Forum » Igre » God of War 4
God of War 4

oo7 ::
Although Sony is yet to officially announce or detail a new entry in the God of War series. Rumours have surfaced suggesting God of War 4 may be based on Norse mythology, instead of Greek.
In Norse Mythology, the rainbow bridge also known as ‘Bifrost’, is the only entrance to Asgard, one of the nine worlds in the Norse universe and home of the tribes of the Norse Gods and Goddesses. Within the gates of Asgard is the ‘Hall of Heroes’ also known as ‘Valhalla’, where Slain Viking warriors will go for the Afterlife.
It seems that website Nerdleaks scoured the web following Shinobi’s tweet, and actually discovered concept art for what seems to be, God of War 4. The art seems to have been found on the website of concept artist, Finnian MacManus, who worked at Sony’s Santa Monica Studio from September 2015 to December 2015. His work involved creating concept art for an “unannounced project”, according to his LinkedIn (which also seems to have been removed at the moment of writing).
To bi bilo res odlično, da bi naredili God of war 4 po skandinavski mitologiji :) itak pa je Kratos pobil skoraj že vse Grške bogove tako, da bi bilo super iti še malo pogledati na Asgard
In Norse Mythology, the rainbow bridge also known as ‘Bifrost’, is the only entrance to Asgard, one of the nine worlds in the Norse universe and home of the tribes of the Norse Gods and Goddesses. Within the gates of Asgard is the ‘Hall of Heroes’ also known as ‘Valhalla’, where Slain Viking warriors will go for the Afterlife.
It seems that website Nerdleaks scoured the web following Shinobi’s tweet, and actually discovered concept art for what seems to be, God of War 4. The art seems to have been found on the website of concept artist, Finnian MacManus, who worked at Sony’s Santa Monica Studio from September 2015 to December 2015. His work involved creating concept art for an “unannounced project”, according to his LinkedIn (which also seems to have been removed at the moment of writing).
To bi bilo res odlično, da bi naredili God of war 4 po skandinavski mitologiji :) itak pa je Kratos pobil skoraj že vse Grške bogove tako, da bi bilo super iti še malo pogledati na Asgard

opeter ::
Rabili bi novega lika, Kratos je že ... kak se temu pravi ... "ponucan"?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

bambam20 ::
Uhm.. in kakšna grafika.. A tole bo postavljeno v predzgobo, ko še Kratos ni bil God OF war?

BivšiUser2 ::
Uhm.. in kakšna grafika.. A tole bo postavljeno v predzgobo, ko še Kratos ni bil God OF war?
To bolj zgleda, da nima več veze z grki. Tip je podoben kratosu zato, ker se jim verjetno ni dalo izumljat novega lika.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BivšiUser2 ()

oo7 ::
Uhm.. in kakšna grafika.. A tole bo postavljeno v predzgobo, ko še Kratos ni bil God OF war?
Kar se tiče zgodbe še ni znano. Kratos je videti že pošteno v letih lahko, da se nadaljuje lahko pa tudi, da bo šlo za reebot ker prejšnji God of wari so bili psotavljeni v grško mitoligijo ta pa je psotavljen v norse mitologijo.
Thor in Odin sta ga naj...

BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
To bolj zgleda, da nima več veze z grki.
No ja saj je Kratos pobil več ali manj vse grške bogove. Je prav, da so šli v drugo mitologijo :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

bambam20 ::
Uhm.. in kakšna grafika.. A tole bo postavljeno v predzgobo, ko še Kratos ni bil God OF war?
Kar se tiče zgodbe še ni znano. Kratos je videti že pošteno v letih lahko, da se nadaljuje lahko pa tudi, da bo šlo za reebot ker prejšnji God of wari so bili psotavljeni v grško mitoligijo ta pa je psotavljen v norse mitologijo.
O, saj res. No tako v letih mi ne deluje. Kaj pa je za Kratosa 40+ :)

oo7 ::
Uhm.. in kakšna grafika.. A tole bo postavljeno v predzgobo, ko še Kratos ni bil God OF war?
Kar se tiče zgodbe še ni znano. Kratos je videti že pošteno v letih lahko, da se nadaljuje lahko pa tudi, da bo šlo za reebot ker prejšnji God of wari so bili psotavljeni v grško mitoligijo ta pa je psotavljen v norse mitologijo.
O, saj res. No tako v letih mi ne deluje. Kaj pa je za Kratosa 40+ :)
Bi prej rekel tam okoli 50 :)

