Forum » Igre » Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Izi ::

Kayzon ::

oo7 ::
Če tega ni v igri naj pove in bo mir če je v igri in laže pa se bo itak razvedlo čez 15 dni.
Na Steam forumu je pa itak divje.
Na Steam forumu je pa itak divje.

Polda ::
Daniel Vavra X
Pa si sami ustvarite mnenje
It is time to address wild claims some people spread that are apparently based just on one screenshot and a poorly translated tweet (Spoiler alert: contains spoilers about the story of KCD2):
1/10 There are NO unskippable cutscenes in our games. Anybody who claims otherwise never played them.
2/10 We are NOT (nor ever were) banned in any country - at least not that we know of.
3/10 As much as I don't like "forced diversity", nobody was forcing us to do anything, and we are not forcing anyone to do certain things.
4/10 Gay characters were already in KCD1.
5/10 KCD is an RPG, you are responsible for your decisions. If you want Henry to try a same-sex adventure, feel free. If you don't want to, you don't have to. All affairs are (and were in KCD1) purely optional. The characters are perfectly aware, that it was a forbidden sin.
6/10 The game takes place in one of the richest cities in Europe which was besieged by a massive foreign army. That´s the reason why the life in such a city is more diverse than the life in villages which were featured in the first game.
7/10 Musa came to Bohemia with an invading army as a member of the royal court of King Sigismund, whom he met thanks to his engagement at the court of Sultan Bayezid. He's an educated noble and renaissance man from the Kingdom of Mali.
8/10 At the same time, Musa is a very unusual figure for the local Bohemian folk, and many of the situations around him in the game stem from this. So his presence makes sense and creates lots of interesting situations in the game. The way he talks and behaves has a reason.
9/10 Everything displayed corresponds to the morals and social norms of 1403 Bohemia and is only there to make an interesting story, and not at all to appeal to a "modern audience".
10/10 We don't want KCD to be used as clickbait by people who didn't even play it yet. Some of them sadly turned into exactly the same narrative they pretend to be fighting against. The amount of hateful behavior is really sad and it will damage any cause associated with it.
Pa si sami ustvarite mnenje
It is time to address wild claims some people spread that are apparently based just on one screenshot and a poorly translated tweet (Spoiler alert: contains spoilers about the story of KCD2):
1/10 There are NO unskippable cutscenes in our games. Anybody who claims otherwise never played them.
2/10 We are NOT (nor ever were) banned in any country - at least not that we know of.
3/10 As much as I don't like "forced diversity", nobody was forcing us to do anything, and we are not forcing anyone to do certain things.
4/10 Gay characters were already in KCD1.
5/10 KCD is an RPG, you are responsible for your decisions. If you want Henry to try a same-sex adventure, feel free. If you don't want to, you don't have to. All affairs are (and were in KCD1) purely optional. The characters are perfectly aware, that it was a forbidden sin.
6/10 The game takes place in one of the richest cities in Europe which was besieged by a massive foreign army. That´s the reason why the life in such a city is more diverse than the life in villages which were featured in the first game.
7/10 Musa came to Bohemia with an invading army as a member of the royal court of King Sigismund, whom he met thanks to his engagement at the court of Sultan Bayezid. He's an educated noble and renaissance man from the Kingdom of Mali.
8/10 At the same time, Musa is a very unusual figure for the local Bohemian folk, and many of the situations around him in the game stem from this. So his presence makes sense and creates lots of interesting situations in the game. The way he talks and behaves has a reason.
9/10 Everything displayed corresponds to the morals and social norms of 1403 Bohemia and is only there to make an interesting story, and not at all to appeal to a "modern audience".
10/10 We don't want KCD to be used as clickbait by people who didn't even play it yet. Some of them sadly turned into exactly the same narrative they pretend to be fighting against. The amount of hateful behavior is really sad and it will damage any cause associated with it.

