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Dragon Age: The Veilguard [Dreadwolf] [Dragon Age 4]

oo7 ::
BioWare is working on a new Dragon Age game
In an interview with Eurogamer, Fallen London and Sunless Sea creator Alexis Kennedy confirmed that BioWare is working on a new Dragon Age game. This game is still in a really early development stage, though Kennedy will be working with Mike Laidlaw and lead Dragon Age scribe Patrick Weekes.
As Kennedy told Eurogamer:
“There are huge differences between all of that and what I’m working on at BioWare, which I can now legitimately say is in the Dragon Age franchise although it has been known for a while. Notionally it was a secret but, because of who I was working with, everyone who cared knew. And then the day I started, Mark Darrah [executive producer of the Dragon Age franchise] tweeted saying ‘welcome to the Dragon Age franchise’, so I thought, well, I guess that’s official now then.”
In an interview with Eurogamer, Fallen London and Sunless Sea creator Alexis Kennedy confirmed that BioWare is working on a new Dragon Age game. This game is still in a really early development stage, though Kennedy will be working with Mike Laidlaw and lead Dragon Age scribe Patrick Weekes.
As Kennedy told Eurogamer:
“There are huge differences between all of that and what I’m working on at BioWare, which I can now legitimately say is in the Dragon Age franchise although it has been known for a while. Notionally it was a secret but, because of who I was working with, everyone who cared knew. And then the day I started, Mark Darrah [executive producer of the Dragon Age franchise] tweeted saying ‘welcome to the Dragon Age franchise’, so I thought, well, I guess that’s official now then.”
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
BioWare General Manager Casey Hudson teased a Dragon Age announcement in a recent post on BioWare's official blog.
"If you've been following these blogs, or myself and Mark Darrah on Twitter, you know we're also working on some secret Dragon Age stuff," said Hudson. "Dragon Age is an incredibly important franchise in our studio, and we're excited to continue its legacy. Look for more on this in the coming month
"If you've been following these blogs, or myself and Mark Darrah on Twitter, you know we're also working on some secret Dragon Age stuff," said Hudson. "Dragon Age is an incredibly important franchise in our studio, and we're excited to continue its legacy. Look for more on this in the coming month

gendale2018 ::
samo da ne bo tako sranje kot dvojka
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gendale2018 ()

Zmajc ::
gendale2018 je izjavil:
samo da ne bo tako sranje kot dvojka
BioWare kot je bil nekoč je že zelo dolgo po rušo. Korporativizem je tam nr 1 že zelo dolgo.

Izi ::
Za osvežitev spomina:
1. Dragon Age: Origins (2009)
2. Dragon Age II (2011)
3. Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)
Prvi del je bil legendaren, drugi del je kar precej razočaral, tretji del pa je bil spet zelo v redu, čeprav ni dosegel legendarne slave prvega dela.
1. Dragon Age: Origins (2009)
2. Dragon Age II (2011)
3. Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)
Prvi del je bil legendaren, drugi del je kar precej razočaral, tretji del pa je bil spet zelo v redu, čeprav ni dosegel legendarne slave prvega dela.

gendale2018 ::
Enka je bila tako luštna igra, škoda, da s serializiranjem vse razvodenijo...
ne spominjaj me na tisto sranje od dvojke... mogoče 10 različnih sob in potem za vsak quest malo prezrcaljene
sovražniki ti kr iz zraka skočijo pred tebe
enka je bila pa skoraj 3d baldurs gate
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

gendale2018 ::
enka + dodatek se ti vsekakor splača (še posebej če ti je všeč bg2 in podobne zadeve), dvojko ti pa odsvetujem
kak gpu rabim za trojko? na trenutnih igpu jajcih predvidevam da se nima smisla matrat... rx 580 bi bil ok za 1440p?
kak gpu rabim za trojko? na trenutnih igpu jajcih predvidevam da se nima smisla matrat... rx 580 bi bil ok za 1440p?
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

oo7 ::
Še bo treba čakat.
Še bo treba čakat.

oo7 ::
Dragon Age 4 will be political and celebrate diversity, says narrative director.

oo7 ::
Okay, BioWare Fans Can Start Panicking About Dragon Age 4 Now

scipascapa ::
fuck Bioware fuck pa dobiš, ko spiš z sovražnikom. Naj gredo na svoje !!!!!!!!!!!

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
fuck Bioware fuck pa dobiš, ko spiš z sovražnikom. Naj gredo na svoje !!!!!!!!!!!
Mislim, da to ni množno, ker EA so kupili Bioware.

ahac ::
Okay, BioWare Fans Can Start Panicking About Dragon Age 4 Now
Anthem is a case study of what happens when you take a developer outside its comfort zone and strangle their ability to showcase what they do best.
Obstaja ogromno developerjev, ki so šli ven iz svojega "comfort zone" v nove žanre in bili zelo uspešni:
Blizzard je bil RTS developer.
Pa so vseeno šli v nove žanre: MMORPG (WoW), collectable card game (Hearthstone), online FPS (Overwatch) ter vedno bili uspešni.
Ravno v svojem nekdanjem "comfort zone" jim gre najslabše (Starcraft). Kje bi bili zdaj, če bi delal samo RTSje?
Creative Assembly je še vedno primarno RTS developer, ampak so vseeno naredil odličen stealth FPS (Alien: Isolation).
Podobnih primerov je še ogromno.
Prav je, da studio poskusi nekaj novega. Ponavljanje vedno iste igre tudi ne garantira uspeha... gamerji pa jokajo v vsakem primeru.

scipascapa je izjavil:
fuck Bioware fuck pa dobiš, ko spiš z sovražnikom. Naj gredo na svoje !!!!!!!!!!!Kaj bi bilo drugače, če bi bil Bioware na svojem? To ne pomeni, da bi bili kaj boljši... edino mogoče bi prej ostali brez denarja.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Truga ()

ahac ::
Tole ne zgleda zelo pozitivno:
The Past And Present Of Dragon Age 4 (Jason Schreier, Kotaku)
The Past And Present Of Dragon Age 4 (Jason Schreier, Kotaku)
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

Zmajc ::
BioWare je trenutno sam svoj največji sovražnik, za to ne rabijo EA. Če ste brali Kotaku članek o razvoju Anthem-a je tam ogromno detajlov. Tudi to da so Dragon Age 4 rebootali, ker je lead moral prevzeti clusterfuck od Anthema da so igro sploh končali.