bambam20 ::
Uhm.. in kakšna grafika.. A tole bo postavljeno v predzgobo, ko še Kratos ni bil God OF war?
Kar se tiče zgodbe še ni znano. Kratos je videti že pošteno v letih lahko, da se nadaljuje lahko pa tudi, da bo šlo za reebot ker prejšnji God of wari so bili psotavljeni v grško mitoligijo ta pa je psotavljen v norse mitologijo.
O, saj res. No tako v letih mi ne deluje. Kaj pa je za Kratosa 40+ :)
Bi prej rekel tam okoli 50 :)
Še vedno te nalomi.

opeter ::
Presenetljivo dobro zgleda. Predvsem pa mi je všeč, da je karakter dobil malo več globine in ga ne žene samo želja po ubijanju. Ali pač?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

bambam20 ::
Sam grafika pa res full huda. Sem bil navdušen, ko sme tole videl. Uhh .. Naj zadevo dajo še na PC :). Me bodo še nateral, da is kupim nov PC z win10.
Izgled,a da bo tudi zgodba solidna.
Izgled,a da bo tudi zgodba solidna.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Sam grafika pa res full huda. Sem bil navdušen, ko sme tole videl. Uhh .. Naj zadevo dajo še na PC :). Me bodo še nateral, da is kupim nov PC z win10.
Izgled,a da bo tudi zgodba solidna.
Grafika je videti odlična.
Da ta igra kdaj na PC bi rekel, da je misija nemogoče, ker to je Sony.
Kot kaže bo veliko več zgodbe kot v prejšnjih God of War igrah že po gameplayu se vidi. Ta novi God of war mi deluje kot nekakšna mešanica GOW in TLOU

Ali so zmaji v Norse mitologiji?

bambam20 ::
Sam grafika pa res full huda. Sem bil navdušen, ko sme tole videl. Uhh .. Naj zadevo dajo še na PC :). Me bodo še nateral, da is kupim nov PC z win10.
Izgled,a da bo tudi zgodba solidna.
Grafika je videti odlična.
Da ta igra kdaj na PC bi rekel, da je misija nemogoče, ker to je Sony.
Kot kaže bo veliko več zgodbe kot v prejšnjih God of War igrah že po gameplayu se vidi. Ta novi God of war mi deluje kot nekakšna mešanica GOW in TLOU
Ali so zmaji v Norse mitologiji?
S sem eidni, ki mi je bila zgodba, kao zgodba v dvojki in trojki kr neki? Sploh ni bila zaima, saj se je vse vrtelo okoli maščevanja in je imel Kratos kao izgovor, da gre na psihopatski morilski pohod.
Mi je bil pa prvi del všeč, ker ubije Aresa,ki mu je tudi podaril rezila in življenje.

opeter ::
Ali so zmaji v Norse mitologiji?
Imenujejo se "dreki" (no, ne dobesedno

Norse dragon @ Wikipedia
Dreki - Dracon - Dragon
Sicer pa je dovolj, da se spomnite raznih pripovedi vikingov in njihovo srečanje z zmaji, morskimi kačami itn. ter seveda razne vikinške ladje imajo spredaj na kljunu praviloma simbol kakšnega zmaja ali kaj podobnega.
Je tudi ena super ilustrirana knjiga:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
S sem eidni, ki mi je bila zgodba, kao zgodba v dvojki in trojki kr neki? Sploh ni bila zaima, saj se je vse vrtelo okoli maščevanja in je imel Kratos kao izgovor, da gre na psihopatski morilski pohod.
Mi je bil pa prvi del všeč, ker ubije Aresa,ki mu je tudi podaril rezila in življenje.
Ja tudi meni je bila zgodba boljša v prvem delu čeprav najboljši GOW mi je pa tretji del.
Bomo videli če bo šlo tudi v temu novem GOW za maščevanje.
Ali so zmaji v Norse mitologiji?
Imenujejo se "dreki" (no, ne dobesedno)
Norse dragon @ Wikipedia
Dreki - Dracon - Dragon
Sicer pa je dovolj, da se spomnite raznih pripovedi vikingov in njihovo srečanje z zmaji, morskimi kačami itn. ter seveda razne vikinške ladje imajo spredaj na kljunu praviloma simbol kakšnega zmaja ali kaj podobnega.
Je tudi ena super ilustrirana knjiga:
Aha hvala.
Se pravi se zmajem piše slabo če bodo preveč razjezili Kratosa