Polda ::
Potem mu je v bran skočil še Grummz
No, Kingdom Come Deliverance is NOT woke.
I received exclusive information from someone who has completed the game which clears up many rumors.
(Note, game director Daniel Vavra JUST posted clarification, he is 100% telling it to you straight)
According to this player, who wants to clear the air so the game can succeed, this is the exact content of the game's main storyline (not all side quests completed):
- Yes, Henry can romance other characters in the game.
- Henry can romance another male, however, this is not forced upon the player in any way.
- Similar to how Bioware did romance checks, you must a) Initiate the dialog and b) pass around 5 dialog choice romance checks without missing one in order to unlock this romantic partner. You have to go out of your way to do this and do it over the course of half the game.
- The dialog options for the male romance are treated very secretive, VERY taboo and in line with the historical times.
- The romance scene is extremely brief, and entirely skippable. 5 seconds of kissing total and 5 seconds of them on the bed naked: "No one is hanging dong and they are just on top of each other kissing. The other cutscenes with Henry and women are much more vulgar haha."
- For fun, I asked if the women in the game were as well endowed as the first game. The reply: "oh, the tiddies be wildin'! Haha. A LOT of titties."
- All cut-scenes are skippable. Plus: "Story, side missions, romance scenes. All can be skipped."
- There are no other examples of LGBTQ in the game, minus the one character from the 1st game but his sexuality isn't even mentioned. (Main quest for sure, not all side quests have been played yet).
- Many people talking about Istvan and Erik from the first game being gay. In this one, it's not even mentioned in main story: "While it's confirmed in the first game that Istvan is gay in the first game, to my knowledge, they don't even reference it in this one."
- There is a black character in the game, he is a medic: "He's very well thought out from a writing perspective. He's under command of an enemy commander and while said commander IS kind to him, everyone around him treats him like shit. He's a very likeable character. It goes into pretty hardcore detail how he ended up there."
- The town are not multi-cultural and fit the historical times. "The black character is FOR SURE a fish out of water from a cultural stand point."
- Now about the gameplay. This player says it slaps. 10/10.
- Combat is similar but easier than the first game.
- Lockpicking still sucks.
Based on this information, I would say the whole Kingdom Come Deliverance thing has been blown out of proportion. The game is excellent, and everything is treated in proper historical context.
As this player said: "The whole game is funny as fuck. It feels like old school BioWare."
Vsekakor so v igro vplementirali nekaj woke agende katera ni prisiljena je pa tam in je odvisna od igralca.
Sicer ne vem zakaj je to sploh v igri ? Zaradi tistih 20 gejev kateri bodo igrali je to fail sploh za Vavro kateri je veljal za based kinga.
Jaz bom igral ampak Vavra je za naprej vprašljiv.
No, Kingdom Come Deliverance is NOT woke.
I received exclusive information from someone who has completed the game which clears up many rumors.
(Note, game director Daniel Vavra JUST posted clarification, he is 100% telling it to you straight)
According to this player, who wants to clear the air so the game can succeed, this is the exact content of the game's main storyline (not all side quests completed):
- Yes, Henry can romance other characters in the game.
- Henry can romance another male, however, this is not forced upon the player in any way.
- Similar to how Bioware did romance checks, you must a) Initiate the dialog and b) pass around 5 dialog choice romance checks without missing one in order to unlock this romantic partner. You have to go out of your way to do this and do it over the course of half the game.
- The dialog options for the male romance are treated very secretive, VERY taboo and in line with the historical times.
- The romance scene is extremely brief, and entirely skippable. 5 seconds of kissing total and 5 seconds of them on the bed naked: "No one is hanging dong and they are just on top of each other kissing. The other cutscenes with Henry and women are much more vulgar haha."
- For fun, I asked if the women in the game were as well endowed as the first game. The reply: "oh, the tiddies be wildin'! Haha. A LOT of titties."
- All cut-scenes are skippable. Plus: "Story, side missions, romance scenes. All can be skipped."
- There are no other examples of LGBTQ in the game, minus the one character from the 1st game but his sexuality isn't even mentioned. (Main quest for sure, not all side quests have been played yet).
- Many people talking about Istvan and Erik from the first game being gay. In this one, it's not even mentioned in main story: "While it's confirmed in the first game that Istvan is gay in the first game, to my knowledge, they don't even reference it in this one."
- There is a black character in the game, he is a medic: "He's very well thought out from a writing perspective. He's under command of an enemy commander and while said commander IS kind to him, everyone around him treats him like shit. He's a very likeable character. It goes into pretty hardcore detail how he ended up there."
- The town are not multi-cultural and fit the historical times. "The black character is FOR SURE a fish out of water from a cultural stand point."
- Now about the gameplay. This player says it slaps. 10/10.
- Combat is similar but easier than the first game.
- Lockpicking still sucks.
Based on this information, I would say the whole Kingdom Come Deliverance thing has been blown out of proportion. The game is excellent, and everything is treated in proper historical context.
As this player said: "The whole game is funny as fuck. It feels like old school BioWare."
Vsekakor so v igro vplementirali nekaj woke agende katera ni prisiljena je pa tam in je odvisna od igralca.
Sicer ne vem zakaj je to sploh v igri ? Zaradi tistih 20 gejev kateri bodo igrali je to fail sploh za Vavro kateri je veljal za based kinga.
Jaz bom igral ampak Vavra je za naprej vprašljiv.