Fif55 ::
Upam, da se zorganizirajo in izdajo igro ven v dodelani obliki. Takih iger ni veliko, tako to res stežka pričakujem :)

yoco ::
A se ne morejo ločit od EA in naredit igro, kot si jo želijo, ne pa kot jim narekujejo kravatarji?
Dvomim, da bi igra dobra. Že 3 del mi ni prav preveč všeč.
Dvomim, da bi igra dobra. Že 3 del mi ni prav preveč všeč.

oo7 ::

yoco ::

oo7 ::
Dragon Age 4 is screwed because of BioWare (not Anthem)
Tudi če bi se Bioware lahko ločil od EA bi naslovi kot so Mass Effect in Dragon ostali v lasti EA če ne bi prej EA enostavno samo zaprl Bioware studio.
A se ne morejo ločit od EA in naredit igro, kot si jo želijo, ne pa kot jim narekujejo kravatarji?
Ne, ker EA je kupil Bioware.
Škoda, sem mislil, da imajo samo nekakšno pogodbo, kot sta imela Bungie in Activison! Se pravi, če bo DA 4 polom je Bioware RIP!
Tudi če bi se Bioware lahko ločil od EA bi naslovi kot so Mass Effect in Dragon ostali v lasti EA če ne bi prej EA enostavno samo zaprl Bioware studio.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Dragon Age 4 setting all but confirmed by upcoming short story collection

oo7 ::
EA Is Going To Kill BioWare
Now, the future seems pretty clear: EA is going to ruin Dragon Age 4 and kill BioWare.
Now, the future seems pretty clear: EA is going to ruin Dragon Age 4 and kill BioWare.

oo7 ::
Dragon Age 4 News Might Be Coming Soon
"Dragon 4ge Day" approaches.
Today marks 10 years of Dragon Age! This year we're excited to join the community's party on December 4th and celebrate a decade together in the world we all love. See you on 12/4 for Dragon 4ge Day!
"Dragon 4ge Day" approaches.
Today marks 10 years of Dragon Age! This year we're excited to join the community's party on December 4th and celebrate a decade together in the world we all love. See you on 12/4 for Dragon 4ge Day!

yoco ::
Kaj je zdaj res? Eni pravijo, da pride "soon" spet drudi, da igra ne bo izšla do leta 2022?????

Izi ::
Kaj je zdaj res? Eni pravijo, da pride "soon" spet drudi, da igra ne bo izšla do leta 2022?????
Nihče ne pravi, da bo prišla Soon.
12. decembra bo praznovanje 10, obletnice in za takrat se pričakujejo kakšne nove informacije o Dragon Age 4. Je pa znano, da same igre še vsaj 2 leti ne bomo videli.

tetriandoch ::
Se ne mudi. Sem še pri enki. Lepo počasi in brez vmešavanja Electronic Farts pa bo. So pa to verjetno samo sanje. To je kot pivo velikih in pivo malih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: tetriandoch ()

yoco ::
Kaj je zdaj res? Eni pravijo, da pride "soon" spet drudi, da igra ne bo izšla do leta 2022?????
Nihče ne pravi, da bo prišla Soon.
12. decembra bo praznovanje 10, obletnice in za takrat se pričakujejo kakšne nove informacije o Dragon Age 4. Je pa znano, da same igre še vsaj 2 leti ne bomo videli.
ups, sorry, sem spregledal, "news soon"!

oo7 ::
BioWare Confirms New Dragon Age Game Is Still In Development
A Bioware developer confirmed on Twitter that the game is still being worked on.
A Bioware developer confirmed on Twitter that the game is still being worked on.

dolenc ::
Ma niti ni jih prov dosti, lani sta kolk, ene 2 špila pršla Greedfall pa Rune2, pogojno Sekiro. Ni glih neke gužve.

dolenc ::
Žalostno al pa ne, ampak še najbolj epic je, če dajo kej od origins notri. Al dajo glasbo, al kako referenco na wardena al mojo lubezen Morrigan.
In pol to abjuzajo tako v trailerjih kot v špilih
In pol to abjuzajo tako v trailerjih kot v špilih

Zmajc ::
DA4 ima isti clusterfuck razvoj kot sta ga imela Andromeda in Anthem, dokler ne očistijo hiše ter na vodilna mesta postavijo sposobne ljudi z vizijo, ki so sposobni sprejemati konkretne odločitve ne bo iz tega nič dobrega.

Mato989 ::
Enka je bla dobra.... Bioware pac vec ni to kar je nekdaj bil... Kje so casi kotor enke, ah ja
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!

ahac ::
Mark Darrah (Executive Producer za Dragon Age 4) in Casey Hudson (Bioware General Manager) sta zapustila Bioware.
A Message From Laura Miele, Chief Studios Officer, Electronic Arts
From Mark Darrah
From Casey Hudson
A Message From Laura Miele, Chief Studios Officer, Electronic Arts
From Mark Darrah
From Casey Hudson
Slo-Tech Discord -

Mato989 ::
RIP nekoč dobra firma...
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!