Forum » Loža » Pošiljanje kompa v Nigerijo
Pošiljanje kompa v Nigerijo

Hostnik ::
Videl sem že dosti nategov tukaj... ampak meni je poslano iz banke kao da so prejeli denar in dobil potrdilo ?
je vse ponarejeno?
hvala lp
je vse ponarejeno?
hvala lp
- zaklenil: bluefish ()

Hostnik ::
Oglas sem dal na bolho :) Kontaktiral me je Mary Hart ... ki je kao danes nakazal denar poslal mi jee potrdilo ... in govori da moram banki poslat potrdilo o odpremi da lahko potem dvignem.

frudi ::
Kar pošlji. Po možnosti s čimdražjo dostavno službo - da bodo zagotovo dostavili brez problemov! Najbrž se nočeš zameriti kakšnemu nigerijskemu princu samo zato, ker so pri Pošti Slovenije rahlo poškodovali embalažo!
Resno... če si toliko zabit, si čisto zaslužiš, da te nategnejo po dolgem in počez.
Resno... če si toliko zabit, si čisto zaslužiš, da te nategnejo po dolgem in počez.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

b ::
Hahaha, zdaj si že prišel iz "poslani iz banke kao da so prejeli denar" na "poslal mi je potrdilo". Bodi resen, no.
Predlagam, da mu ti pošlješ "potrdilo", da si poslal računalnik.
Predlagam, da mu ti pošlješ "potrdilo", da si poslal računalnik.

KoMar- ::
Pri vseh informacijah, ki so na voljo o prevarah o Nigeriji, je res neverjetno, da kdo še vedno misli, da gre za legitimen posel.
A je tako težko vse mejle iz Nigerije ignorirat? Pa to je "darilo", da je večina prevar iz iste lokacije, pa še vedno nasedate!?
A je tako težko vse mejle iz Nigerije ignorirat? Pa to je "darilo", da je večina prevar iz iste lokacije, pa še vedno nasedate!?

Hostnik ::
Pametnjakovici vse sem si prebral o prevarah. noben ne govori o tem da bom poslal ali karkoli. rekel je naj poklicem in bom preveril.

frudi ::
Lahko pa ga probaš nategniti nazaj...
Odpiši mu, da so ti zaradi sumljive transakcije blokirali račun in da mora ponovno nakazati recimo 100€, ki jih moraš ti nato najprej dvigniti. Potem vzemi eno škatlo, daj noter kup papirja in par kamnov, ter vse skupaj pošlji na njegov naslov. In mu pošlji potrdilo, da si zadevo res poslal :)
Odpiši mu, da so ti zaradi sumljive transakcije blokirali račun in da mora ponovno nakazati recimo 100€, ki jih moraš ti nato najprej dvigniti. Potem vzemi eno škatlo, daj noter kup papirja in par kamnov, ter vse skupaj pošlji na njegov naslov. In mu pošlji potrdilo, da si zadevo res poslal :)
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

Keyser Soze ::
Simpl, pošlji banki ( katera banka? ) mail, da si odposlal pošiljko (eno leseno klado z nalepko Intel Inside) oz. kaj še potrebujejo, da dvigneš nakazano vsoto.
Če je res zadeva tolk daleč kot praviš in tako transparentna, ni pol problem preverit zadeve.
Če je res zadeva tolk daleč kot praviš in tako transparentna, ni pol problem preverit zadeve.
OM, F, G!

Hostnik ::
če sem pisal človeku naj vzame denar nazaj iz banke in mi nakaže na račun. pa trdi da bi to storil vendar ne more dvigniti več... da lahko samo jaz pokličem na banko in jim rečem da prekinejo transakcijo in se tako denar vrna na njigov račun - svašta :)
Banka se imenuje Citi bank transfer (UK)
Banka se imenuje Citi bank transfer (UK)

KoMar- ::
Takoj prekini vso komunikacijo z njim in pozabi na vse skupaj.
Ne zdiš se mi primeren kandidat za probat njega nategnit nazaj niti očitno ne veš, da je ta "banka" lahko lažna...
Ne zdiš se mi primeren kandidat za probat njega nategnit nazaj niti očitno ne veš, da je ta "banka" lahko lažna...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: KoMar- ()

bluefish ::
rekel je naj poklicem in bom preveril.Pa upam, da ne na tisto cifro, ki je morda podana v mailu. No, sicer je že od daleč precej očitno, da se gre za prevaro.
Ne vem, folku bi moralo v glavo kapniti že enostavno dejstvo, da nek tujec tako željno kupuje preko naše obskurne Bolhe.

