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Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3


oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 Announced, Will Have Co-Op

Fresh off the success of Wasteland 2, developer inXile is making a direct sequel, announcing today plans to release Wasteland 3 for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, and Xbox One.

In the announcement for Wasteland 3, inXile said they’d be helping fund the game via crowdfunding on Fig, where they hope to raise $2.75 million. The game will also have co-op, following in the footsteps of the isometric Divinity to allow multiple people to play together.

What is Wasteland 3?

A party-based role-playing game, with a renewed focus on our trademark complex story reactivity and strategic combat.

By including vehicles, environmental dangers, and a revamped, more fluid action system, we are evolving on Wasteland 2's deep tactical turn-based combat and unique encounter design.

Play by yourself or with a friend in story-driven synchronous or asynchronous multiplayer. Choices open up (or close off) mission opportunities, areas to explore, story arcs, and tons of other content.

Your Ranger Base is a core part of the experience. As you help the local people and improve your Ranger Base, quests and narrative will force you to make decisions on how to lead.

The game will be set in the savage lands of frozen Colorado, where survival is difficult and a happy ending is never guaranteed. Players will face difficult moral choices and make sacrifices that will change the game world.

Wasteland 3 will feature a deep and engaging story utilizing a newly-revamped dialog tree system from the celebrated writers of Torment: Tides of Numenera

Simultaneously releasing to Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Explore a New Frozen Wasteland

You start the game as the sole survivor of Team November, a Ranger squad dispatched to the icy Colorado wastes. This is a land of buried secrets, lost technology, fearsome lunatics, and deadly factions. No one here has ever heard of the Desert Rangers. Your reputation is yours to build from scratch, and your choices may save this land or doom it. With a renewed focus on macro-reactivity, you’ll be picking between warring factions, deciding whether locations are destroyed or saved, and other far reaching decisions that have a marked impact on the shape of your world.


YesMan ::

Vrhunsko! Zgleda, da je spet na InXile-u da mi žmah v ustah popravi po tem kaj je Bethesda naredla s Fallout 4 :P

Ghenghiz ::

Po slikcah sodec bi rekel, da bodo uporabili TToN pristop (2D pre-rendered, gorgeous backgrounds).

also: https://wasteland.inxile-entertainment....
also2: HYPE!

matobeli ::

mmmm fino, fino :)

sesobebo ::

se polygon prispevek, ki ma malo vec infota o MPju:
Up to two players can each field a unique team of Rangers. When those teams are close together in the game world they'll be able to take part in the same turn-based skirmishes. But when they're apart, each player will have their own chance to move the campaign story forward, at times leading to a cascade of unintended consequences for the other player.

"Let's say that you're sleeping and I go on a mission where there's a sickness among some cattle," Fargo said. "I decide the resolve it by killing them all. You wake up and you're notified that mission is complete.

"But when you get back to the game there's a radio call. The town? They're kind of pissed about that. They want money for those cattle. You can convince your friend to pay up, or you could pay it yourself. You could even refuse to pay entirely and live with the consequences."

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 - Gameplay Trailer

Ghenghiz ::

Crowdfunding campaign is live: https://www.fig.co/campaigns/wasteland-3

oo7 ::

Ghenghiz je izjavil:

Crowdfunding campaign is live: https://www.fig.co/campaigns/wasteland-3

Kdaj se pa je to začelo? Danes? Če se je danes potem so v manj kot 1 dnevu že na 61%

Ghenghiz ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Ghenghiz je izjavil:

Crowdfunding campaign is live: https://www.fig.co/campaigns/wasteland-3

Kdaj se pa je to začelo? Danes? Če se je danes potem so v manj kot 1 dnevu že na 61%

Kot vem, se je danes odprlo za vse ljudi. $1.25M so dobili ze prej od fig investitorjev, nekateri fig uporabniki (prejsnji fig backerji) pa mislim, da so imeli dostop do kampanje ze malo prej. Skratka, fig je cuden :)

Ghenghiz ::

Ce je kdo backer katere od prejsnjih KS kampanj lahko dobi $5 popusta pri trenutni.
InXile naj bi posiljali maile s 'promocijskimi kodami'. Ce ga kdo ni dobil (jaz ga nisem), lahko popust vseeno izkoristi tako, da gre na backer portal od T:ToN / WL2 / Bard's Tale IV, kjer bi pod 'account' morala biti promocijska koda (zgleda kot reklama za WL3 na kateri je poseben URL do fig).
Na fig lahko potem uredis pledge in kot addon izberes izdelek popusta (superbacker discount, al neki tacga).

tikitoki ::

Se vedno pa spil ne seze Fallout 1&2 do kolen.

