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God of War Ragnarök [God of War 5]

God of War Ragnarök [God of War 5]

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oo7 ::

Sony je še pred izidom God of War 4 napovedal God of war 5 + ena najbolje ocenjenih iger vseh časov + odlična prodaja tako, da samo še vprašanje kdaj bo igra izšla :D

Sony confirms God of War 5 will also be set in Norse mythology

Sony has confirmed to finder that we can expect more snow-filled action from Kratos in the future.


BivšiUser2 ::

Vsaj par let naj zbirajo moči za novo epsko sekljačino. :D
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Nekaj let bo sigurno trajalo ampak je direktor igre rekel, da bo hitreje naslednji del končan kot je bil ta prvi.
Jaz bi rekel pozno 2020 ali 2021.

scipascapa ::

pa itaq bo že za PS5.

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

pa itaq bo že za PS5.

Po vsej verjetnosti ja.

oo7 ::

God of War Sequel Will Be 'Bigger, Better'

"We still want to be God of War," he explained, noting that he doesn't want to lose the incredible feeling the original game delivered. "What I want to say is, the first battle in this game when you're fighting The Stranger is really an epic fight. It ends with you two destroying the entire environment around you. It was really hard to create, I myself was working on the lighting for this level, and it was super hard to get it to work.

"So if we have a meeting with Thor or Odin, naturally, it must be bigger than this, better than this. This game was very good, but we think we can make it even better. And of course, it must be a little bit bigger. If we do another game -- no one actually said that we are doing it -- it will be bigger, better, longer."


oo7 ::

God of War 2: 06 Confirmed Details To Play Major Part in Sequel

Sledi spoiler za tiste, ki niso igrali še prvega dela.

06 Atreus is
Norse god of Mischief: Loki

05. Giants, Their Massacre and and the Cloud of Confusion

04. Freya Will Return

03.Undiscovered Realms in First Game

Asgard: Home of the Aesir gods
Vanaheim: Realm of the Vanir gods
Svartalfheim: Home of the Dwarves

02. Ragnarok is Coming

01. Thor and Kratos Battle


BivšiUser2 ::

06 Atreus je Loki
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

New God of War PS4 Dynamic Theme Hides a Clever Easter Egg Teasing Sequel


opeter ::

Možno pa, da bo 5. del na voljo tako za PS4 kot tudi naslednika.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

opeter je izjavil:

Možno pa, da bo 5. del na voljo tako za PS4 kot tudi naslednika.

PS5 bo kmalu GOW 5 pa najbrž še ne tako kmalu tako, da dvomim, da bo tudi za PS4.

opeter ::

Dvomim, da bo PS5 pred 2021.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

Jaz bi rekel 2020.

Pandorumx5 ::

Ga moram še 1x obrnit. Ene par delov prav čutiš in ti delujejo življenjske.

oo7 ::

The Next God of War Is in Production as Developer Teases Motion Capture Session


oo7 ::

God of War 5 bi se lahko dogajal pred Gow 4 ?

In a recent interview with PlayStation Access, Cory Barlog commented on what he would like to see in a sequel to one of the best games of 2018. He believes that the next chapter in Kratos' story should delve into his relationship with his wife, Faye. More specifically, he is interested in how they met and how their relationship evolved. He also believes that the fact that we know how Kratos' relationship ended would give even more weight to the possibility of exploring how the relationship started.

"The story of Faye and Kratos meeting -- there's less weight when you don't know anything that's coming ahead, right? Meeting her needs to actually feels like something.. that you already know the story that we told here, so that there's a greater weight behind who she is. She's got a mythology built up."


springfield ::

Ni nujno, lahko da se bo samo spominjal dogodkov ali kaj podobnega.

oo7 ::

springfield je izjavil:

Ni nujno, lahko da se bo samo spominjal dogodkov ali kaj podobnega.