Tomas 33 ::
Kaj ti pravi zdrav razum?
Zakaj bi neki Mary iz Nigerije, ki ne zna slovensko kupoval od nekega Gozdnega Jože komp iz države, za katero še verjetno niti ni slišal?
Očitno si eden tistih, ki mora plačati, potem pa na forumu jokat, da so ga nategnili.
Zakaj bi neki Mary iz Nigerije, ki ne zna slovensko kupoval od nekega Gozdnega Jože komp iz države, za katero še verjetno niti ni slišal?
Očitno si eden tistih, ki mora plačati, potem pa na forumu jokat, da so ga nategnili.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tomas 33 ()

black ice ::

Marat ::
Pa čaki, a maš ti odprt račun na tej banki? citi bank transfer al kaj je že? Zakaj bi sploh pri taki banki šel odpirat račun? Dejta prek paypala uredit pa je, če ne je brez veze


vorantz ::
Skopiraj nam maile (pa tudi s katerega emaila je poslano) pa ti bomo pokazali kje točno se skrivajo očitni nategunski triki (sem zihr, da opazimo kakega očitnega)


technolog ::
Ja, kaj mu tle fovš svetujete.
Počaka naj, da bo denar res na njegovem računu, pa njegova naj banka to potrdi, potem pa lahko tudi pošlje zaradi mene.
Počaka naj, da bo denar res na njegovem računu, pa njegova naj banka to potrdi, potem pa lahko tudi pošlje zaradi mene.

Hostnik ::
Thanks for the reply,the payment has been made via my bank now and let me know when you received the confirmation of the payment in your inbox or spam mail.Do proceed with the shipment of the computer now so that it can meet up with my son project in school.
i hope to do more business transaction with you in the nearest future.
Hoping to read from you fast.
kao plačano :D
Thanks for the reply,the payment has been made via my bank now and let me know when you received the confirmation of the payment in your inbox or spam mail.Do proceed with the shipment of the computer now so that it can meet up with my son project in school.
i hope to do more business transaction with you in the nearest future.
Hoping to read from you fast.
kao plačano :D

technolog ::
Sej sm ti reku, počak, da bo transakcija res na tvoji banki (če maš spletno bančništvo je idealno), nikakor pa ne nasest, če boš dobil neko ponarejeno potrdilo od "The Bank of Nigeria". Če ne bo, pozabi na vse skupaj.

Tomas 33 ::
Samo 7.7. se začnejo v Nigeriji počitnice, pa mali Hart ne bo mogel dokončati projekta v šoli