Kurzweil ::

Wasteland 2 sem čakal praktično od prvega dne, ko se je začela Kampanja na Kickstarterju, no nekako je bila takrat, vsaj kolikor sem jaz spremljal to prva igra, ki je imela potencial in se je "crowd-foundala". Po kar precej preigranih urah lahko rečem, da sem bil na Wasteland 2 konkretno razočaran. Seveda tu si merit tiče, kaj je boljše in kaj slabše je otroško. Jasno je, da je bil Wasteland, kolikor iz glave vem prvi, Fallout pa seveda precej bolj igralen. Fallout 4 je bilo povsem dober špil, še posebej če nisi imel AMDja, saj je bila vsaj na začetku NVIDIA neprimerljivo bolj optimatizirana. Tale Wasteland 3 bom pričakoval malce z rezervo, saj je bil kot rečeno 2 del en naveden copy/paste drugih sorodnih RPGjev, vse je bilo nekako nerodno, dialogov je bilo preveč, kar ne bi motilo, če ne bi bilo brezvezni, UI lesen, gameplay povprečen in tako naprej.

tikitoki ::

Se strinjam. Ne mores pa ga primerjati z Fallout 4, ker je popolnoma drugacna igra.

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 hits its funding goal in just three days

Zmajc ::

Wasteland 2 ... razočaranje, .... upam da bo 3ka manj nadležna za igrat.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

todman74 ::

Men je bila W2 fajna. Če se je človek poglobil v igro, se mu je odprlo ogromno mini zgodb, zanimivih dialogov in opcij, kdor pa je šel na hitro čez, pa verjamem,da mu je lahko bila povprečna, dolgočasna.

Izi ::

Glede Wasteland 2 je bil meni prvi (puščavski) del odličen, drugi (zeleni) del pa precej manj, še posebej, ker je tam na začetku kar mrgolelo bugov. Konec, ko se vrneš na začetno mapo, pa je bil spet odličen.
Na splošno je bila meni zelo v redu igra in nestrpno čakam na trojko.

Wasteland 3 že ima potrebne finance, ampak ker je ostalo še ogromno časa do konca kampanije so seveda že izdelali nove načrte, kaj bodo dodali, če se bo nabralo še kaj viška denarja:

- $2,85 milijona: 37 Pieces of Flair – We unlock further Ranger customization, which could include multiple body types, more heads, and more hairstyles. Plus we’ll show items that your Ranger has equipped (gear like shovels, binoculars, etc) on their models.
- $3 milijone: Car Companion (Codename: Morningstar) – We add a talking car companion! Morningstar is an AI built to serve President Reagan, but he'll help you both in your travels and during combat, plus he'll give you well-timed advice on how to wipe out all the dirty commies out there.
- $3,1 milijonov: Customizable Ranger Squad Insignia – At the start of the game, you get to customize a Ranger Squad insignia for your team, which will show up on your Ranger Base as well as elsewhere in the game (on flags, for example).

Se pravi pri 2,85 bomo lahko bolj polepšali svojega junaka, pri 3 bomo dobili spremljevalca v avtu, pri 3,1 pa bomo lahko spreminjali znak za našo skupino junakov.
Bolj ubogo vse skupaj, ampak nekaj je pa le ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Izi ()

oo7 ::

Potem je zadnji čas, da preigram Wasteland 2 :P

Izi ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Potem je zadnji čas, da preigram Wasteland 2 :P

Moraš vedeti, da je to kar precej dolg RPG. Pa stara šola kjer se bojuješ potezno in se ne da kar drveti skozi igro.

Ghenghiz ::

Hmm... jaz nikoli nisem pricakovl da bo WL2 nekaksen fallout. Bolj zajebantski, party based 'dungeon crawler', kot je vbistvu bil prvi del (prvi del sem igral sele ko sem ga zastonj dobil zaradi podpore na KS). Meni je v tej luci popolnoma izpolnil pricakovanja, je pa res, da ko sem ga ob bok postavil ostalim RPGjem iz podobnega foha, je bil vedno drugorazreden - lesen UI v primerjavi s PoE, omejen combat v primerjavi s SR, ...
Kljub vsemu mu je bil se vedno zelo zabaven in to predvsem zaradi okolja v katerega je postavljen. Ce primerjam kaksna je bila beta WL2 v primerjavi z DC verzijo (UI & kontrole), sem za WL3 kar zelo optimisticen. Sploh ker imajo torkat v ekipi McComba in Zietsa.

sesobebo ::

Izi je izjavil:

Glede Wasteland 2 je bil meni prvi (puščavski) del odličen, drugi (zeleni) del pa precej manj, še posebej, ker je tam na začetku kar mrgolelo bugov.
heh, meni pa se je zdelo ravno obratno; da je igra zazivela sele v kalifornij (best area -- hollywood). je pa res, da sem igro odlozil ravno ko sem prisel v LA (jebiga, je blo treba PoE obrnt) in jo nadaljeval, ko je bila vecina bugov ze deratizirana. Director's Cut je pa za drugi play-through dovolj osvezil zadevo.

wl2 je cisto zabaven spil od zacetka pa do konca, in to kljub malce plehkemu boju (tuki je DC malenkost izboljsal zadevo) in nekaterim bedastim designerskim odlocitvam (lol weapon deconstruction, in pa wtf impossible skill checks at max skill...).