Zmajc ::
Verjetno zaradi IGN woke in gaming media mavričastih fanatikov, ki vsem igram ki niso woke friendly dajo max oceno 7.

Gregor459 ::
Vavra verjetno ni imel izbire kot to dati v igro čeprav zanika da ga je kdo prisilil.
Leta 2019 so Warhoese studios prodali Koch mediji sedaj se imenujejo Plaion Gmbh. Kot lastniki in tisti kateri financirajo so lahko zahtevali, da se to da v igro.
Če Warhorse ne bi prodali pa KCD II verjetno ne bi bilo v takem obsegu in še nekaj časa ne.
Je grenek priokus ampak ni tako hudo sploh zato ker ti tega ne tlačijo kot obvezno ampak je opcijsko.
Je pa res da Henry ni več tak hetero chad, ker je možnost da je lahko tudi homoseksualec ampak to je izbira igralca.
Leta 2019 so Warhoese studios prodali Koch mediji sedaj se imenujejo Plaion Gmbh. Kot lastniki in tisti kateri financirajo so lahko zahtevali, da se to da v igro.
Če Warhorse ne bi prodali pa KCD II verjetno ne bi bilo v takem obsegu in še nekaj časa ne.
Je grenek priokus ampak ni tako hudo sploh zato ker ti tega ne tlačijo kot obvezno ampak je opcijsko.
Je pa res da Henry ni več tak hetero chad, ker je možnost da je lahko tudi homoseksualec ampak to je izbira igralca.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gregor459 ()

Zmajc ::
"Izbira igralca" je tudi hudo zavajujoče ko te vsak 4. karakter s jaterim imaš več kot 1 pogovor začne pecat k homo avanturam ponoči. Fuj.
Kot da ne morejo dati toggle za to ko štartaš igro. Ne nočem da me kateri koli moški v igri peca, ever.
Kot da ne morejo dati toggle za to ko štartaš igro. Ne nočem da me kateri koli moški v igri peca, ever.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

Predsednik11 ::
"Izbira igralca" je tudi hudo zavajujoče ko te vsak 4. karakter s jaterim imaš več kot 1 pogovor začne pecat k homo avanturam ponoči. Fuj.
Kot da ne morejo dati toggle za to ko štartaš igro. Ne nočem da me kateri koli moški v igri peca, ever.
Bi bilo fejst če bi v igri lahko takega prijavil oblastem in bi ga potem sežgali na grmadi.

