Forum » Loža » Kako si najti punco?
Kako si najti punco?

Mipe ::
In če jih ni, pojdi tam, kjer so. Čist simpl. Če se giblješ samo v moških oz. družinskih krogih, ni čudno, da nimaš prijateljic.

Looooooka ::

Pithlit ::
Če se ne štekaš z večino babnc, je nekaj narobe z njimi ali pa s tabo.
Če se ne štekaš z _večino_ 'babnc' (al pa kogarkol drugega)... je nekaj narobe s tabo, ne pa z njimi.
Poleg tega, da se vsaj do 50ga ponavadi za 10 let zmotis pri ugibanju njihove starosti.
Pa da znajo kuhat? :D
Bi blo fajn ko bi katero dejansko poznal... ne pa svoje stereotipe vlekel iz raznih medijev...
Mimogrede... jaz sem trenutno tule:
pa vidim kar dost 'babnc'. Je pa res da jih večina lahko brez problema izpraši kakšno prepotentno rit. Pa tud močne karakterje imajo.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

guest #44 ::

jype ::
Pithlit> Je pa res da jih večina lahko brez problema izpraši kakšno prepotentno rit. Pa tud močne karakterje imajo.
Saj v tem je problem. Od žensk družba zahteva, da se ravnajo po stereotipih.
jverne> Dobro pol je hipoteza. In po čemu sklepaš, da je napačna?
Your track record :)
Saj v tem je problem. Od žensk družba zahteva, da se ravnajo po stereotipih.
jverne> Dobro pol je hipoteza. In po čemu sklepaš, da je napačna?
Your track record :)

guest #44 ::
Pithlit> Je pa res da jih večina lahko brez problema izpraši kakšno prepotentno rit. Pa tud močne karakterje imajo.
Saj v tem je problem. Od žensk družba zahteva, da se ravnajo po stereotipih.
jverne> Dobro pol je hipoteza. In po čemu sklepaš, da je napačna?
Your track record :)
Moj track record sploh ni slab. Nevem po čemu to sklepaš...

jype ::
jverne> Nevem po čemu to sklepaš...
Po tem da takšne teorije sploh snuješ. A ni dovolj, da se imata preprosto rada in se skupaj veliko smejita?
Po tem da takšne teorije sploh snuješ. A ni dovolj, da se imata preprosto rada in se skupaj veliko smejita?

Mipe ::
Mimogrede... jaz sem trenutno tule:
pa vidim kar dost 'babnc'. Je pa res da jih večina lahko brez problema izpraši kakšno prepotentno rit. Pa tud močne karakterje imajo.
Na tej sliki vidim predvsem otroke. Če bi nucal majhne otroke, bi šel za duhovnika. Daj raje prilimaj sliko, kjer so te bajeslovne hude babnice


Pithlit ::
Nihče ti ne brani prit pogledat. Boš pa verjetno razočaran ker te (skoraj) nobena ne bo hotla povohat. U bistvu mi boš moral kar na besedo verjet če ti povem da je več žensk kot moških. Not by much ampak vseeno.
Niso pa to "FB pa pijačka" tipi. Bolj uživajo ko visijo kje v kakšni steni.
Niso pa to "FB pa pijačka" tipi. Bolj uživajo ko visijo kje v kakšni steni.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Mipe ::
Kdo pravi, da me zanimajo "FB pa pijačka" tipi?
Sicer pa je dosti žensk tam, kjer se gibljem. Vsah v društvih, katerih član sem.
Če se mi bo zahotelo trdoritne plezalke, bom upošteval tvoj nasvet!
Sicer pa je dosti žensk tam, kjer se gibljem. Vsah v društvih, katerih član sem.
Če se mi bo zahotelo trdoritne plezalke, bom upošteval tvoj nasvet!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mipe ()

guest #44 ::
Jaz pa nočem trdoritne plezalke, ki mislim, da je boga za jajca primla. Ampak skulirano, nežnejšo žensko, ki je razmišljujoča in dobrosrčna.
Pithlit, komu reklamiraš?
Pithlit, komu reklamiraš?

Pithlit ::
Reklamiram? Nikomur. Saj menda veš kaj pomeni "reklamirati"?
Drugače pa so te plezalke, kolikor jih poznam, vse po vrsti skulirane, nežne, sposobne razmišlanj in precej dobrsrčne. Ampak so, na tvojo nesrečo, tudi precej samostojne in karakterno močne. Česar pa ti nočeš. Smo že v par drugih temah ugotovili da ti hočeš nek submisivni ideal ženske.
Tako da reklamo delam, kvečjemu, samostojnim... močnim ženskam (pa ne nujno fizično), ki znajo uporabljat svojo glavo in tisto kar imajo v njej.
Drugače pa so te plezalke, kolikor jih poznam, vse po vrsti skulirane, nežne, sposobne razmišlanj in precej dobrsrčne. Ampak so, na tvojo nesrečo, tudi precej samostojne in karakterno močne. Česar pa ti nočeš. Smo že v par drugih temah ugotovili da ti hočeš nek submisivni ideal ženske.
Tako da reklamo delam, kvečjemu, samostojnim... močnim ženskam (pa ne nujno fizično), ki znajo uporabljat svojo glavo in tisto kar imajo v njej.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

guest #44 ::
Reklamiram? Nikomur. Saj menda veš kaj pomeni "reklamirati"?
Drugače pa so te plezalke, kolikor jih poznam, vse po vrsti skulirane, nežne, sposobne razmišlanj in precej dobrsrčne. Ampak so, na tvojo nesrečo, tudi precej samostojne in karakterno močne. Česar pa ti nočeš. Smo že v par drugih temah ugotovili da ti hočeš nek submisivni ideal ženske.
Tako da reklamo delam, kvečjemu, samostojnim... močnim ženskam (pa ne nujno fizično), ki znajo uporabljat svojo glavo in tisto kar imajo v njej.
Če samostojna, močna ženska pomeni...da bo se ravnala egoistično do partnerja, pol me ne zanimajo. Res je.
Če samostojna, močna ženska pomeni...da se zna predati in ne zahtevati nemogočega, oz da pri vsej njeni samostojnosti se zaveda odgovornosti. Potem ja želim tako.