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

kratos ::
Top šit. Pa sem končno dočakal špil ki bo upravičil nakup ps4-ke (poleg tlou2)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kratos ()

opeter ::
Se pravi se zmajem piše slabo če bodo preveč razjezili Kratosa![]()
Verjetno, ja. Si predstavljam, da bo eden izmed šefov kakšen zmaj. Mogoče pa se motim in zmaj sploh ne bo sovražnik.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
God of War is the father-son epic you never knew you needed
Kratos is now a father, and God of War was described by Davis as "essentially a father-son adventure". The son you saw in the demo last night is basically a side-kick, and he grows and progresses throughout play. This isn't just about Kratos. The whole thing, based on what we saw this morning, centres on the relationship between the two characters, to the point that combat includes a "son button" with which you can call in special attacks from the boy, using him to interrupt attacks and more.
The son seemingly dictates a bunch of design choices in this entirely new Kratos adventure. Davis laboured on the position of the camera, for example, which is now very low to the ground so Kratos can constantly keep his son in view. The cut-scenes aren't cut-scenes: the camera never cuts away, so it can focus on the moments the father and son share with each other. This is not the same thing as has come before.
Več tukaj:
Kot kaže bo veliko zgodbe igrali bomo kot Kratos in njegov sin je mišlen kot sopotnik :)
Kratos is now a father, and God of War was described by Davis as "essentially a father-son adventure". The son you saw in the demo last night is basically a side-kick, and he grows and progresses throughout play. This isn't just about Kratos. The whole thing, based on what we saw this morning, centres on the relationship between the two characters, to the point that combat includes a "son button" with which you can call in special attacks from the boy, using him to interrupt attacks and more.
The son seemingly dictates a bunch of design choices in this entirely new Kratos adventure. Davis laboured on the position of the camera, for example, which is now very low to the ground so Kratos can constantly keep his son in view. The cut-scenes aren't cut-scenes: the camera never cuts away, so it can focus on the moments the father and son share with each other. This is not the same thing as has come before.
Več tukaj:
Kot kaže bo veliko zgodbe igrali bomo kot Kratos in njegov sin je mišlen kot sopotnik :)

oo7 ::

opeter ::
Čisto možno. Ravno to je smisel Ragnaroka, da bogovi umrejo.
Dokler ne pride GoW4 lahko za trenint igrate kakšen Völgarr the Viking ali pa recimo Rune:
Dokler ne pride GoW4 lahko za trenint igrate kakšen Völgarr the Viking ali pa recimo Rune:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

bambam20 ::
God of War is the father-son epic you never knew you needed
Kratos is now a father, and God of War was described by Davis as "essentially a father-son adventure". The son you saw in the demo last night is basically a side-kick, and he grows and progresses throughout play. This isn't just about Kratos. The whole thing, based on what we saw this morning, centres on the relationship between the two characters, to the point that combat includes a "son button" with which you can call in special attacks from the boy, using him to interrupt attacks and more.
The son seemingly dictates a bunch of design choices in this entirely new Kratos adventure. Davis laboured on the position of the camera, for example, which is now very low to the ground so Kratos can constantly keep his son in view. The cut-scenes aren't cut-scenes: the camera never cuts away, so it can focus on the moments the father and son share with each other. This is not the same thing as has come before.
Več tukaj:
Kot kaže bo veliko zgodbe igrali bomo kot Kratos in njegov sin je mišlen kot sopotnik :)
Upam, da njegov sin ne bo preveč neroden pa fotra strelu na polno :D
Drugače pa bo tole super. verjetno v stilu The last of Us, kjer sta se lika izmenjavala.

oo7 ::
Upam, da njegov sin ne bo preveč neroden pa fotra strelu na polno :D
Drugače pa bo tole super. verjetno v stilu The last of Us, kjer sta se lika izmenjavala.
Na začetku bo najbrž neroden potem pa bo čedalje boljši drugače bo ata znoru že tako ima težave z jezo :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

bambam20 ::
Upam, da njegov sin ne bo preveč neroden pa fotra strelu na polno :D
Drugače pa bo tole super. verjetno v stilu The last of Us, kjer sta se lika izmenjavala.
Na začetku bo najbrž neroden potem pa bo čedalje boljši drugače bo ata znoru že tako ima težave z jezo :)
če bo tamal v njega puščice zapikal :D
Tole ne bom igral žal, ker nimam PS4 :).