Hostnik ::
Ne saj je nategavsčina 100%,ampak bom jutr poklical na banko za vsak slučajn da se vidimo.
evo še email od banke
Company Logo
Dear Hostnik ,
Congratulations ! This acknowledgment sets forth certain terms upon which {Mrs Mary Hart} is interested in acquiring some Items and he/she paid the Total Amount Of Seven Hundred Euro Only(EUR 700.00€)
Below-noted name and bank account there in.
Swift Code/Bic
Acc. holder's name
Item Description
Buyer's Name
Item Location
BANK NAME:Banka Koper
Sony Vaio M1E Laptop
Mrs Mary Hart
Date:July 04,2011
Time 12:32:10 PM
Your Payment has been Processed Successfully on your behalf and it remain the final process to Transfer your money into Your Bank Account, but before this we will need the TNT/Post Office Shipping Service Shipment Tracking Number of the item before we can activate your bank account.
Please do allow 24 to 72 hours to activated your bank account after verifying the shipment of the item to the buyer.
This is how we work things out here,Concerning the payment for goods and we do hope you will understand us well and comprehend with us about our form of payment to secure both the buyer and seller interest from any type of risk and fraudulent practices that is very rampant via online transactions.
We write to inform you of the readiness of this bank to make the transfer as soon as the shipment is made and verified .
We urge you to please send to us the TNT/Post Office Shipping Service * THE SCANNED RECEIPT*
This scanned RECEIPT must be digitally snapped and sent to the customer care department of the The Citi Logo Bank.
The scanned RECEIPT serves as a reference for the Accounts Department of our Bank ..
The RECEIPT number occupies a space on the form for the transfer of the payment to the bank account sent to us by the payee to the Accounts Department.
We verify the genuinely of the Shipment due to the high rate of fraudulent acts on our internet transactions.
It is the duty of this Bank to confirm the genuinely of the Shipment Because most of our users have been scammed in one way or the other by our negligence.
We have introduced many ways by which this scams and frauds can be reduced in our daily transactions.
Normally, Items are Shipped after the conclusion of the bank with the necessary verifications and processing of the transfer,This takes about 24-48 Hours .
However, The Bank Concludes and Transfers Payments under 24 hours in a situation whereby the Transfer Processing have been concluded with.
The Citi Logo Bank......................................................Designed To Serve You More Better !!!
Regards ,
Patrick M... Mark
The Citi Logo Bank Account Dept.
e-mail : Citi-Bank Correspondent:
evo še email od banke
Company Logo
Dear Hostnik ,
Congratulations ! This acknowledgment sets forth certain terms upon which {Mrs Mary Hart} is interested in acquiring some Items and he/she paid the Total Amount Of Seven Hundred Euro Only(EUR 700.00€)
Below-noted name and bank account there in.
Swift Code/Bic
Acc. holder's name
Item Description
Buyer's Name
Item Location
BANK NAME:Banka Koper
Sony Vaio M1E Laptop
Mrs Mary Hart
Date:July 04,2011
Time 12:32:10 PM
Your Payment has been Processed Successfully on your behalf and it remain the final process to Transfer your money into Your Bank Account, but before this we will need the TNT/Post Office Shipping Service Shipment Tracking Number of the item before we can activate your bank account.
Please do allow 24 to 72 hours to activated your bank account after verifying the shipment of the item to the buyer.
This is how we work things out here,Concerning the payment for goods and we do hope you will understand us well and comprehend with us about our form of payment to secure both the buyer and seller interest from any type of risk and fraudulent practices that is very rampant via online transactions.
We write to inform you of the readiness of this bank to make the transfer as soon as the shipment is made and verified .
We urge you to please send to us the TNT/Post Office Shipping Service * THE SCANNED RECEIPT*
This scanned RECEIPT must be digitally snapped and sent to the customer care department of the The Citi Logo Bank.
The scanned RECEIPT serves as a reference for the Accounts Department of our Bank ..
The RECEIPT number occupies a space on the form for the transfer of the payment to the bank account sent to us by the payee to the Accounts Department.
We verify the genuinely of the Shipment due to the high rate of fraudulent acts on our internet transactions.
It is the duty of this Bank to confirm the genuinely of the Shipment Because most of our users have been scammed in one way or the other by our negligence.
We have introduced many ways by which this scams and frauds can be reduced in our daily transactions.
Normally, Items are Shipped after the conclusion of the bank with the necessary verifications and processing of the transfer,This takes about 24-48 Hours .
However, The Bank Concludes and Transfers Payments under 24 hours in a situation whereby the Transfer Processing have been concluded with.
The Citi Logo Bank......................................................Designed To Serve You More Better !!!
Regards ,
Patrick M... Mark
The Citi Logo Bank Account Dept.
e-mail : Citi-Bank Correspondent:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Hostnik ()

ZaphodBB ::
Ampak ti pa si ovca...
Nazadnje boš klical eno njegovo "banko" pa ti bojo zaračunal 100€ za poslušanje muzike v call centru. Joj, upam da te ne bo bolelo ko te bo enkrat res nekdo dobro ostrigel.
So ti fantje napisal, da TAKOJ prekini vso komunikacijo.
Nazadnje boš klical eno njegovo "banko" pa ti bojo zaračunal 100€ za poslušanje muzike v call centru. Joj, upam da te ne bo bolelo ko te bo enkrat res nekdo dobro ostrigel.
So ti fantje napisal, da TAKOJ prekini vso komunikacijo.