jype ::
Kljub vsemu boš med tistimi verjetno težko našel takšno, ki bi ji zadnjica nihala z dovolj nizko frekvenco za tvoj okus.

guest #44 ::
Res je hiperaktivnež nisem, zato ne želim ženske, ki bi zvedu več o njej prek njenih mobile uploads an FBju kot pa v živo.
Nasploh pa se držim tega pravila "The candle that burns twice as hot goes out twice as fast". Želim nekaj srednjega.
Meni je kr fanj prebit kako urco al dve pri delanju žabic na vodni gladini z kamenjčki, ob pjači in pogovoru. To je zame pogosto lahko zabavno.
PS...Pithlit mi deluje taka, samostojna, moč egoistična ženska. Ob taki ne želim niti bit zraven kaj šele v razmerju. Pa no offense. Pa zarad mene je lahko en dan na triglavu, drugi dan teče maraton.
Nasploh pa se držim tega pravila "The candle that burns twice as hot goes out twice as fast". Želim nekaj srednjega.
Meni je kr fanj prebit kako urco al dve pri delanju žabic na vodni gladini z kamenjčki, ob pjači in pogovoru. To je zame pogosto lahko zabavno.
PS...Pithlit mi deluje taka, samostojna, moč egoistična ženska. Ob taki ne želim niti bit zraven kaj šele v razmerju. Pa no offense. Pa zarad mene je lahko en dan na triglavu, drugi dan teče maraton.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: guest #44 ()

Mipe ::
Žal umirjenost in močan karakter nista preveč kompatibilna. Karakterne ženske se največkrat umirijo šele, ko povijejo otroka ali dva. Si probal samohranilke?

guest #44 ::
Žal umirjenost in močan karakter nista preveč kompatibilna. Karakterne ženske se največkrat umirijo šele, ko povijejo otroka ali dva. Si probal samohranilke?
Men gre kr fino to dvoje od rok. Za ženske pa žal ne morem trdit, nisem še nobene spoznal. Tipov pa kr nekaj. nisem neki ful umirjen, ampak pri nekaterih ženskah res opažam, da se silijo počet miljon stvari kot, da hočejo bogu nekaj dokazat. Tipi included.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: guest #44 ()

BigWhale ::

Pithlit ::
Pithlit mi deluje taka, samostojna, moč egoistična ženska.
Samostojna in močna... hvala. I like to think so too. Egoistična? Ko bi ti vedel kolk se razdajam tega niti v sanjah ne bi izjavil.
Je pa res najlažje nekoga "obsodit" za egoista. Še posebej če te ne povoha.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

guest #44 ::
Pithlit mi deluje taka, samostojna, moč egoistična ženska.
Samostojna in močna... hvala. I like to think so too. Egoistična? Ko bi ti vedel kolk se razdajam tega niti v sanjah ne bi izjavil.
Je pa res najlažje nekoga "obsodit" za egoista. Še posebej če te ne povoha.
Tko mi pač deluješ.
Sicer pa ne maram tvoj attitude, se ne sekiram preveč, vrjemi mi.
Moj track record sploh ni slab. Nevem po čemu to sklepaš...
Tvoj track record v tejle temi je naravnost odlicen. Z vecino postov ne mores bolj falit. :)
Če bi delali kake znanstvene zaključke in da bi jih ti konsistentno ovrgu, mogoče bi lahko definirali kot fail. Ampak več od mnenj nismo prišli, tko da bluziš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: guest #44 ()

Pithlit ::
Sej se ne. Zate je jasno da si nek površinski tip ki ga je grozno strah globokih vod.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

guest #44 ::

jype ::
Pithlit> Ko bi ti vedel kolk se razdajam tega niti v sanjah ne bi izjavil.
To se sam zato da se bolš počutš pol! Egoistka!
jverne> Res je hiperaktivnež nisem, zato ne želim ženske, ki bi zvedu več o njej prek njenih mobile uploads an FBju kot pa v živo.
Ti bi rad žensko, ki bi s tabo večino časa prebila med gledanjem v luft? Večina tistih, ki jim ti praviš hiperaktivne itak sploh FB accounta nima, al pa so si ga enkrat nardile, zdaj pa stoji.
Pa v resnici niso hiperaktivne, zgolj niso lenobe. Danes sem npr. jaz doma s pamži, ker je dekle na vrsti za športni vikend in meni zelo ustreza, da ji lahko omogočim, da tudi kot mlada mamica ostane v formi, ki ji zagotavlja dobro počutje.
jverne> Kaj praviš, če prenehamo z osebnimi napadi?
Že da napišeš da je egoistka je precej neposreden osebni napad, da pa potem vztrajaš pri tem da je zoprna, ker se s teboj ne strinja, pa seveda pričakovano izzove recipročen odgovor. Jaz imam sicer raje ženske, ki s pogledom in molkom jasno pokažejo, kaj si mislijo o sogovorniku, a na forumu je to težko.
To se sam zato da se bolš počutš pol! Egoistka!
jverne> Res je hiperaktivnež nisem, zato ne želim ženske, ki bi zvedu več o njej prek njenih mobile uploads an FBju kot pa v živo.
Ti bi rad žensko, ki bi s tabo večino časa prebila med gledanjem v luft? Večina tistih, ki jim ti praviš hiperaktivne itak sploh FB accounta nima, al pa so si ga enkrat nardile, zdaj pa stoji.
Pa v resnici niso hiperaktivne, zgolj niso lenobe. Danes sem npr. jaz doma s pamži, ker je dekle na vrsti za športni vikend in meni zelo ustreza, da ji lahko omogočim, da tudi kot mlada mamica ostane v formi, ki ji zagotavlja dobro počutje.
jverne> Kaj praviš, če prenehamo z osebnimi napadi?
Že da napišeš da je egoistka je precej neposreden osebni napad, da pa potem vztrajaš pri tem da je zoprna, ker se s teboj ne strinja, pa seveda pričakovano izzove recipročen odgovor. Jaz imam sicer raje ženske, ki s pogledom in molkom jasno pokažejo, kaj si mislijo o sogovorniku, a na forumu je to težko.