Ja nekaj takega.

oo7 ::

God of War 5 on PS5 - Article Confirms Work on the Game


Vazelin ::

Za petko upam bolj raznolike (mini)boss-e in konec z umetnim podaljševanjem dolžine igre v zadnji tretjini
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

oo7 ::

Vazelin je izjavil:

Za petko upam bolj raznolike (mini)boss-e in konec z umetnim podaljševanjem dolžine igre v zadnji tretjini

Umetnim podaljševanjem dolžine ?

oo7 ::

God of War Developer Teases Potential God of War 5 Reveal At Sony's PS5 Event


Mogoče v četrtek že uradno najavijo God of war 5 ? :)

Vazelin ::

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

oo7 ::

Vazelin je izjavil:


Ja :)

Samo upam, da ga ne bodo začeli kaj srat kot pri Naughty dog.

oo7 ::

God of War Director Talks Using PS5 Power For Sequel


oo7 ::

God of War 5 že leta 2021 ? 8-O

Potem pa bom moral prej kupiti Ps5 kot sem mislil.

oo7 ::

God of War: Ragnarok - Teaser Trailer | PS5 Showcase

Bantani ::

Lahko samo rečem D1 nakup:)

oo7 ::

Tole bo najbrž PS5 ekskluziva ?

Argica ::


oo7 ::

God of War Ragnarok PS5 is GOTY 2021 Material, Dev Boasts; Team Working on "Something Special and Crazy"


oo7 ::

An interview with PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan suggests that God of War: Ragnarok may not be a PS5 exclusive game, but there are a few possibilities.

oo7 ::

God of War Ragnarok will launch on PS4 and PS5 claims former series director


Skyman ::

God of War Ragnarok Will Release 'When It's Done' on PS5


oo7 ::

Verjetno ne letos.

Bantani ::

Pa pomoje tudi drugo leto ne..bomo vidl:)

oo7 ::

God of War Ragnarok razvijalci iščejo inspiracijo za igro pri igri TLOU 2 :8) se pa govori, da bi lahko bil Atreus tudi igralni lik.

acookook ::

V kakšnem smislu inspiracijo?

djabi ::

V smislu SJW, BLM, LGTBQIA+ ... saj si verjetno igral The Last of Us 2?

acookook ::

Ne čist, nekaj malega vem pa kaj točno misliš....potom sem sicer upal, da tega ne bo.

oo7 ::

djabi je izjavil:

V smislu SJW, BLM, LGTBQIA+ ... saj si verjetno igral The Last of Us 2?

Na žalost imaš prav :8)

Magic1 ::

Me sej se bo to enkrat končalo. Zdaj še mečejo denar v ekonomiko, ko se bo to končalo pride bitter sweet reality za vse.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Magic1 ()

oo7 ::

God of War izid igre pestavljen iz 2021 v 2022. Igra bo izšla za Ps5 in tudi za Ps4.

oo7 ::

Možno, da bo 9 septembra letos kaj več znanega o igri GOW 5. Mogoče nov trailer ali gameplay ? :)

Skyman ::

mozno pa da ne :)) Jaz upam da bo,ker to ze govorijo nekaj casa.

oo7 ::

Skyman je izjavil:

mozno pa da ne :)) Jaz upam da bo,ker to ze govorijo nekaj casa.

Rečmo, da bo 50/50 ali bo ali ne bo :D

Skyman ::

Glede na to da so dal lansko leto neki da "zrajcajo" geeke in je bilo oblubljeno letos,upam da bo kaj vsaj drugo leto in da sedaj dobimo kak trailer.

Skyman ::

God of War: Ragnarok | Playstation Showcase 2021

oo7 ::

Menda bo to zadnja igra v Norse mitologiji potem pa bodo verjetno šli v Egipt (tamala na koncu trailerja)

Skyman ::

Jap,tam bosta pa vrjetn šejka pa kamele jahala :)) Me ne moti samo da bo dobra zgodba v to pa res ne dvomim.
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