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God of War 4

God of War 4

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oo7 ::

Igra izide enkrat v začetku leta 2018

God of War Story Gameplay Trailer | E3 2017 Sony Press Conference

oo7 ::

Še boljša kavliteta :)

Kar velika razlika kar se tiče gameplaya od prejšnjih iger. Komaj čakam tole bo nora igra :)

oo7 ::

God of War is about Kratos trying to become less of a jerk, teaching his son how to survive on his own and glorious beards.

In the game Kratos and his son will work together on their journey. Since he does not speak the regional dialect, his son becomes indispensable when it comes to reading text and conversing with the locals, according to the game's director Cory Barlog.

In parts of the game, players will control Atreus, helping Kratos in some instances with enemies. As players progress, the son will learn more abilities. According to Kotkau, players will also gain allies which will aid the duo, one of which is a dwarf named Sindri, who forged the hammer of Thor, Mjolnir.


oo7 ::

God of War Isn't Quite An Open World Game, But It Will Reward You For Exploring

oo7 ::

Predno bo izšla igra naj bi izšel še strip, ki bo razložil zakaj je šel Kratos iz Grčije na sever :)

scipascapa ::

ravno jo igram, kar kewl igra.

oo7 ::

God Of War PS4 Will "Blow People Away"; Combat Changes Detailed And More


oo7 ::

God of War - The Lost Pages Audio Podcast Episode 1 | PS4

oo7 ::

God Of War 4 - Japanese Trailer PS4 (TGS 2017)

Tac20 ::

A ni tole isti trailer?

oo7 ::

God of War 4 - Rise of The Draugr Trailer (PS4 2018)

Tac20 je izjavil:

A ni tole isti trailer?

Je ja.

oo7 ::

God of War -- The Lost Pages of Norse Myth: A Fire Troll Approaches | PS4

oo7 ::

God of War 4 - Manifestation of The Revenant Trailer (PS4 2018)

oo7 ::

God of War - PGW 2017 Trailer | PS4

To bo hudo :)

oo7 ::

God of War 4 - The Lost Pages of Norse Mythology Trailer

oo7 ::

Possible God Of War Release Date Appears on North American PlayStation Store

Today the North American PlayStation Store was updated with a March 22nd, 2018 release date for the upcoming God of War by Sony Santa Monica.


oo7 ::

God of War will take between 25-35 hours to complete.

Kar lepa dolžina za tak tip igre :)

oo7 ::

God of War 4 - Kratos' Son ATREUS Story Trailer PS4 (2018)

oo7 ::



BivšiUser2 ::

Še eno franšizo hočejo učiniti s štancanjem Kratos-a. Drugače pa bi raje videl, egipčansko mitologijo.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

bambam20 ::

Grška mitologija je najbolj kull.

BivšiUser2 ::

Egipčanska se ji lahko tudi po robu postavi glede na vsebino.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

bambam20 ::

BivšiUser2 je izjavil:

Egipčanska se ji lahko tudi po robu postavi glede na vsebino.

Ni tko kull kot Grška. Pač grški bogovi z Zeusom na čelu so baddass. Zato je Kratos bil takšen hit. Če bi vzeli v štartu egipčansko mitologijo bi bil to povprečen špil.

oo7 ::

Grška in skandinavska sta še najbolj zanimivi.

bambam20 ::

Sicer je res, da je poklal vse Grške bogove, tako, da jim kaj drugega ni ostalo.

BivšiUser2 ::

bambam20 je izjavil:

Sicer je res, da je poklal vse Grške bogove, tako, da jim kaj drugega ni ostalo.

Mah, lahko bi to serijo veličastno zaključili s 3ko.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

New God of War Will Feature Side Quests


oo7 ::

Norse And Beyond: Expanding God Of War's Mythology


oo7 ::

God of War | 10 Things You Should Know

oo7 ::

GOD OF WAR 4 Story Trailer + Release Date (PS4) 2018

20 april :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::

oo7 ::

Koliko je pa poštnina ?

scipascapa ::

piše vse.

shopto 3 funte
game enako....

oo7 ::

God of War 4 New Commercial Trailer (2018)

oo7 ::

God Of War 4 The Next Chapter In The Game's Lore Trailer PS4

oo7 ::


BivšiUser2 ::

Demo bi bil dobrodošel. Sicer se že veselim novega GoW, predvsem nov combat.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

scipascapa ::

so že snel dol.

BivšiUser2 ::

A prav demo je bil?!
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Dvomim, da bo demo za to igro.

Ja hitro so dol sneli video je bilo za pričakovat, da ga bodo.

BivšiUser2 ::

SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

scipascapa ::


oo7 ::

GOD OF WAR 4 Cinematic Trailer NEW PS4 (2018)

scipascapa ::

oo7 ::

GOD OF WAR 4 - NEW 20 Minutes Gameplay Demo + Kratos New Gear & Armor Showcase PS4 (2018)

scipascapa ::

Vazelin ::

a ta antipatični mulc bo vedno okoli kratosa? :/

oo7 ::

Vazelin je izjavil:

a ta antipatični mulc bo vedno okoli kratosa? :/

No, God of War's Atreus Won't Be Another Annoying Tag Along


oo7 ::

God of War 4 in a Single Shot Trailer PS4 (2018)

oo7 ::

God of War 4 - Kratos & Atreus Fighting Abilities Trailer

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