Pithlit ::
Čak mal... A ko ugriznem nazaj je pa takoj osebni napad? Ko ti žališ je pa vse v redu samo zato ker si ti le tako predstavljaš? Jok. Nau šlo.
Se pa drugače strinjam ja, lahko prenehamo. Ni problema. Kar izvoli. I shall follow.
Se pa drugače strinjam ja, lahko prenehamo. Ni problema. Kar izvoli. I shall follow.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

guest #44 ::
Pithlit> Ko bi ti vedel kolk se razdajam tega niti v sanjah ne bi izjavil.
To se sam zato da se bolš počutš pol! Egoistka!
jverne> Res je hiperaktivnež nisem, zato ne želim ženske, ki bi zvedu več o njej prek njenih mobile uploads an FBju kot pa v živo.
Ti bi rad žensko, ki bi s tabo večino časa prebila med gledanjem v luft? Večina tistih, ki jim ti praviš hiperaktivne itak sploh FB accounta nima, al pa so si ga enkrat nardile, zdaj pa stoji.
Pa v resnici niso hiperaktivne, zgolj niso lenobe. Danes sem npr. jaz doma s pamži, ker je dekle na vrsti za športni vikend in meni zelo ustreza, da ji lahko omogočim, da tudi kot mlada mamica ostane v formi, ki ji zagotavlja dobro počutje.
jverne> Kaj praviš, če prenehamo z osebnimi napadi?
Že da napišeš da je egoistka je precej neposreden osebni napad, da pa potem vztrajaš pri tem da je zoprna, ker se s teboj ne strinja, pa seveda pričakovano izzove recipročen odgovor. Jaz imam sicer raje ženske, ki s pogledom in molkom jasno pokažejo, kaj si mislijo o sogovorniku, a na forumu je to težko.
Ona je prva začela z neutemeljenimi provokacijami. Sm samo reagiral.
Jaz tudi lahko napišem, da se veliko razdajam. To pa lahko pomeni, da sem enkrat klošarju na čopovi dal 50 centov.
Žensko, ki bi večino časa gledala v luft? No vidiš, na take neutemeljene provokacije pa ne morem ne reagirat.
Sem kdaj to reku? Ne nisem, sem zgolj reku, da kakšenkrat bi rad tudi počel kaj skupnega v miru. In ne maram ženske, ki tega ne bi prenesla.
Drgač pa sem vsak dan aktiven, mam ene 3 hobije, delam na 2 projektih in po novem 2-3 tenedko kolesarim po 40 km, poleg fitnesa. Sicer sem brez službe trenutno, ampak iščem. Delam občasna dela za sprotni zaslužek.
Ko bo služba in denar pa se mislim, lotit nekaj bolj velikopoteznega.

Pithlit ::
Jaz imam sicer raje ženske, ki s pogledom in molkom jasno pokažejo, kaj si mislijo o sogovorniku, a na forumu je to težko.
Saj zate verjamem da si poštekal namig na globoke vode... za marsikoga nisem ravno ziher.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Pithlit ::
Jaz tudi lahko napišem, da se veliko razdajam. To pa lahko pomeni, da sem enkrat klošarju na čopovi dal 50 centov.
Mja no. Ne vem če je 50 centov ekvivalento temu kar jaz počnem. Recimo to da za izpeljavo enega projekta v treh dneh prespim okoli 90min. Pa od projekta nimam popolnoma nič. Razen 200EUR minusa na TRR. Al pa to da sem varuška kakim 10-im otrokom vsaj enkrat na teden... brez nekih kompenzacij. Pa jih je treba tud nafutrat, ne sam zabavat. Pa poskrbet da grejo domov kolikor toliko čisti. Da ne omenjam komplet lifestyle spremembe samo zato da se drugi počutijo bolje (priznam pa da po treh letih 'trpljenja' začenjam opažat da gre življenje na bolje ravno zaradi sprememb).
No ja mogoče je pa egoizem to da me lahko točno ta lifestyle sprememba pokoplje. Dobesedno. Živim z zdravili ki me lahko v vsakem trenutku fentajo. Živim s poškodbo hrbtenice ki me lahko kadarkoli spremeni v paraplegika (pa si noben kirurg v sloveniji ne upa žokat... v tujini je pa predrago)... pa kljub temu rolam, tečem, plezam... Delam dva šihta samo zato da družini malenkost dvignem 'standard' (pa nekako ne gre... ker ne morem iz svoje kože zapravljam za druge). Mater sem egoistična ker bom tako svojo družino eventuelno spravila ob enega od dveh stebrov.
Je pa res da klošarjem ne dajem denarja. Raje jim kaj skuham. Dobesedno.
Od tega da si površinski pa ne odstopam. Preprosto zato ker se niti pod razno ne potrudi človeka spoznat preden ga ožigosaš.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