oo7 ::
Upam, da njegov sin ne bo preveč neroden pa fotra strelu na polno :D
Drugače pa bo tole super. verjetno v stilu The last of Us, kjer sta se lika izmenjavala.
Na začetku bo najbrž neroden potem pa bo čedalje boljši drugače bo ata znoru že tako ima težave z jezo :)
če bo tamal v njega puščice zapikal :D
Tole ne bom igral žal, ker nimam PS4 :).
Saj ta igra bo izšla šele enkrat 2017/18 takrat pa boš tudi že rabljen PS4 dobil tam za okoli 150 eur.
Že zdaj lahko dobiš rabljenega za 199 eur z 12 meseci garancije

bambam20 ::
Upam, da njegov sin ne bo preveč neroden pa fotra strelu na polno :D
Drugače pa bo tole super. verjetno v stilu The last of Us, kjer sta se lika izmenjavala.
Na začetku bo najbrž neroden potem pa bo čedalje boljši drugače bo ata znoru že tako ima težave z jezo :)
če bo tamal v njega puščice zapikal :D
Tole ne bom igral žal, ker nimam PS4 :).
Saj ta igra bo izšla šele enkrat 2017/18 takrat pa boš tudi že rabljen PS4 dobil tam za okoli 150 eur.
Že zdaj lahko dobiš rabljenega za 199 eur z 12 meseci garancije
O, hvala. Do takrat bom pa mogoče res :)

oo7 ::
Tealc iz tv serije Star Gate je tokrat glas Kratos-a 
Meet the new voice of Kratos
God of war team is going in a new direction, so they called on a new actor

Meet the new voice of Kratos
God of war team is going in a new direction, so they called on a new actor

oo7 ::
New God of War Was Almost Set in Egypt
The new God of War has Kratos going up against Thor and Odin from Norse mythology, but a recent interview with the developer reveals that wasn't always the plan.
So se kar prav odločili
The new God of War has Kratos going up against Thor and Odin from Norse mythology, but a recent interview with the developer reveals that wasn't always the plan.
So se kar prav odločili

opeter ::
Tudi egiptovska tematika pride slejkoprej

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::

bambam20 ::
New God of War Was Almost Set in Egypt
The new God of War has Kratos going up against Thor and Odin from Norse mythology, but a recent interview with the developer reveals that wasn't always the plan.
So se kar prav odločili![]()
Hvala bogu, ker men Egipt ne sede.

oo7 ::
New God of War Was Almost Set in Egypt
The new God of War has Kratos going up against Thor and Odin from Norse mythology, but a recent interview with the developer reveals that wasn't always the plan.
So se kar prav odločili![]()
Hvala bogu, ker men Egipt ne sede.
Boljše so gore in sneg kot puščava

bambam20 ::
New God of War Was Almost Set in Egypt
The new God of War has Kratos going up against Thor and Odin from Norse mythology, but a recent interview with the developer reveals that wasn't always the plan.
So se kar prav odločili![]()
Hvala bogu, ker men Egipt ne sede.
Boljše so gore in sneg kot puščava![]()
Ma, se spomni letošnejag filma Gods of Egypt.. Ni mi sedel sploh.. najboljša mi je sicer grška mitologija, upam, da bo Kratos šel tudi v Rimsko, saj je tam tudi precej kraizmatičnih bogov.
najmanj me pa vleče v pesek in starodavni Egipt.
Tam mi že Sniper elite 3 ni sedel, ki se je dogajal v Afriki.. Buuu

oo7 ::
New God of War Was Almost Set in Egypt
The new God of War has Kratos going up against Thor and Odin from Norse mythology, but a recent interview with the developer reveals that wasn't always the plan.
So se kar prav odločili![]()
Hvala bogu, ker men Egipt ne sede.
Boljše so gore in sneg kot puščava![]()
Ma, se spomni letošnejag filma Gods of Egypt.. Ni mi sedel sploh.. najboljša mi je sicer grška mitologija, upam, da bo Kratos šel tudi v Rimsko, saj je tam tudi precej kraizmatičnih bogov.
najmanj me pa vleče v pesek in starodavni Egipt.
Tam mi že Sniper elite 3 ni sedel, ki se je dogajal v Afriki.. Buuu
Rimske mitologije pa ne poznam kaj veliko edino vem, da se bogovi imenujejo po planetih.