Ghenghiz je izjavil:

Sploh ker imajo torkat v ekipi McComba in Zietsa.
in pa stasis-fame brata.

oo7 ::

InXile Boss Brian Fargo To Retire After Wasteland 3 Ships In 2019


Torej igra izide 2019.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 Update: Design, Art, Engineering Milestones Are Being Hit


Late last week, we reported that a long-awaited update for Fig-funded Wasteland 3 would be arriving and arrive it has. The InXile team has added another update to their Fig page, the first since October 2017, and it looks like things are progressing well despite the silence. Most importantly, the team is working diligently toward getting things into an Alpha state so they can then work on bug fixes, play-testing, etc. Here's the opening from the Senior Producer:

"As we roll on into 2018, Wasteland 3 has been in full production for a while and I'm happy to say we're hitting all our major milestones on design, art, and engineering. Long-time fans of inXile may know our production philosophy puts a heavy emphasis on iteration. Practically speaking, that means we want to have levels and systems in so we can test and improve on our ideas. This allows us to find out sooner rather than later what works and doesn't work.

At this point, over 90% of the scenes in the game have first pass scripting as well as first pass art. We have Rangers killing stuff, vehicles driving around (and also killing stuff), multiplayer working on consoles and PC, the works! This allows our level and systems designers to experience and polish up their scenes, and for our Design Lead George Ziets to do playthroughs and take (very meticulous) notes. The value of getting this kind of revision time early on can't be overstated."

oo7 ::

inXile CEO Brian Fargo said:

"The original Wasteland is one of the games that I am most proud of and certainly one of the most influential. Wasteland 2 helped launch an era of crowdfunding as a viable platform for game development and let us focus on making the kinds of games that we love to make and that our players want. With Wasteland 3, we're continuing to develop this world we started in 1988 and we're excited to provide the first taste of what we have in store for players."

Wasteland 30th Anniversary Bundle announced

Wasteland - 30th Anniversary Edition will feature:

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic
Wasteland - 30th Anniversary Edition remaster (due early 2019)
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut
Digital Extras:
Wasteland 3 Music Track "Frozen Waste"
Wasteland 2 Novella: All Bad Things
Wasteland 2 Novella: The Earth Transformed Ghost Book One
Wasteland 2 Novella: Death Machines Ghost Book Two
Wasteland 2 Concept Art Book
Wasteland 2 Choir Songs EP
Wasteland 2 Original Soundtrack

The Wasteland - 30th Anniversary Edition remaster is currently in pre-production, with an expected completion date of early 2019.

oo7 ::

Microsoft je kupil dva studija inXile Entertainment ( Wasteland ) in Obsidian Entertainment ( Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Pillars of Eternity )

"As part of Microsoft Studios, Obsidian and inXile will have the support and freedom to fully realize their creative ambitions on both existing franchises and new RPG projects."

Samo upam, da ne bodo zdaj vse igre za PC šle na windows store.

Zmajc ::

Seveda bojo vse te igre šle na Windows Store exclusive.

Microsoft se je očitno odločil začet kupovat studije da jih prisiliti da začnejo uporabljati njihovo platformo, saj noben drug ne gre tja prostovoljno.

matobeli ::

Mogoče pa bo Microsoft nabavil licenco od bethesde, za naslednji fallout in ga dal delat obsidianu 8-) :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: matobeli ()

Ghenghiz ::

Torej Microsoft je kupil Black Isle.

Zmajc ::

Vprašanje koliko Black Isla je še ostalo v tukaj, veterani počasi zapuščajo/so zapustili igričarsko branžo.

Ghenghiz ::

Po meni znanih informacijah iz paketa manjkata zgolj Chris Avellone in Anthony Davis (od ljudi, ki so imeli kaj pri odlocitvah).
Avellone je lani postal freelancer, Davis pa je letos sel na Blizzard.

oo7 ::

Igra bo na E3 čeprav imajo kar še nekaj dela. Igra pa ne bo ekskluziva na 1 PC trgovino :)

Ghenghiz ::

V mojem pledge-u jasno pise: "A digital copy of Wasteland 3 on Steam or GOG.com", tako da bolje, da ga ne serjejo z ekskluzivnostmi :)

oo7 ::

Ghenghiz je izjavil:

V mojem pledge-u jasno pise: "A digital copy of Wasteland 3 on Steam or GOG.com", tako da bolje, da ga ne serjejo z ekskluzivnostmi :)

Ja tile se bodo tega držali nekateri pa so že podlegli podkupnini.