BigWhale ::
Če bi delali kake znanstvene zaključke in da bi jih ti konsistentno ovrgu, mogoče bi lahko definirali kot fail. Ampak več od mnenj nismo prišli, tko da bluziš.
Tam zgoraj si trdil, da plezalke niso mirne in skulirane. Ce tega nisi mislil za vse plezalke, potem si narobe ubesedil svoje misli. Imamo dve moznosti
a) ne znas prav dobro izrazati svojih misli - torej je vecina tvojih prispevkov v tej temi zgresenih
b) grdo posplosujes in se oklepas stereotipov na podlagi premalo lastnih izkusenj - ... zakljucek isti kot zgoraj
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: genesiss ()

jype ::
jverne> Žensko, ki bi večino časa gledala v luft? No vidiš, na take neutemeljene provokacije pa ne morem ne reagirat.
Tako se je bralo, ko si napisal, da plezalk pa nočeš, ker ne morejo bit pri miru.
Tako se je bralo, ko si napisal, da plezalk pa nočeš, ker ne morejo bit pri miru.

korenje3 ::
Mimogrede... jaz sem trenutno tule:
pa vidim kar dost 'babnc'. Je pa res da jih večina lahko brez problema izpraši kakšno prepotentno rit. Pa tud močne karakterje imajo.
Na tej sliki vidim predvsem otroke. Če bi nucal majhne otroke, bi šel za duhovnika. Daj raje prilimaj sliko, kjer so te bajeslovne hude babnice![]()
ah ne... to je sam taka sorta ljudi (rasa) ki izgledajo kot otroci ;)

guest #44 ::

BigWhale ::
Ja, katera pa je taka? :)
Seznam z imeni in priimki. Pa utemeljitev zakaj so taksne.
Od tega da si površinski pa ne odstopam. Preprosto zato ker se niti pod razno ne potrudi človeka spoznat preden ga ožigosaš.
Touché, my dear.
Nevem ce je tale izraz v tem trenutku primeren. No, morda pa. Vsakdo kdaj izgubi v debati. :>
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BigWhale ()

tpleko ::
Če se ne štekaš z _večino_ 'babnc' (al pa kogarkol drugega)... je nekaj narobe s tabo, ne pa z njimi.
ni nujno. če je nekdo v večini to še ne pomeni, da se mu mora tisti ki je v manjšini avtomatično prilagoditi.
predstavljaj si žida v nacistični nemčiji. 1 žid se ni štekal z razredom nacistov, s kom je tukaj nekaj narobe?
je pa čisto normalna reakcija, da misliš, da je s teboj nekaj narobe, če so vsi okoli tebe nekompatiblni s teboj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tpleko ()

IcEk` ::
jverne, ti mas resne probleme sam s sabo. Punca te je zakljucla in ti pojasnila na lep način kak je na stvari. Ce si jackson jo povabi na sladoled pa debatiraj z njo o čem hočeš, ker mas v njej dovolj velik intelektualni (pa čustveni - ne dohajaš je niti približno po izkušnjah) izziv. To je tisto kar pravis da iščeš pri punci. Včasih maš stvar pred očmi pa je ne vidiš.

