprosto zgresene.

StajercSSS ::

Haha, moj kolega pa je na Magic-gold. Com/? Countryid=si tole nasedel! :\
bedak zarukan pride k men, pa mi cel srečen začne kazat to stran, pa kak je on bil na predavanju v sloveniji.. Je reku, da je vplačal 30 k not, pa še njegovi sestri enako vsoto.. Torej skupaj 90 k.. Mu cel čas razlagam, da je to navadna piramida, on pa jaa, to ni isto.. Dej še ti se prijav not.. Mater, bi mu skoraj razbil gobec.. (pa sej že njihova stran ven izda, da je to piramida.. Nek virtualni denar, pa če hočeš dobit denar, moraš še vplačat not haha.. )..
Pa je pred časom minlo leto, pride kolega.. Ga vprašam, kje ma zaj "njegovo bogastvo"? Pa sam začel obračat z očmi, pa bmk, sej je blo sam 30k.. Hahaha idiot.. :\
Voziš se v formuli, pred tabo je podmornica, za tabo pa vesoljska ladja.
Kako se rešiš iz te situacije?
Rečeš ciganu naj ustavi vrtiljak.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • polepsal: Matek ()

msms ::

Ja sej od takih živijo uni na vrhu.

Matako ::

Nigerijci nas pobijajo kot mačke!

Oxford ::

StajercSSS - zadeva je očitno piramida, toda v službi poleg mene v pisarni sedi model, ki je v 6 mesecih potegnil ven iz te igre več kot dva jurja evrov. ni slabo za cca. 50 kSIT. Vplačila.

Tudi sam sem mu trobil isto, samo tipu je uspelo dobiti dovolj naivnežov, ki mu sedaj služijo denar. Go figure.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Chomsky (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )

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