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 - E3 2019 - Official Trailer

oo7 ::

Igra izide enkrat spomladi drugo leto.

Sam tale zadnji trailer mi pa ni bil najbolj všeč.

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 Interview - Brian Fargo: We Want to Work on This Franchise for the Next Decade

Tukaj celoten intervju - https://wccftech.com/wasteland-3-interv...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

LunKi ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Wasteland 3 - E3 2019 - Official Trailer

Tud men ne. Ta kiddie/Rage/Fortnite shit doesn't fly za oldschool.

tikitoki ::

Sem se veselil, po tem trailerju pa moram reci, da ne pricakujme nic vrednega casa za igranje.

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3's alpha launches this month, followed by Early Access


LunKi ::

Sam da odstranijo te over-the-top cirkus barve in stvari in naredijo gritty hardcore game pa so zmagal. Spet hočjo vsem bit všečni. Fallout 1 in 2 je dobil fan base, ker so bli res za mature audience in je fural čist svojo pot. Tole že vidm da bo nek watered down rpg. Prejšnji trailerji in podoba so bili zelo zelo obetavni.

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 - Patriarch of Colorado Gamescom Trailer

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 Official PC Requirements

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5 2500K or equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or Radeon HD 7970
Storage: 55 GB available space


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970/AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Storage: 55 GB available space

Izi ::

Moram reči, da je zadnji Trailer videti močno obetaven. Vse bolj se približujejo starim Falloutom. Dodali so merjenje v posamezne dela telesa.

Izi ::

Najprej so načrtovali, da igra izide že konec tega leta, ampak ko jih je kupil Microsoft in so inXileovci prišli do denarja, so najeli dodatne ljudi za izdelavo in poleg tega še podaljšali rok izdelave za pol leta.
Izid se se sedaj pričakuje nekje v začetku 2020, tukaj pa je malo za prvi občutek okoli 40 minut igranja ALFA verzije:

Berserker ::

Ne poznam te serije, zanima me kako kvaliteten je lore in samo podajanje zgodbe igralcu v primerjavi z Fallout serijo?

Izi ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne poznam te serije, zanima me kako kvaliteten je lore in samo podajanje zgodbe igralcu v primerjavi z Fallout serijo?

Wasteland je duhovni oče Fallouta in gre za zelo podobni igri. Velja za prva dva Fallouta, s tretjim so potem povsem zavili v akcijsko streljaške vode.
Torej Post-apokaliptični RPG, z dobro zgodbo in poteznim načinom bojevanja. Bojevanja je veliko, zato je to samo za potrpežljive igralce vajene taktike in strategije.

Še nekaj besed o Wastaland 3:
Wasteland 3 naj bi imel izboljšano grafiko glede na Wasteland 2, bo pa za polovico krajši, kar morda ni tako slabo kot se sliši, saj je bil Wasteland 2 že skoraj predolg z več kot 100 ur igranja in je marsikdo obupal že nekje na polovici. Wasteland 3 naj bi torej nudil za dobrih 50 ur igranja.

oo7 ::

Wasteland 3 - X019 - 1987 Trailer

Igra izide 19 maja 2020.

LunKi ::

To je to. Tisti Rage/Fortnite pickadilly fest, ki so ga pokazal prej vidim da so komplet reversal. Torej mature audience true to the Fallout origins. Končno.

oo7 ::

LunKi je izjavil:

To je to. Tisti Rage/Fortnite pickadilly fest, ki so ga pokazal prej vidim da so komplet reversal. Torej mature audience true to the Fallout origins. Končno.

Kdaj prej misliš v prvih trailerjih ?

oo7 ::

Medtem, ko se čaka na Wasteland 3 bo februarja letos izšla igra Wasteland remastered. Wasteland igra je izšla leta 1988.

Wasteland Remastered will release in a little over a month from now, as announced a few hours ago by developer inXile Entertainment. The game is expected to hit Windows PC (via Steam, GOG, and Microsoft Store) and Xbox One (also as part of Xbox Game Pass) on February 25th.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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Oddelek: Igre
3115554662 (10577) oo7

The Outer Worlds - (Obsidian Entertainment) (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )

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20428177 (1325) oo7

Pillars of Eternity (Obsidianov Kickstarter: Project Eternity) (strani: 1 2 3 4 )

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