Tero ::
To sem našel na enem blogu in mislim da je relevantno za tole temo :)
Being a geek, or nerd, I'd like to explain what it is to be a geek. I can't explain why, especially since I have no idea that anyone reads this, but I'll explain anyway as a sort of message in a bottle.
Now, I'm aware in recent years that somehow, being a geek is now cool. Some call it emo or indie, probably to separate the geek chic from the degrading connotation, thereby preserving the latter. I think it's popular because it acknowledges and legitimizes human vulnerability and also because there's a lot of geeks in our culture. Especially now that computers and the internet are such staples in our lives.
I have to digress, though. I'm interested in explaining the derogatory geek. The ones that were beat up by jocks and bullies in school since the '60s, maybe earlier. The ones that were beat up because they didn't care for sports, looked goofy in those thick-framed glasses, actually did well with their homework, liked being praised by teachers, watched Star Trek, and read comics and Lord of the Rings. The ones that always tucked in their shirts and buttoned them all the way because they didn't understand fashion and just wore what their parents put on them.
Yeah, those geeks.
Even by today's standards, there are those geeks. The ones that never emerge from their basements or leave their computers for long because they have a raid in World of Warcraft. The ones that talk almost ceaselessly about slightly obscure video games, superhero comics, computer software, and computer hardware. The ones that don't date very often and probably have never had a girlfriend, and naturally are often virgins (I have to wonder if this is why being a virgin is looked down upon in our culture...).
So, a big part of being a geek is geek interests. The sci-fi/fantasy books, horror books, comic books, sci-fi/fantasy/horror films, TV shows of the same genres, video games, computer games, and so on. What draws a geek to an old, badly-produced British TV show from a couple decades ago (Doctor Who)? Why do geeks like to play table top role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons? Why do geeks get so wrapped up in online RPGs like World of Warcraft?
There's a few reasons for this, actually. One is technology. The more it progresses, the more it isolates people. We actually become more and more distant from one another. What did we do before we had cell phones? We memorized our friends' and families' phone numbers and we made plans in advance. Before TV? We went out to clubs and bars and we danced to live jazz music. Before the internet? We got our news from newspapers, magazines, the radio, and TV. We watched TV for entertainment. We mailed résumés, dropped them off, and actually drove to places of business to pick up applications, fill them out, and drop them off in turn. We also drove to department stores, malls, and other places of business to buy things in person. We also used the phone book to book reservations and order out for pizza. And we met other people in person and actually exchanged phone numbers. Once in a while, we'd see a movie on a whim or with no knowledge of a critic's opinion of that film. In general, we took more risks with meeting people and buying goods and services.
Another reason--and I personally think this is the biggest--is that life sucks. Generally speaking, of course, but especially for geeks. To explain, let's say you and I are going to play a make-believe game, sort of like Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Doctor for the adventurous boys and girls who actually played together before puberty hit. This game we're going to play will be called Medieval Times. Basically a game where we pretend we're in the Medieval era of kings and queens, knights and dragons, and so on. Now, since I'm the one who came up with the idea, I'll say you get to be a knight or a princess (depending on your gender). You'll be admired by your peers, valiant or beautiful, armored and riding a horse or pampered by servants, romantically risking your life or your family honor for the one you love...
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Now, let's say we're playing Medieval Times, and instead of being a knight or princess, I tell you you're going to be the troll under the bridge or the wart-encrusted witch in a cave. You would have no peers as even peasants would spit at you, you'd be forced to live away from people in a cold and dirty place, and so hideous you would shy away from even your own reflection.
Doesn't sound like fun anymore, does it?
Okay. Now, let's consider life in high school. Not anybody's in particular, just of the different cliques that populate the halls of a high school. Following the status quo of high school life, you have jocks, preppies, cheerleaders, and the pretty, popular girls. The preppies, cheerleaders, and popular girls are liked by everyone because they're pretty. Also, many of them are financially well-to-do. The jocks are regarded well because athletic men are sexy to girls and being good in sports means they do well on their school sports teams. Add that the preppies, cheerleaders, and popular girls have some school spirit and this elevates the jocks in their eyes even further. There's also the slightly gritty rebels, the ones that wear leather jackets and get in trouble with their teachers, sometimes cutting class to smoke or just ditching school altogether for a day. There are few things a girl--especially an adolescent girl--like more than a bad boy, so these guys are pretty popular, too.
Naturally, life isn't so bad for all these people. They like reality because they're well-liked in the real world.
But for the geeks, the nerds, and the weirdos? They missed a few social steps somewhere in grade school and they've been lagging a few social steps behind their peers ever since. They're picked on, teased, beaten, and humiliated by their peers just because they didn't fit in the status quo. They didn't measure up to the superficial social requirements set by their better appreciated peers.
In short, life sucks for the geeks. So, just to get by, they indulge in fantasy. And the more in-depth and fantastic the fantasy, the more they like it. It's no wonder comic books are so popular, especially Spider-Man. You know, the one about the awkward teenager who gets picked on, spat at, and made fun of by his peers and becomes a powerful, wall-crawling person who, as Spider-Man, earns respect and admiration from those same peers and many others besides. And the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And Dungeons & Dragons. And so on.
They sort of perpetuate their own isolation because they share very few interests with their less-than-geeky peers. Even if they do talk to pretty girls, all they can talk about is video games or Star Trek, two things popular kids don't indulge in because, well, they don't have to.
You know what that means? That means we're all geeks in our own little ways. Have you ever noticed the irony of jocks and sports fans playing Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football with the enthusiasm of a die-hard Rifts player? Or how about girls who follow their teen drama TV shows loaded with he said/she said arguments and relationships ruined by infidelity? Shows that, to a non-fan, would be considered convoluted and ridiculous. Heck, even people who love their cars get obsessive about ricing out their rides and modding their engines.
Everybody has their interests. Sometimes they're given the OK by MTV and other facets of popular culture media. Sometimes they go under the radar and are only acknowledged by die-hard fans of....whatever it is (like comics or independent film). It takes a lot to accept people in spite of differing interests, but it's something we all should do. Heck, if we can do that, maybe we can accept people for being gay, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, black, or hispanic?