Kayzon ::
Mustafa educated noble iz mali kraljevstva ima sceno v igri kjer rece da je njegov dom bolj varen do ljudi ki radi potujejo ter bolj varen do zensk,ki jih spostujejo za razliko od evropejcev.
Kar povej njim mustafa o great educated noble.
Kar povej njim mustafa o great educated noble.

Gregor459 ::
Hoteli so zgleda dobiti nekaj točk še na levi strani in so jih s temi potezami ampak so pa načeli zvesto bazo vsaj del nje.

Zmajc ::

yayo ::
Jaz tudi predlagam, da absolutno ne kupite in, da niti ne igrate piratske igre, ker vedno obstaja možnost, da se vam kaj propagande vrine v možgane. Že tako velja za slovence hudomušni stereotip, da so v slovanskem svetu femboyi, tako, da ne popuščat. Pa Vavra že tako zgleda kot e "bear" fetiš gej v črni majci in s tatuji.

bemfa ::

Gregor459 ::
Kljub tej mini agendi katero se, da skipat mislim, da bo igra vrhunska vsaj po sedaj videnem.

Polda ::
Grummz X
Another rumored gay scene in Kingdom Come Deliverance II.
I checked with two of my sources who both completed the game, and they had this to say:
- One source, who did the main quest line, says they never found this gay scene and never saw any of the below.
- The other source says they did encounter the first two scenes, but there was no exposed phallus and that the scene (all scenes in game) are skippable. Said it was a very "Game of Thrones" type of vibe and you kill the guy.
From what I'm told, what you see and don't see in the game is heavily influenced by the choices you make. All romance scenes are side-quests, effectively, and even what dialog decisions you make in the game will show you different endings/scenes.
For example: The source who did see this scene says he picked a stealth dialog option to kill the guy from behind, in which case there might not be any reveal of dong. He did say it would be out of character for the game since everywhere else males are clothed, even in scenes where females are nude.
At this point if really feels like a ridiculous splitting hairs when we are talking about "how much dong is shown" and I believe people have enough information to make up their minds. I am not even defending these scenes, people should make up their own minds.
The poll shows an even split right now. Half of you think it is woke, and the other half does not.
I don't believe the game is woke based on what these sources are telling me. But of course, until the game comes out, there is no way to know for sure and subjective opinions will still be split, just like the poll.
The way the PR has been handled on this has been terrible, and could have all been handled much better. I'm not happy with how Warhorse and Daniel are saying things like "Don't believe the internet" when it did turn out the big part of the rumors were true (except for the ban (possibly) and skippable part, but that wasn't the main issue), and when Daniel is attacking everyone, including people trying to defend his game, while refusing to address things like his woke community team (you could say "we don't control them, but we can talk to them.").
It's sloppy, fells like fence-riding the PR, and from all accounts the game is great and doesn't need to be cagey about all this.
Čedalje večji WTF ?
Another rumored gay scene in Kingdom Come Deliverance II.
I checked with two of my sources who both completed the game, and they had this to say:
- One source, who did the main quest line, says they never found this gay scene and never saw any of the below.
- The other source says they did encounter the first two scenes, but there was no exposed phallus and that the scene (all scenes in game) are skippable. Said it was a very "Game of Thrones" type of vibe and you kill the guy.
From what I'm told, what you see and don't see in the game is heavily influenced by the choices you make. All romance scenes are side-quests, effectively, and even what dialog decisions you make in the game will show you different endings/scenes.
For example: The source who did see this scene says he picked a stealth dialog option to kill the guy from behind, in which case there might not be any reveal of dong. He did say it would be out of character for the game since everywhere else males are clothed, even in scenes where females are nude.
At this point if really feels like a ridiculous splitting hairs when we are talking about "how much dong is shown" and I believe people have enough information to make up their minds. I am not even defending these scenes, people should make up their own minds.
The poll shows an even split right now. Half of you think it is woke, and the other half does not.
I don't believe the game is woke based on what these sources are telling me. But of course, until the game comes out, there is no way to know for sure and subjective opinions will still be split, just like the poll.
The way the PR has been handled on this has been terrible, and could have all been handled much better. I'm not happy with how Warhorse and Daniel are saying things like "Don't believe the internet" when it did turn out the big part of the rumors were true (except for the ban (possibly) and skippable part, but that wasn't the main issue), and when Daniel is attacking everyone, including people trying to defend his game, while refusing to address things like his woke community team (you could say "we don't control them, but we can talk to them.").
It's sloppy, fells like fence-riding the PR, and from all accounts the game is great and doesn't need to be cagey about all this.
Čedalje večji WTF ?

