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Alien: Awakening

Alien: Awakening


oo7 ::

Ena odlična novica za ljubitelje filmov Alien. Drugo leto začnejo snemati nadaljevanje filma Alien: Covenant :\

Alien: Covenant 2 ready to begin production next year!

Alien: Covenant 2 is written and ready to begin filming as early as next year, 2018! During another Alien: Covenant set visit report, this time by the Sydney Morning Herald, we learned a bit more about Ridley Scott's highly anticipated Prometheus sequel. This article will summarize these updates.

  • spremenil: Mavrik ()

vostok_1 ::

Odlična novica :|
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Sarkozy ::

film se bo imenoval Alien: Awakening, in bo umeščen med Prometheus in Covenant
tako bomo zvedeli kaj se je zgodilo z Shaw :)

nato sledi nova trilogija

 Another 3

Another 3

Ils sont fous ces Slovenes!

oo7 ::

No to je pa najboljša novica dneva še več alien filmov samo, da bo scott zdrav :)

Hmm zanimiva odločitev, da bo Awekening umeščen med Prometheus in covenant. To pomeni, da bo Covenant priključil zgodbo na prvi alien film it leta 1979? >:D

Moderatorji lahko popravite naslov v Alien: Awakening . Hvala

Sarkozy ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Hmm zanimiva odločitev, da bo Awekening umeščen med Prometheus in covenant. To pomeni, da bo Covenant priključil zgodbo na prvi alien film it leta 1979? >:D

Says Scott:
"There will be another one before we kind of literally and logically, clockwise, back into the rear back head of [the original] Alien ... It will go Prometheus, Awakening, Covenant."

dve stvari sta možni: ali se je Ridley zmotil pri naštevanju, ali pa bo Awakening res umeščen med Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. Odločite se sami.8-)
Ils sont fous ces Slovenes!

oo7 ::

Kar se tiče zgodbe -Prometheus - Awekwning - Covenant - Alien (1979) ?


Prometheus - Awekwning - Covenant - (še en film) - Alien (1979)

oo7 ::

Film naj bi začeli snemati čez 14 mesecev. In naslov awakening ni potrjen.

Speaking to IGN, Scott said that, "we're writing [a sequel] now, as we speak. I'll be filming that within 14 months."


oo7 ::

Ena izredno dobra novica FOX še naprej podpira Ridleya Scotta 8-)

Fox trust Ridley Scott to break new ground with Alien: Covenant sequel!

20th Century Fox remain confident that Ridley Scott and Emma Watts can create a groundbreaking story for the Alien: Covenant sequel, according to Fox CEO Stacey Snider.

It seems evident that Fox are keen to keep Ridley Scott on board for the next Alien film(s) and based on Ridley's comments back in June, we can expect the next film to see a return of the infamous Engineers - having discovered what David had done to their Paradise - something many fans around the globe have expressed great interest in.


vostok_1 ::

Ridley must have sucked some important dick.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: borisk ()

oo7 ::

Alien Awakening WILL Happen According to FOX

specing ::

Teli alien filmi so vse manj smiselni.

vostok_1 ::

Ne omenjaj tega M-Powerju ;)
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Jaz verjamem, da se bo mojster Ridley izkazal z naslednjim Alien filmom. Samo upam, bo povdarek na inžinirjih.

oo7 ::

Empire Podcast #283: Ridley Scott, Denis Villeneuve


During an interview with the Empire podcast to promote Blade Runner 2049, Scott briefly laid out where he sees the next movie going.

"I think the evolution of the Alien himself is nearly over, but what I was trying to do was transcend and move to another story, which would be taken over by A.I.'s. The world that the AI might create as a leader if he finds himself on a new planet. We have actually quite a big layout for the next one."

Scott has also teased the return of the Engineers in the next movie, and that the story will tie directly into the beginning of the original Alien. The release date for the currently untitled Alien: Covenant sequel is unknown, but Fox is unlikely to leave such a valuable franchise alone for long, so expect an update in the near future.

oo7 ::

Alien Awakening Plot UPDATE From Ridley Scott

Alien Covenant Sequel - Engineer War? Story Discussion

Personanonim ::

sweet baby jesus

dajte že mir temu bogemu xenomorfu ;((

"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


oo7 ::

Če Diseny kupi FOX potem Diseny kupi tudi Alien franšizo.