Being a geek, or nerd, I'd like to explain what it is to be a geek. I can't explain why, especially since I have no idea that anyone reads this, but I'll explain anyway as a sort of message in a bottle.
Now, I'm aware in recent years that somehow, being a geek is now cool. Some call it emo or indie, probably to separate the geek chic from the degrading connotation, thereby preserving the latter. I think it's popular because it acknowledges and legitimizes human vulnerability and also because there's a lot of geeks in our culture. Especially now that computers and the internet are such staples in our lives.
I have to digress, though. I'm interested in explaining the derogatory geek. The ones that were beat up by jocks and bullies in school since the '60s, maybe earlier. The ones that were beat up because they didn't care for sports, looked goofy in those thick-framed glasses, actually did well with their homework, liked being praised by teachers, watched Star Trek, and read comics and Lord of the Rings. The ones that always tucked in their shirts and buttoned them all the way because they didn't understand fashion and just wore what their parents put on them.
Yeah, those geeks.
Even by today's standards, there are those geeks. The ones that never emerge from their basements or leave their computers for long because they have a raid in World of Warcraft. The ones that talk almost ceaselessly about slightly obscure video games, superhero comics, computer software, and computer hardware. The ones that don't date very often and probably have never had a girlfriend, and naturally are often virgins (I have to wonder if this is why being a virgin is looked down upon in our culture...).
So, a big part of being a geek is geek interests. The sci-fi/fantasy books, horror books, comic books, sci-fi/fantasy/horror films, TV shows of the same genres, video games, computer games, and so on. What draws a geek to an old, badly-produced British TV show from a couple decades ago (Doctor Who)? Why do geeks like to play table top role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons? Why do geeks get so wrapped up in online RPGs like World of Warcraft?
There's a few reasons for this, actually. One is technology. The more it progresses, the more it isolates people. We actually become more and more distant from one another. What did we do before we had cell phones? We memorized our friends' and families' phone numbers and we made plans in advance. Before TV? We went out to clubs and bars and we danced to live jazz music. Before the internet? We got our news from newspapers, magazines, the radio, and TV. We watched TV for entertainment. We mailed résumés, dropped them off, and actually drove to places of business to pick up applications, fill them out, and drop them off in turn. We also drove to department stores, malls, and other places of business to buy things in person. We also used the phone book to book reservations and order out for pizza. And we met other people in person and actually exchanged phone numbers. Once in a while, we'd see a movie on a whim or with no knowledge of a critic's opinion of that film. In general, we took more risks with meeting people and buying goods and services.
Another reason--and I personally think this is the biggest--is that life sucks. Generally speaking, of course, but especially for geeks. To explain, let's say you and I are going to play a make-believe game, sort of like Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Doctor for the adventurous boys and girls who actually played together before puberty hit. This game we're going to play will be called Medieval Times. Basically a game where we pretend we're in the Medieval era of kings and queens, knights and dragons, and so on. Now, since I'm the one who came up with the idea, I'll say you get to be a knight or a princess (depending on your gender). You'll be admired by your peers, valiant or beautiful, armored and riding a horse or pampered by servants, romantically risking your life or your family honor for the one you love...
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Now, let's say we're playing Medieval Times, and instead of being a knight or princess, I tell you you're going to be the troll under the bridge or the wart-encrusted witch in a cave. You would have no peers as even peasants would spit at you, you'd be forced to live away from people in a cold and dirty place, and so hideous you would shy away from even your own reflection.
Doesn't sound like fun anymore, does it?
Okay. Now, let's consider life in high school. Not anybody's in particular, just of the different cliques that populate the halls of a high school. Following the status quo of high school life, you have jocks, preppies, cheerleaders, and the pretty, popular girls. The preppies, cheerleaders, and popular girls are liked by everyone because they're pretty. Also, many of them are financially well-to-do. The jocks are regarded well because athletic men are sexy to girls and being good in sports means they do well on their school sports teams. Add that the preppies, cheerleaders, and popular girls have some school spirit and this elevates the jocks in their eyes even further. There's also the slightly gritty rebels, the ones that wear leather jackets and get in trouble with their teachers, sometimes cutting class to smoke or just ditching school altogether for a day. There are few things a girl--especially an adolescent girl--like more than a bad boy, so these guys are pretty popular, too.
Naturally, life isn't so bad for all these people. They like reality because they're well-liked in the real world.
But for the geeks, the nerds, and the weirdos? They missed a few social steps somewhere in grade school and they've been lagging a few social steps behind their peers ever since. They're picked on, teased, beaten, and humiliated by their peers just because they didn't fit in the status quo. They didn't measure up to the superficial social requirements set by their better appreciated peers.
In short, life sucks for the geeks. So, just to get by, they indulge in fantasy. And the more in-depth and fantastic the fantasy, the more they like it. It's no wonder comic books are so popular, especially Spider-Man. You know, the one about the awkward teenager who gets picked on, spat at, and made fun of by his peers and becomes a powerful, wall-crawling person who, as Spider-Man, earns respect and admiration from those same peers and many others besides. And the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And Dungeons & Dragons. And so on.
They sort of perpetuate their own isolation because they share very few interests with their less-than-geeky peers. Even if they do talk to pretty girls, all they can talk about is video games or Star Trek, two things popular kids don't indulge in because, well, they don't have to.
You know what that means? That means we're all geeks in our own little ways. Have you ever noticed the irony of jocks and sports fans playing Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football with the enthusiasm of a die-hard Rifts player? Or how about girls who follow their teen drama TV shows loaded with he said/she said arguments and relationships ruined by infidelity? Shows that, to a non-fan, would be considered convoluted and ridiculous. Heck, even people who love their cars get obsessive about ricing out their rides and modding their engines.
Everybody has their interests. Sometimes they're given the OK by MTV and other facets of popular culture media. Sometimes they go under the radar and are only acknowledged by die-hard fans of....whatever it is (like comics or independent film). It takes a lot to accept people in spite of differing interests, but it's something we all should do. Heck, if we can do that, maybe we can accept people for being gay, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, black, or hispanic?
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