Polda ::
Vavra se je že odzval na tale zapis
LOL. This is hilarious. Of course its 100% made up bullshit. ZERO words from this dumb shitpost are true. ZERO.
LOL. This is hilarious. Of course its 100% made up bullshit. ZERO words from this dumb shitpost are true. ZERO.

oo7 ::

Gregor459 ::

yayo ::
saj se je že veliko prej, le iz bojda obratne pozicije. Igra bo v kratkem izšla, vse je dobra reklama. Če mu bosta opcijska gej romanca in en lik iz Afrike pomagala prodati več iger in se izogniti incel stigmi je to verjetno dobro zanj kot podjetnika. Bomo kmalu videli.

yoco ::
Kaj se dogaja s to igro? So se developerji prodali? Danes sem zasledil na twiterju, da je Vavra pred leti izjavil, da je Henry belec, kristjan in ni gej. V dvojki pa je lahko gej če se igralec tako odloči. 
Sam upam, da bo igra dobra in ne razočara!

Sam upam, da bo igra dobra in ne razočara!

Gregor459 ::
Kaj se dogaja s to igro? So se developerji prodali? Danes sem zasledil na twiterju, da je Vavra pred leti izjavil, da je Henry belec, kristjan in ni gej. V dvojki pa je lahko gej če se igralec tako odloči.
Sam upam, da bo igra dobra in ne razočara!
Trailerji in gameplayi so zelo dobri. Imam občutek, da bo zelo dobra igra.
Po drugi strani pa so v igro dali nekaj stvari katere je Vavra še ne dolgo nazaj kritiziral tak , da so se prodali.
Igra bo po moje dobra edino Vavra je izgubil based oznako.

Polda ::

Zmajc ::
Očitno je pritisk z strani Američanov premočan. Upam, da se bodo stvari z novo administracijo malo spremenile in mavričaste fanatike naženejo gaminga. Naj se raje fokusirajo v dobre zgodbe ne kdo koga kam pika in kot kaj se identificira.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

Furbo ::
Zaradi uspeha KDC1 si je verjetno lahko privoščil droge. Podobno kot se v Hollywoodu vsem eventuelno skisajo možgani od njih.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

Gregor459 ::

Gregor459 ::

Enaplusdva ::
Kaj sedaj boste igrali ali ne ?
Ste imeli namen igrati pa ne boste zaradi zadnjih dogodkov ?
Zadnji dogodki vas niso zmotili in bosre igrali ?
Niste mislili igrati a so vas zadnji dogodki prepričali v nakup?
Dogodke mislim kot dramo s Varvo.
Ste imeli namen igrati pa ne boste zaradi zadnjih dogodkov ?
Zadnji dogodki vas niso zmotili in bosre igrali ?
Niste mislili igrati a so vas zadnji dogodki prepričali v nakup?
Dogodke mislim kot dramo s Varvo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Enaplusdva ()

GoodGuy ::
Še dobr da prečekiram vsake tok časa tele teme..
Refund iz moje strani...
Refund iz moje strani...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: GoodGuy ()