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Stargate - TV serija (Amazon)

Stargate - TV serija (Amazon)

Bezukhoff ::

Torej, očitno se le nekaj dogaja.


"Veteran producer and writer Joseph Mallozzi has confirmed that a new Stargate series is in the works for Amazon Prime Video. Still, Gaters are already expressing disappointment at this latest Stargate announcement, as Mallozzi also confirmed that neither he nor any of the show’s original creators are a part of the project. That alone could mean doom for the series, both if it fails to draw viewers who are loyal to the original team, and if it fails to deliver the goods because it loses the vision of the franchise by abandoning its founders."

Torej verjetno svež začetek, škoda, bi si nekako želel nadaljevanja mitologije etablirane v prejšnjih iteracijah, SG-1, SG-A in SG-U, verjetno pa še kdo drug, upajmo le da Amazon won't crap all over this franchise as well. :)

oo7 ::

Saj je že čas za novo Stargate serijo. Ampak sem v dvomih, ker to dela Amazon :|

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