opeter ::
Rimske mitologije pa ne poznam kaj veliko edino vem, da se bogovi imenujejo po planetih.
V marsičem zelo podobna grški, saj so prevzeli določene elemente. Seveda pa imajo določene svoje zgodbe (mit Romula in Rema, obenem je vedno tukaj tudi kultura in religija Etruščanov in pa zgodbe o povezavi s preživelimi Trojanci).
Zeus -> Jupiter
Hera -> Juno
Pozejdon -> Neptun
Kronos -> Saturn
Afrodita -> Venus
Atena je Minerva
Ares je Mars (bog vojne)
Tu imaš konkretni seznam primerjav:
Če je kdo izmed vas v začetku novega tisočletja igral igro Gladiator: Sword Of Vengeance (na PC, Xbox in PS2) potem je lahko malenkost pokuakl tudi v rimsko mitologijo.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

oo7 ::
So se že pojavile zanimive teorije.
Ena izmed teorij: Da naj bi bil Kratos Odin, ker ima enako brado in njegov sin Thor, ker je v velikana ustrelil puščico z efektom strele.
There is plenty of speculation that Kratos will eventually become Odin, which means that his son will grow up to become Thor. Most of this comes from the fact that his son seems to possess some form of lightning power, which he uses once in the length gameplay demo. There's also the fact that the game will now be taking on Norse mythology, which is a nice change of setting.
Kotaku also uncovered a theory where the son of Kratos isn't Thor, but Ullr the son of Sif. In Norse mythology, Ullr is a master archer and hunter, two things Kratos was teaching him in the God of War PS4 demonstration. It should also be noted that Sif was a hunter and that the father of Ullr was never uncovered, which makes Kratos the perfect candidate for the role.
Ena izmed teorij: Da naj bi bil Kratos Odin, ker ima enako brado in njegov sin Thor, ker je v velikana ustrelil puščico z efektom strele.
There is plenty of speculation that Kratos will eventually become Odin, which means that his son will grow up to become Thor. Most of this comes from the fact that his son seems to possess some form of lightning power, which he uses once in the length gameplay demo. There's also the fact that the game will now be taking on Norse mythology, which is a nice change of setting.
Kotaku also uncovered a theory where the son of Kratos isn't Thor, but Ullr the son of Sif. In Norse mythology, Ullr is a master archer and hunter, two things Kratos was teaching him in the God of War PS4 demonstration. It should also be noted that Sif was a hunter and that the father of Ullr was never uncovered, which makes Kratos the perfect candidate for the role.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Ime Kratosovega sina v prihajajoči Sonyjevi igri God of War za PS4 je Atreus.

oo7 ::
V Španiji že delajo reklamo za novo igro God of war
God of War PS4's team are working on the engine, plus release date rumours and everything you need to know
God of War PS4's team are working on the engine, plus release date rumours and everything you need to know
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
God Of War 4's "Story Takes Place In A Time Well Before The First Vikings"
God Of War 4 or the rebooted God Of War if you would like to call it that is one of the most highly anticipated PS4 exclusives. It has also been rumored that it might just be coming out in late 2017 , and many believe that an announcement for the release date at E3 2017 is all but a foregone conclusion.
This time around Kratos will find himself immersed in the Norse mythology, as God Of War 4 is based in a Nordic setting , and is going to probably feature a lot of deities and legends from Nordic history. This has led many to speculate that we might see the appearance from the likes of Loki and Fenrir.
God Of War 4 or the rebooted God Of War if you would like to call it that is one of the most highly anticipated PS4 exclusives. It has also been rumored that it might just be coming out in late 2017 , and many believe that an announcement for the release date at E3 2017 is all but a foregone conclusion.
This time around Kratos will find himself immersed in the Norse mythology, as God Of War 4 is based in a Nordic setting , and is going to probably feature a lot of deities and legends from Nordic history. This has led many to speculate that we might see the appearance from the likes of Loki and Fenrir.

oo7 ::
God of War Release Date Possibly Leaked By Portuguese Retailer - Rumor
While not confirmed in any way, Portuguese retailer Gaming Replay recently changed the release date for Sony Santa Monica Studio's upcoming new God of War installment to September 14, 2017.
While not confirmed in any way, Portuguese retailer Gaming Replay recently changed the release date for Sony Santa Monica Studio's upcoming new God of War installment to September 14, 2017.
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