GoodSatanist ::
Torej, vprašanje topica je, kako najti punco. V bistvu je čist izi. Bom napisal kratek vodič.
Se pravi, iščemo specifičen prostor, kjer je populacija bab največja. Takšni prostori so večinoma označeni s takimi znaki:
Že kakih 100 let je znano, da so najboljše pičke zajčice (Playboy).
Princip iskanja nam je povedal že Neo iz Matrice: follow the white rabbit!
Treba je poskrbeti za temeljito kontracepcijsko zaščito:
Rabimo še razna orodja za razne fetishe:
And the final result:
Se pravi, iščemo specifičen prostor, kjer je populacija bab največja. Takšni prostori so večinoma označeni s takimi znaki:
Že kakih 100 let je znano, da so najboljše pičke zajčice (Playboy).
Princip iskanja nam je povedal že Neo iz Matrice: follow the white rabbit!
Treba je poskrbeti za temeljito kontracepcijsko zaščito:
Rabimo še razna orodja za razne fetishe:
And the final result:
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

GoodSatanist ::
To sem našel na enem blogu in mislim da je relevantno za tole temo :)
Being a geek, or nerd, I'd like to explain what it is to be a geek. I can't explain why, especially since I have no idea that anyone reads this, but I'll explain anyway as a sort of message in a bottle.
Now, I'm aware in recent years that somehow, being a geek is now cool. Some call it emo or indie, probably to separate the geek chic from the degrading connotation, thereby preserving the latter. I think it's popular because it acknowledges and legitimizes human vulnerability and also because there's a lot of geeks in our culture. Especially now that computers and the internet are such staples in our lives.
I have to digress, though. I'm interested in explaining the derogatory geek. The ones that were beat up by jocks and bullies in school since the '60s, maybe earlier. The ones that were beat up because they didn't care for sports, looked goofy in those thick-framed glasses, actually did well with their homework, liked being praised by teachers, watched Star Trek, and read comics and Lord of the Rings. The ones that always tucked in their shirts and buttoned them all the way because they didn't understand fashion and just wore what their parents put on them.
Yeah, those geeks.
Even by today's standards, there are those geeks. The ones that never emerge from their basements or leave their computers for long because they have a raid in World of Warcraft. The ones that talk almost ceaselessly about slightly obscure video games, superhero comics, computer software, and computer hardware. The ones that don't date very often and probably have never had a girlfriend, and naturally are often virgins (I have to wonder if this is why being a virgin is looked down upon in our culture...).
So, a big part of being a geek is geek interests. The sci-fi/fantasy books, horror books, comic books, sci-fi/fantasy/horror films, TV shows of the same genres, video games, computer games, and so on. What draws a geek to an old, badly-produced British TV show from a couple decades ago (Doctor Who)? Why do geeks like to play table top role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons? Why do geeks get so wrapped up in online RPGs like World of Warcraft?
There's a few reasons for this, actually. One is technology. The more it progresses, the more it isolates people. We actually become more and more distant from one another. What did we do before we had cell phones? We memorized our friends' and families' phone numbers and we made plans in advance. Before TV? We went out to clubs and bars and we danced to live jazz music. Before the internet? We got our news from newspapers, magazines, the radio, and TV. We watched TV for entertainment. We mailed résumés, dropped them off, and actually drove to places of business to pick up applications, fill them out, and drop them off in turn. We also drove to department stores, malls, and other places of business to buy things in person. We also used the phone book to book reservations and order out for pizza. And we met other people in person and actually exchanged phone numbers. Once in a while, we'd see a movie on a whim or with no knowledge of a critic's opinion of that film. In general, we took more risks with meeting people and buying goods and services.
Another reason--and I personally think this is the biggest--is that life sucks. Generally speaking, of course, but especially for geeks. To explain, let's say you and I are going to play a make-believe game, sort of like Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Doctor for the adventurous boys and girls who actually played together before puberty hit. This game we're going to play will be called Medieval Times. Basically a game where we pretend we're in the Medieval era of kings and queens, knights and dragons, and so on. Now, since I'm the one who came up with the idea, I'll say you get to be a knight or a princess (depending on your gender). You'll be admired by your peers, valiant or beautiful, armored and riding a horse or pampered by servants, romantically risking your life or your family honor for the one you love...
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Now, let's say we're playing Medieval Times, and instead of being a knight or princess, I tell you you're going to be the troll under the bridge or the wart-encrusted witch in a cave. You would have no peers as even peasants would spit at you, you'd be forced to live away from people in a cold and dirty place, and so hideous you would shy away from even your own reflection.
Doesn't sound like fun anymore, does it?
Okay. Now, let's consider life in high school. Not anybody's in particular, just of the different cliques that populate the halls of a high school. Following the status quo of high school life, you have jocks, preppies, cheerleaders, and the pretty, popular girls. The preppies, cheerleaders, and popular girls are liked by everyone because they're pretty. Also, many of them are financially well-to-do. The jocks are regarded well because athletic men are sexy to girls and being good in sports means they do well on their school sports teams. Add that the preppies, cheerleaders, and popular girls have some school spirit and this elevates the jocks in their eyes even further. There's also the slightly gritty rebels, the ones that wear leather jackets and get in trouble with their teachers, sometimes cutting class to smoke or just ditching school altogether for a day. There are few things a girl--especially an adolescent girl--like more than a bad boy, so these guys are pretty popular, too.
Naturally, life isn't so bad for all these people. They like reality because they're well-liked in the real world.
But for the geeks, the nerds, and the weirdos? They missed a few social steps somewhere in grade school and they've been lagging a few social steps behind their peers ever since. They're picked on, teased, beaten, and humiliated by their peers just because they didn't fit in the status quo. They didn't measure up to the superficial social requirements set by their better appreciated peers.
In short, life sucks for the geeks. So, just to get by, they indulge in fantasy. And the more in-depth and fantastic the fantasy, the more they like it. It's no wonder comic books are so popular, especially Spider-Man. You know, the one about the awkward teenager who gets picked on, spat at, and made fun of by his peers and becomes a powerful, wall-crawling person who, as Spider-Man, earns respect and admiration from those same peers and many others besides. And the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And Dungeons & Dragons. And so on.
They sort of perpetuate their own isolation because they share very few interests with their less-than-geeky peers. Even if they do talk to pretty girls, all they can talk about is video games or Star Trek, two things popular kids don't indulge in because, well, they don't have to.
You know what that means? That means we're all geeks in our own little ways. Have you ever noticed the irony of jocks and sports fans playing Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football with the enthusiasm of a die-hard Rifts player? Or how about girls who follow their teen drama TV shows loaded with he said/she said arguments and relationships ruined by infidelity? Shows that, to a non-fan, would be considered convoluted and ridiculous. Heck, even people who love their cars get obsessive about ricing out their rides and modding their engines.
Everybody has their interests. Sometimes they're given the OK by MTV and other facets of popular culture media. Sometimes they go under the radar and are only acknowledged by die-hard fans of....whatever it is (like comics or independent film). It takes a lot to accept people in spite of differing interests, but it's something we all should do. Heck, if we can do that, maybe we can accept people for being gay, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, black, or hispanic?
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

guest #44 ::
jverne, ti mas resne probleme sam s sabo. Punca te je zakljucla in ti pojasnila na lep način kak je na stvari. Ce si jackson jo povabi na sladoled pa debatiraj z njo o čem hočeš, ker mas v njej dovolj velik intelektualni (pa čustveni - ne dohajaš je niti približno po izkušnjah) izziv. To je tisto kar pravis da iščeš pri punci. Včasih maš stvar pred očmi pa je ne vidiš.
Sorry, ampak krneki bluziš.
Zaključila s čim? Na sladoled jo ne mislim povabit in če me misli provocirat z izjavami "kako smo že v prejšnjih temah določili kakšno žensko on išče" oz. drugače povedano "throw shit at you" potem raje ne bi niti debatiral.
Kdo koga dohaja po intelektu pa ne bi.
pa vidim kar dost 'babnc'. Je pa res da jih večina lahko brez problema izpraši kakšno prepotentno rit. Pa tud močne karakterje imajo.
Nihče ti ne brani prit pogledat. Boš pa verjetno razočaran ker te (skoraj) nobena ne bo hotla povohat.
Drugače pa so te plezalke, kolikor jih poznam, vse po vrsti skulirane, nežne, sposobne razmišlanj in precej dobrsrčne. Ampak so, na tvojo nesrečo, tudi precej samostojne in karakterno močne
Vsekakor po napadalnosti prednjači Pithlit. Arogantnost pa tud ni kaj daleč zadaj.
Thanks but no thanks.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: guest #44 ()