Disney to produce Alien: Covenant sequels and other Alien movies?!

Acquisition talks between Disney and 21st Century Fox have reportedly re-opened after seemingly falling through last month. The entertainment powerhouse is looking to purchase Fox's film studios, among other assets, which would give Disney the rights and the control over future Alien films including Alien: Covenant 2 and Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 (if it ever gets made). Negotiations between both companies could apparently reach a close THIS week, as website Bloomberg reports:


Cervantes ::

Dobre novice.
Neverjetno, koliko sranja se je in se še bo nateklo na račun res perfektne Enke.
Ko gre gospa v štacuno, jo še zmeri dam gor, res edinstvena zadeva.

oo7 ::

Če Disney res kupi FOX potem samo upam, da ne bo iz te serije naredil kakšen PG13. Alien mora biti R rated.

vostok_1 ::

Haha. I'm gonna enjoy this....
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Haha. I'm gonna enjoy this....

Seveda boš kot mi vsi ostali samo počakati treba, da mojster Ridley začne snemati nadaljevanje :D

Sarkozy ::

PG13 nosi keš
SW8 recimo :D
Ils sont fous ces Slovenes!

oo7 ::

Sarkozy je izjavil:

PG13 nosi keš
SW8 recimo :D

Ja samo Alien je bil vedno R. Kako pa bi zgledal Alien film v PG-13. Verjamem pa, da bi SW R rated zgledal sigurno dobro >:D

Sarkozy ::

potem bi ga še jaz šel gledat 8-)
Ils sont fous ces Slovenes!

vostok_1 ::

Še malo RR Martina vkomponirat not...in ja, bi bilo zanimivo za vidt.

Ampak definitivno PG-13 Alien takes the cake.
Še dobro, da se holivud seseda vase zadnje čase. Let the abomination die already.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Tudi Dizney ni tako neumen, da bi dal alienu PG-13.

PunkDude ::


vostok_1 ::

Haha. You wish.

Ne samo, da bi helicopter starši skočili v luft. Tudi SJWjem se bodo gačice zapletle, ko bodo videli kak "neskladen" prizor.
Disney pa ni šans, da bi se jim zoperstavil, glede na to, da je javno njihov podpornik.

Kar lahko pričakuješ so temni ali zgolj "pan away" prizori smrti.
Šokiran bom bil, če bo Disney se podpisal pod brutaliziranja ali GoT style prizore golote.

Alien ni še nikoli v zgodovini bil bližje PG-13 kot je sedaj.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Ne vem zakaj bi se Disney z tako potezo(PG-13) sam ustrelil v koleno niso toliko neumni. Alien franšiza ne more biti drugega kot R.

vostok_1 ::

Ker backlash bo tako ferocious. Ni pogoja, da bodo riskirali.


Chestbursterje, bo pokazalo zgolj prek oblaciča ali kakega čudnega kota, s zelo omejenim gore-om.
Smrti bodo potemnjene, skrite, hitre, in čistunsko snemane.
Grdega obnašanja...forget about it. Vse bo počiščeno. "Get away from her you bitch!" Never gonna happen! No way!
Seks? Rape? itd. Nigga please!

Star wars: TFA je recimo zanimiv iz tega pogleda. Zelo spolirana, čistunska zadeva.

Ne bodo sicer reklamirali kot PG-13. Ampak mi je jasno, da bodo imeli cel team, ki bo preučeval skladnost prizorov.

Like i've said. We're both gonna enjoy this age M-Power. But for different reasons.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Deadpool bo ostal R rated tako, da ne vem zakaj ne bi tudi Alien.

vostok_1 ::

Definicija R-jaq je lahko zelo široka.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Definicija R-jaq je lahko zelo široka.

Recimo ?

vostok_1 ::

R (restricted): No one under 17 admitted without an accompanying parent or guardian. This rating is given for frequent strong language and violence, nudity for sexual purposes, and drug abuse.

Strong language.

"Fuck, dick, bitch, cunt ..."

Ne vrjamem, da bi Disnejevi managerji greenlight-ali karkoli od tega. Ker drugi dan bo v MSM pisalo "Disney promotes offensive words such as 'bitch' and 'fuck'".
Še prej pa se bo zgodil SJW twitter assault.