Hostnik ::
Jojj bik oprosti ko zato obstajajo forumi da se vpraša določene stvari,pa ne govori na pamet ... klical bi na njihovo številko ki jo imajo objavljeno na svoji spletni strani in ne na številko,ki je objavljena na emailu.
Marat nevem :D
Marat nevem :D

šernk ::
pošlji banki nazaj, da ti enostavno zaradi znanih prevar iz nigerije ne posluješ, dokler ne dobiš denarja na račun

In general, high velocity doesn't produce harmful injuries.
But what is dangerous is the high acceleration
or deceleration given at a certain time interval.
But what is dangerous is the high acceleration
or deceleration given at a certain time interval.

gslo ::
kot so že napisal.. prenizek IQ imaš, da bi ga nategnil, zato prenehaj, preden on nategne tebe. ker te bo. 100%.

Hostnik ::
a colleague of mine said there are loyal sellers selling in Slovenia and there are cheaper things on bolha
wanderer to verjetno pomeni da je nemogoče,da bi banka imela takšen email?
wanderer to verjetno pomeni da je nemogoče,da bi banka imela takšen email?

Gray_Warden ::
prosim ne bodi pameten toliko kot so pametna vrata moje sobe.
Glede na tvoja vprašanja tu gor, ne bi znal niti prijatelja nategniti za 1. april, kaj šele nekega nigerijskega nategovalca ki ljudi nateguje vsak dan. Odnehaj preden ti bo žal.
prosim ne bodi pameten toliko kot so pametna vrata moje sobe.
Glede na tvoja vprašanja tu gor, ne bi znal niti prijatelja nategniti za 1. april, kaj šele nekega nigerijskega nategovalca ki ljudi nateguje vsak dan. Odnehaj preden ti bo žal.
Why so serious?

wanderer ::
@Hostnik - če prodajaš avto na boš dobil podoben email, očitno so odkrili tudi bolho. gre za klasične prevare...
ignoriraj takšne mejle!
ignoriraj takšne mejle!

ZaphodBB ::
Dear MR Hostnik,
I am your loyal Follower here on Slo-Tech I ar a big fan of yours. You verry handsom and smart. Vud you marry me. Please.
Befor vi Merry aj need to buy a new wedding Dress. Since I be a Butzwanan princess I need a special weeding gown. Please send me your credit card details in private sporočilo. I AM NOT A SCAMMER!!!!1!! I only need your CC details so I know you have a credit card, to avoid many possible complications. Otherwise My borthers might get angry with me.
Me love you long time.
Zaphodina BeebleBrox.
I am your loyal Follower here on Slo-Tech I ar a big fan of yours. You verry handsom and smart. Vud you marry me. Please.
Befor vi Merry aj need to buy a new wedding Dress. Since I be a Butzwanan princess I need a special weeding gown. Please send me your credit card details in private sporočilo. I AM NOT A SCAMMER!!!!1!! I only need your CC details so I know you have a credit card, to avoid many possible complications. Otherwise My borthers might get angry with me.
Me love you long time.
Zaphodina BeebleBrox.

Hostnik ::
Dear MR Hostnik,
I am your loyal Follower here on Slo-Tech I ar a big fan of yours. You verry handsom and smart. Vud you marry me. Please.
Befor vi Merry aj need to buy a new wedding Dress. Since I be a Butzwanan princess I need a special weeding gown. Please send me your credit card details in private sporočilo. I AM NOT A SCAMMER!!!!1!! I only need your CC details so I know you have a credit card, to avoid many possible complications. Otherwise My borthers might get angry with me.
Me love you long time.
Zaphodina BeebleBrox.
Otrok predlagam da nadaljujes z igranjem igerc.
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