Pithlit ::
Zaključila s čim? Na sladoled jo ne mislim povabit in če me misli provocirat z izjavami "kako smo že v prejšnjih temah določili kakšno žensko on išče" oz. drugače povedano "throw shit at you" potem raje ne bi niti debatiral.
Saj si sam napisal da hočeš tako k bo lepa, brihtna in bo plesala kot boš ti piskal. Dokaj jasno in povsem površinsko.
Je pa res ja. Plezalke so agresivne. Pa plezalci tudi. Če nebi bile pač nebi uspevale. Kater šport pa ni agresiven? Curling? Golf? Seveda pa to ne izključuje ostalih lastnosti ki si jih prej naštel. Sam tebe moti to da se ti baba postavi po robu. In ji hkrati še uspeva. Pol jo je treba pa hitro poteptat in očrnit da se ja nebi še ktera druga upala kaj takega. Pač, rojen si v napačnem stoletju. Kako številko manj od 20 bi bilo zate idealno. Pa tudi 20 do neke mere, priznam. 21? Mogoče kje drugje... sam se vam življenjski prostor krči.
Agresivna? Ja. Ko je potrebno.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

kalko ::
Plezalke so rajcig
Koncentracija, odločnost, mišice (pridobljene po naravni poti, ne tiste nagravžne bodybuilderske) ... in ponavadi so takšne punce kljub svoji odločnosti zelo kul. Vsekakor je lažje z njimi kot s kakšnimi "Dior pupikami", ki imajo pokvarjen dan, če se jim odkruši noht ali če na poti na Šmarno (ki zanje predstavlja vrhunec hribolazenja) z novimi Puma supergami stopijo v blatno lužo.



tpleko ::
eh plezalke morajo biti brez riti in brez jošk da lahko plezajo, ne ravno idealen tip ženske. raje kakšna joškasta ritasta črnka. ki pa seveda ne more plezati, bi se zavalila dol kot kamen. :)

guest #44 ::
Zaključila s čim? Na sladoled jo ne mislim povabit in če me misli provocirat z izjavami "kako smo že v prejšnjih temah določili kakšno žensko on išče" oz. drugače povedano "throw shit at you" potem raje ne bi niti debatiral.
Saj si sam napisal da hočeš tako k bo lepa, brihtna in bo plesala kot boš ti piskal. Dokaj jasno in povsem površinsko.
Je pa res ja. Plezalke so agresivne. Pa plezalci tudi. Če nebi bile pač nebi uspevale. Kater šport pa ni agresiven? Curling? Golf? Seveda pa to ne izključuje ostalih lastnosti ki si jih prej naštel. Sam tebe moti to da se ti baba postavi po robu. In ji hkrati še uspeva. Pol jo je treba pa hitro poteptat in očrnit da se ja nebi še ktera druga upala kaj takega. Pač, rojen si v napačnem stoletju. Kako številko manj od 20 bi bilo zate idealno. Pa tudi 20 do neke mere, priznam. 21? Mogoče kje drugje... sam se vam življenjski prostor krči.
Agresivna? Ja. Ko je potrebno.
Plesala kot jaz piskal..., baba postaviti po robu..., očrnit in poteptat..., napačno stoletje...,
Ženska a se ti sploh bereš, res nevem od kje ti to sovraštvo?
A samo zato ker sem to napisal:
PS...Pithlit mi deluje taka, samostojna, moč egoistična ženska. Ob taki ne želim niti bit zraven kaj šele v razmerju. Pa no offense. Pa zarad mene je lahko en dan na triglavu, drugi dan teče maraton.
Sorry, ma s tabo je nekaj narobe. Resno to mislim. Predlagam naj prej prebereš še enkrat moje poste in razmisliš kako "babo" jaz hočem.
In ja sem tudi plezal, pa poznam kolege ki plezajo in noben ni agresiven. Kdo ima sedaj prav, ti ali jaz?

tpleko ::

jype ::
jverne> Predlagam naj prej prebereš še enkrat moje poste in razmisliš kako "babo" jaz hočem.
Dej strni to v eno poved, da ne bomo imeli napačnih predstav.
Dej strni to v eno poved, da ne bomo imeli napačnih predstav.

guest #44 ::
Pa glede @nny-jeve teme ki je bila zaprta:
Imeti fuk-frenda ni nič napačnega, če je pač vse dogovorjeno. To obliko razmerja imajo ženske kar pogosto, moški malo manj.
Imeti fuk-frenda ni nič napačnega, če je pač vse dogovorjeno. To obliko razmerja imajo ženske kar pogosto, moški malo manj.

kr1ženska ::
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Sloescort ? (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 7 8 9 10 )Oddelek: Loža | 218513 (76077) | FireSnake |
⊘ | Izgled je vse (op. gendale) (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )Oddelek: Loža | 84430 (78899) | Ziga Dolhar |
» | Najti pravo resno punco in živeti srečno življenje (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 7 8 9 10 )Oddelek: Loža | 108781 (94959) | guest #44 |
» | Zenske, rasizem in izbira partnerja (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 13 14 15 16 )Oddelek: Loža | 96913 (83829) | kr1ženska |