Malo za šalo in napoved, kaj naj pričakujete od Predatorja in Aliena.

PG-13 (parental guidance-13): Some material may not be suitable for children under 13. Any nudity has to be nonsexual, and any swear words have to be used sparingly. Violence in PG-13 films may be intense, but must be bloodless.

There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

oo7 ::

Disney je podedoval Deadpool-a, ki je odličen film ravno zaradi R ratinga če bo Disney spremenil filme, ki so R rated je to samomor za te filme. Disney bo pač moral odpreti R rated odelek druge ni.

vostok_1 ::

Ne rečem...morda bodo pametne glave kaj stuhtale.
Ampak hey. I wouldn't hold my breath.

Mi pa je všeč koncept "R rated Disney department".

So funny.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

vostok_1 ::



paying for


Haha. Actually...some sick fuck out there, might even find this arousing.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Alien: Awakening' Might Have Pitted Surviving Engineers Against David On LV-426


Bo pa treba res počakati, da Disney dokončno kupi FOX kaj se bo potem dogajalo z temi franšizami od FOX-a.

oo7 ::

Ridley Scott Reportedly Returning for Alien: Covenant Sequel


Nov Alien film in mojster Ridley Scott bo režiseral 8-)

oo7 ::

Edino prav, da Ridley posname še ta film, da se zgodba popolni. Zdaj manjka samo še dogajanje med Zavezo in prvim Alien filmom.

oo7 ::

No tale novica mi je pa zelo všeč :)

Alien will continue, but according to Scott, the nostalgia factor is not enough to keep the franchise afloat moving forward. They need to break new ground and revisiting the Engineers and their story are likely where the future of Alien lies.

oo7 ::

The last we heard, the movie was called Alien: Awakening, and at the end of 2018 some details of John Logan's script surfaced online.

"Logan's script would have seen the return of Prometheus' Engineers, with that species' survivors coming after the genocidal David," Empire claimed. "Setting-wise, [Sir Ridley] Scott said it was obvious, 'We're gonna actually go to the planet', by which we assume he means LV-426."

Komaj čakam, da film odgovori še na zadnja vprašanja in luknje, ki so ostale iz prejšnjih filmov :)
Zdaj bi lahko že rekli, da inženirji z filma Zaveza niso enaki kot tisti v Prometeju :)

opeter ::

Torej bo le zaključni del te nove trilogije. Saj v redu, da ne bo ostal v "limbu".
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

opeter je izjavil:

Torej bo le zaključni del te nove trilogije. Saj v redu, da ne bo ostal v "limbu".

Ne bo ravno zaključni del ampak bolj vmesni manjkajoči člen.

oo7 ::

V filmu Alien Awekaning nova vrsta inžinerjev ? :D

Skupina inžinerjev bo lovila Davida zaradi genocida na Planetu 4 nato se bodo spopadli z njegovimi ksenomorfi ? :)

Zanimiv video :)

Alien Awakening Is Coming with New Engineers || Official Updates

oo7 ::

Ridley Scott's next Alien prequel (possibly titled Alien: Awakening), likely a sequel to 2017's Alien: Covenant is currently in the scripting stage, according to a recent report by Variety - who sat down with the renowned director to talk Alien's 40 year anniversary a week back.

Variety report that not only is the next Alien prequel currently being written, but Ridley Scott will also be returning to direct once again!

Jaz bi rekel, da bo film Alien Awekaning izšel enkrat 2021/22. Odvisno kaj bo Ridley prvo posnel zdaj ima najavljenih 5 filmov in 1 TV serijo.

vostok_1 ::

Hey, M-Power.

There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Ta si je to zaslužil zaradi laganja >:D

oo7 ::

Third Alien Prequel Still Being Planned, Ridley Scott Wants to 'Re-Evolve' the Franchise


Upam, da mojster Ridley čim prej začne z snemanjem :)

vostok_1 ::

To misliš v retardirano kreaturo z eno nogo in eno roko ter anusem namesto ust?

Jp, that's totally where it's going.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Alien (Tv serija)

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Alien 5 (strani: 1 2 )

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Merlin Saga - Ridley Scott

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